Environmental Research
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Keywords: The rapid recombination of electron/hole pairs is a major setback in the application of WO3-based photocatalysis
Tungsten trioxide in water treatment. In this study, hypochlorite (ClO− ) was used as an electron acceptor to enhance the photo
Photocatalysis catalytic degradation of carbamazepine (CBZ) using UVA-excited WO3. The results showed that CBZ degradation
in the UVA/WO3/ClO− system followed a pseudo-first order reaction kinetic model. The addition of 0.1 mM
Steady-state kinetic model
Density functional theory
ClO− to the UVA/WO3 system at pH values of 8.2 and 6.2 increased the rate constant (kobs) of the degradation
process 5.3- and 11.5-fold, respectively. Further, increasing the WO3 dosage or decreasing the initial CBZ con
centration resulted in an increase in kobs. However, at high concentrations, ClO− inhibited CBZ degradation.
Based on the kinetic model, it could be suggested that ClO• played a dominant role in the degradation process.
Furthermore, the water matrix effects were as follows: the optimal pH was 6.2; humic acid, chloride, bicarbonate,
and ammonium exhibited inhibitory effects on CBZ degradation; and sulfate ion significantly enhanced the
degradation. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicated a strong affinity between ClO− and the WO3
surface. Specifically, the electrical energy per order that was associated with the use of ClO− varied in the range
of 0.100–1.617 kWh/m3. In summary, this study shows that ClO− is an excellent electron acceptor for excited
WO3, while clarifying the CBZ degradation-enhancing effect of ClO− as well as the kinetic model and DFT cal
culations. These findings can be employed in the degradation of recalcitrant contaminants in a cost-effective
manner, while being significant for the development of more effective catalysts of UV-assisted advanced
oxidation processes.
treatment is limited (Chen et al., 2020a; Herron et al., 2015; Landmann (Rao et al., 2013). It has also been reported that the capability of WO3 to
et al., 2012). generate HO• is much lower than that of TiO2 (Nagarajan et al., 2017;
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Hu).
Received 16 February 2021; Received in revised form 15 June 2021; Accepted 18 June 2021
Available online 26 June 2021
0013-9351/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
Xiang et al., 2011). Therefore, before WO3 can be used in water treat purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Ultrapure water
ment applications, it is imperative to resolve the issue of rapid e−CB -h+ VB
(Milli-Q, 18.2 MΩ cm; Millipore Co., Bedford, MA, USA) was used to
recombination. prepare solutions.
Strategies to inhibit e−CB -h+
VB recombination in WO3 can be divided
into two categories. The first focuses on the material modification of 2.2. Experimental procedures
WO3, including element doping (Chen et al., 2020b), phase and
morphology control (Aslam et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2015), noble metal Six UVA-LEDs (365 nm, LG3535, South Korea), which were placed
loading (Widiyandari et al., 2012), and coupling with other photo above a 325-mL Pyrex crystallizing dish (diameter = 10 cm and
catalysts to form heterojunctions (Shi et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021). height = 5 cm) and filled with 250 mL of CBZ solution, have been
However, the disadvantage of material modification methods is that used as the light source. The light intensity above the water surface was
changing the method by which WO3 is synthesized may affect its sta measured using a radiometer (LT1400, International Light Technolo
bility and increase cost. The second strategy by which e−CB -h+ gies, Peabody, MA, USA) and adjusted to 2 mW/cm2. The default
VB recom
bination can be prevented is to use oxidants with reduction potentials concentrations of the solutes WO3, CBZ, and ClO− were 40 mg/L,
higher than the CB edge of WO3 as electron acceptors. In this regard, 7.5 μM, and 0.1 mM, respectively. The initial pH was maintained at 8.2,
unless stated otherwise. To investigate the effect of each operational
H2O2, Ag+, and S2 O2− 8 have shown efficiency in improving the ability of
parameter on CBZ degradation via the UVA/WO3/ClO− process, the
WO3 to degrade pollutants via e−CB scavenging (Chu and Rao, 2012; Rao
concentrations of WO3, ClO− , and CBZ were varied in the ranges of
and Chu, 2010; Rao et al., 2013). Additionally, hypochlorite (ClO− ,
20–50 mg/L, 0.1–0.7 mM, and 3.7–14.0 μM, respectively. When one
E0 = +0.89 V), which has been extensively used for water disinfection
concentration type varied, the other two were kept constant. Further,
owing to its low cost and high efficacy, also meets the requirement for
the effects of the water matrix characteristics were investigated by
e−CB scavenging (Collivignarelli et al., 2018; Cotton and Wilkinson, 1980;
varying the pH in the range of 4.2–10.2 and altering the concentrations
Rosińska and Rakocz, 2021). Specifically, the advantage of applying
of humic acid (HA), the anions Cl− , SO2− 4 , and HCO3 , and NH4 in the
− +
ClO− over other oxidants as an e−CB scavenger is that the residual chlorine
ranges 1–7 mg/L, 1–7 mM, and 0.03–0.1 mM, respectively. Samples
after the disinfection stage can be utilized directly, thus saving costs
withdrawn from the reactor were immediately quenched using excessive
related to additional chemicals. However, based on the existing litera
thiosulfate (Ding and Hu, 2021b) and then filtered through 0.2-μm PTFE
ture, there are no reports on the utilization of ClO− to enhance the
syringe filters (Whatman, UK) before measuring the CBZ concentrations.
photocatalytic activity of WO3.
In this study, the degradation of carbamazepine (CBZ) via the UVA/
2.3. Analytical methods
WO3/ClO− process was systematically investigated. CBZ, a widely used
anticonvulsant drug, was selected as the model pollutant given that it is
The CBZ concentration was analyzed using a high-performance
highly recalcitrant to conventional wastewater treatment processes and
liquid chromatography (HPLC) apparatus that was coupled with a
its removal rates are typically below 10% (Zhang et al., 2008). Addi
diode array detector for performing UV absorbance measurements
tionally, it is frequently detected in secondary effluents, with its highest
(Shimadzu LC2010, Japan). The peak wavelength of CBZ used for UV
concentrations reaching 6300 ng/L (Clara et al., 2004; Heberer, 2002;
absorbance measurement was 285 nm. The mobile phase constituted a
Zhang et al., 2008). CBZ may pose potential risks to the aquatic envi
mixture of 70% methanol and 30% water. For the analysis, 15 μL
ronment as its predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) is only
samples and the mobile phase were injected into a C18 column
0.42 μg/L (Ferrari et al., 2003). Further, in this study, the role of ClO− in
(2.1 × 150 mm, particle size 3.5 μm, Zorbax, Agilent Technologies,
facilitating CBZ degradation was confirmed by comparing the
Santa Clara, CA, USA) for separation at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min and a
CBZ-degradation performances of the UVA/ClO− , WO3/ClO− ,
temperature of 40◦ C. The point of zero charge (pHPZC) associated with
UVA/WO3, and UVA/WO3/ClO− processes. The effects of operational
WO3 (4.0) was measured using a modified pH drift method (Ding and
parameters (WO3 dosage, ClO− concentration, and CBZ concentration)
Hu, 2021a). Additionally, using the indophenol method, a DR/890
as well as those of water matrix characteristics (pH, and humic acid,
Portable Colorimeter (Hach, USA) was used to measure the concentra
chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate, and ammonium concentrations) on CBZ
tion of ClO. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the water samples
degradation via the UVA/WO3/ClO− process were comprehensively
was measured using a TOC-VCSH analyzer (Shimadzu, Japan).
studied. The concentrations and contributions of different reactive ox
ygen species (ROS) to CBZ degradation were estimated using a
2.4. Steady-state kinetic model
steady-state kinetic model, and the interactions between ClO− and the
WO3 surface were analyzed by performing density functional theory
The major reactions in the UVA/WO3/ClO− system are listed in
(DFT) calculations. These allowed the clarification of the CBZ degra
Table 1. These reactions were selected because they involve at least one
dation mechanism at a molecular level. The results of this study could
reactant that exists in large amounts (i.e., CBZ, H2O, ClO− , or O2). Other
provide valuable insights into the ability of ClO− to inhibit rapid e−CB - h+VB typical reactions in the UV/ClO− system were ignored, owing to their
recombination in excited WO3 and inspire the coupling of ClO− with
very low reaction rates or the very low concentration of both reactants
other photocatalysts.
