Chapter-3-PROPOSAL (2)

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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is divided into three parts: (1) Purpose

of the Study and Research Design, (2) Methods, and (3)

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure.

The First Part, Purpose of the Study and Research

Design, restates the main problem and discusses the research


The Second Part, Methods, describes the participants,

data-gathering instruments, and data-gathering procedures

used in the study.

The Third Part, Statistical Data Analysis Procedures,

enumerates the statistical tools used in the analysis of


Purpose of the Study and Research Design

This study will focus on awareness on social media

netiquettes of high school students of Dao National High

School for the school year 2024-2025.

This study will utilize the quantitative research

design, specifically the survey–correlational research


Quantitative research is a structured way of collecting

and analyzing data obtained from different sources. It

involves the use of computational, statistical, and

mathematical tools to derive results. It is conclusive in

its purpose as it tries to quantify the problem and

understand how prevalent it is by looking for projectable

results to a larger population (SIS International Research,


According to Faltado et al. (2016), survey designs are

procedures in quantitative research in which researchers

administer a survey questionnaire to a small group of people

or sample to identify trends in attitudes, opinions,

behaviors or characteristics of a large group of people or


Correlational study, on the other hand, investigates

the possibility of relationships between or among variables

(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2003).

In this study, the independent variable will be the

demographic factors (age, gender, grade level, and socio-

economic status) while the dependent variable will be the

awareness on social media netiquette.




The participants of this investigation will be the 60

students who were enrolled in Dao National High School of

the academic year 2024-2025, selected through purposive


Table 1

Distribution of Students according to Sex and age.

Category Frequency %

Male 30 50
Female 30 50

Total 60 100.0

Data-gathering Instruments

The data needed for the study will be gathered using

the researcher’s made questionnaire on Awareness on social

media netiquettes among high school students.

Awareness on social media netiquettes. To determine the

awareness on social media netiquettes, the researcher’s made

questionnaire will be used. It is composed of two domains

such as Awareness on netiquette and Responsible online


behavior. It is a 20–item questionnaire that used a Likert-

type scale for responses.

For statistical purposes, the following numerical

weights will be assigned to respective responses:

5 - Strongly Agree
4 – Moderately Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

For the descriptive interpretation of mean score, the

scale below will be used:

Mean Score Description

4.21 – 5.00 Very High

3.41 – 4.20 High
2.61 – 3.40 Moderate
1.81 – 2.60 Low
1.00 – 1.80 Very Low

Data–gathering Procedures

In conducting the study, a permission letter will be

given to the school principal to conduct the study on the

scheduled date. Then, the researcher will distribute the

instruments to the participants at specific time limit.

Together with the instruments will be the students’

information data sheet. The data that will be obtained from

the tests will be processed, encoded, and analyzed using the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).


Statistical Data Analysis Procedures

The following statistical tools will be employed in the

analysis of data.

Frequency. This will be used to determine the number of

male and female students as well as their socio-economic


Percentage. This will be used to determine the number

of male and female students as well as their socio-economic


Mean. This will be used to determine the level of

disaster awareness and disaster preparedness of students.

Standard Deviation. This will be used to determine the

homogeneity and heterogeneity of responses of students in

the disaster awareness and disaster preparedness


Pearson r. This will be used to determine the

relationship between disaster awareness and disaster

preparedness of students.

All inferential tests will be set at 0.05 alpha level

of significance.

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