a320 oral test
a320 oral test
a320 oral test
➢ What info does the IR Supplies?
Ref DSC-34-NAV-10-10 P 1/4
Heading, Attitude, Angular rate, Flight path vector,
Acceleration, Ground Speed, Aircraft Position, Track
➢ What would be missing on the CPT’s PFD if IR1 failed or was turned OFF?
Ref DSC-34-NAV-10-10
Attitude and Navigation Information
➢ With the loss of ADR 1, what would be lost on the CPT’s PFD?
Ref DSC-34-NAV-10-10
Airspeed and Altitude
➢ What does a FLASHING amber IR FAULT light indicate?
The IR lost its position, the ATT and HDG information may be recovered in ATT Mode (check
QRH procedure)
➢ How many ELAC’s on the Airbus? And what do they control it?
Ref DSC-27-10-10 P 3/6
2 ELAC’s control elevator, stabilizer and Aileron
➢ What does SEC stand for?
Ref DSC-27-10-10 P 3/6
Spoiler Elevator Computer
➢ What is the computer and priority for the ELEVATOR and STABILIZER?
Ref DSC-27-10-20 P 1/14
ELAC 2 -> ELAC 1 -> SEC 2 -> SEC 1
➢ How are the FCTL surface controlled and actuated?
Ref DSC-27-10-10 P 1/6
Electrically-controlled and Hydraulically-activated
EVAC Panel
➢ What is the function of the CAPT and CAPT & PURS switch?
Ref DSC-23-20-60
• CAPT position (Alert may only be activated from the cockpit)
• CAPT & PURS (Alert may be either be activated from CKPT or CAB) FLYNAS SOP
NOTE: EVAC indication are (EVAC light flashes RED in the cockpit, The EVAC lights flash
at FWD and AFT attendant panels and EVACUATION TONE sounds)
➢ If CAPT & PURS switch was set to CAPT and CMD pb was pressed in the cabin,
what indications do we have?
Ref DSC-23-20-60
Only the cockpit horn sounds for 3s
➢ What does the RED FAULT light on the RAT & EMER GEN pb indicate?
Ref DSC-24-20 P6/26 & DSC-24-10-30-30 P8/18
If the EMER GEN is not supplying power when AC BUS 1 & 2 are not powered, also during
the RAT extension (about 8s)
➢ Do Pilots ever use the EMER GEN TES pb?
Ref DSC-24-20 P7/26
NO, Maintenance function only
GPWS Panel
➢ What does an Amber FAULT light in the SYS pb indicate on the GPWS panel? Is the
terrain mode affected?
Ref DSC-34-SURV-40-40 P 1/8
Any Failure of GPWS mode 1 to 5 – NO TERR mode is not affected
➢ What does an Amber FAULT light in the TERR pb indicate on the GPWS panel?
Ref DSC-34-SURV-40-40 P 2/8
Comes on along with ECAM caution, if the TAD or TCF predictive mode fails and TERR is not
shown on the ND
➢ What does FLAP MODE OFF light indicate?
Ref DSC-34-SURV-40-40 P 1/8
MODE 4 “Too Low Flaps” is inhibited when landing less than Flap 3
➢ What do they provide more over the normal GPWS 5 basic functions?
Ref DSC-34-SURV-40-10 P 1/6
• Terrain Awareness Display (TAD) which predicts the terrain conflict and displays the
terrain on the ND
• Terrain Clearance Floor (TCF) which improves the low TERR warning during LDG
➢ How do you erase the RCDR tape?
• Aircraft on the ground
• Parking Brake ON
• Press the CVR ERASE pb for 2s
➢ Above what cabin altitude will the crew oxygen masks provide 100% oxygen
regardless of the position of the N/100% selector?
Ref DSC-35-20-20 P 5/10
30,000ft, also over pressure supply is automatically started at 30,000ft cabin altitude
➢ What happens during the preflight when you push to extinguish the CREW SUPPLY
OFF light?
Ref DSC-35-20-20 P 1/10 and CBT OXYGEN SYSTEM
The valve is open, and supplies low pressure oxygen to the mask (normal position in flight)
➢ What indication would you have a crew oxygen cylinder thermal discharge?
The green disk on the lower left side of the FWD fuselage would be missing
➢ When amber half frame box appears on ECAM DOOR page, what does that mean?
Ref DSC-35-20-20 P 7-8/10
On ground if oxygen pressure is <1,000psi or <1,500psi (refer to LIMITATIONS to check if the
remaining quantity is not below MINIMUM)
RAIN Panel
➢ When does the LOGO light illuminate when the switch is in 2 or 1 position?
Ref DSC-33-20-20 P 3/6
Main LDG gear strut compressed or when flaps are extended (at least 15°) or slats extended
APU Panel
➢ What does the Green AVAIL light on the APU START pb indicate?
