Draft Syllabus of MCA AY 2024-25- dt 23-08-2024_810345

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Draft Teaching Scheme and Syllabus

Master of Computer Applications

1st Semester (w.e.f 2024-25)

Gujarat Technological University

Nr. Visat Three Roads, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway
Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424 – Gujarat
Draft Teaching Scheme MCA Semester 1 w.e.f 2024-25
L_h T_h P_h Cre E_ M_ I_M V_
Sem SubjectName Category l_M
ours ours ours dit Max Max ax Max
1 Programming with C Core Course 3 0 4 5 70 30 20 30 150
Fundamental of Computer
1 Organization Core Course 2 0 2 3 70 30 20 30 150
Relational Database
1 Management Systems Core Course 3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150
Object Oriented
1 Programming using JAVA Core Course 3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150
1 Web Technology Project Core Course 3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150

1 Basic Mathematics Bridge Course 0 2 2 0 0 50 50 0 100

Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Programming with C

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2024-25

Semester: 1
Category of the Course: Core Course

Prerequisite: Basic Mathematics and knowledge about number systems

Rationale:  Learn about the data types, operators and functions in C programming language.
 To be able to write code in C programming language for simple problems

Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*
1 Formulate algorithm/ flowchart for given arithmetic and logical problem. UN

2 Translate algorithm/flowchart into C program using correct syntax of AP

Operator, conditional & branching statements, iteration and execute it.
3 Write C programs using the concepts of array and functions. AP
4 Write C programs using the concepts of pointers, structure and union. AP

5 Develop an application using the concepts file management to solve CR

*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Total Credits
Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) L+T+ (PR/2)
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
3 0 4 5 70 30 20 30 150

Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
1. Programming Language, Compiler, Interpreter, Liker, Loader, 7 15%

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Programming with C
Classification of Programming, Algorithm, Flowchart, Structure of a C
Program, First C Program, Comments, C Tokens, Basic data types in
C, Variables, Operators & Expression in C, Type conversion and
Basic Screen & Keyboard Input & Output, Introduction to Decision 9 20%
2. Control Statements, Conditional execution & selection statements,
Iterative Statements, Nested Loops, Special Control Statement.
Introduction to Array, One Dimensional Array, Multi-Dimensional 9 20%
Array, Introduction to String, Character & string Functions, Array of
Introduction to User Defined Functions, Using Functions, Function
Declaration/Function Prototype, Function Definition, Function call,
return statement, Passing Parameters to the function, scope of
variables, Storage classes, Recursive Functions, Analysis of
Introduction, Understanding Memory Addresses, Address Operator 12 25%
(&), Introduction to Pointers, void Pointer, Null Pointer, Use of
Pointers, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer and String, Pointer Arithmetic,
Pointers to Pointers, Array of Pointers, Pointers to an Array, Two-
dimensional Arrays and Pointers, Pointers to Functions, Dynamic
Memory Allocation.
Structure, Structure Declaration, Assessing member of structure,
Initialization of Structure, Nesting of Structure, Array of Structure,
Array within structure, Structure and Function, Structure and Pointer,
Union, Enumeration type, Bit fields.
Using Files in C, Declaration, Opening and Closing of a File, 8 20%
Working with Text Files and Binary Files, Character Input and Output,
End of File (EOF), feof() Function, Direct File Input and
Output , Files of Records, Random Access to Files of Records,
Other File Management Functions:
Bitwise Operator (Bitwise AND, Bitwise OR, Bitwise Exclusive-OR,
Bitwise NOT, Bitwise Shift Operator), Command-line Arguments, The
C Preprocessor, Type Qualifier.
Total 45 100

References/Suggested Learning Resources:

1. Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, “Programming in C”, 2nd Edition, 2018, Oxford University Press,
ISBN: 978-01-9949-147-6.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Programming with C

Reference Books:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, 8th Edition, 2019, McGraw Hill Education,
ISBN: 978-93-5316-513-0.
2. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, “Let Us C”, 16th Edition, 2019, BPB Publications, ISBN: 978- 93-
3. Reema Thareja. “Programming in C”, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press.
4. C: The Complete Reference, by Herbert Schildt, Publisher – Tata McGraw Hill.

Suggested Course Practical List:

1. Write a program to that performs as calculator (addition, multiplication, division, subtraction).

2. Write a program to find area of triangle(a=h*b*.5)
a = area h = height b = base.
3. Write a program to calculate simple interest (i = (p*r*n)/100 )
i = Simple interest p= Principal amount r = Rate of interest n = Number of years.
4. Write a C program to interchange two numbers.
5. Write a C program to enter a distance in to kilometre and convert it in to meter, feet, inches
and centimetre.
6. Write a program to compute Fahrenheit from centigrade (f=1.8*c +32).
7. Write a C program to find that the accepted number is Negative, Positive or Zero.
8. Write a program to read marks of a student from keyboard whether the student is pass or fail
(using if else)
9. Write a program to read three numbers from keyboard and find out maximum out of these three.
(nested if else)
10. Write a C program to check whether the entered character is capital, small letter, digit or any
special character.
11. Write a program to read marks from keyboard and your program should display equivalent
grade according to following table(if else ladder)
Marks Grade
100 - 80 Distinction
79 - 60 First Class
59 - 40 Second Class
< 40 Fail
12. Write a c program to prepare pay slip using following data.Da = 10% of basic, Hra = 7.50% of

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Programming with C
basic, Ma = 300, Pf = 12.50% of basic, Gross = basic + Da + Hra + Ma, Nt = Gross – Pf.
13. Write a C program to read no 1 to 7 and print relatively day Sunday to Saturday.
14. Write a C program to find out the Maximum and Minimum number from given 10
15. Write a C program to find factorial of a given number.
16. Write a program to reverse a number.
17. Write a program to generate first n number of Fibonacci series
18. Write a program to calculate average and total of 5 students for 3 subjects (use nested for
19. Read five persons height and weight and count the number of person having height greater
than 170 and weight less than 50,
20. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
21. Write a program to evaluate the series 1^2+2^2+3^2+……+n^2
22. Write a C program to find 1+1/2! +1/3! +1/4! +. ..... +1/n!
23. Write a program to print following patterns :
i * ii * iii *****
** * * ****
*** * * * ***
**** * * * * **
***** * * ** * *
24. Write a program to print following patterns :

i) 1 ii 12345 iii) 55555 iv) 1

12 1234 4444 22
123 123 333 333
1234 12 22 4444
12345 1 1 55555
25. Write a program to print following patterns:
26. Write a C program to read and store the roll no and marks of 20 students using array.
27. Write a program to find maximum element from 1-Dimensional array.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Programming with C
28. Write a program to sort given array in ascending order.
29. Write a program to replace a character in given string.
30. Write a program to reverse string.
31. Write a program to convert string into upper case.
32. Write a program that defines a function to add first n numbers.
33. Write a function in the program to return 1 if number is prime otherwise return 0
34. Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
35. Write a function that will scan a character string passed as an argument and convert all
lowercase character into their uppercase equivalents
36. Write a program to read structure elements from keyboard.
37. Define a structure type struct personal that would contain person name, joining date and salary
using this structure to read this information of 5 people and print the same on screen.
38. Define structure data type called time_struct containing three member’s integer hour, integer
minute and integer second. Develop a program that would assign values to the individual
number and display the time in the following format: 16: 40:51
39. Design a structure student_record to contain name, branch and total marks obtained. Develop a
program to read data for 10 students in a class and print them.
40. Write a program to print address of variable using pointer.
41. Write a C program to swap the two values using pointers.
42. Write a C program to print the address of character and the character of string using pointer.
43. Write a program to access elements using pointer.
44. Write a program to read, print and addition of two Matrices using pointer and user define
45. Write a program for sorting using pointer.
46. Write a program to read n integer number from keyboard and store them into a file All.txt.
Read All.txt file, separate even and odd numbers and store them into files Even.txt and Odd.txt
respectively and display contents of all the three files.
47. Write a program to accept the contents from the user and store it in the file one line at a time
and print the contents of the file.
48. Read a text file which name is given in command line and print the total number of character in
each line and total number of lines in a file.
49. Write a program to merge two files into the third file.
50. Program for deleting the spaces from the contents of file.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Programming with C

