V 1624121077
V 1624121077
V 1624121077
Accession No: CL02448353 Collected On: 29-Dec-24 11:23 Received On: 29-Dec-24 15:23 Approved On: 29-Dec-24 16:40
Clinical Significance of LFT:e clinical suspicion of liver disease usually leads to the measurement of the liver function tests (LFT) which include measurement of several enzymes,
serum bilirubin and albumin. These parameters may point to an underlying pathological process and direct further investigation. The aim of investigation in patients with suspected
liver disease are: ·To detect hepatic abnormality · Measurement of severity of liver damage · Identify the specific cause ·Investigate possible complications
Technology: Dry Chemistry (VITROS MicroSlide, MicroSensor and Intellicheck Technology)
Analyzer:Fully Automated Biochemistry and ImmunoAssay Analyzer: VITROS 5600
Advise:Please correlate results clinically.
In case of any unexpected or alarming results, please contact us immediately for re-confirmation, clarifications, and rectifications, if needed.
Scan to Validate
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House Of Diagnostics Healthcare Pvt Ltd. 14, 15 & 16 Hargovind Enclave Delhi - 110092
Experience Care
Conditions Of Reporting
The report results are for information and interpretation for your referring doctor. Reports are to be
correlated with the patient’s clinical history.
Biological Reference Range/Interval is suggested for your Gender and Age on the basis of available
literature. All reference ranges are to be reconsidered by physician’s advice for your specific care.
The report will carry the name and age provided at the time of registration. To maintain confidentiality,
certain reports may not be e-mailed at the discretion of the management.
All the notes and interpretation beneath the pathology result in the report provided are for educational
purpose only. It is not intended to be a substitute for physician's consultation.
Results of tests may vary from laboratory to laboratory and in some parameters from time to time for the
same patients. Test results and reference range may also vary depending on the technology and
methodology used. Laboratory test results may also vary depending on the age, sex, time of the day
sample has been taken, diet, medication and limitation of modern technology.
In case of any unexpected or alarming test results, please contact us immediately for re-confirmation,
further discussion, clarifications and rectifications, if needed.
In case of any discrepancy due to typing error, kindly get it rectified immediately.
Neither HOD or its employees/representatives assume any liability or responsibility for any loss or
damage that may be incurred by any person as a result of interpreting the meaning of this report.
In case of any issues or suggestions about your test results, please email us on
[email protected]
The courts (forums) at Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the tests
and the results of the tests. Our liability is limited to the amount of investigations booked with us.
Facilities Available
Radiology Pathology Nuclear Medicine
3T MRI & 1.5T MRI Biochemistry India’s First Simultaneous PET-MRI
CT Scan Immunoassay Whole Body PET/CT Scan
Digital X-Ray Hematology DTPA / DMSA Renal Scans
Mammography Clinical Pathology Thyroid Scan
Open / Standing MRI Serology Whole Body Bone Scan
Bone DEXA Scan Microbiology HIDA Scan • Rest MUGA