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[MBBS 0223] FEBRUARY 2023 Sub. Code :6075
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020 Batch onwards)
Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: 30 Minutes Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions: (20 x 1 = 20)
1. First autopsy in Indian was done by
A) Buckeley in Chennai B) Mackenzie in Kolkata
C) Woodford in Mumbai D) Hamilton in Delhi

2. Dowry death is included in the following section of Indian Penal Code

A) 304 A B) 304 B C) 320 D) 498 A

3. Hostile witness is one who?

A) Threatens the Judge B) Threatens the Lawyer
C) Does not speak the truth or willfully utters false D) Refuses to answer questions

4. As per Krogman’s degree of accuracy in sexing adult skeleton remains, maximum accuracy
obtained from the single bone is
A) Skull B) Pelvis C) Long bone D) Sternum

5. Sex chromatin is found in

A) Lymphocytes B) Leucocytes
C) Monocytes D) All of the above

6. Preservative commonly used for preservation of viscera for toxicological purpose

A) 10% formalin B) 40% formalin
C) Saturated solution of common salt D) Alcohol

7. Time limit for exhumation of a body in India

A) 1 year B) 10 years C) 20 years D) No limit
8. Dermal nitrate test detects
A) Blood stains B) Gun powder residue
C) Nitric salt poisoning D) Nerve gases poisoning

9. Important sign of antemortem drowning is indicated by

A) Cutis anserine B) Frothy fluid in mouth and nostril
C) Grass and weeds in hands D) Washer woman’s hands

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10. The fertilization of a second ovum in a women who is already pregnant

A) Fecundation B) Superfecundation C) Superfoetation D) None of the above

11. Medical termination of pregnancy can be done by one doctor if gestation is less than
A) 8 weeks B) 12 weeks C) 20 weeks D) 24 weeks

12. Spalding sign is seen in

A) Still born B) Dead born C) Live born D) Intrauterine growth retardation

13. Which of the following is used to identify human blood in stains?

A) Precipitin test B) Benzidine test
C) Haemin crystal test D) Any of the above

14. Gastric-lavage is contraindicated in poisoning of

A) Kerosne B) Morphine C) Carbon acid D) Diazepam

15. Phossy jaw’ is caused by

A) Strychnine B) Tetanus C) White phosphorus D) Red phosphorus

16. ‘Mee’s lines’ are seen in

A) Lead poisoning B) Arsenic poisoning
C) Tinea infection of nails D) Measles

17. Ophitoxaemia denotes poisoning by

A) Amphibian B) Spider C) Snake D) Abrus precatorius

18. McEwan’s sign’ seen in

A) Alcoholic intoxication B) Organophosphorous poisoning
C) Barbiturate poisoning D) Datura poisoning

19. In cyanide poisoning not used is

A) Thiocyanate B) Amyl nitrate C) BAL D) Oxygen

20. Lucid interval is seen in

A) Intracerebral haemorrhage B) Insanity
C) Subdural haemorrhage D) Alcohol intake.

[MBBS 0223]
[MBBS 0623] JUNE 2023 Sub. Code :6075
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: 30 Minutes Maximum: 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions: (20 x 1 = 20)
1. Molecular death is
A) Complete irreversible cessation of brain, heart and lung function
B) Death of individual tissues and cells after somatic death
C) Total loss of EEG activity, but heart is functioning
D) Vital functions are at low pitch that cannot be detected by clinical examination.

2. All are successional teeth except

A) First upper premolar B) Second lower premolar
C) First lower molar D) First upper canine

3. Hesitation cuts are seen in cases of

A) Homicide B) Suicide C) Accident D) Fall From height

4. Fracture ala signature is

A) Gutter fracture B) Depressed fracture
C) Ring fracture D) Sutural separation
5. Battle’s sign is
A) Hemorrhage around eye B) Mastoid ecchymosis
C) Umbilical ecchymosis D) Vaginal ecchymosis

6. Paradoxical undressing is seen in

A) Hyperthermia B) Hypothermia
C) Transvestism D) Immersion syndrome

7. Joule burn is seen in

A) Blast injuries B) Electrocution
C) Firearm wounds D) Lightning stroke

8. Grievous injury includes all except

A) Emasculation B) Loss of 15 day’s work
C) Permanent disfigurement D) Fracture of bone

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9. In typical hanging the knot is placed at
A) Occiput B) Chin
C) Left side of mandible D) Right side of mandible

10. Shape of Nulliparous cervix is

A) Conical B) Circular C) Longitudinal D) Cylindrical

11. Most common cause of first trimester abortion is

A) Chromosomal defect B) Endocrine disturbance
C) Anatomical abnormality of uterus D) Infections

12. Atavism is resemblance of features to

A) Mother B) Father C) Neighbour D) Grandfather

13. Neologism is characteristically seen in:

A) Depression B) Mania C) Schizophrenia D) Delirium

14. Professional death sentence is given by

A) Central Government B) National Medical Commission
C) Indian Medical Association D) State Government

15. Amyl nitrite is the antidote for:

A) Aconite poisoning B) Cyanide poisoning
C) CO poisoning D) H2 S poisoning

16. Color of urine in phenol poisoning

A) Red B) Green C) Yellow D) Blue

17. Poison detected long after death in hair / bone

A) Lead B) Mercury C) Arsenic D) Cannabis

18. Widmark’s formula is used for measurement of blood level of:

A) Benzodiazepines B) Barbiturates C) Alcohol D) Cocaine

19. Following is not present in Datura

A) Hyoscine B) Hyoscyamine C) Muscarine D) Atropine

20. Amotivational syndrome is seen with

A) Heroin B) Cannabis C) Cocaine D) Clonidine.

[MBBS 0623]
[MBBS 0224] FEBRUARY 2024 Sub. Code :6075
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: 30 Minutes Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions: (20 x 1 = 20)
1. Magistrates inquest is conducted in India in
A) Death in prison B) Death in police custody
C) Exhumation D) All of the above

2. Leading questions are allowed in

A) Cross examination
B) Examination on chief in case of hostile witness
C) Examination of an expert witness who conceal facts
D) Any of the above

3. The ENQUIRY into the circumstances of death are:

A) inquest report B) Open verdict C) Corpus delicti D) None of the above

4. Cases of criminal professional negligence cannot be tried by

A) Chief Judicial Magistrate B) First Class Judicial Magistrate
C) District Collector D) Sessions Judge

5. In the therapeutic Misadventure, the doctors act is all EXCEPT

A) Intentional B) Unintentional C) Accidental D) Coincidental

6. Sex chromatin is found in

A) Lymphocytes B) Monocytes C) Neutrophils D) All of the above

7. Fetal sex can be determined from external genitalia at the end of

A) Second month B) Fourth month C) Fifth month D) Sixth month

8. Preauricular sulcus is used for :

A) Determination of sex B) Determination of age
C) Determination of race D) None of the above

9. The system most commonly involved in sudden death

A) Cardiovascular system B) Central Nervous system
C) Hepatobiliary system D) Genitourinary system

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10. Miners cramps result from

A) Drowning B) Heat exposure C) Low altitude D) Frost bite

11. Lynching is a form of

A) Suicidal hanging B) Homicidal hanging
C) Judicial hanging D) Accidental hanging

12. The level of pregnant uterus at six months is at

A) Xiphisternum B) Umbilicus
C) Public Symphysis D) Midway between nipple and Xiphisternum

13. The action of poison is more rapid when

A) Inhaled B) Injected into blood
C) Applied to serous surface D) Applied to wound

14. Optic atrophy is characteristic finding in poisoning by

A) Lead B) Phosphorous C) Methyl alcohol D) Ethyl alcohol

15. Section 37 of the POCSO Act 2012 provides

A) Trials to be conducted in camera
B) Guidelines for child to take assistance of expert etc
C) Power to remove difficulties
D) Child not to see accused at the time of testifying