CO- PO Mapping:
Semester 1 Course Name: Programming with C
POs & PSOs
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 3 2 3 3 - - - -
CO2 3 3 3 3 - - - -
CO3 3 3 3 3 - - - -
CO4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
CO5 3 3 3 2 - - - -
3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 - - - -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Fundamental of Computer Organization

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2024-25

Semester: 1
Category of the Course: Core Course

Prerequisite: Basic mathematics, introductory computer science, and foundational knowledge of

digital electronics.
Rationale: The "Fundamental of Computer Organization" course is designed to provide
students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundational concepts in digital
electronics and computer science. These topics are essential for anyone pursuing a
career in computer engineering, information technology, or related fields. The
rationale behind this course is to equip students with the necessary skills and
knowledge to understand and design digital systems, which are the backbone of
modern computing devices. By covering number systems and their conversions,
basic and advanced logic gates, Boolean algebra, and the basic structure of
computers, students will gain a solid foundation that will enable them to understand
how computers process, store, and retrieve information.
Furthermore, the course delves into the intricate details of register transfer
languages, microoperations, and the memory system, which are crucial for
understanding the internal workings of a computer. This in-depth knowledge is vital
for designing efficient and effective computing systems. Focusing on practical
aspects such as Karnaugh maps and memory performance considerations ensures
students can apply theoretical concepts to real-world problems. By the end of the
course, students will be well-prepared to tackle advanced topics in computer science
and engineering, contributing to technological innovations and the development of
sophisticated digital solutions.

Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No Course Outcomes RBT Level
perform conversions between different number systems (binary, decimal,
01 octal, hexadecimal) and design basic logic circuits using fundamental logic R, U, A
gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR).
apply Boolean algebra laws and De Morgan’s Theorems to simplify complex
02 logical expressions and design optimized digital circuits using Karnaugh R, U, A

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Fundamental of Computer Organization
describe the fundamental components of a computer system, including data
03 representation, the basic operational concepts, bus structures, and R, U
performance metrics of different computer types.
explain the concepts of register transfer language and microoperations, and
04 describe the execution of instructions, memory-reference instructions, and R, U
addressing modes in a computer system.
Explain the various types of memory systems, including RAM, ROM, cache,
05 and virtual memory, and evaluate their performance considerations and the R, U
role of secondary storage and RAID in computer architecture.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
Credits Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours)
L+T+ (PR/2) Total
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
2 0 2 3 70 30 20 30 150

Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Number System:
Decimal System, Two-state Devices, Counting in Binary System,
Binary Addition and Subtraction, Converting Decimal Number to
Binary Numbers, Use of Complements to represent negative numbers in
binary and other number systems, Octal and Hexadecimal Number
1. System.
Basic Logic Gates:
Logic Gates, Logical Multiplication, AND Gate and OR Gate,
Complementation and Inverts Evaluation of logical Expression,
Evaluation of an Expression containing Parenthesis.
NAND Gates and NOR Gates.
Basic Laws of Boolean Algebra, De Morgan’s Theorems, Basic Duality
2. of Boolean Algebra, Derivation of a Boolean Algebra, Interconnecting
Gates Sum of Products And Product of Sums, Derivation of POS
Expression Derivation of 3 input variables expression

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Fundamental of Computer Organization
Map Simplification Techniques:
Karnaugh Maps – 2, 3, 4 Variables, Don’t Care Conditions, De
Morgan’s Theorems, Sum of Products, Product of Sum.
Computer Types, Functional unit, Basic OPERATIONAL concepts,
3. Bus structures, Software, Performance, multiprocessors and multi
computers. Data Representation. Fixed Point Representation. Floating –
Point Representation. Error Detection codes.
Register Transfer language.Register Transfer Bus and memory
transfers, Arithmetic Mircrooperatiaons, logic micro operations, shift
4. micro operations, Arithmetic logic shift unit. Instruction codes.
Computer Registers Computer instructions – Instruction cycle. Memory
– Reference Instructions. Input – Output and Interrupt. Instruction
formats. Addressing modes.
Basic concepts semiconductor RAM memories. Read-only memories
Cache memories performance considerations, Virtual memories
secondary storage. Introduction to RAID.
Total 30 100

Suggested Specification Table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level
20 50 30 - - -
Where R: Remember; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C: Create (as per
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

References/Suggested Learning Resources:

(a) Books:
1. Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”,Third Edition, Pearson Publications
2. P.K. Sinha, “Computer Fundamentals”,Sixth Edition, BPB Publications
3. Computer Installation and Servicing By D Balasubramanium | Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited
4. Malvino And Leach, “Digital Computer Electronics”,Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Fundamental of Computer Organization
Logisim is an open-source simulation software (https://logisim.en.softonic.com/) which can be
used to perform the simulation experiments.

The proposed list of experiments is as below –

1. Basic Logic Gates Implementation
o Design and simulate basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) using Logisim.
o Verify the truth tables for each gate using different input combinations.
2. NAND and NOR as Universal Gates
o Implement and simulate NAND and NOR gates as universal gates.
o Construct AND, OR, and NOT gates using only NAND and NOR gates.
3. Boolean Expression Simplification and Circuit Design
o Simplify a given Boolean expression using Boolean algebra.
o Design and simulate the simplified logic circuit in Logisim.
4. Karnaugh Map Simplification
o Use a Karnaugh map to simplify a 3-variable Boolean expression.
o Design the simplified circuit in Logisim and verify its functionality.
5. Half Adder and Full Adder Design
o Design and simulate a half adder circuit using basic logic gates.
o Expand the design to simulate a full adder and test it with all possible input
6. 4-Bit Binary Adder/Subtractor
o Design and simulate a 4-bit binary adder using full adders.
o Extend the design to create a 4-bit adder/subtractor circuit and simulate it in Logisim.
7. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Design
o Design and simulate a 4-to-1 multiplexer.
o Design a 1-to-4 demultiplexer circuit and test its functionality in Logisim.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Fundamental of Computer Organization
8. Design of a 2-Bit Magnitude Comparator
o Implement and simulate a 2-bit magnitude comparator using logic gates.
o Test the circuit with different pairs of binary inputs to verify the comparison results.
9. Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops
o Design and simulate basic flip-flops (SR, D, JK) using Logisim.
o Test the behavior of each flip-flop with different input sequences.
10. 4-Bit Binary Counter
o Design and simulate a 4-bit binary counter using D flip-flops.
o Observe and record the counting sequence in Logisim.
11. Shift Register Design
o Implement a 4-bit shift register using D flip-flops.
o Simulate the shift left and shift right operations in Logisim.
12. Memory Simulation: RAM Module
o Design and simulate a simple RAM module in Logisim.
o Test read and write operations to the RAM module with different addresses.
CO- PO Mapping:

Semester 1 Course Name: Fundamental of Computer Organization

CO1 3 3 - 2 - - - -
CO2 3 3 - - - - - -
CO3 3 1 - - - - - -
CO4 3 2 - 2 - - - -
CO5 2 1 - - - - - -
2.8 2.25 - 2 - - - -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2024-25

Semester: 1

Category of the Course: Core Course

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of working with computers

Rationale: ● To understand the fundamental concepts of Database Management Systems and
various types of data models.
● To understand the concepts necessary for designing, using and implementing
database systems and applications
● To provide database design approaches using E-R model, EER to Relational
Mapping and normalization, Clear understanding for the need of a database and
uses the database schema.
● To discuss transaction management and concurrency control, and relational
● To learn various constraints and writing SQL queries.

Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:

No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*

1 Describe the core concepts of DBMS & Differentiate various Understand
database architectures
2 Analyze database model and Design relational database using E-R Apply
model and UML Classes
3 Describe functional dependency and Normalize schema relations Understand, Apply
upto 4NF
4 Relate the concept of transaction, concurrency control and recovery Apply
in database
5 Perform DDL and DML SQL queries on schema by enforcing Apply
integrity constraints on database
*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Total Credits
Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) L+T+ (PR/2) Total
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150

Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Introduction to Database System 6 15 %
Database and Users: Introduction (Basic Concepts: Data, Database,
Database systems, Database Management Systems), Characteristics of
Database Approach, Actors on Scene, Workers behind the Scene,
Advantages of using the DBMS approach. Database System Concepts
1. and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas, Instances, the three schema
architectures and data independence, Database Languages and
interfaces, Database System environment, Centralized and client /
Server Architecture for DBMS, Classifications of Database
Management Systems.
Entity Relationship Diagram 11 25 %
Using high level conceptual data models for database design (Design
Phases of database design), Entity types, Entity Sets, Attributes and
keys, Relationship Types, Relationship sets, Roles and structural
constraints, Weak entity Types, Refining the ER diagram for company
2. Database, Entity Relationship Diagram Naming conventions Design
issues, Example of other Notation: UML class diagram, Relationship
types of degree higher than 2 Subclasses, Super Classes, Inheritance
Specialization and Generalization Relational Database design by ER
and EER to Relational Mapping, Mapping EER model construct to
Database Design 11 20 %
Informal Design Guidelines for Relational Schema, Functional
3. Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys, General
definitions of 1NF, 2NF and 3NF, Boyce-Codd Normal Forms (BCNF),
Multi-valued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

Transaction processing 10 25 %
Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction to
Transaction Processing, Transaction and System concepts, Desirable
4. properties of Transactions, characterizing Schedules based on
recoverability and Serializability Relational Model concepts: Relational
Model concepts, Relational Model constraints and Relational Database
5 SQL Concepts: 7 15 %
(*) Basics of SQL, DDL,DML,DCL, structure – creation, alteration,
defining constraints – Primary key, foreign key, unique, not null, check,
IN operator, Functions - aggregate functions, Built-in functions –
numeric, date, string functions, set operations, sub-queries, correlated
sub-queries, Use of group by, having, order by, join and its types, Exist,
Any, All , view and its types. transaction control commands – Commit,
Rollback, Savepoint.
Total 45 100
(*): Only Higher order questions / application oriented questions to be asked in the theory exam
from Unit 5.

1. Ramez Elmsari,Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson Education,
7th Edition
2. Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle, 4th Edition, BPB

Reference Books:
1. Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, McGraw Hill Publication. 5th
2. S. K. Singh, “Database Systems : Concepts, Design and Applications”, Pearson Education
3. Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, “Database Systems : Design, Implementation and Management”,
Cengage Learning
4. C. J. Date, A Kannan, S Swaminathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Pearson
Education, 8th Edition
5. Steve Suehring, Tim Converse, Joyce Park, PHP 6 and MySQL Bible, Wiley

Suggested Course Practical List:

RDBMS (Module Weightage: 100%)

Tools: Oracle 10g or above

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

1 Data Types
2 Study of DDL Commands ( Create , Alter , drop )
Table: The Create Table Command, Creating a table from a table (with data, without data,
with all columns, with selected columns), Drop Table, Alter Table, Renaming Tables
3 Study DML Commands ( Select, insert, update, delete )
4 Constraints: Defining integrity constraints using create table and the alter table command,
Dropping integrity constraints in the alter table command
5 Transaction Control statements: Commit, Rollback
6 Advanced Concepts: View, Index, Sequences, rowed, rownum, Default Value Concept
7 Join (Inner Join, Equi Joins, Self Join, Outer Joins)
8 Study subquery concepts
9 Set Operators
10 Study single row functions: String functions, Numeric Functions, Date Functions, Date
Conversion Functions
11 Study aggregate / group functions, having
12 Sorting Data, Handling Null values ( IS NULL), Like Clause
13 Basic concepts of PL/SQL
14 Create Triggers
15 Data dictionary
16 Procedure, function, package
17 Desirable : Security / privileges

Set 1
DEPARTMENT (dept_no, dept_name, location)
1. Create the Simple DEPARTMENT Table.
2. Display structure of department table.
3. Insert below records into Department Table

Dept_no Dept_name Location

10 Account NY
20 HR NY
30 Production DL
40 Sales NY

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

60 TRG
110 RND AH
4. Display all records of Department table
5. Display all department belonging to location 'NY'
6. Display details of Department 10
7. List all department names starting with 'A'
8. List all departments whose number is between 1 and 100
9. Delete 'TRG' department
10. Change department name 'EDP' to 'IT

Set 2
EMPLOYEE (emp_id, emp_name, birth_date, gender, dept_no, address, designation, salary,
experience, email)
DEPARTMENT (dept_no, dept_name, location)

Do as directed:
1. Create the EMP Table with all necessary constraints such as In EMP TABLE: Employee id
should be primary key, Department no should be Foreign key, employee age (birth_date) should
be greater than 18 years, salary should be greater than zero, email should have (@ and dot) sign
in address, designation of employee can be “manager”, “clerk”, “leader”, “analyst”, “designer”,
“coder”, “tester”.
2. Create DEPT table with neccessary constraint such as
3. Department no should be primary key, department name should be unique.
4. After creation of above tables, modify Employee table by adding the constraints as
5. ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ in gender field and display the structure.
6. Insert proper data (at least 5 appropriate records) in all the tables.
7. Describe the structure of table created
8. List all records of each table in ascending order.
9. Delete the department whose loction is Ahmedabad.
10. Display female employee list
11. Display Departname wise employee Names
12. Find the names of the employee who has salary less than 5000 and greater than 2000.
13. Display the names and the designation of all female employee in descending order.
14. Display the names of all the employees who names starts with ‘A’ ends with ‘A’.
15. Find the name of employee and salary for those who had obtain minimum salary.
16. Add 10% raise in salary of all employees whose department is ‘IT’.
17. Count total number of employees of ‘IT’ department.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

18. List all employees who born in the current month.

19. Print the record of employee and dept table as “Employee works in department ‘MBA’.
20. List names of employees who are fresher’s (less than 1 year of experience).
21. List department wise names of employees who has more than 5 years of experience.
22. Crete Sequence to generate department ID
23. List department having no employees

Set 3
Create the following table:
Salesmen table (SNUM, SNAME , CITY , COMMISSION)

SNUM : A unique number assigned to each salesman. SNAME :Thenameofsalesman. CITY

:Thelocationof salesmen. COMMISSION: The Salemen's commission on orders

CNUM : A unique number assigned to each customer. CNAME : The name of the customer. CITY : The
location of the customer. RATING : A level of preference indicator given to this customer. SNUM : The
number of salesman assigned to this customer.

ONUM : A unique number assigned to each order. AMOUNT : The amount of an order. ODATE : The
date of an order. CNUM : The number of customer making the order. SNUM : The number of salesman
credited with the sale.

Do as directed:
1. Write an Insert script for insertion of rows with substitution variables and insert appropriate
2. Produce the order no, amount and date of all orders.
3. Give all the information about all the customers with a specific salesman number.
4. Display the following information in the order of city, sname, snum and commission.
5. List of rating followed by the name of each customer in particular one city e.g. Surat.
6. List of snum of all salesmen with orders in order table without any duplicates.
7. List of all orders for more than certain amount e.g. more than Rs. 1000.
8. List of names and cities of all salesmen in one city e.g. London with commission above 10%.
9. List all customers whose names begins with a letter 'C'.
10. List all customers whose names begins with letter 'A' to'G'.
11. List all orders with zero or NULL amount.
12. Find out the largest orders of salesman from two value e.g. 1002 and 1007.
13. Count all orders of particular date e.g. October 3, 2023
14. Calculate the total amount ordered.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

15. Calculate the average amount ordered.

16. Count the no. of salesmen currently having orders.
17. List all salesmen with their % of commission.
18. Assume each salesperson has a 15% commission. Write a query on the order table that will
produce the order number, salesman no and the amount of commission for that order
19. Find the highest rating in each city in the form : For the city (city), the highest rating is : (rating)
20. List all in descending order of rating.
21. Calculate the total of orders for each day and place the result in descending order.
22. Show the name of all customers with their salesman's name.
23. List all customers and salesmen who shared a same city.
24. List all orders with the names of their customer and salesman.
25. List all orders by the customers not located in the same city as their salesman.
26. List all customers serviced by salespeople with commission above 15%.
27. Calculate the amount of the salesman commission on each order by a customer with rating
above 100.
28. Find all pairs of customers having the same rating without duplication.
29. List all orders that are greater than the average of October 4,2023.
30. Find the average commission of salesmen in London.
31. Find all orders attributed to salesmen in 'London' using both the subquery and join methods.
32. List the commission of all salesmen serving customers in 'London'.
33. Find all customers whose cnum is e.g. 1000 above than the snum of name e.g. Sejal.
34. Count the no. of customers with the rating above than the average of one city e.g. 'Surat'.
35. Find all salesmen with customers located in their cities using ANY and IN.
36. Find all salesmen for whom there are customers that follow them in alphabetical order.
37. Find all customers having rating greater than any customer in particular city e.g. 'Rajkot'.
38. List all orders that has amount greater than atleat one of the orders from 6th October, 2023.
39. Find all orders with amounts smaller than any amount for a customer in 'London'.
40. Find all the customers who have greater rating than every customer in one city e.g. 'Anand’
41. Create a union of two queries that shows the names, cities and ratings of all customers. Those
with rating of >=200 should display 'HIGH RATING' and those with < 200 should display
42. Produce the name and number of each salesman and each customer with more than one current
order in the alphabetical order of names.
43. Create union of three queries. First select snum of all salesman in Surat, second, the cnum of
all customers in 'Surat' and third, the onum of all orders of 3rd Oct. Retain duplicates between
the last two queries but remove the duplicates between either of them and the first.
44. Remove all orders from customer Chirag from the orders table.
45. Set the ratings of all the customers of Piyush to 400.
46. Increase the rating of all customers in Rome by 100.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

