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Kennedy said that “Art establishes the basic

ART APPRECIATION is the ability to interpret or human truths which must serve as the touchstone of
understand man-made arts and enjoy them either our judgement”.
through actual and work-experience with art tools and  According to Paolo Picasso, “Art washes away from
materials or possession of these works of art for one’s the soul of dust of everyday life”.
admiration and satisfaction  According to Oscar Wilde, “It is through art, and
NATURE OF ART through art only that we can realize our perfection;
ART- it comes from the Italian word artis, which means through art and art only that we can shield ourselves
“craftsmanship, skills, mastery ofform, inventiveness, and from the sordid perils of actual existence.”
theassociation that exist betweenform and ideas and  According to Pope John Paul II, “Every genuine art in
betweenmaterials and techniques” its own way is a path to the inmost reality of man and
From Aryan root, Art comes from the word “ar” which of the world. It is therefore a wholly valid approach to
means “to join together” the realm of faith, which gives human existence the
From Greek word, it comes from the word “Artizein” ultimate meaning”.
which means “to prepare” and “arkistein” which means
Indigenous arts of the ancestors existed in the form of Artist – the maker of art. There are artists who are
dance, painting, music, and poetry accompanied by schooled, and learned the basics of artmaking and then
ancient rituals developed their style in making arts. The maker of an art
Cave paintings and drawings are believed to reflect is a human person, he brings with him his ideas, ideals,
ancient religion, beliefs and visions feelings and emotions, social condition and everything
Most sculptures from the early periods are also else that concerns the person doing art
associated with religion, with gods and goddesses as The viewer of artis the human being who receives the
most common subject meaning being communicated through an artwork Some
Artworks are made from durable materials like metals, people called the viewer, the “gazer”, “onlooker” or
stone, clay, bone, and glass survived longer than “audience”
artworks made from wood Viewer takes the role of an art critic who examines the
DEFINITION OF ARTS artwork from historical, social, biographical, critical or
 Art is derived from the Latin word ars, meaning THE BEAUTIFUL IN ART
“ability or skill”- J.V. Estolas  According to Aquinas, beauty is something which
 Art is taken from the Italian word artis, which means pleases us upon being seen.
craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form, inventiveness,  Emmanuel Kant attaches attitude of looking at the
and the associations that exist between form and beautiful that is necessary for the mind to see and
ideas, between materials and technique–A. Tan. contemplate beauty.
 Art is a product of man’s need to expresshimself- F.  Adler asserts that an artwork has admirable beauty
Zulueta when it possesses an intrinsic excellence or
 Art is concerned with the communication of certain perfection that is appropriate to that kind of thing.
ideas and feelings by means of sensuous medium,  Adler said “The judgment about the beauty of an
color, sound, bronze, marble, words, and film. – C. object in terms of its admirability forintrinsic
Sanchez excellence or perfection is thejudgement of an expert
 Art is that which brings life in harmony with the with specialknowledge and skills in judging
beauty of the world – Plato specimensof a certain kind
 Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind – one which FOUR COMMON ESSENTIALS OF ART
demands for its own satisfaction and fulfilling, a 1. Art must be man-made
shaping of matter to new and more significant form. - 2. Art must be creative not imitative
John Dewey 3. Art must benefit and satisfy man and must make use
 Art is the skillful arrangement or composition of of art in practical terms
some common but significant qualities of nature such 4. Art is expressed through a certain medium or
as colors, sounds, lines, movements, words, stones, material by which the artist communicates himself to
wood etc., to express human feelings, emotions, or his fellow.
thoughts in a perfect meaningful and enjoyable way. - THE SUBJECT OF ART
Panizo and Rustia The subject of art is varied. It is usually anything that is
 According to Albert Einstein, “True art is represented in the artwork.
characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative It may be a person, a thing or an event. Representational
artist”. or objective arts – artworks that depict something
easily recognized by most people.
Non-representational or non-objective arts– These 1. Major arts – painting, architecture, sculpture,
are artworks with have noresemblance to any subject literature, music and dance.
and do notrepresent anything and they are what theyare. 2. Minor arts – decorative arts, popular arts, graphic
FOUR MAIN FUNCTION OF ART arts, plastic arts and industrial arts.
1. Aesthetic function – through art, man becomes Estolas grouped the major arts into:
conscious of the beauty of nature  Visual arts –graphic arts and plastic arts
2. Utilitarian function – through art man is provided  Performing arts – theatre, play, dance, music
with shelter, clothing, food, light, medicine, beautiful  Literary arts – short story, novel, poetry, drama
surroundings, personal ornamentals, entertainment,  Popular arts – films, newspaper, magazine, radio,
language, transportation and other necessities and television
conveniences of life Estolas grouped the minor arts into:
3. Cultural function – through the printed matter, art  Gustatory art of the cuisine – food andbeverage
transmits and preserves skills and knowledge from preparation
one generation to another. It makes man aware of his  Decorative arts or applied arts –beautification of
cultural background making him more houses, offices, cars andother structures.
knowledgeable and achieve an enduring and Two major divisions of arts (Panizo and Rustia, 1995):
satisfying life 1) According to purpose
4. Social function – Through civic and graphic arts, a) Practical arts or useful arts – directed to
man learns to love and help each other. International produce artifacts and utensils for the satisfaction
understanding and cooperation are fostered and of human needs
nations become more unified, friendly, cooperative b) Liberal arts – arts directed toward intellectual
helpful and sympathetic growth
OTHER PURPOSES AND FUNCTIONS OF ART c) Fine Arts – focused towards creative activity for
 Art is a form of enjoyment. the contemplation of the mind and the upliftment
 Art may also be a medium for political andsocial of the spirit
commentary. d) Major Arts – are characterized by actual and
 Art provides a record of life at a givenspace and potential expressiveness.
time. e) Minor Arts – concerned with practical uses and
 Art does not only convey data but revealsinsight purposes
and wisdom that give meaning tohuman existence. 2) According to media and forms
 Art is a powerful tool for communication. a) Plastic arts – works which exist in physical space
THE SCOPE OF ART and perceived by the sense of sight
Two general dimensions of art (Manaois): b) Kinetic arts – involves the elements of rhythm
1. Fine arts or independent arts – made primarily for c) Phonetic arts – utilizes sounds and words as a
aesthetic enjoyment through the senses, especially medium of expression
visual and auditory d) Pure arts – take only one medium of expression
2. Practical arts or useful or utilitarian arts – these like sound in music and color in painting
arts are intended for practicaluse. It is the e) Mixed arts – take more than one medium like
development of raw materialsfor utilitarian purposes opera which combines music, poetry and drama
According to Custodiosa Sanchez (2002), arts consists
 Visual arts Medium is a Latin word that denotes the means by which
 Literature an artist communicates his idea.
 Drama and theatre  The architect uses wood, bamboo, bricks, stone,
 Music and dance concrete, and various building materials.
Visual arts– these arts are classified into graphic arts  The painter uses pigments on wood or canvas to
and plastic arts create reality of nature.
Graphic arts– include painting, drawing,photography,  The sculptor uses steel, marble, bronze, metal and
graphic process (printing), commercial arts (designing of wood.
books, advertisements, signs, posters and other display)  A musician uses instruments to produce and
and mechanical process in which portrayals of forms and communicate a message and a literary writer uses
symbols are recorded on a two-dimensional surface words.
Plastic arts include all fields of visual arts for which Basis of medium (two classification of arts):
materials are organized into three-dimensional forms 1) Visual arts are those whose mediums can be seen
Two groups of arts (Josefina Estolas, 1995): and which occupy space
a) Dimensional or Two-dimensional arts – these Usually done on wooden panel made very smooth
include painting, drawing, printmaking and with plaster called “gesso” (chalk and gum).
photography  Pastel– It is a stick of dried paste made ofpigment
b) Three-Dimensional arts- these include ground with chalk and compounded with gum water.
sculpture, architecture, landscape, community It is a very flexible medium whose colors are
planning, industrial designs, and crafts like and luminous
furniture  Encaustic– It is one of the early mediumsused by the
c) Auditory arts are those whose mediums can be Egyptians for painting portraits on mummy cases
heard and which are expressed in time  Oil– Oil painting one of the mostexpensive art
d) Combined artsare those whose mediums can be activities today. It is the heaviest of painting
both seen and heard and which exist in both mediums. In oil painting, pigments are mixed with
space and time linseed oil and applied to the canvass
TECHNIQUE  Acrylic– it is a medium used popularly
 It is the manner in which the artist controls his bycontemporary painters of the transparency and
medium to achieve the desired effect. quick-drying characteristics of watercolor and the
 It is the ability which he fulfills the technical flexibility of oil combined
requirements of his particular work of art. MOSAIC – It is the art of putting together small pieces of
 It has something to do with the way he manipulates colored stones or glass called “tesserae” to create an
his medium to express his ideas in the artwork. image. Tesserae are most often cut into squares and
THE ARTIST AND HIS MEDIUM glued on a surface with plaster or cement. Mosaic art is
 The artist thinks, feels, and gives shape to his vision an important features of Byzantine churches. A
in terms of his medium. prominent religious artwork in Manila done in mosaic is
 When an artist chooses a particular medium, he found in the altar of Sta. Cruz Church. It shows a
believes that his choice can best express the idea he wounded white lamb, symbolizing Christ, with a stream
wants to convey. that flows down directly to be tabernacle.
 The mater of selecting the medium depends entirely STAINED GLASS – it is an artwork common in Gothic
on the artist himself. cathedrals and churches. It is made by combining small
 He normally selects the materials that can be handled pieces of colored glass held together by bands of lead. It
with ease, that would best suit his plan, and is also a kind of patchwork.
adequately bring out the qualities he wants to show. TAPESTRY – It is a fabric produced by hand-weaving
THE ARTIST AND HIS TECHNIQUE colored threads upon a warp
 Artist differ from one another in technique even if DRAWING – It is usually done on paper using pencil, pen
they use the same medium. A musician’s technique is and ink, or charcoal. It is the most fundamental of all
his ability to make music sound the way he wants it. skills necessary in arts. This has always been considered
 For instance, a pianist may sound differently from as a very good training for artists because it makes one
another pianist even as they handle the same concentrate on the use of line
instrument and play the same musical composition.  Pencil leads are graded in different degrees of
MEDIUMS OF THE VISUAL ARTS hardness or softness
PAINTING –it is the art of creating meaningful effects on  Ink, one of the oldest medium offers great variety of
a flat surface by the use of pigments. Different mediums qualities, depending on the tools and techniques in
are used application
 Watercolor– its pigments invites brilliance and  Charcoal is a carbonaceous material obtained by
variety of hues. Simple and clear spontaneity is its heating wood or other organic substances in the
principal essence absence of oxygen. Soft charcoal produces the
Gouache – example of watercolor technique (tend to darkest value while the hardest produces the lightest
make the color less luminous)done by mixing zinc tone
white with the regular watercolor paints to tone  Bistre– it is a brown pigment extractedfrom the soot
them down, giving appearance of sobriety suitable of wood, and often used in pen and wash drawings
for dramatic purposes  Crayons– these are pigments bound bywax and
 Fresco– it is a painting method done on a moist compressed into painted sticks used for drawing
plaster surface with colors ground in water or a SILVERPOINT– To produce a silverpointartwork, the
limewater mixture. Must be done quickly because it is artist uses a silver stylus to produce a thin grayish on
exacting medium specially prepared paper (popular during the
 Tempera– Tempera paints are mineral pigments Renaissance period)
mixed with egg yolk or egg white and ore. This egg-
based emulsion binds the pigments to the surface.
PRINTMAKING – A print is anything printed on a surface  Horizontal lines are line of repose and serenity.
that is a direct result from the duplication process Express ideas of calmness and quiescence. Found in
LITHOGRAPHY – It is a surface printing done from an reclining persons, landscapes, bodies of water and in
almost smooth surface which has been treated chemically distant meeting of the earth and sky (horizon)
or mechanically so that some surface areas will print and  Vertical lines are lines that denote action. Suggest
others will not. (Known as planographic process) poise, balance, force, aspiration, exaltation and
SCULPTURE – In choosing a subject for sculpture, the dynamism
most important thing to consider is the material  Diagonal lines suggest action, life, and movement.
 Stone– It is hard and brittle substance formed from Gives animation to any composition in which they
mineral and earth material appear
 Jade– it is a fine stone, usually colored green, and  Curved lines suggest grace, subtleness, direction,
used widely in Ancient China. It is highly esteemed as instability, movement, flexibility, joyousness, and
an ornamental stone for carving and fashion jewelry. grace
 Ivory– It comes from the main parts oftusks of  Crooked or jagged lines
elephants. It is a hard white substance used to make COLOR
carvings and billiard balls Color has the most aesthetic appeal. It is a property of
 Metals– it includes any of a class of elementary light.
substances such as gold, silver or copper all of which Three dimensions of color
are crystalline when solid and many of which are 1. HUE – gives color its name.
characterized by capacity, ductility, conductivity, and a. Primary colors – red, yellow, blue
peculiar luster when freshly fractured b. Secondary colors – mixed primary colors
 Plaster– It is composed of lime, sand and water. It is c. Warm hues – red, orange, yellow.
worked on an armature of metal wires and rods in Conspicuous, cheerful, stimulating,
addition to various materials and fibers vivacious, joyous, and exciting.
 Clay– Clay is a natural earthly materialthat is plastic Advancing colors
when wet. It consistessentially of hydrated silicates d. Cool colors – green, blue-green, blue, and
of aluminum and is used for making bricksand blue-violet. Causes surface covered with
ceramics.Clay is generally fragile so it becomes them to appear to recede. Suggest
necessary to cast it in another durable material. Earth distance. Calm, sober, restful, and
ware is referred as terra cotta. inconspicuous.
 Glass– is a medium that is hard, brittle,non- 2. VALUE – sometimes called chiaroscuro which
crystalline, more or less transparent substances refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. A
