The Prosecutor v. Techanon
The Prosecutor v. Techanon
The Prosecutor v. Techanon
Hospital and its medical personnel as part of the RAF’s attack with regard to
It is reverentially submitted that TechAnon is liable for leading the dissemination campaign
which induced immense racially motivated stabbings & killings targeting Clemons. Further,
the campaign laid down the groundwork for RAF’s attack on Rosebud hospital killing
civilians including medical personnel, expectant mothers and young children. It needs to be
contemplated that falsehood ranging from the selective reporting of facts, deliberate
mischaracterization of certain events and adversaries, or even plain fabrication and lies
disseminating such falsehoods does not constitute a direct call to commit physical violence, it
carefully planned process that involves considering the targeted population, the message one
wants to get across the communication strategies. Here, it needs to be contemplated that the
entire campaign was caried out based on an unverified intelligence received by Major
General Escobar.1 Another important and necessary consideration is the political aspect and
any potential impact, however, no such considerations were taken into account.
Mr. Ashley(TechAnon) had the moral duty to get an answer from the general or his
organization’s legal team. He spectacularly failed in that, anyone who runs a securing
business has a minimum knowledge of human rights law & in that comes a security
guarantee. And he is supposed to know the repercussions of his act. Even if we give the
benefit of the doubt human life & dignity were being lost after each project/operation, his
team was given a dedicated office space in the Military HQ & his team directly reported to
him. Why didn’t he notice the scale of human life being lost & question it? After every
operation, he received a larger sum of money & the fact leads us to one conclusion he was in
complete knowledge of the consequences of his actions & refused to act on it.
In the context of mass atrocity crimes, the employment of falsehoods, ranging from a
plain fabrication and lies is often used as a technique of hate and fear propaganda creating an
environment that is least conducive to incitements to commit violence, even if not amounting
to a direct call in its own right. Such conducts therefore sow the seeds for ensuing mass
atrocity crimes. It follows that the moral gravity of such participants is often no less, no
indeed and no different from that of those actually carrying out the acts in question. Indeed,
The mistake of law shall not be a ground for excluding the criminal responsibility as clearly
stated u/a 32(2). Where TechAnon had indeed asked about the legal validity, however, it is to
be noted here that the Gen. never gave a straight Yes or No reply and instead only gave vague
replies. It is to be considered that any reasonable person will ask these questions, but we
should note that any reasonable person will ask for a yes or no answer for that specific
question. And despite him not receiving any valid reasoning & only vague promises he
continued giving technical support to the war crimes that were being committed by the Rufus
In the case of Nahimana et al, expert witness Alison des Forges testified about the practice
known as ‘accusation in a mirror’ one of the rhetorical methods described in Note Relative a
genocide which was meant to inflame ordinary people to attack their fellow countrymen. The
phrase refers to a rhetorical practice in which one falsely accuses one’s enemies of
conducting, plotting, or desiring to commit precisely the same transgressions that one plans to
immense stabbings & killings of individuals. If the intelligence report was true to its facts,
why did they have to resort to misinformation campaigns & doctored videos? Within 2
months of the operation Dark Horse 30% of the Clemon population stopped attending
Rosebud Hospital for fear that they would be targeted, the important point is that Rosebud
Hospital was the only hospital in the province & the Clemons were heavily dependent on it.
After the attack on Rosebud Hospital 20 medical persons, 50 civilians, & 15 Rebellion
members were massacred. Even after the King declared killing of 20 medical persons & 50
civilians simply as collateral damage, TechAnon continued supporting the regime. When they
were aware of the fact that the storage facility was used to store arms & ammunition, it
cannot be the case that the military did not have the basic instinct of knowing the
repercussions of a strike. As stated under the final paragraph of Art. 6 of the IMT (Charter of
the International Military Tribunal)2, the leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices
of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of
such plan.
