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Information Commissioner’s Office

Regulating AI:
The ICO’s strategic
April 2024
Regulating AI: The ICO’s strategic approach

About the ICO

The Information Commissioner has responsibility in the UK for promoting and
enforcing the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Data
Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Privacy and Electronic
Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR), among others.

The Commissioner is independent from government and upholds information

rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data
privacy for individuals. The Commissioner does this by providing guidance to
individuals and organisations and taking appropriate action where the law is

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) sets out its strategic vision in the
ICO25 plan, which highlights promoting regulatory certainty, empowering
responsible innovation and safeguarding the public as key priorities.

Regulating AI: The ICO’s strategic approach


About the ICO ............................................................................. 2

Introduction ................................................................................ 4
Part 1: The opportunities and risks of AI ................................... 4
Part 2: The role of data protection law ....................................... 8
Part 3: Our work on AI............................................................... 13
Part 4: Upcoming developments ............................................... 16
Part 5: Working together ........................................................... 18
Annex: Our capabilities ............................................................. 21

Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

1. At the ICO, we support the government’s ambition to make sure that
artificial intelligence (AI) is adopted in ways that make the UK the
smartest, healthiest, safest and happiest place to live and work. We believe
that data protection is a crucial part of making this a reality.

2. This document sets out the ICO’s strategic approach to AI regulation, in

response to a request by the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and
Technology.1 It explains how we are driving forward the principles set out
in the AI Regulation White Paper2 and the government’s guidance on
implementing these.3

Part 1: The opportunities and risks of AI

3. The potential of AI is undeniable. From unlocking medical advances to
creating new forms of entertainment, it offers huge potential to transform
our lives for the better. Its autonomy, adaptivity and unprecedented scaling
are enabling our society to solve new problems, become more efficient –
and have more fun.

4. But these benefits could be compromised if the inherent risks of AI

development and deployment are not mitigated. Legitimate concerns exist
about matters such as fairness and bias; transparency and explainability;
safety and security; or accountability and redress. AI does not only
exacerbate existing risks because of its autonomy, adaptivity or scaling, it
can also create novel risks.

5. Many of these risks derive from how data – and specifically personal data –
is used in the development and deployment of AI systems. Wherever
processing of personal data takes place this will fall under the ICO’s
purview, as the UK’s data protection regulator. The ICO has the ability and
the tools to intervene right across the AI supply chain, from model
developers to deployers, depending on where risks may be greatest or
mitigations most effective.

6. Data protection law is technology-neutral. It applies to any processing of

personal data, no matter what technology is being utilised to undertake

Letter from DSIT Secretary of State to the Information Commissioner's Office | GOV.UK
A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation | GOV.UK
Implementing the UK’s AI Regulatory Principles | GOV.UK
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

that processing. It is therefore adaptable and able to respond to new

technologies, including advances in AI.

In focus: foundation models

The UK government defines foundation models as “machine learning models
trained on very large amounts of data that can be adapted to a wide range
of tasks.”4

Similarly, the EU AI Act defines general purpose AI as “models displaying

significant generality and capable of competently performing a wide range of
distinct tasks regardless of the way the model is placed on the market and
that can be integrated into a variety of downstream systems or

Such models are typically developed using personal data, in order to enable
them to be deployed for a general set of purposes. While data protection law
does not explicitly reference foundation models or general-purpose AI, the
scope of the legislation enables the ICO to intervene wherever personal data
is processed.

Data protection law applies to every stage of the model lifecycle and every
actor within the supply chain where personal data is being processed,
enabling the ICO to act on concerns around matters such as fairness and
transparency both upstream and downstream. Fines for non-compliance can
be set at up to 4% of annual global turnover.

7. Data protection law is risk-based. Organisations who are accountable for

the processing of personal data are expected to identify the risks, mitigate
them and be able to demonstrate how they achieve this. The severity and
likelihood of the risks to people and their rights will heavily rely on the
context in which AI is being applied and the circumstances of the people
involved. By placing accountability on organisations, we allow them to
adopt the approach that is most suitable to their context and operational

8. We require risks to be mitigated and managed via technical and

organisational measures, but not necessarily completely removed. This
enables a flexible approach that is context-specific and suitable for a
technology that is probabilistic in nature and therefore has a margin of
error. Where organisations identify a high risk to the rights and freedoms of

A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation: government response | GOV.UK
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

individuals that they cannot mitigate sufficiently, they are required to

consult the ICO.

9. To assist organisations in identifying and mitigating risks, the ICO has

produced its award-winning AI and Data Protection Risk Toolkit,5 which
builds on our Guidance on AI and Data Protection.6 Our Harms Taxonomy
sets out how the ICO evaluates risks and harms, capturing both material
and non-material impacts such as adverse effects on people’s rights and

10. The ICO welcomes the approach taken by the government to build on the
strengths of its existing regulators, who are well-placed to tackle the AI
risks that emerge in their context. We do not consider that the risks
relating to AI require new, extensive, cross-cutting legislation, but
appropriate resourcing of existing UK regulators and their empowerment to
hold organisations to account.

In focus: high-risk AI applications

Consensus is building across the world around contexts in which AI risks
may be greater. For example, the White House’s Executive Order on the
Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI8 raised concerns
around the risk of harm, including discriminatory outcomes, in contexts such
as education, healthcare, financial services, law, education, recruitment.

Equally, the EU AI Act lists AI applications used in education, administration

of justice, welfare provision, employment and biometrics as some of the
high-risk applications, with a list of banned applications that include emotion
recognition in the workplace, manipulative AI and predictive policing solely
based on profiling.

Data protection law can mitigate many of the risks these initiatives are
seeking to address. For example, the fairness principle already requires
organisations to not undertake data processing that has unjustifiably
adverse effects on individuals. The ICO has already issued warnings
regarding emerging AI uses such as emotion recognition technology9.

AI and data protection risk toolkit | ICO
Guidance on AI and data protection | ICO
Overview of Data Protection Harms and the ICO Taxonomy | ICO
Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of
Artificial Intelligence | The White House
‘Immature biometric technologies could be discriminating against people’ says ICO in
warning to organisations | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

11. While some risks derive from the specific contexts in which AI is deployed
(e.g. healthcare, law enforcement or education) others derive from the AI
development process. For example, facial recognition technology built on
inaccurate or unrepresentative datasets may have discriminatory outcomes
regardless of the context in which it will be applied, so due diligence and
operational testing are necessary.

In focus: facial recognition technology and biometrics

Facial recognition technology (FRT) has been one of the first AI applications
to become the focus of significant public debate, both in the UK and abroad.
The ICO has provided clarity on our expectations around what responsible
use of FRT looks like through our opinions on the use of live FRT in public
spaces10 and in particular, its use by law enforcement.11

We recognise the potential benefits that appropriately governed, regulated

and deployed FRT can provide to issues such as security and public safety.
However, whether deployments are for law enforcement purposes or other
reasons, all FRT deployments must be proportionate and strike the correct
balance between privacy intrusion and the purpose they are seeking to

We have also produced guidance on wider uses of biometric recognition

technologies12 which provides specific and practical issues organisations
should consider when thinking of using these technologies. These range
from the nature of ‘decisions’ made by biometric recognition systems, to
how to consider data rights requests appropriately and how to keep
biometric data secure.

12. Vulnerable groups including children are more exposed to risks and
organisations using or deploying AI need to factor this into their
overarching risk management framework.

In focus: children and AI

The Age-Appropriate Design Code (‘the Children’s code’) requires online
services to provide better privacy protections for children, ensuring their
personal information is protected within the digital world – including when it
is processed using AI. Through our scrutiny of organisations’ practices, we

The use of live facial recognition in public places | ICO
The use of live facial recognition technology by law enforcement in public places | ICO
Biometric data guidance: Biometric recognition | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

have influenced significant progress on children’s privacy online, including

changes from some of the largest social media and video sharing platforms.

