Rights of the Parents

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 Great rank of the parents

1. Rights of the parents in islam
 Treating them with kindness
 Obedience to parents
 Fulfilling their needs
 Pay their debts
 Pray for parents
 Respect to the parents

 Muslim is kind and respects his parents even if they are non-muslims
 Take their consent
 Talk to them politely
 Parents are hell and heaven of the children
 Mother’s right is dominant
 Visit their graves after their death
2. Advantages of serving parents
 Relief from distress and difficult situation
 Your children will be kind to you
 Angels pray for those who do good to their parents
3. Disadvantages of not serving parents
 No forgiveness from Allah
 Prayer is not accepted

 Anger of parents is the anger of Allah Almighty (swt)

 The one who Disobeys parents will not taste the blessings of paradise

 Reviling parents is of great sins

4. Parents rights in international conventions
 Universal declaration of human rights 1948
 International covenant on economy, social and cultural rights
 American convention of human rights 1969
 African charter on the rights and welfare of child 1990





Allah has blessed me with the most lovable, generous, and sacrificing parents.
They always provided me facilities which were necessary for my well being. They
never consider their needs and wants but made me a first priority. They are very
cooperative and understanding.

My father name is MUHAMMAD AKRAM, he is an commercial photographer in

abroad. He made the sacrifice to live in alien country just for providing us every
basic facility of life. He works there day and night just for our better living. My
father is everything for me, he is an ideal father that every girl wish for. I am not
able to thank Allah for the precious gift he has given me in the shape of my father.

My mother name is SHAZADI AKRAM. She is a house wife, she has spend many
years of her life in bringing up her children with extra ordinary care and caution.
She is the most sacrificing lady I have seen in my life. She is my life and I want and
pray that Allah to give her good health and happiness.

The Great Rank of Parents

Imam al-Ridha (peace be upon him) has said: “Allah, the Mighty, the Glorious, has
commanded three things with which he has associated three other things. He
associated payment of zakat along with prayers such that one who offers prayers,
but desists from offering zakat, his prayers are rejected. He associated gratitude
to Him with gratitude towards parents such that one who is grateful to Allah, but
ungrateful to his parents, will be deemed as ungrateful to Allah. He associated
righteousness with bonds of kinship such that one who is righteous, but has
severed relations with his kin, will be deemed as not being righteous. This shows
the great rank of parents in islam.
Biharul Anwar, Volume 74, Page 77

Parents are the basic and fundamental unit in society, they give birth to a child
and brought him up as best as possible for them. They fulfill every duty towards
their children and never demand any thing, but apart from their duties they are
entitled to the rights that their children must provide them. Some of them are
apprehended below divided into two categories rights in Islam and in modern


Showing kindness to parents is one of the most meritorious acts and the best
rewarded in the sight of Allah. In fact, Allah mentions it alongside the act of
worshipping Him in many places in the Qur’an.
Islam considers dutifulness to parents one of the deeds that lead to Paradise. The
Prophet said, “A parent is the middle gate of all the gates of Paradise. (That is,
obeying parents leads to entering Paradise from its middle gate, which is the
best of them all) Now, if you like, you may lose it or keep it.”

(Sunan At-Tirmidhee: 1900)

 Treating them with Kindness

Parents are the kind hearted entities towards their children in this world, who not
only show affection and love, but also forgive mistakes of their offspring, so they
expect that their kids would also do the same to them when they get older. There
are several verses in the Quran where kindness to parents is even coupled with
the most important aspect of Islam, worshipping God alone. This indicates that
being kind to parents, honouring and respecting them, is extremely important in
the way of life that is Islam.

Verse of the Quran

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be
dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your
life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them
in terms of honor.” (Quran 17:23)

No word of disrespect should be uttered toward a parent, nor even a look of

resentment or contempt. Parents can be considered a form of worship if the
intention is to please Almighty God by respecting His commands.

 Obedience to parents:
The most important duty of the children for their parents is to obey them and
carry out their demands unless religiously forbidden. Allah states the following:

Verse of the Quran:

“(As the requirement for being good Muslims) We have enjoined on human to
be kind and good to his parents; but if they endeavor to make you associate
with Me anything as partner, about whose being so you impossibly have no
knowledge, do not obey them.” (the Qur’an, al-Ankabut, 29:8)

The Prophet (PBUH) states the following in a hadith : “Allah forbids disobedience
to your mothers” ( Bukhari, Adab, 4). As can be understood from the verses and
hadiths given above, it is Allah’s command to fulfill parents’ demands and wishes
and not to object to them.

Allah has preferred obeying and honoring the parents to

Pleasing ones parents is considered so important in Islam
that the son is forbidden to volunteer for jihad without his parents
permission, in spite of the fact that fighting in the cause of Allah
(jihad fi sabeel Allah) has such great merit in Islam that the merit of
a person who spends his nights in prayer and his days in fasting falls short of
A man came and sought permission for Jihad (in the way of Allah).
The prophet (pbuh) asked him: '"Are your parents living? The man
said" yes, Sir.' He said, Then carry on Jihad in service to your
parents as this is as good as Jihad.”( Bukhari 8/3 and Muslim)

 Fulfilling their needs.
It is the children’s duty to fulfill all the needs of their parents when they become
too old to fulfill them on their own. This is not only a moral duty but also a legal
one. Those who do not fulfill this duty are forced to do it by Islamic
Administration. Allah charges the children with this duty :

Verse of the Quran:

“They ask you what they will spend (to provide sustenance for the needy). Say:
"Whatever you spend of your wealth is for (your) parents and the near relatives,
and the (needy) orphans, the destitute, and the wayfarer. " Whatever good you
do, surely God has full knowledge of it.” (the Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:215)

 Pay their Debts

No Muslim can enter paradise until or unless it does not leave behind any
unfinished responsibility like paying off debts. The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah has
called such person as a fraud, and we know that no hypocrite can be a true
Muslim, so if one`s parents die without clearing off their liabilities, it’s the duty of
that person to fulfill it.

“One who performs Hajj on behalf of his parents and repays their debts shall be
raised by Allah on the Day of Judgment amongst the righteous ones.” [Kanzul
`Ummal, Volume 16, Page 468]
One can also conduct Hajj to add blessings to the deeds of its mother and father
by doing it in their names. Therefore, it is one`s responsibility to keep serving its
parents even after their death, for it is related to the one of the signs of
honorable Muslims by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

 Pray for parents

As Muslims, we have a compact faith in Allah`s help as the ultimate source of
assistance, and when parents get older, they start to carry different kinds of
diseases, pains and mental worries, so it is our responsibility to ask The Most
Merciful to give them strength and health to cope with such troubles.

Narrated by Abu Hurrairah:

“When a man (or a woman) dies, all his/her good deeds come to an end, except
three: a) Ongoing charity done by the deceased (Sadaqa-e-Jaariya)…b)
Beneficial knowledge of the deceased that will keep on helping the others.
…..and third….c) Righteous son/daughter who will pray for him/her (the
deceased).” [Muslim, 4223 (1631)]
The above mentioned Hadith signifies the power of praying for parents in a way
that one should ask for its parents` clemency from Allah Almighty, so their souls
could be comforted with God`s mercy.

 Respect to the parents

Islam teaches us that of the most beloved deeds to Allah, having respect for one's
parents is second only to that of prayer and is greater than that of Jihaad (fighting
in His cause).

In this respect, Abu 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood, may Allah be

pleased with him, narrated the following: "I asked the Prophet 'Which deed is
the most beloved to Allah?' He replied: "Prayers performed on time." I then
asked: 'Which one is next?' He replied: "Goodness to parents." I then asked:
'Which is next?' He replied: "Jihaad in the path of Allah."In Islam, respect for
parents is so great that the child and his wealth are considered to be the property
of the parents: Aaishah, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated that a man came
to the Prophet in order to resolve a dispute that he had with his father regarding
a loan he had given him. The Prophet said to the man: "You and your wealth are
to (i.e., the property of) your father."

 Muslim is kind and respects his parents

even if they are non-muslims
It is one of the beauties of Islam that, with respect to the treatment of parents, it
forbids the Muslim to be disrespectful to them even if they should be non-
Muslims who are fanatical to the point of arguing with him and putting pressure
on him to renounce Islam.
Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is (the final) goal.”
(Surah Luqman (31):14)

 Take their consent

There is no doubt that the most important duty of a person in the world is to
receive Allah’s consent. After that, it is our parents whose consent we need to
receive. As can be seen in the verses from the Qur’an above, Allah commanded
people to worship him first and right after this, to treat parents dutifully; and the
Prophet (pbuh) stated “ Allah’s consent is due to the father’s consent and His
rage is due to his rage”.

(Bukhari, al-Adabu’l Mufrad, 1; Tirmidhi, Birr, 3).

Allah's Apostle (PBUH) said thrice: “Let him be humbled into dust”. The Honored
Companions asked: “Allah's Messenger, who is he?” He said: “He who sees either
of his parents during their old age or he sees both of them, but he does not
enter Paradise.” (Muslim, Birr, 9)

According to the report of Abdullah b. Amr al-As:

A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked for his permission to join the
jihad. The Prophet (PBUH) asked him : “Are your parents alive?” The man
replied: “Yes”. And then the Prophet reminded him of his duty stating. Then you
should first ask for your parents’ approval.

(the Translation of Tajrid Sarih, VIII, 337).

 Talk to them politely:

the old age of parents, when they become helpless and dependent on children for
everything they need and their life is at the mercy of children It is a terrible
condition for them. The slightest indifference, slightest disobedience shown by
children at such a time breaks their heart. At the old age, the physical illness and
diseases also make our parents irritant. Almighty Allah aware of such conditions
and he ordered the children to provide them comfort and reminds them of their
own childhood. When the children were helpless and depending on their parents.
Allah have given some important instructions relating to the old age of parents,

Allah orders:
Do not say even 'uff to them. Uff covers every word or expression that shows
one's displeasure. Even if someone breathing a long breath after hearing

something from parents, dear brothers and sisters it is also included under this
word 'uff '.

Verse of the Quran:

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents,
good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you,
say not to them [so much as] 'uff' [i.e., an expression of irritation or
disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower
to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: 'My Lord! Have mercy upon
them as they brought me up [when I was] small. [Quran 17:23-24]

In a Hadith narrated by Caliph Ali:

the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said which means, the thing that hurts parents in the
lowest of the low degree is forbidden. “Do not behave them badly ”: This is the
second instruction. “Address them with respectable words” Talk to them softly
with love, grace and concern for them.

 Parents Are the Heaven and Hell of the

In a hadith the Prophet has said that the parents of a person are his Heaven or Hell.
This shows that if a person obeys his parents and attends to their needs and comforts
and keeps them happy, he will attain Paradise. On the other hand, if he is rude and
disobedient to them and offends them by ignoring their feelings or by causing them
grief in any other way, his place shall be in Hell.

 Mother’s right is dominant:

Prophet (Peace be upon him) emphasized 3 times that the mother is the one who
deserves much concern. Read the following hadith. It is the mother indeed who
bears a lot in pregnancy, giving birth, and suckling and constant care to the child
night and day.

Narrated Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him):

A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled
to be treated with the best companionship (Service) by me?" The Prophet

said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your
mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your'
mother." The man asked for the fourth time, “Who is next?" The Prophet
said, "Your father." (Reported by Bukhari 8/2).

Paradise Lies At the Mother's Feet

In one hadith the Prophet has clearly stated that a person's Paradise lies at his
mother's feet. By serving her well and being obedient to her, one can attain
In some other hadith the Prophet has explained that serving the mother, the
maternal aunt and maternal grandmother, are among the acts by whose
piousness, even the repentance of a great sinner and evil-doer is accepted and he
is forgiven.

 Visit their Graves after their death

It is a common understanding that being a Muslim; one should say “Salam” and
recite Surah Fatiha while crossing by a grave yard, which shows that dead ones
wait and listen to our prayers. So, if well wishing for all the dead Muslims is
ordered in islam, then one should always visit and ask for their parents`
absolution from The Most Merciful.

“Whoever visits the graves of his parents or one of them every Friday; Allah
shall forgive his sins and shall regard him to be one of those who had been kind
to his parents.” (Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 16, Page 468)
So, if someone could not treat its parents fairly while they were alive, that person
should visit its parents` graves frequently to not only praying for their mercy but
also collect blessings of Allah Almighty for oneself.

Advantages of serving
The real reward for serving the parents, with great attention, is Paradise and the
pleasure of Allah. But the Almighty bestows a special favour, in this world too, on
the believer who fulfills the parents' rights devotedly.
Jabir (R.A.) reports that the Prophet said "Allah prolongs the life of a person who
obeys his parents and serves them devotedly." In another hadith, the Prophet is
reported to have said, "Obey your parents and treat them with kindness, your
children will be kind and obedient to you.
 Relief from distress and difficult situations:
the benefit of respecting and loving parents are uncountable but the most
important is that the serving to parents saves us from difficulties ad distress as a
reward for good deeds: there are some incidents that shows the benefits of
serving parents: In the famous narration of the three men who were trapped in a
cave, one of them made dua through the means (wasilah) of his kindness and
devotion to his parents. Allah accepted this dua and brought them closer to being
relieved of their distress and worry:
That person had said: O Allah! I had my parents who were very old and I had
small children for whose sake I used to work as a shepherd. When I returned to
them at night and milked (the sheep), I used to start giving the milk to my
parents first before giving to my children. One day I went far away in search of a
grazing place (for my sheep), and didn’t return home till late at night and found
that my parents had slept. I milked (my livestock) as usual and brought the milk
vessel and stood at their heads, and I disliked to wake them up from their sleep,
and I also disliked to give the milk to my children before my parents, though my
children were crying (from hunger) at my feet.“So this state of mine and theirs
continued until the day dawned. (O Allah!) If you considered that I had done
that only for seeking Your pleasure, then please let there be an opening through
which we can see the sky. So Allah made for them an opening through which
they could see the sky.”

 Your children will be kind to you:

As it is often said that do good have good so same goes in the serving of parents
when you do good to your parents in return your children will do good to you.
Prophet (PBUH) said, “Be kind to your parents, your children will be kind to you,
and be chaste, your wives will be chaste.”

Serving the mother equivalent to performing Hajj, Umrah and
striving in Allah’s path:
Prophet (PBUH) said to a companion regarding his mother, “Show Allah how you
serve her. If you do so, you will be like the one performing Hajj, the one
performing Umrah, and the one striving in Allah’s path.

 Angels Pray for Those Who do Good to Their Parents

Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) says,
“Benevolence to parents is the greatest of the religious obligations.”
The Holy Prophet (S) says that Allah (S.w.T.) has two Angels one of whom says,
“O Allah! Protect those who do good to the parents.” The other Angel prays, “O
Allah! Destroy those people by retribution, with whom their parents are angry.”
Needless to say, the prayers of the Angels are always accepted by Allah so fear
him in the matter of your parents and be kind and generous to them.

Disadvantages of not
serving Parents.
The time that the parents need to be looked after most carefully is in their old-
age, and to serve them devotedly in that state is most pleasing to Allah and it is
an easy way to attain Paradise.
Abu Hurairah (R.A.) relates that the Prophet said "May he be disgraced, may,he
be disgraced, may he be disgraced." "Who?" The companion enquired. "The
person whose parents, or any one of them, attain old-age during his life-time and
he does not earn Paradise (by being kind-hearted and dutiful to them)!"
Therefore, anyone who gets an opportunity to serve his parents in their old-age
and does not avail himself to it (to attain Paradise), undoubtedly, he is a most
wretched person.

 No forgiveness from ALLAH:

The wretchedness of the parents’ right is sufficiently evident from the fact that
the angel Jibrīl (a.s.) has cursed him and said,

“One who is blessed with parents but does not fulfill their (his parent’s) rights
will not be forgiven (his sins) by Allah.
When Jibrīl (a.s.) said this, the Holy Prophet (S) uttered, ‘Amen’! Hazrat Imam
Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“Accursed, Accursed is the one who beats his parents. Accursed is the one who
distresses his parents.

 Prayer is Not Accepted

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“Allah will not accept the Salāt of the person who stares angrily at his parents.
Even though they (parents) may be unjust.”
A young man was on his deathbed when the Holy Prophet (S) came, sat near him,
and told him to recite two kalimas (Shahadatain). But the youth could not speak.
The Holy Prophet (S) enquired if his mother was present? A woman sitting near
his head said, “Yes, I am his mother.”
The Holy Prophet (S) asked, “Are your displeased with him?”
‘Yes, O Prophet (S), we have not spoken to each other since the last six years.’
The Holy Prophet (S) asked this woman to forgive her son. Thus at the Prophet’s
instance she forgave his mistakes and was reconciled. At once the young man was
able to recite the Kalima al-Shahadat.
 Anger of parents is the anger of Allah Almighty
"Allah's satisfaction is the parent's and His Wrath is theirs.” (Tirmidhi)
Allah does not accept the fard and nafila prayers of the one who has rebelled
against parents .“Allah (swt) accepts none of the obligatory and optional
worships of three people. They are those who disobey parents, who rub their
favors in and those who do not have faith in destiny.” (Ibn-I Abi Asim).

 The one who Disobeys parents will not taste the
blessings of paradise
"Four classes of people will be prevented from entering Paradise nor will they
taste its blessing as Allah decreed: the drunkard, the usurer, the one who
appropriates the orphan's property without a lawful cause and the one who was
disobedient to his parents.” "Three people, Allah will deprive them of Paradise;
the drunkard, the one who shows disrespect to his parents and the pimp who
admits what his family do of abomination” (Bukhari, Tirmidhi,Muslim)
“Whosoever disobeys parents cannot enter the paradise.” (Nasai)

 Reviling parents is of great sins

“Reviling parents is of great sins” (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawuud, Tirmidhi)
"May Allah curse he who reviles his father; may Allah curse he who reviles his
mother.” (Imam Ahmad, Nasai)

Parent’s Rights in
The legal concept of parental rights generally refers to a parent's right to make
decisions regarding a child's education, health care, and religion, among other
things. In modern world parents has also given many rights such as right to
chose the education career environment for their child.
Universal declaration of human rights 1948:
This universal charter grants the rights to the human being and also mention
specific parent’s right over their children in article 26 para 3.

Article 26

3.Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to
their children.

International covenant on economy, social and cultural rights

This international convention on economy, social and cultural rights also provide
parents the right to chose the schools and environment for their children in article
13 para 3.

Article 13

The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the
liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to choose for their
children schools, other than those established by the public authorities, which
conform to such minimum educational standards as may be laid down or
approved by the State and to ensure the religious and moral education of
American convention on human rights 1969
Article 12. Freedom of Conscience and Religion
Parents or guardians, as the case may be, have the right to provide for the
religious and moral education of their children or wards that is in accord with
their own convictions.
African charter on the rights and welfare of child 1990
In African charter some rights of the parents are granted in article 9, 10 and 11

Article 9: freedom of thought and religion

The state parties shall respect the duty of the parents to provide guidance and
direction in the enjoyment of these rights subject to the policies.

Article 10: protection of privacy

No child shall be subjected to unlawful interference with his family, home, or to
attack upon his honor and his reputation. Provided that the parents shall have the
right of supervision over the conduct of their children.

Article 11: education

State parties to the present charter shall respect the rights and duties of parents
to choose for their children’s school other than established by public authorities.

The parents are precious gift of Allah, they are most sincere and genuine towards
their children. They fulfill every right of their child and their duty to provide them
all the basic facilities of life, and in return children has also many duties towards
their parents. Islam specifically mentions the rights of the parents and bound
children to obey the parents, to respect them, care for them, take their consent,
spoke politely and so on. There are many verses in Quran and traditions of the
prophet that states the importance of parents and their rights. Islam also punish
the one who show negligence towards their parents. The international
conventions also grant the rights to the parents as the right to supervise their
child, to choose the schools and the teaching of the religion. The parents hold a
strong influence in the life of a child and child has also duties towards them that
they must fulfill and should respect and take care of their parents.



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