The State was committing genocide & Mr. Ashely sat on the sideline while his organization
was minting money, what Mr. Ashely did was nothing short of war profiteering. The
Genocide, Crimes against humanity, & War crimes by the group that was Mr. Ashly, the
Generals, & the King. While disinformation is information shared with malicious intent,
misinformation likewise entails the sharing of information by a poorly informed party but
it is the spreading of disinformation that is most prone to give rise to international criminal
contended that a vigorous propaganda campaign was carried out before each major act, and
The dissemination of provocative lies and the systematic deception of public opinion were as
necessary to the perpetrators for the realisation of their plans as were the production of
armaments and the drafting of military plans. Without such propaganda, it would not have
been possible for them to realise their aggressive intentions, to lay the groundwork and then
to put to practice the war crimes and the crimes against humanity. Furthermore, Fritzsche, a
principal conspirator in abetting aggressive wars, whose actions created the requisite
It is to be noted that the spreading of disinformation, while not a crime in itself, can be a
actions were effective or not in the end, it does not negate the significance of his contribution,
or his consequent participation in the operations done by RAF. Thus, he should be found
In the light of the above-stated arguments, it is reverentially requested that TechAnon should
be held liable since the campaign laid down the groundwork for RAF’s attack on Rosebud
hospital killing civilians including medical personnel, expectant mothers and young children,
and hence, he owes the liability in accordance with the stipulation under the international
criminal law.
Whether TechAnon can be held liable for contributing to the commission of the crime
under Article 25(3)(d) in conformity with Article 8(2)(e)(ii) of the Rome Statute.
It is reverentially submitted that TechAnon can be held criminally liable in view of the fact
that the international criminal law covers any sort of contribution to the group, this provision
is applied to indirect forms of assistance as well like financial or technical among others.
While he did not constitute a direct call to commit physical violence, his assistance
nevertheless sowed the seeds for mass atrocities. In the context of international crimes, most
of the crimes do not result from the criminal propensity of a single individual but constitute
manifestations of collective criminality. In the wake of seance, Mr. Ashley not just provided
technological assistance but was providing outright weapons to RAF which was being used
In accordance with the stipulation of Individual Criminal Responsibility u/a 25(3)(d) of the
Rome Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime
group of persons acting with a common purpose. Such contribution shall be intentional and
made either:
● With the aim of furthering the criminal activity or criminal purpose of the group,
While a literal, ordinary interpretation of the purpose requirement seems to be the only
legally sound one, it would definitely hold account propagandists for disseminating
disinformation as the facilitators, aiders and abettors under Article 25(3)(c) of the ICC
Statute.3 Indeed, it would require proving that the propagandists spread disinformation
intending that the dissemination of disinformation would facilitate the principal perpetrator’s
commission of atrocity or crimes. Although some members may physically perpetrate the act,
the participation and contribution of the other members of the group are often vital in
The Artillery strike that was ordered on 11 April by Maj. Stewart killed 20 medical personnel
& along with other casualties. This violated the Rome Statute & other various International
Laws. The attack on the storage unit of the Hospital did not just result in the destruction of
the storage unit but caused a large explosion in the hospital taking out essential supplies &
killed many individuals including medical personnel falling in the sphere of commission of
Commission of Crime
¶ The 3 requisites of elements of the joint criminal enterprise’s actus reus is:
● A group of persons: the group here consisted of King Rufus IV, Maj. Gen. Escobar, Lt.
● Existence of a common plan: the plan was the elimination not just the Rebellion by
● Contribution of the Accused: As part of the group Mr. Ashley had the responsibility of
providing technical support to the ground operations by RAF. Without his technical
support, the government could not have caused such damage to the Clemons.
