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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019

Role of Business Intelligence and Analytics:

Analysis of Data Driven Decision
Amit Mohan Awasthi, Deepika Pandita

Abstract— For better decision making Business Intelligence With the advanced analytical ability to use BI tools one can
is a vital process. The application of technologies and practices go beyond simple data consumption and draw more useful
for integrating, collecting, analyzing, business information is insights with the help of smart dashboards and edge
known as Business Intelligence (BI). The data driven Support analytics and do more reporting, data preparation, accurate
Systems (DSS) is a system that support Business Intelligence.
predictive analysis and data exploration with less IT
Thus Business Intelligence gains a business advantage if the
company uses a strong BI tool instead of making vital decisions involvement. (López-Robles et al 2019). Most of the
pertaining to business on the basis of gut feeling. Generating organizations are also helping to draw insights that are more
fact-based data agenda via a robust computer system delivers user friendly and is easily understood by non-technical
confidence for any business decisions made. Business users.
Intelligence customs administrations and programming to alter One of the most difficult aspects of implementing a BI
the data into substantial insight that prompts to association's key platform in an organization is that it requires multiple BI
and strategic business choices. BI devices get to and examine software to link all the systems in the organization. This
informational collections and present discoveries in dashboards, requires key personnel who has the system integration
graphs, outlines, maps and diagrams which gives the customers
knowledge and is able to govern and manage it properly. It
the details and knowledge about the condition of the business.
Thus, the present study focuses on analyzing and describing the requires close monitoring and requires heavy investment in
development of the various aspects of Business Intelligence and the technology by the organizations. Another issue while
the related industries that use Business Intelligence for decision implementing BI in any organization is that there is a lack
making. of skilled workforce. So, highlighting the skills gaps and the
Keywords— Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, necessity to train the workforce on the certain
Information, Communications, Technology, Analytics technical/behavioral competencies being of paramount
importance. There organizations need to assess the
I. INTRODUCTION requirements for training the employees in their domain and
To drive higher value from data at hand combined with also ensuring that the training being given to those
analytics organizations are anxious to capitalize on employees is helping them bridge the skill gap by
advances in business intelligence, big data, business monitoring their efficiency and productivity regularly. The
analytics, cloud based services and artificial intelligence- report shows how some of the best companies are using BI
some of the trends that will reshape how organization to enhance their operational efficiency and what BI as a
would solve its business problems with more accurate technology holds for these companies in future to come
predictive analysis of the problems that might occur in with more advanced methods of driving higher revenue,
future. In this report a research has been done on some of spotting business problems, gaining a competitive edge and
the best practices of how companies use big data and cutting the overhead head costs to gain the maximum profit
business intelligence in different industrial sectors. margin in its respective industry. (Howson, C., et al 2018).
(Richards et al 2019). It highlights the new methodologies Shipping is industry is relatively new to many more
under big data being used by those companies to spot the advanced technologies that are already in use in other
business problems and then use business intelligence to find industries like airlines, logistics, IT and agrochemical
out the most cost-effective ways of solving those problems. industries.
About 75% improve the operational efficiency in the Thus this paper ponders on various trends in the Business
organization which have long been leading objectives for Intelligence and also explains the business decisions taken
using Business intelligence and Big Data. Most of the by some industries like shipping, agrochemical and airline
organizations used cloud-based database for effective using Business Intelligence.
implementation of the BI platform. This helps them in
better integration of the many independent systems being II. LITERATURE REVIEW
used in the organization and it also helps in identifying the Historical Background of Business Intelligence
business problems quickly. With time as organizations
determine how to use Business intelligence and big data Business Intelligence (BI) utilizes strategies, procedures,
applications for more effective resolution of their business and innovative ways that help companies to gather, store,
problems, they also want to equip their employees working report, and investigate business information for the sole
in this area with the knowledge of latest analytical and purpose of making effective data driven decision making.
visualization tools to better comprehend the results obtained (Larson, D., & Chang, V. 2016). BI combines expertise
by data analysis. along with technology with useful information in order to
provide meaningful facts to management as soon as
Revised Manuscript Received on October 05, 2019. possible. With the advent of advanced technologies across
Amit Mohan Awasthi, SIBM Pune Symbiosis International the globe technology is considered to be crucial in helping
University Pune, India an organization survive.
Dr. Deepika Pandita, Asst. Professor, SIBM Pune
Symbiosis International University , Pune, India
However, human intervention
still plays an important role to