produced by fushion, usually consisting of mutually quality which depends on the amount of light and
dissolved silica and silicates and contains soda and dark in color. They give the expression of depth
lime and solidity and form to paintings
 Wood – It is a medium easier to carvethan any other TINTS are the values above the normal and
mediums because it can besubjected into a variety of SHADES are the values below the normal
treatment 3. INTENSITY refers to its brightness or darkness
which gives the color strength
The artist utilizes the medium and puts together the Related color harmonies – this may either be
elements to create a work of art. monochromatic or adjacent. Monochromatic
The medium is the physical means through which he can harmonyare the simplest and easiest to use since these
come up with a work of art and the elements are its are composed of different colors of the same hue
quantities or properties. Contrasted color harmonies – this color contrast with
LINE each other strongly therefore they are more difficult to
Line is an important element at the disposal of every use harmoniously than the related color
artist. It is through lines that artist represents figures and combinations.Composed of complementary colors which
forms in paintings and sculptures. Always have direction lie directly opposite each other in the color wheel
and always moving TEXTURE
 Straight line is the basic framework of many forms, Texture is an element that deals more directly withthe
but it lacks softness and flexibility. Suggests sense of touch. It has to do with the characteristics of
efficiency, simplicity, and strength. Moves in one surfaces which can be rough or smooth, fine or coarse,
direction as to horizontally, vertically and diagonally shiny or dull, plain or irregular. It has to do with the
characteristics of surfaces which can be rough or
smooth, fine or coarse, shiny or dull, plain or irregular. Elements of arts are parts of a whole while perceptions of
Found in all visual arts art design are rules or guides to help one put these
PERSPECTIVE elements together.
Perspectivedeals with the effect of distance upon the
appearance of objects, by means of which the eye judges PRINCIPLES OF ART DESIGN:
spatial relationships  HARMONY – the principle which produces an
Two kinds of perspective: impression of unity through the selection and
1) Linear Perspective – the representation of an arrangement of consistentobjects or ideas
appearance of distance by means of converging lines. Five aspects of Harmony:
It involves the direction of lines and the size of 1) Harmony of lines and shapes–Lines are made
objects harmonious by either repeating the shape of the lines
2) Aerial Perspective – the representation of relative or by connectingtransitional lines to contrasting
distances of objects by gradations of tone and color. lines.
Objects become fainter in the distance due to the a) A transitional line or merely transition is usually
effect to the atmosphere a curved, graceful line which connects two
SPACE opposing or contrastinglines.The latter are
The exterior of a building is seen as it appears in space, straight lines which intersect each other and form
while the interior is seen by one who is inside an angles. Lines made in this manner are called
enclosure contrasting or opposing lines. Contradiction, is
FORM a form of transition, butbecause it is not
FORMapplies to the overall design of a work of art. It harmonious, it may beclassified under the lines in
describes the structure or shape of an object. Form contrast. Contradiction is straight line connecting
directs the movements of the eyes. Consists of size and twoopposite lines diagonally
volume that signifies weight 2) Harmony of Size. Harmony of size refersto good
 Regular Forms are those whose parts are related to proportion
one another in a consistent, orderly manner. They are 3) Harmony of Color. Creating harmony ofcolor means
generally stable and symmetrical in about one or using two or more colors indecorating an article or
more axes object
 Irregular Forms are those whose parts are 4) Harmony of Texture. The character of texturecan be
dissimilar and unrelated to one another. These are determined by feeling the object with thefingertips or
regular forms from which irregular elements have by looking at it.
been subtracted or an irregular composition of 5) Harmony of idea. Combining antique and
regular forms. They are generally asymmetrical and modernfurniture in the same room does not show
dynamic. harmonyof idea
 Centralized Forms consist of a number of secondary RHYTHM
forms clustered to produce a dominant, central, and In design, rhythm is the regular, uniform, or
parent form. These forms share the self-centering relatedvisual movement made through the repetition of
properties of the point and circle aunit or motif.It is the basis of almost all performing arts
 Linear Forms arranged sequentially in a row or a becauseit is the principle which is most quickly felt.
series of forms along a line. A linear form can result A unit or motif is a dominant feature or partrepeated in
from a proportional change in a form’s dimensions or a design or decoration. Repetition of aunit creates a
the arrangement of a series to form along a line feeling of movement or rhythm
 Radial Forms – these are compositions of linear  Formal or uniform rhythm is the repetition of
form that extend outward from central form in a amotif with variation in its form, size,
radial manner andarrangement
 GRID FORMS – modular forms whose relationships BALANCE
are regulated by 3-dimensional grids. Balance is a condition or quality which gives afeeling of
VOLUME rest, repose, equilibrium, or stability. In arts, it is the
Volume refers to the amount of space occupied in three visual weights of lines, forms, values, textures, and colors
dimensions, it therefore refers to solidity or thickness. It that we really balance
can be perceived through contour lines, outlines or  Visual weight is the quality which gains and
shapes of objects, and by surface lights and shadows holdsattention. In other words, it is the power of
attractionof each of the elements of art.
Art design – The proper arrangement of the different art It is the balance of equal visual weights placed atequal
elements in order to produce something beautiful distances from the axis.
 Bisymmetrical balance is the balance of identical  By action or movement – Dynamic
ofidentical objects placed on each side of the illustrationsusually attract more attention than
centralaxis and equally distant from the center passive ones
 Symmetrical or obvious balance is the balance OTHER ART PRINCIPLES
ofobjects with nearly identical description  Novelty or Newness –Novelty provides thebest
INFORMAL OR ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE opportunity for developing one’s creativeability.
Informal or asymmetrical balance is the balance  Variety or Variation –Variation in the arrangement
ofunequal visual weights, the heavier one being nearer orstyle of furniture makes the space the
theaxis and the lighter one farther. furnitureoccupies more interesting and attractive.
It is sometimes referred to as occult balance or  Utility, Adaptability or Function – A work ofart
freebalance. Slant or diagonal balance is a form of must not only possess beauty but also utility.The
informalbalance in which the objects are balanced on a object must be adaptable to the purpose forwhich it
diagonalaxis. is made. This is especially true to allpractical arts.
PROPORTION  Contrast – This art principle is synonymous
Proportion is the art principle which shows toopposition or contradiction. It has
pleasingrelationship between a whole and its parts and somerelationships with balance and emphasis.
betweenthe parts themselves. It can be achieved through Twocontrasting lines or colors may balance each
properarrangement of space divisions. other.
Proportions are generally expressed in terms of
ratios.The standard Greek proportion for two
dimensional orflat surfaces is the Greek oblong or
rectangle whoseratio is two is to three (2:3).
The Greek standard for three-dimensional objects
orsolids is the ratio, 5:7:11, which is especially used
inbuilding and in determining the proportion of margins
forframed pictures.
Three aspects of proportion:
1) Proportion in the grouping of objects
2) Proportion in space divisions
3) Proportion in scales
Emphasis is the principle of art which tends tocarry the
eyes from the center of interest ordominant part of any
composition to the lessimportant or subordinate parts
Methods of Emphasizing Objects
 By arrangement or groupings of objects –If objects
are grouped together, the one to beemphasized
should be located at the centerand should be the
biggest and brightest incolor.
 By decoration – Objects which havedecorations are
given more emphasis thatthose without them
 By color contrast – Contrasting colors such
ascomplementary combinations and the triads
aremore emphatic than analogous or any
otherrelated harmonies. Hues of great intensities
aremore noticeable than those having
lowerintensities. The use of contrasting values
makesone value more dominant than the other
 By the use of plain background space –Simple
decorations which are placed againstsufficient, plain
background will be more emphaticthan when the
background space is small.
 By the use of unusual lines, shapes andsizes of
color – Novelty or newness can alsodraw attention to
a specific element of the work. Itis difficult to keep
the eye away from veryextraordinary figures or
subjects, as in a man whohas an unusual height
of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing
COMTEMPORARY WORLD capital projects. It focuses on poverty reduction
and economic development.
Globalization is the process of increasing • Multinational Corporations (MNCs): Large
interconnectedness and interdependence among companies that operate in multiple countries. They
countries, societies, and economies across the world. play a significant role in global trade, investment,
Economic Globalization The integration of national and economic integration.
economies into a global economy through trade, • Global Financial Markets: These include stock
investment, capital flow, labor migration, and the exchanges, bond markets, and currency markets
spread of technology. where securities and currencies are traded
• Cultural Globalization The exchange and blending internationally. They facilitate the flow of capital
of cultural elements across the world, leading to a across borders.
global culture. This includes: Global Production Networks
• The spread of global media and entertainment (e.g., • Supply Chains: Networks of production that span
movies, music, TV shows) multiple countries, where different stages of
Drivers of Globalization manufacturing and assembly occur in different
• Advancements in Technology: Innovations in locations to optimize costs and efficiency.
communication and transportation technologies • Outsourcing and Offshoring: Practices where
have made it easier and faster to connect with companies relocate production or service
people and markets around the world. processes to other countries to benefit from lower
• Trade Liberalization: Reduction in trade barriers costs, specialized skills, or favorable regulatory
(tariffs and quotas) has facilitated more free- environments.
flowing international trade. • Logistics and Transportation Networks: Systems
• Economic Policies: Many countries have adopted that move goods and services globally, including
policies to encourage foreign investment and shipping, air freight, and land transportation,
economic openness. supported by international infrastructure.
• Cultural Exchange: Media, social networks, and Market integration refers to the process by which
international tourism have fostered greater separate markets for goods, services, capital, and
cultural exchange and awareness. labor become interconnected and unified into a single
Key Structures of Globalization global marketplace.
1. International Trade System Globalization of the world economy refers to the
1. World Trade Organization (WTO): A increasing integration and interdependence of
global international organization that national economies across the world.
regulates and facilitates international An International Trading Center is a hub for global
trade between nations. It aims to ensure trade and commerce, where goods, services, and
that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, capital are exchanged internationally.
and freely as possible. The Bretton Woods System was a set of international
2. Regional Trade Agreements: monetary arrangements established in 1944 to
Agreements between groups of countries promote economic stability and prevent the
to reduce or eliminate trade barriers. competitive devaluations that had occurred in the
Examples include the North American 1930s. It created the International Monetary Fund
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the (IMF) and the World Bank.
European Union (EU), and the Asia-Pacific Neoliberalism is a political and economic ideology
Economic Cooperation (APEC). advocating for free-market capitalism, deregulation,
3. Bilateral Trade Agreements: and a reduction in government intervention in the
Agreements between two countries to economy.
foster trade and economic cooperation by Economic globalization refers to the increasing
reducing tariffs and import quotas. economic interdependence of countries worldwide,
Global Financial System resulting from the cross-border movement of goods,
• International Monetary Fund (IMF): An services, technology, capital, and labor.
international organization that provides financial The global interstate system refers to the network of
assistance and advice to member countries facing sovereign states that interact with each other through
economic instability. It aims to promote global diplomacy, trade, alliances, and conflict within a
monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, framework of international law and norms.
and facilitate international trade. Contemporary global governance refers to the
• World Bank: An international financial institution system of rules, institutions, and practices that guide
that provides loans and grants to the governments and coordinate international relations and global
The North-South divide refers to the socio- SCIENCES-1
economic and political disparity between the • Taxonomic Ranks Mnemonic (DKPCOFGS) o Dumb
wealthier, more developed countries of the King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti
"Global North" and the poorer, less developed D-domain, K-kingdom, P-phylum, C-class, O-
countries of the "Global South." order, F-family, G-genus, S-species
Asian regionalism refers to the process of • Heterotrophic (can’t produce own food)
fostering economic, political, social, and cultural • Autotrophic (can produce own food like plants)
integration among Asian countries. Smaller mammals like mice are not known to be
Global culture refers to the shared norms, values, carriers of rabies
symbols, and practices that transcend national
Homeostasis refers to balance or equilibrium
boundaries and contribute to a more
interconnected world. Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in the living
Global population and mobility refer to the body/cell.
patterns, trends, and movements of people across Catabolism breaking down of chemicals to release
the world. This includes migration, urbanization, energy o Anabolism building of bigger molecules to
and demographic shifts influenced by various store energy
social, economic, and political factors. Cellular Respiration is the breaking of carbohydrate
Global demography studies the statistical molecules with the help of oxygen to produce carbon
analysis of populations, including their size, dioxide and water. This process also releases energy
distribution, density, and growth, as well as the for the cell.
social, economic, and environmental factors
Some of the Vestigial (no purpose) Organs or Parts of
influencing these dynamics.
the human body are wisdom teeth, Coccyx, Appendix,
Global migration refers to the movement of
people across international borders for various and Tonsil.
reasons, including economic opportunities, family Atomic mass is the combined number of protons and
reunification, education, or escaping conflict and neutrons
persecution. The number of protons or electrons is reflected in the
Global food security is the state where all atomic number.
people, at all times, have physical, social, and Non-metals are on the right side of the periodic table.
economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious Other parts are mostly metallic
food that meets their dietary needs and Prokaryotic cells are a type of cells with no nucleus
preferences for an active and healthy life. and membrane-bounded organelle. Found on bacteria.
Global citizenship refers to recognizing the
Eukaryotic cells are a type of cells with nuclei and
interconnectedness of individuals and
membrane-bounded organelles.
communities worldwide and understanding the
responsibility to engage in actions that promote Cell walls, plastids, and chloroplasts are cell structures
social justice, sustainability, and peace beyond found in plant cells but not in animal cells.
national boundaries. Facilitated diffusion – the movement of molecules with
The United Nations (UN) is an international the help of tube-like proteins
organization founded in 1945 to promote peace, Filtration – a process of separating solid particles from
security, and cooperation among countries. It was a liquid mixture
established after World War II to prevent future Osmosis – is the movement of water through a semi-
conflicts and foster international collaboration. permeable membrane
International organizations are entities Diffusion – is the movement of particles through a
established by treaties or agreements between
fluid medium (liquid or gas).
countries to address global issues and facilitate
cooperation across borders. Commensalism – Only one organism benefits from the
interaction while the other is neither harmed nor
Parasitism – one organism benefit from the
interaction while the other is harmed gradually
Amensalism – an interaction when an organism harm
the other but not for no apparent reason
Competition – a relationship between organisms who
require the same sustenance or need
Predation – a relationship wherein one organism kills Allosomes or sex chromosomes are the 23 pair in
and eats the other. human genome. X chromosome carries the female
Ecological Niche - is the match of a species to a characteristics and Y chromosomes carries the male.
specific environmental condition. It is an inclusive Genotype refers to the alleles or genes that are passed
term that involves not only the physical space to the offspring; Phenotype refers to the observable
occupied by an organism but also its functional role in traits that the organism has.
the community. Trisomy 21 or the additional chromosome at the 21st
Ecological Succession - the process by which the mix pair of chromosomes is also known as Down
of species and habitat in an area change over time. Syndrome.
Deciduous forest - characterized by trees that lose Gene flow - also called migration; is any movement of
their leaves at the end of each growing season individuals, and/or the genetic material they carry,
Tropical rainforest - dense and warm rainforests from one population to another.
with high rainfall typically found between 10° north Genetic Drift - is the change in frequency of an existing
and south of the Equator gene variant in the population due to random chance.
Temperate coniferous forest - common in the Mutation - Any change in the DNA sequence of a cell.
coastal areas of regions that have mild winters and Sexual Dimorphism - is the systematic difference in
heavy rainfall, or inland in drier climates or montane form between individuals of different sex in the same
areas • Temperate grassland - cold winters and warm species.
summers with some rain • Taiga - thick forests of Protein - structural support, biochemical catalysts,
coniferous trees, such as spruce, pine, and fir. hormones, enzymes, building blocks, and initiators of
Tundra - the coldest of all the biomes cellular death. (made from amino acids)
Desert - the driest of all the biomes. In fact, the most Lipids - fatty compounds that perform a variety of
important characteristic of a desert is that it receives functions in your body. They're part of your cell
very little rainfall. membranes and help control what goes in and out of
Ecesis - the process by which a plant or animal your cells. They help with moving and storing energy,
becomes established in a new habitat. absorbing vitamins and making hormones. (made from
Nudation - the formation of a bare area by several fatty acids)
reasons, such as volcanic eruption, flooding, landslide, Nucleic acids - large biomolecules that play essential
erosion, etc. roles in all cells and viruses. A major function of nucleic
Eutrophication - excessive plant and algal growth due acids involves the storage and expression of genomic
to the increased availability of one or more limiting information.
growth factors needed for photosynthesis Small Intestine is responsible for the majority and
Saponification – soap-making process completion of the chemical digestion
Endospores - highly retractile and thick-walled Alveoli are tiny sacs within the lungs that allow oxygen
structures formed inside the bacterial cells used for and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and
the organism to survive for a long time bloodstream.
Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholerae (Bacteria)  Clusters of nerve cells are called ganglia
Rabies is caused by Rabies virus (Rabies lyssavirus)  Melatonin that controls the circadian rhythm is
Tetanus is caused by Clostridium tetani (Bacteria) released by pineal gland
Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Vasopressin is the hormone that controls the
(bacteria) retention of water in the kidney
Common sign of infection includes fever, chills and Capillaries are the blood vessels that handles the
sweat, and cough exchange of materials between blood and surrounding
Law of Dominance - When parents with pure, tissues
contrasting traits are crossed together, only one form The rhythmic beating of the heart is produced by the
of trait appears in the next generation sinoatrial node
Law of Independent Assortment - the inheritance of The white blood cells that secrete antibodies to
one pair of genes is independent of inheritance of combat pathogens are the lymphocytes.
another pair
Law of Segregation - every individual possesses two
alleles and only one allele is passed on to the offspring. Phases of the Moon
Solar Eclipse happens during the new moon phase
Lunar Eclipse happens during the full moon Hurricane is also known as typhoon
phase Twister or tornado is the smallest revolving weather
The umbra (Latin for "shadow") is the innermost and Denitrification is the process of converting nitrate
darkest part of a shadow, where the light source is to nitrogen gas and nitrous oxide
completely blocked by the occluding body. Desalination is the process of developing fresh
The penumbra (from the Latin paene "almost, nearly" water from salt water
and umbra "shadow") is the region in which only a A diverging lens can form an upright, reduced, and
portion of the light source is obscured by the occluding virtual image.
body. Blue light wave travel and scatter more than red
light because this has higher wavelengths.
The antumbra (from the Latin ante "before" and umbra
"shadow") is the region from which the occluding body Light interference is the phenomena of multiple
appears entirely within the disc of the light source. light waves interacting with one another under
certain circumstances, causing the combined
Troposphere - the lowest layer of our atmosphere. amplitudes of the waves to either increase or
Stratosphere (ozonosphre) - The stratosphere extends decrease.
from the top of the troposphere to about 50 km (31 miles) Reflection is the bouncing of light when it hits a
above the ground. surface.
Refraction is the bending of light as it passes
Mesosphere - It extends upward to a height of about 85
through a different region/medium.
km (53 miles) above our planet. Most meteors burn up in
In quantum theory, energy of light is carried in
the mesosphere. Unlike the stratosphere, temperatures
units called photons.
once again grow colder as you rise up through the
Isochoric process is also known as a constant-
volume process. It is a thermodynamic process
Thermosphere (ionosphere) - High-energy X-rays and
where the total volume of the system remains
UV radiation from the Sun are absorbed in the constant.
thermosphere, raising its temperature to hundreds or at
Isobaric process refers to constant pressure,
times thousands of degrees.
when other factors like temperature or volume can
Aurora borealis and aurora australis is formed and change in a system.
observed in this layer
Isothermal process is one where work and energy
Exosphere Although some experts consider the are expended to maintain an equal temperature
thermosphere to be the uppermost layer of our (called thermal equilibrium) at all times.
atmosphere, others consider the exosphere to be the Adiabatic refers to a process in which no heat is
actual "final frontier" of Earth's gaseous envelope. transferred into or out of a system, and the change
Evaporation - the change of state in a substance from a in internal energy is only done by work.
liquid to a gas • Heat Transfer
Condensation - the change of state in a substance from a - Conduction: when molecules of matter are in
gas to liquid also the process of forming clouds direct contact with each other
Precipitation - when tiny condensation particles, through
- Convection: when heat is transferred
collision and coalescence, grow too large for the rising air
through the movement of gas or liquid
to support, and thus fall to the Earth. Precipitation can be
in the form of rain, hail, snow, or sleet. Radiation: when heat is transferred through
Transpiration - the evaporation of water from plants Magnetic field moves from its north pole to south
through stomata. Stomata are small openings found on the pole
underside of leaves that are connected to vascular plant Electric current moves from positive to negative
tissues. in a circuit
Runoff - occurs when there is excessive precipitation and Electron flows from negative to positive in a
the ground is saturated (cannot absorb any more water). circuit
Rivers and lakes are results of runoff.
Iron can turn into temporary magnet through the Ionic Bond - type of linkage formed from the
process of Induction electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged
Coulomb’s Law - the electrical force between two ions in a chemical compound.
charged objects is directly proportional to the Metallic Bond - force that holds atoms together in
product of the quantity of charge on the objects. a metallic substance. Such a solid consists of closely
Kirchoff’s Law - the sum of all potential rises and packed atoms.
potential drops in any loop (closed circuit) is zero
Law of Electrolysis - the mass of a substance PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH
deposited at any electrode is directly proportional
to the amount of charge passed. 1. First Language (L1): Language Acquisition:
Ohm’s Law - that the electric current through a : Second Language (L2): ________ Language Learning
conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the voltage across the two points.
Acquiring Knowledge is not the answer because it
Charge - is the physical property of matter that
is synonymous to the question.
causes it to experience a force when placed in an
Language Change means language is dynamic; it
electromagnetic field.
changes throughout the course of time
Circuit - a closed, continuous path through which
Language Contact is a phenomenon when 2
electrons can flow
different language speakers interact with each
Resistor - an electrical component that limits or other that may result in the development of new
regulates the flow of electrical current in an linguistic features.
electronic circuit.
2. A learner follows a set of rules to effectively
Voltage - the pressure from an electrical circuit's convey this message to other people. This shows
power source that pushes charged electrons what view of language? Language is a system of
(current) through a conducting loop. systems
Law of Inertia – object at rest tends to be at rest, a. Language is primarily vocal means that language
object in motion tends to be in motion unless an is mainly transmitted through speech sounds.
external force is acting on it These speech sounds fall under the linguistic
Law of Acceleration - that the acceleration of an branch of phonology.
object is directly related to the net force and b. Language is a system of systems means that
inversely related to its mass. Acceleration of an language follows a set of rules. A synonym of the
object depends on two things, force and mass. word “system” is “rules”.
Law of Interaction – in every action there is an c. Arbitrariness of language means that language
equal yet opposite reaction. doesn’t actually make sense.
The Biomolecules in the body are: d. Language is a means of communication doesn’t
Carbohydrates – energy source of the body answer the question.
Proteins – structural components of the body The etymology of the word “Communication”
Lipids – thermal insulator of the body comes from the latin word “Communicare” which
Nucleic Acids- responsible for genetic means to share, which in itself comes from another
information. latin word “Communis” which means “to make
Emulsification is the process of combining liquids common.”
which don’t usually mix through substances that acts 4. The father of Classical Communication?
as agents like the egg yolk in making mayonnaise Aristotle
Temperature also refers to the kinetic energy in Cicero is a great Roman orator, but not considered the
particles of matter. father of Classical Communication
Covalent Bond - a chemical bond that involves the Protagoras is considered as the Father of Debate.
sharing of electrons to form electron pairs When in doubt, Aristotle is the father of many things
between atoms. considering the fact that he pioneered multiple bodies
of knowledge
Sophocles is a famous Greek playwright, focusing
more on Tragedies. message.
5. Which of the following is not a nature of Receiver
communication? It involves two people. The one who receives the message and
At this point, communication is not only limited to two interprets it.
people. Communication can also happen when a Does the decoding process.
person is talking to themselves. ● Mental processing and interpreting of the
Intrapersonal Communication - talking to yourself message
Interpersonal Communication - talking to other Feedback
people The receiver’s response or reaction to the
Other types of communication based on the number of sender’s message.
people: Context
Small Group Communication - more than 2 people The common and shared understanding of the
(generally up to 15 people) situation.
Public Communication - Talking to an audience of Environment
large amounts The physical and psychological space where the
Mediated or Extended Communication - using communication happens.
technology. Involves the location, time, temperature, events,
6. What is the most basic function of communication etc.
according to Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara Interference
(2019)? Social Interaction.
The hindrances that prevents effective
7. What is the function of communication when you communication.
become someone’s shoulder to cry on, give a pep talk,
Otherwise known as noise, barriers, or blocks.
encourage others to hold steadfast, in life and faith,
9. What component of the communication process
and give someone an extra little push that they need to
shows how the sender conveys the message
do what they need or want to do? Motivation
Functions of Oral Communication:
through a channel? Transmitting
1. Regulation/Control - control one’s behavior
2. Social Interaction - used to produce relationships 10. For most Filipinos, the word “salvage” is
commonly referred to as summary execution. On
3. Information - convey information
the other hand, Americans refer to the same word
4. Emotional expression - express your feelings
as saving a person’s life. This scenario falls under
5. Motivation - motivate or encourage people to live
better ______. Semantic Barrier
8. Mario thinks of how he will put into words his love
Types of Barriers
for Maria. The component of communication behind
Psychological - thoughts that hamper the message
this situation is _________. Encoding to be interpreted correctly by the receiver.

The one who crafts the message, idea, or
Physiological - related to the person’s health and
Does the encoding process.
● The process of converting ideas or thoughts into
Linguistic - differences in word usage and
The information, idea, or thought that the speaker
meaning , leading to confusion
wants to convey.
Can be either verbal or non-verbal.
Cultural - misunderstanding of meaning caused by
The medium of transmission or distribution of the
cultural differences between sender and receiver.
present in the situation? Intrapersonal
● Intrapersonal - communicating with yourself
Physical - environmental factors that limit the ● Interpersonal - communicating with others
sending and receiving of messages. ● Organizational - communicating in business
● Intercultural - communication among different
● Mass - large number of people through different
Mechanical - flaw in machinery, instruments, or ● Extended - using technology
channel used to convey the message 15. The Global Student Leadership Summit (GSLS)
hosted a multi-day leadership summit for over 2500
high school students from 15 countries last April 11-13,

2021. What type of communication is this?

16. Mariz bought a new laptop with HD camera for her
11. Fritzie could not understand Aliyah’s point video conferencing. This type of communication is:
because she had high fever. What barrier of Mediated
17. When the accounting manager communicates to the
communication is present in the situation? purchasing manager the dollars available for purchases
Physiological Barrier in the current month, this is an example of:
a. 12. Drake and Jermaine found it hard to Horizontal Communication
communicate because Kendrick literally stood Types of Communication in the organizational context.
between them and made noises. What barrier of ○ Upward - from Subordinate to Superior
○ Downward - from Superior to Subordinate
communication is present in the situation? ○ Horizontal - among the same status
Physical Barrier 18. Janice informs her three colleagues about a
13. It refers to the channel through which one Ponzi scheme happening inside the investment
expresses his/her communicative intent. company they work. The three colleagues later on
Communication Mode spread this news to the other employees. What is
Communication Mode - the manner in which you this form of Grapevine Communication? Cluster
communicate Chain
● Verbal Types of Grapevine Communication
● Non-verbal ● Single Chain - single person to single person and so
Communication Context - the amount of people in on.
the communication setting ● Gossip Chain - single person to many
● Intrapersonal ● Probability Chain - learn the information at random
● Interpersonal ● Cluster Chain - group of people to other group of
● Extended people.
● Organizational 19. Paralanguage is about how something is said,
● Intercultural not what is said. Shania uses it to improve herself in
● Mass communicating with other people. What do you
Communication Style - the way you deliver a think is the best oral communication activity in
message which Shania must participate with to test her
● Formal
● Informal skills? Declamation
14. Manny is singing the National Anthem to remind Paralanguage - the non-verbal elements of
himself that he is a Filipino Citizen. In the interplays of communication. Otherwise known as the prosodic
speech consideration, what kind of speech context is features of speech.
Ex. Rate, Juncture, Pitch, Intonation
20. What do we call the pauses between utterances Social/Polite
in a speech, delivered to add drama and timing? Communication is the exchange of information,
Juncture ideas, thoughts, and feelings by one individual to
Prosodic features of Speech another.
Volume - loudness or softness of voice Sender- one who crafts a message, idea, or
Projection - strength in speaking information. Encoding – Process of converting idea
Pitch - highness or lowness of voice or thoughts of the information into symbols
Stress - degree of force Message- the information, idea, thought,
Intonation - variation of pitch etc. that the speaker wants to convey
Juncture - pauses in speech Channel- means of transmission or distribution of
Some types of non-verbal communication the message
Haptics - touch Medium: Written, Verbal, or Non-Verbal
Kinesics - Movement Receiver- For whom the message was created and
Proxemics - Space one who receives it. Decoding – Receiver’s mental
Chronemics – Time processing of interpreting message into meaning
Feedback- the receiver’s response or reaction to
the sender’s message
Context- common and shared understanding of
22. John had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. He the situation. Environment, topic, culture,
then tries to hitchhike by putting his thumb up in relationship
the air to signal the passing cars that he needs a Interference- a hindrance that prevents effective
ride. This gesture is known as: Emblem communication. Noise, barrier, block
Types of gestures: Psychological- Thoughts that hamper the message
Regulators - controls the flow of conversation. to be interpreted correctly by the receiver
Illustrators - accompany speech to clarify or Physiological- Related to person’s health and
emphasize points fitness.
Adaptors - Unconscious gestures to adapt to a Linguistic- Differences in word usage and meaning
situation; to manage emotions of words cause confusion.
Emblems - have specific meanings in a particular Intrapersonal -Within an individual
culture. Interpersonal- Among people
Types of Proxemics Dyadic- between two people
Intimate distance - reserved for the closest of Small group- 3 or more (15)
friends and family members. 0-1.5ft Extended- With the use of technological tools
Personal distance - reserved for friends and
acquaintances. 1.5-4ft
Organizational- Business environments
Social distance - typical in professional settings.
4-12ft Intercultural- Among people of diverse culture
Public distance - typical in public speaking and Mass- To large audiences through different modes
formal events. 12+ft. Inevitable- All actions communicate
24. A mother might laugh and say “I’m going to get Irreversible- Cannot take back what was said
you” while tickling her son with a teddy bear. What Complex- Interpret meanings from symbols
dimension of touch is presented in the scenario?
Contextual- There are diverse meanings
Instrument of Touch
Formal- Carefully thought of to selected channel
Dimensions of Touch:
and audience to inform persuade, and entertain
Intensity - strength
Informal- Casual and takes place in ordinary
Location - which part of the body that made contact
conversation to socialize.
Frequency - repeated
Downward- Superior to subordinate
Instrument of Touch - using an outside medium to
touch. Upward- Subordinate to superior
25. Shiela shared a beso-beso with her Horizontal- Among members
acquaintance as they unexpectedly met in a mall. Linear Models of Communication
This situation is under what category of touch? Looks at the One-way Models of Communication.
Communication will end once the receiver receives