With regard to criminal responsibility, a person shall be liable if the material elements are
committed with intent and knowledge, as stated u/a 30(1) of the Statute. In accordance with
Further, in accordance with Art. 30(3), knowledge means awareness that a circumstance
Moreover, Art. 51 of the UN Charter states that “nothing in the present Charter shall impair
the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a
member of the Renewed United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures
necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by members in the
exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council
and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under
the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain
or restore international peace and security.” It is to be noted that the Rufus Government &
Mr. Ashely have not yet reported to the Security Council about the act of aggression by the
Rebellion or the Republic of Dave hence we can positively assume that in this situation it is
the Rufus Government with the support of the Tech team of Mr. Ashely that provoked an
attack from the rebellion & by that means acted in aggression for the 1 st time in the present
¶ It is humbly contended that the Rufus Government with the assistance of Mr. Ashely’s
hacktivist group has committed War Crimes as per Art. 8(2)(e)(ii) of the Rome Statute &
Crimes against Humanity as per Art. 7 of the Rome Statute on multiple counts using both
armed & other means. In accordance with Art. 8(2)(e)(ii), the meaning of ‘war crime’ would
be the other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in armed conflicts not of an
● Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport,
¶ The group first circulated fake messages fueling the narrative that the Rebellion were
terrorists and then leaked the findings of doctored RAF intelligence report based on
unverified information that the Rosebud Hospital is being used by the rebellion & that the
doctors are terrorists this resulted in a drop in Clemon Population not visiting the only fully
functional hospital in the province due to the fear of being attacked. The campaign resulted in
the creation of a drift between the Clemons & the Medical professionals of Rosebud Hospital
but also between the Clemons & the rest of the Rufus population, who already viewed the
Clemons as 2nd class citizens. The dissemination campaign resulted in 30% of the population
¶ It is further contended that Operation Dark Horse also resulted in the 1. Murder, 2.
Extermination, 3. Persecution, & 4. Apartheid of the Clemon Population. The attacks led to
inhumane conditions of living where the people were not able to access health care & due to
other operations during the conflict the Clemons were denied safe drinking water, electricity,
& their human rights were compromised. In addition to other grounds of criminal
responsibility, TechAnon is criminally responsible u/a 28 of the ICC for the crimes
committed by Techmania and subordinates under his effective authority and control as a
targeting Clemons. The attacks resulted in great suffering of the Clemons & also led to
serious injuries to mental & physical health. The operation resulted in the widespread
¶ The operation directly instigated & abated the state-sponsored violation of Art. 3 of the
International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid &
directly abated the crime against humanity on the Clemon Population not just I. the Rosebud
Province but also in other parts of the country. The operation violated Art. 2(a)(i), 2(a)(ii) &
2(b) of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of
Furthermore, according to Art. 33 of the ICC, the fact that a crime has been committed by a
person pursuant to an order of a Govt. or of a superior, whether military or civilian, shall not
● The person was under a legal obligation to obey orders of the Govt. or the superior in
● The person did not know that the order was unlawful; and
In the light of the above-stated facts, it is humbly requested that TechAnon should be held
liable owing to the verity that he not just provided technological assistance but provided the
sheer weapons to RAF which was being used for committing multifarious crimes.
TechAnon Count 2
Hospital and its medical personnel as part of the RAF’s attack with regard to
¶ It is humbly submitted that TechAnon cannot be held liable in view of the fact that he led
the campaign under the misconception that the object to influence behaviour and turn people
against the Rebellion was legal since he got reassurance that such operations have long been
a part of armed conflicts. He received the request claiming that the Rebellion Movement is a
terrorist organization planning to destroy the Kingdom of Rufus. Further, he was not
intending to cause taking away of lives and could not anticipate the conduct of RAF with
In correspondence to the defined laws, crime is defined as an act or an omission i.e., actus
reus and a mental state i.e., mens rea. Criminal responsibility relates to the mental state
According to Art. 25(3)(d)(i) of the ICC, the knowledge of the intention of the group to
commit crime is essential & the above facts show that TechAnon had all intention to abide by
the law & that he nor the organization he represents had any mal intention.
¶ The kingdom approached TechAnon during their ongoing conflict with the Rebellion & to
use technology to overcome this crisis of national security. Techmenia, the Hacktivist group
provided various tech support to neutralize the Rebellion. The tech used was in general to
identify the Rebellion based on the common characteristics of the members of the Rebellion.
We only had the intention to neutralize the Rebellion and not attack entities carrying symbols
as per the Geneva Convention. However, it is to be noted that from Gaza to Yamen to
Rosebud terror organizations have started misusing these neutral places/entities in confidence
that they can fly under the radar & our system is unsure that these strategies of the Rebellion
¶ As stated in Para 40, TechAnon had asked for clarification regarding the legality of the
dissemination campaign & Lt Gen Crendle reassured that information operations have long
been part of armed conflict & that TechAnon had nothing to worry about. The same legal
clarity was sorted for reassurance of the safety of civilians & legality in all strategies & Lt.
Gen. Crendle reassured that the operations supported by Techmania are the safest possible
option to reduce civilian causalities & that these strategies have been part of customs-related
to warfare.
¶ It is to be noted that the Republic of Dave has acted in aggression by supporting the
Rebellion to carry out an armed attack & provoke the Kingdom of Rufus into an armed
conflict, by this act they violated Art. 3(g) & Art. 5 of the UN Resolution 3314(XXIX) & the
Kingdom with the Support of the Group only acted in self-defense as per Art. 6 of the same
As stated u/a 25(3)(f), a person is said to attempt to commit a crime if he takes actions which
commence its execution by means of a substantial step, however, the crime does not occur
shall not be liable for punishment under the Statute for attempt to commit the crime if that
As detailed in the facts ever since the coronation of King Rufus IV the Kingdom has made
policies to bring the marginalized members of the Rufus society to the mainstream. To bring
changes in the marginalized area, it gave more autonomy to the Rosebud Province, where the
federal government only had control over Defense, Foreign Affairs, & Trade. Various anti-
discriminatory legislations were passed by the legislature to ensure that the Clemons or any
other marginalized community in Rufus is not left behind in the Kingdoms efforts to
¶ The Republic of Dave claims sovereignty over the ClemRocks, a site that is considered
Holy by the Clemons, only for economic exploitation of Lake Veena, Clem Rocks, & the
Clemon People who are the Aboriginals of the area, as these rocks hold the largest gold
reserve in the world. When the monarch changed the policies towards the Clemons it spooked
the Republic & they colluded with Jenna Tuck & anti Rufus elements to spark civil unrest in
the Kingdom & to stake control over its natural resources & destabilise the Kingdom.
Lack of Control
¶ In 1977 it was agreed by the Republic & the Kingdom to appoint an arbitrator to resolve
their dispute pertaining to ClemRocks, the Pannel awarded sovereignty over ClemRocks to
the Kingdom of Rufus in 1979. Then the only possible way for the Republic to now claim
sovereignty over ClemRocks is by Rosebud Province acceding to the Republic. And that is
possible only when the Clemon People losses trust in the Kingdom & see a future in the
Republic, for that to happen the Kingdom must go through a face of crisis & destability or
Civil War.
¶ The repercussion of the civil unrest resulted in the Kingdoms economy coming to a collapse
& to save the economy & save the population from the negative repercussion of economic
collapse the Rufus government was forced to give the Republic of Roco mining rights to
ClemRocks. The extraction was to be done in a manner where in little to no damage is felt on
ClemRocks, as the site is Holy for the Clemons & needs to be preserved.
¶ Operation Dark Horse was a part of a larger military strategy to weaken the Rebellion & to
neutralize them with minimal civilian & military causalities while also reducing collateral
damages. The operations intention was dissemination of information, via internet & other
media sources using technology, to ensure that the Rebellion losses support of the Clemon
People, this will ensure that civil unrest is brought down & the perpetrators are prosecuted in
a court of law.
¶ To achieve the goal of ensuring the rebellion losses support of the Clemon people a strategy
of Deception & Decapitation was used. Where the tech team used the military intelligence
received by the Maj. Gen. Escobar to create a rift between the Clemons & the Rebellion. And
as noted in Para 42, 43, & 45 the dissemination campaign was successful in creating a rift
In the light of the above-stated facts, it is humbly requested that TechAnon should not be held
liable owing to the verity that he did not have malice and the explosion that caused killings of
individuals could not be anticipated by him. There is nothing to establish substantial grounds
to believe that his actions had any impact or nexus with the killings of individuals.
Whether TechAnon can be held liable for contributing to the commission of the crime
under Article 25(3)(d) in conformity with Article 8(2)(e)(ii) of the Rome Statute.
¶ It is humbly submitted that TechAnon cannot be held liable owing to the fact that the
circumstances confronted by him negates the mental element requirement. His purpose was
not to commit the crime but to assist the military and government in protecting the interests
In accordance with the stipulation of Individual Criminal Responsibility u/a 25(3)(d) of the
Rome Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime
group of persons acting with a common purpose. Such contribution shall be intentional and
made either:
● With the aim of furthering the criminal activity or criminal purpose of the group,
private individual or group shall play a vital role in furtherance of the commission of the
circumstances of the events that has taken place while also examining the facts agreed upon.
