Human Molecular Genetics 3 3rd Edition T. Strachan
Genetics in Human Reproduction 1st Edition Elisabeth
Hildt (Editor) Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Elisabeth Hildt (editor), Sigrid Graumann (editor)
ISBN(s): 9781138314979, 1138314978
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 18.26 MB
Year: 2018
Language: english
G enetics in Human
Edited by
First published 1999 by Ashgate Publishing
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6 Should there be a uniform list of genetic diseases
allowing access to PID?
Hansjakob Muller 47
7 Nuclear transplantation - medical and ethical aspects
Gerd Richter and Matthew D. Bacchetta 55
4 Animal Models: an anthropologist considers Dolly
Sarah Franklin 197
5 Issues surrounding preimplantation diagnosis
and germline gene therapy
Alexandre Quintanilha 209
6 Beside the point - reflections on passivity
Paul JM van Tongeren 213
Index 311
List o f Contributors
Ruth Chadwick is Head of the Centre for Professional Ethics and Professor
for Moral Philosophy at the University of Lancashire.
Elisabeth Hildt was the Scientific Coordinator of the European Network for
Biomedical Ethics from 1996 until March 1998.
Jürgen Horst is Chairman of the Department of Human Genetics at the University of
Stella Reiter-Theil is Research Coordinator at the Centre for Ethics and Law
in Medicine, University Hospital Freiburg i. Br.
Mandy Ryan is MRC Senior Fellow, Health Economics Research Unit, at the
Department of Public Health, Aberdeen.
Guido de Wert is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Bioethics, Maastricht,
and Associate Professor in Medical Ethics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Joke de Witte is biologist and philosopher and a staff member of the Center for
Ethics in Nijmegen.
Since the birth of the first child conceived by in vitro fertilisation almost two
decades ago the field of assisted reproduction is expanding continuously.
Though, in the beginning of this development there has been an intensive
discussion about the moral permittance o f artificial intervention in human
procreation and many aspects are still controversial in the public, today
assisted reproduction is widely established as infertility treatment in medical
In the 70s and 80s the ethical discussion was dominated by the problems
related with artificial procreation as such, poor success rates of IVF, surrogate
motherhood, split in social, biologic and genetic parenthood, cryoconservation
and spare embryos, male domination of women’s bodies, research with human
embryos to improve the methods and similar topics. In spite of the fact that
most of the stressed problems are still prevalent there is a change in the
concentration on points of emphasis perceptible during the last years. The
background for this alteration of the ethical discussion forms the experience of
the establishment of the clinical practice of assisted reproduction and in vitro
fertilisation as well as the presence of results of empirical follow-up studies on
the one hand and the technological innovations in this field on the other hand.
The new techniques pre-implantation diagnosis (PID), intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI), in vitro ovum nuclear transplantation (IVONT), and in the
fixture possibly germline gene therapy are bringing human genetics and
assisted reproduction together.
Though, the theoretical possibility to check up the embryo in vitro for
genetic “abnormalities” may have been from the beginning of in vitro
fertilisation an idea of great influence on the part of the involved scientists, the
expected benefits and the feared dangerous consequences of pre-implantation
genetic diagnosis are rather new topics of public interest. Although not being
feasible in human beings at the moment, also germline gene therapy - for
which IVF is the presupposition - is a matter of intensive medical and ethical
Medical, social and ethical issues relating to the latest developments in IVF
are discussed in the first book of the European Network fo r Biomedical Ethics
with the title “In Vitro Fertilisation in the 1990s - Towards a Medical, Social
and Ethical Evaluation” which has been issued 1998 at Ashgate with Elisabeth
Hildt and Dietmar Mieth being the editors.
The present volume concentrates on the issues related to the current as well
as to the possibly future technological progress in genetic technologies linked
to IVF, i.e. preimplantation diagnosis and germline gene therapy, from a
scientific and medical as well as from a social, juridical and ethical point of
This book contents the contributions of the second symposium of the
European Network for Biomedical Ethics ‘Genetics in Human Reproduction’
which took place from February 26th to March 1st, 1998 in Maastricht,
Netherlands. It provides a multidimensional view on the moral questions
raised by PID and related technologies by collecting contributions from
researchers coming from various European countries, working in different
disciplines and arguing on various theoretical backgrounds.
