Qiangqiang Han1 · Wei Liu1 · Yunwang Xu2 · Ziwu Cao2 · Yukun Chen1,3
In this paper, a series of ethylene propylene diene monomer/low density polyeth-
ylene (EPDM/LDPE) composites with the shape memory effect (SME) are pre-
pared by polymer blending method. The cross-link structure and crystallization are
regulated by the impact of thermodynamic factor and content of peroxide, and the
influence on SME is also investigated. The results demonstrate that the interfacial
adhesion originates from the good interfacial compatibility and interfacial graft-
ing reaction between the phases, and the cross-linked chemical structure improves
interfacial adhesion and forms abundant tiny LDPE crystals, which plays a crucial
role in exploring the SME and improving the mechanical performance of EPDM/
LDPE composites. A balanced state between the mechanical properties and SME is
achieved when dicumyl peroxide content is 1 wt.%; the tensile strength and elonga-
tion at break reach 19.2 MPa and 1499%, respectively, while the shape fixation ratio
(Rf) and shape recovery ratio (Rr) are ~ 99% and ~ 85%, respectively.
Graphical abstract
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2181
Experimental section
EPDM was purchased from Jilin Chemical Co. Ltd. (China) with 56% ethylene
and 7.5% 5-ethylidene-2-norbor-nene, its density was 0.87 g/cm3, and ML (1 + 4,
100 °C) was 40; LDPE was purchased from Prime polymer Co. Ltd., density was
0.90 g/cm3, and MFI was 3.8 g/10 min (190 °C, 2.16 kg); dicumyl peroxide (DCP)
was purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd; ZnO (analytical pure)
was purchased from Xi Long Chemical Company (Guangzhou, China).
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2182 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
1.5%, 2% weight of EPDM and LDPE. And the composites with various DCP content
were named briefly as ExLy-Dz, where x, y represent EPDM and LDPE, respectively,
z represents the content of DCP in the composites. For example, E50L50-D0.5 repre-
sented the composite with the weight ratio of 50/50/0.5(EPDM/LDPE/DCP).
Contact angles were carried out on an optical contact angle measuring device (manu-
factured by German dataphysics company, OCA40 Micro), and the interface tension
was deduced by the contact angles. The contact angles given were the average of the
five measurements.
The fgw represents the weight fraction of cross-linked polymer components in the
composites and is measured using the follow method. EPDM/LDPE composites was
extracted in boiling xylene (~ 150 °C) for 48 h to selectively extract the un-cross-linked
linear polymer component until the samples reached a constant weight, then, the resi-
dues were dried in a vacuum oven at room temperature for 12 h to remove the residual
solvent. Finally, the weight fraction was determined according to the following equa-
tion [14]:
fgw = wg
× 100% (1)
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2183
wg and wf were referred to the weight of sample before the solvent extraction and
after dried, and the reported values were the average of three samples with the same
processing conditions for the reproducibility.
The EPDM/LDPE composites were extracted in boiling xylene to remove the free
chains completely for FT-IR observation under attenuated total reflectance (ATR).
FT-IR spectra were recorded using a Bruker Tensor 27 Spectrometer with a resolu-
tion of 4 cm−1 and an accumulation of 32 scans.
Crystallinity of LDPE phase was investigated by DSC (240 F1, NETZSCH, Ger-
many) in nitrogen atmosphere. About 5–10 mg sample was first heating from 25 to
200 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and hold for 5 min at 200 °C to erase previous thermal
history. Then, the sample cooling down to 30 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and reheat-
ing to 200 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min. The date utilized for thermal analysis is the first
cooling and the second heating scan. Relative crystalline degree (Xc, %) was deter-
mined according to equation as follows:
ΔH m
Xc = 𝜔×ΔH ∗m
× 100% (2)
where ΔH m was caculated from the area of the melting enthalpy, ΔH ∗m corresponded
to the perfect polymer crystals of LDPE, which is ca. 277.1 J/g [31], and 𝜔 refers to
the weight percentage of the portion of LDPE.
