Internal controls - ACCA
Internal controls - ACCA
Internal controls - ACCA
Internal controls
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of internal control, with particular emphasis
on topics relevant to Part C of the BT/FBT syllabus. The article will focus on the following
learning objectives, as set out in section C6 of the study guide:
The article will also describe the roles of internal audit and internal audit testing, relevant to
section C2(e) and (f) of the study guide.
‘The policies, processes, tasks, behaviours and other aspects of an organisation that taken
Ensure the quality of internal and external reporting, which in turn requires the maintenance of
proper records and processes that generate a flow of timely, relevant and reliable information
from both internal and external sources.
Ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and also with internal policies.’
Turnbull’s explanation focuses on the positive role that internal control has to play in an
organisation. Facilitating efficient operations implies improvement, and, properly applied,
internal control processes add value to an organisation by considering outcomes against original
plans and then proposing ways in which they might be addressed.
At the same time, Turnbull also conceded that there is no such thing as a perfect internal control
system, as all organisations operate in a dynamic environment: just as some risks recede into
insignificance, new risks will emerge, some of which will be difficult or impossible to anticipate.
The purpose of any control system should therefore be to provide reasonable assurance that
the organisation can meet its objectives.
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Internal controls
Safeguarding assets:
Controls should be in place to ensure that assets are deployed for their proper purposes, and are
not vulnerable to misuse or theft. A comprehensive approach to his objective should consider all
assets, including both tangible and intangible assets.
As organisations grow, the need for internal controls increases, as the degree of specialisation
increases and it becomes impossible to remain fully aware of what is going on in every part of
the business.
In a limited company, the board of directors is responsible for ensuring that appropriate
internal controls are in place. Their accountability is to the shareholders, as the directors act as
their agents. In turn, the directors may consider it prudent to establish a dedicated internal
control function. The point at which this decision is taken will depend on the extent to which the
benefits of function will outweigh the costs.
The directors must pay due attention to the control environment. If internal controls are to
be effective, it is necessary to create an appropriate culture and embed a commitment to robust
controls throughout the organisation.
Mandatory or voluntary:
Mandatory controls are those which must be applied, irrespective of circumstances. These are
widely used to prevent breached of laws or policy, as well as to minimise risks relating to health
and safety. Voluntary controls are applied according to the judgement of the organisation and its
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Internal controls
Discretionary or non-discretionary:
Managers may be permitted discretion according to their interpretation or judgement of risks in
given circumstances. Non-discretionary controls must be applied.
Manual or automated:
Manual controls are applied by the individual employee whereas automated controls are
programmed into the systems of the organisation. Some systems combine the two: for example,
when deciding on whether a customer should be permitted days on hand for payment, there
could be automated ‘accept’ above a specified credit rating or ‘decline’ or below a specified credit
rating, and an intermediate range in which a manager may be able to override the automated
Segregation of duties:
To minimise the risk of errors and fraud, duties associated with cash handling are often
segregated. For example, in the post room of a company that received cash by post, the employee
recording the cash will be a different person to the one who opens the post. Segregation is also
relevant to other functions. At executive level, it is now best practice to segregate the roles of
chairman and chief executive officer, and as an independent assurance function, internal audit
should be totally segregated from the finance department, with a reporting line direct to the
board of directors or the audit committee.
Management controls:
These controls are operated by managers themselves. An example is variance analysis, through
which a manager may be required as part of their job to consider differences between planned
outcomes and actual performance. Performance management of subordinates is also an integral
part of many managerial positions. Further down the chain of command, supervision
controls are exercised in respect of day-to-day transactions. Organisation controls operate
according to the configuration of the organisation chart and line/staff responsibilities.
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Internal controls
Internal check
Internal check is a system through which the accounting procedures of an organisation are so
laid out that the accounts procedures are not under the absolute and independent control of any
person. The work of one employee is complementary of that of another, enabling a continuous
audit of the business to be made.
By allocating duties in this way, no one person has exclusive control over any transaction.
Internal audit
Definition and purposes of internal audit:
Internal audit may be defined as an independent appraisal function established within an
organisation to examine and evaluate its activities as a service to the organisation.
Internal audit supports management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities. To this
end, internal audit furnishes management with analyses, appraisals, recommendations, counsel
and information concerning the activities reviewed.
Turnbull suggests that the need for the internal audit function will depend on several factors.
These include:
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Internal controls
• when changes occur over time in the organisation’s structures, reporting processes or
underlying information systems
• the nature of risks, changes to risks and emerging risks
• problems and issues arising with internal control systems, both actual and perceived
• the occurrence of an increasing number of unexplained or unacceptable events.
Internal audit testing is the internal assessment of internal controls and as such is a
management control to ensure compliance and conformity of internal controls to pre-
determined standards.
Key risks:
Internal audit reviews and reports on internal controls in relation to key risks affecting the
organisation. The objective here should be to test the extent to which the controls will control
the risk if it crystallises. The conclusions of these reports should enable management to
reconsider the controls and modify or redesign them if appropriate.
Increasingly, organisations have to implement performance standards in relation to compliance.
This may be to satisfy the demands of external regulators, or to operate to pre-determined
internal standards. Internal audit should review operations for compliance with such standards.
In this respect, the work of internal auditors in broadening, as organisations increasingly pursue
compliance not only with industry standards for products and service provision, but also with
criteria relevant to environmental standards.
Types of audit
In the course of their duties, internal auditors may carry out various types of audit. These
include the following:
Operational audits may be concerned with the efficiency of the organisation’s activities. They
consider performance relative to pre-determined criteria.
Systems audits are used to test and evaluate controls as described in the last section. They test
whether the controls can be relied upon to ensure that resources are allocated and managed
effectively. They also test whether the information provided by the organisation’s systems is
accurate. Compliance tests verify whether internal controls are being applied in a proper
manner. Substantive tests verify the accuracy of figures, and can be used to identify errors
and omissions.
A transactions or probity audit is concerned with detecting fraud and other types of criminal
or unlawful behaviour. However, it can also be extended to matters relating to fairness of
dealings, impartiality, accountability and transparency, sometimes considered to be within the
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Internal controls
scope of social audit. Generally, social audit may be concerned with any matters relating to
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