Socrates: The Examined Life and the True Self

 understanding the self begins with self-examination
“the unexamined life is not worth living”
 Socrates' concept of Reality
Shannon-weaver’s Model of Communication  physical realm- changeable, transient, and
imperfect. The body belongs to the physical realm.
 ideal realm- unchanging, eternal, and immortal.
The soul belongs to the ideal realm.
Plato: The Tripartite Soul and the Realm of
 enlightened self is one that escapes from ignorance
and perceives the truth
 self is composed of a tripartite soul:
Reason: seeks truth and wisdom.
Spirit: responsible for emotions, ambition, and
Interactive Models of Communication Appetite: desires physical pleasures and material
Looks at Two-Way Models of Communication; goods.
wherein communication has feedback. Aristotle: The Self as a Rational and Social Being
Intracultural- Communicating with members of  self is a substance that possesses both form
the same racial or ethnic group (essence) and matter
Interethnic- Interacting with people of different  the ultimate goal of life is eudaimonia, often
ethnic groups translated as "happiness" or "flourishing.“
Interracial- Communicating with people from  humans are social animals (zoon politikon)
different races  achieving virtue through moderation, known as the
International- Communicating between "Golden Mean" which means “moderation.”
representatives from different nations  three kinds of soul:
Persuasive Communication- message given to 1. Vegetative- physical body that can grow
an audience with the intention of influencing your 2. Sentient- sensual desires, feelings, and emotions.
listeners to agree with a particular point of view. 3. Rational- intellect makes man know and understand
Argumentive Communication- the art of things.
persuading based on reason, facts and not ST. AUGUSTINE: I AM DOUBTING, THEREFORE I AM
emotions.  integrated the ideas of Plato and Christianity.
Public Speaking- process of speaking in a  unified perspective on the body and soul.
structured, deliberate manner to inform, influence  soul is what governs and defines the human person
or entertain an audience or the self.
Speech- term used to refer to the spoken  soul is united with the body so that man may be
expressions of information and ideas (verbal form) entire and complete.
Manuscript Reading ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: Self as a Composite of Body
word-for-word iteration of a written message and Soul
Memorized Speech  adopted Aristotle’s idea that humans are composed
reciting a message that the speaker has committed of both body and soul.
to memory.  subscribed to the concept of hylomorphism,
Extemporaneous Speech physical world is a composite of matter (hyle) and
A well-prepared speech that prepared and form (morphe)
practiced but is neither read nor memorized.  believed that the human soul is immortal and
Impromptu Speech continues to exist after the death of the body.
This is a speech that has no advanced planning or  Powers of the Soul: intellect responsible for
practice. understanding, reasoning, and knowledge. Will is
the choice and decision-making (FREEDOM)  The unconscious are hidden thoughts and feelings
 the ultimate purpose or final end (telos) of the self that you’re not aware of but still affect you. Ex.
is to achieve union with God. Repressed memories of a traumatic event or deep-
seated fears, ultimate secret.
THE SELF FROM MODERN PHILOSOPHICAL  The preconscious memories and information that
PERSPECTIVE aren’t in your immediate awareness but can be
easily accessed. Ex. If someone asks you what you
• RENÉ DESCARTES ate for breakfast yesterday.
 concept of self is the phrase "I think therefore I am"  The self is inextricable union between mind and body.
JOHN LOCKE  There is no experience that is not an embodied
 human mind at birth is tabula rasa or blank slate. experience.
 Self-consciousness is necessary to have a GILBERT RYLE
coherent personal (self) identity or knowledge of The self is the WAY PEOPLE BEHAVE
the self as a person. The working of the mind are NOT distinct from the
 Consciousness is what makes possible our belief action of the body but are one and the same
that we are the same identity in different
 Adheres to materialism, that nothings except
DAVID HUME matter exists.
 The Bundle Theory of the Self, people experience is  If a thing can’t be recognized by the brain, it is not
just a bundle or collection of different perceptions, real
impressions, sensations, ideas, thoughts, and  Mind cannot experienced by the senses, then mind
images that constantly change over time. doesn’t really exists.
 suggests that if people carefully examine their  The self is inseparable from the brain. All we have
sense experience through the process of is the brain and so, if the brain is gone, there is no
introspection, they will discover that there is no self.
stable "self“, Thus, “there is no self.”  the physical brain, gives us our sense of self
 Decision-making and moral behavior are a
 The idea of personal identity is a result of
biological phenomena
imagination or illusion. There is no underlying self
that remains constant over time. Socialization is process of internalizing the
IMMANUEL KANT norms of society which influence one’s belief,
 A human persona is an inner and outer self. It is a actions, and behaviors.
constant struggle between inner and outer self.
 Kantian ethics, a maxim is a personal principle THE SELF FROM SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE
or rule that a person uses to guide their actions. • GEORGE HERBERT MEAD
 Kant argued that for a maxim to be morally  Theory of the social self, explained that the self
acceptable, it must be capable of being has two divisions: the "I“ and the "me".
universalized.  The "I" is the subjective element and the active
side of the self.
 It represents the spontaneous, and unique
traits of the individual.
 The self is multilayered: • CHARLES COOLEY
 The conscious self is governed by the reality  the self is not dependent on biological
principle and is everything you are aware of at any predispositions; rather, it is a product of social
given moment. Ex. When you’re reading a book and interaction.
thinking about its plot.  Looking- glass self Theory highlights that the
people whom a person interacts become a mirror
in which he views himself.
• Gerry Lanuza, in modern societies the attainment  THE SELF AS PROACTIVE AND AGENTIC
and stability of self- identity is freely chosen. It is suggests that humans have the ability to
no longer restricted by customs and traditions. act and make things happen. In his theory
• Friedrich Nietzsche of the self, people are viewed as proactive
 SELF as necessary fiction, it is the totality of agents of experiences.
individual’s representation. • Carl Jung
 Master morality values strength, power, and  THE SELF AS THE CENTRAL ARCHETYPE Jung
nobility, while slave morality values kindness. suggested that the psyche continues to develop
 Nietzsche famously declared "God is dead,“ the throughout life, but the psyche starts to show a
moral framework provided by religion was no definite form and content during adolescence.
longer sufficient for guiding life. there are four major archetypes:
 The persona refers to social roles that
THE SELF FROM ANTHROPOLOGICAL individuals present to others.
PERSPECTIVE  The shadow refers to the repressed
thoughts that are unacceptable. This
Anthropology – employs a HOLISTIC approach to archetype is often considered as the dark
study of the self. side of the psyche.
Naomi Quinn – self is the totality of physical,  The anima is the feminine side of the
biological, psychological, social, and cultural. male psyche while the animus is the
Psychology – the sense of self is defined as the way of masculine side of the female psyche.
person thinks about and views his or her traits  The self is the central archetype that
unites all parts of the psyche. The ego is
the individual's conscious perception of
 Self is the totality of all that a person can call his According to Sigmund Freud, there are three
or hers structures of personality:
 Two division of self:  The id is the pleasure-seeking side, immature,
• “I” – self as subject (thinker and pure ego) impulsive, child-like and cannot delay
• “Me” – self as object (material, social, Spiritual, and gratification. It has no regard of others and the
empirical) law.
• Carl Rogers  The ego refers to the "I" and works on the
o the real self and the ideal self are terms used reality principle, controls the id, and can delay
to describe personality domains. pleasure. The ego can conform with existing
o Carl Rogers defined the self as a flexible and societal consideration.
changing perception of personal identity.  The superego refers to the "conscience "and
o The ideal self is how we want to be. It is an "moral judge“of conduct.
idealized image that we have developed over  developed the psychosexual theory of
time, based on what we have learned and development.
experienced. The first stage is the oral stage, which lasts
• DONALD WOODS WINNICOTT from birth up to the first year of life. During
 He thought that people were born without this stage, babies derive pleasure from oral
a clearly developed self and had to activities like sucking and biting.
"search" for an authentic sense of self as The next stage is anal stage, which occurs
they grew. around the second year of life. During this
 For Winnicott, the self is a very important stage, the child derives pleasure from the
part of mental and emotional well-being elimination of body wastes.
which plays a vital role in creativity. third stage, phallic stage, “phallus” or penis
 True self is also known as real self, that usually occurs around the ages of 3 and 6.
authentic self, original self and vulnerable Children during this stage derive pleasure
self; This is rooted from early infancy in from examining, touching, fondling, or
the experience of being alive. Out of this, displaying their genitals, or others.
the baby creates the experience of a sense
of reality, a sense that life is worth living
The fourth stage is the latency stage, which lasts from 7 fulfillment or falling into despair over regrets
to 12. At this stage, sexual energy is repressed because
children become busy with school. Biological SEX
The last stage is genital stage, which starts from  Capacitation: A process that sperm undergo after
adolescence to adulthood. During this stage, pleasure is entering the female reproductive tract, during
again derived from the genital area and individuals seek which they gain the ability to penetrate and
to satisfy their sexual drives from sexual relationships. fertilize the egg.
Sexual problems may result as a consequence of  Fertilization: The union of a sperm and an egg,
inappropriate sex behaviors. usually occurring in the fallopian tube. When the
sperm successfully penetrates the egg, their
THE SELF FROM PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE genetic materials combine to form a single cell
• Erik Erikson with a complete set of chromosomes.
 known for his theory of psychosocial
development. Sex: Refers to the biological and physiological
 His theory outlines eight stages that an individual characteristics that distinguish male and female
goes through during their lifetime, from infancy to bodies. This includes aspects like chromosomes,
old age. hormone levels, and reproductive/sexual anatomy
 Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust Gender: Refers to the roles, behaviors, activities,
Age: Infancy (0-1 year) and attributes that a given society considers
Crisis: The infant must learn whether or not they appropriate for men and women. It's often
can trust the world. This is primarily influenced understood as a social and cultural construct
by the consistency and reliability of the caregivers rather than purely biological.
 Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Examples: Masculine, feminine, androgynous,
Age: Early Childhood (1-3 years) genderqueer.
Crisis: The child must develop a sense of Gender Identity: Refers to a person’s internal
personal control over physical skills and a sense of sense of their own gender, which may or may not
independence align with the sex they were assigned at birth. It is
 Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt how individuals perceive themselves and what
Age: Preschool (3-6 years) they call themselves.
Crisis: The child must learn to initiate activities, Examples: Cisgender (when gender identity
plan tasks, and carry out goals, balancing their matches assigned sex), transgender (when gender
own desires with social expectations. identity does not match assigned sex), non-binary,
 Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority genderfluid.
Age: School Age (6-12 years) Sexual Orientation: Refers to the pattern of
Crisis: The child must develop a sense of emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction one feels
competence and mastery in various skills, toward others. It’s about who you are attracted to
comparing themselves to their peers. Gender expression refers to the way an
 Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion individual externally presents their gender to the
Age: Adolescence (12-18 years) world.
Crisis: The adolescent must develop a strong
sense of self and personal identity, exploring
different roles and integrating them into a ETHICS
cohesive identity. Ethics refers to the rules of conduct recognized in
 Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation respect to a particular class of human actions or a
Age: Young Adulthood (18-40 years) particular group or culture.
Ethics comes from the Greek word "ethos"
Crisis: The young adult must form intimate, loving
meaning ”character”.
relationships with others while balancing the Moral comes from the Latin word "mores"
need for personal space and independence. meaning “custom".
 Stage 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation MORAL AGENCY - says that a particular
Age: Middle Adulthood (40-65 years) agent can appropriately, be held
Crisis: The adult must contribute to society and responsible for her actions and their
the next generation, often through parenting, consequences.
work, and community involvement. Culture
 Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair  It refers to that complex whole which
Age: Late Adulthood (65+ years) includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals,
Crisis: The individual must reflect on their life and custom, and any other capabilities and habits
accept it as it has been, finding a sense of acquired by man as a member of society -
Edward Tylor
The usual rules in our lives: aware that actions are consistent or contrary to the
Etiquette: standards by which manners are judged to law of duty" (Borges, 2013).
be good or bad normally dictated by a socio-
economic elite. Axiology is the study of values

Athletic: standards by which we judge how good or

Phenomenology of Feelings
bad a game is played, usually formulated by
“A sensitive heart is a rich source of ideas”
governing bodies.
– Nikolai Karamzin
Moral relativism is the view that ethical standards,
morality, and positions of right or wrong are
culturally based and therefore subject to a person's Consequentialist Theories or the Utilitarian
individual choice. Approach analyze an issue using the utilitarian
approach, we first identify the various courses of
ELEMENTS OF HUMAN ACTS action available to us.
Knowledge - it is employed in doing human act.
This is to say that when the doer is conscious of his The Egoistic Approach is one variation of the
or her actions, his or her senses are active, and he or utilitarian approach is known as ethical egoism, or
she is aware of the reason and the consequences of the ethics of self- interest. In this approach, an
his or her actions. individual often uses utilitarian calculation to
Freedom - when the doer acts through his or her produce the greatest amount of good for him or
own initiative and choice without being forced by herself.
another person or situation, then the act is done on The Duty-Based Approach sometimes called
the basis of freedom. deontological ethics.
Voluntariness - the act is done willfully when the
doer consents to the act, accepting it as his or his The Rights Approach, the second important
own, and assume the accountability for its approach to ethics has its roots in the philosophy of
consequences. the 18th-century thinker Immanuel Kant and others
like him, who focused on the individual's right to
choose for herself or himself.

Norms are the accepted standards of behavior of

The Fairness or Justice Approach (the best ethical
social groups. Moral norms are the rules of
action) protects the ethical rights of those who are
morality that people ought to follow
affected by the action. It emphasizes the belief that
1. Ignorance- pertains to lack, want, or all humans have a right to dignity.
absence of knowledge in a person Divine Command Approach sees what is right as
capable of such. the same as what God commands, and ethical
standards are the creation of God’s will.
2. Passion or Concupiscence - defined as a
compelling desire for something. It can also refer Fairness
to a person's sexual desire or lust. It refers to the level of even-handedness in
dispensing justice whereby claims are recognized in
3. Fear-defined as a feeling induced by perceived order of their legal and contractual priority.
danger or threat.
The Concept of Justice
4. Violence-a physical force exerted on a person
• It is a theory (philosophical and legal) by
by another free agent for the purpose of
which fairness is administered.
compelling the said person to act against his or Plato: justice is a command from God.
her will. John Locke: Justice is derived from the
5. Habits- are inclination to perform specific natural law.
acts acquired by repetition, and characterized by Social Contract theorists: It is about the
decreased power of resistance and increased mutual agreement of everyone
facility of performance. concerned.
John Stuart Mill: It is about something that
has the best consequences (maximity of
Immanuel Kant's View of Feelings
Kant defines moral feelings as "the susceptibility to Egalitarians: Justice exists only in the
feel pleasure or displeasure merely from being context of equality.
John Rawls: (Distributive) Justice is a loyalty, or wisdom.
form of fairness.
Legal Justice - duties of the individual
toward the community (ex. Taxes,
cooperation in public affairs)
Particular justice is directed to the private good
Distributive Justice – duties of the
community toward the individual that
inclines the ruler of a community to
equitably distribute burdens and honors
among its members according to their
capacities and merits.
Commutative Justice – duties of an individual
toward other individuals (cf. CCC, 2236, 2411.)
Vindictive or Penal Justice - which
inclines the ruler of a community to
punish crime with the right penalties.
Compensatory Justice
refers to the extent to which people are fairly
compensated for their injuries by those who have
injured them; just compensation is proportional to
the loss inflicted on a person.
Globalization is a process of interaction and
integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process
driven by international trade and investment
and aided by information technology.

meritocracy is a social system in which

leadership and advancement on individual
merit, competence and integrity rather than on
inherited or arbitrary factors such as wealth,
birthright or social status.
Royalty - the rank, status, or power of a king or
queen; royal position, dignity, over sovereignty
Monarchy - political system based upon the
undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person.
Didactic literature-refers to literary works that
aim to educated or instruct the reader, often
focusing on imparting moral, ethical, or
philosophical values.
Fiction is a literature in the form of prose that
describes imaginary events and people.
Caricature – exaggerating the objects to create a
comic of fun of the subject
Values education - is an essential element of
whole-person education which aims at fostering
students' positive values and attitudes through
Theology - Theology literally means 'thinking
about God'
Deontological is an ethical theory that uses rules
to distinguish right from wrong.
Virtue defines good actions as ones that display
embody virtuous character traits, like courage,
O TEORYANG DINGDONG - Ang wika ay nagmula sa
panggagaya ng mga tao sa mga tunog na nalilikha ng
mga bagay-bagay sa paligid, hindi lamang sa paligid
kundi maging sa mga bagay na likha ng tao.
nag-ugat sa mga tunog na nililikha ng mga tao sa
kanilang mga ritwal.
O TEORYANG TA-TA - Ang wika ay nagmula sa
panggagaya ng dila sa kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao
na kanyang ginagawa sa bawat partikular na okasyon.
O TEORYANG POOH-POOH - Ang wika ay nalilikha bunga
ng mga masidhing damdamin ng tao gaya ng sakit,
FILIPINO tuwa, sarap, kalungkutan, takot, pagkabigla at iba pa.
WIKA - Ayon kay Henry Gleason (1988), ang wika ay isang
masistemang balangkas na sinasalitang tunog na pinipili at O TEORYANG YO-HE-HO - Ang wika ay bunga diumano
isinasaayos sa paraang arbitraryo upang magamit ng mga sa pwersang pisikal ng tao. HAYHO – HAYHO.
taong kabilang sa isang kultura.
O MASISTEMANG BALANGKAS - Ang bawat wika ay may PORMAL - mga salitang estandard dahil kinikilala,
tuntunin o sistemang sinusunod sa paggamit ng wika. tinatanggap, at ginagamit ng higit na nakararami
 PAMBANSA - Wikang ginagamit sa pamahalaan,
aklat pangwika at paaralan.
Hal. ina; ama
salitang matatayog, malalim, masining, makulay at
ginagamit sa kanilang akdang pampanitikan.
Hal. Haligi ng tahanan
Ilaw ng tahanan

IMPORMAL - Ito ang mga salitang karaniwan, pang-araw-

araw, palasak, at kadalasang ginagamit sa pakikipag-usap at
O ARBITRARYO - Sinasabing ang wika ay pakikipagtalastasan sa mga kakilala at kaibigan.
napagkasunduan at sinang-ayunan ng lahat.  LALAWIGANIN - Ito ang mga salitang karaniwang
salitain ng mga katutubo sa lalawigan. Isang
palatandaan ng lalawiganing tatak ay ang punto o
Langgam (Mindanao) vs Langgam (Luzon)
 KOLOKYAL - Ito ang ginagamit sa pang-araw-araw
O NAKABATAY SA KULTURA - Ang kultura ay kaugnay o
na hinalaw sa pormal na mga salita. Nagtataglay ng
kakambal ang wika sapagkat ibinibigay ng wika ang kagaspangan ang mga salitang ito subalit maaari rin
pangangailangan ng tao batay sa kultura, pamumuhay namang maging repinado batay sa kung sino ang
o kaisipan ng mga taong gumagamit ng wikang ito. nagsasalita gayon din sa kanyang kinakausap.
O BUHAY AT DINAMIKO - Dahil pagbabago lamang ang
 BALBAL - Itinuturing na pinakamababa at
permanenteng bagay sa daigdig, maging ang wika ay
pinakadinamikong antas ng wika. Singaw ng
nakararanas ng pagbabago. Sa paglipas ng panahon at panahon sapagkat bawat panahon ay may
mga henerasyon, nabibigyang daan nito ang pag-unlad nabubuong salita.
at pagbabago ng wika. Isang patunay nito ang konsepto HAL. erpat; tisoy
ng makaluma at makabagong pag-uusap.
O TEORYANG BOW-WOW – Ang wika ay maaaring  DAYALEKTO - Ang barayti ng wikang nalilikha ng
nagmula sa panggagaya ng tao sa mga tunog ng dimensyong heograpiko. Tinatawag din itong
kalikasan. wikain sa ibang aklat. Ito ang wikang ginagamit sa
isang partikular na rehiyon, lalawigan o pook, KLASTER - Ang kambal katinig o klaster ay mga salitang
malaki man o maliit. may magkadikit na dalawang magkaibang katinig na
 SOSYOLEK - Ito tawag sa barayting nabubuo batay matatagpuan lamang sa iisang pantig. HAL. BRA-SO
sa dimensyong sosyal. Tinatawag din itong sosyal
(pamantayan) na barayti ng wika dahil nakabatay PARES MINIMAL - Pares na salita na magkaiba ang
ito sa mga pangkat panlipunan. kahulugan ngunit magkatulad na magkatulad sa bigkas
maliban sa isang titik sa magkatulad na posisyon.
Halimbawa: Gay lingo
Hal. Hal. uso-oso; mesa-misa
 JARGON - Ang jargon ang mga tanging bokabularyo
ng isang partikular na pangkat ng gawain. PONEMANG MALAYANG NAGPAPALITAN - Ito ang tawag
sa pares ng salita na magkapareho ang kahulugan ngunit
Hal. Titser – tsok, lesson plan, class record nagkakaiba lamang sa isang titik ang baybay.

Abogado – appeal, justice, court Hal. Hal. marami – madami; dito – rito

 IDYOLEK - Indibidwal na paraan/estilo ng

paggamit ng wika.
Hal. Go, go, go! – Rufa Mae Quinto
DIIN - Tumutukoy sa lakas ng bigkas sa pantig ng salita.
ANG ALPABETONG FILIPINO: PAHAPYAW NA Tinatawag na stress sa Ingles
Hal. /HA:pon/ - afternoon; /ha:PON – Japanese
O BAYBAYIN - Ito ang pinakaunang alpabeto na
ginagamit ng sinaunang Pilipino. Ito ay binubuo ng TONO o INTONASYON - Ito ang taas-baba na iniuukol sa
labimpitong titik: tatlong patinig at labing-apat na pagkabigkas ng pantig ng isang salita upang higit na maging
katinig. mabisa ang pakikipag-usap natin sa ating kapwa.

O ABECEDARIO - Kasabay ng pagdating ng Kastila ay ANTALA o HINTO - Ito ay ang saglit na pagtigil sa ating
pagsasalita upang higit na maging malinaw ang mensaheng
ang pagpalit ng lumang alibata ng alpabetong
ibig nating ipabatid sa ating kausap.
Romano. Ito ay binubuo ng tatlumpong titik at
tinawag nang pa-kastila. MORPOLOHIYA

O ABAKADA - Binalangkas ito ni Lope K. Santos, ang Tinatawag ding Palabuuan; Pag-aaral ng Morpema;
Ama ng Balarilang Pilipino. Binubuo ito ng Morpema– pinakamaliit na yunit ng salita na may
dalawampung titik: labinlimang katinig at limang kahulugan.
Pangkagawaran Blg. 81. Mula noon hanggang ASIMILASYONG DI GANAP - Ang ponemang /ŋ/ ay
ngayon, ang ating alpabeto natin ay may 28 na titik nagiging /n/ o /m/ o nananatiling /ŋ/ dahil sa kasunod na
na binibasa sa paraang pa-Ingles maliban sa ñ. tunog. Kapag ikinakabit sa isangsalitang-ugat na
nagsisimula sa /p/ o /b/, ang /ŋ/ ay nagiging /m/
pang- + paaralan= pampaaralan
pang- + bayan= pambayan
PONOLOHIYA - Tinatawag ding Palatunugan. Ito ay pag- Nagiging /n/ naman ang huling ponemang /ŋ/ kung ang
aaral ng ponema. Ponema – makabuluhang tunog ng wika. kasunod ay alin man sa mga sumusunod na ponema: /d, l, r,
Dalawang uri ng Ponema: Ponemang Segmental at s, t/.
Ponemang Suprasegmental. Halimbawa:
pang- + dikdik = pandikdik
PONEMANG SEGMENTAL pang- + taksi= pantaksi

DIPTONGGO - Ang diptonggo ay magkasamang tunog ng ASIMILASYONG GANAP - Bukod sa pagbabagong

isang ponemang patinig at isang ponemang malapatinig sa nagaganap sa ponemang /ŋ/, nawawala na rin ang unang
isang pantig ( /aw/, /ew/, /iw/, /ow/, /uw/, /ay/, /ey/, ponemang nilalapiang salita dahil ito ay inaasimila o
/iy/, /oy/, at /uy/). Hal. ka-hoy, gi-liw, ba-hay napapaloob na sa sinusundang ponema.
HALIMBAWA: DI KARANIWANG AYOS - Ang mga pangungusap sa di-
pang- + palo= pampalo – pamalo karaniwang ayos ay binubuo ng simuno sa unahan at
pang- + tali = pantali – panali panaguri sa hulihang bahagi.
Halimbawa: Siya ay maganda.
salitang nilalapian ay karaniwang napapalitan ng PAYAK - Ito ay may isang diwa lamang o kaisipan. Ito ay
ponemang /r/ kapag patinig ang huling ponemang unlapi o binubuo ng isang sugnay na makapag-iisa.
hulapi Halimbawa: Napakainit ng temperatura ngayon.
Halimbawa: ma- + dapat = marapat TAMBALAN - Ito ay pangungusap na binubuo ng dalawang
tawid + -an = tawiran payak na pangungusap na pinag-uugnay ng pangatnig tulad
H-N ng "at", "o", "ngunit", "habang", "samantala", o "pero”.
ang /h/ bagamat hindi binabaybay o tinutumbasan ng titik Halimbawa:
sa pagsulat ng panlaping /-han/ ay nagiging /n/. Nagbabasa ng nobela si Denise habang tumutugtog ng
Halimbawa: tawa + -han = tawahan – tawanan piano si Magiting.
O-U HUGNAYAN - Ito ay pangungusap na binubuo ng isang
Ang ponemang /o/ sa huling pantig ng salitang-ugat na sugnay na nakapag-iisa at isa o higit pang sugnay na hindi
hinuhulapian o salitang inuulit ay nagiging /u/. nakapag-iisa na pinakikilala ng mga pangatnig na "kapag",
Halimbawa: dugo + an = duguan "pag", "nang", "dahil sa", "upang", "sapagkat", at iba pa.
Halimbawa: Mataas ang pagtingin ng magulang ko sa kanya
(sugnay na nakapag-iisa) dahil sa magandang ugaling
METATESIS - Kapag ang salitang-ugat na nagsisimula sa pinakita niya. ( sugnay na di-nakapag-iisa)
/l/ o /y/ ay nilalagyan ng gitlaping -in- , ang /i/ at /n/ ay LANGKAPAN - Ang pangungusap na langkapan ay binubuo
nagkakapalitan ng posisyon. ng dalawa o higit pang sugnay na makapag-iisa at isa pang
Halimbawa: -in- + lipad = nilipad (linipad) sugnay na di makapag-iisa.
-in- + yaya = niyaya (yinaya) Halimbawa: Tataas ang grado mo at magkakaroon ka ng
May mga salitang nagkakaroon pa ng pagkakaltas ng karangalan kung mag-aaral ka ng mabuti.
ponema bukod sa pagkakapalit ng posisyon ng dalawang MGA BAHAGI NG PANGUNGUSAP
morpema PANGNGALAN - Salitang nagsasaad ng pangalan ng tao,
Halimbawa: tanim + -an = taniman – tamnan bagay, pook, hayop, pangyayari, damdamin, kaisipan o
PAGKAKALTAS NG PONEMA - Nagaganap ang ideya.
pagbabagong ito kung ang huling ponemang patinig ng O PAMBALANA – pangkalahatan o pangkaraniwang
salitang-ugat ay nawawala sa paghuhulapi nito. ngalan ng tao, bagay, hayop, atbp. (bansa, libro, aso)
takip + -an = takipan – takpan O PANTANGI – nagsasaad ng tanging ngalan ng tao,
kitil + -in = kitilin – kitlin bagay, hayop, atbp. (Corazon, Rizal)

