Makhana Bnefits on Health
Makhana Bnefits on Health
Makhana Bnefits on Health
Review Article
Vikram et al. World Journal
AND MEDICAL RESEARCH of Pharmaceutical and Medical ISSN
Research 2455-3301 WJPMR
The health benefit of Makhana (Fox Nuts) are attributed to its antioxidant, aphrodisiac, spermatogenic and
antihyperglycemic properties. It improves physical strength, increases stamina, and helps to manage diabetes and
other diseases. In Ayurvedic Medicine, it is considered as a procreative agent, which means it also helps with
begetting child. Generally, it increases sperm count and improve quality of spermatozoa. So, it also helps to treat
oligospermia and impaired spermatogenesis. In addition, it is also beneficial for women suffering from heavy
bleeding, leucorrhea and infertility. 103
Vikram et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Main Components
Valrianic acid
Therapeutic Indications
It is therapeutically indicated in the following health
1. Oligospermia
2. Impaired spermatogenesis
3. Defective quality of spermatozoa
4. Spermatorrhea
5. Premature ejaculation
6. Uterine weakness
7. Leukorrhea (In condition, when the discharge is
coming with burning sensation and discharge is thin
but yellowish green in color.)
8. Postpartum debility
9. Heart disease in which cardiac muscles become
weak to pump the blood
10. Physical weakness
11. Diarrhea
12. Leucorrhea
13. Weakness in muscle of the uterus.
1. Prof. P.V.Sharma Dravya guna Vigyan Vol. 2
Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
P. 564-565. 104