Fino Paytech-Research Report

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nfor ma tionPr ov idedi sPr epa r
eds olel yonr eques t .Ify oua renots oa ut hor izedory ouha ven’ treques tedy ou
mus timmedi atelydes troyt heDoc ument .Ify our ec eiv eRes ea rchr epor t, whet hert hr oughaS ystem orbya ny
othermea ns ,y oua gr eet ha ty ous ha ll notc opy ,rev ise ,a mend, crea teader i
v ativewor k,pr ov idet oa nyt hi r
par ty,ori na nywa yc ommer cia l
lye x pl oita nyr esea rchpr ov ided, a ndt ha ty ous ha llnote xtra ctda taf rom a ny
resea rchores t i
ma tespr ov idedt oy ouv iaRes ea rc horot her wi se, wi thoutt hepr iorwr ittenc ons entofANAL AH
CAPI TAL .Infor ma ti
oni sf ordi stribut iononl ya sma ybeper mi ttedbyl a w. Iti snotdi rec tedt o,ori nt endedf or
distribut i
ont oorus eby ,a nyper sonorent i
t ywhoi sac itizenorr es i
dentoforl oc a tedi na nyl oc ality,s tate ,
count ryorot herj ur i
s dictionwher es uc hdi stribut ion, publ ic ation, av ailabi l
ityorus ewoul dbec ont raryt ol a wor
regul ationorwoul ds ubj ec tANAL AHCAPI T ALt oa nyr egi s tra ti
onorl i
c ens ingr equi rementwi t hins uc h
ur i
s dic t
ion. T hisdoc umenti sagener a l communi c a tiona ndi seduc a tiona li
nna tur e; i
ti snota na dv er ti
nori si tas ol i
c itati
onora noffert obuyors ell any na nc i
a lins t
rument sort opa rticipa tei na nypa rticula rt r
a ding
a tegy .Not hi ngi nt hi sdoc umentc ons titut esar epr es ent a tiont ha ta nyi nv es tments trategyor
recommenda tioni ss ui tabl eora ppr opr iatet oa ni nv es tor ’
si ndi v i
dua lc i
rc ums tanc esorot her wi sec ons t
itut esa
per sona lrecommenda t
ion. Bypr ov i
di ngt hi sdoc ument , noneofANAL AHCAPI TALori t
sr epr es ent ativesha sa ny
respons ibili
t yora ut hor ityt opr ov i
deorha v epr ov i
dedi nv es tmenta dv icei na duc iaryc apa c ityorot her wi se.
Rec ipient ss ha llbes ol elyl i
a bl ef ora nyl iabi lityi nc ur redbyt hem i nt hisr ega rda ndwi l
l i
ndemni fyANAL AH
CAPI TALf ora nyl i
a bilityi tma yi ncuri nt hi sr es pec t.Inv es tment si nv olv er isks ,andi nv es tor ss houl de x erc i
prudenc ea ndt hei rownj udgmenti nma k ingt hei ri nv es tmentdec isions . NoneofANAL AHCAPI T ALori ts
repr esent a t
iv esi ss ugges t i
ngt ha tther ec i
pi entora nyot herper sont ak eas pec icc our seofa c t
ionora nya c t
ata ll.Byr ec eiv i
ngt hi sdoc ument ,ther ec ipi enta c k nowl edgesa nda gr eeswi tht hei ntendedpur pos edes cribed
abov ea ndf ur therdi sc l
aimsa nye xpec ta ti
onorbel i
eft ha tt hei nf or ma tionc ons t i
tut esi nv es tmenta dv icet ot he
recipientorot her wi sepur por t
st omeett hei nv es tmentobj ec ti
v esoft her ec i
pient .T hev alueofa nyi nv es tment
orinc omema ygodowna swel l asup, a ndi nv es tor sma ynotgetba ckt hef ull(ora ny ) a mounti nv ested. Pas t
per forma nc ei snotnec es sa ril