16. Which section of the POCSO Act 2012 with presumption of culpable mental state?
A) Section 17 of the POCSO Act 2012 B) Section 14 of the POCSO Act 2012
C) Section 30 of the POCSO Act 2012 D) Section 19 of the POCSO Act 2012

17. Priapism is seen in poisoning by

A) Lead B) Arsenic C) Cantharides D) Opium

18. Assisting Unqualified person to perform surgical operation is referred to as

A) Adultery B) Association C) Dichotomy D) Assistance

19. Which section of POCSO Act 2012 deals with the punishment for penetrative sexual
A) Section 12 of the POCSO Act 2012 B) Section 9 of the POCSO Act 2012
C) Section 4 of the POCSO Act 2012 D) Section 2 of the POCSO Act 2012

20. Pupils are constricted in the following poisoning EXCEPT

A) Carbolic acid B) Organ phosphorus compound
C) Morphine D) Organochloride compound.

[MBBS 0224]
[MBBS 0524] MAY 2024 Sub. Code :6075
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: 20 Minutes Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions: (20 x 1 = 20)

1. Agonal period is the duration between
A) Traumatic event and information given to the relatives
B) Traumatic event and starting of the operation
C) Lethal trauma upto death
D) Death and post-mortem examination

2. Under water autopsy of heart is done in

A) Myocardial infarction B) Pulmonary embolism
C) Air embolism D) Pneumothorax

3. True hermaphorditism is when:

A) Testes or ovaries are absent
B) Both testes and ovaries are present in one individual
C) External genitalia of one sex and internally of opposite sex
D) External sexual characters, testes and ovaries are abnormal

4. Gunshot injury in skull, following are features, except

A) Entry wound is bevelled in the inner table
B) Entrance wound is bevelled in the outer table
C) Exit wound bevelled in the outer table
D) Exit wound is clean cut in the inner table
5. Injury caused by hyperextension followed by hyperflexion,
A) Whiplash injury B) Hangman’s fracture
C) Jefferson fracture D) Ring fracture

6. Pond’s fractures are common in

A) Children B) Adolescent C) Adult D) Old age

7. Drunken driver is punished under

A) Sec 185 of MVA B) Sec 135 of IPC
C) Sec 195 of MVA D) Sec 84 of IPC
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8. True about pugilistic attitude
A) Indicate antemortem burns
B) Indicate post-mortem burns
C) Cannot differentiate between ante mortem or post-mortem
D) Indicate defence by victim

9. Bansdola is a form of asphyxia using

A) Ligature B) Metal collar C) Wooden stick D) Bend of elbow

10. Feminine form of impotence is

A) Frigidity B) Sterility C) Flaccidity D) Passivity

11. Test for vaginal cells collected for investigation for rape
A) Lugol’s iodine B) Acro-reaction test C) Precipitin test D) Barberio’s test

12. Softening of uterine isthmus and lower uterine segment in early pregnancy is known as
A) Hegar’s sign B) Braxton Hick’s sign C) Goodell’s sign D) Oslander’s sign

13. True about cephalhematoma

A) Present at birth B) Cross the suture lines
C) Becomes prominent by 24 hrs D) Impulse on crying

14. Dichotomy means

A) Fee splitting B) Summons
C) Civil wrong D) Employing touts to get patients

15. Basophilic stippling is seen in which of the following cells:

A) Neutrophils B) RBCs C) Basophils D) Eosinophils

16. Mickey Finn refers to

A) Ethylene glycol B) Methyl alcohol
C) Chloral hydrate D) Propylene alcohol

17. Hippus is seen in poisoning with

A) Dhatura B) Aconite C) Abrus D) Croton tiglium

18. All are true about atropine poisoning, except

A) Dilated pupils B) Decreased temperature
C) Dysarthria D) Dysphagia

19. Urine appears ‘liquid gold’ in which poisoning

A) Arsenic B) Barbiturates C) Organophosphates D) Lead

20. Rave drug is

A) Cannabis B) Cocaine C) Heroin D) Methamphetamine

[MBBS 0524]

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