Historical Performance Practice and the Choral Director
Historical Performance Practice and the Choral Director
Historical Performance Practice and the Choral Director
Topics to address:
Singing issues
historical pronunciation
tone color and balance
role of the editor and the role of cpdl
musica ficta
singing from original notation
Text stress
groupings of 2 and 3, how they do/don’t relate to bar lines (metric accent and hemiola)
conducting chant/chironomy
working with period instruments (difference in bows, doublings, etc.)
rehearsal planning of tricky parts specific to early music
A415, 430, 440, etc. & untempered scales
tuning, solo and chordal
dotted notes and treatment of the following beat division (how short/long is the following
quarter, eighth, sixteenth, etc.)
voice/part divisions
use of women vs. trebles