Alpha Pompe AP Actuator
Alpha Pompe AP Actuator
Alpha Pompe AP Actuator
HENRICUSKADE 119A | 2497 NB THE HAGUE | THE NETHERLANDS | T +31 (0)85 043 31 10 | E [email protected] | I WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
3 34,5 18,9 52,4 36,7 70,2 54,5 88,0 72,3 105,8 90,1 123,6 107,9 34,5 18,9
4 46,1 25,2 63,9 43,0 81,7 60,8 99,5 78,6 117,3 96,4 46,1 25,2
AP 085
5 57,6 31,5 75,4 49,3 93,2 67,1 111,0 84,9 57,6 31,5
6 51,5 20,0 69,1 37,8 86,9 55,6 104,7 73,4 69,1 37,8
3 53,2 30,0 80,9 57,7 108,7 85,4 136,4 113,1 164,1 140,8 191,8 168,5 53,2 30,0
4 70,9 40,0 98,7 67,7 126,4 95,4 154,1 123,1 181,8 150,8 70,9 40,0
AP 100
5 88,7 50,0 116,4 77,7 144,1 105,4 171,8 133,1 88,7 50,0
6 78,7 32,2 106,4 60,0 134,1 87,7 161,8 115,4 106,4 60,0
3 84,3 53,0 130,0 98,8 175,8 144,5 221,6 190,3 267,3 236,0 313,0 281,7 84,3 53,0
4 112,3 70,7 158,1 116,4 203,9 162,2 249,6 207,9 295,3 253,6 112,3 70,7
AP 115
5 140,4 88,3 186,2 134,1 231,9 179,8 277,6 225,5 140,4 88,3
6 122,7 60,2 168,5 106,0 214,2 151,7 259,9 197,4 168,5 106,0
3 116,8 63,7 177,0 123,9 237,3 184,1 297,5 244,2 357,6 304,3 417,7 364,4 116,8 63,7
4 155,7 85,0 216,0 145,2 276,2 205,3 336,3 265,4 396,4 325,5 155,7 85,0
AP 125
5 194,7 106,3 254,9 166,4 315,0 226,5 375,1 286,6 194,7 106,3
6 173,4 67,4 233,6 127,5 293,7 187,6 353,8 247,7 233,6 127,5
3 158,0 92,0 245,0 179,0 332,0 265,0 418,0 352,0 505,0 439,0 592,0 526,0 168,0 102,0
4 211,0 123,0 298,0 210,0 384,0 269,0 471,0 383,0 558,0 470,0 224,0 136,0
AP 145
5 264,0 154,0 350,0 240,0 437,0 327,0 524,0 414,0 280,0 170,0
6 230,0 98,0 316,0 184,0 403,0 271,0 490,0 358,0 336,0 204,0
3 222,4 132,6 340,7 251,0 459,1 369,3 577,4 487,6 695,7 605,9 814,0 724,2 222,4 132,6
4 296,5 176,9 414,9 295,2 533,2 413,5 651,5 531,8 769,8 650,1 296,5 176,9
AP 160
5 370,7 221,1 489,0 339,4 607,3 457,7 725,6 576,0 370,7 221,1
6 326,5 147,0 444,8 265,3 563,1 383,6 681,4 501,9 444,8 265,3
3 287,9 191,0 447,6 350,7 607,3 510,4 766,9 670,0 926,6 829,7 1068,0 989,1 287,9 191,0
4 383,9 254,7 543,6 414,4 703,3 574,0 862,9 733,7 1022,3 893,1 383,9 254,7
AP 180
5 479,9 318,4 639,6 478,1 792,2 637,7 958,6 797,1 479,9 318,4
6 416,2 222,4 575,9 382,1 735,6 541,8 894,9 701,1 575,9 382,1
3 423,6 242,0 644,7 463,8 867,4 685,8 1089 907,7 1311 1130 1533 1351 423,6 242,0
4 564,8 322,6 786,7 544,6 1008 766,5 1230 988,4 1452 1209 564,8 322,6
AP 200
5 706,0 403,4 927,9 625,3 1150 847,2 1372 1068 706,0 403,4
6 625,3 262,2 847,2 484,1 1069 706,0 1291 927,0 847,2 484,1
3 664,0 453,6 1037 826,2 1409 1199 1782 1571 2154 1944 2527 2316 664,0 453,6
4 885,4 604,8 1258 977,4 1630 1350 2003 1722 2376 2095 885,4 604,8
AP 240
5 1107 756,0 1479 1129 1852 1501 2224 1874 1107 756,0
6 955,5 534,7 1328 907,2 1701 1280 2073 1653 1328 907,2
3 912,5 705,1 1452 1244 1991 1783 2530 2323 3069 2862 3608 3401 912,5 705,1
4 1216 940,2 1756 1479 2295 2019 2834 2558 3373 3097 1217 940,1
AP 270
5 1521 1175 2060 1714 2599 2144 3138 2793 1521 1175
6 1286 871,0 1825 1410 2364 1954 2903 2489 1825 1410
3 1626 1108 2538 2020 3450 2931 4361 3843 5273 4755 6184 5666 1626 1108
4 2168 1477 3080 2389 3992 3301 4903 4212 5815 5123 2168 1477
AP 330
5 2711 1847 3622 2759 4534 3670 5445 4582 2711 1847
6 2341 1305 3253 2216 4165 3128 5076 4040 3253 2216
3 2999 2014 4670 3685 6340 5356 8011 7026 9682 8697 11353 10368 2999 2014
4 3998 2685 5669 4356 7340 6027 9011 7698 10682 9369 3998 2685
AP 420
5 4998 3356 6669 5027 8340 6698 10010 8369 4998 3356
6 4327 2357 5997 4028 7668 5698 9339 7369 5997 4028
Torque output available from air supply Springs torque output
HENRICUSKADE 119A | 2497 NB THE HAGUE | THE NETHERLANDS | T +31 (0)85 043 31 10 | E [email protected] | I WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
+31 (0)85 043 31 10 [email protected] WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
DIMENSIONS - European sizes in millimetres STD Series = 90°
Y Series = 120°
X Series = 180°
Standard feeding connection 1/2” GAS – NPT for AP 240, 270, 330, 420
Special NAMUR plate on request
