Asnawi Muslem
Iskandar Abdul Samad
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
academic report showed that 35% of the students could pass the KKM
standard value, but 65% of students got below that score. In terms of the
students’ results, it showed that they still need improvement in reading
In line with this problem, using an appropriate strategy becomes one
of the solutions to treat the students’ problems in reading comprehension.
As stated by Anderson (2008), using an appropriate strategy extremely
important to create students to be active in a learning process. The
teachers may do various learning activities with an appropriate strategy
to create an interesting and enjoying atmosphere during a teaching-
learning process in a classroom. Thus, the researchers were interested to
apply the summarizing activity through Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) strategy in improving students’ reading comprehension. Wiebe
(2003) argued that using this strategy will make students easier to find
the main idea, specific information, inferences, cause and effect, sense
of multiple points of view, and differences and motivations of different
people and characters of a story. According to Beers (2003), SWBS is a
simple strategy which has a framework that can help students easier in
summarizing a reading text.
To support this study, there are some previous studies related to the
SWBS strategy which have been conducted. The first research was
conducted by Jumiati (2012). She conducted this research at SMAN 1
Tambang in Kampar regency for the second year students. As an
experimental research, she used the SWBS strategy in the experimental
class while the conventional strategy was used in the control class. The
result showed the students at the experimental class obtained the better
result than the students at the control class. Using this strategy made the
students more active and critical while learning the reading texts. The
second research was conducted by Rahayu (2016). She conducted an
action research for the first- grade students of social program at SMAN
14 Padang. In this study, she compared two strategies between the SWBS
strategy and the questioning strategy for seeing which strategy is more
effective. The result showed the SWBS strategy was more effective than
the questioning strategy toward the students’ reading comprehension.
The previous studies above were done outside of Aceh, and the
research subjects were senior high school students. In this case, the
researchers used the SWBS strategy to improve the junior high school
students’ reading comprehension at MTsN Model in Banda Aceh. The
purpose of this study was to see whether the result obtained would be the
same as those senior high schools or not. This research was expected to
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is an important thing in the reading process.
Reading is an activity for getting the information, meanwhile
comprehension is an activity for understanding of what is being read.
Comprehension itself takes place when a person starts reading and
understanding a text by having a set of skills that lead him or her to find
the information of what is just being read. Thus, reading and
comprehension cannot be separated because reading without
comprehension is useless. Bamford and Day (2004) defined that reading
comprehension is the process of how to construct the meaning from the
printed or written message of the writer. It is also the connection of
information from the written message of the readers' prior knowledge in
obtaining the meaning or understanding the message conveyed.
Meanwhile, Dymock (2007) presented that reading comprehension is
also an interactive process between a reader and a text. A good reader
uses a number of strategies, including activating prior knowledge,
monitoring comprehension, generating questions, answering questions,
drawing inferences, creating mental imagery, identifying text structures
a writer has used, and creating summaries.
In addition, Patel and Jain (2008) added that reading comprehension
involves understanding the meaning of context, vocabulary, and
grammatical structure. It is a complex process in which a reader
constructs the meaning by interacting with a text using his or her
previous knowledge, experience and the information that can be found
in the text. Meanwhile, Grellet (1999) stated that reading comprehension
means understanding a written text to extract the required information
from it as efficiently as possible. He emphasized the importance of
obtaining the required information in reading, and comprehension refers
to an active mental process. When one reads something, he actively goes
along to comprehend what the writer’s intended message by predicting,
evaluating, selecting significant details, organizing, etc. In this case, the
background knowledge is an important factor in obtaining the
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
The framework above shows that there are four columns of this
strategy that can demonstrate students how to summarize a text.
Somebody means knowing (a) main character(s) of the story; Wanted
means the character’s desire of the story; But means the problems faced
by the main character, So/Then means the solution used by the character
to solve the problem. All these information should be changed into
paragraph. Thus, having this strategy leads students easier to understand
the reading texts totally by just focusing on the important points of the
Research Participants
This research was conducted at MTsN Model located on Jln. Pocut
Baren No. 144, Keuramat, Banda Aceh. In this research, the population
was all eight-grade students of MTsN Model in Banda Aceh which
consists of eleven classes, from VIII 1 to VIII 11, and every class consists
of 36 students. Meanwhile, the samples were taken from two classes by
means of cluster random sampling technique, VIII-6 class and VIII-4
class to be placed in the experimental and control classes, respectively.