¶ Art. 25(3)(d)(i) clearly states that there must be an aim of furthering criminal activity or
criminal purpose of the group. To justify the acts of our hacktivist group we would like to
state our intention as a group was not malice. Techmania is a famous hacktivist group known
for its activities throughout the region to achieve social change through unconventional
methods, i.e. social upliftment of marginalised sections of society & creating a positive
impact in society. The group was formed by its leader, TechAnon and is comprised of highly
social media & using it to create a social change in the positive direction. Here by helping the
Rufus government was to stabilise the region & put an end to the armed rebellion
With regard to criminal responsibility, a person shall be liable only if the material elements
are committed with intent and knowledge, as stated u/a 30(1) of the Statute. Further, in
In accordance with Art. 32(1), a mistake of fact shall be a ground for excluding criminal
responsibility only if it negates the mental element requirement by the crime. Further, a
mistake of law also shall be a ground for excluding criminal responsibility u/a 32(2) if it
negates the mental element requirement by such a crime, or as provided for in Art. 33.
In accordance with Art. 8(2)(e)(ii), the meaning of ‘war crime’ would be the other serious
violations of the laws and customs applicable in armed conflicts not of an international
● Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport,
In accordance with Art. 8(2)(f) of the Rome Statute, Art. 8(2)(e) applies to armed conflicts
not of an international character and thus does not apply to situations of internal disturbances
and tensions, such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence or other acts of a similar
nature. It applies to armed conflicts that takes place in the territory of a State when there is
protracted armed conflict b/w governmental authorities and organized armed groups or b/w
such groups.
As stated in Art. 8(3), nothing in paragraph 2 (c) & (e) shall affect the responsibility of a
govt. to maintain or re-establish law & order in the State or to defend the unity & territorial
¶ Fabian strategy of attrition warfare & denial was used to destroy the storage facility of the
Rebellion where they stored their arms & ammunition illegally imported from the Republic
of Dave to be used to destabilize the Kingdom. Attrition & Denial are the wearing down of
the enemy while also avoiding pitched battles or frontal assaults to the point of collapse
through continuous loss of personnel & material to destroy the enemy’s ability to wage war.
¶ Operation Silver Fox & Archie the TechBot system were used to neutralize the enemy by
way of cutting communications between the Republic & the Rebellion. Operation Silver Fox
was a strategy of Defense in depth that delayed rather than prevent the advances of the
attackers by buying time & causing additional casualties. & Archie the TechBoat was part of
a greater part of Battle of Anhelation. Both these strategies helped to put in place a kind of
¶ ProjectIntegr8 was used by the Kingdom to reintegrate the members of the Rebellion to
Rufus society & bring Techmania members like Snowy Allen to justice for espionage. The
Project has been in use in the Republic of Dave to monitor prisoners who were deemed fit to
re-enter society.
In the light of the above-stated facts, it is humbly contended that TechAnon cannot be held
liable since there are no sufficient evidences or inferences which can prove his criminal
liability beyond reasonable doubt as required under the international criminal law.
Summary of Pleadings
Prosecutor Count 2
Hospital and its medical personnel as part of the RAF’s attack with regard to
It is reverentially contended that TechAnon is liable for leading the dissemination campaign
on Rosebud Hospital owing to the fact that falsehoods ranging from selective reporting of
fabrication and lies constitute a breeding ground in which incitement to commit violence is
induced immense racially motivated stabbings & killings targeting Clemons. Moreover, the
campaign laid down the groundwork for RAF’s attack on Rosebud hospital killing civilians
including medical personnel, expectant mothers and young children, and hence, he owes the
liability in accordance with the stipulation under the international criminal law.
Whether TechAnon can be held liable for contributing to the commission of the crime
under Article 25(3)(d) in conformity with Article 8(2)(e)(ii) of the Rome Statute.
It is reverentially submitted that TechAnon can be held criminally liable in view of the fact
that the international criminal law covers any sort of contribution to the group, this provision
is applied to indirect forms of assistance as well like financial or technical among others.
