111 soap 100 A basic cleaning supply 222 detergent 150 For Washing Clothes 333 bleach 50 For whitening and disinfecting fabrics
store_id name location contact_info
101 Main Store 123 Main Street 09123456789 102 Downtown Store 456 Elm Street 0987654321 103 Westside Store 789 Oak Street 09123123125
service_id name description status
1001 Wash & Fold We was & fold your Active laundry 1002 Dry cleaning We provide dry Active cleaning services 1002 Alternations We offer Clothing Active Alternations
Notification_id message User_id status date_created
3001 Your laundry is 1 unread ready for pickup. 3002 Delivery delayed 2 unread due to weather conditions. 3003 Special offer: 20% 3 unread off on all services this weekend.
Inventory_id Supply_id quantity Last_updated
12345 111 100 23456 222 150 34567 333 50
Discount_id name description Discount_percentage Valid_until
1101 Summer Sale 10% off on all 10.00 services 1102 Holiday Special 15% off for 15.00 holiday season 1103 New Year 20% off for New 20.00 Discount Year celebration