yagui det of ut ur eper for ma nc e .Nei therANAL AHCAPI TALnora nyofi tsdi rector s
empl oy eesora gent sa ccept sa nyl ia bilityf ora nyl os s( inc ludi ngi nv est mentl oss )orda ma gea risingoutoft he
useofa llora nyoft heI nfor ma t i
on.Pr iort oma kinga nyi nv es tmentor na nc ial dec isions , anyr ec ipientoft his
doc umentort hei nf or ma tions houl dt a k es tepst ounder sta ndt her iska ndr etur noft hei nv es tmenta nds eek
ndi v i
dua li
zeda dv icef rom hi sorherper s ona lna nc ial,lega l
, taxa ndot herpr of ess i
ona l adv isor st ha tt akesi nt o
accounta llthepa rticul arf ac tsa ndc ircums ta nc esofhi sorheri nv est mentobj ec tives .Anypr i
c ess t atedi nt hi s
doc umenta ref ori nf or ma tionpur pos esonl ya nddonotr epr esentv alua tionsf ori ndi v idua l sec ur i
t i
esorot her
na nc ialins trument s. ANAL AHCAPI TALdoesnotgua ra nt eet hef ut ureper for ma nc eora nyl ev el ofper f
or ma nce
a tingt oa nypr oduc tsofANAL AHCAPI T ALora nyot hert hi rdpa rtys er vicepr ov ider .T her eisnor epr esent a t
thata nyt rans a ctionc a norc oul dha vebeeneffec teda tt hos epr i
c es ,a nda nypr i
c esdonotnec es sa r
ilyr eec t
ANAL AHCAPI TALi nt er na lbook sa ndr ec or dsort heor et ica l model -ba s edv a l
ua tionsa ndma ybeba s
certa i
na ssumpt ions . Differ enta s sumpt ionsbyANAL AHCAPI TALora nyot hers our c ema yy ielddi ffer entr es ults
Nor epr esent a tionorwa rra nt y, eithere xpr es sedori mpl ied, ispr ov i
dedi nr el ati
ont ot hea c cur ac y, compl et enes s
orr eliabilityoft hei nf or ma tionc ont a inedi na nyma ter i
a lst owhi c ht hi sdoc ument /Infor ma tionr el ates .The
nfor ma tioni snoti ntendedt obeac ompl et es tat ementors umma ryoft hes ecur ities, ma rket sordev elopment s
er redt oi nt hedoc ument . ANAL AHCAPI T ALs ha ll notbel ia blef ora nyl os sest ha tRec i
pi ent sma ys ufferon
accountofa nyi nv es tmentordi s i
nv es tmentdec isionba sedont hec ommuni ca tionori nfor ma tionor
recommenda tionr ec ei vedf rom ANAL AHCAPI TALona nypr oduc t. ANAL AHCAPI T ALdoesnotunder ta ket o
upda teork eepc ur rentt heI nfor ma tion. Anyopi ni onse x pr es sedi nt hi sdoc umentma yc ha ngewi thoutt ha t
thirdpa rtyei therpubl iclyI nnoc i
rc ums tanc esma yt hisdoc umentora nyoft heI nfor ma tion( i
nc ludi nga ny
forec ast,v alue , i
nde xorot herc a lcula teda mount( "Va lues ")) beus edf ora nyoft hef ol lowi ngpur pos es :(i)
valua tionora c count ingpur pos es ;(ii
) todet er mi net hea mount sdueorpa ya ble ,thepr iceort hev a l
ueofa ny
na nc ialins trumentor na nc ia lcont rac t;or( iii
) tomea s ur et heper forma nc eofa ny na nc ialins trument
nc ludi ng, wi thoutl imi t
a tion, f
ort hepur pos eoft ra ck ingt her etur norper for ma nc eofa nyVa lueorofdeni ng
thea sseta l
loc ationofpor tfolioorofc omput ingper for ma nc ef ees .

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