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2184 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
Shape memory effect was evaluated by a fold-deploy test [32] using rectangular spec-
imens (thickness = 1 mm, length = 70 mm, width = 5 mm), the samples were bended
into a temporary “U” shape in a water bath at 100 °C firstly and then fixed the tempo-
rary by immersing the sample in ice water for 10 s and maintained “U” for 24 h at room
temperature, and the shape recovery was conducted in the 100 °C water bath.
The shape fixing angle (𝜃f ) and shape recovery angle (𝜃r) were evaluated by picture,
and the shape fixing (Rf ) and shape recovery (Rr) ratios were calculated using the fol-
lowing equations.
𝜃f 𝜃f −𝜃r
Rf = 180
× 100% ; Rr = 𝜃f
× 100% (3)
where 𝜃f is the recovery angle fixed at room temperature and 𝜃r is the recovery angle
under thermal stimulation.
According to our previous reports [13, 29, 33–35], the rubber-plastic SMP prepared
by polymer blending method consists of two phases, and the excellent interfacial com-
patibility between the rubber and plastic phases plays a crucial role in the transfer of
stress between the phase in both shape fixing and shape recovering process. Most of
the compounds of rubber–plastic have typical phase separation structure in morphol-
ogy. The solubility parameter (𝛿) is often used to forecast the compatibility of polymer
blend systems; fortunately, the inquired 𝛿 values of EPDM [36] and LDPE [37] are 16.9
(J/cm3)1/2 and 17.72 (J/cm3)1/2, respectively, which means that similar intermolecular
chain force of EPDM and LDPE.
Since the phase structure is primarily determined by interfacial tension [38], the sur-
face tension in dispersion and polar components were calculated by Eqs. (4), (5), and
(6), and the contact angles with water and diiodomethane are shown in Fig. 1.
( d d p
𝛾H O 𝛾 𝛾H O 𝛾 p
( )
1 + cos 𝜃H2 O 𝛾H2 O = 4 𝛾 d 2 +𝛾 d + 𝛾 p 2 +𝛾 p
H2 O H2 O
( d p
𝛾CH 𝛾d 𝛾CH 𝛾p
( ) 2 I2 2 I2
1 + cos 𝜃CH2 I2 𝛾CH2 I2 = 4 d
𝛾CH +𝛾 d
+ 𝛾CH
+𝛾 p
2 I2 2 I2
𝛾 = 𝛾d + 𝛾p (6)
p p
𝛾Ad 𝛾Bd
( 𝛾A 𝛾B
𝛾AB = 𝛾A + 𝛾B − 4 𝛾Ad +𝛾Bd
+ p p
𝛾A +𝛾B (7)
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2185
where 𝛾 is surface tension, 𝜃H2 O and 𝜃CH2 I2 are contact angles of the polymer with
water (H2O) and methylene iodide (CH2I2), d is dispersion component, p is polar
component, respectively, and 𝛾H2 O = 𝛾Hd O + 𝛾H O, 𝛾CH2 I2 = 𝛾CH + 𝛾CH I . The sur-
p d p
2 2 2 I2 2 2
face tension calculated was 𝛾EPDM=30.04 mN/m and 𝛾LDPE=36.75 mN/m, and the
interfacial tension calculated by Eq. 7 [13] was 𝛾EPDM−LDPE=0.719 mN/m. The
requirement of minimizing the surface free energy drives interface contact, infiltra-
tion and diffusion of polymer chains to enhance the interface combination between
EPDM and LDPE during the polymer blending process. The potential interfacial
compatibility plays an essential role in the SME of EPDM/LDPE composites, which
will be discussed in the subsequent parts.