Ref DSC-49-20 P 4/10 and CBT APU SYSTEM
The APU is available to provide ELEC and/or BLEED air
➢ With the APU green AVAIL light ON and the EXT PWR green AVAIL
light on, which system is powering the aircraft?
➢ During the cool down cycle, can you still use the APU?
YES, press the APU MASTER SW pb
➢ What does and Amber FAULT light in the APU MASTER SW pb indicates?
Ref DSC-49-20 P 2-3/10
An APU auto shutdown has occurred
➢ What does an Amber FAULT light in the APU BLEED PB mean?
Ref DSC-36-20 P 2/8
APU leak
➢ Does APU air or electric have priority?
➢ When will the (FASTEN SEAT BELT & NO SMOKING) signs illuminate with the
respective switches set to AUTO?
Ref DSC-33-40-10 P 1/2
• When either LDG GEAR or FLAPS/SLATS (18° degrees) are extended
• If Cabin ALT goes above 11,300ft (± 350ft), the cabin lights and all cabin signs, except
the NO PORTABLE ELEC DEVICE (if installed), come on regardless of switches
➢ When will the EXIT MARKERS and Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking
automatically illuminate?
Ref DSC-33-30-10 P 1-3/8
With the EMER EXIT LT selector at ARM:
• Normal Aircraft Electrical power fails, or
• DC SHED ESS BUS is lost
➢ What lights illuminate when the EMER EXIT LT switch is placed to ON?
Ref DSC-33-30-20 P 3/4
• Overhead emergency lights
• EXIT signs
• Proximity marking system
➢ What is the power source of the overhead emergency light and EXIT signs?
Ref DSC-33-30-10 P 3/8
• If DC SHED ESS BUS fails, batteries inside the light fixtures power them for 12min
➢ With ENG ANTI ICE ON what indications will you see?
Ref DSC-30-30-10 P 1/2 & DSC-30-30-20 P 1/2
• Blue ON light comes on
• N1 or EPR limit is reduced
• N1 or EPR Idle is increased
➢ What does the Amber FAULT light in the WING ANTI ICE PB indicate?
Ref DSC-30-20-20 P 1/2
• Low Pressure is detected
• Pushbutton – Valve disagreement
➢ In What position do the Wing and ENG Anti-Ice valves fail if electrical power is lost?
Ref DSC-30-20-10 P 1/2 & Ref DSC-30-30-10 P 1/2
• WING – valves CLOSE
• ENG – valves OPEN
➢ With the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb in AUTO, when will the probes and windows
Ref DSC-30-50-20 P 1/2
• In Flight, or
• On ground (except TAT probes) provided one ENG is running
NOTE: Windshield & Pitot heat operate LOW (ground) and NORMAL
➢ How many controllers are in the pressurization system?
Ref DSC-21-20-30 P1/4
2. Only one operates at a time. They Swap roles 70s after each LDG or if the Operating
System Fails
➢ The LDG ELEV selector is in the AUTO position, what is the data source for
pressurization schedule?
Ref DSC-21-20-40 P 1/10
The pressurization system uses the FMGS data to construct and optimized pressure schedule
➢ What is the ABORT mode in auto cabin pressurization and what does it do?
Ref DSC-21-20-30 P2/4
If the aircraft does not climb after T/O, the abort mode prevents the cabin ALT from climbing.
Cabin pressure is set back to T/O ALT +0.1psi
➢ On the ECAM Bleed page, how do you tell if GND HP air supply is connected?
Ref DSC-36-20 P2-5/8
The GND unit TEMP and PRESS are indicated on the ECAM BLEED PRECOOLER #1
➢ When HI flow rate is automatically selected regardless of the Pack flow knob
Ref DSC-21-10-30 P 1-3/4
• In Single-pack operation,
• When the APU is supplying Bleed air
NOTE: The system delivers NORMAL flow (100%) even if the LO is selected, when the
temperature demand cannot be satisfied
➢ What does the Amber FAULT light in the APU BLEED pb indicate?
Ref DSC-36-20 P 2/8
APU bleed leak (APU bleed valve close)
➢ What causes the Amber FAULT light on the ENG BLEED pb?
Ref DSC-36-20 P1/8
• Bleed valve is not closed during ENG start
• Bleed valve is not closed with APU bleed ON
• Overpressure downstream of the bleed valve
• Overheat of the bleed air
• Leak (wing or ENG on the related side)
➢ What logic controls the X-BLEED valve when the switch is in AUTO?
Ref DSC-36-20 P 2/8
• The X-BLEED valve is OPEN when APU bleed valve is OPEN
• The X-BLEED valve is CLOSED when APU bleed valve is CLOSED
• The X-BLEED valve is CLOSED in case of a Wing, Pylon or APU leak (except during
ENG start)
➢ What does the Amber HOT AIR FAULT light indicate?
Ref DSC-21-10-50 P 1/16
• Duct overheat is detected (The HOT AIR and TRIM AIR valves will close automatically)
• Valve disagreement
➢ What happens to the Pack Flow control valves during ENG start (Normal ENG start
using APU)?
