dangerous weather N
dangerous weather N
dangerous weather N
Serial No.:N/A
Produced by:Flight Standard & Training
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
• Case
• Aug. 11 of 2015, HU7148 encountered clear turbulence from Chengdu to
Beijing. Air was very strong, and persons were flying. Cabin suffered many
broken damages, 23 persons were injured.
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
2) Classification of Turbulence Level
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
(3) Thunderstorm turbulence
Potentially hazardous turbulence is present in all thunderstorms. Strongest turbulence
within the cloud occurs with shear between updrafts and downdrafts. Outside the cloud,
shear turbulence has been encountered several thousand feet above and 20 NM laterally
from a severe storm. A low-level turbulent area is the shear zone associated with the gust
front. Often, a "roll cloud" on the leading edge of a storm marks the top of the eddies in
this shear and it signifies an extremely turbulent zone. Gust fronts often move far ahead
(up to 15 NM) of associated precipitation. The gust front causes a rapid and sometimes
drastic change in surface wind ahead of an approaching storm.
It is almost impossible to hold a constant altitude in a thunderstorm, and maneuvering in
an attempt to do so produces greatly increased stress on the aircraft. It is understandable
that the speed of the aircraft determines the rate of turbulence encounters. Stresses are
least if the aircraft is held in a constant attitude and allowed to "ride the waves".
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
Methods for Thunderstorm Turbulence Prevention and Penetration
The first to use airborne radar to find out the weakest area of precipitation, and accordingly set a
roughly straight line flight path through a thunderstorm.
If radar wave in hook, finger-shape and scallope occurs, it’s better to avoid entering these areas
because there is certainly a strong turbulence and hail in these areas.
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
Methods for Thunderstorm Turbulence Prevention and Penetration
- Adjust heading, better to cross thunderstorm line with a perpendicular angle. After enter
thunderstorm area, try to maintain heading as situation requires, which can enable the airplane to exit
dangerous area as early as possible. Meanwhile, in the situation of severe turbulence, frequent
avoidance maneuvering actions may lead to overload of the aircraft.
- If aircraft enters or may enter unsafe weather condition due to ATC’s instruction, PIC should notify
ATC timely and request for changing heading. PIC is authorized to exercise emergency handling
right to avoid or exit dangerous weather area.
- Generally the altitudes between 10 000ft and 20 000ft encompass the more severe turbulence, hail,
and icing conditions.
- Do not fly at the altitude of 0℃ isothermal layer, where severe turbulence and lightning strike is
highly possible.
I. Common Hazardous Weather in Summer – Turbulence
• 3km>VIS ≥2km-------------------30kt(15m/s)
6. Before flying over the FAF or FAP,if the reported RVR or VIS is
below the prescribed landing minima, captain is not allowed to fly over
FAF or FAP to continue the approach.
7. After the aircraft flies over the FAF or FAP, if the reported RVR or
VIS is below the prescribed landing minima, the captain can continue
the approach to DA/DH or MDA/MDH.
8. If there is no prescribed FAF, and the reported RVR or VIS is below
the prescribed landing minima, the captain is not allowed to continue the
final leg flight.
II. Low Visibility Operation Considerations