Research Instrument
The instrument used for this research was reading comprehension
test comprising 50 multiple choice items both for the pre-test and the
post-test. The materials given were about the fable text. Meanwhile, the
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
The Table 2 below showed the students’ results for both
experimental and control classes after they were analyzed by using SPSS
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
Based on the Table 4 above, the result shows that for the
experimental class, the mean score was 8.67 and the standard deviation
was 1.29. Meanwhile for control class, the mean score was 7.42 and
standard deviation was 1.14. Besides, the value of z-table was lower than
the value of z-test. The result shows that the value of z-table was 0.01
and the value of z-test was 3.34. Hence, it can be concluded that there
was a significant difference in the main idea aspect between the students
taught through the SWBS strategy than those who taught through the
conventional strategy.
Table 5 shows that for the experimental class, the mean score was
8.83 and the standard deviation was 2.81. Meanwhile, for control class,
the mean score was 7.11 and the standard deviation was 1.41. The result
shows that the students at the experimental class obtained a higher score
than those at the control class in this aspect.The value of z-table was
lower than the value of z-test. The result shows that the value of z-table
was 0.001 and the value of z-test was 6.35. Hence, it can be assumed that
there was a significant difference in the specific information between the
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
students who were taught through the SWBS strategy than those who
were not taught through the strategy
The result above shows that for the experimental class, the mean
score was 8.44 and standard deviation was 1.44. Meanwhile for control
class, the mean score was 6.56 and standard deviation was 2.16. Besides,
the value of z-table was lower than the value of z-test. The result shows
that the value of z-table was 0.012 and the value of z-test was 4.37.
Therefore, it can be assumed that there was a significant difference in the
reference aspect between the students who were taught through the
SWBS strategy than those who were not taught through the strategy.
Based on the result above, for the experimental class the mean score
was 7.72 and the standard deviation was 1.72. Meanwhile, for the control
class the mean score was 5.39 and the standard deviation was 2.05. The
result shows that the students at the experimental class obtained the
higher score than the students at the control class in this aspect. The value
of z-table was lower than the value of z-test. The result shows that the
value of z-table was 0.010 and the value of z-test was 5.24. It can be
concluded that there was a significant difference between the students
who were taugh through the SWBS strategy than those who were not
taught through the strategy in the inference aspect.
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
The result above shows that for the experimental class, the mean
score was 8.06 and standard deviation was 1.49. Meanwhile for the
control class, the mean score was 5.78 and standard deviation was 1.85.
The value of z-table was lower than the value of z-test. The result shows
that the value of z-table was 0.143 and the value of z-test was 5.74.
Hence, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference
between the students who were taught through the SWBS strategy than
those who were not taught through the strategy in the vocabulary aspect.
As stated in the introduction, this study was conducted to find out
whether SWBS strategy was effective in improving the students’ reading
comprehension. Various activities in getting the answer, starting from
the pre test that was given for both classes, the treatment post-test, and
data analysis by using SPSS 21 to obtain mean score, standard deviation,
and z-score, have been done. Based on the result finding, the mean score
of the pre test of experimental class is 72.22 and the means score of the
pre test for control class is 66.78 meanwhile the standard deviation of the
experimental class was 16.39, and the standard deviation of the control
class was 12.07. The Z-test result for experimental and control classes
was 0.11, meanwhile the result of Z-table was 0.41. The result shows that
Z-score was lower than Z-table (0.11 < 0.14). It indicated that there was
no any significant difference between the data for both experimental and
control classes. Thus, it can be assumed that the null hypothesis (Ho) was
accepted, meanwhile the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was rejected.
After the implementation of summarizing activity using the SWBS
strategy in the experimental class and the conventional strategy in the
control class, the result shows that the post-test mean score for the
experimental class was 84.78 and the post-test mean score for the control
class was 73.33, meanwhile the standard deviation in the experimental
class was 24.09 and the standard deviation in the control class was 12.83.
