Lab07 Riscv Ict
Lab07 Riscv Ict
Lab07 Riscv Ict
After this lab session, students will understand how to call subroutines and how the stack
mechanism works. Additionally, students will be able to write their own subroutines that
use the stack for passing parameters and returning results.
Subroutine Call
A procedure (subroutine) is a block of code that performs a specific task and may return
one or more results based on input parameters. When the subroutine finishes, the
processor returns to the location of the subroutine call to continue executing the next
In assembly programming, a subroutine is typically associated with a label to mark the
starting address of the subroutine. There are two instructions used when working with
▪ jal rd, label (jump and link): This saves the address of the next instruction
(pc + 4) into the rd register and jumps to the instruction at the label. This address
will be used to return to the main program after the subroutine finishes. The
pseudo-instruction jal label (equivalent to jal ra, label) saves the return
address in the ra register, which is commonly used to call a subroutine.
▪ jalr rd, rs1, imm (jump and link register): This saves the address of the
next instruction (pc + 4) into the rd register and jumps to the instruction at
address rs1 + imm. The pseudo-instruction jr ra (equivalent to jalr zero,
ra, 0) jumps to the address stored in the ra register and is commonly used to
return to the main program.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
School of Information and Communications Technology
Home Assignment 1
The program below illustrates how to declare and use the abs function to calculate the
absolute value of an integer. The function uses two registers: a0 holds the input
parameter and s0 holds the result. Read the program carefully to understand how to
declare and call the subroutine.
li a7, 10 # terminate
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# function abs
# param[in] a0 the interger need to be gained the absolute
# return s0 absolute value
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
sub s0, zero, a0 # put -a0 in s0; in case a0 < 0
blt a0, zero, done # if a0<0 then done
add s0, a0, zero # else put a0 in s0
jr ra
Home Assignment 2
In this example, the max subroutine is declared and used to find the largest element
among three integers. The parameters are passed to the subroutine via the a0, a1, and a2
registers, and the result is stored in the s0 register. Read the program carefully to
understand how to declare and call the subroutine.
li a7, 10 # terminate
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure max: find the largest of three integers
# param[in] a0 integers
# param[in] a1 integers
# param[in] a2 integers
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
School of Information and Communications Technology
Home Assignment 3
Support: Stack memory operates arccording to the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle
and is usually managed by the sp (stack pointer) register. The sp register stores the
address of the top element of the stack and is used for two operations: push and pop.
Using the Stack:
1. Create space to store the contents of one or more registers (reduce the value of
the sp register by the required number of bytes).
2. Store the contents of the necessary registers into the stack (using the sw
3. Execute the program that uses these registers.
4. Restore the original values of the registers (using the lw instruction).
5. Return the allocated stack memory by restoring the original value of the sp
Note that in RISC-V, the bottom of the stack has the highest address.
Stack before the push operation Stack after the push operation
The assembly program below demonstrates how to use the stack with the push and pop
operations, which are implemented by the lw and sw instructions. The values of the two
registers s0 and s1 will be swapped using the stack.
According to RISC-V conventions, input parameters are typically stored in the a0-a7
registers, while return values are stored in the a0 register. There are some questions to
1. What happens if a function has more than 8 input parameters or returns more than
one value?
2. What happens if a function needs to save its input parameters and state to call
another function?
3. What happens if a program has too many local variables to be stored in 32
Solution: Use the stack memory.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
School of Information and Communications Technology
When calling the xyz subroutine, you must save the ra register (which currently holds
the return address of the abc function) onto the stack before jumping to xyz. Otherwise,
the current value of the ra register will be overwritten by the return address of the xyz
subroutine, and the function will not be able to return to the main program.
Home Assignment 4
The following program uses a recursive algorithm to calculate n!. Read the program
carefully to understand how the stack is used to store and restore registers.
jal WARP
add a1, s0, zero # a0 = result from N!
li a7, 56
la a0, message
li a7, 10 # terminate
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure WARP: assign value and call FACT
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
addi sp, sp, -4 # adjust stack pointer
sw ra, 0(sp) # save return address
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure FACT: compute N!
# param[in] a0 integer N
# return s0 the largest value
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
addi sp, sp, -8 # allocate space for ra, a0 in stack
sw ra, 4(sp) # save ra register
sw a0, 0(sp) # save a0 register
li t0, 2
bge a0, t0, recursive
li s0, 1 # return the result N!=1
j done
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
School of Information and Communications Technology
addi a0, a0, -1 # adjust input argument
jal FACT # recursive call
lw s1, 0(sp) # load a0
mul s0, s0, s1
lw ra, 4(sp) # restore ra register
lw a0, 0(sp) # restore a0 register
addi sp,sp,8 # restore stack pointer
jr ra # jump to caller
Assignment 1
Create a project to implement Home Assignment 1. Compile and simulate it. Change
the program parameters (register a0) and observe the execution results. Run the program
in the single-step mode and pay attention to the changes in registers, especially the pc
and ra registers.
Assignment 2
Create a project to implement Home Assignment 2. Compile and simulate it. Change
the program parameters (registers a0, a1, a2) and observe the execution results. Run the
program in the single-step mode and pay attention to the changes in registers, especially
the pc and ra registers.
Assignment 3
Create a project to implement Home Assignment 3. Compile and simulate it. Change
the program parameters (registers s0, s1), observe the process and results. Pay attention
to changes in the sp register. Observe the memory pointed to by sp in the Data Segment
Assignment 4
Create a project to implement Home Assignment 4. Compile and simulate it. Change
the parameter in the a0 register and check the result in the s0 register. Run the program
in the single-step mode and observe the changes in the registers pc, ra, sp, a0, s0. List
the values in the stack memory when executing the program with n = 3.
Assignment 5
Write a subroutine to find the largest value, the smallest value, and their respective
positions in a list of 8 integers stored in the registers from a0 to a7. For example:
▪ Largest: 9, 3 → The largest value is 9, stored in a3.
▪ Smallest: -3, 6 → The smallest value is -3, stored in a6.
Hint: Use the stack memory to pass parameters.