Stages Of Labour
Stages Of Labour
Stages Of Labour
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Stages Of Labour
Prepared By:
Mercy Parneetha K.A.
• The third stage: begins right after the birth of the baby
and ends with the delivery of the placenta. This is the
shortest stage, lasting up to 30 minutes, with an average
length of 5 to 10 minutes. There is no difference in
duration for nulliparous and parous.
Stages Of Labour
Aims in the management of labour
I. Assessment
II. Preparation and care
III. Partogram
• I. Assessment
1. History:
• 1. Woman’s antenatal record is reviewed 2. No records
of antenatal care: complete history .
2. Examination
Pallor, edema, abdominal scar
Vital signs: BP, pulse, RR and Temp.
Abdominal examination:
• a. Presentation and position and engagement
• b. Auscultate the fetal heart
• c. Evaluate the uterine contraction
Vaginal examination
• Presentation, Engagement, Position
• Membranes: Intact or absent: exclude cord prolapse after ROM
• Cervix: Consistency, position Dilatation Effacement,
• Assess the adequacy of the pelvis.
• 3. Investigation
Urine: Protein, Sugar, ketones
Blood: CBC ,RBS, Grouping ,cross match for high risk
• II. Preparation and care
1. Bowel preparation: Indicated when there is
No bowel action for 24 h or Rectum feels loaded on vaginal
examination .
2. Bladder care: Encourage to empty bladder1½ - 2 h. (A full
bladder: prevent the fetal head from entering the pelvic brim impede
descent of the fetal head. inhibit effective uterine action).
The quantity of urine should be measured and recorded and a
specimen obtained for testing.
3. Nutrition : No food is permitted after labour is established
{prevent regurgitation and aspiration} , Small amount of clear fluid or
frozen pineapple, Ice chips to moisten the mouth , Maintain adequate
hydration via intravenous routes
4.Position of labouring mother:
As long as the patient is healthy, the presentation normal, the
presenting part engaged, and the fetus in good condition, the patient may
walk about or may be in bed, as she wishes.
How To Monitor The Fetal Heart Rate?
Auscultation methods
Active phase – this is active process of cervical dilatation; the normal rate is 1 cm/hour
II. Descend:
• every vaginal examination (amount of head palpable above pelvic brim).
III. Contractions:
1: Regular
2: Increasing in frequency
3: Stronger
I. Preparation
III.Conduct of delivery
I. Preparation
1. Maternal position:
With the exception of avoiding supine position, the mother may
assume any comfortable position for effective bearing down.
Semi-recumbent or
Supported sitting position, with the thighs abducted
When delivery is imminent skin over the lower abdomen, vulva, anus
and upper thigh is cleansed with antiseptic solution.
Need 6 swab balls
Clean sequentially as shown by the numbers
Clean according to the direction shown by the
II. Observation
1.Maternal conditions
•Emotional condition
• pulse quarter-hourly
•bloods pressure hourly
2.Fetal conditions
FHR: either continuously or after each contraction.
Liquor: meconium staining.
3.Uterine contractions: Strength, Duration, Frequency, assessed continuously.