Asac Action: Area Substance Abuse Council Board of Directors
Asac Action: Area Substance Abuse Council Board of Directors
Asac Action: Area Substance Abuse Council Board of Directors
Through the Facebook page, parents, teachers, binge drinkers. It is important to consider the amount people school administrators and others can learn about the dangers that smokeless products pose to Iowa youth. drink when they binge and how often they do so. Group with most binge drinkers: 18-34 years Age group that binge drinks most often: 65+ years Income group with most binge drinkers: more than $75,000 Income group that binge drinks the most often and drinks most per binge: less than $25,000 Most alcohol-impaired drivers binge drink. Most people who binge drink are not alcohol dependent or alcoholics. More than half of the alcohol adults drink is while binge drinking. More than 90% of the alcohol youth drink is while binge drinking.
Binge drinking is about more than just the number of
income from taxes on alcohol totaled only about 12 cents per drink.
Drinking too much contributes to over 54 different injuries and diseases, including car crashes, violence, and
sexually-transmitted diseases.
The chance of getting sick and dying from alcohol problems increases significantly for those who binge drink more
drink per day for women and no more than 2 drinks per day for men. Pregnant women and underage youth should not drink alcohol. Support effective community strategies to prevent binge drinking. Support local control of the marketing and sale of alcohol. Support the minimum legal drinking age of 21. For more information on binge drinking go to
To the right is a picture of Chris Branstad with the adults and youth from Jones County who attended the Underage Drinking Prevention Day on the Hill. Governor Branstads wife has taken up the cause of promoting substance abuse prevention and treatment. Chris Branstad also spoke at the press conference.
ASAC Prevention Specialists, Curt Wheeler and Amy Doerrfeld, with Cedar Rapids Mayor Ron Corbett
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