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4961 8 12345
47. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow. 12345
Water use in a country depends very much on it’s efficiency in water use. Even 12345
in most technologically advanced country, the efficiency of irrigation is only 30 percent. 12345
As the people of California, in the United States of America, and Israel use water
ethically and with enormous care the efficiency in use is high. They are also good in
water management activities. For example, drip irrigation has been used in Israel as
well as California to best effect. The farmers and horticulturists make the water drip
drop-by-drop at the roots of the crop plants. This system of irrigation has now come
into use in India too. With this method of irrigation a high output of crops is being
harvested with small amount of water. In this way, salination of the lands is also
averted to a great extent.
Questions :
(a) Why is the efficiency in water use high in some countries ?
(b) Explain drip irrigation.
(c) What is the result of the use of drip irrigation ?
(d) (i) Give the appropriate meaning for the word :
(ii) Choose the word opposite to :
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things go wrong that you mustn’t quit.
Questions :
(a) When do you want to smile but sigh, according to the poet ?
(b) Explain the line :
“When care is pressing you down a bit”
(c) What seems afar ?
(d) Give a suitable title for the poem.

2345 No. of Printed Pages : 12

£vÄ Gs
2345 Register Number

Part - III
( uªÌ ©ØÖ® B[Q» ÁÈ / Tamil & English Version)

Põ» AÍÄ : 3.00 ©o ÷|µ® ] [ ö©õzu ©v¨ö£sPÒ : 100

Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 100

AÔÄøµPÒ : (1) AøÚzx ÂÚõUPЮ \›¯õP Aa_¨ £vÁõQ EÒÍuõ GߣuøÚ

\›£õºzxU öPõÒÍÄ®. Aa_¨£vÂÀ SøÓ°¸¨¤ß AøÓU
PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® EhÚi¯õP öu›ÂUPÄ®.
(2) }»® AÀ»x P¸¨¦ ø©°øÚ ©mk÷© GÊxÁuØS®
AiU÷PõikÁuØS® £¯ß£kzu ÷Ásk®. £h[PÒ ÁøµÁuØS
ö£ß]À £¯ß£kzuÄ®.
Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

SÔ¨¦ : CÆÂÚõzuõÒ |õßS £SvPøÍ öPõshx.

Note : This question paper contains four parts.

£Sv & I / PART - I

SÔ¨¦ : (i) AøÚzx ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 14x1=14

(ii) öPõkUP¨£mh |õßS ÂøhPÎÀ ªPÄ® Hئøh¯ Âøh°øÚ

÷uº¢öukzx SÔ±mkhß Âøh°øÚ²® ÷\ºzx GÊuÄ®.
Note : (i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

4962 2

1. n(A×B)=6 ©ØÖ® A={1, 3} GÛÀ n(B) BÚx :

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 6

If n(A×B)=6 and A={1, 3} then n(B) is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

2. I £PõU Põµo¨£kzx®÷£õx, A¢u¨ £Põ GsPÎß AkUSPÎß

TkuÀ :
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

The sum of the exponents of the prime factors in the prime factorization of 1729 is :
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

3. F1=1, F2=3 ©ØÖ® Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 GÚU öPõkUP¨£iß, F5 BÚx :

(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 11

Given F1=1, F2=3 and Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 then F5 is :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

256 x 8 y 4 z10
4. °ß ÁºUP‰»® :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(A) (B) 16 (C) (D)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y

256 x 8 y 4 z10
The square root of is equal to :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y
3 4962

5. J¸ ÷|›¯ \©ß£õmiß Áøµ£h® J¸ __________ BS®.

(A) ÷|ºU÷Põk (B) Ámh®
(C) £µÁøͯ® (D) Av£µÁøͯ®
Graph of a linear equation is a __________.
(a) Straight line (b) Circle
(c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola

6. am, am+1, am+2 BQ¯ÁØÔß «.ö£õ.Á. :

(A) am (B) a m+1 (C) a m+2 (D) 1

The G.C.D. of am, am+1, am+2 is :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

7. ∆ABC°À DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 ö\.«., AC=2.4 ö\.«. ©ØÖ® AD=2.1 ö\.«. GÛÀ,
AE °ß }Í® :

(A) 1.4 ö\.«. (B) 1.8 ö\.«. (C) 1.2 ö\.«. (D) 1.05 ö\.«.
If in ∆ABC, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 cm, AC=2.4 cm and AD=2.1 cm then, the length of AE
is :
(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm (c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm

8. Ámhzvß öÁΨ¦Ó¨ ¦Òΰ¼¸¢x ÁmhzvØS GzuøÚ öuõk÷PõkPÒ

Áøµ¯»õ® ?
(A) JßÖ (B) Cµsk
(C) •iÁØÓ GsoUøP (D) §ä⯮
How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point ?
(a) one (b) two
(c) infinite (d) zero

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

4962 4

9. (−5, 0), (0, −5) ©ØÖ® (5, 0) BQ¯ ¦ÒÎPÍõÀ Aø©UP¨£k® •U÷Põnzvß
£µ¨¦ :

(A) 0 \. A»SPÒ (B) 25 \. A»SPÒ

(C) 5 \. A»SPÒ (D) GxĪÀø»

The area of a triangle formed by the points (−5, 0), (0, −5) and (5, 0) is :

(a) 0 sq. units (b) 25 sq. units

(c) 5 sq. units (d) none of these

10. (0, 0), (1, 0) ©ØÖ® (0, 1) GßÓ ¦ÒÎPøÍ •øÚPÍõPU öPõsh •U÷Põnzvß

(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2+ 2 (D) 2− 2

The perimeter of a triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) is :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

11. J¸ ÷Põ¦µzvß E¯µzvØS® Auß {Ç¼ß }ÍzvØS® EÒÍ ÂQu® 3 :1

GÛÀ, `›¯øÚU Põq® HØÓU ÷Põn AÍÁõÚx :

(A) 458 (B) 308 (C) 908 (D) 608

If the ratio of the height of a tower and the length of its shadow is 3 : 1 then, the
angle of elevation of the sun has measure :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

5 4962

12. Bµ® 5 ö\.«. ©ØÖ® \õ²¯µ® 13 ö\.«. Eøh¯ ÷|º ÁmhU T®¤ß E¯µ®:

(A) 12 ö\.«. (B) 10 ö\.«. (C) 13 ö\.«. (D) 5 ö\.«.

The height of a right circular cone whose radius is 5 cm and slant height is 13 cm will
be :

(a) 12 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 13 cm (d) 5 cm

13. Kº AøµU÷PõÍzvß ö©õzu¨ £µ¨¦ Auß BµzvÝøh¯ ÁºUPzvß

__________ ©h[PõS® .

(A) π (B) 4π (C) 3π (D) 2π

The total surface area of a hemisphere is how many times the square of its radius ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

14. J¸ ¦zuPzv¼¸¢x \© Áõ´¨¦ •øÓ°À J¸ £UP® ÷uº¢öukUP¨

£kQÓx. A¢u¨ £UP Gsoß JßÓõ® Ch ©v¨£õÚx 7-I ÂhU SøÓÁõP
C¸¨£uØPõÚ {PÌuPÁõÚx :

3 7 3 7
(A) 10
(B) 10
(C) 9
(D) 9

A page is selected at random from a book. The probability that the digit at units place
of the page number chosen is less than 7 is :

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

4962 6

£Sv - II / PART - II

SÔ¨¦ : GøÁ÷¯Ý® 10 ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÂÚõ Gs 28 US

Pmhõ¯©õP Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 10x2=20

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory.

15. A={1, 3, 5}, B={2, 3} GÛÀ n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B) GÚU PõmkP.

If A={1, 3, 5} and B={2, 3} then show that n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B).

16. ©ØÖ® R GßÓ EÓÄ "" A - - - °ß «x, Kº Gsoß

A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45}
ÁºUP®'' GÚ Áøµ¯ÖUP¨£mhõÀ R &I A×A &°ß EmPn©õP GÊxP.
÷©¾® R -UPõÚ ©v¨£Pzøu²®, Ãa\Pzøu²® PõsP. -

Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45} and R be the relation defined as “is square of a number” on
A. Write R as a subset of A×A. Also, find the domain and range of R.

17. GßÓ Tmkzöuõhº Á›ø\°À EÒÍ EÖ¨¦PÎß

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111
GsoUøPø¯U PõsP.

Find the number of terms in the A.P.

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

18. GߣøÁ J¸ Tmkzöuõhº Á›ø\°À EÒÍÚ GÛÀ,

3+k, 18−k, 5k+1
k °ß ©v¨¦ PõsP.

If 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 are in A.P. then find k.

7 4962

19. ‰»[PÎß TkuÀ ©ØÖ® ö£¸UPØ£»ß −9 ©ØÖ® 20 GÛÀ, C¸£ia

\©ß£õkPøÍU PõsP.

Determine the quadratic equations, whose sum and product of roots are −9 and 20.

20. 15x2+11x+2=0 GßÓ C¸£ia \©ß£õmiß ‰»[PÎß ußø©ø¯U PõsP.

Determine the nature of the roots for the quadratic equation 15x2+11x+2=0.

21. ∆ABC °ß £UP[PÒ AB ©ØÖ® AC °ß «xÒÍ ¦ÒÎPÒ •øÓ÷¯ D ©ØÖ®

AD 3
E BÚx DE ?? BC GßÓÁõÖ Aø©¢xÒÍx. = ©ØÖ® AC=15 ö\.«.
DB 4
GÛÀ, AE °ß ©v¨¦ PõsP.

In ∆ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE ?? BC.
AD 3
If = and AC=15 cm, find AE.
DB 4

22. (−3, −4), (7, 2) ©ØÖ® (12, 5) BQ¯ ¦ÒÎPÒ J¸ ÷Põhø©¢uøÁ GÚU

Show that the points (−3, −4), (7, 2) and (12, 5) are collinear.

23. 8x−7y+6=0 GßÓ ÷Põmiß \õ´Ä ©ØÖ® y öÁmkzxsk BQ¯ÁØøÓU


Calculate the slope and y intercept of the straight line 8x−7y+6=0.

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

4962 8

24. GßÓ ÷|ºU÷Põk B¯ Aa_PÎß ÷©À HØ£kzx® öÁmkz

xskPøÍU PõsP.

Find the intercepts made by the line 3x−2y−6=0 on the coordinate axes.

25. 10 3« E¯µ•ÒÍ ÷Põ¦µzvß Ai°¼¸¢x 30 « öuõø»ÂÀ uøµ°À

EÒÍ J¸ ¦Òΰ¼¸¢x ÷Põ¦µzvß Ea]°ß HØÓU ÷PõnzøuU PõsP.

Find the angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground, which is
30 m away from the foot of a tower of height 10 3 m .

26. E¯µ® 2 « ©ØÖ® Ai¨£µ¨¦ 250 \.«. öPõsh Kº E¸øÍ°ß PÚ AÍøÁU


Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 2 m and base area is 250 m2.

27. J¸ £Pøh E¸mh¨£k® A÷u ÷|µzvÀ J¸ |õn¯•® _sh¨£kQÓx.

£Pøh°À JØøÓ¨£øh Gs Qøh¨£uØS®, |õn¯zvÀ uø»
Qøh¨£uØS©õÚ {PÌuPøÁU PõsP.

A die is rolled and a coin is tossed simultaneously. Find the probability that the die
shows an odd number and the coin shows a head.

28. C¸ ÷|ºÁmhU T®¤ß E¯µ[PÎß ÂQu® 1 : 2 ©ØÖ® AÁØÔß Ai¨£UPa

_ØÓÍÂß ÂQu® 3 : 4 GÛÀ, AÁØÔß PÚ AÍÄPÎß ÂQu® PõsP.

The heights of two right circular cones are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the perimeters of their
bases are in the ratio 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their volumes.
9 4962

£Sv - III / PART - III

SÔ¨¦ : GøÁ÷¯Ý® 10 ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÂÚõ Gs. 42 US

Pmhõ¯©õP Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 10x5=50

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory.

29. ©ØÖ® C={3, 5} GÛÀ,

A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4}
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C) GߣuøÚa \›£õºUPÄ®.

Let A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} and C={3, 5}. Verify that
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C).

30. J¸ Tmkz öuõhº Á›ø\°À Aø©¢u Akzukzu ‰ßÖ EÖ¨¦PÎß

TkuÀ 27 ©ØÖ® AÁØÔß ö£¸UPØ£»ß 288 GÛÀ, A¢u ‰ßÖ
EÖ¨¦PøÍU PõsP.
The sum of three consecutive terms that are in A.P. is 27 and their product is 288. Find
the three terms.

31. 396, 504, 636 BQ¯ÁØÔß «.ö£õ.Á. PõsP.

Find the HCF of 396, 504, 636.

32. wºUP : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

Solve : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

33. 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1 Gߣuß ÁºUP‰»® PõsP.

Find the square root of 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1.

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

4962 10

34. ¤uõPµì ÷uØÓzøu GÊv, {ÖÄP.

State and prove Pythagoras Theorem.

35. J¸ •U÷Põnzvß |kU÷PõkPÒ J¸ ¦ÒÎ ÁÈa ö\À¾® GÚU PõmkP.

Show that in a triangle, the medians are concurrent.

36. ©ØÖ® C(1, 9) &I •øÚPÍõPU öPõsh ∆ABC °ß •øÚ

A(6, 2), B(−5, −1)
A °¼¸¢x Áøµ¯¨£k® |kU÷Põmiß \©ß£õmøhU PõsP.

Find the equation of the median of ∆ABC through A where the vertices are A(6, 2),
B(−5, −1) and C(1, 9).

37. ©ØÖ® R(5, −1) Gß£Ú J÷µ ÷|ºU÷PõmiÀ Aø©²®

P(−1, −4), Q(b, c)
¦ÒÎPÒ GßP. ÷©¾® 2b+c=4 GÛÀ b ©ØÖ® c -°ß ©v¨¦ PõsP.

If the points P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) and R(5, −1) are collinear and if 2b+c=4, then find
the values of b and c.

38. C¸ P¨£ÀPÒ P»[Pøµ ÂÍUPzvß C¸ £UP[Pξ® Ph¼À £¯n®

ö\´QßÓÚ. C¸ P¨£ÀPμ¸¢x P»[Pøµ ÂÍUPzvß Ea]°ß HØÓU
÷Põn[PÒ •øÓ÷¯ 308 ©ØÖ® 458 BS®. P»[Pøµ ÂÍUPzvß E¯µ®
200 « GÛÀ C¸ P¨£ÀPÐUS® Cøh÷¯ EÒÍ öuõø»øÁU PõsP.

( 3 = 1.732 )

Two ships are sailing in the sea on either sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse as observed from the ships are 308 and 458 respectively. If the
lighthouse is 200 m high, find the distance between the two ships. ( 3 = 1.732 )
11 4962

39. 45 ö\.«. E¯µ•ÒÍ Kº CøhUPshzvß C¸¦Ó Bµ[PÒ •øÓ÷¯ 28 ö\.«.

©ØÖ® 7 ö\.«. GÛÀ, CøhU Pshzvß PÚ AÍøÁU PõsP.

If the radii of the circular ends of a frustum which is 45 cm high are 28 cm and 7 cm,
find the volume of the frustum.

40. Kº E¸øÍ°ß «x Kº AøµU÷PõÍ® Cøn¢uÁõÖ EÒÍ J¸ ö£õ®ø©°ß

ö©õzu E¯µ® 25 ö\.«. BS®. Auß Âmh® 12 ö\.«. GÛÀ, ö£õ®ø©°ß
ö©õzu¨ ¦Ó¨£µ¨ø£U PõsP.

A toy is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. The height of the toy
is 25 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy if its common diameter is 12 cm.

41. Cµsk £PøhPÒ E¸mh¨£kQßÓÚ. QøhUP¨ ö£Ö® •P ©v¨¦PÎß

TkuÀ (i) 4 -USa \©©õP (ii) 10 -I Âh AvP©õP (iii) 13 -I ÂhU SøÓÁõP
C¸¨£uØPõÚ {PÌuPÄ PõsP.

Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the sum of outcome is (i) equal to 4
(ii) greater than 10 (iii) less than 13.

42. \©ß£õk (1+m2)x2+2mcx+c2−a2=0 -ß ‰»[PÒ \©® GÛÀ c2=a2(1+m2)


If the equation (1+m 2 )x 2 +2mcx+c 2 −a 2 =0 has equal roots, then prove that

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

4962 12 12345
£Sv - IV / PART - IV 12345
SÔ¨¦ : AøÚzx ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 2x8=16

Note : Answer the following questions.

43. (A) PQ=4.5 ö\.«. , ∠R=358 ©ØÖ® Ea] R - ¼¸¢x Áøµ¯¨£mh

|kU÷Põmiß }Í® RG=6 ö\.«. GÚ Aø©²©õÖ ∆PQR ÁøµP.
(B) 6 ö\.«. Âmh•ÒÍ Ámh® Áøµ¢x Ámhzvß ø©¯zv¼¸¢x 8 ö\.«.
öuõø»ÂÀ P GßÓ ¦ÒÎø¯U SÔUPÄ®. A¨¦Òΰ¼¸¢x PA
©ØÖ® PB GßÓ C¸ öuõk÷PõkPÒ Áøµ¢x AÁØÔß }Í[PøÍ
(a) Construct a ∆PQR whose base PQ=4.5 cm, ∠R=358 and the median from R to
RG is 6 cm.


(b) Draw a circle of diameter 6 cm from a point P, which is 8 cm away from its
centre. Draw two tangents PA and PB to the circle and measure their lengths.

44. (A) x2+x−12=0 GßÓ \©ß£õmiß Áøµ£h® Áøµ¢x, wºÂß ußø©ø¯U

(B) y=x 2 +3x−4 - °ß Áøµ£h® Áøµ¢x, AuøÚ¨ £¯ß£kzv
x2+3x−4=0 GßÓ \©ß£õmøhz wºUPÄ®.

(a) Draw the graph of x2+x−12=0 and state the nature of their solution.


(b) Draw the graph of y=x2+3x−4 and hence use it to solve x2+3x−4=0.

2345 No. of Printed Pages : 12

ÇhçÜtÆŠÿ çÜ…QÅ
2345 Register Number

Part - III
Væü×ìý™èþÔéç܈Ðèþ$$ / MATHEMATICS
(™ðþË$Væü$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ C…XÏ‹Ù ¿êÚë…™èþÆæÿÐèþ$$ / Telugu & English Version)
çÜÐèþ$Äæý$Ðèþ$$ : 3.00 Væü…rË$ ] [ VæüÇçÙx Ðèþ*Ææÿ$PË$ : 100
Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100

dü÷#·q\T : (1) {ç³Ôèý²ç³{†Mæü Ðèþ$${§æþ×ýÐèþ$$ çÜÇV>Y E¯èþ²§é A° ^èþ*yæþ$Ðèþ$$. Ðèþ$${§æþ×ýÌZ H§óþ° MöÆæÿ™èþ
E¯èþ²ç³šyæþ$ Væü¨ Ñ^éÆæÿMæü$°Mìü ™ðþÍÄæý$gôýÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.
(2) Æ>Äæý$yé°Mìü Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ A…yæþÆŠÿÌñýO¯Œþ ^óþÄæý$yé°Mìü ±Ë… Ìôý§é ¯èþË$ç³# Ææÿ…Væü$ íÜÆ>
Ðèþ*{™èþÐóþ$ Eç³Äñý*W…^èþ…yìþ. _{™èþç³sêËMæü$ ò³°ÞÌŒý Eç³Äñý*W…^èþ…yìþ.
Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

>∑eTìø£ : á Á|üXï¯ |üÁ‹ø£˝À Hê\T>∑T uÛ≤>∑eTT\T ñHêïsTT.

