DOI: 10.5923/j.ajms.20201002.03
Abstract This study aims to draw attention to the best extraction technique that may be considered when using the three of
the most popular methods for choosing the number of factors/components: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Maximum
Likelihood Estimate (MLE) and Principal Axis Factor Analysis (PAFA), and compare their performance in terms of
reliability and accuracy. To achieve this study objective, the analysis of the three methods was subjected to various research
contexts. A Monte Carlo method was used to simulate data. It generates a number of datasets for the five statistical
distribution considered in this study: The Normal, Uniform, Exponential, Laplace and Gamma distributions. The level of
improvement in the estimates was related to the proportion of observed variables and the sum of the square loadings of the
factors/components within the dataset and across the studied distributions. Different combinations of sample size and number
of variables over the distributions were used to perform the analysis on the three analyzed methods. The generated datasets
consist of 8 and 20 variables and 20 and 500 number of observations for each variable. 8 and 20 variables were chosen to
represent small and large variables respectively. Also 20 and 500 sample sizes were chosen to represent also the small and
large sample sizes respectively. The result of analysis, from applying the procedures on the simulated data set, confirm that
PC analysis is overall most suitable, although the loadings from PCA and PAFA are rather similar and do not differ
significantly, though the principal component method yielded factors that load more heavily on the variables which the
factors hypothetically represent. Considering the above conclusions, it would be natural to recommend the use of PCA over
other extraction methods even though PAF is somehow similar to its methods.
Keywords Principal component analysis, Maximum Likelihood, Principal Axis, Factor Analysis
The aim of factor analysis is to explain the outcome of p For this research work, different related theses, websites,
variables in the data matrix 𝒙 using fewer variables, called books, journals, articles etc. have been studied, it is
factors. Ideally all the information in 𝒙 can be reproduced discovered that John Spearman was first to find the use of
by a smaller number of factors. These factors are interpreted Factor Analysis in developing psychology and sometimes
as latent (unobserved) common characteristics of the credited with the invention of factor analysis. He discovered
observed 𝑥 ∈ ℝ𝑝 . Let 𝑥 = (𝑥1 , … , 𝑥𝑝 )𝑇 be the variables that school children study on variety of seemingly unrelated
in population with mean, subjects which are positively correlated. This led him to
𝜇1 postulate that the General Mental Ability (GMA) underlies
𝐸 𝑋 = 𝜇 = ⋮ and variance, and shapes human cognitive performance. This postulate
𝜇𝑝 now enjoys broad support in the field of intelligence research
which is known as the G-theory.
46 Onyekachi Akuoma Mabel and Olanrewaju Samuel Olayemi: A Comparison of Principal
Component Analysis, Maximum Likelihood and the Principal Axis in Factor Analysis
Raymond Cattel expanded on Spearman’s idea of a yield substantive interpretations that “are essentially the
two-factor theory of intelligence after performing his own same” ([5]).
tests on factor analysis. He used a multi-factor theory to [7] in his book, Robustness of the Maximum Likelihood
explain intelligence. Cattell’s theory addressed alternate Estimation procedure in factor analysis, generated random
factors in intellectual development, including motivation and variables from six distributions independently on a
psychology. Cattell also developed several mathematical high-speed computer and then used to represent the common
methods for adjusting psychometric graphs such as his and specific factors in a factor analysis model in which the
“scree” test and similarity coefficients. His research led to coefficients of these factors had been specified. Using
the development of his theory of fluid and crystallized Lawley's approximate χ2 statistic in evaluating the estimates
intelligence as well as his sixteen (16) personality factors obtained, the estimation procedure is found to be insensitive
theory of personality. to changes in the distributions considered.
[1] examined the information reported in 60 exploratory A Monte Carlo Study Comparing Three Methods for
factor analyses published before 1999. The authors focused Determining the Number of Principal Components and
on studies that employed at least one exploratory factor Factors by [7] was conducted. The results of the analysis
analysis strategy. Although Henson and Roberts noted that confirm the findings from previous papers that Kaiser
most of the articles reported researcher objectives that criterion has the poorest performance compared with the
warranted an EFA design, nearly 57% of the researchers other two analyzed methods. Parallel analysis is overall the
engaged in principal components analysis. As a suggested most accurate, although when the true number of factors/
rationale for this problematic model selection, the authors components is small, acceleration factor can outperform it.
noted that principal components analysis was the “default The acceleration factor and Kaiser criterion perform with
option for most statistical software packages” ([1]). different accuracy for different true number of factors/
The goal for factor retention guidelines is to identify the components and number of variables, whereas the parallel
necessary number of factors to account for the correlations analysis is only affected by the sample size. Kaiser criterion
among measured variables. Empirical research suggests tends to overestimate and acceleration factor – to
that under-factoring, retaining too few factors, is more underestimate the number of factors/ components. The
problematic than over- factoring ([2]). However, parallel analysis shows fewer fluctuations in its accuracy and
over-factoring is not ideal; for example, when over-factoring, is more robust.
researchers may postulate the existence of factors with no [8] conducted a research on the Principal component
theoretical basis which can “accentuate poor decision made procedure in factor analysis and robustness. In her study she
at other steps in factor analysis” ([2]). said that Principal component procedure has been widely
Orthogonal rotation algorithms yield uncorrelated factors used in factor analysis as a data reduction procedure. The
([2]; [3]; [4]). The most commonly employed type of estimation of the covariance and correlation matrix in factor
orthogonal rotation is varimax ([2]). Although orthogonal analysis using principal component procedure is strongly
rotation yields simple structure, the use of orthogonal influenced by outliers. The study investigated the robustness
rotation when the factors are correlated in the population of principal component procedure in factor analysis by
results in the loss of important data ([5]). generating random variables from five different distributions
In published literature, orthogonal strategies appear to be which are used to determine the common and specific factors
the most commonly cited rotation procedure. According to in factors analysis using principal component procedure. The
[6] findings, researchers reported using an orthogonal results revealed that the variance of the first factor was
rotation strategy most frequently (40%); in only 18% of the widely distributed from distribution to distribution ranging
studies, researchers reported the use of an oblique rotation from 0.6730 to 5.9352. The contribution of the first factor
strategy. More recently, in their study of common practices to the total variance varied widely from 15 to 98%. It was
in factor analytic research, [1] found that 55% of the articles therefore concluded that the principal component procedure
included orthogonal rotation strategies; researchers reported is not robust in factor analysis.
the use of oblique rotation strategies in 38.3% of the articles, In the book, Exploratory Factor Analysis by [2]
and, in 1.7% of the articles, researchers failed to report any summarizes the key issues that researchers need to take into
factor rotation method. consideration when choosing and implementing exploratory
The “conventional wisdom advises researchers to use factor analysis (EFA) before offering some conclusions and
orthogonal rotation because it produces more easily recommendations to help readers who are contemplating the
interpretable results . . .” ([5]). However, this argument is use of EFA in their own research. It reviews the basic
flawed in two areas. Firstly, social science researchers assumptions of the common factor model, the general
“generally expect some correlation among factors” ([5]); mathematical model on which EFA is based, intended to
therefore, the use of orthogonal rotation results in the loss of explain the structure of correlations among a battery of
information concerning the correlations among factors. measured variables; the issues that researchers should bear in
Secondly, output associated with oblique rotation is “only mind in determining when it is appropriate to conduct an
slightly more complex” than orthogonal rotation output and EFA; the decisions to be made in conducting an EFA; and
American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2020, 10(2): 44-54 47
the implementation of EFA as well as the interpretation of 2.3. Sample Size and Sampling Procedure
data it provides. Determining the sample size is a very important issue in
Robustness of the maximum likelihood estimation factor analysis because samples that are too large may waste
procedure in factor analysis by [9] is that of random variables time, resources and money, while samples that are too small
generated from five distributions which were used to may lead to inaccurate result. Larger samples are better than
represent the common and specific factors in factor analysis smaller samples (all other things being equal) because larger
in order to determine the robustness of the maximum samples tend to minimize the probability of errors, maximize
likelihood estimation procedure. Five response variables the accuracy of population estimates, and increase the
were chosen for this study each with two factors. The chosen generalizability of the results. Factor analysis is a technique
variables were transformed into linear combinations of an that requires a large sample size. Factor analysis is based on
underlying set of hypothesized or unobserved components the correlation matrix of the variable involved and
(factors). The result revealed that the estimates of the correlations usually need a large sample size before they
variance for the first factor were found to be almost the same stabilize.
and closely related to each other in all the distributions [12] suggested that “the adequacy of sample size might be
considered. The Chi-Square test conducted concluded that evaluated very roughly on the following scale: 50 – very
maximum likelihood method of estimation is robust in factor poor; 100 – poor; 200 – fair; 300 – good; 500 – very good;
analysis. 1000 or more – excellent” (p. 217). It is known that a sample
[10] wrote on a robust method of estimating covariance size of 200 or more is sufficient for a sample number of
matrix in multivariate data analysis. This is also a research independent variables. As the sample size gets larger for
paper where a proposed robust method of estimating Maximum Likelihood Estimator, the estimates become
covariance matrix in multivariate data set was done. The goal consistent, efficient and unbiased. So in our experiment, we
was to compare the proposed method with the most widely will consider two types of sample sizes – 20 (small) and 500
used robust methods (Minimum Volume Ellipsoid and (large) sample number of independent variables.
Minimum Covariance Determinant) and the classical method
(MLE) in detection of outliers at different levels and 2.4. Instrumentation/Factor Extraction Method
magnitude of outliers. The proposed robust method Maximum likelihood factoring allows the researcher to
competes favorably well with both MVE and MCD and test for statistical significance in terms of correlation among
performed better than any of the two methods in detection of factors and the factor loadings, but this method for
single or fewer outliers especially for small sample size and estimating factor models can yield distorted results when
when the magnitude of outliers is relatively small. observed data are not multivariate normal ([5]; [1]).
Principal axis factoring does not rely on distributional
assumptions and is more likely than maximum likelihood to
2. Methodology converge on a solution. However, principal axis factoring
2.1. Research Design does not provide the variety of fit indices associated with
maximum likelihood methods, and this method does not lend
The research method used in this study is Monte Carlo itself to the computation of confidence intervals and tests of
design to generate a data set. This incorporated samples significance.
simulated through different number of variables and sample Consider a data vector for subject i on p variables
sizes; specifically, a two (number of variables) and two represented as:
(sample size) by five (distributions) design.
Xi = ( Xi1 Xi2 ... Xip)/, I = 1 2, ,...,n
2.2. Population of the Study Standardization of the data matrix X is performed since
the p variables could be in different units of measurement.
This simulation was developed in RGUi (64 – bit).
The standardized matrix, Z, is written as Z = (V1/2)-1 (X - µ),
The program associated with this design was written. To
where V1/2is the diagonal standard deviation matrix and µ is
enhance this project’s generalizability, this study included
the vector of the means. Clearly, E(Z) = 0 and Cov(Z) =
simulations of results from data sets of varying size. It
(V 1/ 2 )-1 (V 1/ 2 ) = ρ, where ∑ is the variance-covariance
simulated data sets containing 8 and 20 variables. The two
matrix and is the population correlation matrix. The kth
sample sizes included in this study were 20 (small sample
principal component of Z =(Z1 Z2 ... Z p )/ is given by:
size) and 500 (large sample size). The initial factor solutions
from each model in each condition was subjected to an Yk =e/kZk = e/k (V 1/ 2 )-1 (X - µ), k = 1,2,..., p (3.1)
orthogonal rotation strategy. Specifically, this study where (λk, ek) is the kth eigenvalue-eigenvector pair of the
employed a varimax rotation in all simulated contexts. correlation matrix, with λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥...≥λp ≥0. Since Zi is a
𝑝 𝑝
Because the intent of this study is to address methodological standardized variable, 𝑖=1 𝑉𝑎𝑟 (𝑌𝑖 ) = 𝑖=1 𝑉𝑎𝑟 (𝑍𝑖 ) = 𝑝
issues that are frequently encountered in social science and the correlation coefficient between component Yk and
literature, varimax rotation was considered to be a more standardized variable Zl is 𝜌𝑌𝑘 , 𝑍𝑙 = ℯ𝑘𝑙 𝜆𝑘, , k, l = 1, 2, …,
appropriate choice ([2]; [11]). p. The proportion of standardized population variance due to
48 Onyekachi Akuoma Mabel and Olanrewaju Samuel Olayemi: A Comparison of Principal
Component Analysis, Maximum Likelihood and the Principal Axis in Factor Analysis
the kth principal component is λk/ p. 2.5.2. Extraction by Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis
A correlation matrix can be thought of as a matrix of
In finding factors that can reproduce the observed
variances and covariances of a set of variables that have
correlations or covariances between the variables as closely
standard deviations of 1. It can be expressed as a function of
as possible, a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
its eigen values λk and eigenvectors, ek, as follows:
procedure will find factors that maximize the likelihood of
𝑝 ′
𝜌= 𝑘=1 𝜆𝑘 ℯ𝑘 ℯ𝑘 (3.2) producing the correlation matrix. In trying to do so, it
The correlation matrix is modeled as ρ = LL’ + Ψ, where assumes that the data are independently sampled from a
Ψ is a diagonal matrix of specific variances. As a principal multivariate normal distribution with mean vector µ, and
component analysis takes all variance into account, Ψ is variance-covariance matrix of the form ∑ = LL’ + Ψ, where
assumed to be zero and the variance-covariance matrix is L is the matrix of factor loadings and Ψ, is the diagonal
modeled as ρ = LL’. A PCA procedure will try to matrix of specific variances. The MLE procedure involves
approximate the correlation by a summation over m<p, i.e. the estimation of µ, the matrix of factor loadings L, and the
specific variance Ψ, from the log likelihood function which
𝑚 ′
𝜌 ≅ 𝑖=1 𝜆𝑖 ℯ𝑖 ℯ𝑖 = ( 𝜆1 𝑒1 𝜆2 𝑒2 … is given by the following expression:
𝜆 1 𝑒1 𝒏𝒑 𝒏
𝑙 µ, 𝐋, 𝚿 = 𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝟐𝝅 − 𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝑳𝑳′ + 𝚿
𝜆𝑚 𝑒𝑚 )
𝜆 2 𝑒2
… = 𝐿𝐿′ (3.3) 𝟐 𝟐
𝜆 𝑚 𝑒𝑚
− 𝑿 − µ 𝐋𝐋′ + 𝚿 𝑿𝒊 − µ .
𝟐 𝒊
where L is the matrix of factor loadings with a factor loading By maximizing the above log likelihood function, the
estimated as 𝐿𝑖𝑗 = 𝜆𝑖 𝑒𝑖𝑗 . maximum likelihood estimators for µ, L and Ψ are obtained.
2.7. Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Likelihood/Principal Axis Loadings from the simulation of
each sample from the various distribution with respect to
2.7.1. Presentation of Data each extraction method is presented in the table below:
The result of the first Principal Component/Maximum
Table 1. First Principal Component/Maximum Likelihood/Principal Axis Loadings from the simulation
Figure 1. First Principal Component/Maximum Likelihood/Principal Axis Loadings from the simulation
The result of the Sum of Square loadings and Proportion distribution with respect to each extraction method is
Variance of the 1st principal component/Maximum presented in the table below:
Likelihood/principle axis of each sample from the various
Sample Distributions
Extraction sample 1st PC/ML/PA Uniform Normal Gamma Exponential Laplace
method (n) Performance Variables Variables Variables Variables Variables
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
SS loadings 2.05 3.51 1.74 2.9 1.85 2.91 2.14 3.44 2.09 3.13
(PCA) 20
Proportion Var 0.26 0.18 0.22 0.15 0.23 0.15 0.27 0.17 0.26 0.16
SS loadings 1.63 N/A 1.357 N/A 1.479 N/A 1.888 N/A 1.557 N/A
(MLFA) 20
Proportion Var 0.204 N/A 0.17 N/A 0.185 N/A 0.236 N/A 0.195 N/A
SS loadings 1.55 N/A 1.14 N/A 1.59 N/A 2.23 N/A 1.52 N/A
(PAFA) 20
Proportion Var 0.19 N/A 0.14 N/A 0.2 N/A 0.28 N/A 0.19 N/A
50 Onyekachi Akuoma Mabel and Olanrewaju Samuel Olayemi: A Comparison of Principal
Component Analysis, Maximum Likelihood and the Principal Axis in Factor Analysis
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
Figure 3. Simulation Results for Proportion Variance of the 1st PC/ML/PA at 20 Samples
Sample Distributions
Extraction sample 1st PC/ML/PA
Uniform Normal Gamma Exponential Laplace
method (n) Performance
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
SS loadings 1.23 1.39 1.13 1.4 1.19 1.33 1.2 1.36 1.22 1.4
(PCA) 500
Proportion Var 0.15 0.07 0.14 0.07 0.15 0.07 0.15 0.07 0.15 0.07
SS loadings 1.03 0.429 1.016 0.47 0.278 0.416 0.25 0.436 1.04 0.443
(MLFA) 500
Proportion Var 0.129 0.021 0.127 0.024 0.035 0.021 0.031 0.022 0.13 0.022