Retrieval Number: L31011081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3101.1081219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1506 & Sciences Publication
Role of Business Intelligence and Analytics: Analysis of Data Driven Decision

wisely put technology to its best use. It is highly important the leader, ours is not just another tall claim but a fact
for organizations to stay updated about the changing rooted in data. (Zumstein, D., & Hundertmark, S. 2017).
technological environment across different industries. Designing Aircraft for Environmental Responsibility
Moreover, major attention should be paid towards training Airline companies like Virgin America are using deep
employees to become as innovative as possible because data analysis to race toward new standards of aircraft
innovation helps an organization to take the right decisions. design. For example, 3D-printed aircraft parts will lead to
(Aljohani, 2017) lighter planes that reduce fuel use and cut harmful carbon
Every time there is a transformation in an organization in emissions. Winglets, which are the upwardly-bent tips on
terms of the new technologies implemented, major changes some airplane wings, are another innovation led by data.
are experienced in various aspects of operations. How (Williams, 2018)
competitive an organization is determined by the level of Business Intelligence in IndiGo Airlines Operations:
innovation brought about. A higher level of technological Indigo’s consistent profitability is based around a
development drives an organization to foster a higher well- disciplined execution of the low-cost carrier model, which
being of the workers and gain higher profit margins in the has proven to be the most successful airline business model
market. (Xuefei Deng, 2014) globally. The core tenet of this model is to have a very
Changes in technology have seriously affected associations efficient cost structure. Being a low-cost carrier committed
over the globe. Right now, the web has encountered a to delivering low fares, it is essential that we keep a
colossal increment regarding use. (Trieu, V. H. 2017). The watchful eye on our costs. (Naidu, 2018)
web significantly affects how and why individuals work. Present day air ship, especially like current cars have
ICT affects the informed, aspiring, and gifted individuals. the best of the present innovation, we get ongoing inflight
Since these individuals are the ones acquiring significant data from all the air ship through ACARS (Aircraft
positions inside the companies, they assume a critical job in Communications and Reporting Systems); we can
the accomplishment of organizations. ICT with the help of likewise send messages up to the air ship. This
the internet stresses upon the procedure of recruitment information drives our airplane position revealing and
process of employees. For instance, the utilization of ICT furthermore supplies checking and detailing for building.
saves money during recruitment because it wipes out the At the point when the flying machine arrives there are
costs that could be incurred in the preparation of extra advances that interface with 4G and sends all the air
information and the printing of declaration letters for ship flight information observing and flight information
available vacancies. (Xuefei Deng, 2014). investigation information. (Jha, 2018)
Airlines Industry This enormous information, and investigation encourages
Management of Flight-Schedule for Reducing Cancellations us to comprehend the flying machine following, winds,