Note : This question paper contains four parts.

uÛ≤>∑+ & I / PART - I

>∑eTìø£ : (i) nìï Á|üXï¯ \≈£î »yêãT\T Áyêj·TTeTT. 14x1=14

(ii) Ç∫Ãq Hê\T>∑T Á|ü‘ê´e÷ïj·÷\qT+∫ ôV≤#·Tà düs¬ q’ <ëìì m+#·Tø=q+&ç eT]j·TT Ä|ü¸Hé
ø√&éqT eT]j·TT dü+ã+~Û‘· düe÷<ÛëHêìï sêj·T+&ç.
Note : (i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ Turn over
4963 2

1. n(A×B)=6 eT]j·TT A={1, 3} nsTTq#√ n(B) :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

If n(A×B)=6 and A={1, 3} then n(B) is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

2. 1729 Á|ü<ëÛ q ø±s¡D≤+ø£ $uÛ»Ñ q (Áô|y’ Té bòÕ´ø=ºs¬ C’ wÒ Hü )é ˝À Á|ü<ëÛ q ø±s¡D≤+ø±\ |ò÷ü ‘ê\ yÓTT‘·+Ô :
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

The sum of the exponents of the prime factors in the prime factorization of 1729 is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

3. F1=1, F2=3 eT]j·TT Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 nsTTq#√ F5 :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

Given F1=1, F2=3 and Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 then F5 is :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

256 x 8 y 4 z10
4. jÓTTø£ÿ es¡ZeT÷\+ BìøÏ düe÷q+ :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y

256 x 8 y 4 z10
The square root of is equal to :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y
3 4963

5. s¡TE düMTø£sD
¡ + jÓTTø£ÿ Á>±|òt __________.

(a) düsfi¡ ¯ sπ K (b) eè‘·+Ô

(c) |üsêe\j·T+ (d) n‹|üsêe\j·T+
Graph of a linear equation is a __________.

(a) Straight line (b) Circle

(c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola

6. am, am+1, am+2 jÓTTø£ÿ >∑.kÕ.uÛ≤. ø£qT>=q+&ç :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

The G.C.D. of am, am+1, am+2 is :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

7. ∆ABC ˝À, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 ôd+.MT., AC=2.4 ôd+.MT. eT]j·TT AD=2.1 ôd+.MT. nsTTq#√,

AE bı&Ée⁄ :
(a) 1.4 ôd+.MT. (b) 1.8 ôd+.MT. (c) 1.2 ôd+.MT. (d) 1.05 ôd+.MT.

If in ∆ABC, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 cm, AC=2.4 cm and AD=2.1 cm then, the length of AE
is :

(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm (c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm

8. u≤Vü≤´ _+<äTe⁄ qT+∫ eè‘êÔìøÏ mìï düŒs¡Ùsπ K\T ^j·Te#·Tà ?

(a) ˇø£{Ï (b) ¬s+&ÉT (c) nq+‘·+ (d) düTHêï
How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point ?

(a) one (b) two (c) infinite (d) zero

[ Turn over
4963 4

9. (−5, 0), (0, −5) eT]j·TT (5, 0) _+<äTe⁄\#˚ @s¡Œ&ÉT Á‹uÛÑT»+ jÓTTø£ÿ $d”Ôs¡í+ :

(a) 0 #·. j·T÷ì≥T¢ (b) 25 #·. j·T÷ì≥T¢

(c) 5 #·. j·T÷ì≥T¢ (d) Çy˚M ø±e⁄

The area of a triangle formed by the points (−5, 0), (0, −5) and (5, 0) is :

(a) 0 sq. units (b) 25 sq. units

(c) 5 sq. units (d) none of these

10. (0, 0), (1, 0) eT]j·TT (0, 1) _+<äTe⁄\#˚ @s¡Œ&˚ ˇø£ Á‹uÛÑT»+ jÓTTø£ÿ #·T≥Tºø=\‘· :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

The perimeter of a triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) is :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

11. ˇø£ ≥esY jÓTTø£ÿ m‘·TÔ eT]j·TT <ëì ˙&É bı&Ée⁄ eT<Û´ä ìwüŒ‹Ô 3 : 1 ˝À ñqï$. n|üŒó&ÉT dü÷s¡T´ì
jÓTTø£ÿ }s¡«∆ ø√DeTT ø=\‘· :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

If the ratio of the height of a tower and the length of its shadow is 3 : 1 then, the
angle of elevation of the sun has measure :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

5 4963

12. 5 ôd+.MT. yê´kÕs¡+ú eT]j·TT 13 ôd+.MT. yê\T m‘·TÔ ø£*–q \+ã eèrÔjT· X¯+≈£îe⁄ m‘·TÔ :

(a) 12 ôd+.MT. (b) 10 ôd+.MT. (c) 13 ôd+.MT. (d) 5 ôd+.MT.

The height of a right circular cone whose radius is 5 cm and slant height is 13 cm will
be :

(a) 12 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 13 cm (d) 5 cm

13. ˇø£ ns¡úeè‘êÔø±s¡ >√fi¯+ jÓTTø£ÿ yÓTT‘·Ô+ ñ|ü]‘·\ $d”Ôs¡í+ <ëì yê´kÕs¡ú+ esêZìøÏ mìï ¬s≥T¢
ñ+≥T+~ ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

The total surface area of a hemisphere is how many times the square of its radius ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

14. ˇø£ |ü⁄düøÔ +£ qT+∫ ˇø£ |ü⁄≥ j·÷<äè∫äø+£ >± m+#·Tø√ã&ç+~. n˝≤ m+#·T≈£îqï ù|J dü+K´, |ü⁄düøÔ +£
ù|J\ dü+K´˝À, ˇø£≥¢ kÕúq+˝À 7 ø£Hêï ‘·≈î£ ÿe>± ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î >∑\ dü+uÛ≤e´‘· :

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

A page is selected at random from a book. The probability that the digit at units place
of the page number chosen is less than 7 is :

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

[ Turn over
4963 6

uÛ≤>∑+ - II / PART - II

>∑eTìø£ : @y˚ì 10 Á|üXï¯ \≈£î düe÷<Ûëq+ Çe«+&ç. Á|üXï¯ dü+K´ 28 ‘·|üŒìdü]. 10x2=20

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory.

15. A={1, 3, 5} eT]j·TT B={2, 3} nsTTq#√ n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B) nì #·÷|ü+&ç.

If A={1, 3, 5} and B={2, 3} then show that n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B).

16. eT]j·TT R nqTq$ A ô|’ ªªˇø£ dü+K´ jÓTTø£ÿ es¡eZ TTµµ>± ìs¡«∫+|üã&çq
A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45}

dü+ã+<Ûeä TT nsTTq, R qT A×A ˇø£ ñ|üd$ü T‹>± Áyêj·TTeTT. R jÓTTø£ÿ Á|ü<X˚ e¯ TT eT]j·TT y˚Ts¡/
yê´|æìÔ Áyêj·TTeTT.
Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45} and R be the relation defined as “is square of a number” on
A. Write R as a subset of A×A. Also, find the domain and range of R.

17. n+ø£ ÁX‚&˝çÛ Àì |ü<ë\ dü+K´qT ø£qT>=q+&ç.

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

Find the number of terms in the A.P.

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

18. 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 \T n+ø£ ÁX‚&˝çÛ À ñ+fÒ, k qT ø£qT>=q+&ç.

If 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 are in A.P. then find k.
7 4963

19. esêZ\ yÓTT‘·+Ô eT]j·TT \ã∆+ −9 eT]j·TT 20 >± >∑\ es¡dZ Mü Tø£sD
¡ ≤\qT ìsê∆]+#·+&ç.
Determine the quadratic equations, whose sum and product of roots are −9 and 20.

20. 15x2+11x+2=0 ~«|ò÷ü ‘· düMTø£sD

¡ + jÓTTø£ÿ esêZ\ dü«uÛ≤yêìï ìsê∆]+#·+&ç.

Determine the nature of the roots for the quadratic equation 15x2+11x+2=0.

21. ∆ABC ˝À, D eT]j·TT E es¡Tdü>± AB eT]j·TT AC uÛTÑ »eTT\ô|’ _+<äTe⁄\T. m˝≤ n+fÒ DE ?? BC.
AD 3
eT]j·TT AC=15 ôd+.MT. nsTTq|üŒó&ÉT AE ì ø£qT>=qTeTT.

In ∆ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE ?? BC.
AD 3
If = and AC=15 cm, find AE.
DB 4

22. (−3, −4), (7, 2) eT]j·TT (12, 5) _+<äTe⁄\T düsπ Fj·T _+<äTe⁄\ì #·÷|æ+#·+&ç.

Show that the points (−3, −4), (7, 2) and (12, 5) are collinear.

23. 8x−7y+6=0 düsfi

¡ ¯ sπ K jÓTTø£ÿ yê\T eT]j·TT y n+‘·s¡ K+&ÉeTT ˝…øÿÏ +#·+&ç.

Calculate the slope and y intercept of the straight line 8x−7y+6=0.

[ Turn over
4963 8

24. ìs¡÷|üø±øå±\ô|’ 3x−2y−6=0 s

π K #˚ùd n+‘·s¡ K+&Ü\qT ø£qT>=q+&ç.

Find the intercepts made by the line 3x−2y−6=0 on the coordinate axes.

25. uÛ÷Ñ ‘·\eTTô|’ ˇø£ >√|ü⁄s¡eTT n&ÉT>∑T uÛ≤>∑eTT qT+&ç 30 MT. <ä÷s¡eTT˝À ñqï ˇø£ _+<äTe⁄ qT+&ç Ä
>√|ü⁄s¡eTT ô|’ uÛ≤>∑eTT jÓTTø£ÿ }s¡«∆ ø√DeTTqT ø£qT>=qTeTT. >√|ü⁄s¡eTT m‘·TÔ 10 3 m .

Find the angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground, which is
30 m away from the foot of a tower of height 10 3 m .

26. 2 MT≥s¡¢ m‘·TÔ eT]j·TT 250 m2 Ä<Ûës¡ $d”sÔ +í¡ ø£*–q dü÷|ú +ü jÓTTø£ÿ |ü]e÷D+ ø£qT>=q+&ç.

Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 2 m and base area is 250 m2.

27. @ø£ø±\+˝À ˇø£ bÕ∫ø£ <=]¢+#·ã&ç+~ eT]j·TT ˇø£ HêD…+ m>∑Ts¡yj ˚ T· ã&ç+~. bÕ∫ø£ ˇø£ uÒdæ
dü+K´qT eT]j·TT HêD…+ u§eTàqT #·÷|æ+#˚+<äT≈£î >∑\ dü+uÛ≤e´‘·qT ø£qT>=q+&ç.

A die is rolled and a coin is tossed simultaneously. Find the probability that the die
shows an odd number and the coin shows a head.

28. ¬s+&ÉT es¡TÔ\ X¯+≈£îe⁄\ m‘·TÔ\T 1 : 2 ìwüŒ‹Ô˝À eT]j·TT yê{Ï Ä<Ûësê\ #·T≥Tºø=\‘·\T 3 : 4 ìwüŒ‹Ô˝À
ñHêïsTT. yê{Ï |ü]e÷D≤\ ìwüŒ‹Ôì ø£qT>=q+&ç.

The heights of two right circular cones are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the perimeters of their
bases are in the ratio 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their volumes.
9 4963

uÛ≤>∑+ - III / PART - III

>∑eTìø£ : @y˚ì 10 Á|üXï¯ \≈£î düe÷<Ûëq+ Çe«+&ç. Á|üXï¯ dü+K´ 42 ‘·|üŒìdü]. 10x5=50

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory.

29. A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} eT]j· T T C={3, 5}.

A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C) nì ìs¡÷|æ+#·+&ç.

Let A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} and C={3, 5}. Verify that
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C).

30. n+ø£ ÁX‚&˝çÛ Àì eT÷&ÉT es¡Tdü |ü<ë\ yÓTT‘·+Ô 27 eT]j·TT yê{Ï \ã∆+ 288. Ä eT÷&ÉT |ü<ë\qT
The sum of three consecutive terms that are in A.P. is 27 and their product is 288. Find
the three terms.

31. 396, 504, 636 \ >∑.kÕ.uÛ≤. ø£qT>=q+&ç.

Find the HCF of 396, 504, 636.

32. x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16 qT kÕ~Û+#·+&ç.

Solve : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

33. 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1 jÓTTø£ÿ es¡ZeT÷\+ ø£qT>=q+&ç.

Find the square root of 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1.

[ Turn over
4963 10

34. ô|<’ ë∏ >∑sd¡ t dæ<ë∆+‘êìï ‘Ó*j·TCÒdæ ìs¡÷|æ+#·+&ç.

State and prove Pythagoras Theorem.

35. ˇø£ Á‹uÛTÑ »+˝À eT<Û´ä >∑‘ê\T nqTwüøeÔ£ TT\ì #·÷|æ+#·+&ç.

Show that in a triangle, the medians are concurrent.

36. os¡¸eTT\T A(6, 2), B(−5, −1) eT]j·TT C(1, 9) >± ñqï{Ϻ A >∑T+&Ü yÓfió¯ ¢ ∆ABC jÓTTø£ÿ eT<Ûä´>∑‘·eTT
jÓTTø£ÿ düMTø£s¡DeTTqT ø£qT>=qTeTT.
Find the equation of the median of ∆ABC through A where the vertices are A(6, 2),
B(−5, −1) and C(1, 9).

37. P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) eT]j·TT R(5, −1) nH˚

_+<äTe⁄\T düsπ Fj·÷\T eT]j·TT 2b+c=4 nsTTq#√,
b eT]j·TT c _+<äTe⁄\ $\Te\T ø£qT>=q+&ç.

If the points P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) and R(5, −1) are collinear and if 2b+c=4, then find
the values of b and c.

38. düeTTÁ<ä+˝À s¬ +&ÉT z&É\T ˇø£ ˝…{ ’ ŸV≤ü Ödt ≈£î #Ós√yÓ|’ ⁄ü q yÓfió¯ HÔ êïsTT. Ä s¬ +&ÉT |ü&eÉ \ qT+∫
’ ŸV≤ü Ödt ô|’ uÛ≤>∑+ jÓTTø£ÿ ñqï‘ê+X¯ ø√D+ es¡Tdü>± 308 eT]j·TT 458>± ñ+~. ˝…’{ŸVü≤Ödt m‘·TÔ
200 m nsTTq#√, Ä s ¬ +&ÉT |ü&eÉ \ eT<Û´ä <ä÷sêìï ø£qT>=q+&ç. ( 3 = 1.732 )
Two ships are sailing in the sea on either sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse as observed from the ships are 308 and 458 respectively. If the
lighthouse is 200 m high, find the distance between the two ships. ( 3 = 1.732 )
11 4963

39. 45ôd+.MT. m‘·TÔ ø£*–q ˇø£ |ü≥øº £ K+&ÉeTT jÓTTø£ÿ #·Áø°jT· ne<ÛTä \ yê´kÕs¡e∆ TT\T 28 ôd+.MT.
eT]j·TT 7 ôd+.MT. Ä |ü≥øº £ K+&ÉeTT jÓTTø£ÿ |òTü q|ü]e÷DeTTqT ø£qT>=qTeTT.

If the radii of the circular ends of a frustum which is 45 cm high are 28 cm and 7 cm,
find the volume of the frustum.

40. ˇø£ u§eTà dü÷bú Õø±s¡+˝À ñ+&ç ô|’ uÛ≤>∑+˝À ns¡eú è‘êÔø±s¡+‘√ ñ+~. Ä u§eTà m‘·TÔ 25 ôd+.MT. Ä
u§eTà jÓTTø£ÿ kÕ<Ûës¡D yê´dü+ 12 ôd+.MT. nsTTq#√, <ëì yÓTT‘·+Ô ñ|ü]‘·\ $d”sÔ +í¡ ø£qT>=q+&ç.

A toy is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. The height of the toy
is 25 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy if its common diameter is 12 cm.

41. ¬s+&ÉT bÕ∫ø£\T <=]¢+#·ã&ܶsTT. yê{Ï |òü*‘ê\ yÓTT‘·Ô+ (i) 4 ≈£î düe÷q+>± ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î
(ii) 10 ø£Hêï m≈£îÿe>± ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î (iii) 13 ø£Hêï ‘·≈î£ ÿe>± ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î >∑\ dü+uÛ≤e´‘·qT ø£qT>=q+&ç.

Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the sum of outcome is (i) equal to 4
(ii) greater than 10 (iii) less than 13.

42. (1+m 2 )x 2+2mcx+c 2 −a 2 =0dü M Tø£ s ¡ D + dü e ÷q eT÷˝≤\qT ø£ * – ñ+fÒ , n|ü ⁄ Œ&É T

c2=a2(1+m2) nì ìs¡÷|æ+#·+&ç.

If the equation (1+m 2 )x 2 +2mcx+c 2 −a 2 =0 has equal roots, then prove that

[ Turn over
4963 12 12345
uÛ≤>∑+ - IV / PART - IV 12345
>∑eTìø£ : ~>∑Te Á|üXï¯ \≈£î düe÷<Ûëq+ Çe«+&ç. 2x8=16 12345

Note : Answer the following questions.

43. (a) Ä<Ûës¡+ PQ=4.5 ôd+.MT., ∠R=358 eT]j·TT R qT+∫ RG eT<Ûä´>∑‘·+ 6 ôd+.MT.>±
ñ+&˚˝≤ ∆PQRqT ^j·T+&ç.
(b) πø+<äÁ+ qT+∫ 8 ôd+.MT. <ä÷s¡+˝À ñqï P nH˚ _+<äTe⁄ qT+∫ 6 ôd+.MT. yê´dü+ >∑\
eè‘êÔìï ^j·T+&ç. Ä eè‘êÔìøÏ PA eT]j·TT PB nH˚ s¬ +&ÉT düŒs¡Ùsπ K\qT ^dæ yê{Ï bı&Ée⁄\qT
(a) Construct a ∆PQR whose base PQ=4.5 cm, ∠R=358 and the median from R to
RG is 6 cm.
(b) Draw a circle of diameter 6 cm from a point P, which is 8 cm away from its
centre. Draw two tangents PA and PB to the circle and measure their lengths.

44. (a) x2+x−12=0 jÓTTø£ÿ Á>±|òt ^j·T+&ç eT]j·TT yê{Ï |ü]cÕÿs¡+ jÓTTø£ÿ dü«uÛ≤yêìï
(b) y=x 2+3x−4 Á>±|ò t ^j· T +&ç eT]j· T T x 2 +3x−4=0 qT kÕ~Û + #˚ + <ä T ≈£ î <ëìï
(a) Draw the graph of x2+x−12=0 and state the nature of their solution.
(b) Draw the graph of y=x2+3x−4 and hence use it to solve x2+3x−4=0.

2345 No. of Printed Pages : 12

Rr^]ð¡ jUm¡
2345 Register Number

Part - III
(ospLtU, CUYæ}xV nLxLÍqeU / Malayalam & English Version)

yop kq]i] : 3.00 oe]¨P¡ ] [ kqoLvi] oL¡¨VV : 100

Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 100

j]¡SÇw°¥ : (1) S\Lh|¨asLô]Rs A\ÿ a ]pORa YOej]svLqU kq]SwLi]¨OW.

IRÍË]sOU SkLqLpÜ W tORºË]¤ DaRj zL¥ yPÕ¡RRvyRr
(2) IuOfOvLjOU Aa]vqp]aOvLjOU WrOSÕL j}sSpL j]r¾]sOç
ox]oLNfU DkSpLY]¨OW . \]Nf°¥ vqàOvL¢ Rk¢y]¤
Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

WOr]ÕV : CT S\Lh|SkÕr]jV jLsV nLY°¥ DºV.

Note : This question paper contains four parts.


WOr]ÕVV : (i) IsæL S\Lh|°¥¨OU D¾qRouOfeU. 14x1=14

(ii) fÐ]q]¨OÐ jLsV D¾q°t]¤ j]ÐOU wq]pLp D¾qU

RfqR´aO¾V wq]pO¾qvOU KLkVx¢ SWLcOU IuOfOW.
Note : (i) Answer all the questions.

(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ Turn over
4964 2

1. n(A×B)=6 DU A={1, 3} DU BReË]¤, n(B) IÐfV :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

If n(A×B)=6 and A={1, 3} then n(B) is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

2. IÐ lLWV a RRrSyxR£ RRNkU lLWV S auV y ]R£ IWõ V S kLe£OWtORa

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

The sum of the exponents of the prime factors in the prime factorization of 1729 is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

3. F1=1, F2=3 DU Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 DU IÐO fÐ]q]¨OÐO IË]¤ F5 IÐfV :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

Given F1=1, F2=3 and Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 then F5 is :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

256 x 8 y 4 z10
4. IÐf]R£ v¡«oPs¾]jV yooLpfV :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y

256 x 8 y 4 z10
The square root of is equal to :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y
3 4964

5. KqO SqX}p yovLW|¾]R£ NYLlV KqO __________ BeV.

(a) Sj¡SqX (b) vQ¾U

(c) kqSmLt (d) RRzÕ¡SmLt
Graph of a linear equation is a __________.

(a) Straight line (b) Circle

(c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola

6. am, am+1, am+2 IÐfV WºOk]a]¨OW :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

The G.C.D. of am, am+1, am+2 is :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

7. ∆ABC, IÐf]¤ AB=3.6

DE ?? BC cm, AC=2.4 cm, AD=2.1 cm
IÐ]°RjpLReË]¤, AE R£ j}tU :
(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm (c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm

If in ∆ABC, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 cm, AC=2.4 cm and AD=2.1 cm then, the length of AE
is :

(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm (c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm

8. KqO vQ¾¾]Ss¨V KqO mLz|m]ÎOv]¤ j]ÐOU INf yUkLfSqXW¥ AgvL

RfLaOvqW¥ vqpV¨L¢ Wu]pOU ?

(a) KÐVV (b) qºV (c) AjÍU (d) kP^|U

How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point ?

(a) one (b) two (c) infinite (d) zero

[ Turn over
4964 4

9. (−5, 0), (0, −5), (5, 0) IÐ} m]ÎO¨¥ qPk}Wq]¨OÐ Nf]SWLe¾]R£

v]yVf}¡¹U :

(a) 0 \fOq pPj]ãV (b) 25 \fOq pPj]ãV

(c) 5 \fOq pPj]ãV (d) Cvp]¤ KÐOosæ

The area of a triangle formed by the points (−5, 0), (0, −5) and (5, 0) is :

(a) 0 sq. units (b) 25 sq. units

(c) 5 sq. units (d) none of these

10. (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) IÐ} m]ÎO¨¥ qPk}Wq]¨OÐ Nf]SWLe¾]R£ \OãtvV :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

The perimeter of a triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) is :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

11. KqO SYLkOq¾]R£ DpqvOU Af]R£ j]us]R£ j}tvOU fÚ]sOç AjOkLfU

3 : 1 IÐLReË]¤ yPq|R£ BUY]¥ KLlV IsSvx¢ AtvV :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

If the ratio of the height of a tower and the length of its shadow is 3 : 1 then, the
angle of elevation of the sun has measure :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

5 4964

12. 5Ry.o} BqvOU 13 Ry.o}. R\q]vOpqvOU Dç KqO RRrãV y¡¨OsL¡

yVfPk]WpORa DpqU :

(a) 12 Ry.o}. (b) 10 Ry.o}. (c) 13 Ry.o}. (d) 5 Ry.o}.

The height of a right circular cone whose radius is 5 cm and slant height is 13 cm will
be :

(a) 12 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 13 cm (d) 5 cm

13. KqO A¡ÈSYLt¾]R£ RoL¾U Dkq]fs v]yV f }¡¹U Af]R£ Bq¾]R£

v¡«¾]R£ INf oa°Lp]q]¨OU ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

The total surface area of a hemisphere is how many times the square of its radius ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

14. KqO kOyVfW¾]¤ j]ÐOU NWoqz]foLp] KqO Sk^V RfqR´aO¨OÐO. B

Sk^]R£ jÒr]Rj yP\]Õ]¨OÐ A¨¾]R£ KãòLj¾Oç A¨U 7&¤
WOrvLp]q]¨LjOç yLi|f INfpLeV ?

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

A page is selected at random from a book. The probability that the digit at units place
of the page number chosen is less than 7 is :

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

[ Turn over
4964 6


WOr]ÕV : JRfË]sOU k¾V S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qRouOfOW. S\Lh|U jÒ¡ 28 jV

j]¡mÌoLpOU D¾qRouOfeU. 10x2=20

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory.

15. A={1, 3, 5}, B={2, 3} IÐ]°RjpLReË]¤, n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B) IÐV

If A={1, 3, 5} and B={2, 3} then show that n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B).

16. DU R IÐfV A pORa So¤ "KqO yUX|pORa v¡«U' IÐV

A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45}
j]¡v\]¨RÕŸ]q]¨OÐ KqO mÌvOU BReË]¤, R IÐf]Rj, A×A
IÐf]R£ ymVRyãV Bp] IuOfOW. R R£ RcLRopVjOU SrµOU WºOk]a]¨OW.
Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45} and R be the relation defined as “is square of a number”
on A. Write R as a subset of A×A. Also, find the domain and range of R.

17. 3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111. IÐ I. k]. p]Rs kh°tORa I¹U WºOk]a]¨OW.

Find the number of terms in the A.P.

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

18. 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 IÐfV KqO I. k]. p]¤ BReË]¤ k WºOk]a]¨OW.
If 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 are in A.P. then find k.

19. BW¾OW −9 DU v¡«oPs°tORa YOejlsU 20 BpvpORa W~LNcLã]WV

yovLW|U IuOfOW.
Determine the quadratic equations, whose sum and product of roots are −9 and 20.
7 4964

20. 15x2+11x+2=0 IÐ W~LNcã]WV yovLW|¾]jV v¡«oPs°tORa yv]Swxf

Determine the nature of the roots for the quadratic equation 15x2+11x+2=0.

21. ∆ABC IÐf]¤, D, E IÐ]v IÐ vw¾]Rs m]ÎO¨tOU AB, AC IÐ]v

AD 3
DE ?? BC IÐ]°RjpOoLeV . = pOU AC=15 cm DU BReË]¤ AE
DB 4
In ∆ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE ?? BC.
AD 3
If = and AC=15 cm, find AE.
DB 4

22. (−3, −4), (7, 2), (12, 5) IÐ} m]ÎO¨¥ yzSqX}poLReÐV Rft]p]¨OW.
Show that the points (−3, −4), (7, 2) and (12, 5) are collinear.

23. 8x−7y+6=0 IÐ Sj¡SqXpORa \q]vOU y C£¡RykVãOU We¨L¨OW.

Calculate the slope and y intercept of the straight line 8x−7y+6=0.

24. SWL&KL¡c]SjãV Aƒ¾]¤ 3x−2y−6=0 IÐ SqXpOºL¨OÐ

C£¡RykVãOW¥ WºOk]a]¨OW.
Find the intercepts made by the line 3x−2y−6=0 on the coordinate axes.

25. 10 3 m DpqoOç KqO SYLkOq¾]¤ j]ÐOU 30 o}. hPRqpLp] nPo]p]¤

ò]f]R\áOÐ KqO m]ÎOvOU SYLkOq¾]R£ ANYnLYvOU fÚ]sOç BUY]¥
KLlV IsSvx¢ WºOk]a]¨OW.
Find the angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground, which is
30 m away from the foot of a tower of height 10 3 m .

[ Turn over
4964 8

26. 2o}. DpqvOU kLh v]yVf}¡¹U 250 \. o}. DU Dç KqO y]s]ºr]R£ v|LkVfU
Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 2 m and base area is 250 m2.

27. KSq yopU KqO kW]a DqOŸOWpOU KqO jLepU SaLôV R\áOWpOU R\pVfO.
jLep¾]¤ RzcV v}uOvLjOU kW]a KqO Kãp¨U WLe]¨OvLjOoOç yLi|f
A die is rolled and a coin is tossed simultaneously. Find the probability that the die
shows an odd number and the coin shows a head.

28. qºV oŸvQ¾ yVfPk]WWtORa Dpq°¥ fÚ]sOç AjOkLfU 1 : 2 IÐOU

AvpORa kLhv]yVf}¡¹°¥ fÚ]sOç AjOkLfU 3 : 4 IÐOU BReË]¤
AvpORa v|LkVf°¥ fÚ]sOç AjOkLfU WRº¾OW.
The heights of two right circular cones are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the perimeters of their
bases are in the ratio 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their volumes.


WOr]ÕV : JRfË]sOU k¾V S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qRouOfOW. S\Lh|U jÒ¡ 42 jV

j]¡mÌoLpOU D¾qRouOfeU. 10x5=50

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory.

29. A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4}, C={3, 5} IÐ]°Rj BReË]¤,
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C) IÐV kq]SwLi]¨OW.
Let A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} and C={3, 5}. Verify that
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C).
9 4964

30. KqO I. k]. p]Rs AaO¾aO¾ oPÐV kh°tORa BW¾OW 27 DU YOejlsU

288 DU BeV. CT oPÐV kh°¥ WºOk]a]¨OW.

The sum of three consecutive terms that are in A.P. is 27 and their product is 288. Find
the three terms.

31. 396, 504, 636 IÐ]vpORa D¾o yLiLqe YOeWU WºOk]a]¨OW.

Find the HCF of 396, 504, 636.

32. j]¡ÈLqeU R\áOW : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

Solve : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

33. 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1 IÐf]R£ v¡«oPsU WºOk]a]¨OW.

Find the square root of 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1.

34. RRk¾SYLryV y]ÈLÍU Nkf]kLh]¨OWpOU Rft]p]¨OWpOU R\áOW.

State and prove Pythagoras Theorem.

35. KqO Nf]SWLe¾]¤ oLi|°¥ yoWLsv¡¾]W¥ AgvL W¦Wr£V BReÐV

Show that in a triangle, the medians are concurrent.

36. w}¡xm]ÎO¨¥ IÐ]°RjpLp ∆ABC IÐ

A(6, 2), B(−5, −1), C(1, 9)
Nf]SWLe¾]R£ A p]sPRa WaÐOSkLWOÐ oLi|o¾]R£ yovLW|U
Find the equation of the median of ∆ABC through A where the vertices are A(6, 2),
B(−5, −1) and C(1, 9).

[ Turn over
4964 10

37. P(−1, −4), Q(b, c), R(5, −1) IÐ} m]ÎO¨¥ SWLs}j]prOU 2b+c=4 DU
BReË]¤, b, c IÐ]vpORa oPs|U WºOk]a]¨OW.

If the points P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) and R(5, −1) are collinear and if 2b+c=4, then find
the values of b and c.

38. qºO WÕsOW¥ KqO RRsãVzTy]R£ CqO nLY°t]sLp] KqO yoONh¾]sPRa

yµq]¨OÐO. CT WÕsOWt]¤ j]ÐOU RRsãV zTy]R£ oOW¥nLYS¾¨Oç
BUY]¥ KLlV IsSvx¢ pgLNWoU 308, 458 IÐ]°RjpLeV.RRsãV zTy]R£
DpqU 200 o}. BReË]¤ CT WÕsOW¥ fÚ]sOç AWsU WºOk]a]¨OW.
( 3 = 1.732 )

Two ships are sailing in the sea on either sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse as observed from the ships are 308 and 458 respectively. If the
lighthouse is 200 m high, find the distance between the two ships. ( 3 = 1.732 )

39. Ry. o} j}toOç KqO X¼¾]R£ vQ¾LWLqoLp ANYnLY°tORa Bq°¥

pgLNWoU 28 Ry. o}. 7 Ry.o}. IÐ]°RjpLReË]¤, B X¼¾]R£ v|LkVfU

If the radii of the circular ends of a frustum which is 45 cm high are 28 cm and 7 cm,
find the volume of the frustum.

40. y]s]º¡ BWQf]p]sOtt KqO Wt]ÕLŸ¾]jO So¤ KqO A¡ÈvQ¾LWQf]

DrÕ]\ÿ]q]¨OÐO. Wt]ÕLŸ¾]R£ DpqU 25 Ry. o}. BeV. Cf]R£ RkLfO v|LyU
12 Ry.o}. BReË]¤ Wt]ÕLŸ¾]R£ RoL¾U Dkq]fs v]yV f }¡¹U

A toy is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. The height of the toy
is 25 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy if its common diameter is 12 cm.
11 4964

41. qºV kW]aW¥ DqOŸOÐO. Avp]¤ WLe]¨OÐ yUX|WtORa BW¾OW

fLSuÕrpOÐvpLWLjOç yLi|fW¥ WRº¾OW. (i) 4 jV yoU (ii) 10 Sj¨L¥
vsOfV (iii) 13 Sj ¨L¥ R\rOfV
Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the sum of outcome is (i) equal to 4
(ii) greater than 10 (iii) less than 13.

42. (1+m2)x2+2mcx+c2−a2=0 IÐ yovLW|¾]jV yooLp oPs°¥ DRºË]¤,

c2=a2(1+m2) IÐV Rft]p]¨OW.
If the equation (1+m 2 )x 2 +2mcx+c 2 −a 2 =0 has equal roots, then prove that


WOr]ÕV : fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qRouOfOW. 2x8=16

Note : Answer the following questions.

43. (a) kLhU PQ=4.5 Ry.o}., ∠R=358 ¤ j]ÐOU R Ss¨Oç oLi|U 6 Ry.o}. DU
Bp RG j]¡Ú]¨OW.
(b) vQ¾SWNξ]¤ j]ÐOU 8 Ry.o}. hPRqpOtt P IÐ m]ÎOv]¤ j]ÐOU
6 Ry.o}. v|LyoOç KqO vQ¾U vqpV¨OW. vQ¾¾]Ss¨Oç PA, PB IÐ}
qºV yUkLfSqXW¥ vqpV ¨ OWpOU AvpORa j}tU WRº¾OWpOU
(a) Construct a ∆PQR whose base PQ=4.5 cm, ∠R=358 and the median from R to
RG is 6 cm.


(b) Draw a circle of diameter 6 cm from a point P, which is 8 cm away from its
centre. Draw two tangents PA and PB to the circle and measure their lengths.

[ Turn over
4964 12 12345
44. (a) IÐf]R£ NYLlV vqpV ¨ OW. AvpORa kq]zLq¾]R£
x 2+x−12=0 12345
yv]SwxfW¥ Nkf]kLh]¨OW. 12345

(b) IÐ NYLlV vqpV¨OW.
y=x 2+3x−4 x2+3x−4=0 IÐfV j]¡ÈLqeU
R\áOvLjLp] AfV DkSpLY]¨OW.
(a) Draw the graph of x2+x−12=0 and state the nature of their solution.


(b) Draw the graph of y=x2+3x−4 and hence use it to solve x2+3x−4=0.

2345 No. of Printed Pages : 12

2345 Register Number

Part - III
( PÀ£ßÀ qÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ EAVèµï ¨sÁµÁAvÀgÀ / Kannada & English Version)

¸ÀªÄÀ AiÀÄ : 3.00 UÀAmÉU¼

À ÄÀ ] [ ¥Àgª
À ÄÀ : 100
Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100

É ¼
À ÄÀ : (1) ¥À±
æ ßÉ ¥ÀwPæ É ªÀÄÄzÀt
K£ÁzÀgÆ À PÉÆgÀvÉ EzÀÝ°è vÀPët
À ªÉà PÉÆoÀr ªÉÄðéZÁgÀPj
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É É J¼ÉAiÀÄ®Ä ¤Ã° CxÀªÁ PÀ¥ÄÀ à ±Á»AiÀÄ£ÀÄß §¼À¹j
À ÄÀ ß gÀa¸À®Ä ¥É¤ì¯ï §¼À¹j.
Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

¸ÀÆZÀ£É : F ¥À±
æ ßÉ ¥ÀwPæ A
À £
À ÄÀ ß ºÉÆA¢zÉ.
Note : This question paper contains four Parts.

¨sÁUÀ - I / PART - I

¸ÀÆZÀ£É : (i) J¯Áè ¥À±

æ ßÉ UÀ¼£
À ÄÀ ß GvÀÛj¹. 14x1=14

(ii) PÉÆlÖ £Á®ÄÌ DAiÉÄÌU¼ À °

À è ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ GvÀÛgª À £
À ÄÀ ß §gɬÄj.
Note : (i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ Turn over
4965 2

1. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É n(A×B)=6 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ A={1, 3}, DzÀgÉ n(B) AiÀÄÄ :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

If n(A×B)=6 and A={1, 3} then n(B) is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

2. 1729 gÀ C«¨sÁdå C¥Àªv

À ð
À ¤ÃPÀgt
À zÀ°è C«¨sÁdå CA±ÀU¼
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

The sum of the exponents of the prime factors in the prime factorization of 1729 is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

3. PÉÆlÖzÀÄÝ F1=1, F2=3 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 DzÀgÉ F5 ªÀÅ :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

Given F1=1, F2=3 and Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 then F5 is :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

256 x 8 y 4 z10
4. gÀ ªÀUð
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y

256 x 8 y 4 z10
The square root of is equal to :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y
3 4965

5. MAzÀÄ gÉÃTÃAiÀÄ (°¤ÃAiÀÄgï) ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt

À zÀ UÁæ¥ïs ªÀÅ MAzÀÄ __________.

(a) £ÉÃgÀ gÉÃSÉ (b) ªÀÈvÀÛ

(c) ¥Àgª
À ®
À AiÀÄ (d) Cw¥Àgª
À ®

Graph of a linear equation is a __________.

(a) Straight line (b) Circle

(c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola

6. am, am+1, am+2 gÀ G.C.D. AiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

The G.C.D. of am, am+1, am+2 is :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

7. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É ∆ABC AiÀÄ°è, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ., AC=2.4 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. ªÀÄvÀÄÛ AD=2.1
¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. DzÀg,É AE AiÀÄ GzÀݪÀÅ :

(a) 1.4 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. (b) 1.8 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. (c) 1.2 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. (d) 1.05 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ.

If in ∆ABC, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 cm, AC=2.4 cm and AD=2.1 cm then, the length of AE
is :

(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm (c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm

8. ¨ÁºÀå ©AzÀÄ«¤AzÀ ªÀÈvÀÛPÌÉ JµÀÄÖ ¸Àà±ð

À £
À ÄÀ ß J¼ÉAiÀħºÀÄzÀÄ ?

(a) MAzÀÄ (b) JgÀqÄÀ (c) C£ÀAvÀ (d) ±ÀÆ£Àå

How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point ?

(a) one (b) two (c) infinite (d) zero

[ Turn over
4965 4

9. (−5, 0), (0, −5) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ (5, 0) ©AzÀÄUÀ½AzÀ gÀÆ¥ÀÄUÉÆAqÀ wæ¨ÄÀs dzÀ «¹ÛÃtðªÀÅ :

(a) 0 ZÀ. AiÀÄĤmïì (b) 25 ZÀ. AiÀÄĤmïì

(c) 5 ZÀ. AiÀÄĤmïì (d) EªÀÅ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ C®è

The area of a triangle formed by the points (−5, 0), (0, −5) and (5, 0) is :

(a) 0 sq. units (b) 25 sq. units

(c) 5 sq. units (d) none of these

10. (0, 0), (1, 0) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ (0, 1) ©AzÀÄUÀ½AzÀ gÀÆ¥ÀÄUÉÆAqÀ wæ¨ÄÀs dzÀ ¥Àj¢üAiÀÄÄ :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

The perimeter of a triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) is :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2


À À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CzÀgÀ £Ég½
À £À GzÀÝzÀ C£ÀÄ¥ÁvÀªÅÀ 3 : 1 DzÀg,É
É iÀÄ£ÀÄß ºÉÆA¢zÉ :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

If the ratio of the height of a tower and the length of its shadow is 3 : 1 then, the
angle of elevation of the sun has measure :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

5 4965

12. MAzÀÄ §® ªÀÈwÛÃAiÀÄ ±ÀAPÀÄ«£À JvÀÛgª

À ÅÀ , AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀgÀ wædå 5 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. ªÀÄvÀÄÛ NgÉAiÀiÁzÀ JvÀÛgª
13 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. EzÉAiÉÆÃ, CzÀÄ :

(a) 12 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. (b) 10 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. (c) 13 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. (d) 5 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ.

The height of a right circular cone whose radius is 5 cm and slant height is 13 cm will
be :

(a) 12 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 13 cm (d) 5 cm

13. MAzÀÄ UÉÆüÁzsð

À zÀ MlÄÖ ªÉÄïÉäöÊ «¹ÛÃtðªÀÅ CzÀgÀ wædåzÀ ªÀUð

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

The total surface area of a hemisphere is how many times the square of its radius ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

À À ¸ÀܼzÀ °

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

A page is selected at random from a book. The probability that the digit at units place
of the page number chosen is less than 7 is :

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

[ Turn over
4965 6

¨sÁUÀ - II / PART - II

À 10 ¥À±
æ ßÉ UÀ¼£
À ÄÀ ß GvÀÛj¹. ¥À±
æ ßÉ ¸ÀASÉå 28 PÀqÁØAiÀĪÁVzÉ. 10x2=20

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory.

15. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É A={1, 3, 5} ªÀÄvÀÄÛ B={2, 3} DzÀgÉ n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B) JAzÀÄ vÉÆÃj¹.

If A={1, 3, 5} and B={2, 3} then show that n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B).

16. A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45} DVgÀ° ªÀÄvÀÄÛ A AiÀÄ ªÉÄÃ¯É R £À ¸ÀA§Azsª

À ”
- JAzÀÄ ªÁåSÁ夸À¯ÁVzÉ. R £ÀÄß A×A £À G¥ÀUt À JAzÀÄ §gɬÄj. ºÁUÉAiÉÄÃ, R £ÀÀ ªÁå¦Û
(qÉƪÉÄÊ£ï) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ±ÉÃæ tÂAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45} and R be the relation defined as “is square of a number” on
A. Write R as a subset of A×A. Also, find the domain and range of R.

17. A.P. AiÀÄ°è CA±ÀU¼


3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

Find the number of terms in the A.P.

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

18. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 UÀ¼ÄÀ A.P. AiÀÄ°è EzÀÝg,É k AiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

If 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 are in A.P. then find k.

7 4965

19. ZÀvÄÀ ¨sÄÀ ðd ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt

À UÀ¼£
À ÄÀ ß ¥Àq¬
20 DVzÉ.

Determine the quadratic equations, whose sum and product of roots are −9 and 20.

20. 15x2+11x+2=0 ZÀvÄÀ ¨sÄÀ ðd ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt

À UÀ¼À ¸ÀégÆ
À ¥Àª£
À ÄÀ ß ¥Àq¬
É Äj.

Determine the nature of the roots for the quadratic equation 15x2+11x+2=0.


AD 3
DE ?? BC. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É = ªÀÄvÀÄÛ AC=15 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ., DzÀgÉ AE AiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.
DB 4

In ∆ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE ?? BC.
AD 3
If = and AC=15 cm, find AE.
DB 4

22. (−3, −4), (7, 2) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ (12, 5) ©AzÀÄUÀ¼ÄÀ ¸Àºg


Show that the points (−3, −4), (7, 2) and (12, 5) are collinear.

23. 8x−7y+6=0 £ÉÃgÀ gÉÃSÉAiÀÄ E½eÁgÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ y bÉÃzsP

À À (EAlgï¸É¥ïÖ) ªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Calculate the slope and y intercept of the straight line 8x−7y+6=0.

[ Turn over
4965 8

24. PÉÆDrð£ÉÃmï CPÀëU¼

À À ªÉÄÃ¯É 3x−2y−6=0 gÉÃSɬÄAzÀ ªÀiÁrzÀ bÉÃzsPÀ U
À ¼
À £
À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Find the intercepts made by the line 3x−2y−6=0 on the coordinate axes.

25. £É®zÀ ªÉÄÃ¯É MAzÀÄ ©AzÀÄ«¤AzÀ UÉÆÃ¥ÀÄgÀzÀ ªÉÄïÁãUz

À À JvÀÛgz
À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj,
AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ 30 «ÄÃ. JvÀÛgz
À À UÉÆÃ¥ÀÄgÀzÀ ¥ÁzÀ¢AzÀ 10 3 «ÄÃ. zÀÆgÀz°
À èz.É

Find the angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground, which is
30 m away from the foot of a tower of height 10 3 m .

26. MAzÀÄ ¹°AqÀj£À WÀ£U

À ÁvÀª
æ £
À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀgÀ JvÀÛgª
À ÅÀ 2 m ªÀÄvÀÄÛ vÀ¼À «¹ÛÃtðªÀÅ

250 m2 DVzÉ.

Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 2 m and base area is 250 m2.

27. MAzÀÄ zÁ¼Àª£ À ÄÀ ß ªÀÄvÀÄÛ MAzÀÄ £ÁtåªÀ£ÄÀ ß KPÀPÁ®zÀ°è J¸ÉAiÀįÁ¬ÄvÀÄ. zÁ¼ÀªÅÀ ¨É¸À ¸ÀASÉå

A die is rolled and a coin is tossed simultaneously. Find the probability that the die
shows an odd number and the coin shows a head.


À ÅÀ 1 : 2 C£ÀÄ¥ÁvÀz°À èzÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÀÅUÀ¼À vÀ¼z
À À ¥Àj¢üU¼
3 : 4 C£ÀÄ¥ÁvÀz°
À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

The heights of two right circular cones are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the perimeters of their
bases are in the ratio 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their volumes.
9 4965


À 10 ¥À±
æ ßÉ UÀ¼£
À ÄÀ ß GvÀÛj¹. ¥À±
æ ßÉ ¸ÀASÉå 42 PÀqÁØAiÀĪÁVzÉ. 10x5=50

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory.

29. A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} ª À Ä v À Ä Û C={3, 5} DVgÀ°.

A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C) JAzÀÄ ¥Àj²Ã°¹.

Let A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} and C={3, 5}. Verify that
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C).

30. A.P AiÀÄ°ègÄÀ ªÀ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ PÀª

À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

The sum of three consecutive terms that are in A.P. is 27 and their product is 288. Find
the three terms.

31. 396, 504, 636 gÀ HCF (ªÀÄ.¸À.C.) ªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Find the HCF of 396, 504, 636.

32. ¥ÀjºÀj¹ : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

Solve : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

33. 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1 gÀ ªÀUð

À ªÀÄÆ®ªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Find the square root of 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1.

[ Turn over
4965 10

34. ¥ÉÊxÁUÉÆgÀ¸ï ¥Àª

æ ÄÉ ÃAiÀĪÀ£ÄÀ ß w½¹ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸Á¢ü¹.

State and prove Pythagoras Theorem.

35. MAzÀÄ wæ¨ÄÀs dzÀ°è ªÀÄzsåÀ ªÀÄUÀ¼ÄÀ («ÄrÃAiÀÄ£ï) KPÀPÁ°Ã£ÀgÄÀ (PÀ£ïPÀgA

É mï) JAzÀÄ vÉÆÃj¹.

Show that in a triangle, the medians are concurrent.

36. A(6, 2), B(−5, −1) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C(1, 9) ±ÀÈAUÀUÀ½gÀĪÀ A AiÀÄ ªÀÄÆ®PÀ ºÁAiÀÄĪÀ ∆ABC AiÀÄ
«ÄrAiÉÄ£ï/ªÀÄzsåÀ ªÄÀ zÀ ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt
À ªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Find the equation of the median of ∆ABC through A where the vertices are A(6, 2),
B(−5, −1) and C(1, 9).

37. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É ©AzÀÄUÀ¼ÄÀ P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ R(5, −1) ¸Àºg À ÃÉ T (PÉÆ°¤AiÀÄgï) UÀ¼ÄÀ
ªÀÄvÀÄÛ MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É 2b+c=4, DzÀgÉ b ªÀÄvÀÄÛ c AiÀÄ ªÀiË®åªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

If the points P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) and R(5, −1) are collinear and if 2b+c=4, then find
the values of b and c.

38. JgÀqÄÀ ºÀqU

À ÄÀ UÀ¼ÄÀ ¯ÉÊmïºË¸ï£À JgÀqÆÀ PÀqU É ¼
À °
À è ¸ÀªÄÀ ÄzÀz
æ °
À è vÉîÄwÛª.É ºÀqV
À ¤AzÀ UÀªÄÀ ¤¹zÀAvÉ
¯ÉÊmïºË¸ï£À vÀÄ¢AiÀÄ JvÀÛgz À À PÉÆãÀªÅÀ 308 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 458 C£ÀÄPÀª æ ÄÀ ªÁV. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É ¯ÉÊmïºË¸ï
200 «ÄÃ. JvÀÛgª
À ÁzÀg,É JgÀqÄÀ ºÀqU
À ÄÀ UÀ¼À £ÀqÄÀ «£À zÀÆgÀª£
À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj. ( 3 = 1.732 )

Two ships are sailing in the sea on either sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse as observed from the ships are 308 and 458 respectively. If the
lighthouse is 200 m high, find the distance between the two ships. ( 3 = 1.732 )
11 4965

39. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É 45 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. JvÀÛg«À gÀĪÀ MAzÀÄ c£ÀßPÀzÀ ªÀÈvÁÛPÁgÀzÀ vÀÄ¢AiÀÄ wædåUÀ¼ÄÀ 28 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ.
À ÁvÀª
æ £
À ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

If the radii of the circular ends of a frustum which is 45 cm high are 28 cm and 7 cm,
find the volume of the frustum.

40. MAzÀÄ ¹°AqÀj£À ªÉÄÃ¯É UÉÆüÁzsð À ªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀÆj¸À¯ÁVgÀĪÀ DPÁgÀz°

À ÅÀ 25 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É CzÀgÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå ªÁå¸ÀªÅÀ 12 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. «zÁÝU,À ¨ÉÆA¨ÉAiÀÄ
¥ÀÆtð ªÉÄïÉäöÊ «¹ÛÃtðªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

A toy is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. The height of the toy
is 25 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy if its common diameter is 12 cm.

41. JgÀqÄÀ zÁ¼ÀU¼À £

À ÄÀ ß J¸ÉAiÀįÁ¬ÄvÀÄ. F ¥s°
À vÁA±ÀzÀ ªÉÆvÀÛªÅÀ (i) 4 PÉÌ ¸ÀªÄÀ (ii) 10 QÌAvÀ ºÉZÄÀ Ñ (iii)
13 QÌAvÀ PÀrªÉÄ «zÀÝ°è, EzÀgÀ ¸ÀA¨sÁªÀ¤ÃAiÀÄvÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀAqÀÄ»r¬Äj.

Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the sum of outcome is (i) equal to 4
(ii) greater than 10 (iii) less than 13.

42. À (1+m2)x2+2mcx+c2−a2=0 UÉ ¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁzÀ ªÀUð

MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt À UÀ½zÀÝgÉ c2=a2(1+m2)
JAzÀÄ ¸Á¢ü¹.

If the equation (1+m 2 )x 2 +2mcx+c 2 −a 2 =0 has equal roots, then prove that

[ Turn over
4965 12 12345
¨sÁUÀ - IV / PART - IV 12345
À £À ¥À±
æ ßÉ UÀ¼£
À ÄÀ ß GvÀÛj¹. 2x8=16

Note : Answer the following questions.

43. (a) ∆PQR ªÀ£ÄÀ ß ¤«Äð¹ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀgÀ vÀ¼À PQ=4.5 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ., ∠R=358 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ R ¤AzÀ
RG UÉ «ÄrAiÀÄ£ï/ªÀÄzsåÀ ªÀĪÀÅ 6 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. DVzÉ.

(b) PÉÃAzÀæ¢AzÀ 8 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. zÀÆgÀ«gÀĪÀ P ©AzÀÄ«¤AzÀ 6 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. ªÁå¸ÀzÀ ªÀÈvÀÛª£ À ÄÀ ß awæ¹,
À ÄÀ ß awæ¹ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÀÅUÀ¼À GzÀݪ£
À ÄÀ ß C¼ÀvÉ ªÀiÁr.
(a) Construct a ∆PQR whose base PQ=4.5 cm, ∠R=358 and the median from R to
RG is 6 cm.

(b) Draw a circle of diameter 6 cm from a point P, which is 8 cm away from its
centre. Draw two tangents PA and PB to the circle and measure their lengths.

44. (a) x2+x−12=0 £À UÁæ¥ïs £ÀÄß awæ¹ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÀÅUÀ¼À ¥ÀjºÁgÀzÀ ¸ÀégÆ
À ¥Àª£
À ÄÀ ß w½¹.
(b) y=x2+3x−4 £À UÁæ¥ïs £ÀÄß awæ¹ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ºÁUÉAiÉÄà CzÀ£ÄÀ ß x2+3x−4=0 §Uɺj
À ¸À®Ä
(a) Draw the graph of x2+x−12=0 and state the nature of their solution.
(b) Draw the graph of y=x2+3x−4 and hence use it to solve x2+3x−4=0.

No. of Printed Pages : 12 12345
4967 12345

Register Number 12345

Part - III

(Urdu & English Version / )

[ 3.00 : 100 : ]
Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100

Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

Note : This question paper contains four parts.


Note : (i) Answer all the questions.

(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ / Turn over
4967 2

If n(A×B)=6 and A={1, 3} then n(B) is :

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

The sum of the exponents of the prime factors in the prime factorization of 1729 is :
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Given F1=1, F2=3 and Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 then F5 is :

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11

256 x 8 y 4 z10
The square root of is equal to :
25 x 6 y 6 z6

16 x 2 z 4 y2 16 y 16 xz2
(a) (b) 16 (c) (d)
5 y2 x2 z4 5 xz2 5 y
3 4967

Graph of a linear equation is a __________.

(a) Straight line (b) Circle (c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola

The G.C.D. of am, am+1, am+2 is :

(a) am (b) a m+1 (c) a m+2 (d) 1

If in ∆ABC, DE ?? BC, AB=3.6 cm, AC=2.4 cm and AD=2.1 cm then, the length of AE
is :

(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm (c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm

How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point ?

(a) one (b) two (c) infinite (d) zero

[ / Turn over
4967 4

The area of a triangle formed by the points (−5, 0), (0, −5) and (5, 0) is :

(a) 0 sq. units (b) 25 sq. units (c) 5 sq. units (d) none of these

The perimeter of a triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) is :

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2+ 2 (d) 2− 2

If the ratio of the height of a tower and the length of its shadow is 3 : 1 then, the
angle of elevation of the sun has measure :

(a) 458 (b) 308 (c) 908 (d) 608

5 4967

The height of a right circular cone whose radius is 5 cm and slant height is 13 cm will
be :

(a) 12 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 13 cm (d) 5 cm

The total surface area of a hemisphere is how many times the square of its radius ?

(a) π (b) 4π (c) 3π (d) 2π

A page is selected at random from a book. The probability that the digit at units place
of the page number chosen is less than 7 is :

3 7 3 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 9 9

[ / Turn over
4967 6


Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory.

If A={1, 3, 5} and B={2, 3} then show that n(A×B)=n(A)×n(B).

Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, ....., 45} and R be the relation defined as “is square of a number” on
A. Write R as a subset of A×A. Also, find the domain and range of R.

Find the number of terms in the A.P.

3, 6, 9, 12, ...., 111.

If 3+k, 18−k, 5k+1 are in A.P. then find k.

7 4967

Determine the quadratic equations, whose sum and product of roots are −9 and 20.

Determine the nature of the roots for the quadratic equation 15x2+11x+2=0.

In ∆ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE ?? BC.
AD 3
If = and AC=15 cm, find AE.
DB 4

Show that the points (−3, −4), (7, 2) and (12, 5) are collinear.

Calculate the slope and y intercept of the straight line 8x−7y+6=0.

[ / Turn over
4967 8

Find the intercepts made by the line 3x−2y−6=0 on the coordinate axes.

Find the angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground, which is
30 m away from the foot of a tower of height 10 3 m .

Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 2 m and base area is 250 m2.

A die is rolled and a coin is tossed simultaneously. Find the probability that the die
shows an odd number and the coin shows a head.

The heights of two right circular cones are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the perimeters of their
bases are in the ratio 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their volumes.
9 4967


Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory.

Let A={x ∈ W | x < 2}, B={x ∈ N | 1 < x ≤ 4} and C={3, 5}. Verify that
A×(B ∩ C)=(A×B) ∩ (A×C).

The sum of three consecutive terms that are in A.P. is 27 and their product is 288. Find
the three terms.

Find the HCF of 396, 504, 636.

Solve : x+y+z=5; 2x−y+z=9; x−2y+3z=16.

Find the square root of 64x4−16x3+17x2−2x+1.

[ / Turn over
4967 10

State and prove Pythagoras Theorem.

Show that in a triangle, the medians are concurrent.

Find the equation of the median of ∆ABC through A where the vertices are A(6, 2),
B(−5, −1) and C(1, 9).

If the points P(−1, −4), Q(b, c) and R(5, −1) are collinear and if 2b+c=4, then find
the values of b and c.

Two ships are sailing in the sea on either sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse as observed from the ships are 308 and 458 respectively. If the
lighthouse is 200 m high, find the distance between the two ships. ( 3 = 1.732 )
11 4967

If the radii of the circular ends of a frustum which is 45 cm high are 28 cm and 7 cm,
find the volume of the frustum.

A toy is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. The height of the toy
is 25 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy if its common diameter is 12 cm.

Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the sum of outcome is (i) equal to 4
(ii) greater than 10 (iii) less than 13.

If the equation (1+m 2 )x 2 +2mcx+c 2 −a 2 =0 has equal roots, then prove that

[ / Turn over
2345 4967 12

Note : Answer the following questions.

(a) Construct a ∆PQR whose base PQ=4.5 cm, ∠R=358 and the median from
R to RG is 6 cm.


(b) Draw a circle of diameter 6 cm from a point P, which is 8 cm away from its
centre. Draw two tangents PA and PB to the circle and measure their

(a) Draw the graph of x2+x−12=0 and state the nature of their solution.


(b) Draw the graph of y=x2+3x−4 and hence use it to solve x2+3x−4=0.


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