SS loadings 0.35 0.43 0.56 0.47 0.27 0.4 0.25 0.43 0.71 0.44
(PAFA) 500
Proportion Var 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.02
American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2020, 10(2): 44-54 51
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
Figure 4. Simulation Results for SS Loadings of the 1st PC/ML/PA at 500 Samples
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
Figure 5. Simulation Results for Proportion Variance of the 1st PC/ML/PA at 500 Samples
20 Proportion Var
v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20 v8 v20
500 Proportion Var
Variables Variables Variables Variables Variables
Sample Distributions
Figure 7. Principal Component Analysis, Proportion Variances for 20 and 500 samples
2.7.2. Data Analysis and Result 0.5 across all the distributions except for PC method for
Laplace distribution.
Factor analysis uses variances to produce communalities
Only PC can be used for analysis when the variables
between variables. The variance is equal to the square of the
have equal variables with the sample size.
factor loadings. In many methods of factor analysis, the goal
For small (8) variables and large (500) sample sizes, PC
of extraction is to remove as much common variance in the
formed better across all distributions except for normal
first factor as possible.
distribution where ML is slightly higher but Uniform,
From table 1, we compare the different extraction methods
Gamma and Laplace distributions perform best when
per each of the distribution. It was observed that:
large sample size is applied with smaller variables using
PC is the best extraction method for Uniform PCA.
distribution for all variables and all samples. For large variables and large sample sizes, PC
For Normal distribution, ML is the best extraction performed better across all the distributions.
method for normal when working with 8 variables
Using figure 2, when the sample size is small over small
(small) over different sample sizes but PC is better
and large variables, it can be observed that for the sum of
when the variables are 20 (large) over large sample
square loadings of the extraction methods across the
distributions, PC is seen to perform better than other
For Gamma distribution, PC and PAF are better with 8
extractions methods for all variables and all distributions
(small) variables and 20 (small) sample sizes; PC is best
used in this study.
for 8 (small) variables and 500 (large) samples sizes
Figure 3 explained the proportion variance for small
while ML is better with 20 (large) variables over large
sample sizes over small variables, PC is the best method
sample sizes.
for all distributions. PAF explains the greatest in the
For Exponential distribution, all the extraction methods
Exponential distribution over others. Also, when compared
studied are good but PAF is the best for small variables
other small sample sizes and small variables, PAF is seen to
and sample sizes while PC is the best for different
perform very well.
variables with large numbers.
In Figure 4, when the sample size is large, PC showed the
For Laplace distribution, ML and PAF are good
highest the ssloadings for all variables over all distributions.
methods to use for small variables and small sample
In figure 5, for the large sample sizes, PC explained the
sizes though ML performed better. PC performed better
highest proportion variance across the distribution. It was
the other large variables and large sample sizes even at
also seen that the proportion variance of the PC seems equals
small variables and large sample sizes.
over all small variables and also the same across the large
Comparing the same number of variables and sample sizes variables.
over different distributions. Figure 6, for ss loadings across the sample sizes, PC
Also, from table 1, we can deduce that: performed better over small sample sizes than the large
For small (8) variables and small (20) number of sample sizes. Same also it is for proportion variables as
samples, all the extraction methods can be used for observed in figure 7.
analysis since the sum of the factor loading are above
American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2020, 10(2): 44-54 53
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