Process_customer Complaint Handling
Process_customer Complaint Handling
Process_customer Complaint Handling
Process_Customer Complaint Handling
1.1 Purpose
1.3 Definition
No Explanation
1 BU Business Unit
2 BUL Business Unit Leader
3 FSU Fsoft Strategy Unit
4 PM Project Manager
5 PTL Project Technical Leader
6 QA Quality Assurance Officer
7 Problem Level Branch/Company level, Group and Project
8 CC Customer Complaint
An expression of dissatisfaction with a product or service, either orally or in writing, from an internal or external customer.
A customer may have a genuine cause for complaint, although some complaints may be made as a result of a
misunderstanding or an unreasonable expectation of a product or service.
9 Feedback Customer feedback is the information, insights and issues with company, product, or services. This feedback guides
improvements of the customer experience and can empower positive change in company
10 CAR Causal analysis and resolution
11 Corrective action Corrective actions that are defined and implemented to eliminate causes of CC and improve process performance.
12 Preventive action Action to eliminate the cause of a potential problem or other undesirable potential situation
13 Follow-up action Defined action but not completely done. Need to tracking until complete
Process_Customer Complaint Handling
2.1 Workflow
No Role Responsibilities
1 Operation Manager/ Senior Manager (OM/SM) Manages delivery of contracted opportunities and projects. They:
• Are accountable for providing sponsorship for the project (resource & funding), as well as on-going oversight of the project to
ensure that the project objectives are met and the customer is fully satisfied.
• Regularly interact with the PM and monitors the project through project reports & operation review meetings (standard is on a
weekly basic and at milestones). They also interact with customers to ensure that they are satisfied and that any issues are promptly
raised and addressed.
• Act as the point of escalation for scope change management, also responsible for issue management & resolution.
• Are decision-makers that take action on organizational issues affecting the project, as well as project issues that cannot or should
not be resolved by the project team members.
SLA set for OM/SM response/direction to project issues/requests is within 24 hours from reported date.
For more detail please refer to Process_Governance
2 AM (Account Manager)
• Account managers play a critical role in retaining existing clients and key customers. The main responsibility of an account
manager is managing the client’s expectations, overseeing the process of delivery, and ensuring that the client’s needs are met in a
timely fashion
3 DM (Delivery Manager) • Manages one big account or many account within agreed parameters of cost, timescales, and quality.
• Is responsible for account delivery results & quality
4 Project Manager (PM) PM is responsible for successful completion of the project:
• manage the project (including: planning, delivery, customer interaction, problem solving and tracking team utilization).
• provides governance and guidance to project team
• determines the main direction of team work and coordinates team collaboration.
• evaluate performance of project members.
For more detail please refer to Process_Governance
5 Project Technical Leader (PTL) The person who is responsible for
• provide solution for engineering aspects of project work
• supervise Project Team Members in solving of business and technical problems
6 Project Team Member(s) Who perform the work of the project and follow guidelines stated by PM and PTL.
Process_Customer Complaint Handling
8 Project QA Lead The person who is responsible for process and product quality assurance in projects of his/her Unit. He/she is in charge of
monitoring and supporting Project management activity by:
• Assisting in defining processes, providing any needed process training,
• Approving the results of Project QA,
• Supervising the reviewing of project QA for project engineering products,
• Approving final inspection result by project QA for deliverables delivered to customer,
• Independently evaluating project health & project risks and reporting to senior management on process and quality issues,
• Defining & recommending process improvement.
9 Project QA The person who is responsible to control process and product quality assurance activities in projects by:
• Being reviewer for Estimation, Project Plan, WO, AN,
• Verifying process compliance against the defined processes,
• Performing defined QA activities,
• Reviewing project engineering products,
• Performing final inspection for deliverables delivered to customer,
• Reporting to Project QA Lead on process and quality issues.
Customer complaint
CAR report
2.5 Metrics
1 N/A
2.6 Records
Process_Customer Complaint Handling
No Category Task Step Role Reviewer Approver Due Date Frequency Input Output How to (Description)
1 PCM Receive & evaluate the AM/DM/ N/A N/A 1 working day N/A - Information from the Evaluation report - When receiving information from a customer, the person in charge needs to evaluate that information as
complain or feedback of PQA/PQAL customer. CC or feedback, based on the criteria in Appendix sheet, 4.2.
customer - Criteria to evaluate - Information from Customer includes:
Complaint or Feedback Understanding the context:
+ Project features
+ Who is complaining?
+ What exactly to complain about,
+ What level of complaint, sent to whom, raised to what level?
Redraw the picture/story:
+ What was the situation like before there was a complaint?
+ When did the complaint start?
+ How long does Complaint last, is it repeated?
+ What happened, what actions in the process of the complaint?
- Evaluation report:
+ What will be done
+ Who will do
+ When to respond to customer
2 PCM Register CC / Feedback on AM/DM/ N/A N/A 1 working day N/A Evaluation report Customer complaint / FI2.0 After classification, Log CC/Feedback to FI2.0 with information
FI2.0 PQA/PQAL Feedback record - Project
- Issue Type
- Summary
- Description
- Assignee
- Due Date
- ...
If it is Feedback, refer to Customer support process
If it is CC, then continue to the steps below.
No Category Task Step Role Reviewer Approver Due Date Frequency Input Output How to (Description)
1 PCM Investigate complaints Project Team/ 1 working day Customer Complaint Investigation report It is necessary to understand the characteristics of the project to determine:
(Impact, Priority, Cause, stakeholders record - What is the project scope, activities, product that has customer complaint: Understand what is not
Correction) & Report to meeting the expectations and what is not meeting the expectations => Impact To Customer
customer - Initial information input for analysis
- List of things/issues to be complained & need to be responded
- Initial evaluation on impact of the complaint
- Analysis of causes and temporary solutions to reduce influence or remove influence, information will be
sent to customers
2 PCM Approve report Customer 1 working day Investigation report Email - Customer receives preliminary analysis of causes and temporary solutions
Feedback record - Customers can respond or request information that needs project team support
Meeting Minute - In case the customer does not agree with the temporary solutions, they will re-evaluate at the step
Investigation report update "Investigate complaints"
3 PCM Take Control and Correct Project Team / 1 working day Customer approves Investigation report update Monitoring report - Perform correction actions after customer confirm the solution.
action stakeholders: solution Action result
No Category Task Step Role Reviewer Approver Due Date Frequency Input Output How to (Description)
1 PCM Determine root cause, impact Project Team / Duration: Investigation report Investigation updated Template_5 WHY - Identify methodology: Interview, brainstorming, 5why, Fish bone, Pareto chart...
& define corrective actions stakeholders: Project level: <=1 report Causal Analysis - Do analysis & define corrective actions
WDs Report - Tracking progress
Higher level: <= 2 Template_Causal - Finalize analysis & actions (Who - Do what – When – Where – How – Target)
WDs Analysis and
Resolution Report
2 PCM Review & Approve corrective QAM/QAH/FSU/BU Refer to Appendix Refer to Appendix Duration: Investigation updated Approval Investigation - Review the solution from the Company's perspective and the customer's point of view to ensure the
actions (OM/SM) sheet, 4.4 sheet, 4.4 Project level: <=1 report report transparency and fairness of the solution.
WDs - If the report is approved, it will to send to customer to get feedback.
Higher level: <= 2 - If the report does not measure the requirements, it will return to the "Determine root cause, impact.
WDs Define corrective actions" step to perform the analysis again or must be taken to a higher level to process
3 PCM Approve report Customer 1 working day Investigation updated Approval Investigation - Customer review investigation updated report (root cause, impact & define corrective actions ).
report report - If customer approves report, it will be next step.
- If customer does not approve report, it will return to step "Determine root cause, impact & define
corrective actions".
4 PCM Implement define corrective Project Team / 1 working day Approval Investigation Monitoring report - Make sure the promised actions have a plan to execute
actions stakeholders: report - Make sure execution goes as planned
- Raise timing issues if the action doesn't go as planned
- Periodically report the status and results of the action"
5 PCM Create final report to customer Project Team / 1 working day Approval Investigation Result Report Template_5 WHY - Where the reporter and the person making the report are different, it is necessary to communicate the
stakeholders: report Causal Analysis entire process and content of the report to the person making the report.
Monitoring report Report - The report can be presented in soft or hard copy depending on the requirements or characteristics of the
Template_Causal Client. It is recommended that if FPT has a meeting with the Customer, the report should be printed out.
Analysis and - Confirm the participants in the report and listen to the report
Resolution Report - Confirm and prepare channels and devices for reporting
- After the report is completed, it is necessary to capture the Customer's feedback on the report
6 PCM Review report QAM/QAH/FSU/BU Refer to Appendix N/A Duration: Result Report Updated Result Report - Review the solution from the Company's perspective and the customer's point of view to ensure the
(OM/SM) sheet, 4.4 Project level: <=1 transparency and fairness of the solution.
WDs - If the Report does not measure the requirements, it will return to the "Determine root cause, impact.
Higher level: <= 2 Define corrective actions" step to perform the analysis again. or must be taken to a higher level to process
7 PCM Approve report Customer Result Report Customer feedback Confirm with customer about the corrective result:
- If customer agree with the result, close the complaint
- If customer disagree, provider can escalate to higher manager to get directive or Customer can escalate
directly to higher manager via defined escalation channel.
8 PCM Close complain Customer 1 working day Customer approves Report is approved Complain is closed - Customer Complain is closed
report - And Record of customer complaint will be input Process Risk Product
Process_Customer Complaint Handling
4.1 Category
No Name Description
1 PCM Process Management
No Item Description
1 Complaint Complaint is an expression of something that is unacceptable / unsatisfactory.
It is negative and a statement of criticism.
Complaint de-motivates people/employees
2 Feedback Comprises of both positive and negative and has scope for improvement.
Feedback is a motivational factor whereas.
No Item Description
1 Severity Complaint made by whom and sent to whom on the customer
Level of Complaint to whom project side: PM or higher managers
Complaint Identify relevant objects that need to participate in resolving and overcoming
Depending on the level to determine who is responsible as below:
Project level: SM or QAM
BU level: BU OM/QAM
Fsoft level: BOD/QA Head
Looking at the solution from the Company's perspective and the customer's point of view to ensure the
transparency and fairness of the solution
No Item Description
1 Reviewer Corresponding QA:
- At Project level: Project QA, QA Leader
- At Group level: QA Leader
- At SC/Branch level: SC/Branch QA Manager
- At Company level: SC/Branch QA Manager
Process_Customer Complaint Handling