180420231910-Technical Bid CHERTHALA Bazar Road Branch
180420231910-Technical Bid CHERTHALA Bazar Road Branch
180420231910-Technical Bid CHERTHALA Bazar Road Branch
h t t ps : / / s b i . c o . i n u n d e r t h e l i n k
“ S B I i n t h e N e w s P r o c u r e me n t
N e w s”
h t t ps : / / e t e n d e r. s b i
E MD ( D D )
E ST IM AT E D VAL U E O F WO R K R s . 19 , 8 5 , 95 0 . 00 P l u s GST as a pp l i c a b l e
AVAI L AB IL IT Y IN WE B S IT E F r o m 1 9 . 0 4 . 2 02 3 t o 2 7 . 04 . 2 02 3
S U B MIS S IO N OF T EC H N IC AL U PT O 02 . 0 0 P M ( IS T ) O N 2 7 . 0 4 . 20 2 3
O P E N IN G O F T E CH N IC AL B ID S 0 2 : 3 0 P M ( IS T ) O N 2 7 . 0 4 .2 0 23
O N L IN E S U B M IS S IO N O F P R IC E T E NTAT IV E LY O N 0 5 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 3 [ 11: 0 0 AM ( IS T )
B ID S t o 0 3 : 0 0 P M ( IS T ) ]
T E NTAT IV E LY O N 0 5 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 3 [ 0 3: 3 0 P M ( IS T ) ]
6 0 D AYS F R O M T H E D AT E O F
R s . 2 0 , 00 0 / - ( R u pe e s Tw en t y T hou s an d O n l y)
in t h e f o r m o f D D in f a v o u r o f ‘ R eg i o n a l
Ma n a g e r, Sta t e B a nk o f In d i a , R B O - 4 , pa ya b le
a t A la p p u zh a
10.00 LAKHS
For any clarification and Smt. NAZIA SHERIN.S., Manager (Civil Engineer.) Ph:
d r a w i n gs p l e a se c on ta c t 9447778810
Tenders are invited as stated in the Tender Notice from the Empanelled contractors
fulfilling the eligibility criteria for execution of work - “Name and Location” as stated in
the Tender notice.
6 Address for submission of Technical As stated in Tender Notice Bids of those firms/
Bid, EMD and other documents contractors who do not submit EMD shall be rejected.
10 The tender will be summarily rejected if 1. Failed to submit Technical Bid & EMD at the
the Bidder respective RBO on or before due date & Time.
2. Failed to upload duly signed and stamped Form of
Submission of tender & Process Compliance
Statement (Annexure –I & II), as a proof of accepting
the terms and conditions.
3. Partly or fully Modifies, alters or corrects the tender
document uploaded by SBI.
11 Validity of tender 90 days from the last date for submission of PRICE
13 Additional information for bidding 1. The make of materials should be chosen strictly
from the preferred makes as given in the tender.
19 Retention Money Retention Money @ 10% of the Gross Value of each bill
shall be deducted till Total Security (including ISD) is
equal to 5% of contract value.
20 Liquidated Damages for delay in work Time is the essence of the Contract. If the work is
delayed beyond the scheduled completion date, then
Liquidated Damages @ 0.50% of the total contract
value per week (or part thereof) of delay will be
deducted from the Contractor’s final bill subject to
maximum of 5% of the contract amount.
SBI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any reason whatsoever, even
after opening of the bids.
Primary Contact:
In constructing these conditions, the specifications, the schedule of quantities, tender and
agreement, the following words shall have the meaning herein assigned to them except where
the subject or context otherwise requires.
i) “The Employer/ Bank” ‘means the State Bank of India (including branches and other
offices) and any of its employees or representative authorized on their behalf.
iii) “The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Bank and the Contractor,
as recorded in the Contract Form signed by both the parties, including all attachments, bid
documents and appendices thereto, all documents incorporated by reference therein and
other communications between the parties such as Work Order, Acceptance Letter etc.
iv) “Vendor/ Contractor” is the successful Bidder to whom the work has been awarded.
v) “The Contract Price/ Project Cost” means the price payable to the Vendor under the
Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.
vi) “The Material/ Product” means all the materials along with the accessories which the
contractor is required to supply to the Bank under the Contract.
vii) “The Works/ Project” shall mean the works to be executed or done under this contract.
viii) “The Site” means locations where the proposed work is to be carried out and services as
desired in this tender document are to be provided.
ix) “The Schedule of Quantities/ BOQ” shall mean the schedule of quantities as specified
and forming part of this contract.
Words importing persons include firms and corporations. Words importing the singular only, also
include the plural and vice verse where the Context requires.
3.1 Contractors in the respective category who are eligible as per the criteria given in NIT for
carrying out works costing equal to or more than the estimated value of the works.
3.2 The vendor should have a valid digital signature to participate in the online tendering
3.5 The Technical Bid, EMD, Form of Submission of tender & Process Compliance
Statement in Physical for shall be submitted in a sealed envelope super scribed on top as
“TENDER FOR ……………………………… (Name of the work)” and addressed to the Regional
Manager as stated above and dropped in the tender box kept at the office of the Regional
Manager as stated above or send so as to reach the office of the Regional Manager as stated
above, on or before the scheduled date and time:
4.1 The bidding process shall be conducted online in Two Bid System on ITEM RATE rate
basis through our e- Tendering Service Provider viz., M/s. e-procurement technologies ltd.
4.2 BID DOCUMENTS:- The work has to be carried out strictly according to the conditions
stipulated in Bid consisting the following documents and in the most workman like manner,
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
- General Conditions of Contract
- Price Bid
4.3 The above documents shall be taken as complementary and mutually explanatory of one
another but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies, shall take precedence in the order given
below :
- Price Bid
- General Conditions of Contract
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
4.4 Complete set of Bid documents are available at the Bank’s website https://sbi.co.in
under “SBI in the News procurement news“during the period mentioned in the NIT.
5.1 The tenders submitted shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of Ninety days from
the last date for submission of PRICE BID. Should any tenderer withdraw his tender before the
expiry of the said period or makes any modifications to his tender, their EMD will be forfeited.
6.1 Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding document may notify us in writing at the
address/ by e-mail given in the NIT within the date/time mentioned.
6.2. The clarifications to the queries received or amendments in the tender will be posted on
the Bank’s website https://sbi.co.in as a corrigendum/ Addendum. No individual communication
will be conveyed to the Bidders. The interested parties/Bidders are advised to check the above
website regularly till the date of submission of Bid document and ensure that clarifications /
amendments issued, if any, have been taken into consideration before submitting the Bid. Such
amendments/clarifications, if any, issued by the Bank will be binding on the participating
Bidders. SBI will not take any responsibility for any such omissions by the Bidder. SBI, at its own
discretion, may extend the deadline for submission of Bids in order to allow prospective Bidders
a reasonable time to prepare the Bid taking into account the amendments.
6.4. SBI reserves the right to amend, rescind or reissue the tender, at any time prior to the
deadline for submission of Bids.
6.5. No request for change in commercial/ legal terms and conditions, other than what has
been mentioned in the tender or any addenda/ corrigenda or clarifications issued in connection
thereto, will be entertained and queries in this regard therefore will not be entertained.
6.6. Any Queries received after the scheduled date and time will not be responded/ acted
8.1 The Earnest Money Deposit should be submitted physically in the form of a DD/BC as
specified above. (Tenders without EMD and cost of the tender will be summarily rejected). Bank
is not liable to pay any interest on Earnest Money Deposit. The EMD for unsuccessful tenderer
shall be refunded to them without any interest after the decision to award the work is taken. The
EMD of the successful tenderer shall be retained as part of Security Deposit and for the due
fulfillment of the contract. If the successful tenderer refuses to take up the work/ does not start
the work in time the EMD will be forfeited and the work order will be cancelled.
8.3 If the tendering process is delayed for any reason, the Bank will insist on the revalidation
of the DD and the bidder has to get it revalidated and submit again.
7.1 ISD shall be 2% of the contract value. The successful tenderer has to deposit with the
Bank an amount equal to 2% of the tender amount (including EMD) in the form of DD/BC (as in
the case of EMD) OR in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by any Scheduled Bank other than
SBI or its Associate Banks, within two weeks from the date of award of work and the same shall
be kept as part of the Total Security Deposit. No interest shall be paid on the amount retained by
the Bank as Security Deposit.
10.1 Apart from ISD as mentioned above, Retention money shall be deducted from each bill
of the contractor @ 10 % of the gross value of the bill till Total Security Deposit equals to 5% of
the accepted contract value i.e TSD= ISD + Retention Money. Security deposit shall not bear
any interest.
10.2 The contractor shall make good at his own cost and to the satisfaction of the Employer
all defects, which may appear within the defects liability period. In case of failure on the part of
tenderer to do so, it shall be got done by SBI at the risk and cost of the tenderer and the cost of
rectifying the defects through any other agency shall be deducted from the amount of security
deposit or any other payment/deposits due to the contractor.
10.3 During the contract period, all compensation or other sums of money payable by the
Contractor to Bank under the terms of this contract, will be deducted from the security deposit,
or from any sum that may become due to the Contractor on any account whatsoever.
10.4 In the event of the Security Deposit being reduced by reasons of any such deductions,
the Contractor shall within 7 days of being asked to make good, by DD, any sum which have
been deducted from his security deposit.
11.1 Time is the essence of the contract. The entire work shall be completed by the
Contractor within the stipulated period from the date of commencement of work. The date of
commencement of work at site shall be within 7 (Seven) days from the date allotment letter or
the date of handing over of the site whichever is later. The contractor should strictly adhere to
the completion time schedule.
12.2 If in the opinion of the Employer, the work is delayed due to the following reasons not
attributable to the contractor, the employer shall make a fair and reasonable extension of time,
for completion of the Contract works
a) By force majeure (or)
b) By reason of any exceptionally inclement weather (or)
c) By reason of proceedings taken or threatened by or dispute with adjoining or
neighboring owners of public authorities arising, than through the Contractor’s own
default (or)
d) By the works not referred in the Schedule of Quantities or specifications (or)
e) By reason of civil commotion, workmen strike or lock-out (or)
f) In consequence of the Contractor not having in due time, necessary instructions from
the Employer for which he shall have specifically applied in writing ahead of time, giving
reasonable time to prepare such instructions
12.3 In case of such strike or lock-out, the Contractor shall as soon as possible give written
notice thereof to the employer, but the Contractor shall nevertheless constantly use his
endeavors to prevent delay and shall do all they may reasonably be required, to the satisfaction
of the employer to proceed with the work.
10.1 If the work is not completed in the specified time, the contractor will be levied liquidated
damages @ ½ % per week of delay subject to a maximum of 5% of the contract amount. The
tenderer must obtain for himself in his own responsibility and at his own expenses all the
information necessary for the purpose of filling the tender and to enter into a contract with the
Bank, he must examine the drawings, specifications, conditions etc., and must inspect the site
of work and must acquaint himself with all the local conditions and matters pertaining thereto.
The tenderer shall also bear all expenses in connection with the submission of this tender.
14.1 The tenderer whose tender is accepted is bound to execute a formal agreement with the
Bank within 15 days from the receipt of intimation of acceptance of his Bid by SBI and this
agreement will include the duly completed form of tender, specifications conditions, other papers
therein, special conditions, all drawings etc., but his liability will commence from the date of the
written acceptance of the tender whether the formal agreement is drawn or not. The contractor
shall bear all expenses in connection with the execution of the said agreement including fees for
stamps and registration of documents as required.
15.1 SBI does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to itself the right to
reject any or all the tenders received without assigning of reasons thereof. Further, the SBI
reserves the right to award any portion of the work to different tenderers or to award the entire
work to one tenderer. SBI reserve the right to cancel the Bidding process and reject all Bids at
any time prior to award of the contract, without incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the SBI’s
15.2 The acceptance of a tender rests with the Competent Authority, who does not bind
himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of
the tenders received, without assigning any reasons. All tenders in which any of the prescribed
conditions are not fulfilled, or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
15.3 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract. The selected
Bidder should convey acceptance of the award of contract by returning duly signed and
stamped duplicate copy of the PO within 15 days from the date of issue of work order and to
enter into an agreement with the Bank.
16.0 The compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Bank under
the terms of contract may be deducted from his EMD/ SD if the amount so permits and the
contractor shall unless such deposits become otherwise payable within ten days, after such
deductions, make good in cash the amount so deducted.
16.1 The work shall be carried out under the directions and supervision of and subject to the
approval in all respects by the Bank’s Engineer.
11 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
16.2 In case of renovation of branches - The work has to be done inside a functioning
office. The contractor shall carryout work without causing inconvenience to the officials
working in the premises and must remove the day to day debris from the site. Necessary
site protection works and safety precautions shall be arranged by the contractor at his
own cost before commencement of the work. No separate payment shall be made for
dismantling and re-arrangement of existing counters, partitions etc. for temporary
functioning of the branch.
17.1 The Bidder is advised to inspect the site and satisfy himself on his own responsibility and
his own expenses all the following information and data which may be required for the purpose
of preparation and submission of their bids:
17.2 The quantities indicated in the BOQ are only probable quantities and are liable to
alteration by omission, reduction or addition. Payment shall be made on the basis of actual
quantities of work done at the accepted rates. No alterations which are made by the tenderer in
the drawings, specifications or in probable quantities accompanying the tender will be
recognized and the tender is likely to be invalidated. Remarks and explanations should be given
in a separate cover along with EMD and will become binding only if specially accepted in writing
by the Bank at the time of acceptance of tender.
17.3 The Bidder will be fully responsible for considering the financial effect of any or all the
above factors while submitting his Bid. SBI shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the
same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.
18.1 On acceptance of the tender the contractor shall in writing submit to the Bank the names
of his accredited representatives who will be responsible to take instructions from the Bank.
18.2 The work or any part of it shall not be transferred assigned or sublet without the consent
of the Bank.
18.3 The contractor shall be required to co-operate and work in accordance with and afford
reasonable facilities for such other agencies / specialists as may be employed by the Bank on
other work/sub works in connection with the work.
18.4 The contractor is required to comply with all acts of Government relating to labour and
the rules and regulations made there under from time to time and submit at the proper times all
particulars and statements required to be furnished to the labour authorities.
18.6 Bank will not take any responsibility to provide any material including water/ electricity.
However, contractor may use the available water/ power supply without causing any
inconvenience to the Bank functioning by paying consumption charges as per the prevailing
18.7 If the Contractor has concealed any of the items of work without informing SBI Engineer,
the same shall be opened up for measurement and made good to the original finishing at the
contractor’s expenses. If the contractor refuses to do so, then the same will not be considered
for measurement and no payment may be made for such materials.
18.8 The contractor shall not execute any extra work other than the Bank’s written instruction.
No works, for which rates are not specifically mentioned in the price bid, shall be taken up
without written permission of the Bank.
18.9 Should any dispute or differences arise after the execution of any work as to
measurements etc., or other matters which cannot be conveniently tested or checked, the
decision of SBI shall be accepted as correct and binding on the contractor.
18.10 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange/provide the tools, ladder, stands or any
other gadgets or supports required for the execution of the work at site and Bank will not provide
or entertain such requests.
19.1 All the works specified and provided for in the specifications or which may be required to
be done in order to perform and complete any part thereof shall be executed in the best and
most workman like manner with materials of the best and approved quality of the respective
kinds in accordance with the particulars contained in and implied by the specifications and as
represented by the drawings or according to such other additional particulars, and instructions
as may from time to time be given by SBI during the execution of the work and to his entire
satisfaction. The Contractor shall use only products bearing ISI marking in the work for those
materials for which no makes are mentioned in the tender.
19.2 No refurbished, second hand and spurious materials should be used. If required, the
contractor has to submit the details of the source of his purchase of materials to SBI. SBI
reserves its right to enquire and collect data from the supplier to confirm the authenticity of the
materials. SBI has the right to stringent action against the contractor, as deemed fit, in addition
to suspend / cancel the contract.
19.3 Contractor should get approval of the samples of materials in advance with SBI’s
Engineer before use of the same in the work. Should be contractor desire to substitute any
specified materials with “Equal” or “Other approved” etc., he/ they must obtain the specific
approval of the Bank/SBI in writing for any such substitution, well in advance.
19.4 Samples of all materials to be used must be submitted when so directed by SBI. If
required, the contractor shall have to carry out tests on materials in approved materials testing
laboratories or as prescribed by SBI at his own cost to prove that the materials etc., under test
conform to the relevant I.S Standards or as specified in the specifications. The necessary
charges, transporting, testing etc., shall have to be borne by the contractor. No extra payment
on this account will be entertained.
13 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
19.5 If the contractor has used any material which is not complying with the specifications, or
the workmanship is bad or the material used is substandard or second hand etc, SBI shall
during the progress of the work have power to order the removal and substitution of the material
or proper re-execution of the work within a reasonable time. In case the contractor refuses to
comply with the order, SBI shall have the power to employ other agencies to rectify or re-
execute the work at the cost and risk of the contractor.
19.6 Any damage (during the work) to any part of the work or to the premises for any reasons
due to rain, storm or neglect of contractor shall be rectified by the contractor in an approved
manner at no extra cost.
19.7 Should the work be suspended by reason of rain, strike, lock-outs or any other cause,
the contractor shall take all precautions necessary for the protection of work and at his own
expenses shall make good any damage arising from any of these causes.
19.8 When the employer observes that the progress of the work is not satisfactory or very
slow or not in a workmanship manner or of poor quality or violative of safety protocols etc, the
contractor shall be issued a suitable advise to rectify the same or replace the materials or redo
the entire work, within a reasonable time frame. If the contractor could not rectify the things
within the time frame given, in the interest of the work, the Employer reserves the right to
execute any part of the work included in this contract or the entire work by any other Agency or
persons and contractor shall allow all reasonable facilities and extend cooperation for the
execution of such work.
19.9 All expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto as certified by SBI shall be borne
by the contractor or may be deducted from any money due to or that may become due to the
contractor. No certificate, shall relieve the contractor from his liability in respect of unsound work
or bad materials.
i) No advance payment.
ii) No part payment. For certain works, part payment will be considered if stipulated in the
iii) Payment shall be made by way of Electronic fund transfer and the bill will be paid by the
iv) Contractor should furnish details of the bank A/c no, IFSC code along with their invoices.
20.1 Part/ Interim payment is paid as per the payment terms mentioned in the NIT. All the
interim payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payment
only and not as payments for work actually done and completed, and shall not preclude the
requiring of bad, unsound, and imperfect or unskilled work to be removed and taken away and
reconstructed, or re-erected or be considered as an admission of the due performance of the
contract, or any part thereof in any respect or the accruing of any claim, nor shall, it conclude,
determine or affect in any way the power of the Employer under these conditions or any of them
as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in any other way vary
or affect the contract.
20.2 If the Bank has supplied any materials or goods to the contractor, the cost of any such
materials or goods will be progressively deducted from the amount due to the contractor in
accordance with the quantities consumed in the work.
20.4 GST as applicable shall be paid extra and the same shall be clearly shown in the
20.5 Income Tax, Labour Welfare fund, GST-TDS and any other taxes as applicable from
time to time will be deducted at source as per the rates prevalent at the time of payment of bill.
20.6 GST:
a. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the GST is valid and active. Payments
will not be made to inactive or invalid GST invoices.
b. Reimbursement of GST will be made only on submission of proper GST invoice as per
applicable GST provision. Non-GST invoices will not be accepted. The contractor should
comply with the following.
c. Contractor should have GST Registration Number
d. Invoice should specifically disclose the amount of GST levied at applicable rate as per
GST provision
e. In case of Correction in the bills after scrutiny, contractor should submit fresh bills for
f. Contractor should timely file his GST return in accordance with GST provisions to enable
the bank to claim the credit of GST paid to the contractor
g. The GST Number of State Bank of India for Kerala State -32AAACS8577K2ZX
20.7 The works will be paid for as “measured work” on the basis of actual work done and not
as “lump sum” contract, unless otherwise specified.
20.8 All items of work described in the schedule of quantities are to be deemed and paid as
complete works in all respects and details including preparatory and finishing works involved,
directly related to and reasonably detectable from the drawings, specifications and schedule of
quantities and no further extra charges will be allowed in this connection. In the case of lump-
sum charges in the tender, in respect of any items of work, payment will be made for the actual
work done, on the basis of lump sum charges, as will be assessed by SBI.
20.9 The rates quoted shall be firm till completion of work and no escalation shall be
considered. The employer is entitled to deduct all taxes and rates as per existing laws and rules,
from any moneys due or that may become due to the contractor. The contractor shall indemnify
the employer from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages cost and expenses
which may be brought or made against the employer or to which it may be put by reason of the
contractor not conforming to or complying with any of the provisions or requirements of any act
or sections, Central or State rules and regulations Bye laws of local authorities Panchayat,
Collector of any other companies relating to or in water, light or amenities at the site.
The Contractor should follow the following General safety Guidelines while executing the work:
22.1 Smoking is strictly prohibited at workplace.
22.3 Usage of eye protection equipment shall be ensured when workmen are engaged for
grinding, chipping, welding and gas-cutting. For other jobs eye protection has to be provided as
per the need.
22.4 All safety appliances like Safety shoes, Safety gloves, Safety helmet, Safety belt, Safety
goggles etc. shall be arranged before starting the job.
22.5 Excavated pits for earthing, cable laying shall be barricaded till the backfilling is done.
Safe approach to be ensured into every excavation.
22.6 Preferably the work shall be carried out during the daytime. However, adequate
illumination at workplace shall be ensured in case any work is carried out at night.
22.7 All the dangerous moving parts of the portable / fixed machinery being used shall be
adequately guarded.
26.8 Ladders being used at site shall be adequately secured at bottom and top. Ladders shall
not be used as work platforms.
22.9 Debris, scrap and other materials to be cleared from time to time from the workplace and
at the time of closing of work every day. Dismantled Material shall not be thrown from the height
and shall be properly disposed off to prevent any injury to public/staff.
22.10 Other than electricians no one is allowed to carry out electrical connections, repairs on
electrical equipment or other jobs related thereto.
22.11 All electrical connections shall be made using 3 or 5 core cables, having a earth wire.
22.12 Inserting of bare wires for tapping the power from electrical sockets is completely
prohibited and plug tops of suitable capacity only shall be used.
22.13 All the unsafe conditions, unsafe acts identified by contractors, reported by SBI/ SBI to
be corrected on priority basis.
22.14 No children or physically challenged persons shall be allowed to enter the workplace and
shall not be utilized for any service during execution of the work.
22.15 All the Gas cutting, sharp tools, flammable materials and tackles shall be stored properly
and safely when not in use.
22.16 Clamps shall be used on Return cables to ensure proper earthling for welding works.
22.17 Return cables shall be used for earthling.
22.18 All the pressure gauges used in gas cutting apparatus shall be in good working condition
and in case of any leakages, the same shall not be used.
22.19 Proper eye washing facilities shall be made in areas where chemicals are handled.
22.20 Connectors and hose clamps are used for making welding hose connections.
16 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
22.21 Tapping of power by cutting electric cables in between must be avoided. Proper junction
boxes must be used.
23.0 Responsibility for safety of building: The contractor shall be responsible the safety of
the works (including the materials temporary buildings and plants) until they are taken over by
the employer and they shall stand at their risk and be in the sole charge of the contractor who
shall be responsible for and must with all possible speed make good all damage from whatever
cause. All the debris shall be removed and disposed of away from the site at the
contractors own risk and cost.
24.0 The contractor shall provide at his own cost all materials (except such materials if any,
as may in accordance with the contract be supplied by the employer) machinery, plant tools,
appliances, implements, ladders, cordage, tackle, scaffolding, in fact everything necessary or
proper for the proper execution of work, whether the same may or may not be particularly
shown or inferred there from and if the contractor finds any discrepancy in the drawings or
between the drawings, schedule of quantities and specifications he shall immediately and in
writing refer to the Bank who shall decide which is to be followed.
25.0 Payment will be released only after completion of the work to the satisfaction of the
Bank. However, interim bills will be considered subject to ceiling as mentioned above.
26.0 The contractor has to undertake repairs/ rectifying the defects whatsoever during the
defects liability period, failing which the security deposit shall be forfeited.
27.0 The costs of the tests and of the materials and labour and equipment, involved in the
testing operations shall be borne by the contractor.
28.1 Only those bidders satisfying the eligibility criteria given in the NIT need to apply.
Tenders (Technical bid, EMD & any other details sought for) should be submitted in physical
form to the office of the Regional Manager as stated above. After opening and shortlisting the
bidders, the qualified bidders will be intimated to participate in the e-price bidding, The qualified
bidder should log into the website https:etender.sbi well in advance for bid submission so that
he/she upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. The server time (which is
displayed on the online portal dashboard) will be considered as the standard time for
referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The
bidders should follow this time during bid submission. Bidder will be responsible for any delay
due to other issues.
28.2 The bidders should submit their price bids online with their valid digital certificate, which
confirms that the bidders have read and understood the tender terms and conditions. Claiming
ignorance of all the terms and conditions in this tender either before or after the PO is issued or
during the progress of the work will not be accepted.
28.3 The bidder shall submit the documents enlisted in the checklist in the NIT in the softcopy
format. ie scanned copy of the documents either in PDF or JPEG format as required in case of
submission of technical bid online, otherwise this may be ignored. SBI will not be held
responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of bids online by
the bidders. The bidder should see that the documents submitted should be free from virus and
if the documents could not be opened, due to virus, during tender opening, the bid is liable to be
17 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
28.4 The documents submitted in the Tender should NOT contain any price information.
Such Bid, if received, will be rejected.
28.5 The bidder shall submit his quotes online through the PRICE BID in the e-procurement
portal. The price bid will be opened only if the Bid is unconditional and the bidder qualifies as
per eligibility criteria and meets technical specifications.
28.6 If required, SBI shall conduct e-reverse auction among the qualified bidders and the
same shall be communicated to the bidders.
28.7 No claim for submission of offline bids will be entertained. Such bids will not be
29.1 The contractor shall satisfy himself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency
of his Bid for the works and the rates/ amounts stated in the schedule of quantities and / or the
schedule of rates and amount as provided covering all his obligations under the contract and all
matters necessary for proper completion of the works expected in this document.
29.2 The rate quoted shall be firm and shall include costs of all materials, loading, transport,
unloading, Installation charges, wastage of materials during execution, levies, Octroi(if
applicable), local body taxes (if applicable), all type of Insurance Charges, temporary works
such as scaffolding, cleaning, overheads, profit, statutory expenses, incidental charges and all
related expenses to complete the work etc..
29.5 Rate Revision in the contract amount is not permitted during the validity period of the
contract for any reason including during the extended period, if any.
29.6 Any request for review of the price bid after the bid opening will not be entertained.
29.7 The tender form must be filled in English and all entries must be made by hand and
written in ink. The tenders must be submitted in the prescribed format only. The tenderer must
quote the rates and amount in the Bill of Quantities. The rates should be written both in words
and figures without any erasures and alterations.
a. However, if errors are made, the wrong figures or words must be neatly scored out under
full signature of the tenderer and the correct figures and words neatly rewritten. Over
writing is not permitted.
b. Errors in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), rates and amount shall be dealt with in the following
i) In the event of a discrepancy between the rates quoted in words and the rates in
figures, the quotient of the total amount divided by the quantity shall be taken into
All errors in totaling the amount column and in carrying forward, the totals shall be corrected.
Note: In case of e-tendering, the contractor shall enter the rates online in the sealed bid format
and other details like rate in figures, amount etc will be displayed automatically. In such case,
the contractor need not submit the price bid in physical form. Other details of e-price bidding is
given below:-
a. No modifications are permitted after quoting the rates online. However, if errors are made,
the bid shall be withdrawn and revised quote shall be submitted within the time allotted for
bid submission.
b. In the event of a discrepancy between the rates quoted in figure and words, the rate
quoted in figures shall be taken into consideration as the rate in words is auto populated
based on the rate quoted in figures.
30.1 SBI will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, on required formats
& accompanied by supporting Documents and the Bids are conforming to all the terms and
conditions of the Bidding Document without any deviations and are generally in order.
30.2 If a Bid is not conforming to the terms and conditions, it will be rejected. However, SBI
will have right to demand submission of more information as required, if any of the document is
partly submitted. If the bidder does not respond within the stipulated time, SBI will reject or
disqualify the bid.
31.1 Only those Bidders and Bids who have been found to be in conformity of the eligibility
terms and conditions during the preliminary evaluation would be taken up for further detailed
evaluation. Those Bids who do not qualify the eligibility criteria and all terms during preliminary
examination will not be taken up for further evaluation.
31.2 During evaluation of bids, the SBI may, at its discretion ask the bidders for clarification
of its bid. The request for clarification shall be in writing and no change in prices or substance of
the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. No post bid clarification at the initiative of the
bidder shall be entertained.
31.3 The tenders must be unconditional. Conditional tenders leading to unknown / indefinite
liability may be summarily rejected.
32.1 Only those Bidders who qualify in Technical evaluation would be shortlisted and the
online price bid submitted by the bidder will be opened.
32.2 The L1 Bidder will be selected on the basis of net total of the price evaluation as
quoted in the online price bidding or Reverse Auction (if conducted).
19 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
32.3 In case, the lowest tendered amount of two or more contractors are the same, such
lowest contractors will be again asked to submit sealed/ online “Revised offers”, but the revised
quoted amount shall, in no case, be higher than the amount quoted during their initial offer for
the project. The lowest tender shall be decided on the basis of revised offers.
32.4 The process of sealed/ online rebidding amongst two or more contractors offering
same rates shall continue till L-1 bidder is discovered.
32.5 In case, any such contractor(s) (quoted same tender amount during initial bidding or
subsequent rebidding) refuses to submit revised offer, it shall be treated as ‘withdrawal of
tender’ by the contractor before acceptance and their Ernest Money shall be forfeited.
32.6 In case, all the lowest contractors those who have quoted same tendered amount,
refuse to participate in online revised bidding process for the project, the EMD of such
contractors shall be forfeited and the tenders shall be re-invited for the project. Such contractors
shall not be allowed to participate in the retendering process of the work.
32.7 Further, contractors submitting erratic and unreasonably low offers ie., below minus
25% of estimated cost, shall submit additional security deposit (equal to difference in estimated
cost vis-à-vis final tender amount quoted) as Performance Guarantee in the form of
“Unconditional Bank Guarantee” or Demand Draft favouring SBI. This Performance Guarantee
shall be released after satisfactory completion of work.
32.8 If the L1 bidder refuses to give the Performance Bank Guarantee, then the EMD will be
forfeited and the tender will be re-invited. The L1 bidder will not be allowed to participate in the
retendering process.
32.9 The applicant should have a valid digital certificate for submission of online Bid if
desired by the Bank. On the date specified for tender opening, technical bid will be opened
and evaluated. Thereafter, online price bidding shall be done with the qualified tenderers.
33.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence Bank in its decisions on Bid evaluation, or contract
award may result in rejection of the Bid.
34.2 SBI reserves the right at the time of award of contract to increase or decrease the quantity
of work and / or services from what was originally specified while floating the tender, without any
change in unit price or any other terms and conditions.
35.1 The Schedule of Quantities unless otherwise stated shall be deemed to have been
prepared in accordance with the Standard Procedure shall be considered to be approximate
and no liability shall attach to the employer for any error which may be discovered therein.
35.3 The tender rates shall be fixed and applicable for any increase or decrease in the
tendered quantities. Nothing extra will be paid by the Bank on account of omission / deletion of
items or decrease in the quantity of items. The Bank shall not entertain any claim whatsoever
from the contractor on this account. Payment will be made on actual measurement of the work
done. All measurements shall be as per relevant I.S. standards
35.4 Bank reserves the right to order more quantities than what is mentioned in this tender (at
the same rate and terms and conditions) either at the same site or other sites as per the need
within the validity of this tender.
35.5 The price of all additional items/non-tendered items will be worked out on the basis of
rates quoted for similar items in the contract wherever existing. If similar items are not available,
the rates for such items will be derived as per standard method of rate analysis based on
prevalent fair price of labour, material and other components as required with 15% towards
contractor’s profit and overheads.
36.1 The Contractor shall employ technically qualified / having appropriate skill and
competent persons fully trained and adequately experienced Electricians, who are medically fit.
They should be free from any contagious diseases. The Electricians shall be well mannered
and properly dressed with shoes etc.
36.2 The contractor shall provide necessary training on safety measures while executing the
work wherever necessary so as to avoid accident. The Bank shall not be responsible for any
accident occurred or damage incurred or claims arising there from during the execution of work.
The contractor shall also provide all risk insurance policy including third party insurance as may
be necessary to cover the risk.
36.3 The contractor / firm shall be held responsible for any misdeeds / misbehaviour of their
employees within the premises. Bank is not responsible for any damages or claims on account
of the misbehavior / misdeeds of his employees. For this purpose, any person supplied by the
contractor to be engaged on the work on regular basis or as an alternate arrangement, under
the direct order or control of the Employer or his representative shall be deemed to be a person
employed by the contractor.
36.4 The contractor shall on the request of the Employer immediately dismiss from works any
person employed thereon by him, who in the opinion of the Employer be unsuitable or
incompetent or who may misconduct. Such discharges shall not be the basis of any claim for
compensation or damages against the Employer or any of their officer or employee.
36.5 No employee of the Bank is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of 2 years of
his/her retirement from Bank Services without previous permission of the Bank. This contract is
liable to be cancelled, if either the contractor or any of his employees is any time to be such a
person who had not obtained the permission of Bank as aforesaid before submission of the
tender or engagement in the contractor’s service.
36.6 Contractor should not engage child labour in any of the activities in this contract.
21 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
36.7 The contractor shall not employ person who is not an Indian National.
36.8 The Electrician shall not over stay in the Bank premises other than the time permitted by
the Bank or in the odd hours or holidays unless or otherwise required by the Branch for specific
reasons like maintenance, repair works etc.
36.9 In respect of all labour employed directly or indirectly on the work for the performance of
the contractor’s part of work, the contractor at his own expense, will arrange for the safety
provisions as per the statutory provisions, B.I.S recommendations, factory act, workman’s
compensation act, CPWD code and instructions issued from time to time.
36.10 The Contractor’s workmen will not have any right whatsoever to get absorbed in the
Bank. The Contractor shall be responsible for all the claims of the employees of the Contractor
and shall not make and claim whatsoever against the Bank. The Contractor shall be responsible
for all statutory requirements e.g. ESI, PF, labour registrations, Insurance coverage etc. The
operator is responsible for compliance of all the rules & safety regulations etc.
36.11 Minimum wages as prescribed by the Labour Act shall be payable to the operator(s) by
the contractor as the case may be. The Contractor shall bind himself and keep the Employer
saved harmless and indemnified against claims if any of the workmen and all costs and
expenses as may be incurred by the Employer in connection with any claim that may be made
by any workmen.
As instructed by Bank. Contractor to ensure that the routine operations at the site are not
affected by the contract work. If required, they have to work on the Bank Holidays in
coordination with other agencies and Bank.
42.1 The whole of the works included in the contract shall be executed by the contractor and
the contractor shall not directly or indirectly transfer, assign or underlet the contract or any part,
share or interest therein nor, shall take a new partner, without written consent of the Employer
and no subletting shall relieve the contractor from the full and entire responsibility of the
contract or from active superintendence of the work during their progress
39.1 The contractor shall store their materials like fixtures, cables, conduits, wires, tools etc in
the site with the permission of the Bank. However, the contractors shall be responsible for the
custody and security of all materials and equipment at site. No claim for loss or theft will be
entertained by the Bank.
39.2 Shelter or stay and other amenities for the electricians have to be arranged by the
contractor at his own expense and responsibility.
39.3 On completion of the works, the contractor shall remove all tools, surplus materials,
rubbish and temporary works of every kind and leave the whole of the site and the works clean
and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Bank
40.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of General terms and conditions of the Contract, the
contractor shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages, or
termination for default if and to the extent that the delay in performance or other failure to
perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
40.2 For the purposes of this clause, 'Force Majeure' means and includes wars, insurrections,
revolution, civil disturbance, riots, terrorist acts, public strikes, hartal, bandh, fires, floods,
epidemic, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, declared general strikes in relevant
industries, Vis Major Act of Government, impeding reasonable performance of the Contractor
and / or Sub-Contractor but does not include any foreseeable events, commercial
considerations or those involving fault or negligence on the part of the party claiming Force
40.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Vendor shall promptly notify the Bank in writing of
such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Bank in writing, the
Vendor shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably
practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the
Force Majeure event.
41.1 The contractor shall conform to the provisions of any Acts of the Legislature relating to
the work, and to the Regulations and Bye-Laws of any authorities like Electricity, Pollution
Control Boards, Municipal Authorities, water and Sewarage boards and shall before making any
variations from the drawings or specifications that may be associated to so conform, give the
Employer written notices specifying the variations proposed to be made and reasons for making
them and apply for instruction thereon. The Employer on receipt of such intimation shall give a
decision within a reasonable time.
41.2 The contractor/s shall arrange to give all notices required for by the said Acts, Regulations
or Bye-laws to be given to any authority, and to pay to such authority or to any public officer all
fees that may be properly chargeable in respect of the work and lodge the receipts with the
Employer. The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against all claims in respect of patent
rights, designs, trademarks or name or the protected rights in respect of any equipment,
machine, work or material used for or in connection with the works or temporary works and from
and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges, and expenses
whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. The Contractor shall defend all actions
arising from such claims, unless he has informed the Employer, before any such infringement
and received their permission to proceed and shall himself pay all royalties, license fees,
damages, coat and charges of all and every sort that may be legally incurred in respect thereof.
41.3 The contractor should strictly abide by the Central/State labour regulation for the
Minimum Wages, Payment of wages, Workmen Compensation, PF, ESI, Contract labour,
including the latest amendments, if any and other safety regulations.
41.4 The contractor shall keep the Employer saved harmless and indemnified against claims
if any of the workmen and all costs and expenses as may be incurred by the Employer in
connection with any claim that may be made by any workmen.
42.1 The insurance shall be for an amount equal to 110 percent of the value of the contract
on “All Risks” basis, valid until the Completion of the project or handing over whichever is later.
42.2 Should any loss or damage occur, the Vendor shall initiate and pursue claim till
settlement and promptly make arrangements for repair and / or replacement of any damaged
item to the satisfaction of the Bank, irrespective of settlement of claim by the underwriters.
42.3 The contractor shall be responsible for all injury to the work or workmen to persons,
animals or things and for all damages to the structural and / or decorative part of property which
may arise from the operations or neglect of himself or of any sub-contractor or of any of his or a
sub-contractor’s employees, whether such injury or damage arise from carelessness, accident
or any other cause whatsoever in any way connected with the carrying out of this contract.
42.4 The contractor shall reinstate all damages of every sort mentioned in this clause so as to
deliver the whole of the contract works complete and perfect in every respect and so as to make
good or otherwise satisfy all claims for damages to the property of third parties.
42.5 The contractor shall affect the insurance necessary and indemnify the Employer entirely
from all responsibility in this respect.
42.6 The contractor shall be responsible for anything, which may be excluded from damage
to any property arising out of incidents, negligence or defective carrying out of this contract.
42.7 The Employer shall be at liberty and is hereby empowered to deduct the amount of any
damages, compensations, costs, charges and expenses arising or accruing from or in respect
of any such claim or damages from any sums due to or to become due to the contractor.
The contractor shall indemnify the employer against all claims in respect of
patent rights and shall defend all actions arising from such claims and shall himself pay
all royalties, license fee, damage, cost and charges of all and every sort that may
legitimately be incurred in respect thereof.
Work not to be sublet: The whole of the works included in the contract shall be
executed by the contractor who shall not directly or indirectly transfer, assign or mutilate
the contract or any part thereof or interest therein without the written consent of the
employer and no undertaking shall relieve the contractor from the full and entire
responsibility of the contract or from active superintendence of the works during their
The contractor shall as soon as the claim under the policy is settled or the work
reinstated by the insures should they elect to do so, proceed with all due diligence with
the completion of the works in the same manner as though the fine or other such risk
had not occurred and in all respects under the same conditions of contract.
Accident or Injury to Workman: The Bank shall not be liable for or in respect of
any damages or compensation payable at law in respect or in consequence of any
accident or injury to any workmen or other person in the employment of the contractor
or any sub-contractor, save and except an accident or injury resulting from any act or
default of the Bank or their agents, or employees. The contractor shall indemnify and
keep indemnified the Bank against all such damages and compensation, save and
except as aforesaid, and against all claims, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
Insurance against accidents etc. to workmen: The contractor shall insure against
such liability with an insurer approved by the Bank during the whole of the time that any
persons are employed by him on the works and shall, when required, produce to the
Bank such policy of insurance and receipt for payment for the current premium.
Provided always that, in respect of any persons employed by any sub-contractor the
contractor’s obligations to insure as aforesaid under this sub-clause shall be satisfied if
the sub-contractor shall have insured against the liability in respect of such persons in
such manner that the Bank is indemnified under the policy but the contractor shall
require such sub-contractor to produce to the Bank when such policy of insurance and
the receipt for the payment of the current premium
Local laws, Acts, Regulation: The contractor shall strictly adhere to all prevailing
labour laws inclusive of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970) and other
safety regulations. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of all labour
legislation including the latest requirements of all the Acts, laws, any other regulations
that are applicable to the execution of the project
In case, of extra items, where similar or comparable items are quoted in the
tender, extra rates shall invariably be based on those tender rates to the extent
reasonable. In case of extra items, where similar items are not available in the tender,
the rates for such items shall be derived as per C.P.W.D analysis of rates or market
rates as applicable.
Except where otherwise provided in the contract all questions and disputes relating to
the meaning of the specifications, design, drawings and instructions herein before
mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship of materials used on the work or as to
any other question, claim, right matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of our
relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions orders
or these conditions or otherwise concerning the work or the execution or failure to
execute the same whether arising during the progress of work or after the cancellation,
termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned
(a) If the contractor considers that he is entitled to any extra payment or compensation
in respect of the works over and above the amounts admitted as payable by the
Architect or in case the contractor wants to dispute the validity of any deductions or
recoveries made or proposed to be made from the contract or raise any dispute, the
contractor shall forthwith give notice in writing of his claim, or dispute to The
Regional Manager (in the address as stated above) and endorse a copy of the
same to the Architect, if any, within 30 days from the date of disallowance thereof or
the date of deduction or recovery. The said notice shall give full particulars of the
claim, grounds on which it is based and detailed calculations of the amount claimed
and the contractor shall not be entitled to raise any claim nor shall the bank be in
any way liable in respect of any claim by the contractor unless notice of such claim
have been given by the Contractor to the respective Manager (address as stated
above)in the manner and within the time as aforesaid. The contractor shall be
deemed to have waived and extinguished all his rights in respect of any claim not
notified to the respective Regional Manager in writing in the manner and within the
time aforesaid.
(d) Except where the decision has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of the
contract, all disputes of differences arising out of the notified claims of the
contractor as aforesaid and all claims of the Bank shall be referred for adjudication
through arbitration by the Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Chief General Manager.
It will also be no objection to any such appointment that the Arbitrator so appointed
is a Bank Officer and that he had to deal with the matters to which the Contract
relates in the course of his duties as Bank Officer. If the arbitrator so appointed is
unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or vacates his office due to any
reason whatsoever another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in the manner
aforesaid by the said Chief General Manager. Such person shall be entitled to
proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
It is a term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of
disputes with amounts claimed in respect of each dispute along with the notice for
appointment of arbitrator.
It is also a term of this contract that no person other than a person appointed by
such Chief General Manager as aforesaid should act arbitrator.
It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered
on the reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties calling them to
submit their settlement of claims and counter statement of claims. The venue of the
arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole
discretion. The fees, if any, of the arbitrator shall, if required to be paid before the
award is made and published, be paid half and half by each of the parities. The
cost of the reference and of the award (including the fees, if any of the arbitrator)
shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator who may direct to any by whom and in
what manner, such costs or any part thereof, shall be paid and fix or settle the
amount of costs to be so paid.
Dear Sir,
e -T E N DE R F OR “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( n a me o f t h e w o r k ) ”
Having duly examined the tender document including the drawings, specifications, designs,
Bill of Quantities relating to the works specified in the underwritten memorandum and having
visited the site of the said work and having acquired all the requisite information relating
thereto pertaining to this tender, I/ We hereby offer to execute the works specified in the
underwritten memorandum within the time specified therein at the rates specified in the
schedule of quantities and in accordance, in all respects with specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions in writing referred to in the conditions of the tender, the Articles of
Agreement, special conditions of the contract and with such materials as are specified by and
in all other respects in accordance with such conditions in the schedule of quantities and
conditions of contract as applicable.
02. Should this tender be accepted, in whole or in part, I/ We hereby agree (i) to abide by
and fulfill all the terms and provisions of the said conditions in the contract annexed hereto
and the conditions of the tenders applicable or in default thereof to forfeit to SBI, the sum of
money mentioned in the said conditions.
03. I/ We agree (i) that should I/ We fail to commence the work specified in the above
mentioned memorandum the Bank shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at
liberty to forfeit the Earnest Money which otherwise shall be retained by Bank towards
security deposit mentioned in the above memorandum (ii) to execute all the works referred to
therein and to carry out authorized variations as directed by the Bank and as per said
conditions of the contract.
Yours Faithfully,
Address: ___________________________________
ARTICLES of AGREEMENT made this ____ day of __________ year 2020 between
______________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter
referred to as the“Employer/ Bank” which expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant
to the context, includes its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART
(Hereinafter referred to as “Contractor” unless excluded by or repugnant to the context,
includes its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
AND WHEREAS for the purpose of the above said project, the Employer invited ONLINE E-
tenders from experienced, resourceful and bonafide contractors vide its Notice Inviting
Tender (NIT) (No._______________ dated.______________).
WHEREAS the contractor submitted his Online Tender containing Notice Inviting Tender,
General Conditions of Contract, Special conditions, Bill of Quantities, Form of Agreement,
Preferred makes of materials, Form of Submission of tender/ Process Compliance
Statement, Technical Specifications etc. for the above said project, (Hereinafter collectively
referred to as the “said conditions”), digitally signed as a token of his acceptance of the
same, along with requisite Cost of tender and Earnest Money Deposit.
AND WHEREAS out of the Tenders received, the Tender of the contractor was found to be
most suitable for the project.
AND WHEREAS the Employer has accordingly issued the work order
(No.____________________dated.__________) to the contractor subject to his furnishing
the requisite Initial Security Deposit.
AND WHEREAS the Contractor has accepted the aforesaid Work Order vide his letter of
acceptance No.____________ dated______________ and has also deposited with the
Employer a sum of Rs._____________ which with the Earnest Money of
Rs._________forms the requisite Initial Security Deposit @2 % of the accepted Tender
Value of Rs._________.
4) As mentioned above, the “said conditions” shall be read and be treated as forming
part of this agreement and parties hereto will respectively be bound thereby and to abide by
and submit themselves to the conditions and stipulations and perform the same on their
parts to be respectively observed and preferred.
5) Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be referred to the Arbitration in a
manner specified in the General Conditions of the Contract and all legal disputes shall be
limited within the territorial jurisdiction of Thiruvananthapuram thereto. The decision of the
arbitration shall be final and binding on both the parties.
6) The Vendor / Contractor shall promptly notify SBI of any changes in the constitution
of their firm. It shall be open to SBI to terminate the agreement on the death, retirement,
insanity or insolvency of any person/s is being director/s or partner/s in the said company /
firm, or on the addition or introduction of a new partner without the previous approval in
writing of SBI. But in absence of and until its termination by SBI as aforesaid, this
agreement shall continue to be of full force and effect notwithstanding any changes in the
constitution of the firm by death, retirement, insanity or insolvency of any of its partners or
the addition or introduction of any new partners. In case of retirement / death, the surviving
or remaining partners of the firm shall be jointly and severally liable for the due and
satisfactory performance of the terms and conditions of the agreement.
7) The Contractor agrees and hereby keeps the Bank indemnified against all claims,
actions, loss, damages, reputation loss, costs, expenses, charges, including legal expenses
(Attorney, Advocates fees included) which the Bank may suffer or incur on account of any
deficiency in Services rendered by The Contractor or breach of any obligations under this
contract, including without limitation, breach of confidentiality obligations or any acts of
commission / omission on the part of employees, agents, representatives or Sub-
Contractors of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to make good the loss suffered by the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES to their present have here under set and
subscribed their hands, the day, month and year first above written.
O N L IN E E -T E ND E R IN G FOR “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( n a me of the
I. B u s i ne s s r u l es f o r E - t e n d e r i n g :
1. Only technically qualified contractors will be invited by the SBI. SBI will engage the services
of an E-tendering service provider who will provide necessary training and assistance
before commencement of online submission of bids on Internet.
2. In case of e-tendering, SBI will inform the vendor in writing/ through e-mail, the details of
service provider to enable them to contact and get trained.
3. Business rules like event date, closing and opening time etc. also will be communicated
through service provider for compliance.
4. Contractors have to send by email, the compliance form in the prescribed format (provided
by service provider), before start of E-tendering. Without this the vendor will not be eligible
to participate in the event.
5. The Contractors will be required to accept the terms and conditions online, upload relevant
documents if any, submit the various documents in sealed Envelope to the office address
mentioned hereinbefore by the stipulated date i.e. (1) Form of Submission of tender &
Process Compliance Statement (Annexure I & II) (2) Demand Draft of specified amount
towards EMD & Technical Bid. Contractors not submitting any one or more documents shall
not be eligible to participate in the on-line price bidding.
7. The e-tendering will be treated as closed only when the bidding process gets closed in all
respects for the item listed in the tender.
1. SBI shall finalize the Tender through e-tendering mode for which M/s. e-Procurement
Technologies (P) Ltd, Ahmedabad has been engaged by SBI as an authorized service
provider. Please go through the guidelines given below and submit your acceptance to the
same while bidding.
2. E - t e n d e r in g s h a ll b e c o n du c t ed b y S B I t h r o u g h M/ s . e - P r o c u r e me n t
Te ch no l o g i es ( P ) L td , Ah me d a b a d , on p r e - sp ec if ie d d a t e . W hi le t h e
C o n t r a c to r s s h a ll b e q u o t in g f r o m t h e i r o wn o ff ic e s / p la c e o f t h e i r c h o ic e ,
I n t e r n e t c on ne c t iv it y a n d o t h e r pa r a p he r n a lia r e q u ir e m e n ts sh a ll h av e t o
b e e ns u r ed b y C o n t r a c t o rs t h em s e lv e s . I n t h e ev e n t o f f a i lu r e o f t h e i r
I n t e r n e t co n ne c t iv it y, ( d u e t o a n y r e a so n wh a tso ev e r it m a y b e ) it is t h e
b id d e r s ’ r e s p on s ib i l i t y. I n o r d e r t o wa r d - o ff s u c h c o n t in g e n t s it u a t io n
b id d e r s a r e r e q u es t ed t o m ak e a l l t h e n e c e ss a r y a r r a n gem e n ts
/ a lt e r n a t iv e s s uc h as b ac k – up po we r s u p p ly wh a t e v e r r e qu ir e d s o t h a t
t h e y a r e a b le t o c ir c u m v en t s uc h s it u a t io n a n d s t i l l b e a b le t o pa r t ic ipa t e
in t h e E - t e n d e r in g su cc e ss f u ll y. F a i lu r e o f p o we r a t t h e p r em is e s o f
C o n t r a c to r s d u r in g t h e E - t e n de r in g c a n n o t b e t h e c au se f o r n o t
31 Signature of the bidder with Stamp
pa r t ic ipa t in g in t h e E - t e n d e r in g . O n a cc ou n t o f t h is t h e t im e f o r t h e E -
t e n d e r in g ca n no t b e e xt e n de d a n d S B I is n o t r e sp on s ib le f o r s u ch
ev en t u a lit ie s .
3 . M/ s . e - P r o c u r em e n t Te c h no lo g ie s ( P ) L td , A h m e d ab ad s h a ll a r r a n ge t o
t r a in n o m in a t e d pe r s on ( s ) , o f t h e b id d e r w it h o u t a n y c o s t . Th e y s ha l l a ls o
e xp la in t o t h e b id d e r s a l l t h e R u le s r e la t e d t o t h e E - t e n d e r in g . Th e
b id d e r s a r e r e q u ir e d t o g iv e t h ei r c o m p lia n c e o n it b e f o r e s ta r t o f b id
p r o c es s .
4 . B I D D I N G C U R RE N C Y A N D U N I T O F ME A S U R E ME N T: B id d in g w i l l b e
c o nd uc t e d in I n d ia n c u r r e nc y & U n it o f Me a s u r em e n t wi l l b e d is p la ye d in
O n l in e - t e n d e r in g .
5 . B I D P R I C E : Th e B id d e r h a s t o q u o t e t h e r a t e a s p e r t h e s eale d b id
d is p la ye d in t h e e - t e n d e r in g p o r ta l.
6 . VA L I D I TY O F B I D S : Th e B id p r ic e s h a ll b e f ir m f o r t h e p e r io d s p ec if ie d in
t h e t e n d e r d oc um e n t a n d sh al l n o t b e s u b j ec t ed t o a n y c h an ge
wh a ts o ev e r.
