11 cs unit 1 one shot_240427_202128 (1)
11 cs unit 1 one shot_240427_202128 (1)
11 cs unit 1 one shot_240427_202128 (1)
• A computer system comes in various forms and sizes. It can vary from a
high-end server to personal desktop, laptop, tablet computer, or a
Components of a computer system
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• It is the electronic circuitry of a computer that carries out the
actual processing and usually referred as the brain of the
• It is commonly called processor
• Physically, a CPU can be placed on one or more microchips
called integrated circuits (IC).
• The Ics comprise semiconductor materials.
• The CPU is given instructions and data through programs.
The CPU then fetches the program and data from the
memory and performs arithmetic and logic operations as per
the given instructions and stores the result back to memory.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit(CU).
• The CPU has two main components –
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU).
• ALU performs all the arithmetic and logic operations
that need to be done as per the instruction in
• CU controls sequential instruction execution,
interprets instructions and guides data flow through
thecomputer‘s memory, ALU and input or output
• CPU is also popularly known as microprocessor.
Input Devices
• The devices through which control signals
are sent to a computer are termed as input
• These devices convert the input data into a
digital form that is acceptable by the
computer system.
• Some examples of input devices include
keyboard, mouse, scanner, touch screen,
etc., as shown in Figure
Output Devices
• The device that receives data from a
computer system for display, physical
production, etc., is called output device.
• It converts digital information into
human understandable form.
• For example, monitor, projector,
headphone, speaker, printer, etc. as
shown in Figure
• Hardware refers to the physical and
visible components of the system such
as a monitor, CPU, keyboard and
• Hardware is further divided into four
main categories:
▫ Input Devices
▫ Output Devices
▫ Secondary Storage Devices
▫ Internal Components
Computer Memory
• A computer system needs memory to store the data
and instructions for processing.
• When the CPU needs some data, it first examines the cache. In case
the requirement is met, it is read from the cache, otherwise the
primary memory is accessed.
Secondary Memory
• Primary memory has limited storage capacity and
is either volatile (RAM) or read-only (ROM).
Thus, a computer system needs auxiliary or
secondary memory to permanently store the data
or instructions for future use.
• Another set of utilities are those which are not shipped with
the operating system but are required to improve the
performance of the system, for example, anti-virus software,
disk cleaner tool, disk compression software, etc.
C. Device Drivers
• The purpose of a device driver is to ensure proper
functioning of a particular device.
• Instructions are using English like sentences and each high level language
follows a set of rules, similar to natural languages.