Draft Syllabus of MCA AY 2024-25- dt 23-08-2024_810345
Draft Syllabus of MCA AY 2024-25- dt 23-08-2024_810345
Draft Syllabus of MCA AY 2024-25- dt 23-08-2024_810345
Master of Computer Applications
Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*
1 Formulate algorithm/ flowchart for given arithmetic and logical problem. UN
Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
1. Programming Language, Compiler, Interpreter, Liker, Loader, 7 15%
1. Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, “Programming in C”, 2nd Edition, 2018, Oxford University Press,
ISBN: 978-01-9949-147-6.
Reference Books:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, 8th Edition, 2019, McGraw Hill Education,
ISBN: 978-93-5316-513-0.
2. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, “Let Us C”, 16th Edition, 2019, BPB Publications, ISBN: 978- 93-
3. Reema Thareja. “Programming in C”, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press.
4. C: The Complete Reference, by Herbert Schildt, Publisher – Tata McGraw Hill.
CO- PO Mapping:
Semester 1 Course Name: Programming with C
POs & PSOs
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 3 2 3 3 - - - -
CO2 3 3 3 3 - - - -
CO3 3 3 3 3 - - - -
CO4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
CO5 3 3 3 2 - - - -
3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 - - - -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.
Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No Course Outcomes RBT Level
perform conversions between different number systems (binary, decimal,
01 octal, hexadecimal) and design basic logic circuits using fundamental logic R, U, A
gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR).
apply Boolean algebra laws and De Morgan’s Theorems to simplify complex
02 logical expressions and design optimized digital circuits using Karnaugh R, U, A
Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Number System:
Decimal System, Two-state Devices, Counting in Binary System,
Binary Addition and Subtraction, Converting Decimal Number to
Binary Numbers, Use of Complements to represent negative numbers in
binary and other number systems, Octal and Hexadecimal Number
1. System.
Basic Logic Gates:
Logic Gates, Logical Multiplication, AND Gate and OR Gate,
Complementation and Inverts Evaluation of logical Expression,
Evaluation of an Expression containing Parenthesis.
NAND Gates and NOR Gates.
Basic Laws of Boolean Algebra, De Morgan’s Theorems, Basic Duality
2. of Boolean Algebra, Derivation of a Boolean Algebra, Interconnecting
Gates Sum of Products And Product of Sums, Derivation of POS
Expression Derivation of 3 input variables expression
Semester: 1
Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Introduction to Database System 6 15 %
Database and Users: Introduction (Basic Concepts: Data, Database,
Database systems, Database Management Systems), Characteristics of
Database Approach, Actors on Scene, Workers behind the Scene,
Advantages of using the DBMS approach. Database System Concepts
1. and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas, Instances, the three schema
architectures and data independence, Database Languages and
interfaces, Database System environment, Centralized and client /
Server Architecture for DBMS, Classifications of Database
Management Systems.
Entity Relationship Diagram 11 25 %
Using high level conceptual data models for database design (Design
Phases of database design), Entity types, Entity Sets, Attributes and
keys, Relationship Types, Relationship sets, Roles and structural
constraints, Weak entity Types, Refining the ER diagram for company
2. Database, Entity Relationship Diagram Naming conventions Design
issues, Example of other Notation: UML class diagram, Relationship
types of degree higher than 2 Subclasses, Super Classes, Inheritance
Specialization and Generalization Relational Database design by ER
and EER to Relational Mapping, Mapping EER model construct to
Database Design 11 20 %
Informal Design Guidelines for Relational Schema, Functional
3. Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys, General
definitions of 1NF, 2NF and 3NF, Boyce-Codd Normal Forms (BCNF),
Multi-valued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form.
Transaction processing 10 25 %
Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction to
Transaction Processing, Transaction and System concepts, Desirable
4. properties of Transactions, characterizing Schedules based on
recoverability and Serializability Relational Model concepts: Relational
Model concepts, Relational Model constraints and Relational Database
5 SQL Concepts: 7 15 %
(*) Basics of SQL, DDL,DML,DCL, structure – creation, alteration,
defining constraints – Primary key, foreign key, unique, not null, check,
IN operator, Functions - aggregate functions, Built-in functions –
numeric, date, string functions, set operations, sub-queries, correlated
sub-queries, Use of group by, having, order by, join and its types, Exist,
Any, All , view and its types. transaction control commands – Commit,
Rollback, Savepoint.
Total 45 100
(*): Only Higher order questions / application oriented questions to be asked in the theory exam
from Unit 5.
1. Ramez Elmsari,Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson Education,
7th Edition
2. Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle, 4th Edition, BPB
Reference Books:
1. Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, McGraw Hill Publication. 5th
2. S. K. Singh, “Database Systems : Concepts, Design and Applications”, Pearson Education
3. Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, “Database Systems : Design, Implementation and Management”,
Cengage Learning
4. C. J. Date, A Kannan, S Swaminathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Pearson
Education, 8th Edition
5. Steve Suehring, Tim Converse, Joyce Park, PHP 6 and MySQL Bible, Wiley
1 Data Types
2 Study of DDL Commands ( Create , Alter , drop )
Table: The Create Table Command, Creating a table from a table (with data, without data,
with all columns, with selected columns), Drop Table, Alter Table, Renaming Tables
3 Study DML Commands ( Select, insert, update, delete )
4 Constraints: Defining integrity constraints using create table and the alter table command,
Dropping integrity constraints in the alter table command
5 Transaction Control statements: Commit, Rollback
6 Advanced Concepts: View, Index, Sequences, rowed, rownum, Default Value Concept
7 Join (Inner Join, Equi Joins, Self Join, Outer Joins)
8 Study subquery concepts
9 Set Operators
10 Study single row functions: String functions, Numeric Functions, Date Functions, Date
Conversion Functions
11 Study aggregate / group functions, having
12 Sorting Data, Handling Null values ( IS NULL), Like Clause
13 Basic concepts of PL/SQL
14 Create Triggers
15 Data dictionary
16 Procedure, function, package
17 Desirable : Security / privileges
Set 1
DEPARTMENT (dept_no, dept_name, location)
1. Create the Simple DEPARTMENT Table.
2. Display structure of department table.
3. Insert below records into Department Table
10 Account NY
20 HR NY
30 Production DL
40 Sales NY
60 TRG
110 RND AH
4. Display all records of Department table
5. Display all department belonging to location 'NY'
6. Display details of Department 10
7. List all department names starting with 'A'
8. List all departments whose number is between 1 and 100
9. Delete 'TRG' department
10. Change department name 'EDP' to 'IT
Set 2
EMPLOYEE (emp_id, emp_name, birth_date, gender, dept_no, address, designation, salary,
experience, email)
DEPARTMENT (dept_no, dept_name, location)
Do as directed:
1. Create the EMP Table with all necessary constraints such as In EMP TABLE: Employee id
should be primary key, Department no should be Foreign key, employee age (birth_date) should
be greater than 18 years, salary should be greater than zero, email should have (@ and dot) sign
in address, designation of employee can be “manager”, “clerk”, “leader”, “analyst”, “designer”,
“coder”, “tester”.
2. Create DEPT table with neccessary constraint such as
3. Department no should be primary key, department name should be unique.
4. After creation of above tables, modify Employee table by adding the constraints as
5. ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ in gender field and display the structure.
6. Insert proper data (at least 5 appropriate records) in all the tables.
7. Describe the structure of table created
8. List all records of each table in ascending order.
9. Delete the department whose loction is Ahmedabad.
10. Display female employee list
11. Display Departname wise employee Names
12. Find the names of the employee who has salary less than 5000 and greater than 2000.
13. Display the names and the designation of all female employee in descending order.
14. Display the names of all the employees who names starts with ‘A’ ends with ‘A’.
15. Find the name of employee and salary for those who had obtain minimum salary.
16. Add 10% raise in salary of all employees whose department is ‘IT’.
17. Count total number of employees of ‘IT’ department.
Set 3
Create the following table:
Salesmen table (SNUM, SNAME , CITY , COMMISSION)
CNUM : A unique number assigned to each customer. CNAME : The name of the customer. CITY : The
location of the customer. RATING : A level of preference indicator given to this customer. SNUM : The
number of salesman assigned to this customer.
ONUM : A unique number assigned to each order. AMOUNT : The amount of an order. ODATE : The
date of an order. CNUM : The number of customer making the order. SNUM : The number of salesman
credited with the sale.