1. The hardcopy of the Technical as well as Price Bid is available on the Bank’s website during
the period specified in the NIT.
2. Online e-tendering is open to the bidders who are technically qualified for participating in
the price bidding as per provisions mentioned hereinabove through SBI approved Service
3. The Price-Bid shall be made available online by the Service Provider wherein the
contractors will be required to fill-in their Item-wise rates for each item.
4. The Contractors are advised not to wait till the last minute to submit their online rates in the
price bid to avoid complications related with internet connectivity, network problems, system
crash down, power failure, etc.
5. .LOG IN NAME & PASSWORD: Each Bidder is assigned a Unique User Name & Password
by M/s. e-Procurement Technologies (P) Ltd, Ahmedabad. The Bidders are requested to
change the Password after the receipt of initial Password from M/s. e-Procurement
Technologies (P) Ltd, Ahmedabad. All bids made from the Login ID given to the bidder
will be deemed to have been made by the bidder.
6. BIDS PLACED BY BIDDER: Bids will be taken as an offer to execute the work as specified.
Bids once made, cannot be cancelled / withdrawn and the Bidder shall be bound to execute
the work at the quoted bid price. In case the L-1 Bidder backs out or fail to complete the
work as per the rates quoted, SBI shall be at liberty to take action as per the tender terms
and conditions including forfeiting their EMD
7. At the end of the E-tendering, SBI will decide upon the winner. SBI’s decision on award of
Contract shall be final and binding on all the Bidders.
9. SBI shall not have any liability to bidders for any interruption or delay in access to the site
irrespective of the cause.
10. Other terms and conditions shall be as per techno-commercial offers and other
correspondences in this regard.
1. The Bidder shall not involve himself or any of his representatives in Price manipulation of
any kind directly or indirectly by communicating with other suppliers/ bidders.
2. The Bidder shall not divulge either his Bids or any other exclusive details of SBI to any
other party.
3. SBI decision on award of Contract shall be final and binding on all the Bidders.
4. SBI reserve their rights to extend, reschedule or cancel any E-tendering within its sole
discretion. SBI or its authorized service provider M/s. e-Procurement Technologies (P) Ltd,
Ahmedabad shall not have any liability to Bidders for any interruption or delay in access to
the site irrespective of the cause.
5. SBI or its authorized service provider M/s. e-Procurement Technologies (P) Ltd,
Ahmedabad is not responsible for any damages, including damages that result from, but
are not limited to negligence.
6. SBI or its authorized service provider M/s. e-Procurement Technologies (P) Ltd,
Ahmedabad will not be held responsible for consequential damages, including but not
limited to systems problems, inability to use the system, loss of electronic information etc.
N . B . : - A l l t h e B id d e r s a r e r e qu ir e d t o s u b m it t h e P r o c e s s C om p lia n c e
Sta t e m e n t ( A n ne xu r e - I ) d u ly s ig n e d t o M/ s . e - P r o c u r e me n t Tech n o l og i e s
( P ) L td , Ah me d a b a d .
All the bidders are requested to ensure that they have a valid digital signature certificate well in
advance to participate in the online event.
Sl Particulars &
Approved Make
No Specifications
Board- Commercial / Green/ Century/ Kitply/ Archidply
Waterproof (BWR/ Grade ISO certified)
Plywood- all relevant
Green/ Century/ Kitply/ Archidply
2 thickness- Marine/
(BWR/ ISO 303 certified)
3 Lamination 1mm thick Greenlam/Marino/Century/Kitlam
4 Locks/Night Latches Godrej/ ebco
Hardware-hinges, door
5 stoppers, drawers, shutter Everite/ Ebco/ Hettich
handles etc
6 Hardware -Catchers Magnetic- Heavy Duty
Hardware – Sliding
7 Telescopic Channel EBCO
Hardware -Hydraulic door
8 Everite/ Dorma
9 Enamel Paint Approved shade Asian/ Berger/ ICI Dulux/ Nerolac
Beadings- relevant
10 As designed in beach wood
11 Glass - relevant thickness Float glass- Modi/ Atul/ Tata/ Saint Gobain/ Asahi
12 Adhesives Fevicol SH/ Araldite /
Aluminium Composite
13 Alucobond/Eurobond/Vista
14 Flush Door Donex/Jawala/IS-2191-PT2-1983
15 Floor Spring Doorking/ Hardwyn/ Amar/ Sandhu/ Opel/ Dorma
16 Fire resistant coating Viper or equivalent as approved by the Bank.
17 Anti-termite paint Shalimar/ Rajdoot
18 Mortice Lock 6 lever Godrej/ Harrison/ Plaza/ Hardima
19 Tiles- Vitrified/ Ceramic Rak/ Kajaria/ Nitco (Group V)/ Johnson/ AGL
20 Texture Paint Spectrum/ Architecture/ Sai texture
Dear Sir,
This has reference to the Terms & Conditions for the E-tendering mentioned in the Tender
2) We have studied the Commercial Terms and the Business rules governing the E-tendering as
mentioned in RFP of SBI as well as this document and confirm our agreement to them.
3) We also confirm that we have taken the training on the E-tendering tool and have understood
the functionality of the same thoroughly.
4) We confirm that SBI and M/s. e-Procurement Technologies (P) Ltd, Ahmedabad shall not
be liable & responsible in any manner whatsoever for my/our failure to access & bid on the e-E-
tendering platform due to loss of internet connectivity, electricity failure, virus attack, problems
with the PC, any other unforeseen circumstances etc. before or during the E- tendering event.
We, hereby confirm that we will honor the Bids placed by us during the E-tendering process.
W it h r e ga r d s ,
S ig n a t u r e w it h c o m pa n y s ea l N a m e :
C om pan y / O r g a n iza t io n :
D e s ig n a t io n w it h in C o m pa n y / O r g a n iza t io n :
A d d r es s o f C om pan y / O r g a n iza t i o n :
Regional Manager,
SBI Regional Office - …
Dear Sir/s,
I/We have examined the above tender and subsequent pre-bid clarifications/
modifications / revisions, if any, furnished by M/s SBI and I/We have inspected the
site of works and have made me / us fully acquainted with the local conditions in and
around the sites of works and offer to undertake Contract as detailed in this tender
by submitting my/our online bids in the Bank’s e-tender portal.
4. If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to enter into and execute at our cost, when
called upon by the Bank to do so, a contract in the prescribed form and we shall be
jointly and severally responsible for the due performance of the contract.
5. Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding
Contract between us.
6. It is further certified that the contents of our Bid are factually correct. We also
accept that in the event of any information / data / particulars proving to be incorrect,
SBI will have the right to disqualify us from the Bid.
8. We hereby undertake that our name does not appear in any “Caution” list of RBI
/ IBA or any other regulatory body.
9. We also confirm that we have not been blacklisted by any Bank / PSU / State
or Central Govt departments for any reasons.
10. We confirm that we do not have any litigation / cases pending against us in any
Bank / PSU / State or Central Govt departments.
11. We confirm that we are responsible to obtain all necessary licenses, permission, NOC
from all the statutory /local authorities for the smooth execution of this contract in SBI
13. For any type of deviation (to any of above or subsequent instructions), it will be
my/ our responsibility to obtain the written instruction of the Engineer-in-charge for
the same failing which it shall be deemed that I have carried out any such deviations
at my own and I shall be duty bound to replace the all deviated material/ works from
the site at my/ our cost as well as I shall be liable to penalized by the SBI as
deemed fit and for all such loses made thereof, I/ we shall not have any right to
arbitrate in any manner.
Yours Faithfully,
Name: _______________________________
Address: ___________________________________
7 GST No.
a) Name:
b) Contact No:
c) Email ID: