Servitude and Slavery of Virginia in Seventeenth Century
Servitude and Slavery of Virginia in Seventeenth Century
Servitude and Slavery of Virginia in Seventeenth Century
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servant. The penalty for those of tobacco. Early efforts were made at pre-
assisting or entertaining the run- Evidently the 500 pounds of to-
venting fornification with Negro
away servant was raised to sixty bacco fine for the freemen was not women. Proceedings of the Gov-
pounds of tobacco. Any unruly sufficient to be effective, for laterernor and Council for 1630 show
servant who lifted a hand against the penalty was increased to 1,500 that one "Hugh Davis to be sound-
his master was to serve additional pounds of tobacco and one year of ly whipped before an assembly of
time.19 service to the master of the serv- Negroes and others . . . for lying
with a Negro,"29 and that another
14Hening, vol. ii, p. 117. 20 Ibid., vol. i, p. 356.
15Hening. vol. i, p. 259 21 Ibid., p. 454.
16Hening, vol. ii, p. 116. 22 Ibid., p. 296. 26Hening, vol. ii, p. 114.
17Hemng, vol. ii, p. 116 ™Ibid., p. 267. 27Hening, vol. ii, p. 115.
™Ibid., p. 277. 24Catterall, op. cit., vol. i, p. 54. 28 Ibid., p. 167.
Wlbiä., p. 118. 25Hening, vol. i, p. 253. 2QIbid., vol. i, p. 146.
Robert Sweet "do penance in status of slavery then was a prod-case of Hannah Warwick, 1669,
church according to the laws of uct of the American colonies.37 who "was overseen by a Negro
England for getting a Negro wom- There was slavery in the Virginia overseer"44 caused the passage of
an with child and the woman Colony by 1644 and by 1667 had the law prohibiting free Negroes
whipt."30 Further indication beenthat
made a part of the law as or Indians from buying Christian
the few publicised cases had not means of stopping baptism as aservants, but "could buy those of
stopped the practice was that a law right for freedom. That law their own group."45 Another act
was passed in 1663 that the chil- admitted all to the sacrament of 1670 put a clearer definition on
dren of Negro women were to serve without changing their status38 who should be slaves: "That all
according to the condition of the Beginning with 1639 certain servants not being Christians im-
mother,31 thus, establishing a sys- stated differences in regard to ported into this colony by shipping
tem of servitude for mulattoes. regulations for Negro servants shall be slaves for their lives, but
Servants were brought into the appeared. A law was passed re- what shall become by land shall
colony without indenture. Some quiring that all persons except Ne- serve, if boys or girls, until thirty
of these came voluntarily while groes be provided with arms and years of age, if men or women
others were "spirited" into the ammunition or be fined by the Gov- twelve years and no longer.46* Be-
colony. Those coming voluntarily ernor and Council.39 The case of tween 1660 and 1670 there had been
had hopes of serving a term and John Graweere, a Negro servant to
changes concerning laws for Indian
then getting a start in the new William Evans, who bought his
slavery. This law was to legalize
world. Those spirited in were in child, by a Negro woman from her Indian slavery that had been in
mošt cases boys and girls kid- master, Lt. Robert Sheppard, is existence for some time. Bacon's
napped off the streets of London interesting evidence. By wishing laws, 1676, provided that Indians
and other cities and sold into the to bring up the child in Christian taken in war could be held as slaves
colony. Channing points out religion,
that Graweere was assured by for their life time,47 but this was
10.000 were "spirited in one year, the courts that the child would be . replacing the earlier law. The
1670."32 The laws of Virginia pro- freed from Evans. This case showed earliest slaves were the Indians
vided that those over twenty be that by 1640 the Negro servant wasand by 1670 the law was so stated
deported or serve four years, those being debased to slavery and thatas to apply to the growing number
between twelve and twenty years freedom was to be purchased be-of Negroes being brought in after
of age would serve five years fore baptism.40 Another case in 1660. The influx of English serv-
and those less than twelve would 1640 showed the sentence passed on ants had practically ceased by 1660
serve seven years.33 There had abeen Negro servant was life enslave- with the restoration period in Eng-
distinction in servants until there ment while that of other servants land. Thereafter the English who
began to be a distinction between differed for the same offense. Three came were those sent and who were
servants and slaves. Irish servants runaways, a Dutch, a Scotch and ausually prisoners or criminals in
were to serve six years and in 1659 Negro servant, John Punch, wereEngland.
this law was repealed and made captured
no and returned from Mary- The slaves as well as the servants
differences in service for those land. The Dutch and Scotch serv-
persisted in trying to escape. The
ants were given three years addi-
brought from Christian nations.34 penalty of increased time could not
Indian children were not to be tion to indentures, while Punch,
be applied to the slave. The serv-
the Negro, was given a sentence
made slaves but were to be taught to penalties could not be applied
Christianity. No servant from a serve his master for his entire nat- to the slaves for violence. A law
Christian nation could be com- ural life.41 In 1656 a mulatto was
in 1669 declaring that murder or
determined a slave by the court.42
pelled to serve over five years,35 cause for death of a slave at the
and they could get their freedomIn 1661 the first reference to Ne- hands of his master was not a fel-
papers from the county court groes
at as slaves appeared in the ony involving malice and that an
the end of their indenture.86 statutes of Virginia. This law pe-
owner would not have malice to-
The slavery system of Virginianalized the English servant who ward his property.48 In 1672 a law
was a gradual development during ran away with Negroes. The Eng- was passed which provided that
the 17th century. Since there was lish were to serve the master of the Negro, mulatto or Indian servants
no status of slavery in English law, Negro for the time he was away could be killed or wounded if they
the terms servitude, slavery and and if he is lost they should pay resisted capture and the person sc
bondage were the same. The legal 4,000 pounds of Tobacco.43 The
^Ibid., p. 552. 37Channincr, op. cit., p. 376. **Ibid„ vol. ii. p. 280.
31Henine. vol. ii. D. 170. 38Hening, vol. ii, p. 260. 4«Ibid., p. 283.
32Channing, op. cit., vol. ii. p. 369. 39Hening, vol. i, p. 226. •Massachusetts had defined slavery by
33Hening, vol. i, p. 257. 40Catterall, op. cit.. vol. i, p. 58. 1640 in the charter of Bights for Massa-
347&id., p. 411. 41Channing, op. cit., p. 376. chusetts.
™Ibiã., vol. ii, p. 113. *2Ibid., p. 513. 47 Ibiã., vol. i, p. 346.
sej&id., p. 115. 43Hening, vol. ii, p. 26 and 117. 48Hening, vol. ii, p. 270.