The Z test result for the experimental and control classes was 6.05,
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
meanwhile Z-table was 4.66. Hence, the result shows that Z-score was
higher than Z-table (6.05 > 4.66). Therefore, it can be assumed that the
null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, meanwhile the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) was accepted in which the students who were taught by applying
summarizing activity trough SWBS strategy got a better result in reading
comprehension than those who were taught without using this strategy.
This finding was in line with the theory of SWBS strategy proposed
by Macon et al. (1991) who stated that SWBS is an effective strategy to
improve students’ reading comprehension. It helps students to
generalize, to recognize cause and effect, and to find main ideas of the
reading passage. It is also supported by Jumiati (2016) who conducted
research by using the SWBS strategy at SMAN 1 Tambang in Kampar
regency for second-year students. The result showed that there is a
significant effect in reading comprehension between the students who
were taught with SWBS strategy and those who were not taught with this
strategy in the narrative text. It was proven by the fact that the mean
score of the pre test in the experimental class (63.64) was higher than
that of the control class (63.63), meanwhile the mean score of the post
test in the experimental class was 71.08 and the mean score of the post
test in the control class was 63.54.
Besides, Cahyanti (2016) found that the SWBS strategy was
effective to improve students’ reading comprehension in the narrative
text. The mean score of the post- test in the experimental class was 53.33
meanwhile the mean score of the post-test in the control class was 28.50.
Furthermore, the result of data analysis proved that there were
significant differences in the students’ post-test scores for both
experimental and control classes in five reading sub-skills in terms of
main idea, specific information, reference, inference and vocabulary).
The first skill is related to the main idea. The result shows that for the
experimental class, the mean score was 8.67 and standard deviation was
1.29. Meanwhile, for control class, the mean score was 7.42 and standard
deviation was 1.14. The value of z-table was lower than the value of z-
test. The result shows that the value of z-table was 0.01 and the value of
z-test was 3.34. Hence, it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho
was rejected. In other words, there was a significant difference between
the students taught through summarizing activity using SWBS strategy
than those not taught through the strategy in this aspect.
In line with the statement above, Wiebe (2003) mentioned this
strategy helps students identify the main ideas of reading texts without
spending a long time. Similarly, Anggraini (2018) argued that teaching
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
the SWBS strategy is a very simple way to teach students how to get the
main ideas of reading texts. Cahyanti (2016) added that the SWBS
strategy can improve students’ achievement in finding out the main idea
in a reading text. This statement can be proven by the improvement of
the experimental class students’ mean score in the post test to 53.
The second skill concerns with specific information. The result
presents that for the experimental class, the mean score was 8.83 and the
standard deviation was 2.81. Meanwhile, for the control class, the mean
score was 7.11 and the standard deviation was 1.41. The value of z-table
was 0.001 and the value of z-test was 6.35. It indicates that there was a
significant difference between the students taught through summarizing
activity using SWBS strategy than those not taught through the strategy
in the specific information aspect. Therefore, Ha was accepted and Ho
was rejected.
In terms of this aspect, Sugiarti (2015) revealed that the SWBS
strategy is an effective way to help students to find out the supporting
sentences by recognizing the important information and ignoring the
irrelevant information of the texts. Meanwhile, Cahyanti (2016)
mentioned this strategy has a great impact on enhancing reading
comprehension especially in finding supporting information through the
breaking down process. Based on the research result, the students’ ability
to find supporting information of the reading text increased because their
post-test mean score increased to 120.
The third skill pertains to reference. The result shows that for the
experimental class, the mean score was 8.44 and standard deviation was
1.44. Meanwhile for control class, the mean score was 6.56 and standard
deviation was 2.16. Besides, the value of z-table was lower than the value
of z-test. The result shows that the value of z-table was 0.012 and the
value of z-test was 4.37. Hence, it can be concluded that Ha was accepted
and Ho was rejected. In other words, there was a significant difference
between the students taught through summarizing activity using SWBS
strategy than those not taught through the strategy in the reference aspect.
According to Preszler (2006), the students are easier to find the
inference of reading texts through this strategy. They can complete a
chart or graphic organizer that identifies the characters or the relationship
among characters of the story. Meanwhile, Cahyanti (2016) found that
the students get improvement in the reference aspect. The result of the
mean score in the post test increased to 9.01.
The forth skill is inference. The result presents that for experimental
class, the mean score was 7.72 and the standard deviation was 1.72.
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
Meanwhile, for control class the mean score was 5.39 and the standard
deviation was 2.05. The value of z-table was 0.010 and the value of z-
test was 5.24. It indicates that there was a significant difference between
the students who were taught through summarizing activity using SWBS
strategy than those who were not taught through the strategy in the
inference aspect. Hence, Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.
According to Tankersley (2005), SWBS strategy is used to improve
students’ achievement of the reading texts especially in finding out
inference. The students can arrange the important aspects of a concept or
topic into a pattern using labels and make a conclusion by using their
background knowledge logically to obtain the information of the writer’s
writing both explicitly and implicitly mentioned. Meanwhile, Cahyanti
(2016) showed the improvement of the students’ score in this aspect after
applying this strategy in the reading classroom. It can be seen that the
mean score of the experimental students in the post test increased to 32.
The fifth skill concerns with vocabulary. The result above shows
that for the experimental class, the mean score was 8.06 and standard
deviation was 1.49. Meanwhile for control class, the mean score was
5.78 and standard deviation was 1.85. Then, the value of z-table was
lower than the value of z-test. The result shows that the value of z-table
was 0.143 and the value of z-test was 5.74. Thus, it can be concluded
that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. In other words, there was a
significant difference between the students taught through summarizing
activity using SWBS strategy than those not taught through the strategy
in the vocabulary aspect. Cahyanti (2016) showed that this strategy also
gives a great impact toward vocabulary findings of the reading texts.
Based on the result finding, it can be seen the experimental class
students’ mean score in the post test increased to 11.
Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the summarizing
activity through the SWBS strategy is an effective way to improve
students’ reading skill. As stated by Wiebe (2003) this strategy helps
students to understand the reading texts effectively by identifying the
important points of the texts, such as to find the main idea, specific
information, inferences, cause and effect, the sense of multiple points of
view, and the differences and motivations of different people and
characters of the story.
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020
The aim of this research is to find out whether there is significant
difference between the students who were taught through the SWBS
strategy than those who were not taught through the strategy to improve
the students’ reading comprehension in terms of finding out main idea,
specific information, word meaning, reference, and inference. The result
showed that there was a significant difference between the students who
were taught through summarizing activity using SWBS strategy than
those who were not taught by using this strategy in their reading
comprehension. It was proven by the differences between the mean
scores of the post-test of both experimental and control classes. The data
showed that the mean score of the experimental class increased from
72.22 in the pre-test to 84.78 in the post-test, and the mean score of the
control class was 66.78 in the pre-test and 69.33 in the post-test,
meanwhile the z-score for both experimental and control classes were
Based on the findings, teaching reading comprehension by using
summarizing activity through SWBS strategy can improve students’
ability. Hence, to prove this strategy can be used to all schools, the
researcher gives two suggestions for two different parties.
The first suggestion is for English teachers. They can try to apply
the SWBS strategy in improving students’ reading comprehension. This
strategy can facilitate students to solve the students’ problems related to
reading a text. Generally, the problems that are often faced by them in
reading texts are how to find out the main idea, reference, inference,
vocabulary and also supporting detail. Using the SWBS strategy
becomes one of the appropriate strategies to treat the students’ problem
in the reading classroom.
The second suggestion is given for other researchers. It is
recommended that the researchers who want to conduct a research with
similar strategy can try with a longer treatment duration to get more
effective result of applying this strategy. Finally, this study can become
a foundation or reference for other researchers in conducting a research.
The Implementation of Summarizing Activity by Using Somebody Wanted But So
(SWBS) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (Mursyida, A. Muslem
& I. A. Samad)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 11(3), 409-425, July 2020