The basic scientific data concerning preimplantation diagnosis and other
micromanipulative procedures, as well as considerations concerning the
chances and risks going along with these technologies from a scientific and
medical point of view are discussed in Part One of this volume. These
contributors are all physicians and scientists which does not mean that they
leave out the ethical questions. The individual interests playing a role in PID
and other micromanipulative procedures and their moral implications, e.g.
concerning the responsibilities of prospective parents, the scientists involved,
and society as a whole, are further examined in Part Two. Part Three
concentrates on moral rights and duties regarding the possibilities of the new
techniques on the one hand and the moral status of the embryo on the other.
Part Four collects contributions with controversial moral views on the social
implications of PID and related technologies. The contributors to Part Five are
stressing the moral significance of desires, moral implications of reproductive
choices and the role of counselling in the decision making process in the
context of PID and related technologies.
The book is completed by Part Six with questions of justice in health care
systems and legal regulation of PID and other micromanipulative technologies
in the European context.
Acknowledgement s
We are grateful to the European Commission, Dr. Christiane Bardoux, DG XII,
Science, Research and Development, for the generous funding of the European
Networkfor Biomedical Ethics, the symposium “Genetics in Human Reproduction”,
and the publication of its results.
Elisabeth Hildt
Sigrid Graumann
These lectures were also the contributions at the Second Symposium of ENBE in
Maastricht/NL in April 1998. The first symposium resulted in the publication of In
Vitro Fertilisation in the 1990s edited by Elisabeth Hildt and Dietmar Mieth, which
concentrated on interdisciplinary approach and dialogue about IVF in a general mean
ing and in assisted procreation. This second volume focuses on PGD-techniques,
scientific, social, legal and ethical aspects. It will be followed by a third volume (from
the symposium in Sheffield in January 1999), the purpose of which is the social and
ethical debate on Human Procreation, promoting the controversy but also common
‘points to consider’.
As the Director of the Network I would like to thank the editors of this book but
also say thank you for the teamwork in the co-ordination of the whole project, includ
ing management, newsletters and research activities.
Dietmar Mieth
List o f Abbreviations
AC Amniocentesis
ACGT Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing
AID Artificial insemination with donor sperm
ART Assisted reproductive technology
bp Base pairs
BRCA 1 (Breast cancer predisposition gene)
BRCA2 (Breast cancer predisposition gene)
CA Conjoint analysis
CBA Cost-benefit analysis
CBAVD Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens
CEA Cost-effectiveness analysis
CF Cystic fibrosis
CFTR (Cystic fibrosis gene)
CHA Catholic Health Assosiation of America
CUA Cost-utility analysis
CVS Chorionic villus sampling
DMD Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
EAGS European Alliance of Genetic Support Groups
ECJ European Court of Justice
ESHG European Society of Human Genetics
ET Embryo transfer
FAP Familial adenomatose polyposis
FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridisation
GLGT Germline gene therapy
HBOC Hereditary breast/ovarian cancer
HD Huntington’s disease
HEXAA Beta-N-acetylhexoaminidase A
HFE (Act) Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Act)
HFEA Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
ICSI Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
IRB Institutional Review Board
IVF In vitro fertilisation
IVM In vitro maturation
IV ONT In vitro ovum nuclear transplantation
MELAS Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and
stroke-like episodes
MESA Microsurgical sperm aspiration
mtDNA Mitochondrial DNA
NABER National Advisory Board on Ethics in Reproduction
nDNA Nuclear DNA
NF 1 Neurofibromatosis type 1
NHS National Health Service
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PEP Primer extension preamplification
PGC Principle of generic consistency
PGD Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
PGS Preimplantation genetic screening
PID Preimplantation diagnosis
PKU Phenylketonuria
PND Prenatal diagnosis
PPA Prospective purposive agents
TBHR Take baby home rate
TESE Testicular sperm extraction
TNT Therapeutic nuclear transfer
WHO World health organisation
WTP Willingness-to-pay
Part One
1 Clinical experience with
Ingeborg Liebaers ' , K. Sermon , C. Staessen ,
H. Joris2, W. Lissens1, E. Van Assche1, P. Nagy2,
M. Bonduelle1, M. Vandervorst2, P. Devroey2,
A. Van Steirteghem2
‘Centre for Medical Genetics and 2 Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Dutch speaking
Brussels Free University, Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussels, Belgium.
3To whom correspondence should be addressed.
myotonic dystrophy (n= ll). The reason why these couples chose PID rather
than regular prenatal diagnosis were in general (A) infertility or subfertility
necessitating IVF as well as the genetic risk (n=15), (B) one or several
pregnancy terminations after chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or
amniocentesis (AC) (n=8) and (C) moral, emotional or religious objections
against abortion in itself (n=6) or in combination with another indication
(n=4). Table 1 summarises the indications and the outcome of PID in Brussels
over a period of 4 years. Couples were prepared for IVF (4 cycles) or for IVF
with ICSI (57 cycles) according to standard protocols (Staessen et al. 1993,
Van Steirteghem et al. 1993, 1995). A brief history of each couple is given in
the appendix.
Blastomere biopsy
Diagnosis by the FISH method
The number of cumulus-oocyte complexes recovered per cycle was between
2 and 43, providing a mean of 13.2 (805/61). Fertilisation, i.e., the presence of
two pronuclei (2PN) was observed in 456 oocytes which corresponds to a
mean of 7.5 per cycle. In 4 cycles there was no further development of the
fertilised oocytes and therefore no further analysis. In 333 cleavage-stage
embryos between the 4- and the 10-cell stage a biopsy was performed. The
mean number of biopsied embryos per cycle was 5.8 (333/57). In 43 (12.9%)
of the 333 embryos no diagnosis was possible because of no amplification,
inconsistent results or contamination.
One hundred and twenty-nine unaffected embryos, a mean of 2.3 per cycle
were available for transfer; except for 1 embryo of grade A, they were all grade
B or C. In 12 cycles no embryos could be transferred; in 4 of these because no
embryos developed and in the remaining 8 because no unaffected embryos
were available. In 16 cycles only 1 embryo was transferred. Unaffected
embryos were cryopreserved in 5 cycles and most of these were transferred in
three additional cycles but without success.
So far 10 pregnancies have ensued from fresh transfers. One miscarriage has
occurred, 4 singleton pregnancies are ongoing and 6 children have been bom
from the remaining 5 pregnancies. The children are between 3 months and
more then 2 years of age. One of them is a boy, the others are girls.
None of the 4 couples at risk of CF has become pregnant so far. Two of these
had a subfertility problem as well as the genetic risk but, nevertheless one of
them has since had two spontaneous pregnancies followed by the birth of non-
affected children after CVS. Prior to the pregnancies the couple was intending
to have another PID cycle. One couple had 4 cycles so far without success.
After CF had been diagnosed in 1 of their 2 children 8 years ago, they waited
for the development of PID so as to be able to have at least 1 other healthy
child, especially since the wife could not cope with the idea of prenatal
diagnosis followed by a possible pregnancy termination. Although this couple
was proven to be fertile, the oocytes and embryos produced during the 4
treatment cycles were always low in number and of extremely poor quality.
Pregnancies have ensued in 2 of the 4 couples at risk for CF because the
wives of CBAVD-men were carriers. In 1 case the pregnancy occurred during
the first treatment cycle after replacement of 3 embryos and a healthy boy now
over 2 years of age was bom (Liu et al. 1994a). Subsequent cycles were
For the second couple, 5 cycles were needed to obtain a singleton pregnancy
after transfer of 3 embryos.
In 6 out of 10 patients at risk for an X-linked disease, pregnancies have
ensued. The mean age of these patients was 28 years. Four of the 10 patients
were at risk of DMD. Two of them now have girls. In the first case the
pregnancy occurred during the second cycle and the diagnosis was based on a
PCR assay detecting the presence or absence of a dystrophin gene deletion.
Two embryos were transferred (Liu et al.1995). The girl is now over 2 years of
age and healthy. In the second case a triplet pregnancy occurred during the
second cycle after transfer of 3 embryos. The triplet was one singleton and one
twin (monochorionic, biammniotic) one of which was shown to be an
acardiacus between 13 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Five weeks later selective
reduction of the malformed twin was performed extramuros and another 4
weeks later, the children were prematurely bom at almost 25 weeks of
pregnancy. The morphologically normal twin weighed 450 g and subsequently
died. The singleton baby girl weighed 850g and is doing well according to the
information we obtained so far. In 2 patients at risk for hemophilia A, 1
healthy girl was bom after transfer of 2 embryos and 2 healthy twin girls have
recently been bom after the replacement of 3 embryos in the second patient
respectively. Of the 3 patients at risk of non-fragile-X-linked mental
retardation, 1 patient became pregnant after replacement of 3 embryos in the
first cycle but a miscarriage occurred. Finally, 1 patient at risk of retinitis
pigmentosa is currently pregnant after 1 treatment cycle with transfer of 2
Two out of 11 couples at risk of myotonic dystrophy are currently pregnant
with singletons, both after a 3rd cycle in which respectively 2 and 4 embryos
were transferred (Sermon et al. 1997).
The mean age of all the preceding pregnant women was 29.8 years (range 24-
37); the mean number of embryos transferred per cycle was 2.5 (range 2 to 3
except in one case where 4 were transferred).
In our population of 29 couples who had requested PID, the indications,
apart from the genetic risk, were infertility in the 4 cases with CBAVD,
subfertility in 11 cases (most of which belong to the myotonic dystrophy
group), a previous history of affected pregnancies which had to be terminated
in 8 cases and moral problems with termination of pregnancy in 6 cases. The
high pregnancy rate of 60% in the group of patients at risk of sex-linked
diseases might be explained by the lack of subfertility problems (only 1 out of
10) and the younger mean age (28 years) of these patients. The one miscarriage
occurred in the subfertile couple with a previous history of G4P1A3.
Only the first 4 cycles in couples without CBAVD involved classical IVF.
Since then IVF with ICSI has been used for insemination. The aim was to
reduce the risk for contamination in PCR reactions from residual sperm-DNA.
We still consider this to be the insemination method of choice in PCR- based
PID. In FISH-based PID for couples with no known subfertility or infertility,
conventional IVF is probably equally valid as an option.
Before starting the treatment, PID patients were asked to agree to a prenatal
diagnosis through CVS or amniocentesis to confirm the result of the PID
should they become pregnant, since at least in PCR-based assays misdiagnoses
have been reported (Harper 1996) and since diagnostic errors may occur as a
result of contamination or allele-specific drop-out during the PCR reaction. O f
the 10 pregnancies, 1 miscarried before prenatal diagnosis. Two patients
pregnant after a FISH-based sex-determination and one patient pregnant after
CF-diagnosis declined to have prenatal diagnosis. In 6 cases (1 CVS and 5
amniocenteses) the PID was confirmed or refined (CF carrier boy, non-carrier
DMD girl).
The age of the 6 children bom so far ranges from 3 months to over 2 years of
age. Four of these are girls because female embryos were selected for transfer
as a result of a risk of a sex-linked disease. The fifth girl was bom to a carrier
of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy but the PCR-based PID indicated affected
boys (absence of fragment) versus unaffected male embryos and non-carrier as
well as carrier female embryos (presence of fragment). This girl and the boy
bom at term in 1994 were morphologically normal (Liu et al. 1994a, 1995). At
birth and at 2 years of age their growth and developmental milestones were
within the normal range. One of the 4 girls bom in 1996 issued from the triplet
pregnancy mentioned earlier; she was bom at 25 weeks o f pregnancy and
weighed 850 g. At 4 months of age the girl weighed 3.2 kg and measured 49
cm. According to the parents, who plan to visit us, she was doing fine. The
premature birth was probably the result of the selective reduction performed on
1 of the malformed twins at 18 to 19 weeks of pregnancy. The other twin
weighed only 450 g at birth and did not survive. The cause of the acardiacus
malformation is most probably linked to the twinning process and not to the
biopsy procedure. The 3 other girls bom in 1996 are doing well according to
information obtained from the parents and their physicians. One girl was bom
at 36 weeks of pregnancy and had a birthweight of 2.4 kg, a length of 47 cm
and a head circumference of 32 cm. She is now about 1 year old. The other
twin girls were bom at 35 weeks of gestation and weighed 2.6 and 2.1 kg
respectively; they are now 3 months old. So far, the number of children bom is
too small to draw any firm conclusions concerning possible problems with
morphology, growth or development. As in regular IVF and ICSI, multiple
pregnancies should be avoided where possible so as to reduce the risk of
complications (Bonduelle et al. 1996, Wisanto et al. 1996, Simpson and
Liebaers 1996).
Our PID programme is now well structured and based on a close
collaboration between the Centre for Medical Genetics and the Centre for
Reproductive Medicine. Before starting, patients are counselled extensively by
specialised physicians in both Centres. A nurse-coordinator schedules the
cycles and informs the team members who will be involved and especially the
laboratories dealing with cycle monitoring, IVF and ICSI, embryo biopsy and
FISH or PCR analysis. Patients are asked to come to the clinic for pick-up and
on day 3 post-insemination for a possible transfer. The outcome of the embryo
diagnosis is discussed with the couple at the clinic. In any case a follow-up
visit is scheduled with the geneticist as well as with the fertility specialist so as
either to organise a pregnancy follow-up with prenatal diagnosis, ultrasound
and finally a baby follow-up or to plan a subsequent cycle. Organising the
follow-up of patients from abroad is more complex and the data obtained are
less complete.
Possible reasons for the slow development of PID in our centres and
elsewhere are probably linked to its experimental character and to the
complexity of the procedure at the clinical as well as at the laboratory level.
Moreover the take-home baby-rate is low as a result of this complexity and the
cost is rather high. Finally, the availability of the procedure in general and of
specific procedures for specific diseases is still limited. Nevertheless, the
procedure does not appear to be too stressful for many of the patients, since
several of them have had repeated PID (see appendix). Further development in
diagnostic procedures as well as the evaluation of patient’s experience are
therefore to be expected. Moreover continuous data collection at the national
and international levels will be of great value to correctly appreciate the value
of this new procedure (ESHRE Special Interest Group on Reproduction and
Genetics, International Working Group on PID).
Table 1. PID in Brussels between February 1993 and February 1997 for monogenic diseases
Disease Couples PID indication Cycles Transfers Pregnancies Miscarriages Ongoing Births Children
Cf. 4 Subfertility 2 9 7
Historyc 1
' '
TOPf 1
CFa / 4 Infertile male 4 12 8 2 1 1 1
CBAVDb needing MESAg
MDC 11 Subfertility 8 25 22 2 2
Historyc 1
‘ '
TOPf 6
X-linkedd 10 Subfertility 1 15 11 6 1 1 4 5
Historye 6
TOPf 3
29 61 48 10 1 4 5 6
aCystic Fibrosis; bCongenital bilateral absence o f vas deferens; cmyotonic dystrophy; dX-linked diseases such as Duchenne’s muscular
dystrophy, Hemophilia A, X-linked mental retardation and retinitis pigmentosa; cprevious history o f prenatal diagnosis followed by
termination o f pregnancy; fmoral, emotional or religious objection to termination o f pregnancy (TOP); gmicrosurgical epidydymal sperm
Since the publication of the above article, in total 170 PID cycles have been
performed for 84 couples. Twenty-nine pregnancies were established. Five of
these were multiple pregnancies.
One pregnancy was terminated because of a misdiagnosis detected at
prenatal diagnosis. Seventeen healthy children were bom, one acardiacs-twin
died. Twelve pregnancies are ongoing.
Genetic indications for preimplantationdiagnosis were for monogenic
conditions: several X-linked disorders such as Duchennes Muscular
Dystrophy, hemophilia A, Wiskott-Aldrich disease, adrenoleucodystrophy,
Charcot Marie Tooth disease, mental retardation, retinitis pigmentosa.
PID was also performed for autosomal recessive and dominant diseases such
as myotonic dystrophy, cystic fibrosis with our without (CBAVD), Marians
disease, Charcot Marie Tooth disease, p-thalassemia, 21-P-hydroxylase
deficiency, osteogenesis imperfecta and sickle cell anemia.
For chromosomal aberrations, PID has been performed for the velo-cardio-
facial syndrome due to a 22q deletion, for a translocation (11 ;22), for a Yq
deletion as well as for Klinefelter patients producing a few spermatozoa in
their testes.