In order to keep planes flying and reduce flight cancellation height, temperature and fuel consume for every motor each
crisis in the airline industry, airlines help improve pilot second all through the flying machine venture. Like a
utilisation. Many complex variables (which crew members formulae one vehicle, this data helps tune the motors and
are ready for action when; which vessels are located where following to get that extra 1% to success the race; or on
at any given moment) are taken into account by the system account of an aircraft to spare that 1% in fuel. Given the
developed to maximise the pilot availability with the help of expense of fuel 1% is worth 10 of a large number of dollars
BI in airlines industry. (Höpken, W. et al 2015). to our primary concern.
Accurate Decision Making by Prescriptive Maintenance They are utilizing information for On Time execution. We
Predictive maintenance utilises a lot of airlines industry have put vigorously in innovation to catch different phases
data. Complex data such as machine learning, statistical of a flight, to such an extent that our On-Time execution is
data, data modelling and mining is taken into consideration recorded and announced electronically with no manual
for maintenance purpose to forecast “what could happen.” intercession. Along these lines, when we report On Time and
For instance, repair crews can fetch information about are perceived as the pioneer, our own isn't simply one more
predictive maintenance such as amount of time a part will tall case yet a reality established in information. (Jha, 2018)
survive under certain specific conditions and with a fixed Agrochemical Industry
amount of usage. Data driven decision making can then be As agribusinesses become bigger and progressively
applied by maintenance personnel in context of whether a different, the developing volumes of information that must
certain part is to be repaired or replaced altogether. (Naidu, be overseen are additionally winding up increasingly mind
2018) boggling. Outside information from online networking
Improved Customer Service with the help of chatbots outlets and provider arrange channels joined with sensor
Increasing the number of chatbots is a promising solution in and machine data coming from farm equipment and in the
the field of business intelligence to make the customers farm, fields augment traditional sources of data. (Elahi, E.et
happier. Basic customer inquiries can be easily understood al 2019). Operational efficiency and forecasting can be
by these bots and important information can be fetched like improved with the help of Business Intelligence and which
what it is the customers are asking for. (Reshmi, S., & leads to better decision making. Business Intelligence helps
Balakrishnan, K. 2018). Customer service can be accessed to design frameworks that assimilates information from
by the customers in the airline industry round the clock. On various disintegrated sources of information to obtain
Time performance is being improved by leveraging the data valuable bits of information. Consequently, better results
obtained with the help of Business Intelligence. We have are obtained with more precision and accuracy. (Celestrini,
invested heavily in technology to capture various stages of a et al 2019). Data obtained for
flight, such that our On-Time performance is recorded and weather conditions, Research
reported electronically without any manual intervention. data from plant genomes, Data
Therefore, when we report On Time and are recognized as obtained from various social

Published By:
Retrieval Number: L31011081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3101.1081219 1507 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019

media platforms. Long lists of needed metrics are already help of internet of things used in progressive companies are
there in the agricultural sector. But what the immediate exceeding customer expectations and optimizing costs.
requirement in recent times is, authentic information should (Ibna Zaman, 2016)
be accessed from various disintegrated sources of
information releasing data. Big Data technologies are likely III. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
to impact the following specific areas in agribusiness:
The objective of this paper was to find out the new
 Better forecasting of production of plants through seeds.
trends in Business Intelligence and how it is helping
 improve yields and production with more advanced
livestock and seeds. organisations optimize the cost and gain more profit.
Business Intelligence has lately come up with the
 Distribution centres and consumers requiring faster
delivery of goods. advanced use of creative dashboards that help technical
 Data from fields and equipment utilized in real-time users draw insights about the data at hand and do a
decisions. thorough predictive analysis based on the historical data
 Business performance data and Integrated production for of repetitive happenings.
better decision making.
 Rationalized performance data across multiple IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
geographies. The paper uses literature reviews to understand the most
 performance analysis of supplier / distributor and common practices of Business Intelligence in different
improved interactions and negotiation strategies with industrial sectors for the top companies and how to
those suppliers and distributors. incorporate some of the best practices to do away with the
Present day agribusiness highlights more tightly business problems in their companies and gain a
connections between horticulture supplier and the competitive edge in the shipping industry.
cultivating network. The supplier relationship is getting to Literature for this study was predominantly sourced from
be one of a trusted advisor and furthermore an innovative internet searches and use of management journal databases
work accomplice. (Aljohani, 2017) Utilization of Big Data such as EBSCO, EMERALD, Elsevier and SCOPUS.
and investigation is disturbing this field regarding better
generation of helpful seeds and better cultivating practices. V. FINDINGS
Higher yield and diminished help expenses are integral to
driving gainfulness and better client experience for any Some of the top BI trends in the coming future are as
significant agribusiness. Data related to throughput, follows.
capacity utilization, and overall equipment effectiveness, Immersive analytics will be everywhere.
can be combined for further analysis for improved quality. Embedded analytics have been gradually creeping into
Shipping Industry more and more of our tools for the past few years, but in
Quicken the Last Mile Shipping issue can be difficult to be 2019, we’ll see analytics incorporated into pretty much all
rectified without the use of business intelligence and big the software we use. We’ll be able to analyze the swathes of
data. Meaning information is obtained in the last mile data produced by our digital worlds and the software we use
information. Consequently, logistics professionals can and packaging it into something we can make sense of—
thereby easily identify the patterns for better and fast and act on—immediately. (Dayal, U., et al 2009)
delivery strategies and make it more effective and last for a BI will mimic human brain
longer period of time. (Ibna Zaman, 2016) With cognitive computing, structured and unstructured data
Efficient Routes in the sea Better optimized routes and new from various sources is synthesized, with the system
strategies for delivery are obtained with Big Data analytics. weighing context and conflicting evidence to come up with
Overcommitting and under committing vehicles and the most appropriate answers. In doing so, it provides a way
resources have a fine line between. (W Wang, 2010) to grapple with results and answers that may be ambiguous,
Many hidden areas of data can be explored by logistics uncertain, open to interpretation or highly context-specific.
companies, traffic delays, weather conditions to real-time (James, 2017)
fuel costs. (Maris Mirovik, 2018)Logistics companies can When it comes to BI, this development is giving rise to data
get a competitive edge they need to overcome some data cognitive engines, or cognitive layers, that seek to organize
based obstacles with the help of predictive analysis. “UPS unstructured data from sensors and other sources in more
drivers don’t turn left” phenomenon is one of the best intelligent and useful ways. Cognitive layers help to ingest
examples of this data usage in Big Data. The analysis of the and process vast quantities of complex data in lightweight
data by UPS drivers showed that by turning left only 10% cloud platforms, rearranging this into an environment that
of the time they “emit 20,000 tons less carbon dioxide, use works for swift and effective BI.
10 million gallons less fuel, and deliver 350,000 more Dashboards will become data applications
packages annually.” They’ve reduced their carbon footprint We’ll see the line blur between dashboards that show
by 28.5 million mile and fleet size by over one thousand. insights and the applications used to act on them, creating a
(Maris Mirovik, 2018) seamless and efficient experience.
The arrival of Robots It might seem like a science fiction This allows you to activate an organizational process based
but data is reducing inefficiencies, increasing profitability on insights displayed in your dashboard. For example, a
driving a more automated supply chain, and minimizing dashboard could show you that inventory levels are low and
errors. It’s shown to be providing transparency in the supply include a button that activates
chain, a valuable ally in reducing inefficiencies in last mile an inventory order process
delivery, automating supply chain and optimizing directly from the dashboard.
deliveries. Efficient business intelligence software with the Or, you could see that sales

Retrieval Number: L31011081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3101.1081219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1508 & Sciences Publication
Role of Business Intelligence and Analytics: Analysis of Data Driven Decision

