Oneness of Allah-Tawhid

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1. Significance of Tawhid and impacts on Human Life

2. Explanation of Concept of Tawhid in a Scholarly manner
3. Practical Results of the principle of Tawhid on Public and Private Aspects of human life
4. Impacts of Tawhid on Individual and Society



1. Introduction

2. Etymology and Elucidation of Tawhid

The word Tawhid has been derived from the Arabic word W-H-D which means oneness,
singularity or unity. The concept of Tawhid represent internal as well as external unity of
God in Islam. The Islamic credo La ilaha Illalah is a declaration that there is no god but
Allah and is directly connected to Tawhid.
3. Definition and Annotation of Tawhid

Tawhid is defined as belief in Allah with all His powers and that He is a unity not
composed of parts but simple and compounded. Tawhid is to believe in that Allah is All
Knowing, All Wise and All Powerful. He is and always will be. He has no beginning
and no end. He has no partners of any sort in His Attributes, Powers, Work and
4. Eminence of Tawhid in light of Quran

Although the word Tawhid does not occur in Quran but one third of Quran is about
Oneness of Allah in His Person, Attributes and Work.
a) Allah: One and Indivisible
The whole of Surah e Ikhlas is about Tawhid and Oneness of Allah.

‫ُه‬ ‫ّٰل ال ّٰل ُهال َّص َم‬
﴿‌ۚ‫ل ُد‬
‫ا‬ ﴾۱
‫ُه‬﴿‌ۚ‫َو ٌد‬
‫ا‬ ‫ُق ّٰل‬
‫ۡل ُه َا‬ ‫﴾ ُق ۡل ُه َوال‬
Say, O Prophet, He is Allah- One and Indivisible. Allah-The Sustainer-needed by

b) Divinity belongs only to Allah

Divinity is an attribute which belongs only to Allah and verse no 31 of Surah Al
Hajj affirms it.

‫ُح َن َف ٓا َء ِل َّل ِه َغ ْي َر ُم ْش ِر ِكي َن ِب ِهۦ‬

Become exclusively devoted to Allah ascribing divinity to none other than him.
c) Allah is the only God
The omnipotence in the entire cosmos belongs only to Allah and verse no 59 of
Surah Al Araaf contains the message which Noah (A.S.) gave to people pertaining
to Tawhid.

‫ؕ ٰي َق ۡو ِم ا ۡع ُب ُدوا ال ّٰل َه َما َلـ ُك ۡم ِّم ۡن ِا ٰل ٍه َغۡي ُر ٗه‬

O my people, Be Servants to Allah! You have no God other than Him.
5. Signification of Tawhid in light of Hadith

Tawhid is the subject of the many of the authentic sayings of the Holy Prophet (SAWW)
as it is the most important pillar of Islam.
a) Allah: The only King
The Holy Prophet (SAWW) said,
“On the day of Resurrection, Allah will hold the earth and fold the heaven with
his right hand and say, I am the King; where are the kings of the earth.”
b) Allah: The only all knowing
The Holy Prophet (SAWW) said,
“The keys of the unseen are five and none knows them but Allah”.
6. Kinds of Tawhid

There are three types of Tawhid i.e. Tawhid al Dhat, Tawhid al Sifat and Tawhid al Afaal
and this tripartite division of Tawhid owes its origin to Quran.
a) Unity in Person
The oneness of His Person means that there is neither plurality of Gods nor
plurality of persons in Godhood. The verse no. 22 of Surah Al Anbiya makes it
clear that smooth running and peace of the universe is owing to supremacy of
only one God.

‫َل ۡو َكا َن ِف ۡي ِه َم ۤا ٰا ِل َه ٌة ِا َّلا ال ّٰل ُه َلـ َف َس َد َت ۚ‌ا‬

Had there been in them (heaven and earth) any deities other than Allah, they
would both have certainly been ruined.
b) Unity in Attributes
Unity inn Attributes implies that no one other than Allah possesses any of the
Divine Attributes in the absolute sense. As Almighty Allah in one, unique and
incomparable in His Lordship, Sovereignty and Worship; He is also one and
unique in His Names and Attributes.

Al Aleem Al Qahhar
The All Knowing The Ever Domiunator

Absoluteness in

As Samee Ar Razzaq
The All Hearing The Provider

The absoluteness of Allah in His Attributes is expressly visible in verse no 225 of

Surah e Bakarah.

‫ۚ‌ۚ ٱل َّل ُه َل ٓا ِإ َل ٰـ َه ِإ َّلا ُه َو ٱ ْل َح ُّى ٱ ْل َق ُّيو ُم‬

Allah, There is no God but He the Living, Self-Subsisting, Eternal.
c) Unity in Actions
His Unity in Actions mean that no one can do or does the work which Allah has
done or does which Allah will do in future. For example, Allah has created
everything in this universe and no one else can do it.

‫ۚ َو ُت ِع ُّز َم ن َت َش ٓا ُء َو ُت ِذ ُّل َم ن َت َش ٓا ُء‬F

And He honors whom He wills and He disgraces whom He wills. (Surah Al Imran
Verse 26)
The protection of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) from burning in the fire, the protection of
Hazrat Younis (A.S) from being digested by a fish and protection of Hazrat Ismail
(A.S.) from being slaughtered under the knife elucidates the Unity of Allah in His
7. Impacts of Tawhid on Individual/Private Life
a) Endowment of the aura of Accountability
Tawhid encourages man to work towards transforming himself in accordance with
the Allah’s revealed will. A sense of responsibility towards others is created and
the sense of accountability to Allah for all the acts in the world invokes vigilance
and cautiousness against all evils.
b) Unsheathing the purpose to existence of man and universe
Acknowledging Allah as the sole creator and sustainer of all the things entails
acceptance of Him as the sole Master, Who has determined the purpose of
existence of all His creatures including humans. Tawhid makes it clear that the
purpose of creation of humans is their own self-fulfillment more than anything

‫َو َما َخ َل ْق ُت ٱ ْل ِج َّن َوٱ ْل ِإن َس ِإ َّلا ِل َي ْع ُب ُدو ِن‬

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. (Surah Adh
Dhariyat Verse 56)
c) Infusion of Self-esteem and Dignity
Tawhid produces in man the highest degree of self-respect and self-esteem. The
believer knows that Allah is the possessor of everything and this
acknowledgement makes him independent and fearless of all powers other than
d) Inculcation of Modesty and Humility
Tawhid generates in man a sense of modesty and humbleness making him
unostentatious and unpretending. The boisterous pride of power, wealth and
worthy can have no room in the heart of a believer because he knows that
whatever he possesses has been given to him by the Allah and Allah can take
everything back in an instant.
e) Dissemination of Consolation, Satisfaction and Hope
Tawhid never lets one to become despondent and brokenhearted under any
circumstances. A believer knows that the powers of Allah are infinite and this
faith imparts to his heart extraordinary consolation, fills it with satisfaction and
instills hope.
f) Emancipation from Superstitious Beliefs
Tawhid prevents a person from being entangled into the cobweb of irrational and
baseless superstitious beliefs. Tawhid imparts rationality and the believer knows
that no one can do anything but Allah and this belief does not let him get
entangled in connecting the events and happenings with good and bad luck
8. Impacts of Tawhid on Society/Public Life
a) Accentuation of Human Equality and Social Equity
Tawhid is not merely a meta physical concept rather it is a revolutionary concept
that emphasizes on equality of all. Any discrimination based on color, race, class
and gender is unfounded. The humanity is a single family under Allah. The only
yardstick to measure the rank of the man is fear of Allah.

‫ِهۡي ًعا َّو ۡوَتَفَّر‬ ‫ُمِبَحاۡب ِل الّٰل‬
‫ۡيَجِم‬ ‫ِصۡو‬‫َتِصۡع‬
‫ۡب‬ ‫ۡعۡو‬‫اۡع‬
And hold fast by the Covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited. (Surah
Al Imran Verse 103)
b) Boosterism of Collective Peace
Islam is a peace loving Deen and the main pillar of Islam i.e. Tawhid emphasizes
on collective peace. Forgiveness, love, peace, gratitude inculcates into the soul of
a man who believes in Tawhid. Even during war, the crops, infrastructure and
people not involved in war are not to be harmed.
c) Espousal of Islamic Unity and brotherhood
Tawhid does not let Muslims disperse and unify them. A believer knows that his
Creator and Provider is one and this belief creates unity and cooperation among
all the believers. Holy Quran says:

‫ِإ َّن َما ٱ ْل ُم ْؤ ِم ُنو َن ِإ ْخ َو ٌۭة‬

Certainly, All Muslims are brothers. (Surah Al Hujuraat Verse 10)
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said that all believers are like a
body; when one part of the body is ill, all other parts of body share this illness.

d) Plugging in Collective Justice

Islam connects Tawhid to Socio-political and economic justice. Injustice
anywhere is the threat to equality and justice everywhere that’s why Islam has
emphasized on equality and justice in each and every domain.

‫َواَل َيْج ِرَمَّنُكْم َش َنَٔـاُن َقْوٍم َعَلٰٓى َأاَّل َتْعِدُلوا‬

And let not hatred of any people prevent you from being just. (Surah Al Maida
Verse 8)
e) Ameliorating welfare of humanity
Tawhid is to believe in oneness and supremacy of Allah. The will of Allah is the
welfare of humanity and the significance of it can be deduced from the emphasis
put on welfare of humanity in Quran and Hadith. Rights of everyone have been
sketched out and huge rewards are for those who serve humanity. Hazrat
Muhammad (SAWW) putting his middle and index fingers together said:
“I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him will be in
paradise like this.”
9. Conclusion

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