The demand for PID has increased over the years. New diagnostic tests are
being developed and more centers are offering this new procedure. Evaluation
of patients experience with this new procedure is necessary and ongoing.
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Research funds of the university and the F.W.O.-Vlaanderen have made the
development of these new procedures possible. Besides the authors and all the
other members of the Centres for Medical Genetics and Reproductive
Medicine were helpful in taking care of the patients and their embryos. Special
acknowledgements go to F. Winter for correcting the grammar and style and J.
Heulaerts for typing the manuscript.
2 The various
procedures: State o f the
art, chances, and risks
Dieter Meschede and Jürgen Horst
(testicular sperm extraction) (Devroey et al. 1994). Both these procedures yield
physiologically immature and poorly motile germ cells so that combining them
with an ICSI procedure is almost mandatory in order to have a reasonable
chance for attaining a pregnancy. Similarly, ICSI facilitates the use of
cryopreserved sperm from men with malignant disorders who as a result of
radio- or chemotherapy lost their ability to sire children. There is a general
trend to go back to increasingly immature developmental germ cell stages for
ICSI - in humans normal pregnancies have been induced with spermatids
(Fishel et al. 1995), in mice even with secondary spermatocytes which have
not undergone the second meiotic division (Kimura and Yanagimachi 1995).
Freezing female gametes or ovarian biopsies has proven difficult, but with
technical improvements and the support of micromanipulation such
cryopreserved samples may soon become clinically useful. To have a ‘cryo-
reserve’ of eggs or ovarian tissue may in the future enable women to delay
childbearing into the postmenopausal age, or have children after fertility-
ablating cancer treatment. Cytoplasm donation may be another option for
‘reproductively old’ women to enhance their fertility potential. Their germ
cells can be freshened up with oocyte cytoplasm from a younger donor. This
procedure has already resulted in the birth of healthy children (Cohen et al.
1997), but its practical importance remains to be established. The technique
does not have any immediate genetic implicatons apart from the remote
possibility that mitochondrial disorders could be transmitted. In contrast, ovum
nuclear transfer would entail the exchange of the recipient's genome for a
donor genome. Possible reasons for the use of this micromanipulative
procedure could be advanced reproductive age or an inheritable disorder of the
recipient. In genetic terms, ovum nuclear transfer does not differ from the
donation of whole oocytes - any offspring resulting from this procedure would
not be a genetic child of the recipient. Whether there is any sound clinical
rationale for ovum nuclear transfer in humans is unclear.
Finally, cloning humans would entail the use of micromanipulative
technology. Cloning is defined as the intentional creation of genetically
identical individuals. In that regard, embryo splitting, a procedure employed in
veterinary medicine, would qualify as cloning. In less dramatic terms such a
procedure could be designated as the artifical induction of a monozygotic twin
(or higher multiple) pregnancy. In contrast, cloning in the narrower sense
means the creation of a genetically identical copy of an adult individual. As
demonstrated in sheep and cattle, mammals can be cloned by inserting a
somatic cell nucleus into an enucleated germ cell (Nash 1997). Genetically,
cloning means to circumvent the recombination of genes that occurs in
meiosis. In natural reproduction this process guarantees that children inherit a
non-predictable random sample of their parents' genetic repertoires. The
meiotic jumbling of genes is one safeguard for genetic diversity and a driving
force of evolution.
Preimplantation diagnosis (PIO) can also be counted among the
micromanipulative procedures as it entails the sampling of one or a few cells
from an early embryonic developmental stage (Lissens and Sermon 1997).
With this cornucopia of micromanipulative procedures already in clinical use
or on the horizon, what risks are to be considered? Direct side effects of the
hormonal or surgical pretreatment that is required prior to the use of many
micromanipulative techniques cannot be discussed here. Concerning the
outcome of pregnancies conceived through ICSI, MESA, TESE, injection of
spermatids or the use of cryopreserved ova data are still far from sufficient to
come to definite conclusions (Bonduelle et al. 1996, Kurinczuk and Bauer
1997)./ Until now, no convincing evidence has been brought forward that any
of these procedures implies health risks for the offspring significantly higher
than in natural pregnancies. However, this debate is still ongoing, and patients
opting for these treatments need to be fully informed about the incomplete
knowledgebase on malformation rates, long-term psychosocial and mental
development, and fertility of children conceived with the support of
micromanipulative procedures.
Late or even postmenopausal childbearing carries increased obstetric and
medical risks. Moreover, having old or very old parents may result in untoward
psychosocial and developmental effects on children and adolescents.
Obviously, the risk of early loss of one or both parents is increased in such
Micromanipulative procedures pave the way for and are one technical
cornerstone of PIO. So far, it appears unlikely that PID will ever be employed
on as broad a basis as conventional prenatal diagnosis. As PID is only
applicable in IVF pregnancies,·this should preclude its widespread use. It has
to be conceded, however, that with improved technology it will become
increasingly tempting to subject all IVF or ICSI pregnancies to a genetic
'checkup' through PIO. The strongest driving force in that direction is the
claim that excluding chromosomal aneuploidies in the in vitro stage enhances
the success rate of ICSI (Verlinsky and Kuliev 1996). Behind these more
technical considerations looms the basic question of whether it is desirable to
diagnose or exclude as many genetic 'flaws' as possible by preimplantation or
conventional prenatal testing. The opposing views on this topic are well
known, incompatible as ever, and will not be further commented on here.
Since the recent announcements indicating that cloning of mammals is
technically feasible, cloning applied to the human species has become the
ultimate horror scenario for some, for others the promise of new possibilites
which were previously undreamed of. Consensus against cloning humans is
still strong, but the flawless frontline already seems to be giving way. It is
beyond the scope of this paper to elaborate on the ethical issues arising from
endeavors to clone human beings. It may suffice to remark that we do not
currently have the slightest idea what medical risks such a procedure would
imply for the cloned offspring. The very feasibility of creating a viable
mammal from the nucleus of a once fully differentiated somatic cell breaks a
basic dogma of developmental biology. It may be envisioned that such clones
could suffer prematurely from the ravages of old age, or have an increased rate
of cancer, infertility, or other maladies. On the population level, cloning
performed on a large scale would reduce genetic diversity by precluding the
recombination of genes that under conditions of natural reproduction takes
place in every new generation. To what degree this would imperil the long
term genetic health of humankind is a currently unanswerable question.
chances__________ risks
better treatment of infertility • treatment risks incompletely
parenthood for cancer patients
facilitation of delayed • facilitation of delayed
childbearing childbearing
postmenopausal parenting • postmenopausal parenting
starting point for PID • starting point for PID
better understanding of gamete • usage of human embryos for
and embryo biology research
more reproductive autonomy • new legal dilemmas;
assault on human dignity
avoidance of genetic disease in • selective embryo transfer;
offspring affront to handicapped
loss of genetic diversity
avenue to germ line therapy • avenue to germ line therapy
• avenue to genetic enhancement
• avenue to genetic engineering at
the population level
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A.C. (1994), ‘Normal Fertilization of Human Oocytes After Testicular
Sperm Extraction and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection’, Fertility and
Sterility, Vol. 62, pp. 639-41.
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Ergebnisse der Datenerhebung fur das Jahr 1996’, Fertilität, Vol. 13, pp. 99-
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Spermatid’, Lancet, Vol. 345, pp. 1641-2.
Kimura, Y. and Yanagimachi, R. (1995), ‘Development of Normal Mice From
Oocytes Injected With Secondary Spermatocyte Nuclei’, Biology o f
Reproduction, Vol. 53, pp. 855-62.
Kurinczuk, J J . and Bower, C. (1997), ‘Birth Defects in Infants Conceived by
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: An Alternative Interpretation’, British
Medical Journal, Vol. 315, pp. 1260-6.
Lissens, W. and Sermon, K. (1997), ‘Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis:
Current Status and New Developments’, Human Reproduction, Vol. 12, pp.
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Reproduction, Vol. 11, pp. 2076-7.
3 The relation between ICSI
and genetic diagnosis from
an ethical point o f view
Barbara Maier
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
[8] It is the custom in Russia for all friends meeting on Easter
morning (known as “Sun-bright Feast-day”) to exchange kisses
three times in the name of the Trinity.
[9] Lomonossoef—the first great Russian scholar—was the son
of an Archangel fisherman.
[10] Ancient name of Russia.
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