Pyton 2
Pyton 2
Pyton 2
DLL Side-loading is when an adversary uses a malicious DLL to trick the OS into loading and
executing a payload by pretending to be a legitimate DLL used by trusted applications. With limited
testing, we have been able to identify 6 pre-installed Microsoft application that are vulnerable to this
attack. An attacker may wish to hijack an application with this technique to evade defence
mechanisms by concealing their activity under a legitimate application.
Background3 6 7 8 11
"A system can contain multiple versions of the same DLL. Applications can control the location from
which DLLs are loaded by specifying a full path or by other mechanisms such as a manifest. If these
methods are not used, the system searches for the DLL at load time." 3
DLLs can contain multiple functions. There is an optional main function called DLLMain which a DLL
implements if it wants to do any startup activity when it’s first loaded. DLLs can also export functions
that can be called by any other program at runtime.11
According to the Windows documentation, the API calls that can load libraries are LoadLibrary and
The LoadLibrary Windows API call returns a handle which can be used by GetProcAddress to retrieve
the address of an exported function in a specified DLL so that it can be called.
The vulnerability
@dmcxblue, the creator of the Red Team Notes 2.0 explained the issue succinctly:
“Applications that improperly or vaguely specify the path of a required DLL may be open to a
vulnerability in which an unintended DLL is loaded. Side -loading vulnerabilities specifically occur
when WinSxS manifests are not explicit enough about characteristics of the DLL to be loaded. An
adversary may take advantage of a legitimate program that is vulnerable by replacing the legitimate
one with a malicious one.” 4
The scope of our testing was limited to the DLLMain entry point of DLLs loaded by applications in the
C:\Windows\System32 directory.
Steps to exploit
1. Identify a victim application6
When we gain an initial foothold on the victim's machine, we can search the process lists to identify
potential targets for our attack. We will be targeting DISM because it is an official Windows utility for
disk image management that comes pre-installed.
To identify the potential vulnerability, we can perform basic static analysis to find where DLLs are
imported and the entry point through decomplication or by using APIMonitor. X-Force Red has a Frida
script freely available on their GitHub called Windows Feature Hunter (WFH)8 that automated this
process of identifying DLLs that are loaded with the LoadLibrary API and the DLL entry point.
First, we copy the potential victim executable into the WFH directory. Then we run WFH against the
program, signalling to it that we want to identify a potential entry point for side-loading. Here are
results when running WFH against DISM.
As seen in Figure 3, WFH tells us that DISM loads dismcore.dll via the DLLMain entry point we
mentioned earlier. Now that we have identified this, we can try write a DLL to see if we can trick
dism.exe into loading and executing code within the DLLMain.
2. Creating our own malicious version of the legitimate DLL
The Microsoft Windows documentation gives us an example of how to implement the DLLMain
function of a DLL file. We can implement this but add a message pop up to demonstrate that the code
is being run when dism loads it into memory:
Now that we have created our malicious version of the dismcore DLL file, we can exploit dism.exe.
Firstly, we copy dism.exe from its legitimate location to a location controlled by us that also contains
our malicious DLL. We do this because the real directory contains the legitimate DLL file, and this
vulnerability relies on the WinSxS misconfiguration. Also, the System32 folder is write protected so we
cannot write our malicious DLL here.
Next, we run the DISM program. The DISM program executes as normal and tries to find the
dismcore.dll library. It finds our version first in its search order and loads it into memory. Once our DLL
is loaded into memory, the DLLMain function is executed and our payload by
extension. This process is shown below.
Firing up process explorer, we can confirm we were successful. We can see they are running
under the same PID and that DISM has loaded our version of the DLL based on the path of
To demonstrate how this may be used in an attack, I utilized this technique to inject and execute
shellcode for a cobalt strike beacon. I used the same technique to side-load a malicious version of a
DLL but this time I exploited the SpeechRuntime.exe executable. The victim is also running Symantec
Endpoint Protection. All traffic on the machine is also being directed through Palo Alto Network’s
application gateway (proxy) firewall.
As seen below, we used the DLLMain entry point. We hardcoded an encrypted version of the cobalt
strike beacon shellcode into the binary file to evade static analysis techniques by Antivirus/EDR
solutions while idle on-disk. We used a simple XOR operation for this. Once loaded into memory we
decrypt the shellcode, reserve virtual memory for it, and finally copy it into this address space and
execute it.
Figure 9 Splunk records showing traffic between allowed out but not in
On our command and control (C2) server we received these calls; however, the application gateway
(proxy) firewall was successfully blocking our servers attempts to respond with instructions. We
suspect this is due to our requests being unencrypted HTTP traffic over port 80. When our server tried
to respond it was blocked (shown in figure 9). We still consider this test to be a success because
Semantic Endpoint Protection never alerted on this activity and the beacon stayed active phoning
home periodically.
More testing is needed to verify if redoing the test over an encrypted HTTPS connection will prevent
detection by the proxy firewall and allow two-way communication.
We performed this test a second time, with the proxy firewall protections disabled. This time, without
our responses being blocked, we were able to have complete command and control through our
beacon and C2 server.
Figure 11 Successfully executing shell commands remotely though cobalt strike beacon
• Enable SafeDllSearchMode. This pushes the stage where the current directory is searched till
later in the search-order. Safe DLL search mode is enabled by default and can be found at the
following registry location:
Mode This registry value should be set to 1.
o This setting was enabled during my testing; however, the vulnerable program’s
misconfigurations still leave it vulnerable.
• Ensure that only signed DLLs are loaded for most systems processes and applications.
• The only certain way to prevent this vulnerability is to write secure code for loading DLL from
specified paths only.
Final notes
As this vulnerability relies on a relative path, you should store all legitimate binaries in a write-
protected/privileged location (i.e., Windows, Program Files, Program Files x86); and configure your
AV/EDR to deny the execution of any binary outside of its standard directory.
While only 6 applications were identified as being vulnerable to DLL side-loading through the DLLMain
entry point, several other executable experienced symptoms that could suggest a vulnerability to DLL
side-loading through an exported function. Testing the exported functions of DLLs was out of scope
for this test.
The cobalt strike beacon was operating over an unencrypted HTTP traffic using a common public C2
profile, so we were surprised to see this executed so successfully with no modifications other than
encryption to evade static analysis. This just demonstrates how a layered defence-in-depth approach
is required and no single solution will provide full coverage for your attack surface.
References & bibliography
1. Szappanos, G., 2020. A new APT uses DLL side-loads to “KilllSomeOne”. [online] Sophos
News. Available at: <
loads-to-killlsomeone/> [Accessed 9 July 2021].
2. The MITRE Corporation. 2021. CAPEC-641: DLL Side-Loading. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 July 2021].
5. Cyware Labs. 2019. DLL Hijacking attacks: What is it and how to stay protected?. [online]
Available at: <
protected-5056c0f0> [Accessed 9 July 2021].
6. Spehn, C., 2021. Hunting for Windows “Features” with Frida: DLL Sideloading. [online]
Security Intelligence. Available at: <
sideloading/> [Accessed 9 July 2021].
9. X-Force Red. 2021. Windows Feature Hunter (WFH). [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 10 July 2021]
11. Microsoft. 2020. DLLMain entry point. [online] Available at: <
us/windows/win32/dlls/dllmain> [Accessed 13 July 2021]
APPENDIX A – All executables tested