Do as directed:
1. Write an Insert script for insertion of rows with substitution variables and insert appropriate
2. Produce the order no, amount and date of all orders.
3. Give all the information about all the customers with a specific salesman number.
4. Display the following information in the order of city, sname, snum and commission.
5. List of rating followed by the name of each customer in particular one city e.g. Surat.
6. List of snum of all salesmen with orders in order table without any duplicates.
7. List of all orders for more than certain amount e.g. more than Rs. 1000.
8. List of names and cities of all salesmen in one city e.g. London with commission above 10%.
9. List all customers whose names begins with a letter 'C'.
10. List all customers whose names begins with letter 'A' to'G'.
11. List all orders with zero or NULL amount.
12. Find out the largest orders of salesman from two value e.g. 1002 and 1007.
13. Count all orders of particular date e.g. October 3, 2023
14. Calculate the total amount ordered.
Set 4
a) Write a PLSQL block which will print Employee list (Empno and Name) EMP (empno, empnm,
empadd, salary, date_birth, joindt, deptno)
b) Write a function that returns total number of incomplete jobs, using table JOB (jobid, type_of_job,
c) Write a function which displays the number of items whose weight fall between a given ranges for a
particular color using table ITEM (itemno, name, color, weight)
d) Write a procedure to display top five highest paid workers who are specialized in “PAINTING" using
table WORKER (workerid, name, wage_per_hour, specialized_in, manager_id)
Set 5
Create the database EXAM and create given tables with all necessary constraints such as primary key,
foreign key, unique key, not null and check constraints.
(This database is for a common entrance test which is being conducted at a number of centers and can
be taken by an applicant on any day except holidays)
Do as directed:
1. Modify the APPLICANT table so that every applicant id has an ‘A’ before its value. E.g. if value
is ‘1123’, it should become ‘A1123’.
2. Display test center details where no tests were conducted.
3. Display details about applicants who have the same score as that of Ajaykumar in ‘ORACLE
4. Display details of applicants who appeared for all tests.
5. Display those tests where no applicant has failed.
6. Display details of entrance test centers which had full attendance between 1st Oct 15 and 15th
Oct 16.
7. Display details of the applicants who scored more than the cut score in the tests they appeared in.
8. Display average and maximum score test wise of tests conducted at Mumbai.
9. Display the number of applicants who have appeared for each test, test center wise.
10. Display details about test centers where no tests have been conducted.
11. For tests, which have been conducted between 2-3-17 and 23-4-17, show details of the tests as
well as the test centre.
12. How many applicants appeared in the ‘ORACLE FUNDAMENTALS’ test at
13. Chennai in the month of February?
14. Display details about applicants who appeared for tests in the same month as the month in which
they were born.
15. Display the details about APPLICANTS who have scored the highest in each test, test centre
16. Design a read only view, which has details about applicants and the tests that he has appeared
17. Write a procedure which will print maximum score centre wise.
18. Write a procedure which will print details of entrance test showing Centre name, candidate id,
date and score:
19. Write a trigger which do not allow insertion / updation / deletion of Enterance test details on
Set 6
EMP (empno, empnm, empadd, salary, date_birth, joindt, deptno)
DEPT (deptno, deptnm)
Write a PL/SQL block (table above EMP-DEPT table) which takes as input Department name and
displays all the employees of this department who has been working since last five years
Set 7
CUSTOMER (cid, fname, lname, city, country, phone)
ORDER (oid, oDate, oNumber, cid, oTotalAmount)
1. List the number of customers in each country. Only include countries with more than 100
2. List the number of customers in each country, except China, sorted high to low. Only include
countries with 5 or more customers.
3. List all customers with average orders between Rs.5000 and Rs.6500.
4. Create a trigger that executes whenever country is updated in CUSTOMER table.
5. Create a function to return customer with maximum orders.
6. Create a procedure to display month names of dates of ORDER table. The month names should
be unique.
Set 8
EMPMAST (empno, name, pfno, empbasic, deptno, designation)
Rules: HRA = 15% of basic
DA = 50% of basic
Medical = 100
PF = 8.33%of basic
Print Salary slip. Design your own format
Set 9
Consider the Bank schema as
Set 10
Employee (eid, fname, lname, salary)
1. Use a Cursor for Loop inside a function to calculate and return total paid salary to all employees
by the company.
2. Modify the function created above to become a procedure and display the total paid salary from
the procedure itself. Instead of calculating for all employees, calculate only for those employees
whose name starts from a character passed as parameter to the procedure and hence to the cursor.
Tools: MongoDB
1 Introduction, Installation
2 Create Database, Drop Database
3 Create Collection, show collection
CO- PO Mapping:
Course Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 3 - - - - - - -
CO2 3 3 3 2 - - - -
CO3 3 3 3 3 - - - -
CO4 3 1 2 1 - - 3 -
CO5 3 3 3 3 - - 1 -
3 2.5 2.75 2.25 - - 2 -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, student will able to:
No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*
CO1 Describe Java features, OOP concepts and Write console java program RM, UN, AP
syntax and semantics using datatypes, variables, control and looping
CO2 Explain and Implement class, object, encapsulation and polymorphism in RM, UN, AP
CO3 Apply the concept of inheritance, package and exception handling for RM, UN, AP
reusable, structured and error free programs.
CO4 Use wrapper class and Collection interface to convert and manage list of RM, UN, AP
CO5 Describe and Implement multithreaded programs, Generic class
and IO programs.
*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create
Using I/O: Java’s I/O Is Built upon Streams, Byte Streams and
Character Streams, The Byte Stream Classes, The Character Stream
Classes, The Predefined Streams, Using the Byte Streams (Reading
Console Input, Writing Console Output), Reading and Writing Files
Using Byte Streams (Inputting from a File, Writing to a File),
Automatically Closing a File, Reading and Writing Binary Data
Total 45 100
Reference Books:
14 Create a class “Rectangle” that would contain length and width as an instance variable and
count as a static variable.
Define constructors [constructor overloading (default, parameterized and copy)] to
initialize variables of objects. Define methods to find area and to display variables’ value of
objects which are created.
[Note: define initializer block, static initializer block and the static variable and method. Also
demonstrate the sequence of execution of initializer block and static initialize block]
15 Write a java program static block which will be executed before main ( ) method in a
16 Write programs in Java to use Wrapper class of each primitive data types.
17 Write a class “circle” with radius as data member and count the number of instances
created using default constructor only. [Constructor Chaining]
18 Create a class “Vehicle” with instance variable vehicle_type. Inherit the class in a class called
“Car” with instance model_type, company name etc. display the information of the vehicle
by defining the display() in both super and sub class [Method Overriding]
19 Create a class “Account” containing accountNo, and balance as an instance variable. Derive
the Account class into two classes named “Savings” and “Current”. The “Savings” class
should contain instance variable named interestRate, and the “Current” class should contain
instance variable called overdraftLimit. Define appropriate methods for all the classes to
enable functionalities to check balance, deposit, and withdraw amount in Savings and
Current account. [Ensure that the Account class cannot be instantiated.]
20 Write a program in Java in which a subclass constructor invokes the constructor of the
super class and instantiate the values. [ refer class Account and sub classes
savingAccount andCurrentAccount in Q 19 for this task]
21 Write a program in Java to demonstrate the use of 'final' keyword in the field declaration.
How it is accessed using the objects.
22 Write a java program to illustrate how to access a hidden variable. Class A declares a static
variable x. The class B extends A and declares an instance variable x. display ( ) method in B
displays both of these variables.
23 Describe abstract class called Shape which has three subclasses say Triangle, Rectangle,
and Circle. Define one method area () in the abstract class and override this area () in these
three subclasses to calculate for specific object i.e. area () of Triangle subclass should
calculate area of triangle etc. Same for Rectangle and Circle
24 Write a java program to implement an interface called Exam with a method Pass (int mark)
that returns a boolean. Write another interface called Classify with a method Division (int
average) which returns a String. Write a class called Result which implements both Exam and
Classify. The Pass method should return true if the mark is greater than or equal to 50 else
false. The Division method must return “First” when the parameter average is 60 or more,
Consider any small application e.g. Library Management System having few transactions like Issue,
Return, Renew and Report. Develop Java object oriented application programs and Present the
application developed
CO- PO Mapping:
Semester: 1
Rationale: ● The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of web as a tool in presenting
● Understand basic web languages and its components.
● Students can develop a dynamic webpage by the use of HTML, JavaScript and
Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No. Course Outcomes RBT Level*
CO1 Develop web pages using HTML and HTML5 tags and validators. AP
CO2 Implement client side scripting using Javascript and apply styling using CSS CR
in web pages.
