Optimal Power Sharing in a Meshed MTDC Grid_final_Sheetla

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Optimal Power Sharing in a Meshed MTDC Grid through a

Terminal based Current Flow Controller

Lokesh Garg1, Sheetla Prasad1*
DEECE, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
*Corresponding author mail id : [email protected]

Abstract: The two main challenges in meshed MTDC grids are to provide protection from DC faults due to over
loading of the transmission line power flows. In order to control the line power flow within a permissible limit, a
current flow controller is required to limit current flow optimally. The basic function of current flow controller is to
control or balance the branch currents between the transmission lines in meshed multi-terminal HVDC grid system
by increasing or decreasing the magnitude of the current as well as it is also possible to reverse the direction of cur-
rent. However, in this study, a linear quadratic regulator-based current flow controller (CFC) is developed
for four terminals meshed MTDC grids in order to achieve optimal current sharing with better perfor-
mance in terms of over loading. The closed loop control law convergence is obtained using the Lyapunov
stability theorem. The proposed controller enhances closed loop system performance with reduction in
over/under shoots, settling time and oscillations. The proposed controller improves the DC grid reliability
by limiting the line currents below their thermal ratings. The performance in terms of optimal current
sharing and overloading of a line with proposed control scheme are validated on four terminals meshed
MTDC grids through MATLAB© simulations.

Keywords: Multi-Terminal Direct Current (MTDC), Voltage Source Converter (VSC), Current Flow Con-
troller (CFC) and linear quadratic regulator (LQR).

1. Introduction

Due to continuous increment in power demand and limited natural resources, the conventional power stations
cannot be minimised power mismatch between generation and demand. However, the generation and transmis-
sion line efficiencies can be increased by controlling the power within the system [1]. The need of high voltage
DC (HVDC) transmission increasing day by day due to it has many advantages over HVAC transmission. The
main advantages of HVDC transmission lines are listed such as asynchronous grid inter connection, power ex-
change capability, low cost for long distance, easily underground transmission and also integration of scattered
power plants like offshore renewable energy sources such as wind farms. Mesh grid has the limitation that the
branch currents are not fully controlled through converter station in case of mesh grid [2]. Due to the advance-
ment in power electronics application, HVDC uses alternating current which is converted into direct current and
bulk of DC power is used to transfer economically via long overhead transmission lines. Power flow in DC grid
as well as in AC grids depends on the grid cable resistances. For reliable and safe operation, in presence of any
sudden load change, then, the cables must have carried extra current under their thermal limits otherwise for the
long duration with overload capacity the cable may damage. Therefore, in order to limit current below the ther-
mal limits of the cables current flow controllers are used in DC grids.
First time VSC MTDC technology was introduced in Japan in 1999 which consist of three VSC terminals hav-
ing back-to-back connections and that was used for power exchange [3]. The main features of a MTDC system
are used to regulate voltage, power and current using several DC to DC converters economically [4]. In MTDC
grid converter stations are usually used to operate in DC voltage control mode and Power control mode. MTDC
system improves system reliability, improve system flexibility and easily integrate different types of renewable
energy. On the basis of topology MTDC system are mainly connected in three modes namely radial MTDC
system, ring or meshed MTDC system and series connected MTDC system. In case of disturbance in meshed
DC grid e.g., short circuit, sudden loss of a DC terminal then other lines becomes overloaded and overall system
may lead to collapse. To control the voltage in MTDC system, several methods were developed such as active
load sharing i.e., master slave method, passive load sharing i.e., voltage droop method and voltage margin
methods etc. The basic advantage of droop control method is that it has the capability of independent load shar-
ing with the improvement in terms of reliability [5]. If there is a large disturbance then the output power with
fixed droop control of the VSC station hit their boundary limits which result in reduction of the DC voltage
control ability of the entire MTDC system. Traditionally use of MTDC technology was used only for radial
system but now a days with the applications of power electronics devices, it is used for meshed or ring main
system as results reliability of system is more in ring main system as compared to radial system.

In MTDC grids, it is essential to maintain DC line currents with in thermal limits and electric stress. If there is a
continuous operation of overloaded lines then there may be a chance that the cable may damage as well as it
may leads to permanent failure of the cable. In order to avoid transmission breakdown with improvement in
reliability and efficiency of the DC grid, the transmission line must have good current distribution which can be
done by using a current flow controller (CFCs). In CFC, a small DC voltage is injected in series with the DC
line. The value of this injected voltage is normally 1 to 2 percent of the rated system voltage which changes the
current flow as the impedance is modified [6]. If the number of converter terminal and DC lines increases then it
will reduce the effectiveness of the system. The main functions of current flow controllers are the effective
power flow regulation and balance cable current flow, which results in protection of cables from overload. [7]-
[8]. Current flow controllers can be operated in Buck mode or Boost mode [9]. In HVDC transmission grid for
meshed or ring main system, there are two main drawbacks namely protection against DC faults and line power
flow. In order to minimize these drawbacks in meshed or ring main system, current flow controllers are used to
balance cable currents and also used to restricting over all power flow in the grid by prevent individual line ca-
pacity limit. For protection of HVDC grids from DC faults, direct current circuit breakers are also required. For
MTDC grid system stability, security and the reliability must be required that can be achieved by droop control
method in case of any disturbances in the grid system. The main advantage of droop control method over master
slave control method is that it has shared active power as well as dc voltage according to capability [10].
The main obstacle in meshed MTDC grid is that due to the resistance of the transmission lines effective regu-
lation of power or current flow in the DC system cannot be achieved. In order to overcome resistance of the
transmission lines CFCs are used in meshed MTDC grid for the effective power flow regulation [11]. VSC
MTDC system and modular multi-level converter system can be interconnected between offshore and onshore
power sources. The main advantage of interconnection is that it improves the flexibility of the AC and DC sys-
tem for processing high power level and there is no need for filter link on AC side, also improves the overall
reliability of the system [12]. Hence, A linear quadratic regulator-based current flow controller (CFC) develops
for a linearized four terminals meshed MTDC grids in order to achieve optimal current sharing with better per-
formance in terms of over loading. The closed loop control law convergence drives using the Lyapunov stability
theorem. The proposed controller enhances closed loop system performance with reduction in over/under
shoots, settling time and oscillations. The proposed controller improves the DC grid reliability by limiting the
line currents below their thermal ratings.
The rest of the paper as follows. Section II describes four terminals meshed MTDC system and the need of CFC
system. In Section III shows mathematical representation of Meshed Four Terminal HVDC system with Current
Flow Controllers. In section IV system analysis with proposed controller system design is given. In section V
simulation results and discussions are given followed by Conclusion in Section VI. System control strategies
and related parameters are given in appendix.

2. System Description

The single line diagram of a meshed four terminal modular multi-level converter based multi-terminal high volt-
age direct current (MMC-MTDC) system is shown in Fig.1 and the associated data is given in Appendix. There
are four terminals T1, T2, T3 and T4. IGBT switches with capacitors, freewheeling diodes are used for current
flow controller (CFC). In each cable four IGBT are inserted in series. A capacitor is connected across both ca-
bles. The main purpose of the capacitor is to charge or discharge the cable. The capacitor will charge by the
cable, which carry higher current and discharge by the other cable which carry the lesser current [4] respective-
ly. It is not possible to regulate the DC current of every branch in MMC when they are connected in parallel.
However, they can regulate the power at the converter terminal [2]. During the unbalanced conditions in parallel
transmission lines each line carry the different currents, in some cases one or more lines may carry the current
beyond their maximum current limits i.e., overloaded. Three types of current flow controller are used in MTDC
system to achieve current flow regulation. First method is to use insert variable resistance in DC transmission
line, the branch current can be varied by on/off the variable resistance. This system has the limitations that there
is power loss in the resistor and some cooling devices are required to dissipate the heat. Second method to con-
trol the current is to insert active DC power sources to the transmission line in order to get the active power
absorbed or generated [2],[9]. However, the limitation of this method is that isolation transformers are required
which increases the overall all capital cost and running cost of the system also more space required to accom-
modate the additional equipment [9],[10],19]. In third method an equivalent voltage source is inserted in the DC
line which is used to control the current/power flow. The dual H-bridge CFC is used for current flow regulation
has advantages over the above two methods as it not required any isolation transformer and there is no power
loss [2],[10],11]. There are two methods are used to prevent the transmission lines from overloading, either to
increase the delivering capacity for the transmission lines or to reduce the transmission level for the whole sys-
tem. However, the limitations of these two methods are increase in cost as well as decrease in the efficiency of

the HVDC system. In order to overcome these limitations additional devices like CFC are used to regulate the
branch current.
1 3
VSC- 1 VSC- 3
Multi Line
175 MW 67 MW

L12 L34

2 4
35MW 140MW

VSC-2 VSC- 4
a. General meshed four terminal MTDC network

DC-DC Converter
Node 1
Ri1 Li1 v1
vi1 ii1

Ci1 Ci1
Node i 2 2
Ti Branch i1

ii vi

VSC-i Ci
Rin Lin
vin iin in

Cin Cin
2 2 Node n
DC-DC Converter Branch in

b. Simplified diagram of a terminal Ti

Fig.1 Meshed four terminal HVDC system under test
The generalized meshed MTDC grid system is represented in Fig.1(a) and the detailed network connections are
also given in Fig. 1(b) for a terminal Ti . The mathematical equation dynamics can be derived for terminal Ti as
given as:
Lin in = vi − vn − Rin iin (1)
Ci i = ii −  iin (2)
dt n =1

where, n = 1, 2,3, 4 . All variables of the pi-transmission line network are given in Fig.1(b).
Using equations (1) and (2), the mathematical equation with fixed droop constant based meshed four terminal
MTDC can be written as:

dv1 1
= i1 − i12 − i13 − i14  (3)
dt C1
dv2 1
= i2 + i12 − i24  (4)
dt C2
dv4 1
= i14 − i24 − i34 − i4  (5)
dt C4
di12 1
= v1 − v2 − R12i12 − uc1d a1  (6)
dt L12
di13 1
= v1 − v3 − R13i13 − uc1d a1  (7)
dt L13
di14 1
= v1 − v4 − R14i14 − uc1d a1  (8)
dt L14
di24 1
= v2 − v4 − R24i24  (9)
dt L24
di34 1
= v3 − v4 − R34i34  (10)
dt L34
duc1 1
= i12 d a1 + i13d a1 + i34 d a1  (11)
dt Ccfc
The state space equations for fixed droop constant based meshed four terminal MTDC is given as:
x(t ) = Ax(t ) + Bu (t ) (12)
Here state space parameters x (t ) and u (t ) are considered as system states variable, input variable and reference
variable respectively. The matrices of system parameters are given as A  n×n , B  n×k .
 1 1 1 
 0 0 0 − − − 0 0 0 
C1 C1 C1
 
 1 1  1 
 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0  C 0 0 0 
 C2 C2   1 
 1 1 1   1 
 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 
 C4 C4 C4  C1
 
 1 1 R12 d   1
 − 0 − 0 0 0 0 − a1  0 0 0 − 
 L12 L12 L12 L12   C1 
 1 R13 d a1   0 
A= 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 − ,B =  0 0 0

 L23 L13  0 0 
L23 1
   0 −
 1 1 R d a1  L13
0 − 0 0 − 14 0 0 −  
 L14 L14 L14 L14  0 0 0 0 
   
 0 1 1
0 0 0
− 24 0 0  0 0 0 0 
 L24 L24 L24   1 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 −
0 0 0 0 −
0   L34 
 L34 L34  0 0 0 0 
 
 d d d 
 0 0 0 − a1 − a1 − a1 0 0 0 
 Ccfc Ccfc Ccfc 

x(t ) =  v1 v2 uc1  , u = i1 i2 v3 i4 

v4 i12 i13 i14 i24 i34

3. Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)

Optimal control is used to find the minimum cost. When the dynamics of the system are represented by a set
of linear differential equations and the cost is described by a quadratic function then it is called linear quadratic
problem. LQR is a type of optimal control that is based on state space representation. The advantage of LQR
method is that it reduces the work done by control system engineer who is wants to optimize the controller. It is
used for the complex system in which differential equations is linearized in to linear system. LQR is an approx-
imate state feedback controller i.e. there is not a clear relationship between the controller parameter and control

behavior. The main challenges regarding LQR are to find the right weighted factors and in order to get the de-
sired result we need to modify the performance index of the weighted matrix.
In controller design and performance domain, the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) based controller is a well-
known control strategy that changes the trajectories of a nonlinear or linear network by use of a regular control
signal. The state-input control law is not a persistent continuous function of time. All things being said, it can
change starting with one continuous system then go to the next dependent on the current situation in the state
space. Subsequently, it can be optimized easily through linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) optimization platform
[20]. The weights of LQR control approach are optimized linearly via a derived quadratic criterion function with
states dynamic and control efforts. To achieve both fast state trajectory speed and effective control signal simul-
taneously, the quadratic function criteria is selected as:

 min = (x )
Q x + u T R u dt

where, positive definite matrices are defined as Q = QT  0 , R = RT  0 , and obtained using proper optimi-
zation. The weights matrices Q and R are optimized to improve fast responses and reduce penalty factor in con-
trol efforts. Most of research work in the literature, weight matrices Q and R is considered as unity value to give
moderate response and equal penalty on each control efforts respectively. In this study, control law is designed
and selected as:
u( t ) = − K x( t ) (14)
The state feedback gain K is optimized using LMI optimization.
DC-DC Converter
Node 1
Ri1 Li1 v1
vi1 ii1

Ci1 Ci1
Node i 2 2
Ti Branch i1

ii vi

VSC-i Ci
Rin Lin
vin iin in

Cin Cin
Node signal feedback

2 2 Node n
DC-DC Converter Branch in
Converter control signal

LQR based Proposed Branch signal feedback

Current Flow Regulator Node signal feedback

Fig. 2 Proposed control scheme for terminal Ti

Proof: Let the LQR objective Lyapunov function is considered as:
 = xT ( t )P x( t ) (15)
After time derivative with respect time of equations (13) and (15), the optimal solution can be written below
using equation (14).
xT ( t )Q + K T RK  x( t ) = − ( xT ( t )P x( t ))
From microgrid state space equation (12) substitution in above equation, it is written as:

xT ( t )Q + K T RK  x( t ) = − xT ( t ) ( A − BK ) P + P ( A − BK ) x( t )
 (17)

xT ( t ) AT P + PA + Q − K T RK − K T BT P − PBK  x( t )  0 (18)

Using lemma given in [20], term −K T RK + K T BT P + PBK  −BT PR −1 PB and substitute in above equation.
xT ( t ) AT P + PA + Q − BT R −1 PB x( t )  0 (19)
To achieve accurate convergence   0 , the above equation may be converted in LMI using lemma in [20].
 AT P + PA + Q − BT R−1 PB  0 (20)
Thus, closed-loop system state trajectories converge asymptotically.
The equation (15) is transferred into LMI using Schur complements [20] to obtain optimized value of as:
Select positive definite matrix P and R so that following LMIs holds simultaneously with minimum of  min
P 0
Q 0
R 0
AT P + PA + Q − BT R −1 PB  0 (21)
After calculation of optimized parameters, the effective control law is obtained.
 i1 
i 
u =  2  = − R −1 PB x(t ) (22)
v3 
 
 i4 
Thus, this completes proof and optimization.

4. Results and Discussions

The linearized dynamics of four terminal meshed MTDC grid is demonstrated pro-posed control scheme ef-
fectiveness using MATLAB© platform. The parameters of the four-terminal meshed MTDC grid are described
in Appendix. The proposed control strategy is used to minimize the current flow rate over a transmission line in
the meshed MTDC system. The meshed MTDC system is simulated at non-zero initial conditions.
v1 (kV)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
v2 (kV)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
v4 (kV)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
i12 (kA)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
time (sec)
Fig. 3 Terminals 1, 2, 3 voltage deviations and line 1 to 2 current flow deviation responses

i13 (kA)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
i14 (kA)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
i24 (kA)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
i34 (kA)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
time (sec)
Fig. 4 Current deviations in lines 1 to 3, 1 to 4, 2 to 4 and 3 to 4 responses respectively
uc1 (kV)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
u1 (puV)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
u2 (puV)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
u3 (puV)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
time (sec)
Fig.4 Deviations in capacitor voltage at terminal-1 and control efforts responses
The simulated response with proposed control scheme is shown in Fig. 3, Fig.4 and Fig.5. The nonzero initial
condition is considered as a disturbance in the meshed MTDC system. The terminal T1, T2 and T2 voltage de-
viations are shown in Fig. 3. It is evident that the voltage at respective grid terminals becomes constant within
20.0 milli second, which can be achieved by current flow controllers. The transmission line current responses
are shown in fourth subfigure of Fig.3 and Fig.4 respectively. The current flow is controlled by proposed control

scheme with minimum oscillations. The voltage across capacitor at terminal T1 and required control efforts
responses are shown in Fig. 5. It is evident that control effort signals have minimum oscillations and achieved
optimal current sharing capability at T1 terminals. Hence, proposed controller is performed well with constant
droop constant at each terminal of meshed MTDC system.

VI. Conclusion

A linear quadratic regulator-based current flow controller (CFC) developed for a linearized four terminals
meshed MTDC grids in order to achieve optimal current sharing with better performance in terms of over load-
ing. The closed loop control law convergence obtained using the Lyapunov stability theorem. The simulations
are done on four terminal meshed VSC-MTDC systems with the proposed controller using MATLAB. In a
meshed MTDC grid CFC is used which is capable to do effective current regulation by inserting a variable dc
voltage source connected in series with the DC line. The proposed controller enhanced closed loop system per-
formance with reduction in over/under shoots, settling time and oscillations. The proposed controller improved
the DC grid reliability by limiting the line currents below their thermal ratings. In future, a variable droop con-
stant-based control strategy will be considered.

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T1: Control strategies and ratings of AC/DC terminals
Terminals 1 2 3 4
VSC Control Strategy P, Q P, Q Vdc, Q P, Q
Rated Power/ Voltage [MW/MVAR/KV] 175 35 100 140

T2: Parameters of the DC Branches/Lines

Branches L12 L13 L14 L24 L34
Distance in KM 75 125 200 150 175
Resistance in Ω 0.75 1.25 2.00 1.50 1.75
Inductance in mH 5.25 8.75 14 10.5 12.25
Capacitance in µF 3.75 6.75 10 7.5 8.75
Current Limits in KA 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.60

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