Ref DSC-21-10-50 P 2/16
The Pack Flow control valves will close automatically (for both ENGs if X-BLEED is open),
when ENG MODE SEL is set to IGN (to allow ALL of the APU bleed to start the ENGs).
If the MASTER SWITCH is not selected ON within 30s they will open again.
They close when MASTER SWITCH is selected ON.
After the start sequence is completed or the ENG MODE SEL is set back to NORM the Pack
Flow controls valves open
➢ After ENG start with the APU BLEED pb ON, what source is supplying bleed air to
the packs?
Ref DSC-36-10-30 P 1/2
APU BLEED, it has priority over the ENGs bleed
➢ When does the Lavatory/Galley Extract Fan operate?
Ref DSC-21-30-50 P 1/2
Continuously when electrical power is available
ELEC Panel
➢ Will the batteries completely drain if you leave the BAT switches in AUTO after AC
power is removed?
Ref DSC-24-20 P 2/26
NO. Battery cut-off logic prevents from completely discharge when ACFT is on GND and
➢ What does the Amber FAULT light in the GALY & CAB pb indicate?
Ref DSC-24-20 P 5/26
The load of any generator is more than 100% of rated output
➢ What does a FAUL on the ENG GEN pb indicate?
Ref DSC-24-20 P 3/26
• The associated GCU (Generator control unit) trips it
• Opening of the Line contactor (except if the GEN pb-sw is selected OFF)
➢ In EMERG CONFIG and the EMERG GEN failed, can we start the APU in flight?
Ref DCS-24-10-30-30 P 8/18
NO, only on GND and SPD <100kts (only then the BATs will be connected to the DC BAT
➢ In EMERG CONFIG with the EMERG GEN online, can you start the APU in flight?
Ref PRO-ABN-24 P 66/108
YES, below FL250 when the APU MASTER pb-sw is set to ON the BATTs are connected to
DC BAT BUS for 3 minutes. (DC BAT BUS must be powered to start the APU)
➢ What happen below 100 & 50 kts when EMERG GEN power the aircraft?
Ref DCS-24-10-30-30 P 8/18
• <100kts DC BUT BAS is automatically connected to the BATTs
• <50kts AC ESS SHED is automatically shed, leading to the loss of all Displays unit
➢ If TR 1 and TR 2 where lost, what buses will be un-powered?
Ref DCS-24-10-30-30 P 6/18 DCS-24-10-20 P 2/4
DC BUS 1 & 2 and DC BUT BUS will be unpowered and DC ESS BUS will be powered by
➢ What is the function of the ACC ESS FEED pb in the NORMAL position? When do
we need to push it?
Ref DCS-24-20 P 4/26
If AC BUS 1 is lost AC BUS 2 automatically feed the ACC ESS BUS. Only when asked by a
➢ What does the ACC ESS FEED pb White ALTN light indicate?
Ref DCS-24-20 P 4/26
The AC ESS BUS is supplied by AC BUS 2 (manually selected). FAULT light comes on when
ACC ESS BUS is not powered
➢ When is the STAT INV activated?
Ref DCS-24-20 P 2/26
When the aircraft is only powered by the BATs
• SPEED <50kts BAT 1 & 2 pb-sw must be in AUTO
• SPEED >50kts regardless of the pb-sw position
➢ With the APU Green AVAIL light ON and the EXT PWR AVAIL light ON, which
system is powering the aircraft?
Ref DCS-24-10-30 P 1/2
➢ What is the significance of the Green Collared C/Bs in the flight deck?
Ref DSC-24-10-20 P 2/4 & QRH 80.16A/17A & CBT ELEC SYSTEM
• GREEN: Monitored by ECAM
• RED: example WTB (Wing tip brake) DON’T RESET
• BLACK: Not Monitored by ECAM
FUEL Panel
➢ When the CTR tank fuel pumps operate in AUTO mode, when do they come ON?
When do they STOPS?
Ref DSC-28-20 P 1/20 & DSC-28-10-60 P 1/2
• They run for 2 minutes after BOTH ENGs are started (If SLATS are UP will continue to
• After SLATs retraction
• They STOP 5 minutes after CTR TK LOW LV is reached
• They STOP when INNER TK overfill from fuel returned from IDG cooling SYS until
500kg is burned from Inner Tank
➢ When do the Main tanks Outer Cell drain into the Inner tanks?
Ref DSC-28-10-30 P 3-5/6
When the Inner tank fuel reaches about 750kg
➢ If only One Inner tank reaches 750kg, what happens to the other transfer valve?
Ref DSC-28-10-30 P 3-5/6
All 4 Transfer valves open
➢ Once opened to transfer fuel, how are the Fuel Transfer valves closed?
Ref DSC-28-10-30 P 3-5/6
Automatically at the next refueling operation
➢ How is the IDG cooled?
Ref DSC-28-10-60 P 1/2 & DSC-70-40-50 P1/2
By Fuel from the HP fuel line goes through the IDG heat exchanger to the fuel return valve
and to the Outer fuel tank. If outer tank is already full, the fuel spills to inner tank
➢ If the IDG return fuel fills the Wing tanks, what occurs?
Ref DSC-28-10-60 P 1/2
The CTR TK pumps turn OFF until the Wing tank quantity reduces by 500kg
➢ Whit full Wing fuel, what prevents the IDG fuel from overflowing the Wings?
Ref DSC-70-40-50 P 1/2
Separate full level switches
➢ Why does the Fuel SYS keeps fuel in the Outer Tanks and drain them last?
Ref DSC-28-10-10 P 1/2
For Wing bending and Flutter relief
HYD Panel
➢ When does the BLUE ELEC PUMP operates when set to AUTO?
Ref DSC-29-20 P 1/10
If AC power is available, it operates:
• In Flight
• On Ground if one ENG is running, or
• If the BLUE PUMP OVRD pb on the maintenance panel was pushed
➢ What is the normal system hydraulic pressure?
Ref LIM-29 P 1/2
3,000 PSI ± 200
➢ Does the RAT automatically deploy with the loss of BLUE pressure?
Ref DSC-29-10-10 P 1/6
NO, it must be deployed manually by the RAT MAN ON pb
➢ If the ECAM actions lead you to turn OFF the PTU for a reservoir overheat, will the
FAULT light go out?
Ref DSC-29-20 P 3/10
NO, not until the overheat is present
➢ If the FAULT light in the PTU is ON, are there any other indications on the HYD
Ref DSC-29-20 P 1-2-3-/10
YES, also a FAULT light illuminated in the respective ENG PUMP pb
➢ Name several items that run from ONLY the GREEN system?
Ref DSC-29-10-30 P 1-2/2
• Landing Gear
• Norm Brakes
• REV ENG #1
➢ Name several items that run from only the YELLOW system?
Ref DSC-29-10-30 P 1-2/2
• Alternate Brake
• Brake Accumulator
• Cargo doors
• REV ENG #2
• Yaw Damp #2
➢ What does a FAULT light in the BLUE or YELLOW ELEC PUMP pb indicate?
Ref DSC-29-20 P 2/10
• Pump pressure low
• Overheats in the reservoir
• Low air pressure in the reservoir
• Low level in the reservoir
• Overheats in the pump
➢ With the switch set to OFF, when does the YELLOW electric pump comes on
automatically? And what does it power?
Ref DSC-29-20 P 2/10
When the Cargo door lever is set to OPEN or CLOSE, this inhibit the operation of all system
component except Alternate Braking and REV ENG #2
FIRE Panel
➢ What occurs when you press the TEST pb on the ENG FIRE panel?
Ref DSC-26-20-20 P 2/8
1. CRC sounds
2. MASTER WARN lights flash (2)
3. ENG FIRE pb illuminate red (1)
4. SQUIB and DISCH light illuminates (2)
6. Fire light on the ENG panel illuminates (1)
➢ How many fire extinguishers are provided for the APU?
Ref DSC-26-20-10 P 2/2
➢ What occurs when you press the APU FIRE TEST pb?
Ref DSC-26-20-20 P 4/8
1. CRC sounds
2. MASTER WARN lights flash (2)
3. APU FORE pb illuminates red (1)
4. SQUIB and DISH lights illuminate (1)
➢ Does the APU fire extinguisher automatically discharge if a fire is detected in flight?
Ref DSC-26-20-10 P 2/2
➢ How many Fire extinguisher are provided for the Cargo compartments?
Ref DSC-26-50-20 P 1/2 & DSC-26-50-30 P 3/4
1 bottle, which can be discharged within 60s to either compartment
➢ What does the Red SMOKE light in the FWD or AFT pb indicate?
Ref DSC-26-50-30 P 1-2-3-/4
• BOTH channels detect smoke, or
• One channel detects smoke and the other one is faulty
➢ With a CARGO SMOKE Warning, what happens to the Isolation Valve and Extract
Ref DSC-26-50-10 P 1-3/4
• Isolation valves CLOSE
• Extract Fan STOPS
➢ What is the function if the Cabin Fans? When do we select them OFF?
Ref DSC-21-10-10 P 2-3/4
2 Cabin Fans are installed to recycle cabin air into the mixing unit and back saving fuel. We
select OFF only in respond to an ECAM procedure
➢ With BLOWER and EXTRACT pbs in AUTO, how does the system operate?
Ref DSC-21-30-60 P 1/4
• GROUND – System is in OPEN configuration
• FLIGHT – System is in CLOSED configuration
• INTEMEDIATE – Closed except Extract valve is partially open
➢ With Both BLOWER and EXTRACT pbs in OVRD, what are the positions of the INLET
and EXTRACT valves?
Ref DSC-21-30-20 P 7/8
• INLET valve is CLOSED
➢ What does a FAULT light on the BLOWER pb indicate?
Ref DSC-21-30-60 P 1/4
• SMOKE warning is activated
• Computer power supply failure
• Duct overheats
• Blowing pressure is low
➢ With 2 FAULT lights on the VENTILATION panel, are there any other indications?
Ref DSC-24-20 P 7/26
YES, The SMOKE light in the GEN 1 LINE pb-sw
ENG Panel
➢ What are the primary differences between a MANUAL and a NORMAL AUTOMATIC
Ref DSC-70-80-40 P 1-4/10
• AUTOMATIC start interruption and Auto-Crank are not available during MAN start
• In MAN start, the FADEC will only abort the start if on Ground and EGT limit exceeded
before N2=50%
➢ When a MAN ENG start is recommended?
Ref PRO-SUP-70 P 3-4/10
▪ After aborting a start because of:
• Engine Stall
• Engine EGT overlimit
• Low start air pressure
▪ When expecting a start abort, because of:
• Degraded bleed performance (Hot conditions or High Elevations apts)
• An ENG with a reduced EGT margin (Hot conditions or High Elevations apts)
• Marginal performance of external pneumatic power
❖ Intermittent ECAM “ENG 1(2) IGN A(B) FAULT” alert, during the 1° start of the day
➢ What does the Red Arrow in the SIDE STICK PRIORITY light mean?
Ref DSC-27-20-30 P 5/18
Comes in front of the Pilot losing authority
➢ What do the flashing Green CAPT and F/O SIDESTICK PRIORITY lights indicate?
Ref DSC-27-20-30 P 5/18
• BOTH sidesticks have been moved simultaneously and neither takes priority
• When a Pilot has taken priority and the other pilot sidestick is not a Neutral, the light in
front of the pilot with priority lights up
➢ What happens when BOTH pilots make an input simultaneously on BOTH
Ref DSC-27-20-30 P 4/18
• The Inputs are algebraically summed up to the normal limits
• An Aural “DUAL INPUT” will sound
• Green CAPT and F/O light will illuminate
➢ What do Dashes in the FCU display windows along with the adjacent White dot
Ref DSC-22_10-40-20 P 1-2/10
FMGS Managed Guidance is in use
➢ How are the crew made aware of mode changes on the FMA?
Ref DSC-22_30-100 P 1/12
A White Box is temporarily displayed around the new indication
➢ After you inputs the Destination and ILS information into the MCDU, what do you
check for?
Ref DSC-22_10-40-20 P 7-9/10
• After the ILS pb is pressed, green light
• ILS frequency and course on PFD
• ILS identifier once identified
• LOC and G/S scales displayed on PFD
➢ What are the Pitch and Roll angle limits indicated by the Green = signs?
Ref DSC-31-40 P 6/62, DSC-27-20-10-20 P 4/8 and DSC-27-20-10-30 P 1/2
• PITCH: + 30° up / - 15° down
• ROLL: +/- 67°
➢ How can you determine you are in Alternate law?
Ref DSC-27-20-20 P 4-5/8
• Amber X’s at the pitch (30° UP/15° DN) and bank (67°) limits
• Only VLS and VSW is displayed on the airspeed scale
➢ What does the yellow speed trend line on the airspeed display indicate?
Ref DSC-31-40 P 9/62
Shows the speed the aircraft will reach in 10s if its acceleration remain constant
➢ What is the difference between the Magenta and Blue target airspeed β?
Ref DSC-31-40 P 9/62
• MAGENTA – Managed speed computed by the FMGC
• BLUE – Selected speed on the FCU
➢ What is SRS? When does it appear on the PFD? What Speed does it maintain?
Ref DSC-22_30-80-20 P 2/4
Speed Reference System in TAKEOFF and GO/AROUND
• It maintains V2+10kt (2 ENGs) or Highest of V2/V2+15kt (1 ENG)
• FPA protection that insures a minimum vertical speed of 120ft/m
• Attitude protection to reduce pitch during TO (18° max o 22.5° max in Windshear)
➢ What are the SRS engagement conditions?
Ref DSC-22_30-80-20 P 1/4 and Ref DSC-22_30-80-40 P 1-2/4
▪ On Ground for Take Off:
• Thrust levers set to TOGA or FLEX
• V2 inserted in the MCDU PERF page
• The Slats are extended
• Aircraft on ground for at least 30s
▪ Go-Around:
• Flap lever is at least in position 1, and
• The aircraft is in flight, or
• The aircraft is on the ground for less than 30s (rejected landing), AP disengages
and can be re-engaged 5s after lift off
➢ What are the 2 sub-modes of the RWY (Runway mode) and what do they provide?