In March 2024, we launched our children’s code strategy for 2024/25 in

order to drive further progress.13 Among the issues we will prioritise when
scrutinising platforms is their use of children’s information in recommender
systems – algorithmically-generated content feeds which may use
information such as behavioural profiling and analysis of children’s search
results to recommend content.

We have also taken action where we have concerns about potential harm to
children as a result of AI products and services. For example, we
investigated Snap's risk assessment process in relation to its 'My AI'
generative AI chatbot, with a particular focus on ensuring that risks to
children were appropriately identified and mitigated. We will continue to act
to ensure that children’s privacy is protected online.

13. Many AI risks will sit outside of data protection law, or be addressed more
effectively through other regulatory regimes. For example, data protection
law offers little protection against the use of AI to develop new biological or
chemical threats. It cannot tackle the threat to national security and
election integrity from development of synthetic media (‘deepfakes’) by
hostile states. The ICO is working with the AI Safety Institute on the risks
that fall within its remit.

Part 2: The role of data protection law

14. Data protection law is principles-based. This provides a flexible framework
that enables organisations to adapt to evolutions in AI technology. The
principles set out in the AI Regulation White Paper consultation mirror to a
large extent the statutory principles the ICO already oversees (see
Table 1).14

Protecting children's privacy online: Our Children's code strategy | ICO
A guide to the data protection principles | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

Principles of data protection law Principles in the White Paper

• Integrity and confidentiality (security) • Safety, security, robustness
• Lawfulness, fairness and transparency • Appropriate transparency and
• Accountability explainability
• Purpose limitation • Fairness
• Data minimisation • Accountability and governance
• Accuracy • Contestability and redress
• Storage limitation

Table 1: Principles of data protection law and in the AI Regulation White

15. The government’s voluntary guidance clarifies that its goal is not to
duplicate, replace or contradict regulators’ existing statutory definitions of
principles. We explain below how the ICO’s existing statutory principles
map to the proposed AI Regulation White Paper principles. In this sense,
the ICO already has active experience of implementing the aims and
objectives of the AI Regulation White Paper principles.

Safety, security, robustness

“AI systems should function in a robust, secure and safe way throughout the
AI life cycle, and risks should be continually identified, assessed and
AI Regulation White Paper, UK Government, 202315

16. Security is a data protection principle.16 Organisations must ensure

appropriate levels of security against data’s unauthorised or unlawful
access, processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage. AI introduces
novel security risks that need to be mitigated and this is covered in the
ICO’s Guidance on AI and Data Protection.17 These include membership
inference attacks or model inversion.

17. The security of data is a pillar of other frameworks the ICO oversees such
as the Network and Information Systems Regulations. We work closely with
stakeholders including the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to tackle
security challenges. The ICO is a member of the NCSC AI Working Group
and provides input into the Cyber Regulators Forum, which has been
considering matters related to AI and cybersecurity.

A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation | GOV.UK
The ICO has produced guidance on security: A guide to data security | ICO including
as part of its Guidance on AI and Data Protection: How should we assess security and
data minimisation in AI? | ICO
How should we assess security and data minimisation in AI? | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

Appropriate transparency and explainability

“AI systems should be appropriately transparent and explainable.”
AI Regulation White Paper, UK Government, 2023

18. Transparency is also a data protection principle. This is about being clear,
open and honest with people from the start about who organisations are,
and how and why they use their personal data.

19. Transparency requirements can extend beyond the provision of information

regarding the processing of personal data in the development or
deployment of AI systems. Where AI powers solely-automated decisions
with legal or similarly significant effects, organisations are required to be
able to explain the ‘logic’ of their AI systems.

20. The ICO, in conjunction with the Alan Turing Institute (ATI), has produced
guidance on Explaining Decisions Made with AI18 to support organisations in
explaining systems and their decisions to people.

