Amount Chargeable (in words) E. & O.E INR Thirty Thousand Ninetin Only HSN/SAC Taxable CGST SGST/UTGST Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount 25,440.00 9% 2,289.60 9% 2,289.60 4,579.20 Total 25,440.00 2,289.60 2,289.60 4,579.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Four Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Nine Only
Company's Bank Details
Bank Name : CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA-5170750360 A/c No. : 5170750360 Branch & IFS Code: CBIN0284495 Declaration for J R INTERNATIONAL We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO JAMNAGAR JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice