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Programmer Test -- 01

Time: 02.00 Hours Questions: 100 Negative Marking: 0.33

1. B2CD, _____, BCD4, B5CD, BC6D 7. Language’ is related to ‘Semantics’ in the same
(a) B2C2D (b) B2C2D way as ‘Skull’ is related to ‘_______’.
(c) B2C3D (d) BCD7 (a) Mycology (b) Craniology
2. Complete the series 1,6,13,22,33,.. (c) Conchology (d) Astrology
(a) 46 (b) 48 8. There are 8 houses in a line and in each house
(c) 49 (d) 51 only one boy lives with the conditions as given
3. Statements: Some actors are singers. All the below:
singers are dancers. 1.Jack is not the neighbour Siman.
Conclusions: 2.Harry is just next to the left of Larry.
Some actors are dancers. No singer is actor. 3.There is at least one to the left of Larry.
(a) Only (1) conclusion follows 4.Paul lives in one of the two houses in the
(b) Only (2) conclusion follows middle.
(c) Either (1) or (2) follows 5.Mike lives in between Paul and Larry.
(d) Neither (1) nor (2) follows If at least one lives to the right of Robert and
4. pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, Harry is not between Taud and Larry, then
"He is the son of the only son of my mother." which one of the following statement is not
How is Suresh related to that boy? correct ?
(a) Robert is not at the left end.
(a) Brother (b) Uncle
(b) Robert is in between Simon and Taud.
(c) Cousin (d) Father
(c) Taud is in between Paul and Jack.
5. If A + B means A is the mother of B; A - B
(d) There are three persons to the right of Paul.
means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the
9. A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is
father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B,
sitting next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not
which of the following shows that P is the
sitting with E who is on the left end of the
maternal uncle of Q?
bench. C is on the second position from the
(a) Q - N + M x P (b) P + S x N - Q
right. A is to the right of B and E. A and C are
(c) P - M + N x Q (d) Q - S % P
sitting together. In which position A is sitting?
6. Which of the following is the same as New
(a) Between B and D
Delhi, Tokyo, Dhaka ?
(b) Between B and C
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Pakistan
(c) Between E and D
(c) Bhutan (d) Kathmandu
(d) Between C and E
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Programmer Test -- 01
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10. In certain code 'HILTON' is written as 'I H T L (c) कनहालचन्द (d) अमरकसुंह
N O'. How is 'BILLION' written in that code? 19. बाुंसवाडा व डूुंगरपरु के मध्य के भू भाग को ककस नाम से
(a) IBLLION (b) IBOILLN जाना जाता है ?
(c) IBLLOIN (d) IBLOILN (a) काुंठल (b) भाकर
11. पृथ्वीराज ने गजु रात पर आक्रमण करके ककसको हराया था ? (c) कगरवा (d) मेवल
(a) भोज परमार (b) मजुंु 20. बाडमेर के कसवाना पहाडी क्षेत्र में कस्थत गोलाकार पहाकडयाुं
(c) धारावषष (d) ककपल धर कहलाती है-
12. राजस्थान में खेलों के कवकास के कलए नेहरू यवु ा कें द्र की (a) छप्पन की पहाकडयाुं (b) नाकोडा पवषत
स्थापना कब की गई थी? (c) उक्त 1 व 2 दोनों (d) आडावाल पवषत
(a) 15 नवबुं र 1972 (b) 18 नवबुं र 1972 21. Which type of data can be stored in the
(c) 23 नवबुं र 1972 (d) 14 नवबुं र 1972 database?
13. राजस्थान सरकार ने खेल रत्न परु स्कार की स्थापना कब की (a) Image oriented data
थी? (b) Text, files containing data
(a) 1992 ई. (b) 1993 ई. (c) Data in the form of audio or video
(c) 1994 ई. (d) 1995 ई. (d) All of the above
14. कुंु भलगढ़ का दगु ष कस्थत है- 22. Procedural language among the following is
(a) उदयपरु (b) जयपरु __________
(c) राजसमदुं (d) दोसा (a) Domain relational calculus
15. जाट राजा सरू जमल ने ककस ककले का कनमाषण करवाया- (b) Tuple relational calculus
(a) लोहागढ़ दगु ष (b) तारागढ़ दगु ष (c) Relational algebra (d) Query language
(c) बीकानेर दगु ष (d) गडबीठली दगु ष 23. _________________ operations do not preserve
16. राजस्थान में जनसुंख्या के आधार पर सवाषकधक बोली जाने non-matched tuples.
वाली भाषा है- (a) Left outer join (b) Inner join
(a) शेखावटी (b) मेवाती (c) Natural join (d) Right outer join
(c) बागडी ऺ (d) ढूुंढाडी ऺ 24. The top level of the hierarchy consists of ______
17. चरू ु क़िले के ददरे वा ग्राम से सम्बुंकधत हैं? each of which can contain _____.
(a) पाबजू ी (b) गोगाजी (a) Schemas, Catalogs
(c) हरभजू ी (d) देवनारायणजी (b) Schemas, Environment
18. " बणी - ठणी " कचत्र के कचत्रकार का क्या नाम था? (c) Environment, Schemas
(a) कनमषल देव (b) मनमोहन देव (d) Catalogs, Schemas

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Programmer Test -- 01
Time: 02.00 Hours Questions: 100 Negative Marking: 0.33

25. _______ indicates the maximum number of (b) Relation & Schema
entities that can be involved in a relationship. (c) Domain & Schema
(a) Greater Entity Count (d) Schema & Instance
(b) Minimum cardinality 31. The subset of a super key is a candidate key
(c) Maximum cardinality under what condition?
(d) ERD (a) No proper subset is a super key
26. Which of the following is not the utility of (b) All subsets are super keys
DBMS? (c) Subset is a super key
(a) Backup (b) Data Loading (d) Each subset is a super key
(c) Process Organization (d) File organization 32. A _____ is a property of the entire relation,
27. Which of the following is the subset of SQL rather than of the individual tuples in which each
commands used to manipulate Oracle Structures, tuple is unique.
including tables? (a) Rows (b) Key
(a) Data Described Language (c) Attribute (d) Fields
(b) Data Retrieval Language 33. Which one of the following attribute can be
(c) Data Manipulation Language taken as a primary key?
(d) Data Definition Language (a) Name (b) Street
28. Which of the following represents a query in the (c) Id (d) Department
tuple relaional calculus? 34. Which one of the following cannot be taken as a
(a) { }{P(t) | t } (b) {t | P(t)} primary key?
(c) t | P() | t (d) All of the (a) Id
29. Which of the following establishes a top-to- (b) Register number
bottom relationship among the items? (c) Dept_id (d) Street
(a) Relational schema 35. An attribute in a relation is a foreign key if the
(b) Network schema _______ key from one relation is used as an
(c) Hierarchical schema attribute in that relation.
(d) All of the mentioned (a) Candidate (b) Primary
30. The logical design, and the snapshot of the data (c) Super (d) Sub
at a given instant in time is known as? 36. The relation with the attribute which is the
(a) Instance & Relation primary key is referenced in another relation.

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Programmer Test -- 01
Time: 02.00 Hours Questions: 100 Negative Marking: 0.33

The relation which has the attribute as a primary (a) Hierarchical (b) Network
key is called ______________ (c) Distributed (d) Decentralized
(a) Referential relation 42. Which of the following is not an example of
(b) Referencing relation DBMS?
(c) Referenced relation (a) MySQL (b) Microsoft Acess
(d) Referred relation (c) IBM DB2 (d) Google
37. The ______ is the one in which the primary key 43. Which of the following is not a feature of
of one relation is used as a normal attribute in DBMS?
another relation. (a) Minimum Duplication and Redundancy of
(a) Referential relation Data
(b) Referencing relation (b) High Level of Security
(c) Referenced relation (c) Single-user Access only
(d) Referred relation (d) Support ACID Property
38. A _________ integrity constraint requires that 44. Which of the following is a feature of the
the values appearing in specified attributes of database?
any tuple in the referencing relation also appear (a) No-backup for the data stored
in specified attributes of at least one tuple in the (b) User interface provided
referenced relation. (c) Lack of Authentication
(a) Referential (b) Referencing (d) Store data in multiple locations0
(c) Specific (d) Primary 45. Which of the following is not a function of the
39. Which type of keys is used for represent database?
relationship between tables. (a) Managing stored data
(a) Primary (b) Candidate (b) Manipulating data
(c) Super (d) Foreign (c) Security for stored data
40. A view of the database that appears to an (d) Analysing code
application program is known as : 46. Which of the following is a function of the
(a) Schema (b) Sub Schema DBMS?
(c) Virtual Table (d) None of these (a) Storing data
41. Which of the following is not a type of (b) Providing multi-users access control
database? (c) Data Integrity

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Programmer Test -- 01
Time: 02.00 Hours Questions: 100 Negative Marking: 0.33

(d) All of the above (a) James Gosling (b) Larry Page
47. Which of the following is a component of the (c) Bjarne Stroustrup (d) None of these
DBMS? 54. Which of the following are correct advantage of
(a) Data (b) Data Languages java?
(c) Data Manager (a) Java is Simple (b) Java is Secure
(d) All of the above (c) Java is Portable (d) All of the above
48. Which of the following is known as a set of 55. What is the extension of compiled java classes?
entities of the same type that share same (a) .txt (b) .js
properties, or attributes? (c) .class (d) .java
(a) Relation set (b) Tuples 56. Which one of the following is not a Java
(c) Entity set feature?
(d) Entity Relation model (a) Object-oriented (b) Use of pointers
49. What is information about data called? (c) Portable
(a) Hyper data (b) Tera data (d) Dynamic and Extensible
(c) Meta data (d) Relations 57. Which component is used to compile, debug and
50. Which of the following is not a valid variable execute the java programs003F
name in most programming languages? (a) JRE (b) JIT
(a) myVariable (b) 123Variable (c) JDK (d) JVM
(c) _myVariable (d) my_variable 58. Which statement is true about Java?
51. Which of the following is not a data type in java (a) Java is a sequence-dependent programming
programming languages? language
(a) Integer (b) Float (b) Java is a code dependent programming
(c) Long Double (d) String language
52. Which of the following is a type of loop in (c) Java is a platform-dependent progra- mming
programming? language
(a) For loop (b) While loop (d) Java is a platform-independent progra-
(c) Do-while loop (d) for each loop mming language
(e) All of the above 59. You want subclasses in any package to have
53. Which of the following personality is called as access to members of a superclass. Which is the
father of Java Programming language

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Time: 02.00 Hours Questions: 100 Negative Marking: 0.33

most restrictive access that accomplishes this Which of them is correct?

objective? (a) Both (I) and (III) above
(a) Public (b) Private (b) Both (II) and (IV) above
(c) Protected (d) Transien (c) (III) and (IV) above
60. Valid C statement to allocate 20 bytes to an (d) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above
integer pointer P is : (Col. Lect. 2016) 63. Consider the following data types in Java :
(a) P = (int*) malloc (20); (i) Int (ii) Boolean (iii) Double (iv) String
(b) *P = (int*) malloc (20); (v) Array
(c) P = (int* malloc) *20; Which of them are simple data types?
(d) & P = (int*) malloc (20) (a) Both (I) and (II) above
61. What will be the output of the program? (b) (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above
(Programmer 2011) (c) (I), (II) and (III) above
int i=I, j = -1; (d) (II) and (III) above
switch(i){ (e) All (I), (II), (III), (IV), and (V) above.
case 1 : j = 1; 64. Use the following declarations and
case 2: j = 2; initializations to evaluate the Java
default : j = 0; expressions : (Please note that each
} expression has been tested separately.)
System. out.println(‚j = ‚+j); (a) 38.5 (b) 42
(a) j = -1 (b) j = 0 (c) 38 (d) 42.0
(c) j = 1 65. How many times will print india in given below
(d) Compilation fails code ?
62. Consider the following statement (s) about Java: int p,k;
(i) All white-space characters (blanks) are
ignored by the compiler.
(ii) Java keywords can be used as variable {
names. if(p<=7)
(iii) An identifier does not begin with a digit and
does not contain any spaces.
(iv) The execution of Java applications begins at else
method main. for(k=p;k<=p;k++)

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{ (A) The variable x does not have the right type for a switch
System.out.println("INDIA"); (B) The case label 0 must precede case label 1
break; (C) Each case section must end with a break statement

} (D) The default label must be the last label in the switch
(E) There is nothing wrong with the code.
A1 B 10 Q.68 How the main method header is written in Java?
C 30 D3 (A) public static void main(string[] args)
Q.66. Which of these combinations of switch expression (B) public static void Main(String[] args)
types and case
(C) public static void main(String[] args)
label value types are legal within a switch statement?
(D) public static main(String[] args)
(A) switch expression of type int and case label value of
type char (E) public void main(String[] args).

(B) switch expression of type float and case label value of Q.69 What is the extension name of a Java source code
type int file?

(C) switch expression of type byte and case label value of (A) .java (B) .obj
type float (C) .class (D) .exe
(D) switch expression of type char and case label value of (E) .javac
type long
Q.70 Which of the following is not a valid string
Q.67 What, if anything, is wrong with following code? Constant?
int x=1; (A) “X” (B) ‘x’
switch ( x) (C) “Hello” (D) “2002”
{ (E) “Hello Guys”
case 1 : Q.71 What is the printout of the following code ?
case 2 : double x = 5.5;
case 0 : int y = (int)x;
default : System.out.println(“x is “ + x + “ and y is “ + y);
case 4 (A) x is 5.0 and y is 6.0
} (B) x is 6.0 and y is 6.0

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(C) x is 6 and y is 6 d) Structured programming

(D) x is 5.5 and y is 5 Q.76 Q.1 The type of testing that is deep and narrow is
(E) x is 5.5 and y is 6.5
(A) Sanity (B) Smoke
Q.72. Suppose you define a Java class as
(C) Error Guessing (D) Matrix Testing
Q.77 Which testing is performed first?
public class Test {}
(A) Smoke
In order to compile this program, the
(B) Sanity
source code should be stored in a file
(C) Depending upon project one can selected first for
(A) Test. class (B) Test.doc
(D) Simultaneously
(C) Test.txt (D) Test. Java
Q.78 Smoke testing is conducted to make sure______
(E) Any name with extension .java
(A) Existing features still work
Q.73 What is the output of code ?
(B) Software is usable and accessible
int a=3,b=4,c;
(C) The software can function under high load
c=a++ +b- ++a +a- --b;
(D) The software doesn’t crash when started
int r=a++ + b-- +a;
Q.79 Which testing is concerned with behaviour of whole
System.out.println(r); product as per specified requirements?

(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 15 (A) Acceptance testing

Q.74 . What is the output of code ? (B) Component testing

int i=2,j=3,k=017; (C) System testing

int r= i*j/i+i*j-j/i+k; (D) Integration testing

System.out.println(r); Q.80 In which of the following type of testing, testing is

done without planning and documentation?
(A)13 (B) 25 (C)23 (D) 30
(A) Unit testing (B) Retesting
Q.75 Which programming paradigm emphasizes on
writing code that is easy to read and maintain? (C) Ad hoc testing (D) Regression testing

a) Procedural programming Q.81 In final examination, student can get 0 to 3000

marks. Students has to get 50% in order to pass the
b) Object-oriented programming examination. If he gets 2000 or below that he will be
c) Functional programming given C grade ,if he gets 2000-2500 then he will get B

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Programmer Test -- 01
Time: 02.00 Hours Questions: 100 Negative Marking: 0.33

grade and above that he is eligible for A grade. Using (A) Smoke Testing (B) Retesting
boundary value analysis what will be the values for testing
(C) Regression Testing (D) All of these.
if we are testing for C grade?
Q.86 Which testing cannot be performed by QA Team?
(A) 1500,1501,1999,2000
(A) Equivalence Partitioning Testing
(B) 1499,1500,1999,2000
(B) End-to-end Testing
(C) 1500,1501,2000,2001
(C) Fuzz Testing
(D) 1499,1500,2000,2001
(D) Destructive Testing
Q.82 What is the order in which test levels are
performed? Q.87 Identify the environment in which we can perform
alpha testing?
(A) Unit,Integration, System,Acceptance
(A) user’s end
(B) Unit ,System, Integration,Acceptance
(B) developer’s end
(C) Unit, Integration, Acceptance, System
(C) both A & B
(D) It depends on nature of a project.
(D) Client end
Q.83 Which testing cannot be performed on first build of
the software? Q.88 The logo of the company in the front-page is wrong,
it is considered to be
(A) Regression testing
(A) High Priority and Low Severity defect.
(B) Retesting.
(B) High Priority and High Severity defect.
(C) Sanity testing
(C) Low Priority and Low Severity defect.
(D) Only A and B.
(D) Low Priority and High Severity defect.
(E) All of these
Q.89 Which of the following testing is the part of non-
Q.84 Which is not true regarding Smoke and Sanity
functional testing?
(A) Unit Testing
(A) Sanity Testing is also called tester acceptance testing.
(B) Performance Testing
(B) Smoke testing performed on a particular build is also
known as a build verification test. (C) System Testing
(C) Smoke and sanity tests can be executed using an (D) Integration Testing
automation tool.
Q.90 Notifying the developers which bugs need to be
(D) When executing both, then first execute sanity testing fixed first is known as------.
tests and then smoke Testing.
(A) Fixability
Q.85 Confidence Testing refers to ________.
(B) Traceability

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(C) Priority c) Inspection ,Walk through,Technical review

(D) Severity d) Unit Testing

Q.91 Bug status is set to postpone due to ________. Q.96 Which technique is applied for usability testing?

(A) Priority of that bug may low. a. White box b. Black box

(B) Lack of time for the release. c. Grey box d. Combination of all

(C) The bug may not be the major effect in the software. Q.97 Which phase of SDLC involves gathering and
understanding the requirements for the software project?
(D) Data may be unavailable.
(A) Design
Q.92 What is not true about priority?
(A) Priority is impact of defect on business
(C) Requirement Analysis
(B) Priority can be urgent,high,medium,low
(D) Implementation
(C) Priority once assigned can not be changed.
Q.98 Validation is responsibility of
(D) All of the above
a) Developer b) Designer
Q.93 Which of the following stage is performed by by
developer? c) Tester d) Client

1. New 2. Open 3. Assigned 4. Fixed Q.99 Bug is the same name of _______.

5. Verify 6. Closed 7. Deferred 8. Rejected a. Error b. Incident

(A) 1,2,3,4,5,6 (B) 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 c. Mistake d. Defect

Q.100 Which of the followings is/are characteristics of
(C) 2,3,4,7,8 (D) 2,3,4,5,6
good testing?
Q.94 ____________ is done by suddenly increasing the
1. Testers should involve early in project development.
load for a expected period of time and
2. Every development activity corresponds with some
observing the behavior of the system.
testing activity.
a. Stress Testing
3. Testing should instantly start once code is delivered to
b. Load Testing tester.

c. Spike Testing 4. All test cases should be prepared before even code is
d. All of these
5. All test basis should be reviewed.
Q.95 Which of the following is not a method of dynamic
testing… a. 1,2,4 b. 1,3,4,5

a) inspection c. 1,2,4,5 d. All of the above

b) System testing,UAT

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