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Tender Inviting Authority: Executive Engineer, Barrage Division, Galudih.

Name of Work: Construction of Afflux bund & Anti flood sluice gate to ensure to have storage of pond at Galudih Barrage site at Pond level RL-94.50M safely, without inundating local surrounding
area/villages in up stream of Barrage.

Contract No: WRD/BD/GALUDIH/IFB-02/2023-24

Name of the
Bidding Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders
are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )


Sl. Item Description Quantity Units Estimated BASIC RATE In TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Rate in Figures To be Without Taxes in In Words
Rs. P entered by the Rs. P
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 6 13 53 55
1.00 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting
rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and
trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees
cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials
and stacking of serviceable material to be used or
30.409 Ha 102379.20 #VALUE! #VALUE!
auctioned up to a lead of 1000 metres including
removal and disposal of top organic soil not
exceeding 150 mm in thickness. By Mechanical
Means, In area of light jungle, (Common SOR: 2.03
(ii) A )
2.00 Preparation of seat of embankment or canals by

75mm ploughing and removing the grass roots etc. 260182.500 m2 5.05 #VALUE! #VALUE!

as per specification & direction of E/I.( wrd -7.1.1)

3.00 E/W in Excavation of cut-off traches by hydraulic M/C
in grade A & B type of soil including morroum soil, oil
mixed with kankar, pebbles & boulders upto 300 mm
size and disposal of the same beyond 150 M upto 1/2
101387.861 m³ 99.56 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Km from centre of the trench with all lifts by tipper
including construction & maintanance of haul road all
complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
4.00 E/W in dam fill in semi pervious or impervious zone
excavated by Hydraulic Excavator and carriage by
Tipper Truck making dam in proper design section
including earth to be laid in layers of not more than
225 mm thick and breaking of clods to maximum 63 84297.685 m³ 121.51 #VALUE! #VALUE!
mm cube with all lifts includingg construction and
maintenance of haul road etc. all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I. (Beyond 150 m but
upto 1/2 km.) (WRD SOR:
5.00 E/W in dam fill in semi pervious or impervious zone
excavated by Hydraulic Excavator and carriage by
Tipper Truck making dam in proper design section
including earth to be laid in layers of not more than
225 mm thick and breaking of clods to maximum 63 168595.369 m³ 129.35 #VALUE! #VALUE!
mm cube with all lifts includingg construction and
maintenance of haul road etc. all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I. (Beyond 0.5 km but
upto 1.0 km.) (WRD SOR:
6.00 E/W in dam fill in semi pervious or impervious zone
excavated by Hydraulic Excavator and carriage by
Tipper Truck making dam in proper design section
including earth to be laid in layers of not more than
225 mm thick and breaking of clods to maximum 63 252893.054 m³ 138.78 #VALUE! #VALUE!
mm cube with all lifts includingg construction and
maintenance of haul road etc. all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I. (Beyond 1.0 km but
upto 2.0 km.) (WRD SOR:
7.00 E/W in dam fill in semi pervious or impervious zone
excavated by Hydraulic Excavator and carriage by
Tipper Truck making dam in proper design section
including earth to be laid in layers of not more than
225 mm thick and breaking of clods to maximum 63 337190.738 m³ 148.46 #VALUE! #VALUE!
mm cube with all lifts includingg construction and
maintenance of haul road etc. all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I. (Beyond 2 km but
upto 3.0 km.) (WRD SOR:
8.00 Labour for rolling and compacting the earth in layer of
225mm thick at O.M.C. by sheep foot roller driven by
tractor to achive minimum 95% dry density, including
sprinkling the required quantity of water, making
arrangement for supply and carriage of water with all
842976.846 m³ 25.75 #VALUE! #VALUE!
leads and lifts, finishing the surface with proper
camber, grade superelevation including hire charge
of compactin machine and other tools & plants etc.
for lined canal all complete job as per specification
and direction of E/I.
9.00 Trimming and dressing side slope of dam to proper
section with all Lead and lifts as per drawing 532.648 per 100 m2 3904.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
specification and direction of E/I. ( wrd 5.1.38 )
10.00 Supplying and placing Geotextile filter fabric TFI 5300
205201.159 m2 62.07 #VALUE! #VALUE!
(WRD SOR M-124, P-37)
11.00 providing coarse clean local sand in filling foundation
trenches including ramming , watering ,royalty and
5056.290 m³ 584.42 #VALUE! #VALUE!
all other taxes complete job as per specification and
direction of E/I (WRD 7.1.37)
12.00 Supplying and laying (properly as per design and
drawing ) rip-rap with good quality of boulders duly
packed including the cost of materials, royalty, all
79149.019 m³ 1756.40 #VALUE! #VALUE!
taxes etc. but excluding the cost of carriage all as
per specification and direction of E/I. (Common SOR:
13.00 Supply of boulder of 300mm and labour charge for
pitching above water on apron and slope of bank
with boulders in crates of specified size (materials
within 150m and all lifts) including boxing and tying
17506.800 m³ 1697.50 #VALUE! #VALUE!
the crates with 12 to 14 gauge G.I. wire including cost
of G.I. wire all complete job as specification and
direction of E/I. WRD SOR: 7.7.21 + ( RCD - M-
018+14.95% )
14.00 Supply of G.I.Wire crates of size 1.50m X 1.50m X
0.45 m and 150mm square each made out of G.I.
21613.000 Nos 1683.31 #VALUE! #VALUE!
wire 8 SWG double knotted at each joints in box type
all complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
15.00 Supplying and laying boulder in rock toe, heel
trenches, toe drain as per design and drawing
including the cost of materials, royalty and all taxes
25596.864 m³ 1491.06 #VALUE! #VALUE!
etc. but excluding the cost of carriage all complete as
per specification and direction of E/I. (WRD SOR:
16.00 PCC 1:3:6 in foundation
Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix in
foundation with crushed stone aggregate 40mm
nominal size mechnically mixed, placed in foundation 21210.132 m³ 3367.20 #VALUE! #VALUE!
and compacted by vibration including curing for 14
days.(RCD SOR 9.03)
17.00 Plain/Reinforced Cement concrete in open foundation
complete as per drawing and technical specification
PCC Grade M15 using batching plant & manual 371.250 m³ 3731.90 #VALUE! #VALUE!
( RCD 12.08A II)

18.00 Providing random rubble stone masonry in CM (1:4)

in superstructure with hammer dresssed stone of less
than 0.03 m3 in volume and clean coarse and of FM
2 to 2.5 including cost of screening, racking out joints 41669.375 m3 2906.96 #VALUE! #VALUE!
to 20mm depth , curing taxes and royalty all complete
as per building specification and direction of E/I.
(BCD SOR: 5.2.31)
19.00 Providing 25mm cement plaster (1:4) with clean
coarse sand of F.M. 1.5 including screening, curing
with all leads and lifts of water, scaffolding taxes and 27225.000 m2 258.87 #VALUE! #VALUE!
royalty all complete as per building specification and
direction of E/I. (BCD SOR -5.7.12 )
20.00 Fine dressing of the earthen embankment and turfing
with 75mm thick grass sods obtained within lead of
150m including the cost of watering the grass surface 1055.466 per 100 m2 1502.86 #VALUE! #VALUE!
till it acquires greeness as per Specification and
direction of E/I. (WRD- QTY in 100 sqm
21.00 Providing and fixing in position 25mm thick
bituminastic board (shallitex or equivalent) as per I.S.
1838 - 1983 in expansion or construction joints in 994.501 m2 970.61 #VALUE! #VALUE!
barrage and its allied works as per specification and
direction of E/I. (WRD S/R item no. 6.7.3 )
22.00 Providing and Placing in position suitable PVC water
stops conforming to IS:12200 for construction/
expansion joints between two RCC members and
fixed to the reinforcement with binding wire before 1297.200 m 247.81 #VALUE! #VALUE!
pouring concrete etc. complete :
DSR-22.4.1 Serrated with central bulb (225 mm wide,
8-11 mm thick)
23.00 Supplying, fitting and fixing copper strip of 16 gauge
of approved quality (with 99% purity) in expansion
2860.326 per kg 458.89 #VALUE! #VALUE!
joints complete job as per specification and direction
of E/I. ( WRD S/R item no. 6.7.1 )
24.00 Providing shuttering including strutting, proping etc.
and its removal after use in foundation as per
8333.672 m² 418.03 #VALUE! #VALUE!
specification and direction of E/I. ( WRD S/R item no.
7.3.18 )
25.00 Providing shuttering including, struting, proping etc.
and its removal after use in various components of
canal structure or embankment structure as per 19553.980 m² 449.98 #VALUE! #VALUE!
specification and direction of E/I. ( WRD S/R item
no. 7.3.19 )
26.00 E/w in filling foundation trenches and back filling of
structures in layer not exceeding 150mm thick well
watered, rammered and fully compacted and finally
dressed with suitable earth obtained from excavation
11320.031 m³ 115.41 #VALUE! #VALUE!
of foundation trenches and placed in suitable profile
within lead of 30m and lift of 1.5m complete job as
per specification and direction of E/I. (WRD-S/R
27.00 Diesel pump per 10 H.P ( WRD SOR PART-B, PM-
29 )
3840.000 per hrs 344.85 #VALUE! #VALUE!
28.00 Carriage of Materials (i) Cement
11143.276 MT 832.90 #VALUE! #VALUE!

29.00 (ii) Sand

31881.072 m³ 267.22 #VALUE! #VALUE!

30.00 (iii) Stone chips

19979.946 m³ 665.14 #VALUE! #VALUE!

31.00 (iv) Stone Metal

334.124 m³ 714.55 #VALUE! #VALUE!

32.00 v) Boulder
183492.309 m³ 689.84 #VALUE! #VALUE!

18% of
Add GST @18% 1.000 1.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Quoted rate

1% of
Add Labour Cess @1% 1.000 1.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Quoted rate

Total in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

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