Verity - Colleen Hoover (1)
Verity - Colleen Hoover (1)
Verity - Colleen Hoover (1)
Verity is a psychological
thriller that follows the story As Lowen reads the manuscript,
of Lowen Ashleigh, a she uncovers shocking secrets
struggling writer who is about Verity’s life, her marriage
given an unusual job to Jeremy, and their children.
opportunity. She is hired to The deeper Lowen dives into
Verity’s personal story, the more
finish a bestselling series of
she questions what is real and
books for Verity Crawford, a who she can trust. Filled with
famous author who has mystery, suspense, and
become unable to write after unexpected twists, Verity keeps
an accident. Lowen moves readers guessing until the very
into Verity’s home to work on last page.
the project, and while she is
there, she discovers a
hidden manuscript written
by Verity herself.
Is there a time in your life when you felt unsure
of someone’s true intentions? How did that
situation make you feel?
1. perception a. The refusal to accept reality or fact, acting
2. denial as if a painful event, thought, or feeling
3. morality does not exist.
4. deception b. The act of causing someone to accept
5. manipulation something as true when it is not; trickery.
c. Uncertainty or inexactness in meaning,
6. ambiguity
leaving room for multiple interpretations.
d. The way in which something is regarded,
understood, or interpreted; a viewpoint.
e. Principles concerning the distinction
between right and wrong or good and bad
f. Controlling or influencing someone in a
clever or unscrupulous way.
Fill in the gaps: ambiguity, morality, denial, deception, manipulation,
1. Often in life, our perception of the truth can be clouded by emotions or biases.
2. Some people live in denial about events or situations they don’t want to confront.
3. The novel touches on the theme of morality, asking readers to question what is right and
4. There’s a lot of deception in Verity, with characters hiding important truths from each other.
5. Mary uses manipulation to control those around her, making it difficult to trust her motives.
6. The ending of the book is filled with ambiguity, leaving readers unsure of what truly
Do you believe people are more threatened by
external circumstances or their internal emotions
and thoughts? Why?
What do you think makes some relationships or
families strong while others fall apart? Is it based
on personality, external pressures, or something
Why do you think people sometimes see
themselves as victims? How does this
mindset aect the decisions they make?
Have you ever been so convinced of your point of view
that you missed other perspectives? How can
someone learn to recognize this in themselves?
How far should someone go to protect the
people they love, even if it causes harm to
themselves or others? Is there a limit?
If you found something shocking
about a loved one, would you
confront them or keep it to
yourself? Why?
Time for feedback
- ambiguity behavior
Ambiguous behavior