Elite Soccer Drills 1st Edition Michael Matkovich
To Understand a Cat Methodology and Philosophy 1st Edition
Sam S. Rakover
Broken Promise
The Subversion of U.S. Labor Relations Policy, 1947-1994
In the series Labor and Social Change
edited by Paula Rayman and Carmen Sirianni
.rollen Promise
The Subversion of U.S. Labor
Relations Policy, 1947-1994
In 1935 Congress passed the Wagner Act, intended to democratize vast num-
bers of American workplaces so that workers could participate in the employ-
ment decisions that most directly affected their lives. Under the Wagner Act the
right of workers to participate in these decisions was considered essential for
social justice, and worker organization and collective bargaining were consid-
ered essential for a free and democratic society. The Wagner Act also commit-
ted the federal government to the encouragement of the practice and procedure
of collective bargaining. Industrial democracy was to replace employers' uni-
lateral determination of matters affecting wages, hours, and working conditions.
The Wagner Act, therefore, enabled a major redistribution of power from the
powerful to the powerless at U.S. workplaces covered by the statute.
Although the Wagner Act's statement of purpose was carried over to the
Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, labor never came close to achieving the system of
industrial democracy that was envisioned by Senator Robert Wagner and was
promoted by the act that bears his name. This book explains why the expecta-
tions of the Wagner-Taft-Hartley labor policy were never fulfilled. It shows how
a policy that encouraged the replacement of industrial autocracy with a demo-
cratic system of power sharing was turned into government protection of
employers' unilateral decision-making authority over decisions that greatly af-
fected wages, hours, and working conditions. It discusses the destructive conse-
quences of the contradiction that has been inherent in U.S. labor policy at least
since the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act: Congress, by statute, promotes and
protects employees' self-organization "for the purpose of negotiating the terms
and conditions of their employment or other mutual aid or protection"; at the
same time, by statute and National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) case law, it
legitimizes employer opposition to the organization of employees, collective
bargaining, and industrial democracy. Although the NLRB greatly facilitated
the growth of organized labor in the United States in its early Wagner Act
years, this study demonstrates how the NLRB has contributed to the decline of
organized labor, particularly since about 1970.
This study of the events leading to the current state of national labor policy
focuses on the NLRB. However, the research approach used differs from that of
x Preface
the conventional labor law and labor relations literature. The latter tends toward
an exclusive concentration on the procedures and doctrines of such administra-
tive agencies as the NLRB and on judicial review of their decisions. This book
analyzes how the NLRB's making of labor policy and labor policy making in
general have been influenced since 1947 by the president, the Congress, and the
Supreme Court, the manipulation of public opinion, resistance by organized
employers, the political and economic strategies of organized labor, and the
ideological dispositions of NLRB appointees. This approach provides a unique
inside look at the process of government regulation of this most important as-
pect of workplace labor-management relations. And it demonstrates how labor
policy can be made without legislative changes through presidential appoint-
ments to the NLRB.
The NLRB engages in lawmaking by giving specific meaning to broad statu-
tory language and by filling in gaps in the legislation. In the years since
Taft-Hartley, different NLRBs appointed by successive administrations have in-
terpreted the law in sharply contrasting ways. This lack of consistency has
resulted not only in conflicting and confusing case law that flip-flops over the
meaning of many important provisions of the act but also in complete disagree-
ment between Republican- and Democratic-appointed Boards over the funda-
mental purpose of the law.
This study examines how the roles of Congress and the Supreme Court in
making labor policy have become blurred as a result of Congress's abdication
of its legislative responsibility and the Court's propensity (particularly in the
1980s) to substitute its own labor policy preferences for those of the legislative
branch. It discusses the failure of the White House, through all its occupants
since 1947, to provide the politically risky leadership needed to recommit the
country to a labor policy with a precise set of objectives. It includes a thorough
discussion of the long-standing and determined opposition of U.S. employers to
unionization and collective bargaining, which discloses a coordinated, secret,
nationwide effort by the country's most powerful employers to end threats
to their management prerogatives posed by what they saw as the Kennedy-
Johnson Board's codetermination concept of collective bargaining. To U.S.
employers, industrial democracy and free enterprise are fundamentally incom-
patible. The Kennedy-Johnson Board marked the last time an NLRB was com-
mitted to the encouragement of organization and collective bargaining for any
sustained period of time.
Even the advocates of organization and collective bargaining, however, pre-
vented the realization of industrial democracy in some ways. Organized labor,
for example, often pursued unwise legislative objectives and strategies and was
too willing to accept, and even espouse, a limited role in management decision
Preface xl
What (if anything) should be done to increase the extent to which work-place
problems are directly resolved by the parties themselves, rather than through re-
course to state and federal courts and government regulatory bodies?!
also proposed changes. It offers a practical and useful basis for policy makers,
showing them where we are, how we got here, and what fundamental questions
must be addressed if changes are to be made.
At its core any national labor policy involves questions more moral and
ethical than legal, economic, or political. In that sense, this book is about an
even more important issue: how to reconcile the theory of democracy with
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and the Vermilion square is to him as our Model 5 is to us. The left-hand
square of Model 5 is Indian-red, and is identical with that of the same
colour on the left-hand side of Model 2. In fact, Model 5 shows us what
lies between the Vermilion face of 1, and the Indian-red face of 2.
From the Gold point we suppose four perfectly independent lines to
spring forth, each of them at right angles to all the others. In our space
there is only room for three lines mutually at right angles. It will be found,
if we try to introduce a fourth at right angles to each of three, that we
fail; hence, of these four lines one must go out of the space we know. The
colours of these four lines are Brown, Orange, Blue, Stone. In Model 1 are
shown the Brown, Orange, and Blue. In Model 5 are shown the Brown,
Blue, and Stone. These lines might have had any directions at first, but we
chose to begin with the Brown line going up, or Z, the Orange going X,
the Blue going Y, and the Stone line going in the unknown direction, which
we will call W.
Consider for a moment the Stone and the Orange lines. They can be
seen together on Model 7 by looking at the lower face of it. They are at
right angles to each other, and if the Orange line be turned to take the
place of the Stone line, the latter will run into the negative part of the
direction previously occupied by the former. This is the reason that the
Models 3, 5, and 7 are made with the Stone line always running in the
reverse direction of that line of Model 1, which is wanting in each
respectively. It will now be easy to find out Models 3 and 7. All that has to
be done is, to discover what faces they have in common with 1 and 2, and
these faces will show from which planes of 1 they are generated by
motion in the unknown direction.
Take Model 7. On one side of it there is a Dark-blue square, which is
identical with the Dark-blue square of Model 1. Placing it so that it
coincides with 1 by this square line for line, we see that the square
nearest to us is Burnt-sienna, the same as the near square on Model 2.
Hence this cube is a model of what the Dark-blue square traces on moving
in the unknown direction. Here the unknown direction coincides with the
negative away direction. In fact, to see this cube, we have been obliged to
suppose the Blue line turned into the unknown direction, for we cannot
look at more than three of these rectangular lines at once in our space,
and in this Model 7 we have the Brown, Orange, and Stone lines. The
faces, lines, and points of Cube 7 can be identified by the following list.
The Dark-blue square traces a Dark-stone cube (whose interior is
rendered invisible by the bounding squares), and ends in a Burnt-sienna
Each Line traces a Square and ends in a Line.
The Orange line Azure square Leaf-green line
„ Brown „ traces Yellow „ Dull-blue „
- - - ends -
„ French-grey „ an Yellow-green „ Dark-pink „
in a
„ Reddish „ Ochre „ Brown-green „.
Lower face Light-grey Rose Sea-blue
Upper White Deep-brown Deep-green
Left-hand Light-red Yellow-ochre Deep-crimson
Right-hand Deep-brown Blue-green Dark-grey
Near Ochre Yellow-green Dun
Far Deep-green Dark-grey Light-yellow
On ground, going round the square from left to right:—
4 6 8
1. Brown-green Smoke Dark-purple
2. Dark-green Crimson Magenta
3. Pale-yellow Magenta Green-grey
4. Dark Dull-green Light-green
On lower face, going from left to right:—
1. Quaker-green Turquoise Blue-tint
2. Peacock-blue Fawn Earthen
3. Orange-vermilion Terra-cotta Terra-cotta
4. Purple Earthen Buff
On upper face:—
1. Light-blue Peacock-blue Purple
2. Dull-purple Dull-purple Orange-vermilion
3. Deep-blue Deep-blue Deep-blue
4. Red Orange-vermilion Red
Thus the central or Light-buff cube is called Mala; the middle one of the
lower face is Syce; of the upper face Mel; of the right face, Proes; of the
left, Alvus; of the front, Mœna (the Dark-blue square of Model 1); and of
the back, Murex (the Light-yellow square).
Now, if Model 1 be taken, and considered as representing a block of 64
cubes, the Gold corner as one cube, the Orange line as two cubes, the
Fawn point as one cube, the Dark-blue square as four cubes, the Light-
buff interior as eight cubes, and so on, it will correspond to the diagram
(Fig. 7). This block differs from the last in the number of cubes, but the
arrangement of the colours is the same. The following table gives the
names which we will use for these cubes. There are no new names; they
are only applied more than once to all cubes of the same colour.
Olus Semita Semita Lama
Fourth Via Mel Mel Iter
Floor. Via Mel Mel Iter
Ilex Callis Callis Sors
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9
Now, if we continued in this manner till we had a very large block of
thousands of cubes in each side Corvus would, in comparison to the whole
block, be a minute point of a cubic shape, and Cuspis would be a mere
line of minute cubes, which would have length, but very small depth or
height. Next, if we suppose this much sub-divided block to be reduced in
size till it becomes one measuring an inch each way, the cubes of which it
consists must each of them become extremely minute, and the corner
cubes and line cubes would be scarcely discernible. But the cubes on the
faces would be just as visible as before. For instance, the cubes
composing Mœna would stretch out on the face of the cube so as to fill it
up. They would form a layer of extreme thinness, but would cover the
face of the cube (all of it except the minute lines and points). Thus we
may use the words Corvus and Nugæ, etc., to denote the corner-points of
the cube, the words Mœna, Syce, Mel, Alvus, Proes, Murex, to denote the
faces. It must be remembered that these faces have a thickness, but it is
extremely minute compared with the cube. Mala would denote all the
cubes of the interior except those, which compose the faces, edges, and
points. Thus, Mala would practically mean the whole cube except the
colouring on it. And it is in this sense that these words will be used. In the
models, the Gold point is intended to be a Corvus, only it is made large to
be visible; so too the Orange line is meant for Cuspis, but magnified for
the same reason. Finally, the 27 names of cubes, with which we began,
come to be the names of the points, lines, and faces of a cube, as shown
in the diagram (Fig. 9). With these names it is easy to express what a
plane-being would see of any cube. Let us suppose that Mœna is only of
the thickness of his matter. We suppose his matter to be composed of
particles, which slip about on his plane, and are so thin that he cannot by
any means discern any thickness in them. So he has no idea of thickness.
But we know that his matter must have some thickness, and we suppose
Mœna to be of that degree of thickness. If the cube be placed so that
Mœna is in his plane, Corvus, Cuspis, Nugæ, Far, Sors, Callis, Ilex and
Arctos will just come into his apprehension; they will be like bits of his
matter, while all that is beyond them in the direction he does not know,
will be hidden from him. Thus a plane-being can only perceive the Mœna
or Syce or some one other face of a cube; that is, he would take the
Mœna of a cube to be a solid in his plane-space, and he would see the
lines Cuspis, Far, Callis, Arctos. To him they would bound it. The points
Corvus, Nugæ, Sors, and Ilex, he would not see, for they are only as long
as the thickness of his matter, and that is so slight as to be indiscernible to
We must now go with great care through the exact processes by which
a plane-being would study a cube. For this purpose we use square slabs
which have a certain thickness, but are supposed to be as thin as a plane-
being’s matter. Now, let us take the first set of 81 cubes again, and build
them from 1 to 27. We must realize clearly that two kinds of blocks can be
built. It may be built of 27 cubes, each similar to Model 1, in which case
each cube has its regions coloured, but all the cubes are alike. Or it may
be built of 27 differently coloured cubes like Set 1, in which case each
cube is coloured wholly with one colour in all its regions. If the latter set
be used, we can still use the names Mœna, Alvus, etc. to denote the
front, side, etc., of any one of the cubes, whatever be its colour. When
they are built up, place a piece of card against the front to represent the
plane on which the plane-being lives. The front of each of the cubes in the
front of the block touches the plane. In previous chapters we have
supposed Mœna to be a Blue square. But we can apply the name to the
front of a cube of any colour. Let us say the Mœna of each front cube is in
the plane; the Mœna of the Gold cube is Gold, and so on. To represent
this, take nine slabs of the same colours as the cubes. Place a stiff piece
of cardboard (or a book-cover) slanting from you, and put the slabs on it.
They can be supported on the incline so as to prevent their slipping down
away from you by a thin book, or another sheet of cardboard, which
stands for the surface of the plane-being’s earth.
We will now give names to the cubes of Block 1 of the 81 Set. We call
each one Mala, to denote that it is a cube. They are written in the
following list in floors or layers, and are supposed to run backwards or
away from the reader. Thus, in the first layer, Frenum Mala is behind or
farther away than Urna Mala; in the second layer, Ostrum is in front,
Uncus behind it, and Ala behind Uncus.
Third, Mars Mala Merces Mala Tyro Mala
- Spicula Mala Mora Mala Oliva Mala
Floor. Comes Mala Tibicen Mala Vestis Mala
These names should be learnt so that the different cubes in the block
can be referred to quite easily and immediately by name. They must be
learnt in every order, that is, in each of the three directions backwards and
forwards, e.g. Urna to Saltus, Urna to Sector, Urna to Comes; and the
same reversed, viz., Comes to Urna, Sector to Urna, etc. Only by so
learning them can the mind identify any one individually without even a
momentary reference to the others around it. It is well to make it a rule
not to proceed from one cube to a distant one without naming the
intermediate cubes. For, in Space we cannot pass from one part to
another without going through the intermediate portions. And, in thinking
of Space, it is well to accustom our minds to the same limitations.
Urna Mala is supposed to be solid Gold an inch each way; so too all the
cubes are supposed to be entirely of the colour which they show on their
faces. Thus any section of Moles Mala will be Orange, of Plebs Mala Black,
and so on.
Fig. 10.
We pick out nine slabs to represent the Moenas of these cubes, and
placed in order they show what the plane-being sees of the second set of
cubes as they pass through. Similarly the third wall of the Block will come
into the plane, and looking at them similarly, as it were through an upright
piece of glass, we write their names:
Mars Mala Merces Mala Tyro Mala
Ala Mala Cortis Mala Aer Mala
Sector Mala Hama Mala Remus Mala
Now, it is evident that these slabs stand at different times for different
parts of the cubes. We can imagine them to stand for the Moena of each
cube as it passes through. In that case, the first set of slabs, which we
put up, represents the Moenas of the front wall of cubes; the next set, the
Moenas of the second wall. Thus, if all the three sets of slabs be together
on the table, we have a representation of the sections of the cube. For
some purposes it would be better to have four sets of slabs, the fourth set
representing the Murex of the third wall; for the three sets only show the
front faces of the cubes, and therefore would not indicate anything about
the back faces of the Block. For instance, if a line passed through the
Block diagonally from the point Corvus (Gold) to the point Lama (Deep-
blue), it would be represented on the slabs by a point at the bottom left-
hand corner of the Gold slab, a second point at the same corner of the
Light-buff slab, and a third at the same corner of the Deep-blue slab.
Thus, we should have the points mapped at which the line entered the
fronts of the walls of cubes, but not the point in Lama at which it would
leave the Block.
Let the Diagrams 1, 2, 3 (Fig. 11), be the three sets of slabs. To see the
diagrams properly, the reader must set the top of the page on the table,
and look along the page from the bottom of it. The line in question, which
runs from the bottom left-hand near corner to the top right-hand far
corner of the Block will be represented in the three sets of slabs by the
points A, B, C. To complete the diagram of its course, we need a fourth
set of slabs for the Murex of the third wall; the same object might be
attained, if we had another Block of 27 cubes behind the first Block and
represented its front or Moenas by a set of slabs. For the point, at which
the line leaves the first Block is identical with that at which it enters the
second Block.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 13.