PAGLILIPAT NG DIIN - May mga salitang nagbabago ng PANGHALIP - mga salitang panghalili sa mga
diin kapag nilalapian. Maaaring malipat ng isa o dalawang pangngalan.
pantig ang diin patungong huling pantig o maaaring Halimbawa: ako, ikaw, siya; heto, hayon, hayan; ilan,
malipat ng pantig patungong unahan ng salita. marami
Halimbawa: PANDIWA - mga salitang nagsasaad ng kilos o galaw.
bAsa + -hin – basAhin Halimbawa: Tumatakbo ang bata.
ka- + sAma + han – kasamahAn Nag-alay ng bulaklak si Jose sa kanyang irog.
larO + -an – laruAn
REDUPLIKASYON - Pag-uulit ito ng pantig ng salita. Ang
pag-uulit na ito ay maaaring magpahiwatig ng kilos na POKUS SA TAGAGANAP/AKTOR - Kapag ang simuno o
ginagawa o gagawin pa lamang, tagagawang kilos o paksa ang gumaganap ng kilos sa pangungusap. SINO?
pagpaparami. Halimbawa:
Halimbawa: aalis, matataas, magtataho, pupunta, Kumain si Lorena.
masasaya, naglalakad Nagsaing ng kanin si Tatay Emilio para sa hapunan.
KARANIWANG AYOS - Ang karaniwang ayos ng ang binibigyang diin sa pangungusap. ANO?
pangungusap at binubuo ng panaguri sa unahan at simuno Halimbawa:
sa hulihang bahagi. Iniuwi namin ang pagkaing natira.
Halimbawa: Maganda siya. Kainin mo ang gulay.
POKUS SA TAGATANGGAP (BENEPAKTIB) - Kung ang O Katumbas ng “when” sa Ingles.
pinaglaanan ng kilos ang siyang pokus ng O Ginagamit sa pagitan ng dalawang salitang inuulit.
pangungusap. PARA KANINO? O Ginagamit sa pagitan ng pandiwa at pang-abay.
Halimbawa: Halimbawa:
Ibinili ni Josephine ang kanyang nanay ng pasalubong.  Kami ay natuwa nang siya’y dumating.
Kami ay ipinagluto ni Ate ng adobo.  Ang aking barkada ay tawa nang tawa sa matandang
POKUS SA GANAPAN O LUGAR (LOKATIB) - Kung ang  Ako ay namalengke nang maaga.
paksa o pokus ng pangungusap ay ang lugar o
pinangyarihan ng kilos. SAAN? NG
Halimbawa: O Sumasagot sa tanong na ano.
Ang ilog ay pinaglabanan ni Handiong at ng mga halimaw. O Sumasagot sa tanong na sino.
Pinagdausan ng kasal ang lumang simbahan.
O Sumasagot sa tanong na kanino.
 Nagbabasa ng dyaryo si lolo Juan.
ay ang kagamitang ginamit sa kilos.
Halimbawa:  Inalagaan ng manggagamot ang mga may sakit.
Ipinanungkit nila ng bayabas ang patpat.  Ang pugad ng ibon ay kinuha ni Adan.
Ipinahid niya sa mukha ang lumang panyo.

POKUS SA SANHI O KAWSATIB - Kung ang pokus ay ang

sanhi o dahilan ng kilos.
Ikinasakit ng tiyan niya ang bayabas. MAY AT MAYROON
Ikinalungkot ni Rose ang pagpanaw ng kanyang aso. MAY
O Kapag ito ay sinusundan ng pangngalan, pandiwa,
PANG-URI - Mga salitang naglalarawan ng pangngalan o pang-uri at panghalip.
panghalip. Halimbawa
Halimbawa: May tanong ako.
Masaya si Ana.
Ang puno ay matayog. MAYROON
O Gamit bilang panagot ng tanong.
PANG-ABAY - Mga salitang naglalarawan ng pandiwa, O Kapag may siningit na kataga.
pang-uri o kapwa pang-abay. Halimbawa
Halimbawa: May pera ka ba? Mayroon.
Nagdasal nang mataimtim si Honesto. Mayroon po akong ipagtatapat.
Tunay na mas maganda si Nena kaysa kay Ada.
Talagang masarap manirahan sa Pilipinas. KUNG AT KONG
PAMAHANONG PAPEL O Katumbas ng “if” sa Ingles.
Halimbawa: Kung may problema ka, puntahan mo lang
O Mga Pahinang Preliminari o Front Matters ako.
O Kabanata I: Ang Suliranin At Kaligiran Nito KONG
O Kabanata II: Mga Kaugnay Na Pag-aaral At O Ito ay panghalip na “ko” na sinusundan ng “ng”. Ito
Literatura ay ukol sa sarili.
O Kabanata III: Disenyo At Paraan Ng Pananaliksik Halimbawa:
O Kabanata IV: Presentasyon at Interpretasyon ng Ang tangi kong hangad ay makapagtapos.
mga Datos
O Kabanata V: Lagom, Kongklusyon At DIN/DAW
Rekomendasyon O Ginagamit ang din/daw kung ang salitang
O Mga Panghuling Pahina sinusundan ay nagtapos sa katinig maliban sa w at
WASTONG GAMIT NG SALITA HAL. Kakain daw siya ng mangga.
NANG AT NG O Ginagamit ang din/daw kung ang salitang
NANG sinusundan ay nagtapos sa patinig at sa malapatinig
na w at y.
HAL. Tinago raw ni Ding ang bato. pangkasaysayan.


O PAHIRIN – alisin
O OPERAHIN - specific 1. Tuluyan o prosa – maluwang na pagsasama-sama ng
O OPERAHAN - general mga salita sa loob ng pangungusap. Ito ay nasusulat sa
O PUNASIN - specific karaniwang takbo ng pangungusap o pagpapahayag.
O PUNASAN - general
2. Patula o panulaan – pagbubuo ng pangungusap sa
pamamagitan ng salitang binibilang na pantig sa taludtod
na pinagtugma-tugma, at nagpapahayag din ng mga salitang
PAGTUTULAD (SIMILE) - Paghahambing sa dalawang
binibilang ang mga pantig at pagtutugma-tugma ng mga
magkaibang tao, bagay, pangyayari atbp. Ginagamitan ng
dulo ng mga taludtod sa isang saknong.
mga salitang tulad ng, katulad ng, parang, kawangis ng,
animo, kagaya ng atbp.
Halimbawa :
Siya ay katulad ng kandilang unti-unting nauupos.
ALAMAT - isang uri ng panitikan na nagkukuwento tungkol
sa mga pinagmulan ng mga bagay-bagay sa daigdig.
Karaniwang nagsasalaysay ang mga ito ng mga pangyayari
paghahambing na hindi ginagamitan ng mga salitang tulad
hinggil sa tunay na mga tao at pook, at mayroong
ng, para ng, kawangis ng, animo atbp.
pinagbatayan sa kasaysayan. Kaugnay ang alamat ng mga
mito at kuwentong-bayan.
Ang ina ni Joshua ay bituing tanglaw niya sa landas ng
ANEKDOTA - isang simpleng kwento na karaniwang
naglalaman ng isang nakakatawang kaganapan o kawili-
wiling pangyayari na tumatalakay sa mga kilalang
personalidad o sitwasyon sa buhay ng tao.
talino, gawi at katangian ng tao sa bagay na walang talino.
NOBELA - isang mahabang kuwentong piksyon na binubuo
Pandiwa ang ginagamit dito.
ng iba’t ibang kabanata. Mayroon itong 60,000-200,000
salita o 300-1,300 pahina. Noong ika-18 siglo, naging istilo
Ang buwan ay nahiya at nagtago sa ulap.
nito ang lumang pag-ibig at naging bahagi ng mga
pangunahing literary genre. Ngayon, ito ay kadalasan may
EKSAHERASYON (HYPERBOLE) - Lubhang pinalalabis o
istilong artistiko at isang tiyak na istilo o maraming tiyak na
pinakukulang ang katunayan at kalagayan ng tao, bagay,
pangyayari atbp.
PARABULA - maikling salaysay na maaaring nasa anyong
patula o prosa na malimit nangangaral o nagpapayo hinggil
Nabiyak ang kanyang dibdib sa tindi ng dalamhati.
sa isang pangyayari, na kadalasang isinasalarawan ang
isang moral o relihiyosong aral. Taliwas sa pabula, ang
PAGTAWAG (APOSTROPE) - Ito ay pakikipag-usap sa
parabula ay walang inilalahok na tauhang hayop, halaman,
karaniwang bagay na para bang nakikipag- usap sa isang
bagay, at puwersa sa kalikasan na pawang kumikilos at
buhay na tao.
nagsasalita gaya ng tao
Halimbawa: O, tukso layuan mo ako.
PABULA - isang uri ng kathang-isip na panitikan kung saan
TANONG RETORIKAL - Isang pahayag na anyong
mga hayop o kaya mga bagay na walang-buhay ang
patanong na hindi naman nangangailangan ng sagot.
gumaganap na mga tauhan, katulad ng leon at daga, pagong
at matsing, at lobo at kambing.
Hahayaan ba nating malugmok sa kumunoy ng kahirapan
AESOP – Ama ng Sinaunang Pabula
ang ating bayan?
MAIKLING KUWENTO - binaybay ding maikling kwento –
ay isang maigsing salaysay hinggil sa isang mahalagang
pangyayaring kinasasangkutan ng isa o ilang tauhan at may
iisang kakintalan o impresyon lamang.
1. KATHANG-ISIP (FICTION) -ang mga manunulat ay
DULA - Nahahati ito sa ilang yugto na maraming tagpo.
gumagawa ng akda mula sa kanilang imahanisyon. Ang
Pinakalayunin nitong itanghal ang mga tagpo sa isang
mga kuwento ay hindi totoo kagaya ng maikling kuwento,
tanghalan o entablado.
nobela at iba pa.
SANAYSAY - Isang maiksing komposisyon na kailimitang
2. HINDI KATHANG -ISIP- ang mga panulat na batay sa
naglalaman ng personal na kuru-kuro ng may-akda.
tunay na pangyayari katulad ng talambuhay,
TALAMBUHAY - Isang anyo ng panitikan na nagsasaad ng
awtobiyograpiya, talaarawan, sanaysay ang mga akdang
kasaysayan ng buhay ng isang tao hango sa mga tunay na O Pastoral – ito’y may layuning maglarawan ng tunay
tala, pangyayari o impormasyon. na buhay sa bukid.
TALUMPATI - Isang buod ng kaisipan o opinyon ng isang
tao na pinababatid sa pamamagitan ng pagsalita sa O Oda – Nagpapahayag ng isang papuri, panaghoy, o
entablado. Layunin nitong humikayat, tumugon, iba pang masiglang damdamin; walang tiyak na
mangatwiran, magbigay ng kaalaman o impormasyon at bilang ng pantig o tiyak na bilang ng taludtod sa
maglahad ng isang paniniwala. isang saknong.
KUWENTONG-BAYAN - ay mga salaysay hinggil sa mga
likhang-isip na mga tauhan na kumakatawan sa mga uri ng TULANG DULA O PANTANGHALAN
mamamayan, katulad ng matandang hari, isang marunong O Komedya – Isang gawa na ang sangkap ay piling-
na lalaki, o kaya sa isang hangal na babae. Karaniwang pili at ang pangunahing tauhan ay may layong
kaugnay ang kwentong-bayan ng isang tiyak na pook o pukawin ang kawilihang manonood. Nagwawakas
rehiyon ng isang bansa o lupain. Kaugnay nito ang alamat ito ng masaya.
at mga mito.
BALITA - mga iba’t ibang makatotohanang pangyayari na O Melodrama – Ito ay karaniwang ginagamit sa lahat
nagaganap sa isang lugar o bansa. ng mga dulang musikal, kasama na ang opera. Ang
PATULA sangkap ng uring ito ng dula ay malungkot ngunit
TULANG PASALAYSAY - ang uring ito ay naglalarawan ng nagiging kasiya-siya ang katapusan para sa
mahahalagang mga tagpo o pangyayari sa buhay; pangunahing tauhan ng dula.
halimbawa’y ang kabiguan sa pag-ibig, ang mga suliranin
at painganib sa pakikidigma, o kagitingan ng mga bayan. O Trahedya – Angkop ang uring ito sa dula sa mga
tunggaliang nagwawakas sa pagkasawi o
pagkawasak ng pangunahing tauhan
O Parsa – Isang uri ng dula na ang layuinin ay
O Epiko – ang mga epiko ay nagsasalaysay ng mga
magpasiya sa pamamagitan ng mga kawingkawing
kabayanihang halos hindi mapaniwalaan pagkat
na mga pangyayaring nakakatawa
nauukol sa mga kababalaghan.
O Saynete – Ang paksa nga ganitong uri ng dula ay
O Awit at Korido - ang mga ito’y may mga paksang
mga karaniwang paguugali ng tao o pook.
hango sa pangyayaring tungkol sa pagkamaginoo at
O Balad – Ito ay may himig na awit dahilang ito ay
inaawit habang may nagsasayaw.
ito ay nagpapahayag ng damdaming maaaring sarili ng
sumulat o ng ibang tao, o kaya’y likha ng maharaya o
mapangaraping guni-guni ng makata na batay sa isang
karanasan. Karaniwang maikli, likas at madaling
maunawaan ang mga ito.
O Awiting Bayan – ang karaniwang paksa ng uring
ito ay pag-ibig, kawalang pag-asa o pamimighati,
pangamba, kaligayahan, pag-asa, at kalungkutan.
O Soneto – ito’y tulang may labing-apat na taludtod
hinggil sa damdamin at kaisipan, may malinaw na
batiran ng likas na pagkatao, at sa kabuuan, ito’y
naghahatid ng aral sa mambasa.
O Elehiya – nagpapahayag ng damdamin o guniguni
tungkol sa kamatayan o kaya’y tula ng pananangis
lalo na sa paggunita ng isang yumao
O Dalit – awit na pumupuri sa Diyos o Mahal na
Birhen at nagtataglay ng kaunting pilosopiya sa
• born on April 18, 1818 in Biǹan and lived to be 80
years old the youngest in a family of 13 siblings. A well-
educated farmer who studied Latin and philosophy at
Colegio de San Jose in Manila.
• his parents were Captain Juan Mercado
(gobernadorcillo or mayor of Biǹan) and Cirila

