Java Programs Guide

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Java Programs Guide

Java programs for beginners to advance

Here’s a list of Java programs ranging from beginner to advanced levels to help you learn and practice
Java programming. These examples cover fundamental concepts, data structures, algorithms, and
advanced features.

Beginner Programs

1. Hello World
Write a program to print "Hello, World!" to the console.


public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");

2. Simple Calculator
Add two numbers entered by the user.

without solution

Here’s a categorized list of Java programs from beginner to advanced:

Beginner Programs

1. Print "Hello, World!" to the console.

2. Write a program to add two numbers.
3. Check if a number is even or odd.
4. Find the largest of three numbers.
5. Reverse a given string.
6. Print the multiplication table of a number.
7. Calculate the factorial of a number.
8. Swap two numbers without using a third variable.

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9. Check if a number is a palindrome.
10. Count vowels and consonants in a string.

Intermediate Programs

1. Implement a simple calculator using a switch-case statement.

2. Check if a number is a prime number.
3. Print Fibonacci series up to a given number.
4. Find the GCD and LCM of two numbers.
5. Check if a given string is an anagram of another.
6. Sort an array using bubble sort.
7. Implement binary search in an array.
8. Convert a decimal number to binary.
9. Count the number of words in a string.
10. Find the second largest number in an array.

Advanced Programs

1. Implement a bank account management system with classes and objects.

2. Create a simple library management system using file handling.
3. Solve the Tower of Hanoi problem.
4. Implement a graph and perform BFS and DFS traversals.
5. Implement a binary tree and perform inorder, preorder, and postorder traversals.
6. Develop a multithreaded program to demonstrate synchronization.
7. Create a program for CRUD operations using JDBC.
8. Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle using backtracking.
9. Implement a producer-consumer problem using threads.
10. Develop a chat application using sockets.

Let me know if you'd like to see the implementation for any specific program!

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