How to grew your yt
How to grew your yt
How to grew your yt
For example, it’s impossible to make more money if your beliefs about how to make more money do not align
with the way the world works.
The reason for this is because your actions follow your beliefs. So if you believe you can grow your business
through X, but X isn’t how you actually grow your business. Then no matter how hard you try you will be stuck.
And they explain why so many humans get stuck making little progress.
Even though they keep taking action, their beliefs don’t change, so their actions remain the same, and their
results stagnate.
You see, the universe does not care about the way you think the world works, or the way you wish the world
And if you can’t align your beliefs with the way it actually works, then you won’t be able to operate within its
boundaries to get results.
If that were true, how would you explain the dozens of people in this community who have uploaded one video
per week for years and still don’t have a sizeable audience?
There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing the power of YouTube, but no matter how hard you try your videos
don’t get the reach you think they deserve.
If it were all about consistency what about this guy, who’s uploaded 2,000,000 videos
If consistency were everything, would he not be bigger than Mr. Beast? Who, by the way, has only uploaded 7
videos in the past 7 months?
And, if it were all about consistency, then how would Rian Doris, on a channel with 0 subscribers, and 0 videos,
get 700,000 views on his first video? And 40,000 subscribers just 8 videos later?
Well, that’s because it’s not just about how many videos you make.
This is a fundamental change in the wind from “just post consistently and get incrementally better over time and
you’ll blow up” - which used to be true for the platform
The algorithm has become much more efficient. Good videos get rewarded, and FAST.
It’s now possible to blow up immediately with the right steps, but lots of people still spend a huge amount of
time incrementally improving their content on a 3-year roadmap while all around them new giants are emerging
and blowing up instantly.
These are those people on the platform who have unlocked a more fundamental understanding of how the
algorithm works right now.
Really you should be figuring out how to make a world-class great video.
Then I stopped because of the insecurities/excuses I had. I didn't continue, and I was procrastinating to start my OWN
YouTube channel for 6 YEARS!
But I had this FEAR that told me, "You're not good ENOUGH."
But unfortunately... I listened to this voice, and I believed it.
Because think about it, you can succeed in everything if you put in the hard work.
If I switch to Dropshipping and work hard for 2 YEARS, ofc I will succeed, and EVERYONE CAN DO IT TOO.
Let’s take my channel, for example, I started lookin’ fresh cause I love taking care of myself and glowing up in
But why should you make videos about what you love doing?
Make good content, and YouTube will recommend your videos to people
Make content that Will touch your viewers and make it CLICK for them,
That’s why my videos pop off. I’ll try my best to make the editing, scripting, thumbnails, and everything look good
for the viewer!
Bro, if you implement these 2 things that I told you, you’ll be the next Mr. Beast
(your mind started thinking rn, can I be the next Mr. Beast? Why not?)
if the algorithm "Didn't pick you" That means that you have a problem either in your video, thumbnail, script, or
I was a pro video editor (and still), and I worked with many big channels (300K+ channels) I’ve been on YouTube
for 6 years now, and I know how YouTube works, I GREW UP ON YOUTUBE
● Channel review and give you specific 1 on 1 advice on how you specifically can scale your channel
● How to hire a highly-leveraged A-Player team (also worth 10x the price of coaching). If you're a busy
consultant this is for you (This helps you scale your YouTube channel quickly with little time and will
massively increase your profitability)
My goal was to give you everything you need to rapidly grow your channel and income, and I think we've
But it’s 50% OFF for the first 5 people, by using the code: AZIZYT2023
(EDIT: 4 people bought it only 1 left, go buy now and change your life)
To enroll in the coaching, click here:
this is something I have strong conviction will be worth 10x what you pay for it.
Remember, it only takes one viral video to change the course of your life.
And we’re going to teach you how to become a viral video engine. (But I’m only going to share this information
So go ahead and join the coaching. I’m waiting for you on the other side.