Ref DSC-22_30-80-20 P 3/4
• RWY mode: Lateral guidance during T/O roll up to 30ft RA if LOC signal is available
• RWY TRK mode: Lateral guidance to same TRK during the engagement (at 30ft RA)
➢ Which of the SPD displayed on the PFD are actual Flap/Slat position and which one
are Flaps lever position?
Ref PRO-SUP-10 P 1/10 and DSC-31-40 P 11-12/62
• VLS, Overspeed warning are based on the Actual Flap/Slat position
• VFE, VFE NEXT are based on the Flap Lever position
➢ What does it mean when you see the Magenta Target airpeed triangle above VAPP
on approach?
Ref FCTM NO-110 P 8-9-10/10
GS mini has increased SPD due to higher Headwind component at your present location than
what was calculated at the RWY
➢ What would be indicated if the altitude window changed from Yellow to Amber?
Ref DSC-31-40 P 18/62
The aircraft has deviated from the FCU-selected altitude or FL
➢ What does it mean when the Altitude digits change from Green to Amber?
Ref DSC-31-40 P 18/62
The aircraft has descended below the MDA/DH entered in the FMGS
➢ What would a flashing Amber ILS indicate on the bottom of the PFD?
DSC-31-40 P 43/62
Flashes amber when the APPR mode is armed, but the LS pb has not been selected
➢ What colors are used to represent the various displayed flight plans?
DSC-31-45 P 10-19-26/100
• ACTIVE – Continuous Green line
• SECONDARY – Continuous White line
• TEMPORARY – Dashed Yellow line
• ALTERNATE – Dashed Blue lines
• MISSED APPR – Continuous Blue line
➢ TOD (Top of descent) and CDFA (Continuous Descent) arrows are displayed in Blue
or White. What is the difference?
DSC-31-45 P 11-20-27/100
• TOD – Always White (never armed)
• CDFA – Blue indicates Armed, White indicates NOT Armed
➢ If modes range data fails, what should you expect to see on the ND?
DSC-31-50 P 2/8
ROSE NAV mode and 80 NM range
➢ Which part of the E/WD would the crew find indication of Primary failures?
Ref DSC-31-15 P 3/8
On the Lower left portion of the screen
➢ What does the appearance of a Green arrow at the bottom of the E/WD indicate?
Ref DSC-31-15 P 3/8
Information has been overflowed off the screen and the Piot must scroll down the CLR pb on
the ECAM panel
➢ When does the LDG MEMO appear?
Ref DSC-31-15 P 6/8
• Below 2,000ft RA
NOTE: After GO-AROUND, if the a/c doesn’t climb above 2,200ft RA, the LDG MEMO
appears only below 800ft RA during the subsequent approach
➢ In general, when are the System pages automatically displayed on the SD?
Ref DSC-31-20 P 1-4/16
• Relative to the current phase of flight,
• When a system malfunction is detected
➢ With a total loss of electrical power, does the ISIS loses its power?
Ref DSC-34-NAV-20 P 1/12
NO, it will be powered by internal battery for 5 minutes
➢ What is the function of the 2 LGCIU (Landing Gear Control and Interface Units)?
Ref DSC-32-10-20 P 1/4
• Provide sequencing, operation, monitoring and indications for the LDG Gear
• Provide Aircraft “IN FLIGHT” or “ON GROUND” signals to other aircraft system
➢ What 3 things occur when you turn the Manual Gear Extension Handle?
Ref DSC-32-10-10 P 4/6 and DSC-32-10-40 P 3/8
• Remove Green hydraulic pressure
• Unlocks the LDG gear doors, main and nose gear
• Allows gravity to drop the gear into the extended position
➢ In what occasions is Green hydraulic power not available to the LDG Gear?
Ref DSC-32-10-10 P 3-4/6
• Speed is above 260kt (safety valve automatically cuts off hydraulic supply)
➢ What happens when you switch the A/SKID & N/W STRG to off?
Ref DSC-32-30-20 P 1/12
• Nosewheel steering is lost
• Braking is powered by the Yellow system
• Antiskid is deactivated
➢ What does the AUTO BRK Green DECEL light indicate?
Ref DSC-32-30-20 P 4/12
Actual rate of deceleration is 80% of the selected rate
➢ If you don’t see DECEL light after landing, will you call DECEL?
Ref DSC-32-30-20 P 4/12
YES, if deceleration is felt by the crew and confirmed by the speed trend on the PFD
➢ If you lose the Green hydraulic pressure will you have the AUTO BRK?
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 3/10
NO, not with the Alternate Braking
➢ With spoilers not armed, will the spoilers deploy for a RTO?
Ref DSC-27-10-20 P 8/14
YES, if the speed is >72kt and when at least one ENG is in reverse and other engine in IDLE
➢ How many brakes applications are available with the accumulator pressure?
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 7/10
Approximately 7 full applications
➢ What does the BRAKES & ACCU PRESS triple indicator indicate?
Ref DSC-32-30-20 P 2 /12
• Yellow hydraulic pressure delivered to the Left and right brakes
• Yellow system brake accumulator pressure
➢ How do you perform the brake check during initial taxi?
Ref PRO-NOR-SOP-10 P 2/10
Press the brake pedals to ensure the aircraft slows down and check the brake pressure on
the triple indicator is Zero, indicating the Green hydraulic system took over
➢ If Both E/WD and SD units fail, how can you display E/WD information?
Ref DSC-31-05-60 P 1/6
Use the “ECAM/ND XFR” switch to display the E/WD on an ND (CAPT 3 or F/O 3)
➢ If the UPPER DISPLAY know was switched OFF, what would occur?
Ref DSC-31-05-60 P 1/6
The E/WD would automatically transfer to the Lower display
➢ With the E/WD displayed on the Lower screen, how else can you view SD
Ref DSC-31-30 P 1/10
Press and Hold the appropriate system button on the ECAM CONTROL panel you wish to
➢ How long will this information be available?
30 seconds
➢ If you press the STS pb and the system has no STATUS messages, what will be
Ref DSC-31-30 P 2-5/10
“NORMAL” for 3s
➢ If power fails to the ECAM CONTROL panel, which buttons are still functional?
Ref DSC-31-30 P 3-6/10
➢ What occurs during the Before Takeoff Checklist when T.O. CONFIG pb is pressed?
Ref DSC-31-15 P 7/8
• The system simulates the application of T.O. Power and checks certain system for
proper configuration
• A Warning is displayed if and system is not configured properly
• “TO CONFIG NORMAL” is displayed in the TO MEMO section if the configuration is
➢ If a complete flight control computer failure occurs can the THS be positioned?
Ref DSC-27-20-20 P 8/8
YES, mechanical trimming is possible by manually positioning the Pitch Trim Wheel
➢ Can you move the PITCH trim wheel if all systems are working normally?
Ref DSC-27-20-10-20 P 1/8
Manual inputs have priority over computer inputs. The AP will disconnect
➢ When will the FADEC abort a start?
Ref DSC-70-80-40 P 1/10
➢ If the FADEC detects a Fault during an Automatic start, is any crew intervention
Ref DSC-70-80-40 P 1/10
NO, the FADEC will discontinue the start, clear the ENG and attempt a new start (if
warranted) automatically
➢ How many Igniters fire during a Normal Automatic ground start sequence?
Ref DSC-70-80-40 P 2-3/10 and Ref DSC-70-80-30 P 2/4
• One Igniter with the other serving as a backup
• The FADEC automatically alternates the Igniters (A and B) at each start
➢ What is the Active range of the A/THR?
Ref DSC-70-30-20 P 1/2
• Just above IDLE to CL detent (2 ENGs)
• Just above IDLE to MCT detent (1 ENG)
➢ What is the Normal operational position of the Thrust Levers when A/THR is active?
Ref DSC-70-30-20 P ½ and FCTM OP-030 P 7/16
The CL detent
➢ What determines the Maximum Thrust the A/THR system will be able to command?
Ref DSC-70-30-30 P 1/2 and FCTM OP-030 P 6/16
The Detent position of the Thrust Lever
➢ How do you disconnect the A/THR for the remainder of the flight?
Ref DSC-22_30-90 P 6/14
Press and Hold the Instinctive Disconnect pb for 15s
➢ What happens to Thrust and what annunciates on FMA when you reach A. FLOOR?
Ref DSC-22_30-90 P 9/14
➢ What occurs during ALPHA FLOOR protection after speed increase above VLS?
Ref DSC-22_30-90 P 9/14
FMA changes to “TOGA LK”
➢ How do you regain normal A/THR?
Ref FCTM OP-030 P 10/16
• Move Thrust levers to the TOGA detent
• Press the Instinctive Disconnect pb
• Return Trust Levers to CL detent
• Push the A/THR pb to engage A/THR
➢ Does the illumination of the ATC FAIL light indicates loss of All transponder
Ref DSC-34-SURV-10-20 P 2-3/4
NO, Only the selected transponder
➢ With only Green hydraulic system pressure available, will Both Flaps and Slats
Ref DSC-27-30-10 P 2/6
YES, at ½ speed
➢ If the WTB activates due to a Flap Asymmetry, can the Slats still operate?
Ref DSC-27-30-10 P 2/6
YES, Only Flap operation is inhibited
➢ What Flap/Slat configurations correspond to position 1 on the FLAPS lever and how
do they differ?
Ref DSC-27-30-20 P 1-2/8
• CONFIG 1+F is used for Takeoff and provides Both Slats (position 1) + Flaps
• CONFIG 1 is used in flight and is Slats only
➢ When will the ARS (Automatic Retraction System) operate?
Ref DSC-27-30-20 P 2/8
On Acceleration in CONFIG 1+F, the Flaps (not Slats) will automatically retract to 0 at 210kt
➢ When the Flap legend appears in Cyan on the Upper ECAM display, what indicates?
Ref DSC-27-30-20 P 5/8
Flaps/Slats are in transit
➢ Is there any LDG CONFIG when the Speed Brake extension is inhibited?
Ref DSC-27-10-20 P 6/14
When Flaps are in CONFIG FULL
➢ Will the GND Spoilers extend if Touchdown with REV selected and Only One LDG
Gear is compressed?
Ref DSC-27-10-20 P 9/14
PARTIALLY, Full extension is limited until BOTH Main LDG Gears are compressed
➢ When do the Speed Brakes inhibit?
Ref DSC-27-10-20 P 6-7/14
Speed Brakes (2-3-4) are inhibited when:
• SEC 1 & 3 both have faults, or
• AOA protection is Active, or
• ALPHA FLOOR activation, or
• Trust Lever above MCT position, or
• Flap FULL, or
• An Elevator (L or R) has a fault, or
• When a Speedbrake fails on one wing, the symmetric one on the other wing is inhibited
➢ What would cause the SEL indicator light to illuminate on Both RMPs?
Ref DSC-23-10-30 P 3/4
When a Communication radio normally associated with one RMP is tuned by another RMP
➢ If the NAV key is selected on either RMP, can the FMGC still auto-tune Navaids?
Ref DSC-34-NAV-30-30 P 3/4
• NO, RMP now controls the VOR/ILS receivers
• NAV key on RMP 3 has no effect
• Normal Radio Communication is still available
➢ What does the illumination of the CALL light on the VHF or HF transmission keys
Ref DSC-23-20-20 P 9/12
The SELCAL system detects a call
➢ Will the Loudspeaker Volume Knob control the loudness of Aural Alert and Voice
Ref DSC-23-20-20 P 11/12
➢ What inputs does each FMGC use for Position determination?
Ref DSC-22_20-20-10 P 1/12
A Hybrid IRS/GPS position
➢ If Amber “OFF SIDE FM CONTROL” message is displayed on the ND, what action
should the crew take?
Ref DSC-22_10-30 P 7/10
An FMGC has failed and BOTH NDs must be set to the same Mode and Range
➢ What is the difference between the Large and Small fonts utilized in the MCDU?
Ref DSC-22_20-50-10
• LARGE – Pilot entries and modifiable data
• SMALL – Default/Computed non-modifiable data
➢ If the FLEX TEMP is not inserted on Takeoff page of the MCDU, and Thrust levers
are positioned in the FLEX detent, what will occur?
Ref DSC-31-15 P 7/8
A Warning will be generated, Set TOGA and execute a MAX Thrust Takeoff
➢ What occurs when Managed NAV mode is engaged and the Aircraft flies into a
Flight Plan Discontinuity?
Ref DSC-22_20-30-10-05 P 3/20
NAV mode automatically reverts to the HDG/TRK mode
➢ What effects does the setting the Parking Brake has on others Braking mode?
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 7/10
All other Braking modes and Antiskid are deactivated
➢ When Brake Accumulator pressure is low, how is it re-charged?
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 7/10
With the Yellow system electric pump
➢ By what means is the Parking Brake activated when you turn ON the Parking Brake
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 7/10
➢ Is it required to depress the Brake Pedals while setting the Parking Brake?
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 7/10
➢ If during an ENG start with brake ON, the aircraft starts to move due to a parking
brake failure, what must you quickly do?
Ref DSC-32-30-10 P 7/10
Release the PARK BRK handle to restore Normal Braking with the pedals
➢ Is there any feedback in the Rudder Pedals from the Yaw Damping or Turn
Coordination functions?
Ref DSC-27-10-20 P 11/14
➢ The Steering Handwheels can steer the Nose Wheel up to how much in each
Ref DSC-32-20-20 P 1/6
Up to ± 75°
➢ When using the Rudder Pedals for steering, when does the steering angle begins to
Ref DSC-32-20-10 P 1-2-3/8
Starts reduction at 40kt and progressively reduces to 0° at 130kt
➢ What does the Rudder PEDALS DISC pb on the Steering Handwheels does?
Ref DSC-32-20-20 P 1/6
Pressing this pb removes control of N/W STRG from the rudder pedals until released
➢ What would occur if the A/SKID & N/W STRG sw were selected to OFF?
Ref DSC-32-20-20 P 2/6
• N/W STRG is lost
• Antiskid is deactivated
• Yellow Hydraulic System would supply the brakes
• What are the protection in ALTERNATE LAW?
• What is the difference between HIGH SPD PROTECTION and HIGH SPD STABILITY?
• What if you lose all ADRs?
• What does FMA mean?
• What is the SPD Target in SRS with only One ENG?
• When is the FADEC automatically energized?
• When you can connect BOTH APs?
• What is the indication on ECAM if you disconnect the AP with the pb on the FCU?
• What is the indication on ECAM if you disconnect the A/THR with the pb on the FCU?
• MAX ENG Thrust? (27,000lb)