fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
Santa Singh
Raaz Singh
Om Kumar
2 Purpose and need of Project
Optimize Water Usage: To use water resources eciently by providing the right
amount of water to crops at the right time.
Enhance Crop Yield: To improve crop health and productivity by maintaining optimal
soil moisture levels.
Reduce Labor Costs: To automate the irrigation process, reducing the need for manual
monitoring and intervention.
3 Objectives
Ecient Water Management: The primary objective is to optimize water usage in
agricultural elds by leveraging real-time data from various sensors. This ensures that
crops receive the precise amount of water needed, reducing water wastage and promoting
sustainable agriculture.
Enhanced Crop Productivity: The second key objective is to improve crop health
and yield by maintaining optimal soil moisture levels. By automating irrigation based on
real-time environmental conditions, the system ensures that crops are consistently pro-
vided with the right amount of water, leading to better growth and higher productivity.
4 Feasibility study
Technical Feasibility
Sensor Technology: Modern sensors for soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and other
environmental factors are reliable and readily available, providing accurate data for the
Connectivity: IoT gateways and cloud platforms are capable of handling the data trans-
mission and storage needs of the system, ensuring seamless communication between
sensors, actuators, and the cloud.
Economic Feasibility
Initial Investment: While there is an upfront cost for purchasing sensors, actuators, and
IoT infrastructure, the long-term savings from reduced water usage and labor costs can
oset the initial expenses.
Operational Costs: Automated systems can reduce the need for manual labor and in-
crease eciency, leading to lower operational costs over time.
Operational Feasibility
Ease of Implementation: The technology required for the system is mature and can be
implemented with available expertise, minimizing potential implementation challenges.
5 Methodology
Requirement Analysis
Identify Needs
Dene Objectives
System Design
Architecture Design:
. Component Selection
Hardware Development
Sensor Deployment
. Actuator Setup
Software Development
Cloud Platform Integration
Data Processing
Maintenance Plan
6 Technologies used
Sensors and Actuators
Soil Moisture Sensors: Technologies like capacitive, resistive to measure soil moisture
ambient temperature.
Actuators: Solenoid valves, motorized ball valves, and pumps (centrifugal, submersible)
for controlling water ow and distribution.
Clod Platform
Cloud Platforms: Services like AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, Google Cloud IoT for
data storage, processing
Software Development
User Interface: Web and mobile application development using for visualising
7 Bibliography
[1] Kumar, V., & Sharma, N. (2021). "IoT-based Smart Irrigation System for Ecient Water
Management in Agriculture". Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(4), 123-134.
[2] Patel, A., & Patel, S. (2020). "Review on Smart Irrigation System Using IoT Technology".
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 9(7), 210-215.
[3] https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-rebase-realtime-database/