are down in a specific location and then click a button or mastery to scale or deal with a BI usage can be a
within the dashboard that lets you create and launch a new noteworthy hindrance. Having proficient work force
location-specific marketing campaign to boost sales in that available to oversee BI executions by leading open-door
area. investigations, preparation appraisals, process designing,
Edge Analytics will bring data closer to its source return for money invested, and change the executives is
This means analytics will be performed much closer to vital to effective usage. (Gaille, 2016)
where the data is actually created (e.g. sensors, motors, Some Advantages of using Business Intelligence Are
pumps or generators, healthcare devices, wearables, and People can work on the data in real time. One can access
smartphones), and cuts down the need to transfer data back information from anywhere as BI has also moved into
and forth between the cloud and the data producing device. mobile applications. Data analysts can change their
(Maris Mirovik, 2018) strategies in real time to avoid any unprecedented failures
There will be a shift to Hybrid Analytics as the data is managed at hand all the time. It is often
Users will be empowered to work with live and cache scalable free of cost. It is easier to track one’s KPIs. Data
sources for analysis, on both current and historical data. can be visualized more quickly. It can generate better ROIs.
We’ll see an increasing turn towards incorporating live Better operational efficiency. Better customer service and
connectors to analytic databases (i.e., Redshift, Snowflake, Competitive advantage. (Dr. Charles, 2014).
Google Big Query) in the process, in order to combine this Some Disadvantages of using Business Intelligence are that
data into complex and complete data models within the People can perceive varying conclusions from the same
same dashboard. data, Data security is at risk in mobile applications because
Technological evolutions like these will mean you can of hacking, Cost is a potential issue for deploying cloud
embrace lightning-speed, live connection access to data in based or mobile solutions as different vendors provide their
any analytic database making ad-hoc and complex queries software services at different prices and transparent pricing
easier and more accurate than ever (www.sisense.com, is not provided by every vendor. Multiple BI applications
2019) are needed to get the most of your big data which requires
Business users will talk to their data heavy investment. BI implementations require high initial
Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Natural Language investment. Possibility of investment not paying off.
Querying (NLQ) will help BI systems to understand the Significant maintenance costs. There is an issue of requiring
information they ingest and make it easier for users to key personnel to manage BI implementations and
analyze data, as well as ask questions to find what they maintenance. (Charles 2014)
need. This reduces time to insight and learning curve while  Consolidating all the data and drawing insights: All
boosting adoption. the data that was collected during research was again
Meanwhile, BI will talk back. Natural Language Generation studied to gain in depth understanding of the real time
(NLG) serves up insights in easier-to-understand ways, problems and to what extend is technology being used
allowing nontechnical users to read and interpret for cutting the overhead costs for different problems in
complicated charts and graphs, and explain relationships
between datasets. (James, 2017)
Required Skills sets for aspiring Business Intelligence team  Aligning the gathered data with the scope of the
across different sectors (www.sisense.com, 2019) research: A lot of data was filtered that was not
The advantages to implementing a BI system are quite relevant for the scope research and the narrowing down
significant. The research demonstrates that for 43 North on issues that were also common at There were looked
American and European associations were that the middle at with more focus.
five-year rate of profitability (return for capital invested) for  Tabulating the data: Data collected from phone
BI establishments was 112% for a $2 million investment. interviews, face to face interactions and by research on
There have been ROIs in the range of 17% to 2000% with competitors of There were tabulated all the inputs in
an average ROI of 457%. Therefore, there are significant context the business problems that were identified were
benefits to the organizations investing in business collated.
intelligence. (Dr. Charles M (Computer Engineer (EO/IR  Constant comparative analysis: For identifying
Imagery & Sensor, 2014) different solutions for similar problems across different
According to the research, many companies are relying shipping companies and comparison was done on
on outside firms to manage their BI integration. So, both the understanding what could be a more suitable solution for
businesses, who invest in business intelligence systems and There as an organization.
their customer receive benefits from BI. The firm which Identifying the best BI solutions offered by different
invests benefits by operating more efficiently and offering vendors from the data collected at hand: Some of the best
better customer service. The customer on the other hand BI solutions being offered by BI vendors were looked at
receives better customer service which allows the customer that were most compatible with the architecture of the
to operate more efficiently and possibly gain a more organization.
competitive advantage. (Gaille, 2016)
BI project failures can be attributed to ineffective change
management. This stems from exaggerating the simplicity
with which BI is actualized and acknowledged. These
exaggerations can emerge out of big enterprise resource
planning (ERP) sellers. In this way, not having the faculty

Published By:
Retrieval Number: L31011081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3101.1081219 1509 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019

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Retrieval Number: L31011081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3101.1081219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1510 & Sciences Publication

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