Now, when the Block of cubes has turned round the Brown line into the
plane, it is clear that they will be on the side of the Z axis opposite to that
on which were the Moena slabs. The line, which ran Y, now runs -X. Thus
the slabs will occupy the second quadrant marked by the axes, as shown
in the diagram (Fig. 13). Each of these slabs we will name Alvus. In this
view, as before, the book is supposed to be tilted up towards the reader,
so that the Z axis runs from O to his eye. Then, if the Block be passed at
right angles through the plane, there will come into view the two sets of
slabs represented in the Diagrams (Fig. 13). In copying this arrangement
with the slabs, the cardboard on which they are arranged must slant
upwards to the eye, i.e., OZ must run up to the eye, and the sides of the
slabs seen are in Diagram 2 (Fig. 13), the upper edges of Tibicen, Mora,
Merces; in Diagram 3, the upper edges of Vestis, Oliva, Tyro.
Fig. 14.
Take the Block of twenty-seven Mala cubes, and build up the following
shape (Fig. 18):—
Urna Mala, Moles Mala, Plebs Mala, Pallor Mala, Mora Mala.
If this shape, passed through the vertical plane, the plane-being would
(1) The squares Urna Moena and Moles Moena.
(2) The three squares Plebs Moena, Pallor Moena, Mora Moena,
and then the whole figure would have passed through his plane.
If the whole Block were turned round the Z axis till the Alvus sides
entered, and the figure built up as it would be in that disposition of the
cubes, the plane-being would perceive during its passage through the
(1) Urna Alvus;
(2) Moles Alvus, Plebs Alvus, Pallor Alvus, Mora Alvus, which would all
enter on the left side of the Z axis.
Again, if the Block were turned round the X axis, the Syce side would
enter, and the cubes appear in the following order:—
(1) Urna Syce, Moles Syce, Plebs Syce;
(2) Pallor Syce;
(3) Mora Syce.
Fig. 17.
Fig. 18.
A comparison of these three sets of appearances would give the plane-being a full account of the
figure. It is that which can produce these various appearances.
Let us now suppose a glass plate placed in front of the Block in its first position. On this plate let the
axes X and Z be drawn. They divide the surface into four parts, to which we give the following names
(Fig. 17):—
Z X = that quarter defined by the positive Z and positive X axis.
Z X = that quarter defined by the positive Z and negative X axis (which is called “Z negative X”).
Z X = that quarter defined by the negative Z and negative X axis.
Z X = that quarter defined by the negative Z and positive X axis.
The Block appears in these different quarters or quadrants, as it is turned round the different axes. In
Z X the Moenas appear, in Z X the Alvus faces, in Z X the Syces. In each quadrant are drawn nine
squares, to receive the faces of the cubes when they enter. For instance, in Z X we have the Moenas
Comes Tibicen Vestis
Ostrum Bidens Scena
Urna Moles Saltus
Now, if the shape taken at the beginning of this chapter be looked at through the glass, and the
distance of the second and third walls of the shape behind the glass be considered of no account—that
is, if they be treated as close up to the glass—we get a plane outline, which occupies the squares Urna
Moena, Moles Moena, Bidens Moena, Tibicen Moena. This outline is called a projection of the figure. To
see it like a plane-being, we should have to look down on it along the Z axis.
It is obvious that one projection does not give the shape. For instance, the square Bidens Moena
might be filled by either Pallor or Cortis. All that a square in the room of Bidens Moena denotes, is that
there is a cube somewhere in the Y, or unknown, direction from Bidens Moena. This view, just taken, we
should call the front view in our space; we are then looking at it along the negative Y axis.
When the same shape is turned round on the Z axis, so as to be projected on the Z X quadrant, we
have the squares—Urna Alvus, Frenum Alvus, Uncus Alvus, Spicula Alvus. When it is turned round the X
axis, and projected on Z X, we have the squares, Urna Syce, Moles Syce, Plebs Syce, and no more. This
is what is ordinarily called the ground plan; but we have set it in a different position from that in which
it is usually drawn.
Fig. 19.
Now, the best method for a plane-being of familiarizing himself with shapes in our space, would be to
practise the realization of them from their different projections in his plane. Thus, given the three
projections just mentioned, he should be able to construct the figure from which they are derived. The
projections (Fig. 19) are drawn below the perspective pictures of the shape (Fig. 18). From the front, or
Moena view, he would conclude that the shape was Urna Mala, Moles Mala, Bidens Mala, Tibicen Mala;
or instead of these, or also in addition to them, any of the cubes running in the Y direction from the
plane. That is, from the Moena projection he might infer the presence of all the following cubes (the
word Mala is omitted for brevity): Urna, Frenum, Sector, Moles, Plebs, Hama, Bidens, Pallor, Cortis,
Tibicen, Mora, Merces.