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2186 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
Fig. 2 a Curing curves of EPDM/LDPE composites. b The gel weight fraction of EPDM/LDPE compos-
ites, c, d FT-IR spectra of the xylene-extracted residues of E50L50-D1, neat EPDM and neat LDPE
suggesting that LDPE molecular chains involved in the composition of the covalent
cross-linking network. Therefore, the co-polymerization of LDPE and EPDM was
confirmed here by FT-IR analysis, and the spectra are shown in Fig. 2c, d. The
absorption bands at about 2855 cm−1 and 2920 cm−1 represented the aliphatic
stretching of –C–H, and 1462 cm−1 and 1380 cm−1 represented the rocking of -CH2
and the symmetric bending of –CH3, respectively. The bands mentioned above were
observed in EPDM, LDPE and the xylene-extracted residues of E50L50-D1, which
can be attributed to the structural similarity of EPDM and LDPE [39]. As expected,
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2187
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2188 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
improved and interfacial compatibility enhanced owing to the addition of DCP. The
covalent cross-linking formed at high temperature includes intra-phase cross-link-
ing and inter-phase cross-linking. The cross-linked LDPE molecular chains cannot
be arranged in a regular crystalline manner, resulting in a decrease in crystallinity
(Table 3), and the inter-phase grafting promoted the adhesion between the inter-
faces, making it difficult to distinguish the two phases.
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2189
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2190 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
Mechanical properties
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2191
Fig. 7 a Tensile behaviors of EPDM/LDPE composites. b Mechanical properties of EPDM/LDPE com-
posites. c The 1st cycle curves of the composites. d Stress relaxation curves of the composites
Due to the incorporation of DCP, the dense cross-linked network led to the inabil-
ity to cope with deformation by chain stretching and slipping; thus, tension at
100%/200%/300% of elongation of the composite increased and the elongation
at break decreased, which in turn led to a significant decrease in tensile strength.
The network was not easy to be damaged and a good flexibility of composites
underpinned the mechanical and SME performance.
The essence of SME was the deformed molecular chains return to the natural curl
state under the action of entropic elasticity [1]. Therefore, the rearrangement phe-
nomenon of molecular chains during deformation was investigated by cyclic stretch-
ing experiments, and the shape memory behavior of EPDM/LDPE composites was
analyzed. Cyclic stress–strain curves were shown in Figure S1, and samples were
stretched to 100% strain in every cycle under the same condition. During the stretch-
ing process, the previous thermodynamically stable state was broken, the slip and
breakage of macromolecular chains lead to changes in internal conformation and
aggregation state of molecular chains, consuming the external forces and resulting
in macroscopic change in shape, and the specimens could not return to the origi-
nal shape. Therefore, E50L50-D0 showed typical stress softening (Mullin’s effect)
[40]. The formation of chemical cross-linking bonds induced by peroxide had a
strong restriction on macromolecular chains, leading to a weakening of the Mullin’s
effect. To characterize the effect quantitatively, the work lost in the stretch-reversion
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2192 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
cycle was measured by calculating the area of the loop, and the results are shown in
Fig. 7c. With the increase in addition of DCP content, the area of the loop decreased
first, which meant that the rubber chains responded quickly after release and the Rr
improved significantly. Later, the increase in the area of the loop was due to the
over-perfection of the internal cross-linked network of the composites and the break-
age of the macromolecular chain segments caused by 100% stretching, which can
also be observed in stress relaxation (Fig. 7d, Table S1). Hence, the improved shape
recovery ratio of E50L50-D1 was attributed to the large amount of internal stress
storing in the composites.
The excellent interfacial compatibility and the interfacial cross-linking between the
two phases further enhanced the interfacial adhesion under the action of peroxide,
which served as the recovery driving force. On the other hand, the tiny-crystalline
LDPE controlled by cross-link served as the fixing phase. On the basis of the above,
a strong interface with effective stress delivery and excellent crystal morphologies
were formed. In contrast, E50L50-D0 showed a weak SME, which was difficult
to delivery stress to LDPE crystals effectively. Therefore, excellent shape mem-
ory effect can be observed in the EPDM/LDPE composites with appropriate DCP
Before conducting the shape memory experiments, the approximate melting tem-
perature was determined by DSC; as can be seen in Fig. 5, the maximum crystalliza-
tion temperature of composites was about 90 °C, and due to the intrinsic character-
istic of polymers, each sample exhibited broad crystallization and melting transition.