AP032 AP042 AP050 AP063 AP075 AP085 AP100 AP115 AP125 AP145 AP160 AP180 AP200 AP240 AP270 AP330 AP420
A-90° 100 139 139 152 205 230 275 309 360 392 462 482 562 604 684 850 940
A-120° 133 166 163 180 239 273 322 363 424 - - - - - - - -
A-180° 175 211 196 214 297 332 398 451 518 - - - - - - - -
B 45 57 68 83,5 100 110 125 142 155 175 196 220 240 298 332 415 542
C 49 60,5 75 86 94 104 120 134 141 163 176 196 220 300 352 408 528
DxE - 105 x 22 139 x 22 -
3845 50x25 80 x 30 130 x 30 200x50
L 23,5 27 33,5 38 42,5 49 55 63,5 69,5 80 190,5 234
88 98 110 150 176
M 25,5 33,5 41,5 48 51,5 55 65 70,5 71,5 83 217,5 294
Port A
Port B 1/8” GAS NPT 1/4”GAS NPT 1/2” GAS NPT
DIN 259
NxO 8 x 12 14 x 18 27 x 36 32 x 42 42 x 60 55 x 80
P 20 30 50 80
9 x 10 11 x 13 14 x 16 17 x 20
9 x 10 9 x 10 14 x 16 17 x 20 22 x 25 22 x 25 27 x 30 27 x 30 36 x 39 36 x 39 46 x 50 *55 x 60
QxI 9 x 10 11 x 13 14 x 16 17 x 20 22 x 25
11 x 13 11 x 13 17 x 20 22 x 25 27 x 30 27 x 30 36 x 39 36 x 39 46 x 50 46 x 50 55 x 60 75 x 80
14 x 16 17 x 20 22 x 25 27 x 30
F ISO 5211 F03 F04 F04 F05 F05/07 F05/07 F07/10 F07/10 F07/10 F10/12 F10/12 F10/12 F14 F14 F16 F16/25 F25/30
F3/5/7 F(12)/16 F(12)/16 F(16)
Optional F04 F03/05 F03/05 F04 F5/7/10 F12 F14 F14 F10/12
F04 F16 F14 /25/30
F ISO 5211
F03 F04 F03/05 F05 F05/07 F5/7/10 F07/10 F10/12 F12 F14 F16 F25 F30
50 (M6x9)
Ø (W) 36 42 36 (M5x8) 50 50 (M6x9) 70 (M8x12) 102 (M10x15) 125 140 165 254 298
70 (M8x12)
(M5x8) (M5x8) 50 (M6x9) (M6x9) 70 (M8x12) 102 (M10x15) 125 (M12x18) (M12x18) (M16x24) (M20x30) (M16x24) (M20x35)
102 (M10x15)
25 AP145 = 70
35 100 130
AP160 = 75
H escluso 30 25 35 40 55 75 200 200
AP180 = 85
AP 032 AP085=40 AP270 = 104 AP200 = 85
AP200 = 85
HENRICUSKADE 119A | 2497 NB THE HAGUE | THE NETHERLANDS | T +31 (0)85 043 31 10 | E [email protected] | I WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
+31 (0)85 043 31 10 [email protected] WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
02 26
03 04
HENRICUSKADE 119A | 2497 NB THE HAGUE | THE NETHERLANDS | T +31 (0)85 043 31 10 | E [email protected] | I WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
+31 (0)85 043 31 10 [email protected] WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
Anodizing is an electrolytic process that produces anodic coating on aluminum, called alumine, with high thickness. Alumine is one of the most hard known materials,
with resistance values up to 400-600 HV (45-65 HRC); properties and features of Hard Anodizing (alumine thickness 50 micron) are well know and appreciated both
for mechanical and chemical resistance.
Best friction and corrosion resistance, best surface hardness, good thermic and electrical insulation.
Chemical nickel-plating is an electroless coating process that gives nickel layers at extremely constant thickness also on sharp angles, blind-holes, threads and grooves
recess. During the process, nickel is combined with phospor at a percentage of 12% (hig-phospor). The obtained surface hardness is about 400-480 HV (45-55 HRC).
Best friction and corrosion resistance, best surface hardness, best external appearence similar to S.S., increased resistance to alcali and
detergents in sanitary and food applications.
Polyester painting is obtained throug powder coatings on polarized parts, by means of light differences in electrical potentials. After applications, parts are baked in
order to polymerize and let the painting be spread to avoid micro-porosity. The best elasticity can be obtained at 60/80 micron thickness; a satisfactory adhesion can
be assured by sandblasting or brushing, and by special degreasing baths of the rough pieces to be treated.
Better corrosion resistance, protection against crashes, better external appearence and several available colours, resistance to
HENRICUSKADE 119A | 2497 NB THE HAGUE | THE NETHERLANDS | T +31 (0)85 043 31 10 | E [email protected] | I WWW.ROMYNOX.NL
All rights reserved - Not guaranteed for accuracy - Data subject to change without notice - Older data sheets are invalid