Set 4

a) Write a PLSQL block which will print Employee list (Empno and Name) EMP (empno, empnm,
empadd, salary, date_birth, joindt, deptno)
b) Write a function that returns total number of incomplete jobs, using table JOB (jobid, type_of_job,
c) Write a function which displays the number of items whose weight fall between a given ranges for a
particular color using table ITEM (itemno, name, color, weight)
d) Write a procedure to display top five highest paid workers who are specialized in “PAINTING" using
table WORKER (workerid, name, wage_per_hour, specialized_in, manager_id)

Set 5

Create the database EXAM and create given tables with all necessary constraints such as primary key,
foreign key, unique key, not null and check constraints.
(This database is for a common entrance test which is being conducted at a number of centers and can
be taken by an applicant on any day except holidays)

Do as directed:
1. Modify the APPLICANT table so that every applicant id has an ‘A’ before its value. E.g. if value
is ‘1123’, it should become ‘A1123’.
2. Display test center details where no tests were conducted.
3. Display details about applicants who have the same score as that of Ajaykumar in ‘ORACLE
4. Display details of applicants who appeared for all tests.
5. Display those tests where no applicant has failed.
6. Display details of entrance test centers which had full attendance between 1st Oct 15 and 15th
Oct 16.
7. Display details of the applicants who scored more than the cut score in the tests they appeared in.
8. Display average and maximum score test wise of tests conducted at Mumbai.
9. Display the number of applicants who have appeared for each test, test center wise.
10. Display details about test centers where no tests have been conducted.
11. For tests, which have been conducted between 2-3-17 and 23-4-17, show details of the tests as
well as the test centre.
12. How many applicants appeared in the ‘ORACLE FUNDAMENTALS’ test at
13. Chennai in the month of February?

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Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

14. Display details about applicants who appeared for tests in the same month as the month in which
they were born.
15. Display the details about APPLICANTS who have scored the highest in each test, test centre
16. Design a read only view, which has details about applicants and the tests that he has appeared
17. Write a procedure which will print maximum score centre wise.
18. Write a procedure which will print details of entrance test showing Centre name, candidate id,
date and score:
19. Write a trigger which do not allow insertion / updation / deletion of Enterance test details on
Set 6
EMP (empno, empnm, empadd, salary, date_birth, joindt, deptno)
DEPT (deptno, deptnm)
Write a PL/SQL block (table above EMP-DEPT table) which takes as input Department name and
displays all the employees of this department who has been working since last five years

Set 7
CUSTOMER (cid, fname, lname, city, country, phone)
ORDER (oid, oDate, oNumber, cid, oTotalAmount)
1. List the number of customers in each country. Only include countries with more than 100
2. List the number of customers in each country, except China, sorted high to low. Only include
countries with 5 or more customers.
3. List all customers with average orders between Rs.5000 and Rs.6500.
4. Create a trigger that executes whenever country is updated in CUSTOMER table.
5. Create a function to return customer with maximum orders.
6. Create a procedure to display month names of dates of ORDER table. The month names should
be unique.
Set 8
EMPMAST (empno, name, pfno, empbasic, deptno, designation)
Rules: HRA = 15% of basic
DA = 50% of basic
Medical = 100
PF = 8.33%of basic
Print Salary slip. Design your own format

Set 9
Consider the Bank schema as

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems


Note: 1. AC_type may be S for saving or C for current, 2. TR_type may be D for deposit or W for
a. Write a procedure to print the Bank Transaction details by passing from and to dates.

Set 10
Employee (eid, fname, lname, salary)
1. Use a Cursor for Loop inside a function to calculate and return total paid salary to all employees
by the company.
2. Modify the function created above to become a procedure and display the total paid salary from
the procedure itself. Instead of calculating for all employees, calculate only for those employees
whose name starts from a character passed as parameter to the procedure and hence to the cursor.

List of Laboratory/ Active Learning Assignment: If any

Consider Leave Management process includes defining the leave types, assigning entitlements and
calculating carry over leaves, employees applying for leaves, managers approving or rejecting the leave
requests, importing the leave data into payroll for calculations etc.
Prepare Database design presentation which includes:
1. Purpose of database
2. Find/ Identify Information required for application
3. Conceptual Design
4. Logical Design
5. Physical Design
Apply the concepts learned of conceptual design and logical database design

Learning Resources Required: If Any

1) https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc24_cs21/preview
2) https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/index.html
3) https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/toc.htm

Additional Exercises: If Any

NoSQL Database (Desirable)

Tools: MongoDB

1 Introduction, Installation
2 Create Database, Drop Database
3 Create Collection, show collection

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Relational Database Management Systems

4 Insert document, Query Document, Update document, delete document

5 Projection
6 Limiting rows
7 Export and Import

CO- PO Mapping:

Semester1 Relational Database Management System

Course Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 3 - - - - - - -
CO2 3 3 3 2 - - - -
CO3 3 3 3 3 - - - -
CO4 3 1 2 1 - - 3 -
CO5 3 3 3 3 - - 1 -
3 2.5 2.75 2.25 - - 2 -

Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2024-25

Semester: 1
Category of the Course: Core Course

Prerequisite: Knowledge of the C programming language and Object Oriented Concept

Rationale:  To develop proficiency in creating console based applications using the Java
Programming Language.
 To interpret the concepts of object oriented Programming Language and easily
use these concepts in Java program.
 To develop application using java.util package (Java data structure).
 To implement multi-threaded applications using the Java Programming Language.
 To implement application including different file operations.

Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, student will able to:
No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*
CO1 Describe Java features, OOP concepts and Write console java program RM, UN, AP
syntax and semantics using datatypes, variables, control and looping
CO2 Explain and Implement class, object, encapsulation and polymorphism in RM, UN, AP
CO3 Apply the concept of inheritance, package and exception handling for RM, UN, AP
reusable, structured and error free programs.
CO4 Use wrapper class and Collection interface to convert and manage list of RM, UN, AP
CO5 Describe and Implement multithreaded programs, Generic class
and IO programs.
*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Total Credits
Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) L+T+ (PR/2)
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Introduction to Java 7 15%

Java Fundamentals: The Origins of Java, Java’s Lineage: C and

C++, How Java Impacted the Internet, Java’s Magic: The
Bytecode, Moving Beyond Applets, The Java Buzzwords, Object-
Oriented Programming (Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance),
Obtaining the Java Development Kit, A First Simple Program,
Handling Syntax Errors
A Second Simple Program, Another Data Type, Two Control
Statements (The if Statement and The for Loop), Create Blocks of
Code, Semicolons and Positioning, Indentation Practices, The Java
Keywords, Identifiers in Java, The Java Class Libraries

Try This 1-1: Converting Gallons to Liters,

Try This 1-2: Improving the Gallons-to-Liters Converter

Introducing Data Types and Operators: Why Data Types Are

Important, Java’s Primitive Types(Integers, Floating-Point Types,
Characters), The Boolean Type, Literals (Hexadecimal, Octal, and
Binary Literals, Character Escape Sequences, String Literals), A
1. Closer Look at Variables( Initializing a Variable, Dynamic
Initialization), The Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Operators,
Arithmetic Operators (Increment and Decrement), Relational and
Logical Operators, Short Circuit Logical Operators, The
Assignment Operator, Shorthand Assignments, Type Conversion in
Assignments, Casting Incompatible Types, Operator Precedence,
Expressions (Type Conversion in Expressions, Spacing and

Try This 2-1: How Far Away Is the Lightning?

Try This 2-2: Display a Truth Table for the Logical Operators

Program Control Statements: Input Characters from the Keyboard,

The if Statement, Nested ifs, The if-else-if Ladder, The switch
Statement, Nested switch Statements, The for Loop, Some
Variations on the for Loop, Missing Pieces (The Infinite Loop),
Loops with No Body, Declaring Loop Control Variables Inside the
for Loop, The Enhanced for Loop, The while Loop, The do-while
Loop, Use break to Exit a Loop, Use break as a Form of goto, Use
continue, Nested Loops,
Try This 3-1: Start Building a Java Help System,

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Try This 3-2: Improve the Java Help System,
Try This 3-3: Finish the Java Help System,
2 Class Fundamentals 10 25%

Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods: Class Fundamentals

(The General Form of a Class, Defining a Class), How Objects Are
Created, Reference Variables and Assignment, Methods (Adding a
Method to the Vehicle Class), Returning from a Method, Returning a
Value, Using Parameters (Adding a Parameterized Method to
Vehicle), Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, Adding a
Constructor to the Vehicle Class, The new Operator Revisited,
Garbage Collection, The this Keyword,

Try This 4-1: Creating a Help Class

A Closer Look at Methods and Classes: Controlling Access to

Class Members (Java’s Access Modifiers), Pass Objects to Methods
(How Arguments Are Passed), Returning Objects, Method
Overloading, Overloading Constructors, Recursion, Understanding
static (Static Blocks), Introducing Nested and Inner Classes,
Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments (Varargs Basics, Overloading
Varargs Methods, Varargs and Ambiguity)

Try This 6-1: Improving the Queue Class,

Try This 6-2: Overloading the Queue Constructor,
Try This 6-3: The Quicksort

3 Inheritance Basics 10 25%

Inheritance: Inheritance Basics, Member Access and Inheritance,

Constructors and Inheritance, Using super to Call Superclass
Constructors, Using super to Access Superclass Members, Creating a
Multilevel Hierarchy, When Are Constructors Executed?, Superclass
References and Subclass Objects, Method Overriding, Overridden
Methods Support Polymorphism, Why Overridden Methods?
(Applying Method Overriding to TwoDShape), Using Abstract
Classes, Using final, (final Prevents Overriding, final Prevents
Inheritance, Using final with Data Members), The Object Class

Try This 7-1: Extending the Vehicle Class

Packages: Packages (Defining a Package, Finding Packages and
CLASSPATH, A Short Package Example), Packages and Member
Access (A Package Access Example), Understanding Protected

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Members, Importing Packages, Java’s Class Library Is Containedin

Interfaces: Interfaces, Implementing Interfaces, Using Interface

References, Variables in Interfaces, Interfaces Can Be Extended,
Default Interface Methods (Default Method Fundamentals, A More
Practical Example of a Default Method, Multiple Inheritance Issues),
Use static Methods in an Interface, Private Interface Methods, Final
Thoughts on Packages and Interfaces,
Try This 8-1: Creating a Queue Interface

Exception Handling: The Exception Hierarchy, Exception Handling

Fundamentals (Using try and catch, A Simple Exception Example),
The Consequences of an Uncaught Exception (Exceptions Enable
You to Handle Errors Gracefully), Using Multiple catch Statements,
Catching Subclass Exceptions, Try Blocks Can Be Nested, Throwing
an Exception (Rethrowing an Exception), A Closer Look at
Throwable, Using finally,
Using throws, Three Additional Exception Features, Java’s Built-in
Exceptions, Creating Exception Subclasses

Try This 9-1: Adding Exceptions to the Queue Class

4 Autoboxing, java.lang package 8 15%

Autoboxing, Type Wrappers, Autoboxing Fundamentals,

Autoboxing and Methods, Autoboxing/Unboxing Occurs in

Java.lang package (String, String Buffer, Comparable interface)

The collection Framework: Introduction, Collection framework (

Collection interface, list interface, set interface, sorted set interface),
The collection class, Array list and Link list classes ( maintaining the
capacity and the link list class ), iterating elements of collection ( the
list iterator interface), hash set and tree set classes

5 Multi-Threading, Generic, I/O 10 20%

Multithreaded Programming Multithreading Fundamentals, The

Thread Class and Runnable Interface, Creating a Thread, (One
Improvement and Two Simple Variations), Creating Multiple
Threads, Determining When a Thread Ends, Thread Priorities,
Synchronization, Using Synchronized Methods, The synchronized

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Try This 11-1: Extending Thread,
Try This 11-2: Using the Main Thread,

Generic: Generics Fundamentals, A Simple Generics Example,

A Generic Class with Two Type Parameters, The General Form ofa
Generic Class),

Using I/O: Java’s I/O Is Built upon Streams, Byte Streams and
Character Streams, The Byte Stream Classes, The Character Stream
Classes, The Predefined Streams, Using the Byte Streams (Reading
Console Input, Writing Console Output), Reading and Writing Files
Using Byte Streams (Inputting from a File, Writing to a File),
Automatically Closing a File, Reading and Writing Binary Data
Total 45 100

Suggested Specification Table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks (in %)
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level
10 20 70 - - -
Where R: Remember; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C: Create (as
per Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)


1. Herbert Schildt, Java™: A Beginner’s Guide, 7th Edition

2. Hari Mohan Pandey, JAVA Programming, 978-8131733110, Pearson

Reference Books:

1. Pravin Jain, “The class of Java” Pearson Education, (2010).

2. Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Java SE8 for Programmers, ISBN:
9789332539068, Pearson
3. Cay S Horstmann, Gary Cornell, “Core Java 2, Volume 1 – Fundamentals”, Pearson Education
(8th edition – 2008).
4. Ivor Horton's “Beginning Java 2” JDK 5 Edition, Wiley Computer Publishing,(2007).
5. Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, “The Java Programming Language”, Addison-
Wesley Pearson Education (4th Edition – 2005).
6. Raj Kumar Buyya, S. Thamarai Selvi, & Xing Chen Chu, “Object-Oriented Programming with
Java: Essentials & Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Cay Horstmann, “Big Java”, Wiley Computer publishing (2nd edition – 2006).

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
8. Sharan Zakhour, Scott Hommel, Jacob Royal, Isaac Rabinovitch, Tom Risser, Mark Hoeber
“The Java Tutorial”, Addison-Wesley Pearson Education(4th Edition),
9. James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha, “The Java Langauge

Suggested Course Practical List:

1 Install the JDK (Download the JDK and install it.)

 Set path of the jdk/bin directory.
 Create the java program
 Compile and run the java program
Write a simple “Hello World” java program, compilation, debugging, executing using
java compiler and interpreter.
2 Write a program to pass Starting and Ending limit and print all prime numbers and
Fibonacci numbers between this ranges.
3 Write a java program to check whethernumber is palindrome or not.
Input: 528 Output: It is not palindromenumber
Input: 545 Output: It is not palindrome number
4 Write a java program to print value ofx^n. Input: x=5 Input: n=3 Output: 125
5 Write a java program to check Armstrong number. Input: 153 Output:Armstrong number
Input: 22 Output: not Armstrong number
6 Write a program in Java to find minimum of three numbers using conditional operator.
7 Write a java program which should display maximum number of given 4 numbers.
8 Write a program in Java to multiply two matrix.
Declare a class Matrix where 2D array is declared as instance variable and array should be
initialized, within class.
9 Write a java program to create a class “Matrix” that would contain integer values having
varied Numbers of columns for each row. Print row-wise sum of the integer values for
10 Write a Java application which takes several command line arguments, which are
supposed to be names of students and prints output as given below:
(Suppose we enter 3 names then output should be asfollows).. Number of arguments = 3
1. First Student Name is = Arun
2. Second Student Name is = Hiren
3. Third Student Name is = Hitesh
11 Write a Java application to count and display frequency of letters and digits from the
String given by user as command-line argument.
12 Create a class “Student” that would contain enrollment No, name, and gender and marks as
instance variables and count as static variable which stores the count of the objects;
constructors and display(). Implement constructors to initialize instance variables. Also
demonstrate constructor chaining. Create objects of class “Student” and displays all values of
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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
13 Write a program in Java to demonstrate use of this keyword. Check whether this can
access the Static variables of the class or not. [Refer class student in Q12 to perform the task]

14 Create a class “Rectangle” that would contain length and width as an instance variable and
count as a static variable.
Define constructors [constructor overloading (default, parameterized and copy)] to
initialize variables of objects. Define methods to find area and to display variables’ value of
objects which are created.
[Note: define initializer block, static initializer block and the static variable and method. Also
demonstrate the sequence of execution of initializer block and static initialize block]
15 Write a java program static block which will be executed before main ( ) method in a
16 Write programs in Java to use Wrapper class of each primitive data types.
17 Write a class “circle” with radius as data member and count the number of instances
created using default constructor only. [Constructor Chaining]
18 Create a class “Vehicle” with instance variable vehicle_type. Inherit the class in a class called
“Car” with instance model_type, company name etc. display the information of the vehicle
by defining the display() in both super and sub class [Method Overriding]
19 Create a class “Account” containing accountNo, and balance as an instance variable. Derive
the Account class into two classes named “Savings” and “Current”. The “Savings” class
should contain instance variable named interestRate, and the “Current” class should contain
instance variable called overdraftLimit. Define appropriate methods for all the classes to
enable functionalities to check balance, deposit, and withdraw amount in Savings and
Current account. [Ensure that the Account class cannot be instantiated.]
20 Write a program in Java in which a subclass constructor invokes the constructor of the
super class and instantiate the values. [ refer class Account and sub classes
savingAccount andCurrentAccount in Q 19 for this task]
21 Write a program in Java to demonstrate the use of 'final' keyword in the field declaration.
How it is accessed using the objects.
22 Write a java program to illustrate how to access a hidden variable. Class A declares a static
variable x. The class B extends A and declares an instance variable x. display ( ) method in B
displays both of these variables.
23 Describe abstract class called Shape which has three subclasses say Triangle, Rectangle,
and Circle. Define one method area () in the abstract class and override this area () in these
three subclasses to calculate for specific object i.e. area () of Triangle subclass should
calculate area of triangle etc. Same for Rectangle and Circle
24 Write a java program to implement an interface called Exam with a method Pass (int mark)
that returns a boolean. Write another interface called Classify with a method Division (int
average) which returns a String. Write a class called Result which implements both Exam and
Classify. The Pass method should return true if the mark is greater than or equal to 50 else
false. The Division method must return “First” when the parameter average is 60 or more,

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
“Second” when average is 50 or more but below 60, “No division” when average is less than
25 Assume that there are two packages, student and exam. A student package contains Student
class and the exam package contains Result class. Write a program that generates mark sheet
for students.
26 Define a class A in package apack. In class A, three variables are defined of access modifiers
protected, private and public. Define class B in package bpack which extends A and write
display method which accesses variables of class A.
Define class C in package cpack which has one method display() in that create one object of
class A and display its variables. Define class ProtectedDemo in package dpack in which
write main () method. Create objects of class B and C and class display method for both these
27 Write a java program to implement Generic class Number_1 for both data type int and float in
28 Write a java program to accept string to check whether it is in Upper or Lower case. After
checking, case will be reversed.
29 Write a java program to use important methods of String class.
30 Write a program in Java to demonstrate use of final class, final variable and final method
31 Write a program in Java to develop user defined exception for 'Divide by Zero' error
32 Write a program in Java to demonstrate throw, throws, finally, multiple try block and multiple
catch exception.
33 Write a small application in Java to develop Banking Application in which user deposits the
amount Rs 1000.00 and then start withdrawing of Rs 400.00, Rs 300.00 and it throws
exception "Not Sufficient Fund" when user withdraws Rs. 500 thereafter.
34 Write a program to write at least 10 objects of the Circle class in a File and to perform basic
operations: adding, retrieving, updating, removing elements.
35 Write a program for Java Generics class for Sorting operations:
1. Sorting a list according to natural ordering of elements
2. Reversing sort order
3. Sorting a list whose elements of a custom type
4. Sorting a list using a Comparator. [desirable]
36 Write a program in Java to create, write, modify, read operations on a Text file.
37 Write a java program to illustrate use of standard input stream to read the user input.
38 Write a java program to checks the existence of a specified file.
39 Write a java program to create a file to the specified location.
40 Write a java program to demonstrate the way contents are read from a file.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
42 Write a java program to count the availability of text lines in the particular file. A file is read
before counting lines of a particular file.
43 Write a generic method to count the number of elements in a collection that have a specific
property (for example, odd integers, prime numbers, palindromes).
44 Write a generic method to exchange the positions of two different elements in an array.
Thread Programming
1 Write a program to implement the concept of threading by extending “Thread” Class.
2 Write a program to implement the concept of threading by implementing “Runnable”
3. Write a program that executes two threads. One thread displays “Thread1” every 2,000
milliseconds, and the other displays “Thread2” every 4,000 milliseconds.
4. Write a program that executes two threads. One thread will print the even numbers and
another thread will print odd numbers from 1 to 50.
5. Write java program that create and runs following threads:
a) print "A" 20 times
b) print "B" 30 times
c) print "C" 15 times
6. Write a program in Java to demonstrate use of synchronization of threads when multiple
threads are trying to update common variable for “Account” class.
The collection Framework
1. Develop a program to create Linked List for “Student” class objects references. “Student”
class has std_id, std_name, Array of marks, total_ marks. Calculate
total_marks for all students of Linked List. Display Linked List and also display a particular
student based on student name as a command line argument.
2. Develop a program to create Array List for “Employee” class objects references. Employee
class has emp_code, emp_name, basic_sal, gross_ sal. Calculate gross_sal for all employees
of Array List. Display Array List and also insert an employee object reference in a particular
position (input) in Array List.
Gross_sal=basic_sal+20% of basic_sal (MA)+30% of basic_sal(HRA)
3. Develop a program to create Hash Map for “Customer” class objects references. Customer
class has Bill_no, cust_mobile_no, Array of item_name, Array of item_unit_price, Array of
item_count, total_price. Calculate total_price for all customers of Hash Map. Display Hash
Map and also search particular customer’s bill based on customer mobile no.
Key is mobile no.
4. Sort “Student” Linked List (mentioned in Q:1) based on std_name using “Comparator”

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code :
Course / Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Active Learning Assignment:

Consider any small application e.g. Library Management System having few transactions like Issue,
Return, Renew and Report. Develop Java object oriented application programs and Present the
application developed

CO- PO Mapping:

Semester - 1 Course Name : Object Oriented Programming using JAVA

Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 3 3 3 - - - - -
CO2 3 3 3 - - - - -
CO3 3 3 3 - - - - -
CO4 3 3 3 - - - - -
CO5 3 3 3 - - - - -
3 3 3 - - - - -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Web Technology Project

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2024-25

Semester: 1

Category of the Course: Core Course

Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge.

Rationale: ● The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of web as a tool in presenting
● Understand basic web languages and its components.
● Students can develop a dynamic webpage by the use of HTML, JavaScript and

Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*
CO1 Develop web pages using HTML and HTML5 tags and validators. AP
CO2 Implement client side scripting using Javascript and apply styling using CSS CR
in web pages.
CO3 Develop navigation, events and controlling elements of Angular JS in web CR
CO4 Design dynamic web applications using PHP. CR
CO5 Configure Laravel framework and develop database driven PHP web CR
*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Total Credits
Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) L+T+ (PR/2) Total
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Web Technology Project
Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Introduction: HTML,Tags and Attributes, HTML File Structure, Meta,
Title, Body
Common HTML Tags: Headings, Anchor, Links, Lists, Table, Frames,
6 15
XHTML: HTML Validator, Block and Inline Elements
Introduction to HTML5
DHTML: Introduction to Dynamic Html
CSS & JavaScript
Page Designing with CSS:
CSS Declarations, Using CSS, Sample CSS File, Selectors, Box Model
Concept, Padding, Float and Clear, Z-Index, Websites
2. Benefits of CSS 12 30
Client-side Scripting:
Introduction to JavaScript, Basic Syntax, Variables, Identifiers,
DataTypes and Values, Scope, Literals, Reserved Words, Operators and
Statements,Functions, Objects (Math, String, Date) Regular
Expressions, DOM Event Handling
Angular JS:
Single page application: Single page application using AngularJS,
Create a module, Define Simple controller Embedding AngularJS script
3. in HTML , AngularJS’s routine capability , $routeProvider service from 8 10
ngRoute, Navigating different pages\,HTML DOM directives, ng-
disabled, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-click, Modules (Application, Controller)
, Forms (Events, Data validation, ng-click)
Introduction to PHP

Introduction: Basic HTML syntax, Basic PHP Syntax, using SFTP,

Testing your script, Sending text to browser, Using the PHP Manual,
Sending HTML to the browser, Adding comments to Scripts, Basic
debugging steps

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Web Technology Project

Variables: What Are Variables?, Variable Syntax, Types of Variables,

Variable Values, Understanding Quotation Marks
Form: Creating a Simple Form, Choosing a Form Method, Receiving
Form Data in PHP, Displaying Errors, Error Reporting, Manually
Sending Data to a Page
Numbers: Creating the Form, Performing Arithmetic, Formatting
Numbers, Understanding Precedence, Incrementing and Decrementing
a Number, Creating Random Numbers 6 15

Strings: Creating the HTML Form, Concatenating Strings, Handling

Newlines, HTML and PHP, Encoding and Decoding Strings, Finding
Substrings, Replacing Parts of a String

Control Structures: Creating the HTML Form, The if Conditional,

Validation Functions, Using else, More Operators, Using elseif The
Switch Conditional, The for Loop
Introduction to LARAVEL: Why Use a Framework? Why Laravel?
Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment, An Introduction to
Artisan, Basic Artisan commands, Writing custom artisan commands,
calling artisan commands in Normal code, Tinker.
Router and Controllers: Route Definitions, Route Groups, Views,
Controllers, Route Model Binding, Route Caching, Form Method
Spoofing, CSRF Protection, Redirects, Aborting the Request, Custom
Blade Template : Echoing Data, Control Structures ( Conditionals,
Loops, Or), Template Inheritance, View Composers and Service
5. Injection, Custom Blade Directives Front End Components: Elixir, 13 30
Pagination, Message Bags, String Helpers, Pluralization and
Collecting and Validating User Data: Injecting a Request Object,
Route Data, Uploaded Files, Validation, Form Requests, Eloquent
Model Mass Assignment, {{versus {!! Auth Controller Database
Eloquent: configuration, Migration, Seeding, Query Builder,
Introduction to Eloquent, Eloquent Events User Authentication and
Authorization : The User Model and Migration, Using the auth()
Global Helper and the Auth Facade

Total 45 100

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Web Technology Project

References/Suggested Learning Resources:

1. M. Srinivasan, Web Technology: Theory and Practice, Pearson India
2. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML,
JavaScript, DHTML and PHP - BPB Publications
3. Jeremy McPeak, Paul Wilton, Beginning JavaScript Wrox Publication
4. Angular From Theory To Practice, Asim Hussain, Version 1.2.0, 2017-11-24
5. Larry Ullman, PHP for Web, fifth Edition, Pearson
6. Matt Stauffer, “LARAVEL Up and Running, A framework for building modern PHP Apps”,
O'REILLY , 3rd Indian Reprint (ISBN: 978-93-5213-485-4)

Reference Books:
1. Murach's HTML5 & CSS3", Zak Ruvalcaba & Anne Boehm
2. "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide", 6th Edition, David Flanagan, O'Reilly Media
3. "Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & Web Graphics",
Jennifer Niederst Robbins, O'Rielly
4. "HTML5 Programming with JavaScript", John Paul Mueller, Wiley
5. "HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World", Estelle Weyl, Louis Lazaris, Alexis Goldstein, Sitepoint
6. Julie C Meloni, “Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One” 4th
edition, Pearson Education
7. Luke Welling, Laura Thomson , PHP and MySQL Web Development –– Pearson
8. Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS, Pawel Kozlowski Peter and Bacon
Darwin, Packt Publishing
9. Martin Bean, “Laravel 5 Essentials”, Packet Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78528-301-7
10. Fernando Monteiro, “Hands-On Full-Stack Web Development with Angular 6 and Laravel 5 ",
Packt Publishing, ISBN 9781788833912

Suggested Course Practical List:

1. HTML Basics: Create a simple HTML document with headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images,
and tables.
2. HTML Forms: Design a form with various input types and validate it using HTML5 attributes.
3. CSS Styling: Apply CSS to an HTML document to style text, borders, backgrounds, and layouts
using the Box Model.
4. Responsive Design: Create a responsive webpage using CSS media queries.
5. JavaScript Basics: Write a JavaScript script to perform basic arithmetic operations and
manipulate the DOM.
6. JavaScript Events: Implement event handling to create interactive elements on a webpage.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Web Technology Project
7. Form Validation: Create a JavaScript-based form validation system.
8. AngularJS Application: Develop a single-page application (SPA) using AngularJS that includes
a module, controller, and view.
9. AngularJS Directives: Use AngularJS directives such as ng-show, ng-hide, and ng-click in a
sample application.
10. PHP Basics: Write a simple PHP script to process form data and display it on a webpage.
11. PHP Control Structures: Create a PHP script that uses if-else and switch-case statements for
12. Database Connection with PHP: Connect a PHP script to a MySQL database and perform CRUD
13. Laravel Setup: Set up a Laravel development environment and create a simple application using
Artisan commands.
14. Laravel Routing and Controllers: Define routes and create controllers in a Laravel application.
15. Laravel Blade Templates: Develop a Laravel application using Blade templates to display
dynamic content.

CO- PO Mapping:

Semester Course Name : Web Technology Project

Course Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 3 2 2 - - - - -
CO2 3 3 3 - - - - 1
CO3 3 3 3 2 - - - -
CO4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
CO5 1 3 3 3 - - - 1
2.6 2.8 2.8 2.3 - - - 1

Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2024-25

Semester: 1
Category of the Course: Non-Credit Compulsory Subject for the students who did
not have mathematics at undergraduate level.

High school mathematics, Basic understanding of algebra and proficiency in

problem-solving skills.
This course is designed to equip students with foundational knowledge across various
Rationale: disciplines. Starting with Set Theory & Fundamentals, students learn to manipulate
sets and matrices, crucial for applications in database management and algorithms.
Mathematical Logic builds on this by teaching rigorous reasoning and logical
argument construction, skills vital for software development and formal verification.
Integers and Counting deepen students' understanding of concepts like prime
numbers and counting techniques, which are essential for cryptography and data
science. Relations and Functions introduce students to modeling relationships and
mappings applicable to network analysis and machine learning. Lastly, Graphs and
Trees provide tools to analyze complex systems, preparing students to solve social
network and data structure problems. This structured approach ensures students
develop theoretical understanding and practical skills necessary for future academic
and professional success in technology-driven fields.

Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No Course Outcomes RBT Level
Apply set theory concepts to solve problems involving set operations, describe AP
01 sets using roster and set-builder notation, and manipulate matrices through
various operations.
Construct truth tables for logical expressions, apply DeMorgan’s laws to simplify AP
02 logical statements, and use mathematical induction to prove statements about
Calculate greatest common divisors (GCD) and least common multiples (LCM), AP
03 convert between different numeral systems, and solve counting problems using
permutations, combinations, and recurrence relations.
Define and classify relations based on their properties, analyze functions for AP
04 injectivity, surjectivity, and bijectivity, and apply composition and inverse
operations to functions.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics
Interpret and construct different types of graphs, analyze paths and cycles within AP
05 graphs, identify and apply properties of trees, and perform tree traversals using
various methods.

Teaching Scheme
Credits Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) Total
L+T+ (PR/2)
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
0 2 2 0 0 50 50 0 100

Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Unit 1: Set Theory & Fundamentals Set Theory 5 15
Basic Concepts of Set Theory: Definition, Two Methods to Describe
(Represent) Sets; Sets and Subsets, Operations on Sets, Algebraic
Properties of Set Operations, The Addition Principle,
Sequences: Introduction, Characteristic Functions, Strings and Regular
1. Expressions
Matrices: Representation of a Matrix; Equality of Matrices; Special
Matrices: Rectangular / Square Matrices, Null (Zero) Matrix, Unit
Matrix, Diagonal Matrices, Sum and Difference of 2 Matrices;
Multiplication of 2 matrices; Transpose of a Matrix, Symmetric
Matrices, Boolean Matrix Operations
Unit 2: Mathematical Logic 7 25
Introduction, Propositions and Logical Operations, Truth Tables;
DeMorgans’ Laws; Conditional Statements, Methods of Proof,
Mathematical Induction, Mathematical Statements
Unit 3: Integers and Counting 6 20
Integers: Properties of Integers; Prime Number; Greatest Common
Divisor (GCD); Relative Prime; Least Common Multiple (LCM);
3. Representation of Integers in Computer; Decimal, Binary, Octal, and
Hexadecimal Representation
Counting: Permutations, Combinations, Pigeonhole Principle, Elements
of Probability, Recurrence Relations
Unit 4: Relations and Functions 8 25
4. Relations: Definition, Binary Relation, Representation, Domain, Range,
Universal Relation, Void Relation, Union, Intersection, and

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics
Complement Operations on Relations, Properties of Binary Relations in
a Set: Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive, Antisymmetric Relations,
Relation Matrix and Graph of a Relation; Partition and Covering of a
Set, Equivalence Relation, Equivalence Classes, Compatibility
Relation, Maximum Compatibility Block, Composite Relation,
Converse of a Relation, Transitive Closure of a Relation R in Set X
Functions: Introduction & Definition, Argument. Co-domain, Range,
Image, Value of a Function; Examples, Peano's Successor Function;
Onto (surjective), Into, One-to-one (injective), Many- to-one, Bijective
(one-to-one and onto); examples; Composition of Functions, examples;
Inverse Function, Identity Map, Condition of a Function to be Invertible,
examples; Inverse of Composite Functions, Properties of Composition
of Functions; Binary and n-ary Operations as Mappings (functions),
Properties of Binary Operations; Characteristic Function of a Set;
Properties, examples; Hashing Functions: Division Method, and Mid-
square Method, examples;
Note: Proofs of Theorems are not required
Unit 5: Graphs and Trees 4 15
Introduction, Definition; Initial & Terminal Nodes, Adjacent Nodes;
Directed Edge, Undirected Edge, Directed Graph (Digraph), Undirected
Graph, Mixed Graph; Loop (Sling); Distinct Edges, Parallel Edges;
Multi-graph, Simple Graph; Weighted Graph; Isolated Nodes, Null
Graph; Isomorphic Graphs; In-degree, Out-degree, Total-degree;
Subgraphs; Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive Digraphs; Paths, Length
of Path of a Graph; Simple Path (Edge Simple), Elementary Path (Node
5. Simple), Cycle (Circuit), Simple Cycle, Elementary Cycle; Path of
Minimum Length (Geodesic), Distance between Two Nodes, Triangle
Inequality; Reachability, Reachable Set of a Node, Connected Graphs:
Strongly, Unilaterally, Weakly Connected Graphs & Components;
Trees: Introduction, Definition, Root, Branch Nodes, Leaf (Terminal
Node); Different Representations of Trees; Forests, Subtrees; M-ary
Tree, Full or Complete M-ary Tree; Binary Tree, Full (Complete)
Binary Tree; Conversion of M-ary Tree to Binary Tree; Traversal of
Binary Tree: Pre-order, In-order, and Post-order Traversal
Note: Proofs of Theorems are not required
Total 30 100

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics
Suggested Specification Table with Marks (Theory):
Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level
5 10 85 - - -
Where R: Remember; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C: Create (as per
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

References/Suggested Learning Resources:

(a) Books:
1. J. P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to
Computer Science”, Tata McGraw-Hill (2010) – only for Unit-5 (Graphs & Trees).
2. Bernard Kolmann & others, “Discrete Mathematical Structure”, Pearson Education, Sixth
3. K. H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics and its applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 6th edition
4. D. S. Malik & M. K. Sen, “Discrete Mathematics”, Cengage Learning (2004)
5. Edgar G. Goodaire, Michael M. Parmenter. “Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory”, PHI
6. Ralph P Grimaldi & B V Ramana, “Discreet and Combinatorial mathematics: An Applied
Introduction”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition (2018)
7. J. P. Tremblay and W. K. Grassman. “Logic and Discrete Mathematics”, Pearson Education
(b) Open-source software and website:
1. https://www.scilab.org/ (This is an opensource numerical and mathematical simulation tool,
students may be given some exercise on using this tool to solve the problems)

Suggested Course Tutorial List:

Following tutorial assignments in each unit should be planned

Unit 1: Set Theory & Fundamentals

1.1 Basic Concepts of Set Theory
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems on set operations and properties
1.2 Sequences
 Tutorial Assignments: Analyze given sequences and regular expressions
1.3 Matrices
 Tutorial Assignments: Homework: Solve problems involving matrix operations
Unit 2: Mathematical Logic
2.1 Introduction to Mathematical Logic
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve logic problems using truth tables and proofs
Unit 3: Integers and Counting

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics
3.1 Integers
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems on prime numbers and integer representations
3.2 Counting
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems involving permutations, combinations, and
Unit 4: Relations and Functions
4.1 Relations
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems involving binary relations and their properties
4.2 Functions
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems on function composition and inversion
Unit 5: Graphs and Trees
5.1 Graphs
 Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems involving graph properties and paths
5.2 Trees
Tutorial Assignments: Solve problems involving tree traversal and representation

Tips for Effective Tutorials

 Use multimedia: Incorporate videos, animations, and interactive tools to explain complex
 Encourage participation: Use discussion forums, peer reviews, and group projects to engage
 Provide feedback: Offer constructive feedback on assignments and activities to help students

Suggested Project List:

Form groups of students. Each group consists of two students. Ask them to write C/C++ program on
any two projects from the list given below –
Unit 1: Set Theory & Fundamentals
Project 1: Set Operations
 Description: Create a program to perform various set operations (union, intersection,
difference, complement) on sets represented as arrays.
 Key Concepts: Arrays, functions, set operations.

Project 2: Matrix Operations

 Description: Develop a matrix calculator that can perform operations such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and transpose on matrices.
 Key Concepts: 2D arrays, nested loops, functions for matrix operations.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics
Unit 2: Mathematical Logic
Project 3: Truth Table Generator
 Description: Write a program that generates the truth table for given logical expressions.
 Key Concepts: Logical operators, loops, conditionals.

Project 4: Proof Verification using Logical Operations

 Description: Implement a program to verify simple logical proofs and conditional statements.
 Key Concepts: Logical operators, functions, conditionals.

Unit 3: Integers and Counting

Project 5: Number Conversion Tool
 Description: Create a tool that converts numbers between different bases (decimal, binary,
octal, hexadecimal).
 Key Concepts: Loops, conditionals, arrays, string manipulation.

Project 6: Prime Number Finder

 Description: Write a program to find all prime numbers up to a given number using the Sieve
of Eratosthenes algorithm.
 Key Concepts: Arrays, loops, functions.

Project 7: Permutations and Combinations Calculator

 Description: Develop a program to calculate permutations and combinations for given values
of n and r.
 Key Concepts: Recursion, loops, functions, factorial calculation.

Unit 4: Relations and Functions

Project 8: Binary Relation Representation
 Description: Implement a program to represent and manipulate binary relations using matrices
and graphs.
 Key Concepts: 2D arrays, graph representation, matrix operations.

Project 9: Function Composition and Inversion

 Description: Create a program to perform composition and inversion of mathematical
functions represented as arrays or mappings.
 Key Concepts: Arrays, functions, recursion.

Unit 5: Graphs and Trees

Project 10: Graph Traversal Algorithms
 Description: Write a program to perform depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search
(BFS) on a graph.

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Program Name: Master of Computer Applications
Level: Post Graduate
Course / Subject Code:
Course / Subject Name: Basic Mathematics
 Key Concepts: Graph representation using adjacency matrix/list, recursion, queues, and stacks.

Project 11: Binary Tree Operations

 Description: Implement a binary tree with functionalities such as insertion, deletion, and
traversal (in-order, pre-order, post-order).
 Key Concepts: Structures, pointers, recursion.

Project 12: Shortest Path Finder

 Description: Create a program to find the shortest path in a weighted graph using Dijkstra's
 Key Concepts: Graph representation, priority queues, algorithms.

CO- PO Mapping:

Semester ___ Course Name : Basic Mathematics

Course Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 1 - - 1 - - - -
CO2 2 - - 1 - - - -
CO3 2 - - 1 - - - -
CO4 3 - - 1 - - - -
CO5 1 - - 1 - - - -
1.8 - - 1 - - - -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


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