AVL treee

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AVL Trees

An AVL search tree is a type of binary search tree (BST) that is self-balancing, ensuring that
the height of the tree remains logarithmic relative to the number of nodes. This balance is
achieved by maintaining the balance factor of each node, which measures the difference in
height between its left and right subtrees.

Key Features of AVL Trees

1. Balance Factor:
o For each node in the tree:
Balance Factor=Height of Left Subtree−Height of Right Subtree\text{Balance
Factor} = \text{Height of Left Subtree} - \text{Height of Right
Subtree}Balance Factor=Height of Left Subtree−Height of Right Subtree
o The balance factor must be either −1-1−1, 000, or +1+1+1. If this condition is
violated, the tree is rebalanced.
2. Balancing Operations:
o If an operation (like insertion or deletion) causes an imbalance, rotations are
performed to restore balance:
 Single Rotations: Left Rotation (LL) or Right Rotation (RR).
 Double Rotations: Left-Right Rotation (LR) or Right-Left Rotation (RL).
3. Height-Balanced:
o Ensures that no two subtrees differ in height by more than 1, making operations
like search, insertion, and deletion run in O(log⁡n)O(\log n)O(logn) time.
4. Binary Search Tree Property:
o The left child of a node contains values smaller than the node, and the right child
contains values greater than the node.

Advantages of AVL Trees

 Efficient Searching: Ensures logarithmic time complexity for searching due to the
balanced nature of the tree.
 Consistent Performance: Balancing prevents the tree from degenerating into a linear
structure (like a linked list).

Disadvantages of AVL Trees

 Overhead: Additional balancing operations may slightly increase the cost of insertion
and deletion.
 Complexity: Implementation is more complicated compared to simple binary search


Initial Tree (Before Balancing):


After inserting 1, the tree becomes imbalanced because the left subtree is taller. A Right
Rotation is performed on node 3 to restore balance:

Balanced Tree (After Right Rotation):

Copy code
/ \
1 3

This rebalancing ensures that the AVL tree remains height-balanced.

Example :

Write a c++ code to implementation of an AVL tree in C++ to insert the numbers 3, 5, 11, 8, 4, 1,
12, 7, 2, 6.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// AVL Tree Node Structure

struct Node {

int data;

Node* left;

Node* right;

int height;
Node(int val) : data(val), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), height(1) {}


// Function to get the height of a node

int getHeight(Node* node) {

return node ? node->height : 0;

// Function to calculate the balance factor of a node

int getBalanceFactor(Node* node) {

return node ? getHeight(node->left) - getHeight(node->right) : 0;

// Utility function to update the height of a node

void updateHeight(Node* node) {

if (node) {

node->height = 1 + max(getHeight(node->left), getHeight(node->right));

// Right Rotation

Node* rotateRight(Node* y) {

Node* x = y->left;

Node* T2 = x->right;
x->right = y;

y->left = T2;



return x;

// Left Rotation

Node* rotateLeft(Node* x) {

Node* y = x->right;

Node* T2 = y->left;

y->left = x;

x->right = T2;



return y;

// Balancing the node

Node* balance(Node* node) {

int balanceFactor = getBalanceFactor(node);

// Left heavy

if (balanceFactor > 1) {

if (getBalanceFactor(node->left) < 0) {

node->left = rotateLeft(node->left); // Left-Right case

return rotateRight(node); // Left-Left case

// Right heavy

if (balanceFactor < -1) {

if (getBalanceFactor(node->right) > 0) {

node->right = rotateRight(node->right); // Right-Left case

return rotateLeft(node); // Right-Right case

return node; // No imbalance

// Insert function

Node* insert(Node* root, int key) {

if (!root) return new Node(key);

if (key < root->data) {

root->left = insert(root->left, key);

} else if (key > root->data) {

root->right = insert(root->right, key);

} else {

return root; // No duplicate keys allowed


return balance(root);

// In-order Traversal

void inOrder(Node* root) {

if (root) {


cout << root->data << " ";


int main() {

Node* root = nullptr;

// Inserting numbers

int numbers[] = {3, 5, 11, 8, 4, 1, 12, 7, 2, 6};

for (int num : numbers) {

root = insert(root, num);

// Displaying the tree using in-order traversal

cout << "In-order traversal of the AVL tree: ";


cout << endl;

return 0;

Question no 1:Write a program to Search the minimum number in AVL tree.

Question no 2:Write a program to Search the maximum number in AVL tree.

Question no 3: Write a program to Search the minimum subtree in the AVL tree.

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