Next, the Alvus view or projection might be given by the cubes (the word Mala being again omitted):
Urna, Moles, Saltus, Frenum, Plebs, Sypho, Uncus, Pallor, Tergum, Spicula, Mora, Oliva. Lastly, looking at
the ground plan or Syce view, he would infer the possible presence of Urna, Ostrum, Comes, Moles,
Bidens, Tibicen, Plebs, Pallor, Mora.
Now, the shape in higher space, which is usually there, is that which is common to all these three
appearances. It can be determined, therefore, by rejecting those cubes which are not present in all
three lists of cubes possible from the projections. And by this process the plane-being could arrive at
the enumeration of the cubes which belong to the shape of which he had the projections. After a time,
when he had experience of the cubes (which, though invisible to him as wholes, he could see part by
part in turn entering his space), the projections would have more meaning to him, and he might
comprehend the shape they expressed fragmentarily in his space. To practise the realization from
projections, we should proceed in this way. First, we should think of the possibilities involved in the
Moena view, and build them up in cubes before us. Secondly, we should build up the cubes possible
from the Alvus view. Again, taking the shape at the beginning of the chapter, we should find that the
shape of the Alvus possibilities intersected that of the Moena possibilities in Urna, Moles, Frenum, Plebs,
Pallor, Mora; or, in other words, these cubes are common to both. Thirdly, we should build up the Syce
possibilities, and, comparing their shape with those of the Moena and Alvus projections, we should find
Urna, Moles, Plebs, Pallor, Mora, of the Syce view coinciding with the same cubes of the other views, the
only cube present in the intersection of the Moena and Alvus possibilities, and not present in the Syce
view, being Frenum.
The determination of the figure denoted by the three projections, may be more easily effected by
treating each projection as an indication of what cubes are to be cut away. Taking the same shape as
before, we have in the Moena projection Urna, Moles, Bidens, Tibicen; and the possibilities from them
are Urna, Frenum, Sector, Moles, Plebs, Hama, Bidens, Pallor, Cortis, Tibicen, Mora, Merces. This may
aptly be called the Moena solution. Now, from the Syce projection, we learn at once that those cubes,
which in it would produce Frenum, Sector, Hama, Remus, Sypho, Saltus, are not in the shape. This
absence of Frenum and Sector in the Syce view proves that their presence in the Moena solution is
superfluous. The absence of Hama removes the possibility of Hama, Cortis, Merces. The absence of
Remus, Sypho, Saltus, makes no difference, as neither they nor any of their Syce possibilities are
present in the Moena solution. Hence, the result of comparison of the Moena and Syce projections and
possibilities is the shape: Urna, Moles, Plebs, Bidens, Pallor, Tibicen, Mora. This may be aptly called the
Moena-Syce solution. Now, in the Alvus projection we see that Ostrum, Comes, Sector, Ala, and Mars
are absent. The absence of Sector, Ala, and Mars has no effect on our Moena-Syce solution; as it does
not contain any of their Alvus possibilities. But the absence of Ostrum and Comes proves that in the
Moena-Syce solution Bidens and Tibicen are superfluous, since their presence in the original shape
would give Ostrum and Comes in the Alvus projection. Thus we arrive at the Moena-Alvus-Syce solution,
which gives us the shape: Urna, Moles, Plebs, Pallor, Mora.
It will be obvious on trial that a shape can be instantly recognised from its three projections, if the
Block be thoroughly well known in all three positions. Any difficulty in the realization of the shapes
comes from the arbitrary habit of associating the cubes with some one direction in which they happen
to go with regard to us. If we remember Ostrum as above Urna, we are not remembering the Block, but
only one particular relation of the Block to us. That position of Ostrum is a fact as much related to
ourselves as to the Block. There is, of course, some information about the Block implied in that position;
but it is so mixed with information about ourselves as to be ineffectual knowledge of the Block. It is of
the highest importance to enter minutely into all the details of solution written above. For,
corresponding to every operation necessary to a plane-being for the comprehension of our world, there
is an operation, with which we have to become familiar, if in our turn we would enter into some