“AI systems should not undermine the legal rights of individuals or
organisations, discriminate unfairly against individuals or create unfair
market outcomes. Actors involved in all stages of the AI life cycle should
consider definitions of fairness that are appropriate to a system’s use,
outcomes and the application of relevant law.”
AI Regulation White Paper, UK Government, 2023

21. Fairness is a key data protection principle. Put simply, it means that
organisations should only handle personal data in ways people would
reasonably expect, and not in ways that have unjustified adverse effects on

22. The concept of fairness in data protection law is more holistic than notions
of algorithmic fairness that focus on the distribution of outcomes among a
group as it also accounts for the relationship between those groups and the
organisations processing their data. Just because a system is statistically
accurate it does not necessarily mean its use is fair under data protection
law – other factors will also play a role.

23. Data protection fairness considers contextual factors such as the

environment in which a system is deployed or the power dynamic between

Explaining decisions made with AI | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

people and the organisations processing their data. It is context-specific, so

organisations need the ability to evaluate their fairness-related choices (eg
financial services and healthcare may need to consider fairness differently)
while being accountable for them.

24. Our AI and Data Protection Guidance19 provides a roadmap for how
organisations should evaluate their data protection fairness obligations. The
ICO continues our work on fairness in AI by supporting the Fairness
Innovation Challenge20, in partnership with the Department for Science,
Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and the Equality and Human Rights
Commission (EHRC). We have worked on concepts of fairness with
counterparts in the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF),21 and
contributed to the ATI’s ’AI Fairness in Practice’ workbook.22

Accountability and governance

“Governance measures should be in place to ensure effective oversight of
the supply and use of AI systems, with clear lines of accountability
established across the AI life cycle.
“AI life cycle actors should take steps to consider, incorporate and adhere to
the principles and introduce measures necessary for the effective
implementation of the principles at all stages of the AI life cycle.”
AI Regulation White Paper, UK Government, 2023

25. Accountability is a data protection principle. It requires organisations to

take responsibility for what they do with people’s personal data but also
how they comply with all the other data protection principles.

26. Accountability is allocated on the basis of roles defined in legislation

(controllers, processors or joint controllers23), according to who defines the
means and purposes of the processing. A crucial step in demonstrating
accountability is undertaking a data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
to identify and mitigate the data protection risks associated with the

27. The ICO has developed an overarching Accountability Framework24 and AI-
specific guidance on accountability25 that we continue to update. Following

How do we ensure fairness in AI? | ICO
Fairness Innovation Challenge
Fairness in AI: A View from the DRCF | DRCF
AI Ethics and Governance in Practice: AI Fairness in Practice | The Alan Turing
Controllers and processors | ICO
Accountability Framework | ICO
What are the accountability and governance implications of AI? | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

recommendations by the Vallance Review26, we intend to further clarify the

responsibilities of AI developers and deployers as part of our generative AI
consultation series.27

28. We are also working to ensure that organisations procuring systems can be
assured that AI supply chain actors providing their services and products
have undertaken the appropriate to due diligence. In conjunction with the
EHRC, the London Office of Technology and Innovation, and the Local
Government Association, we plan to develop guidance for local authorities
who are procuring AI products and services. This follows the work we have
done with our DRCF partners on transparency in AI procurement.28

Contestability and redress

“Where appropriate, users, impacted third parties and actors in the AI life
cycle should be able to contest an AI decision or outcome that is harmful or
creates material risk of harm.”
AI Regulation White Paper, UK Government, 2023

29. The AI White Paper’s contestability and redress principle is not a principle of
data protection law but is instead reflected in a set of information rights
that individuals can exercise, such as the right of access to personal data
being processed about them. Of particular note are the rights in relation to
solely automated decision-making with legal or similarly significant effects
on individuals.29

30. A legal effect is something that affects someone’s legal rights. For example,
someone’s entitlement to child or housing benefit. A similarly significant
effect is generally something that has the same sort of impact on
someone’s circumstances or choices. For example, a computer decision to
offer someone a job, or a decision to agree or decline a person’s mortgage
application. These effects can be positive or negative.