CO3 Develop navigation, events and controlling elements of Angular JS in web CR
CO4 Design dynamic web applications using PHP. CR
CO5 Configure Laravel framework and develop database driven PHP web CR
*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create
Total 45 100
1. M. Srinivasan, Web Technology: Theory and Practice, Pearson India
2. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML,
JavaScript, DHTML and PHP - BPB Publications
3. Jeremy McPeak, Paul Wilton, Beginning JavaScript Wrox Publication
4. Angular From Theory To Practice, Asim Hussain, Version 1.2.0, 2017-11-24
5. Larry Ullman, PHP for Web, fifth Edition, Pearson
6. Matt Stauffer, “LARAVEL Up and Running, A framework for building modern PHP Apps”,
O'REILLY , 3rd Indian Reprint (ISBN: 978-93-5213-485-4)
Reference Books:
1. Murach's HTML5 & CSS3", Zak Ruvalcaba & Anne Boehm
2. "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide", 6th Edition, David Flanagan, O'Reilly Media
3. "Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & Web Graphics",
Jennifer Niederst Robbins, O'Rielly
4. "HTML5 Programming with JavaScript", John Paul Mueller, Wiley
5. "HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World", Estelle Weyl, Louis Lazaris, Alexis Goldstein, Sitepoint
6. Julie C Meloni, “Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One” 4th
edition, Pearson Education
7. Luke Welling, Laura Thomson , PHP and MySQL Web Development –– Pearson
8. Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS, Pawel Kozlowski Peter and Bacon
Darwin, Packt Publishing
9. Martin Bean, “Laravel 5 Essentials”, Packet Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78528-301-7
10. Fernando Monteiro, “Hands-On Full-Stack Web Development with Angular 6 and Laravel 5 ",
Packt Publishing, ISBN 9781788833912
1. HTML Basics: Create a simple HTML document with headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images,
and tables.
2. HTML Forms: Design a form with various input types and validate it using HTML5 attributes.
3. CSS Styling: Apply CSS to an HTML document to style text, borders, backgrounds, and layouts
using the Box Model.
4. Responsive Design: Create a responsive webpage using CSS media queries.
5. JavaScript Basics: Write a JavaScript script to perform basic arithmetic operations and
manipulate the DOM.
6. JavaScript Events: Implement event handling to create interactive elements on a webpage.
CO- PO Mapping:
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.
Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No Course Outcomes RBT Level
Apply set theory concepts to solve problems involving set operations, describe AP
01 sets using roster and set-builder notation, and manipulate matrices through
various operations.
Construct truth tables for logical expressions, apply DeMorgan’s laws to simplify AP
02 logical statements, and use mathematical induction to prove statements about
Calculate greatest common divisors (GCD) and least common multiples (LCM), AP
03 convert between different numeral systems, and solve counting problems using
permutations, combinations, and recurrence relations.
Define and classify relations based on their properties, analyze functions for AP
04 injectivity, surjectivity, and bijectivity, and apply composition and inverse
operations to functions.
Teaching Scheme
Credits Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) Total
L+T+ (PR/2)
Theory Tutorial / Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA / CA (M) PA/CA (I) ESE (V)
0 2 2 0 0 50 50 0 100
Course Content:
Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage
Unit 1: Set Theory & Fundamentals Set Theory 5 15
Basic Concepts of Set Theory: Definition, Two Methods to Describe
(Represent) Sets; Sets and Subsets, Operations on Sets, Algebraic
Properties of Set Operations, The Addition Principle,
Sequences: Introduction, Characteristic Functions, Strings and Regular
1. Expressions
Matrices: Representation of a Matrix; Equality of Matrices; Special
Matrices: Rectangular / Square Matrices, Null (Zero) Matrix, Unit
Matrix, Diagonal Matrices, Sum and Difference of 2 Matrices;
Multiplication of 2 matrices; Transpose of a Matrix, Symmetric
Matrices, Boolean Matrix Operations
Unit 2: Mathematical Logic 7 25
Introduction, Propositions and Logical Operations, Truth Tables;
DeMorgans’ Laws; Conditional Statements, Methods of Proof,
Mathematical Induction, Mathematical Statements
Unit 3: Integers and Counting 6 20
Integers: Properties of Integers; Prime Number; Greatest Common
Divisor (GCD); Relative Prime; Least Common Multiple (LCM);
3. Representation of Integers in Computer; Decimal, Binary, Octal, and
Hexadecimal Representation
Counting: Permutations, Combinations, Pigeonhole Principle, Elements
of Probability, Recurrence Relations
Unit 4: Relations and Functions 8 25
4. Relations: Definition, Binary Relation, Representation, Domain, Range,
Universal Relation, Void Relation, Union, Intersection, and
Use multimedia: Incorporate videos, animations, and interactive tools to explain complex
Encourage participation: Use discussion forums, peer reviews, and group projects to engage
Provide feedback: Offer constructive feedback on assignments and activities to help students
CO- PO Mapping: