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365 Photography Challenge

Calendar | Photography Ideas

for Every Day of the Year
Feeling a little uninspired? A 365 photo challenge calendar is one of the best photography ideas to
start with.
We’ve put together this 365 calendar so you can start your photography challenge with no hassle.
Click here to nd and download the entire calendar in high quality!

What Is a 365 Photo Challenge

A 365 Photo Challenge Calendar is a project where you capture an image every day for a year. Instead
of coming up with your own topics, the daily prompts tell you what to look for and shoot.
The bene ts of this project idea come in droves. They help develop your skills by forcing you to look
at scenes and objects you wouldn’t usually. This will advance your ‘eye’ for exposure, composition and
As you are given the ideas each day, it forces you to rely on your creativity. It will get you to shoot every
day, while dragging you out of your comfort zone.
You’ll also have to learn about post-processing or how to share images among online media platforms.
How to Use Our 365 Photo
Challenge Calendar
It is very simple to get started. Look at our monthly calendars below, or download them all from our
What you will see is a word or a prompt – this is your only clue for what to capture. You may just see
the word ‘fork’, which leaves you to interpret it how you see t.
It could be a side shot, rendering the fork in an abstract manner. It could be a simple above shot
showing the fork’s lines and curves. Or it could be an image showing only the shadow of the fork
These prompts are meant to be open for interpretation, as everyone will imagine something di erent.
Don’t just take one image. Take a few and see what they look like after. Keep the best one for sharing
or printing at a later stage.
We are looking for you to work on your photography style. You’ll nd many di erent types of
photography in our list.
Get involved and start today. If the daily prompt isn’t for you, we do have another article looking at
the 365 project a little di erently. There we have 10 projects that you can continue to capture every
day for a year.
The best thing about both of these projects is that they will create a body of work. See it through to
the end, and you’ll have a kick-ass group of followers, or a range of images you can print as a book.
This can be one of the best photo gifts for friends and family.

Further Reading
For those who would like more information on post-processing images, start with our complete guide
to Lightroom.
If you are set on using your smart phone, then we have guides on how to photograph better with your
phone, smart phone editing tips, how to use Instagram hashtags and even how to print from your







There you go. If you got this far, then you either skipped ahead or have 365 images you are not sure
what to do with.
If you are looking for help in printing, we have an article on the best tips for enlarging images for

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