31. These data protection provisions enable people to contest decisions they
deem unfair when they are solely automated. When decision-making is
assisted by AI and is not captured by these provisions, people can still
exercise their information rights such as the rights to access, rectification
and exercise control on data that relates to them and by implication any

HMG_response_to_SPV_Digital_Tech_final.pdf (
ICO consultation series on generative AI and data protection | ICO
Transparency in the procurement of algorithmic systems: Findings from our workshops
See Article 22 of the UK GDPR, Sections 49 and 50 of the DPA 2018. These provisions
are subject to amendment by the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill.
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

decisions this data led to. Facilitating the exercise of these rights also aligns
with the fairness principle.

Changes in data protection law

32. UK data protection law is changing, but the ICO’s role in regulating AI
continues. The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, which is
currently passing through Parliament, will complement the existing
framework comprising the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our
future approach to AI regulation will be informed by the new legal
framework we will be tasked with overseeing.

Part 3: Our work on AI

33. AI is not new, and the ICO has been regulating this field for well over a
decade. Our landmark report on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning and Data Protection30 was first published in 2014. Below, we
summarise the range of guidance, advice, assurance and enforcement we
have taken forward.

Our policy and guidance

34. We provide a range of guidance products to help organisations apply data
protection law to AI. These include:

• Our guidance on AI and Data Protection31, which is regularly updated to

address emerging risks and opportunities.
• Complementary guidance on Automated Decision-Making and
Profiling32, addressing these specific provisions of data protection law.
• Supplementary guidance on Explaining Decisions Made with AI33, co-
badged with the ATI.
• An accompanying AI and Data Protection risk toolkit34, which won a
Global Privacy and Data Protection Award in 202235.

We also provide guidance on specific applications of AI, for example in

relation to biometric recognition technologies36 and age assurance

Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data protection | ICO
Guidance on AI and data protection | ICO
Automated decision-making and profiling | ICO
Explaining decisions made with AI | ICO
AI and data protection risk toolkit | ICO
Global Privacy and Data Protection Awards 2023 | Global Privacy Assembly
Biometric data guidance: Biometric recognition | ICO
Age assurance for the Children’s code | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

35. We track developments in AI to ensure organisations have access to the

latest guidance. For example, we issued rapid advice to developers and
users of generative AI38 as interest in the area grew last year. We conduct
horizon-scanning to detect new data protection risks and opportunities,
issuing reports on neurotechnologies39, emerging biometric technologies40,
personalised large language models and next-generation search engines41,
among others. We also run a programme of post-doctoral AI fellowships
that research issues such as model inference attacks.

Our advice and support

36. We offer a range of advice services for AI innovators, providing them with
regulatory clarity and certainty as they introduce their ideas.

37. Our Regulatory Sandbox provides in-depth support to supports

organisations developing products and services which use data in
innovative and novel ways. Previous participants include Onfido42, which
provides remote biometric identity verification technology, and GoodWith43,
which sought to develop a ‘financial virtual assistant’ for young adults.

38. Our Innovation Advice service aims to respond to regulatory questions from
innovators in 10-15 days, ensuring our advice is as rapid as developments
in the market. The service, which was named Best Innovative Privacy
Project in the 2023 PICCASO awards, has advised on topics from generative
AI to automated calling systems.

39. Our Innovation Hub, which partners with accelerators, incubators and other
agencies to mentor innovators as they engineer data protection into the
fabric of their new ideas. Our collaborations have included:

• working with DSIT, the Home Office and GCHQ on the SafetyTech
Innovation Challenges;44
• collaborating with DSIT, Innovate UK and the EHRC on the Fairness
Innovation Challenge45; and
• working with the Digital Catapult Bridge AI46 cohorts.

Generative AI: eight questions that developers and users need to ask | ICO
ICO tech futures: neurotechnology | ICO
ICO tech futures: biometrics | ICO
Tech Horizons Report | ICO
Onfido Regulatory Sandbox Final Report | ICO
Good With Regulatory Sandbox Final Report | ICO
Safety Tech Challenge
Fairness Innovation Challenge
BridgeAI | Digital Catapult
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

40. With our DRCF partners, we are currently piloting the AI and Digital Hub47,
which allows innovators to obtain answers to complex queries which span
the regulatory remits of DRCF member regulators.

41. To help educate and assist organisations to meet their regulatory

obligations, we also undertake a programme of consensual audits48 of
organisations to assess their processing of personal information using AI
and provide practical advice to improve the way they deal with information
rights issues. We are currently conducting audits of companies offering AI-
based age estimation and verification services and AI-based products within
the recruitment sector.

Our regulatory action

42. We act to enforce the law and safeguard people from harm, ensuring that
organisations developing and deploying AI face a level playing field. We use
our full regulatory toolbox to ensure compliance with the law, including:

• Information Notices, which can be used to require information from the

organisations that we regulate;
• Assessment Notices, which can be used to request access to premises
to examine equipment and processing activities on the ground;
• Enforcement Notices, which can be used to order organisations to stop
processing, delete data or take forward other remedies; and
• Monetary Penalty Notices, which can be used to levy fines where
organisations breach the law.

43. We communicate the outcomes of our regulatory action as appropriate to

promote compliance and safeguard people from harm. Recent action in
relation to AI includes:

• Clearview AI, Inc49 – we fined the facial recognition database company

more than £7.5m and ordered UK data to be deleted; this matter is
subject to ongoing legal challenge50.
• Serco Leisure51 and others – we issued enforcement notices ordering
them to stop using facial recognition technology and fingerprint
scanning to monitor employee attendance.

AI and Digital Hub | DRCF
A Guide to ICO Artificial Intelligence (AI) Audits | ICO
ICO fines facial recognition database company Clearview AI Inc more than £7.5m and
orders UK data to be deleted | ICO
Information Commissioner seeks permission to appeal Clearview AI Inc ruling | ICO
ICO orders Serco Leisure to stop using facial recognition technology to monitor
attendance of leisure centre employees | ICO
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

• Snap, Inc52 – we issued the social media firm with a preliminary53

enforcement notice in respect of their ‘My AI’ generative AI chatbot; we
are considering their representations before taking a final decision.

Part 4: Upcoming developments

44. Artificial intelligence – and its application in biometric technologies – is one
of the ICO’s three focus areas in 2024/25, along with children’s privacy and
online tracking.

45. In this section, we set out some of the key developments that organisations
can expect over the coming months, complementing the ongoing work of
our advice services and our supervision of firms using personal data to
develop or deploy AI.

Our policy and guidance

46. We continue to ensure our advice and guidance keeps pace with the rate of
development and adoption of AI technologies as well as legislative changes.

Consultation series on generative AI

47. In January, we launched a consultation series on generative AI, examining
how aspects of data protection law should apply to the development and
use of the technology. So far, the series has examined:

• the lawful basis for web scraping to train generative AI models;

• purpose limitation in the generative AI lifecycle; and
• the accuracy of training data and model outputs.

48. Further calls for evidence will focus on individual rights and controllership.
The ICO is seeking views from a range of stakeholders, including
developers and users of generative AI, civil society groups and other public
bodies with an interest in the technology.

Consultation on biometric classification

49. In spring 2024, we will seek views on how biometric classification
technologies, such as those used to draw inferences about people’s

UK Information Commissioner issues preliminary enforcement notice against Snap |
The findings in the preliminary enforcement notice are provisional. No conclusion
should be drawn at this stage that there has, in fact, been any breach of data protection
law or that an enforcement notice will ultimately be issued. The ICO will carefully
consider any representations from Snap before taking a final decision.
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

emotions or characteristics, should be developed and deployed. This follows

publication of our guidance on biometric recognition54 earlier this year.

Updated guidance on AI and data protection

50. In spring 2025, we expect to consult on updates to our Guidance on AI and
Data Protection55 and Automated Decision-Making and Profiling,56 to reflect
changes to data protection law following the passage of the Data Protection
and Digital Information Bill.

Our advice and support

51. We will continue to provide support to organisations seeking to develop and
deploy AI in novel ways, including through our Regulatory Sandbox, our
Innovation Advice service, our Innovation Hub partnerships and the DRCF
AI and Digital Hub.

New Regulatory Sandbox projects

52. In the coming months, the ICO’s Regulatory Sandbox57 will support a
number of AI-related projects, including: a system to help prevent falls in
the elderly; personalised AI for those affected by cancer; AI to help identify
individuals who may be at risk of domestic violence; and AI used to remove
personal data from drone images.

Ongoing Innovation Hub projects

53. In the coming months, the ICO’s Innovation Hub will continue to support AI
innovators through partnerships with:
• DSIT, the Home Office and GCHQ on the SafetyTech Innovation
• DSIT, Innovate UK and the EHRC on the Fairness Innovation
Challenge59; and
• the Digital Catapult Bridge AI60 cohorts.

Our assurance projects

54. We continue to undertake consensual and compulsory audits in order to
drive best practice. Later this year, we will report detailing our findings
following a series of engagements with providers of AI recruitment

Biometric data guidance: Biometric recognition | ICO
Guidance on AI and data protection | ICO
Automated decision-making and profiling | ICO
Current projects | ICO
Safety Tech Challenge
Fairness Innovation Challenge
BridgeAI | Digital Catapult
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

solutions. We will also examine AI practice as part of future audits looking

at technology in education and youth prison services.

Our regulatory action

55. We continue to actively scrutinise the development and deployment of AI
across the economy to safeguard people from harm. This includes scrutiny
of how biometric technologies, such as those used for biometric recognition
or behaviour classification, are developed and used. We will continue to
communicate the outcomes of regulatory action to the market to drive
improvements overall.

Part 5: Working together

Working with other regulators
56. As a whole-economy regulator, supervising the processing of personal data
in both the private and the public sector, we work closely with a wide range
of regulators to safeguard people from harm and ensure coherent
regulation for organisations.

The Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum

57. We are proud to be a founding member of the Digital Regulation
Cooperation Forum (DRCF), through which we work with the Competition
and Markets Authority, Ofcom and the Financial Conduct Authority to
deliver a coherent approach to digital regulation for the benefit of people
and businesses.

58. AI is a priority for the DRCF. With our fellow regulators, we have:

• published a paper setting out our shared perspective on the benefits

and harms of AI;61
• shared our views on technologies such as generative AI62 and issues
such as fairness and AI63;
• undertaken research into the third-party auditing market64 and engaged
with participants in this market; and

The benefits and harms of algorithms: a shared perspective from the four digital
regulators | DRCF
Maximising the benefits of Generative AI for the digital economy | DRCF
Fairness in AI: A View from the DRCF | DRCF
Auditing algorithms: the existing landscape, role of regulators and future outlook |
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

• established the AI and Digital Hub, enabling innovators to obtain

answers to complex queries which span the regulatory remits of DRCF
member regulators.

59. This year we will:

• conduct joint research into consumer use, understanding and trust of

generative AI;
• conduct research to better understand cross-sector adoption of
generative AI technology by organisations;
• share our approaches to conducting regulatory audits of AI systems,
including challenges and learnings; and
• continue our research into the third-party auditing market, to help
inform industry on how they can make best use of third-party auditors.

60. In relation to the AI Regulation White Paper, we will host joint workshops to
explore how its principles interact across the four regulators, with a focus
this year on AI transparency and accountability. We will continue to work
with the government’s new central AI function and consider potential joint
regulator capability-building projects.

The Regulators and AI Working Group

61. The Regulators and AI Working Group – founded by the ICO in 2019 –
ensures open dialogue with a wider set of AI regulators. The working
group’s membership includes over 47 regulators and public authorities,
including DSIT. The group has facilitated connections with international AI
regulators, with guest speakers including representatives from the US
Federal Trade Commission and the European Commission.

Bilateral partnerships
62. Beyond these multilateral forums, we work closely with other regulators on
a bilateral basis. For example, we continue to partner with EHRC and DSIT
to support the Fairness Innovation Challenge to address bias and
discrimination in AI systems, building on our earlier work together on
fairness. Later this year we will publish a joint statement with the
Competition and Markets Authority on foundation models, with the aim of
supporting coherence for businesses and promoting behaviours that benefit
consumers where our remits interact.

Working with government

63. We have worked closely with our sponsor department DSIT to inform the
government’s AI Regulation White Paper and look forward to working
together on its implementation, including the establishment of central
functions to promote regulatory coherence. We will continue to analyse and

Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

review potential gaps in legislation and advise government on these

matters as appropriate.

64. The government is well-placed to set an example of what responsible AI

development and deployment looks like. We continue to shape approaches
to AI deployment in different contexts, such as with the Department for
Education on generative AI. We will continue to provide advice and scrutiny
to ensure that the adoption of AI in public services is compliant with data
protection law.

Working with standards bodies

65. We continue to inform standard-setting initiatives as a member of the AI
Committee of the British Standard Institution (BSI). We monitor
development at international standardisation bodies such as CEN CENELEC,
ISO and ETSI and have already provided input into standards such as the
ISO/IEC 4200 1:2023 AI Management System, published in December
2023 and the ISO/IEC 23894:2023 on AI Risk Management.

Working with international partners

66. We work closely with international counterparts, to safeguard people from
harm and promote regulatory coherence across borders. This includes:

• bilateral cooperation with fellow data protection and privacy authorities,

such as our joint investigation with the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner into Clearview AI;
• plurilateral cooperation through the G7 group of data protection and
privacy authorities, with whom we issued a joint statement on
generative AI65, on which we will continue to build this year;
• multilateral cooperation through the Global Privacy Assembly, with
whom we issued resolutions on generative AI and AI in employment
last year;
• membership of the OECD AI Expert Group on AI, Data and Privacy,
which is currently exploring the synergies between privacy, data
protection and AI governance frameworks; and
• contribution to the International Working Group on Data Protection in
Technology (the Berlin Group), on matters such as large language

Roundtable of G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Statement on Generative AI
| Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan
Regulating AI: the ICO’s strategic approach

Annex: Our capabilities

Our people
67. As AI transforms our economy, an increasing proportion of all regulatory
roles at the ICO deal with AI – including staff working in communications,
policy, advice, complaints, audits, investigations and litigation. We expect
that in the future nearly all data protection roles at the ICO will involve AI
to some degree.

68. At the core of our regulatory operations is our AI and Data Science team,
which acts as a centre of excellence on AI, informing our policy, advisory
and enforcement interventions alike. This unit comprises 10 professionals
who are dedicated full-time to AI governance and is expected to grow in
the coming years.

69. In tandem with growing our capacity to regulate AI, we are also investing
in the technical capabilities of our staff. We will continue to develop our
people, ensuring that we have the right mix of skills to be an effective
regulator of AI.

Our technology
70. As AI presents new opportunities, we will role-model responsible use of AI
here at the ICO as part of our Enterprise Data Strategy.66

71. The use of AI and machine learning will help the organisation become more
data-led in its decision making, improving the services and support it can
offer to customers. We currently use AI to support a customer service
chatbot and an algorithmic tool for email triage and are developing an AI
solution to help identify websites using non-compliant cookie banners.

72. We welcome the government’s commitment to use of the algorithmic

transparency recording standard67 across government departments and, in
due course, the wider public sector. This will support greater transparency
and scrutiny of public sector AI adoption. We already employ the standard
in our internal AI deployments and will continue to do so.

73. We will develop an internal data literacy initiative to empower data and
analytics skills across the organisation. We will also develop a suite of AI
training and resources to ensure AI adoption at the ICO aligns with our
regulatory expectations of others.

ICO Enterprise Data Strategy | ICO
Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard Hub | GOV.UK
Annual report 2020/2 1

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