Therefore, the shape memory effect was measured at a series of Ttrans (60, 70, 80,
90, and 100 °C) in order to achieve high performance of SME. SME were charac-
terized by fold-deploy test and the results were shown in Table S2. All of the com-
posites exhibited lower Rf and Rr at 60, 70, and 80 °C; this result can be attributed
to the slight melting of the plastic phase was not sufficient to provide fixation effi-
ciently. As the T trans increased, more of the crystalline LDPE melted, improving the
fixed ability of the composites. However, when the temperature increased to 110 °C,
almost all the LDPE crystals in the sample melted and could not maintain the shape.
Therefore, 100 °C was chosen as the Ttrans to conduct shape memory tests; as
shown in Fig. 8a and b, all the samples had an amazing shape memory behavior. It is
clear that all samples possessed excellent shape fixation (about 98%) due to the fact
that the compound contains 50% LDPE, which was in the crystalline state at room
temperature, and the complete freezing of the LDPE chain ends limited the elastic-
ity of the rubber molecular chains. However, the worst shape recovery was reaching
only 56.25% (E50L50-D0), while other compounds achieved about 95% recovery to
the original shape. The reason for this situation was that the composites without per-
oxide did not form an effective cross-linked network, and the energy applied from
outside during deformation could not be stored by the rubber chains, while the stress
could not be transferred effectively through the interfacial compatibility between the
two phases. Therefore, with the increase of the DCP content, the recovery effect and
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Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196 2193
Fig. 8 a Shape fixity and shape recovery percentage of EPDM/LDPE composites. b Digital photographs
of shape memory effect, c shape memory behavior of the composites
the recovery rate increased due to the perfection of the cross-linked network which
provided sufficient recovery force for the composites.
In light of the analyses above, Fig. 8c illuminates an action mechanism of cross-
link and crystals in shape memory behavior of composites; it is clear that appropri-
ate cross-link improved SME by improving interface adhesion and forming abun-
dant tiny crystals. Thus, the potential interfacial compatibility was advantageous to
polymer blending, interfacial adhesion and abundant tiny crystals played an essen-
tial role in SME. On the one hand, the interfacial adhesion effectively transferred the
elasticity to LDPE for complete recovery, and increased interfacial contact area pro-
vided increased points of elasticity force. On the other hand, the grafting at the inter-
face with EPDM or the internal cross-linking of LDPE contributed to tiny crystals,
the orientation of LDPE chains which was originated from concentration fluctuation
in the interface accelerated the crystallization of LDPE, and crystals tend to form
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2194 Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81:2179–2196
near by the interface. Finally, the interfacial adhesion and tiny crystals improved by
cross-link contributed to the stress transfer and shape fix, which plays a significant
role for shape fixation and recovery.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by 2019YFE0110700, the Key Projects of Basic Research
and Applied Basic Research in Colleges and Universities in Guangdong Province (Grant Number:
2018KZDXM004) and Special project for innovation of high-end scientific research institutions in
Zhongshan City (Grant Number: 2019AG013).
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Qiangqiang Han1 · Wei Liu1 · Yunwang Xu2 · Ziwu Cao2 · Yukun Chen1,3
* Yunwang Xu
[email protected]
* Ziwu Cao
[email protected]
* Yukun Chen
[email protected]
School of Mechanical and Automative Engineering, South China University of Technology, 381
Wushan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510640, China
Guangdong Meirun New Material Technology Co., LTD, Foshan 528000, China
Zhongshan Institute of Modern Industrial Technology, South China University of Technology,
Zhongshan 528437, China
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