D. Alonso Clan

• Teodora Alonso - Rizal's mother, one of the most-

highly educated woman in the Philippines, an Ilocano-
Tagalog-ChineseSpanish descent, possibly even having
Japanese blood.
• born on November 14, 1827 and lived to be
84 years old. Studied in Colegio de Santa Rosa, gifted
woman with insights into literature, art, music and
other forms of Filipino culture. Daughter of Brigada de

E. Claveria List
• Taft Commission chose Rizal out of the several great • Royal Decree of 1849, a new family name was
Filipinos as the number one hero of his people adopted upon the order of Governor General
• Republic Act 1425 - the Rizal Law authored by Narciso Claveria y Zaldua. Issued on November
Senator Claro M. Recto signed on June 12, 1956. 21, 1849 wherein the list of approved family
names can be referred from the Catalogo
• Jose Protacio Realonda Alonso Mercado Rizal "A child
Alfabetico de Apellidos". • Rizal, a shortened
of a good family" born on June 19, 1861, between 11 form of Spanish word "second crop", seemed
and 12 in the evening, a few days before the full moon. suited to Family of farmers. Originated from the
baptized on June 22, 1861 by Fr. Rufino Collanes, while word Rizal, which literally means rice field.
Fr. Pedro Casanas stood as his godfather.
F. Siblings

I. JOSE RIZAL'S GENEALOGY •Jose was the 7th of 11 children and younger of the
2 boys.
A. Genealogy - study of ancestry and family histories by
genealogist. Saturnina - oldest, married to Manuel Hidalgo and
published Pascual H. Poblete's Tagalog translation
B. Chinese Ancestry
of the Noli Me Tangere.
• Domingo Lam-co - Rizal's paternal ancestor, native of
Paciano - oldest boy, 10 years older than Jose, a
the Chinchew district in China, baptized in the Parian
Major General in the revolutionary army and
church of San Gabriel on a Sunday on June 1697.
married Severina Decena.
• Inez dela Rosa - wife of Lam-co, half of Lam-co's age.
Her parents were Agustin Chinco and Jacinta Rafaela. Narcisa - known as Dona Sisa and can recite from
memory all the poems of Jose Rizal married
C. Mercado Clan Antonio Lopez.
• Francisco Mercado y Chinco - Rizal's father, a Olympia - married Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph
prosperous landowner, sugar and rice planter, of operator in Manila.
Chinese-Filipino descent.
Lucia - married Mariano Herbosa who died in • June 10, 1872, Paciano accompanied Jose to
cholera and was denied a Christian burial. matriculate at the Ateneo de Municipal Manila. Fr.
Maria - married Daniel Faustino Cruz, the only Magin Ferrando the registrar refused Jose to admit
sister of Rizal who lived up to 1950's. for two reasons (a) he was late for registration and
(b) he appeared sickly and undersized for his age.
Jose - our national hero. Upon the intercession of Manuel XerezBurgos,
Concepcion - known as Concha who died at age of nephew of Fr. Burgos, he was admitted in Ateneo.
Josefa - a spinster. • Students in Ateneo is divided into 2 empires to fight
for academic supremacy the Roman and
Trinidad - also a spinster. Carthaginian and Jose became the "Emperor of
Soledad - youngest and married Pantaleon
Quintero. Studied at La Concordia College where • Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas is the
she and Leonor Rivera were classmates. first foreign book Jose read.
• Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Feodor
G. Hereditary Influences
Jagor that criticized Spanish regime in the
Father-profound sense of self-respect, habit of Philippines. It is the book that intrigued Jose and
independent thinking and love for work. inspired to educate his countrymen.
• Remembered as an original thinker, creative
Mother - scientific ability, religious nature, spirit of
scholar and a natural leader.
self-sacrifice and passion for arts and literature.
• Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez is Jose's teacher in
Malayan Ancestors - love for freedom, innate
desire to travel and his indomitable courage.
Chinese Ancestors - serious nature, frugality, B. Rizal's Writings
patience and love for children.
• A La Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine Youth) -
Spanish Ancestors - elegance of bearing, won a special prize in poetry when Jose was still in
sensitivity to insult and gallantry to ladies. Ateneo.
II. RIZAL'S EARLY CHILDHOOD • Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria
(Through Education Our Motherland Receives
• At age 3 - learned alphabet and prayers from his Light) - poem Jose wrote while he was in Ateneo
mother Teodora, his first teacher. Other early which suggested that
teachers were Maestro
education is an integral part of national character.
Celestino, Maestro Lucas Padua and Leon Monroy • Alianza intima la religion y la educacion (The
who gave Jose introductory lessons in Latin. He
Intimate Alliance between Religion and
was called "Ute" by his brother and sisters and
"Pepe" or "Pepito" by townspeople in Calamba. Education) in which Jose expressed the importance
• At age 5 - read although not fluently, the Spanish of religion in education and to him, education
Family bible called historia sagrada. without God is not true education.
• At Age 7 – wrote a comedy which • A la Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary) - 1st sad
highlighted his literary talent for the local fiesta poem Jose wrote.
and was rewarded 2 pesos. • Al Niño Jesus (To the Child Jesus) – an ode to
• At age 8 - wrote the poem "Sa Aking mga Jesus was short and consisted of 8 verses only
kababata" classified as octava real.
• At age 9 - wrote a poem "Mother's birthday". Sent • In Memory of my Village - Jose recalled his joyous
to a boy's school in Binan and his teacher was Dr. days of his childhood in Calamba.
Justiniano Aquino Cruz. • Council of the Gods an allegory that was awarded
• as 1st place in a competition however, decision was
A. Years in Ateneo
C. Years in UST

• enrolled as a philosophy and medical student. He

did not shine in UST and failed to obtain high friend of Olimpia (Jose's sister) in school at La
academic records. Concordia College.
IV. JOURNEY TO MADRID • a fixed marriage was arranged between her and
• May 3, 1882 Jose secretly left the country aboard Manuel Luz.
S.S. Salvadora. He enrolled medicine at the B. Leonor Rivera
Universidad Central de Madrid on November 3, • Jose's cousin from Camiling and also a La
1882 with Professor Marquis Busto. He studied Concordian. A daughter of Antonio Rivera, his uncle
painting and sculpture at the Academy of San in whose house Jose lived during his junior year at
Carlos and drawing at the Academia de Bellas Artes UST.
de San Fernando with Professor Haes. • engaged with Jose but married another man Henry
• Freemasonry - a worldwide fraternity where Jose Kipping. Jose's great love.
was a member in the Acacia lodge No. 9 and his C. Gertrude Beckett
symbolic name was Dimasalang. • blue-blooded Englishwoman who was the oldest
• Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher daughter of London church organist in whose house
Stowe and The Wandering Jew by Eugene Sue Rizal lodged when he went to visit London.
inspired Jose to fight for the Filipinos. D. Josephine Bracken
• a 19 year old lady Rizal met in Dapitan. Jose wanted
• They Ask Me For Verses - a poem Jose wrote to marry her but because of church requirements
when his mother ask him to write a poetry. A poem they just simply lived together.
that is Jose's product of all the melancholy of his
• Jose called her his "wife" and "dulce estrangera".
aching soul.
• married to a Filipino named Vicente Abad and died
• Hymn to Work - a song Jose wrote when
in Hong Kong due to tuberculosis.
he was asked to write a song to celebrate the
raising of Lipa, Batangas, into a villa.
E. Consuelo Ortia y Perez
V. THE SCHOLAR'S JOURNEY • a daughter of a liberal minded Spanish official
• from Madrid he went to Paris in 1885 and who once served in Manila during the Spanish era.
continued his medical studies under the famed It was just a casual relationship.
French ophthalmologist Dr. Louis de Wecker. F. O Sei San
• daughter of a Japanese nobleman who had a brief
• Jose wanted to perfect the German method of
affair with Rizal when she was 23 and Rizal was 27.
diagnosis so he opted to continue studying in Her real name was Seiko Usui.
Germany. He had a special training under Dr. Otto G. Suzanne Jacoby
Becker. Jose attended lecture courses in the old • a Belgian woman Jose met when he stayed with
University of Heidelberg for months only. He lived the Jacoby's. One of the contributing factors that
with Dr. Karl Ullmer with whom he took delightful led Jose to continue writing El Filibusterismo.
walks every afternoon. H. Nelly Boustead
• intellectual, sure of herself, attractive and serious
• Jose continued to write Noli and finished it on with her religious belief. Jose almost married her
Berlin on February 22, 1887. Maximo Viola helped when he knew Leonor Rivera's love affair.
Jose in the printing of the book and one of its first VII. RIZAL'S NOVELS
copies was sent to Ferdinand Blumentritt. 1. Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not)
• On July 5, 1887 he took a ship from Marseilles and • Story of Philippine condition during the last
started his journey back to the Philippines. decades of Spanish rule
• Inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle
Tom's Cabin
A. Miss K • Dr. Maximo Viola- savior of Noli Me Tangere
• also known as Segunda Katigbak, his first love. • Elias and Salome- deleted chapter of Noli
• Jose met Miss K when he was accompanied by • 64 chapters
his friend, Mariano Katigbak when he visited his 2. El Filibusterismo
maternal grandmother. She was also a close • Dedicated to GomBurZa
• Valentin Ventura- savior of El Fili
• Ghent, Belgium
• 38 Chapters
3. Makamisa
• Rizal's unfinished tagalog novel, written
in a light sarcastic style and is incomplete
for only two chapters are finished.
4. Dapitan
• Unfinished novel, written in ironic
Spanish. He wrote it during his exile in
Dapitan to depict the town life and



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