While he did not constitute a direct call to commit physical violence, his assistance
nevertheless sowed the seeds for mass atrocities. In the wake of seance, Mr. Ashley not just
provided technological assistance but was providing outright weapons to RAF which was
Prosecutor – Unverified intelligence; Purpose was to win the war; War efforts till date;
Influence behaviour against the rebellion; Usage of Techtalk platform; Plan to spread
Suggestion of creating a deep fake video(Rebellion as the enemy); Racially motivated (Based
on race being unfair) stabbings and killings; [Leak of doctored report and publish deep fake
video]; Official false statement by govt.; Stopping people from using the only fully functional
hospital; Unlawful use of force {Artillery strikes around hospital killing individuals
(including medical personnel, pregnant women and young children) caused by large
TechAnon Count 2
planning to destroy the Kingdom; Purpose was to win the war(Declared by Clemons) through
the campaign; Clarifications were sought on what would it involve; Asked whether the
objective to influence behaviour and turn people against the Rebellion was legal; Basis to
agree in assistance-Got reassurance that such operations have long been part of armed
In accordance with the stipulation of Individual Criminal Responsibility u/a 25(3)(d) of the
Rome Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime
group of persons acting with a common purpose. Such contribution shall be intentional and
made either:
● With the aim of furthering the criminal activity or criminal purpose of the group,
It is to be noted that u/a 25(3)(f), a person is said to attempt to commit a crime if he takes
actions which commence its execution by means of a substantial step, however, the crime
does not occur because of circumstances independent of the person’s intentions. Furthermore,
a person who abandons the effort to commit the crime or otherwise prevents the completion
of the crime shall not be liable for punishment under the Statute for attempt to commit the
crime if that person completely and voluntarily gave up the criminal purpose.
u/a 28 of the ICC for the crimes committed by Techmania and subordinates under his
effective authority and control as a result of his failure to exercise control properly over them.
In accordance with Art. 28 of the Rome Statute, the superior shall be criminally responsible
● The crimes concerned the activities that were within the effective responsibility and
● The superior failed to take all necessary and reasonable measures within his power to
With regard to criminal responsibility, a person shall be liable only if the material elements
are committed with intent and knowledge, as stated u/a 30(1) of the Statute. Further, in
In accordance with Art. 30(3), knowledge means awareness that a circumstance exists or a
Military necessity is the principle of the law of armed conflict that permits those measures
not forbidden by international law which are necessary to defeat the enemy as economically
as possible.
In accordance with Art. 33, the fact that a crime has been committed by a person pursuant to
an order of a Govt. or of a superior, whether military or civilian, shall not relieve that person
● The person did not know that the order was unlawful; and
In accordance with Art. 32(1), a mistake of fact shall be a ground for excluding criminal
A mistake of law shall not be a ground for excluding criminal responsibility. However, it
shall be a ground for excluding criminal responsibility u/a 32(2) if it negates the mental
In accordance with Art. 8(2)(e)(ii), the meaning of ‘war crime’ would be the other serious
violations of the laws and customs applicable in armed conflicts not of an international
● Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport,
In accordance with Art. 8(2)(f) of the Rome Statute, Art. 8(2)(e) applies to armed conflicts
not of an international character and thus does not apply to situations of internal disturbances
and tensions, such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence or other acts of a similar
nature. It applies to armed conflicts that takes place in the territory of a State when there is
protracted armed conflict b/w governmental authorities and organized armed groups or b/w
such groups.
In accordance with Art. 8(3), nothing in paragraph 2 (c) & (e) shall affect the responsibility of
a govt. to maintain or re-establish law & order in the State or to defend the unity & territorial
While it is necessary crime in question was committed during an armed conflict, this is in
The crime must be sufficiently linked to the armed conflict. {Techanon was only dealing with
However, this so-called nexus requirement is satisfied if the armed conflict played a
substantial role in the perpetrator’s decision to commit the crime, his or her ability to commit
In order to define an act as a war crime, it must, besides having nexus to an armed conflict, be
a serious -------
An intentional mental state means that the actor consciously engages in the conduct or his
A knowing mental state means that the actor is aware that his conduct is criminal or is aware
A wanton or reckless mental state means that the actor consciously disregarded a substantial
A negligent mental state means that the actor is unaware that his conduct is risky or
dangerous, however, a reasonable person in the same situation would apprehend the risk.