(Nikravesh et al., 2020). The selected reactions allowed the simplifica
tion of the model, while maintaining the representativeness of the sys
2. Materials and methods
tem. The changes in the concentrations of ROS in the UVA/WO3/ClO−
system were expressed according to Eqs. (1)–(8). Given that the decay of
2.1. Materials
ClO− was less than 10% during the reaction (Fig. S1), it could be
assumed that its concentration remained constant. Detailed explana
Tungsten trioxide (WO3) nanopowder (diameter < 100 nm, spe
tions and assumptions regarding the equations are listed in Table S1 and
cific surface area <8 m2/g) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St.
Text S1, respectively.
Louis, MO, USA). Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO, available chlorine,
10–15%), sodium chloride (NaCl, ≥99.5%), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4, d[h+
VB ]ss
= φobs I − kH2 O,h+VB [H2 O][h+
VB ]ss (1)
>99%), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3, >99%), ammonium chloride dt
(NH4Cl, ≥99%), humic acid salt (technical grade), sodium hydroxide
(NaOH, ≥98%), sulfuric acid (H2SO4, >99%), sodium thiosulfate d[e−CB ]ss
= φobs I − kClO− ,e−CB [ClO
]0 [e−CB ]ss (2)
(Na2S2O3, >99%), and methanol (CH3OH, >99.9%) were also dt
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
Table 1
Reactions in the UVA/WO3/ClO− system during CBZ degradation.
1 − 1
No. Reaction Second-order rate constant k (M− s ) Reference
1 WO3 + hv→e−CB + h+
– –
2 – –
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
Fig. 1. (a) Degradation of CBZ by different processes; (b) Effect of WO3 dosage on CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process; (c) Effect of ClO− concentration
on CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process; (d) Effect of initial CBZ concentration on CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process.
d[O(3 P)]ss
= 2.303φa I ε[ClO− ]0 − kO(3 P),O2 [O(3 P)]ss [O2 ]0
− kO(3 P),ClO− [O(3 P)]ss [ClO− ]0 (7)
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
2.303φa Iε[ClO− ]0 and 2.303φb Iε[ClO− ]0 represent the generation of O followed a pseudo-first order kinetic model and an increase in the WO3
(3P) and Cl• owing to the photolysis of ClO− , respectively (Chuang et al., dosage monotonically resulted in an increase in kobs. With more WO3
2017). added into the solution, the generation of e−CB and h+ VB was enhanced,
and more reaction sites on the WO3 surface were available to ClO− .
2.5. Density functional theory calculations Thus, the generation of HO• was stimulated, resulting in an enhance
ment of CBZ degradation. However, the relationship between kobs and
The models corresponding to the adsorption of ClO− on the surface of WO3 dosage was not linear and tended to remain stable after the WO3
WO3 were constructed using Materials Studio 2018. The DFT-based dosage exceeded 40 mg/L. Rao and Chu (2010) also observed that the
calculations of adsorption energy, density of states (DOS), and charge rate of linuron degradation via the visible light/TiO2/H2O2 process
density differences were performed using Cambridge Serial Total Energy gradually slowed down when the TiO2 dosage exceeded 0.4 g/L. They
Package (CASTEP) (Clark et al., 2005). Detailed parameter settings of suggested that an increase in the TiO2 particle content of the solution
the software program can be found in our previous study (Ding and Hu, attenuated the penetration of photons. This possibly resulted in a
2021a). decrease in the generation of e−CB and h+ VB (Rao and Chu, 2010).
Considering the low concentration of WO3 used in this study, it was
3. Results and discussion unlikely that the turbidity of the solution had a significant effect on the
absorption of light by WO3. Therefore, the kobs might have been limited
3.1. Enhancement of WO3 photocatalytic activity by ClO− by the concentration of ClO− , which was fixed at 0.1 mM.
CBZ degradation via the different processes employed in this study is 3.2.2. Effect of ClO− concentration
shown in Fig. 1(a). From this figure, it is evident that all degradation The effect of ClO− concentration on CBZ degradation via the UVA/
processes followed a pseudo-first order reaction kinetic model given that WO3/ClO− process is shown in Fig. 1(c), based on which it is evident
the R2 values corresponding to a linear regression were well above 0.9. that CBZ degradation improved slightly. Furthermore, kobs increased by
CBZ oxidation by ClO− in the dark was negligible; this is consistent with 11% when ClO− concentration was increased from 0.1 to 0.5 mM.
the results of previous reports (Wang et al., 2016, 2018). The slight However, kobs decreased by 27% when the concentration of ClO− was
degradation of CBZ via the UVA/ClO− process indicated weak ClO− further increased from 0.5 to 0.7 mM. These observations suggest that
decomposition under irradiation with light at a wavelength of 365 nm. ClO− plays a dual role in CBZ degradation. On the one hand, it accepts
This could be primarily attributed to the low molar absorptivity of ClO− e−CB to prolong the existence of h+
VB , thereby facilitating the generation of
at 365 nm (Remucal and Manley, 2016). Further, due to the rapid HO•. On the other hand, it possibly reacted with HO• rapidly to form
recombination of e−CB and h+ VB , the rate of CBZ degradation via the ClO•, which is a less powerful radical whose second-order rate constant
UVA/WO3 process was also very low and the corresponding kobs was with CBZ was found to be two orders of magnitude lower than that of
0.021 min− 1. Conversely, the kobs corresponding to the UVA/WO3/ClO− HO• with CBZ (Table 1). This observation suggests that the inhibitory
process was 0.111 min− 1; i.e., it was 5.3-fold higher than that corre effect of ClO− could overwhelm its CBZ degradation enhancing effect
sponding to the UVA/WO3 process. Furthermore, given that the con when it is applied at high concentrations. Further, this quenching effect
tributions of the ClO− and UVA/ClO− processes to CBZ degradation of ClO− has also been observed in the UV/chlorine process in a previous
were insignificant, it could be concluded that the enhancement of the study, which showed that atrazine degradation did not improve and was
degradation rate was mainly achieved via the inhibition of e−CB -h+ VB inhibited when the concentration of ClO− increased (Kong et al., 2016).
recombination by ClO− . Moreover, the reaction of ClO− with e−CB yields Therefore, the optimization of the ClO− dosage is necessary.
O•− , which reacts with H2O to form HO• (Reactions 3 and 4 in Table 1).
This further accelerated CBZ removal. The rates of CBZ mineralization 3.2.3. Effect of CBZ concentration
under the different processes also confirmed the enhancing effect As shown in Fig. 1(d), increasing the initial concentration of CBZ
resulting from ClO− addition. As shown in Fig. S2, the TOC removal rate from 3.7 to 14.0 μM resulted in a dramatic decrease in the steepness of
of the UVA/WO3/ClO− process was much higher than the sum of the the kinetic curve. Furthermore, there was good linearity (R2 = 0.97)
removal rates corresponding to the UVA/ClO− and UVA/WO3 processes. between 1/kobs and the initial concentration of CBZ (C0), as shown in
Fig. S3. Chu and Rao (2012) observed that the relationship between the
3.2. Effects of operational parameters initial concentration of monuron and kobs could be well described using
the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model (Eq. (14)) by considering CBZ
3.2.1. Effect of WO3 dosage degradation via the UV–vis/WO3 process.
As shown in Fig. 1(b), CBZ degradation at different WO3 dosages
Fig. 2. Absolute and relative contributions of ROS to CBZ degradation in the UVA/WO3/ClO− system under different (a) WO3 dosage; (b) ClO− concentration; (c)
CBZ concentration.
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
Table 2
Concentrations of e−CB and ROS in the UVA/WO3/ClO− system.
15 14 11 16 10
Parameter Concentration (mg/L for WO3, mM for ClO− , μM for e−CB ( × 10− M) HO• ( × 10− M) ClO• ( × 10− M) Cl• ( × 10− M) O3 ( × 10− M)
Fig. 3. (a) Effect of pH on CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process; (b) Effect of HA concentration on CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process.
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
which was followed by that of HO• and O3 (approximately 20% and This can be attributed to the stronger photolysis of ClO− at higher
10%, respectively). Even though the second-order rate constant corre concentrations, which led to the generation of more O(3P). Conversely,
sponding to the reaction between HO• and CBZ was two orders of the contribution of Cl• remained negligible even at a ClO− dosage of
magnitude higher than that corresponding to the reaction between ClO• 0.7 mM. The scavenging of Cl• by ClO− possibly suppressed its con
and CBZ, the concentration of ClO• in the system was three orders of centration and reaction with CBZ, even though the photolysis of ClO−
magnitude higher than that of HO• (Table 2); thus, ClO• contributed the produced more Cl•. Further, the increase in ClO− concentration from 0.1
most to CBZ degradation. The negligible contribution of Cl• could be to 0.7 mM also led to a 98% decline in e−CB concentration, indicating that
primarily attributed to its low concentration owing to the weak its scavenging effect on e−CB was quite significant.
photolysis of ClO− . Further, the concentrations of O3 and Cl• were in The relative contributions of the ROS at different initial CBZ con
dependent of WO3 concentration as they were generated via the centrations are shown in Fig. 2(c). The relative contribution of ClO•
photolysis of ClO− . It was also observed that the concentration of declined sharply from 78 to 55%, while that of HO• rose monotonically
increased monotonically with the WO3 dosage, as more photons were from 13 to 35%. Further, given that CBZ and ClO− competed for HO•, the
absorbed by the photocatalyst. increase in CBZ concentration made it possible for more HO• to take part
Furthermore, the effect of ClO− concentration on the relative con in the CBZ degradation; hence, less ClO• was generated. The contribu
tributions of the four ROS is shown in Fig. 2(b). The relative contribution tion of O3 to CBZ degradation remained relatively stable, while that of
of ClO• increased from 68 to 82% and then decreased slightly to 78% Cl• was still insignificant. Additionally, an increase in CBZ concentration
when the concentration of ClO− was increased from 0.1 to 0.7 mM. resulted in a decrease in the concentration of the four ROS, suggesting
Conversely, the relative contribution of HO• decreased dramatically and the self-inhibitory effect of CBZ that was evidenced by the limited kobs.
continuously from 23 to 2% as the concentration of ClO− increased,
indicating that the quenching of HO• by ClO− significantly reduced its
contribution to CBZ degradation. Additionally, the contribution and 3.4. Effects of water matrix
concentration of O3 increased steadily as the concentration of ClO−
increased. Thus, O3 was identified as the second most important oxidant 3.4.1. Effect of pH
with respect to CBZ degradation at ClO− concentrations above 0.3 mM. The highest degradation rate was observed at a pH of 6.2, and the
corresponding kobs was 0.241 min− 1. Lowering the pH to 4.2 or elevating
Fig. 4. Effects of ions concentration on CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process: (a) Cl− ; (b) SO2−
4 ; (c) HCO3 ; (d) NH4 .
− +
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
it to values above 8.2 decreased the kobs by more than 50% (Fig. 3(a)). negative, owing to the dissociation of its carboxylic groups (Simelane
Given that the pKa of hypochlorous acid (HClO) is 7.6 (Folkes et al., et al., 2017). The occupation of reaction sites on the WO3 surface and the
1995), HClO would exist as the dominant species at a pH of 6.2 or 4.2, enhanced repulsive electrostatic force between the WO3 surface and
while HClO deprotonation would result in the existence of ClO− as the ClO− could inhibit e−CB from being accepted by ClO− . Moreover, the
dominant species at a pH of 8.2 or 10.2. Further, the surfaces of WO3 rapid reactions of HA with HO• (2.5 × 104 L mg C− 1 s− 1) (Fang et al.,
particles are negatively charged given that its pHpzc is 4.0, which is 2014), ClO• (4.5 × 104 L mg C− 1 s− 1) (Guo et al., 2017), O3 (Miao and
below the pH range of the experiment. Thus, the repulsive electrostatic Tao, 2008), and Cl• (1.3 × 104 L mg C− 1 s− 1) (Fang et al., 2014) could
interaction between ClO− and the WO3 surface would hinder the quench the reactive species available to CBZ. The absorbance of UV light
acceptance of e−CB by ClO− , thereby weakening CBZ degradation under by HA could also reduce the number of photons absorbed by WO3,
alkaline conditions. Additionally, the second-order rate constant of the hindering the generation of e−CB and h+ VB . However, given that the molar
reaction between HO• and ClO− was more than three-fold higher than absorptivity of HA at 365 nm was only 0.009 L mg− 1 cm− 1, it is
that corresponding to the reaction between HO• and HClO (Guo et al., possible that photon absorption by HA was negligible when its con
2017). Thus, the quenching of HO• was stronger under alkaline condi centration was 1 mg/L in this study. Therefore, the adsorption of HA on
tions than under acidic conditions, leading to lower kobs values at pH WO3 and reactive species quenching by HA were the primary reasons for
values of 8.2 and 10.2. However, the kobs at a pH of 4.2 was also much the dramatic drop in the CBZ degradation rate in the presence of HA.
lower than that at a pH of 6.2, suggesting that H+ possibly inhibited CBZ Even though HA could stabilize WO3 nanoparticles in a solution
degradation. One possible explanation for this observation is that H+ (Simelane et al., 2017), the results indicated that its inhibitory effect
occupied some of the reaction sites on the negatively charged WO3 overwhelmed the benefits it generated.
surface as a result of electrostatic interactions, rendering them inac
cessible to HClO. Furthermore, given that the concentration of H+ at a 3.4.3. Effects of ions
pH of 4.2 was close to that of HClO (approximately 0.1 mM), the Four ubiquitous ions in wastewater (Cl− , SO2− 4 , HCO3 , and NH4 )
− +
adsorption of H+ on WO3 possibly surpassed that of HClO. were selected, and their effects on CBZ degradation via the UVA/WO3/
ClO− process were investigated. As shown in Fig. 4(a) 1 mM of Cl−
3.4.2. Effect of humic acid brought about a slight decrease (9%) in the rate of CBZ degradation.
HA had a significant inhibitory effect on CBZ degradation, with However, a further increase in Cl− concentration only led to a negligible
1 mg/L of HA led to a 63% decline in kobs (Fig. 3(b)). This inhibitory decrease in kobs. In a previous study, Cl− was identified as an inhibitor of
effect of HA on contaminant degradation via WO3-based heterogeneous the TiO2-based photocatalytic degradation process (Abdullah et al.,
photocatalysis has also been reported in some previous studies (Moha 1990; Dugandžić et al., 2017), and ROS scavenging by Cl− might be
gheghian et al., 2016; Yazdanbakhsh et al., 2020). HA interferes with the primarily responsible for retarding the oxidation of organic pollutants
photocatalytic degradation process primarily through reaction site (Farner Budarz et al., 2017). Further, in the presence of Cl− , HO• can be
blockage, reactive species scavenging, and photon absorbance (Brame
converted to the less reactive radical ( ) under alkaline conditions
et al., 2015; Doll and Frimmel, 2005). Additionally, increasing the
concentration of HA could render the zeta potential of WO3 more (Eqs. (15) and (16)) (Guo et al., 2017). Even though could be
Fig. 5. Configurations of ClO− on the WO3 (001) surface: (a) Geometry 1 of ClO− on the WO3 surface before adsorption; (b) Geometry 1 of ClO− on the WO3 surface
after adsorption; (c) Geometry 2 of ClO− on the WO3 surface before adsorption; (d) Geometry 2 of ClO− on the WO3 surface after adsorption. Red, aqua and green
balls represent O, W and Cl atoms, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of
this article.)
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
decomposed to Cl• (Eq. (17)), the presence of Cl− could result in a shift in
the equilibrium to the left, thereby maintaining a much higher con
centration of than (Wang et al., 2016). Further, given that the
second-order rate constant of the reaction between CBZ and Contrary to the inhibitory effect of Cl− , SO2−
4 significantly enhanced
(4.3 × 107 M− 1s− 1) was two orders of magnitude lower than that CBZ degradation (Fig. 4(b)). The enhancing effect of SO2− 4 peaked at
between CBZ and HO• (8.8 × 109 M− 1s− 1) (Huber et al., 2003; Lei 3 mM, with the corresponding kobs showing a 33% increase. However,
et al., 2019), the scavenging of HO• by Cl− could slow down the rate of this enhancing effect declined when the concentration of SO2−
4 surpassed
CBZ degradation. However, the low relative contribution of HO• to CBZ 3 mM. As the second-order rate constant corresponding to the reaction
6 − 1 − 1
degradation possibly limited the inhibitory effect of Cl− , as reflected by between HO• and SO2− 4 (1.5 × 10 M s ) is three orders of magni
the slight decrease in kobs in the presence of Cl− . tude lower than corresponding to the reaction between HO• and ClO−
(1.85 × 109 M− 1s− 1) (Chuang et al., 2017; Dorfman and Adams,
Table 3
EEO values for CBZ degradation by the UVA/WO3/ClO− process under different conditions.
Initial condition kobs (min− 1) EEO (kWh/m3)
H. Ding and J. Hu Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111569
1973), the scavenging of HO• by SO2−4 was more or less negligible and
3.5. Interactions between ClO− and the WO3 surface
could hardly explain the enhancing effect observed. It has been sug
gested that the enhancement of CBZ degradation was mainly due to the Two geometries of ClO− (G1 in Fig. 5(a) and G2 in Fig. 5(c)) on the
improvement in the stability of the WO3 nanoparticles, owing to the surface of WO3 were set as the initial configurations (the optimized
presence of SO2− geometries of G1 and G2 are shown in Fig. 5(b) and (d), respectively).
4 in solution. Farner Budarz et al. (2017) reported that
The properties of ClO− on the WO3 surface corresponding to G1 and G2
4 can enhance the stability of negatively charged TiO2 nanoparticles
before and after adsorption are listed in Table S2, which shows that the
by preventing aggregation. Similarly, SO2− possibly facilitated the
4 adsorption energies of G1 and G2 were − 0.12 and − 2.53 eV, respec
dispersion of the negatively charged WO3 nanoparticles; this could
tively, indicating that G2 is a more stable configuration than G1. The
enlarge the surface area of the photocatalyst exposed to photons.
high adsorption energy of G2 suggested a high affinity between ClO−
However, the increase in ionic strength may compress the electrical
and WO3. This helped in explaining why ClO− could overcome the
double layer, thereby destabilizing the suspended particles and pro
electrostatic repulsion between itself and the negatively charged WO3
moting aggregation (Crittenden et al., 2012). This possibly explains why
surface to enable the abstraction of e−CB . Further, it was observed that the
the enhancing effect was hindered when the concentration of SO2− 4 was Cl–O bond was stretched 1.8- and 3.4-fold longer for G1 and G2 after
elevated above 3 mM. optimization, respectively, indicating that a dissociative adsorption
The presence of HCO−3 resulted in a decrease in the rate of CBZ process possibly occurred on the WO3 surface. The Mulliken charge of
degradation, with kobs being decreased by approximately 30%. Further, the Cl atom also changed from negative to positive, indicating that it had
this inhibition effect of HCO−3 seemed to be independent of its concen lost electrons. Conversely, the O atom gained electrons from Cl as its
tration in solution (Fig. 4(c)). The scavenging of HO• by HCO−3 generates Mulliken charge became more negative, and ClO− lost electrons to WO3
(Eq. (18)) (Buxton et al., 1988; Neta et al., 1988) and the as the total Mulliken charges of Cl and O became higher than − 1.
second-order rate constant corresponding to the reaction between Additionally, as shown in Fig. S4, there was a decrease in the electron
and CBZ is 2.3 × 106 M− 1s− 1 (Jasper and Sedlak, 2013), which density around Cl, while that around O was enriched. Meanwhile, some
is three orders of magnitude lower than that corresponding to the re electrons from ClO− were transferred to WO3 and distributed in the cell.
action between HO• and CBZ. This also explains the more potent The DOS of WO3 shifted slightly to lower energy levels (Fig. S5), indi
inhibitory effect of HCO−3 than that of Cl− as is less reactive than cating that the positions of the valence and conduction bands of WO3
were lowered after the adsorption of ClO− (Long et al., 2006). Thus,
. Additionally, given that the reactivity of ClO• toward HCO−3 is
some new states that could increase the concentration of h+ VB in the
negligible (Guo et al., 2017), HCO−3 could selectively quench HO• in the valence band were generated between − 50 and − 10 eV, thereby
system. The percentage decline of kobs was close to the relative contri elevating the photoactivity of WO3 (Zhang et al., 2019).
bution of HO•, suggesting that HCO−3 completely extinguished CBZ
degradation by HO•. The stable inhibition of CBZ degradation at
3.6. Assessment of electrical energy consumption
different HCO−3 concentrations indicated that the quenching of HO• by
HCO−3 was complete even at a concentration of 1 mM.
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