Yˆt(`) = φ[Yˆt(` − 1) − µ] + µ
= φ[{φ[Yˆt(` − 2) − µ]} + µ − µ] + µ
= φ[{φ[Yˆt(` − 2) − µ]}] + µ
= φ`−1[Yˆt(1) − µ] + µ
= φ`−1[µ + φ(Yt − µ) − µ] + µ
Yˆt(`) = 74.3293 + (0.5705) (67 − 74.3293).
I But for ` > 1, both et+` and et+`−1 are independent of Y1, Y2,
. . . , Yt, so these conditional expected values are both
Yˆt(1) = et+1.
I But the forecast error ` steps ahead can be shown to
be et(`) = et+1 + et+2 + · · · + et+`.
I So var[et(`)] = `σ2e.
I In this nonstationary model, the variance of the forecast
error continues to increase without bound as the lead
time gets larger.
I This phenomenon will happen with all nonstationary
ARIMA models.
I On the other hand, with stationary models, the variance
of the forecast error increases as the lead time gets
larger, but there is a limit to the increase.
I And with deterministic trend models, the variance of
the forecast error is constant as the lead time gets
Forecasting with the ARMA(p, q) Model
I The general difference equation form for forecasts in
the ARMA(p, q) model is somewhat complicated: