B&R Acopos Automation Drive Manual

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The Only Factory Authorized Repair Center for

Kollmorgen Servo Drives.

Motor Systems Inc.
460 Milford Parkway
Milford, OH . 45150

User's Manual

Version: 2.01 (November 2014)

Model no.: MAACP2-ENG

All information contained in this manual is current as of its creation/publication. B&R reserves the right to change
the contents of this manual without notice. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of
the date of publication; however, Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. makes no warranty, ex-
pressed or implied, with regard to the products or documentation contained within this manual. In addition,
Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages
in connection with or arising from the furnishing, performance or use of the product(s) in this documentation. Soft-
ware names, hardware names and trademarks are registered by their respective companies.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 1

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 2
ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 3
Chapter 1: General information

Chapter 2: Technical data

Chapter 3: Installation

Chapter 4: Dimensioning

Chapter 5: Wiring

Chapter 6: Safety technology

Chapter 7: Standards and certifications

Appendix A: Accessories included in delivery

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 4

Table of contents

Chapter 1 General information................................................................................. 11

Table of contents
1 Manual history..................................................................................................................................................11
2 ACOPOS.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 High-performance servo drive design........................................................................................................ 12
2.2 More room for innovation........................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Maximum safety......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Modular and precise with communication options..................................................................................... 14
2.5 Configuring instead of programming.......................................................................................................... 15
2.6 PLCopen motion control function blocks....................................................................................................16
2.7 Higher productivity with Smart Process Technology..................................................................................16
2.8 ACOPOS – Perfect for CNC applications as well......................................................................................16
2.9 Quick and easy commissioning................................................................................................................. 17
2.10 Tools for straightforward and efficient diagnostics................................................................................... 18
3 ACOPOS configurations.................................................................................................................................. 19
3.1 ACOPOS in a POWERLINK network.........................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Recommended topology for POWERLINK networks............................................................................20
3.1.2 Further literature....................................................................................................................................20
3.2 Compact, modular motion control applications.......................................................................................... 20
3.3 Extensive, modular motion control applications with up to 253 axes........................................................ 21
3.4 ACOPOS in a CAN bus network............................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Drive-based control.................................................................................................................................... 22
4 Safety guidelines..............................................................................................................................................23
4.1 Organization of safety notices....................................................................................................................23
4.2 General information.................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Intended use...............................................................................................................................................23
4.4 Protection against electrostatic discharge..................................................................................................24
4.4.1 Packaging..............................................................................................................................................24
4.4.2 Guidelines for proper ESD handling.....................................................................................................24
4.5 Transport and storage................................................................................................................................ 24
4.6 Installation...................................................................................................................................................25
4.7 Operation.................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.7.1 Protection against touching electrical parts.......................................................................................... 25
4.7.2 Protection against hazardous movements............................................................................................26
4.7.3 Protection against burns....................................................................................................................... 26
4.8 Specifications for functional safety.............................................................................................................26
4.9 Environmentally friendly disposal............................................................................................................... 27
4.9.1 Separation of materials.........................................................................................................................27

Chapter 2 Technical data.......................................................................................... 29

1 Module overview.............................................................................................................................................. 29
2 ACOPOS servo drives..................................................................................................................................... 31
2.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 32
2.1.1 24 VDC supply during power failures...................................................................................................32
2.2 Status indicators......................................................................................................................................... 33
2.2.1 LED status.............................................................................................................................................34
2.3 ACOPOS 1010, 1016................................................................................................................................. 35
2.3.1 ACOPOS 8V1010.0xx-2........................................................................................................................35
2.3.2 ACOPOS 8V1010.5xx-2........................................................................................................................39
2.3.3 ACOPOS 8V1016.0xx-2........................................................................................................................43
2.3.4 ACOPOS 8V1016.5xx-2........................................................................................................................47
2.3.5 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................... 50
2.4 ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090.......................................................................................................................58
2.4.1 ACOPOS 1022......................................................................................................................................58
2.4.2 ACOPOS 1045......................................................................................................................................62
2.4.3 ACOPOS 1090......................................................................................................................................66
2.4.4 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................... 69
2.5 ACOPOS 1180, 1320................................................................................................................................. 76

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2.5.1 ACOPOS 1180...................................................................................................................................... 76

2.5.2 ACOPOS 1320......................................................................................................................................80
2.5.3 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................... 84
2.6 ACOPOS 1640, 128M................................................................................................................................ 91
2.6.1 ACOPOS 1640......................................................................................................................................91
2.6.2 ACOPOS 128M.....................................................................................................................................95
2.6.3 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................... 99
3 ACOPOS plug-in modules............................................................................................................................. 106
3.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 106
3.2 AC110 - CAN module...............................................................................................................................107
3.2.1 General information.............................................................................................................................107
3.2.2 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 107
3.2.3 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................107
3.2.4 CAN node number settings................................................................................................................ 108
3.2.5 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................108
3.2.6 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................108
3.2.7 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 108
3.3 AC114 - POWERLINK V2 module........................................................................................................... 109
3.3.1 General information.............................................................................................................................109
3.3.2 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 109
3.3.3 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................109
3.3.4 Setting the POWERLINK node number............................................................................................. 110
3.3.5 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................110
3.3.6 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................110
3.3.7 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 111
3.4 AC120 - EnDat 2.1 encoder module........................................................................................................112
3.4.1 General information.............................................................................................................................112
3.4.2 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 112
3.4.3 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................113
3.4.4 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................114
3.4.5 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................114
3.4.6 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 114
3.5 AC121 - HIPERFACE encoder module................................................................................................... 116
3.5.1 General information.............................................................................................................................116
3.5.2 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 116
3.5.3 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................116
3.5.4 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................117
3.5.5 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................117
3.5.6 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 118
3.6 AC122 - Resolver module........................................................................................................................120
3.6.1 8AC122.60-3....................................................................................................................................... 120
3.6.2 8AC122.60-4....................................................................................................................................... 122
3.6.3 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................123
3.6.4 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 124
3.7 AC123 - Incremental encoder and SSI absolute encoder module...........................................................125
3.7.1 General information.............................................................................................................................125
3.7.2 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 125
3.7.3 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................125
3.7.4 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................126
3.7.5 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................126
3.7.6 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 127
3.8 AC125 - BiSS encoder module................................................................................................................129
3.8.1 8AC125.60-1....................................................................................................................................... 129
3.8.2 8AC125.60-2....................................................................................................................................... 131
3.8.3 8AC125.61-2....................................................................................................................................... 134
3.8.4 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................136
3.8.5 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................136

6 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Table of contents

3.9 AC126 - EnDat 2.2 module......................................................................................................................137

Table of contents
3.9.1 General information.............................................................................................................................137
3.9.2 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 137
3.9.3 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................138
3.9.4 Status indicators..................................................................................................................................138
3.9.5 Firmware..............................................................................................................................................139
3.9.6 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 139
3.10 AC130 - Digital mixed module............................................................................................................... 140
3.10.1 General information...........................................................................................................................140
3.10.2 Order data......................................................................................................................................... 140
3.10.3 Technical data...................................................................................................................................140
3.10.4 Status indicators................................................................................................................................142
3.10.5 Firmware............................................................................................................................................142
3.10.6 Wiring................................................................................................................................................ 142
3.11 AC131 - Mixed module...........................................................................................................................144
3.11.1 General information...........................................................................................................................144
3.11.2 Order data......................................................................................................................................... 144
3.11.3 Technical data................................................................................................................................... 144
3.11.4 Status indicators................................................................................................................................146
3.11.5 Firmware............................................................................................................................................146
3.11.6 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................146
3.12 AC140 - CPU module............................................................................................................................ 148
3.12.1 General information...........................................................................................................................148
3.12.2 Order data - 8AC140.60-3................................................................................................................ 148
3.12.3 Order data - 8AC140.61-3................................................................................................................ 149
3.12.4 Technical data...................................................................................................................................150
3.12.5 Indicators........................................................................................................................................... 152
3.12.6 Setting the CAN node number (IF2).................................................................................................152
3.12.7 Setting the PROFIBUS node number (IF3)...................................................................................... 153
3.12.8 Setting the Ethernet network address (IF6)......................................................................................153
3.12.9 Reset button......................................................................................................................................153
3.12.10 Slot for application memory (CompactFlash)................................................................................. 154
3.12.11 Backup battery AC140.................................................................................................................... 154
3.12.12 Input/Output registers......................................................................................................................157
3.12.13 Wiring.............................................................................................................................................. 158
3.13 AC141 - CPU module............................................................................................................................ 160
3.13.1 General information...........................................................................................................................160
3.13.2 Order data......................................................................................................................................... 160
3.13.3 Technical data...................................................................................................................................161
3.13.4 Indicators........................................................................................................................................... 164
3.13.5 Setting the CAN node number (IF2).................................................................................................164
3.13.6 Setting the CAN node number (IF3).................................................................................................164
3.13.7 Setting the Ethernet network address (IF6)......................................................................................165
3.13.8 Reset button......................................................................................................................................165
3.13.9 Slot for application memory (CompactFlash)................................................................................... 165
3.13.10 Backup battery................................................................................................................................ 165
3.13.11 Input/Output registers...................................................................................................................... 168
3.13.12 Wiring.............................................................................................................................................. 169
4 8AXB battery module.....................................................................................................................................171
4.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 171
4.2 Order data................................................................................................................................................ 171
4.3 Technical data.......................................................................................................................................... 171
4.4 Changing/Inserting the battery module 8AXB000.0000-00...................................................................... 171
5 8B0W external braking resistors....................................................................................................................173
5.1 Order data................................................................................................................................................ 173
5.2 Technical data.......................................................................................................................................... 173
5.3 Wiring........................................................................................................................................................174

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5.3.1 8B0W braking resistors - Pinout.........................................................................................................174

6 Cables............................................................................................................................................................ 175
6.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 175
6.1.1 Assembled cables............................................................................................................................... 175
6.2 Motor cables............................................................................................................................................. 175
6.2.1 0.75 mm² motor cables.......................................................................................................................175
6.2.2 1.5 mm² motor cables.........................................................................................................................177
6.2.3 4 mm² motor cables............................................................................................................................179
6.2.4 10 mm² motor cables..........................................................................................................................181
6.2.5 35 mm² motor cables..........................................................................................................................183
6.2.6 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 184
6.3 EnDat 2.1 cables...................................................................................................................................... 187
6.3.1 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 187
6.3.2 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................187
6.3.3 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 188
6.4 Resolver cables........................................................................................................................................ 190
6.4.1 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 190
6.4.2 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................190
6.4.3 Wiring.................................................................................................................................................. 191
7 Connectors..................................................................................................................................................... 193
7.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 193
7.2 Motor connectors...................................................................................................................................... 193
7.2.1 Order data........................................................................................................................................... 193
7.2.2 Technical data.....................................................................................................................................193
7.3 Encoder connectors..................................................................................................................................194
7.3.1 EnDat connectors................................................................................................................................194
7.3.2 Resolver connectors........................................................................................................................... 195

Chapter 3 Installation...............................................................................................197
1 General...........................................................................................................................................................197
2 Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions..........................................................................................198
2.1 ACOPOS 1010, 1016............................................................................................................................... 198
2.2 ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090.....................................................................................................................199
2.3 ACOPOS 1180, 1320............................................................................................................................... 200
2.4 ACOPOS 1640......................................................................................................................................... 201
2.5 ACOPOS 128M........................................................................................................................................ 202
2.6 External braking resistors.........................................................................................................................203
2.6.1 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1................................................................................. 203
3 Installing and removing plug-in modules....................................................................................................... 205
3.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 205
3.2 Installation.................................................................................................................................................205
3.3 Removal....................................................................................................................................................205
4 Installing devices from different ACOPOS series directly next to each other................................................206
5 Using cooling systems in control cabinets.................................................................................................... 207
5.1 Natural convection.................................................................................................................................... 207
5.2 Using filter fans........................................................................................................................................ 207
5.3 Using air/air heat exchangers.................................................................................................................. 208
5.4 Using air/water heat exchangers..............................................................................................................209
5.5 Using cooling units................................................................................................................................... 210
5.5.1 General information.............................................................................................................................210
5.5.2 Placing a cooling unit on top of the control cabinet........................................................................... 210
5.5.3 Placing a cooling unit on the front of the control cabinet................................................................... 211
6 Motor cables...................................................................................................................................................212
6.1 Assembly example (module-side) of a 1.5 mm² motor cable.................................................................. 212

Chapter 4 Dimensioning.......................................................................................... 215

1 Power mains connection................................................................................................................................215

8 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Table of contents

1.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 215

Table of contents
1.1.1 Mains configurations........................................................................................................................... 215
1.1.2 Supply voltage range.......................................................................................................................... 216
1.1.3 Protective ground connection (PE)..................................................................................................... 216
1.2 Dimensioning............................................................................................................................................ 218
1.2.1 Individual ACOPOS power mains connections.................................................................................. 218
1.2.2 Implementing ACOPOS power mains connections for drive groups.................................................. 221
1.3 Fault current protection............................................................................................................................ 223
1.3.1 Rated fault current.............................................................................................................................. 223
1.3.2 Estimating the discharge current........................................................................................................ 223
1.3.3 Manufacturer used.............................................................................................................................. 223
2 DC bus........................................................................................................................................................... 224
2.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 224
2.2 Wiring design............................................................................................................................................225
2.3 Equal distribution of the applied power via the power rectifiers...............................................................225
2.4 Equal distribution of the brake power on the braking resistors................................................................226
2.5 Connecting external DC bus power supplies...........................................................................................226
3 Motor connection............................................................................................................................................227
4 Braking resistors............................................................................................................................................ 228
4.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 228
4.2 External braking resistor connections...................................................................................................... 229
4.2.1 Fuse protection................................................................................................................................... 229
4.3 Dimensioning the braking resistor............................................................................................................230
4.3.1 Basis of the calculation.......................................................................................................................230
4.3.2 Example...............................................................................................................................................233
4.4 Configuring brake resistor parameters.....................................................................................................238
4.4.1 Using the integrated braking resistors................................................................................................238
4.4.2 Using external braking resistors......................................................................................................... 238
5 Configuring ACOPOS servo drives............................................................................................................... 239
5.1 Maximum power output for all slots on the ACOPOS servo drive........................................................... 239
5.2 24 VDC current requirements for the ACOPOS servo drive....................................................................240
6 Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets.......................................................................... 241
6.1 General dimensioning criteria...................................................................................................................241
6.1.1 Basic selection of the cooling system................................................................................................ 241
6.2 Natural convection.................................................................................................................................... 242
6.2.1 Dimensioning.......................................................................................................................................242
6.2.2 Example...............................................................................................................................................242
6.3 Filter fans..................................................................................................................................................243
6.3.1 Dimensioning.......................................................................................................................................243
6.3.2 Example...............................................................................................................................................243
6.4 Air/air heat exchangers............................................................................................................................ 245
6.4.1 Dimensioning.......................................................................................................................................245
6.4.2 Example...............................................................................................................................................245
6.5 Air/water heat exchangers / Cooling units............................................................................................... 246
6.5.1 Dimensioning.......................................................................................................................................246
6.5.2 Example...............................................................................................................................................246
7 Formula variables used................................................................................................................................. 248

Chapter 5 Wiring...................................................................................................... 249

1 General information........................................................................................................................................249
1.1 Electromagnetic compatibility of the installation.......................................................................................249
1.1.1 General information.............................................................................................................................249
1.1.2 Installation guidelines..........................................................................................................................249
1.2 Insulation and high voltage testing.......................................................................................................... 253
1.2.1 Insulation resistance testing in accordance with EN 60204............................................................... 253
1.2.2 High voltage testing............................................................................................................................ 253
1.3 Connecting cables to plug-in modules..................................................................................................... 254

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Table of contents

1.4 Overview of clampable cross sections.....................................................................................................255

Chapter 6 Safety technology.................................................................................. 257

1 Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")...............................................................................257
1.1 General information.................................................................................................................................. 257
1.2 Principle - Implementing the safety function............................................................................................ 258
1.2.1 Additional function...............................................................................................................................259
1.3 Enable input connected in accordance with Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d.........................................260
1.3.1 STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)....................................................................................... 260
1.3.2 STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)....................................................................................... 261
1.4 Enable input circuits in accordance with Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d and functionality (STO, SS1, SS2,
SLS, SOS)...................................................................................................................................................... 262
1.4.1 STO, SLS, SOS - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d...........................................................................262
1.4.2 SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A).......................................................... 264
1.4.3 SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B).......................................................... 266

Chapter 7 Standards and certifications................................................................. 269

1 Applicable European directives......................................................................................................................269
2 Applicable standards......................................................................................................................................269
3 Environmental limits....................................................................................................................................... 270
3.1 Mechanical conditions in accordance with IEC 61800-2......................................................................... 270
3.1.1 Operation.............................................................................................................................................270
3.1.2 Transport............................................................................................................................................. 270
3.2 Climate conditions in accordance with IEC 61800-2............................................................................... 270
3.2.1 Operation.............................................................................................................................................270
3.2.2 Storage................................................................................................................................................ 270
3.2.3 Transport............................................................................................................................................. 270
4 Requirements for immunity to disturbances (EMC).......................................................................................271
4.1 Evaluation criteria (performance criteria)................................................................................................. 271
4.2 Low-frequency disturbances in accordance with IEC 61800-3................................................................ 271
4.2.1 Power mains harmonics and commutation notches / voltage distortions........................................... 271
4.2.2 Voltage changes, fluctuations, dips and short-term interruptions.......................................................271
4.2.3 Asymmetric voltages and frequency changes.................................................................................... 271
4.3 High-frequency disturbances in accordance with IEC 61800-3............................................................... 272
4.3.1 Electrostatic discharge........................................................................................................................ 272
4.3.2 Electromagnetic fields......................................................................................................................... 272
4.3.3 Burst.................................................................................................................................................... 272
4.3.4 Surge................................................................................................................................................... 272
4.3.5 High-frequency conducted disturbances.............................................................................................272
5 Requirements for emissions (EMC)...............................................................................................................273
5.1 High-frequency emissions in accordance with IEC 61800-3....................................................................273
5.1.1 Disturbance voltages on the power connections................................................................................273
5.1.2 Electromagnetic emissions................................................................................................................. 273
6 Other environmental limit values in accordance with IEC 61800-2...............................................................273
7 International certifications.............................................................................................................................. 274
8 Standards and definitions for safety technology............................................................................................275

Appendix A Accessories included in delivery...................................................... 279

1 ACOPOS........................................................................................................................................................ 279
1.1 8V1010.0xx-2/8V1016.0xx-2.....................................................................................................................279
1.2 8V1010.5xx-2/8V1016.5xx-2.....................................................................................................................280
1.3 8V1022.xxx-2/8V1045.xxx-2/8V1090.xxx-2.............................................................................................. 281
1.4 8V1180.xxx-2/8V1320.xxx-2..................................................................................................................... 282
1.5 8V1640.xxx-2............................................................................................................................................ 283
1.6 8V128M.xxx-2........................................................................................................................................... 284

10 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • Manual history

General information
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 • General information

1 Manual history

B&R keeps the printed version of user's manuals as current as possible.
From a safety standpoint, however, the current version from the B&R website must be used (www.br-
automation.com) .
Version Date Comment
2.01 11/5/2014 Changes / New features
• Adjusted images for translation.
• Updated accessories for 8AC114.60-2.
• Technical data chapter:
- Corrected technical data for connectors.
- Added battery module.
• Dimensioning chapter:
- Revised "Dimensioning the power mains and fuse" section.
- Added section "Motor cables - Not for use in cable drag chains" to "Motor connection".
• Updated appendix "Accessories included in delivery".
2.00 12/12/2012 Changes / New features
• Plug-in module 8AC126.60-1 added:
- Order data
- Technical data
- Pinout
• 0.75 mm² motor cables added:
- Order data
- Technical data
• Dimensioning chapter:
- Using a mains choke added
- Dimensioning cooling systems updated
1.43 26-Mar-11 Changes / New features
• Safety notices:
New section "Specifications for functional safety" added
• Safety technology:
Safety functions/parameters modified, proof test interval changed to 20 years
1.42 31-Jul-10 Changes / New features
• Technical data / 8Vxxxx:
Heat dissipation values modified
• Wiring / AC121:
Input/Output circuit diagram added.
• Plug-in module 8AC125.60-1 added:
- Technical data
- Wiring
• Indicators:
LED status adjusted to firmware > V2.130
• Technical data / 8AC122.60-3:
ParIDs for setting the gear ratio added to footnote
1.41 31-Oct-08 Start of revision history publication

Table 1: Manual history

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 11

General information • ACOPOS

2.1 High-performance servo drive design

The ACOPOS servo drive family is an important component of the complete automation solutions provided by
B&R. Industry-specific functions and intuitive tools form the basis for short development times.
An important criteria for the performance of an automation solution is fast and precise reactions to events handled
the application or to immediate changes in the production process. Because of this, ACOPOS servo drives work
with very short sampling times and communication cycles of 400 µs, which only amount to 50 µs in the control loop.

2.2 More room for innovation

The successful application of ACOPOS servo drives in the following fields demonstrates the impressive innovative
power of their pioneering design: performance and function coupled with ease of use.
• Packaging industry
• Handling technology
• Plastics processing
• Paper and printing
• Textile industry
• Wood industry
• Metalworking industry
• Semiconductor industry

12 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • ACOPOS

2.3 Maximum safety

General information
Chapter 1
The ACOPOS servo family was thoroughly tested during the development phase. Under difficult conditions, such
as heavy vibrations or increased temperatures, the devices were subject to loads that greatly exceed the values
that occur in normal everyday operation.

Figure 1: EMC testing of ACOPOS servo drives - maximum security for the user
EMC was given special attention to facilitate use in a harsh industrial environments. Field tests have been carried
out under difficult conditions in addition to the tests defined in the standard. The results confirm the excellent values
measured by the testing laboratory and during operation. The necessary filters, which meet CE guidelines, are also
integrated in the device. Using computer-aided models, the thermal behavior of the entire system is pre-calculated
based on measured currents and temperatures. This results in maximum performance by taking advantage of the
system's full capabilities. ACOPOS servo drives use the information on the motor's embedded parameter chip,
which contains all relevant mechanical and electronic data. The work-intensive and error-prone task of manually
setting parameters is no longer necessary and start-up times are substantially reduced. During service, relevant
data can be requested and the cause of any problems that may exist can be determined.
The ACOPOS servo family is also available with partially-coated circuit boards. These versions are – with identical
specifications – more robust in regard to environmental influences such as dust, aggressive vapors or moisture.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 13

General information • ACOPOS

2.4 Modular and precise with communication options

The I/O channels needed to operate a servo axis are part of the standard equipment for ACOPOS servo drives.
The user is provided two trigger inputs for tasks requiring precise measurements or registration mark control.

Figure 2: Plug-in modules allow optimized, application-specific configuration of ACOPOS servo drives
Further configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive to meet the respective application-specific demands takes place
using plug-in modules. Plug-in modules are available to establish network connections with other drives, controllers
and visualization devices as well as for the connection of encoders, sensors and actuators. Additionally, CPU
modules for controller and drive integration are also available for drive-based automation.

14 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • ACOPOS

2.5 Configuring instead of programming

General information
Chapter 1
ACOPOS servo drives can be configured for demanding positioning tasks such as electronic gears or cam profiles.
Based on long-term cooperation with customers from all over the world, B&R shares its know-how in the form of
compact function blocks for many applications. Industry-specific functionality can be quickly and easily implement-
ed in an application program.

Figure 3: Configuring ACOPOS servo drives using B&R Automation Stu-

dio guarantees fast and easy implementation of application requirements

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 15

General information • ACOPOS

2.6 PLCopen motion control function blocks

Motion control is one of the central topics in automation technology. This is due in part to the fact that this area
bears a relatively high share of the costs of an entire automation solution. As a result, the potential for savings
are high as well.
PLCopen motion control function blocks comply with the IEC 61131-3 standard and support users in this endeavor
by offering vendor-independence and reducing overall development times. They provide additional support in that
they can be used with a wide variety of programming languages, including Ladder Diagram (LD), Structured Text
(ST) and the high-level language C.
The range of functions offered by these blocks are grouped according to single and multi-axis movements. In
addition to conventional relative and absolute movements, the first of these two groups also includes the possibility
of overlapping movements. With multi-axis movements, functions such as gears, cam profile functions, up/down
synchronization and differential gears (changing the phase angle) are also supported.

2.7 Higher productivity with Smart Process Technology

Smart Process Technology meets customer needs for cost-effective solutions and high production speeds. This
freely configurable technology library is uniformly integrated into existing motion control products.
The use of indirect process parameters makes it possible to eliminate sensors, which are often not fast enough
to keep up with high production speeds. Synchronous processing and short response times make it possible to
achieve excellent productivity and precision. In addition, powerful and intelligent decentralized units allow seamless
quality control. In the field, this significantly reduces cycle times while improving component quality.
As a result, the demands placed on advanced motion control components – high product quality, machine produc-
tivity, short maintenance and down times and, increasingly important, seamless quality control during production
– are met completely.

2.8 ACOPOS – Perfect for CNC applications as well

The integrated Soft CNC system from B&R combines all of the software components necessary for machine au-
tomation on a 64-bit processing platform and provides more than enough computing power to handle complex pro-
cessing machines. Its integrated system architecture, used together with ACOPOS servo drives, opens up many
opportunities with regard to response speed, data throughput and precision, all while providing a way to reduce
overall costs.
• Uniformly integrated ACOPOS servo drive technology
• Powerful, with fast response times
• Ultimate freedom for automation concepts with unlimited PLC and CNC system flexibility
• 8 independent CNC channels
• Up to a total of 100 axes for positioning, CNC and electronic gears
• Customized graphical interface
• Nearly unlimited system memory for programs, diagnostics and process data
• Internet or intranet connection for inspections or remote maintenance
Leading manufacturers of water jet, laser and flame cutting machines are already utilizing these technological

16 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • ACOPOS

2.9 Quick and easy commissioning

General information
Chapter 1
All B&R products are programmed in the same way using the Windows-based tool B&R Automation Studio. This
software allows complex drive solutions to be created after just a short orientation period. Hardware components
and program sections can be added and configured in dialog boxes, considerably reducing project development
Axis movements can be checked without programming using the NC Test feature. All types of motions, ranging
from point-to-point movements to gear functions, can be carried out interactively. The response of an axis can
even be monitored while the system is online. In addition, Trace functionality records relevant drive data for clear
evaluation at any time.

Figure 4: Optimal control of the movement using NC Test and Trace functionality

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 17

General information • ACOPOS

2.10 Tools for straightforward and efficient diagnostics

Drives are monitored in real time using an oscilloscope function, with a wide variety of trigger options able to
generate informative data for analyzing movements during operation. A graphic display allows the user to make
fine adjustments and optimize movements in the microsecond range. The integration of powerful tools such as
the cam editor reduces programming for complex coupled movements to simple drag-and-drop procedures. The
results and effects on speed, acceleration and jolt can be immediately analyzed in graphic form.

Figure 5: Cam editor - for creating movement profiles simply and precisely

18 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • ACOPOS configurations

3 ACOPOS configurations

General information
Chapter 1
ACOPOS servo drives include several technology-specific functions with performance, flexibility and capability in
the field which has been remarkably proven in countless applications. The ACOPOS functions listed below are
basic functions that the user can switch between as needed within 400 μs. In addition, manipulations such as
changes in product length, registration mark control, overlying torque control, brief process adaptations and quality
checks can be carried out at any time.
• Point-to-point movements
• Electronic gears
• Electronic differential gears
• Cutting units
• Electronic cam profiles
• Flying saws
• Line shafts
ACOPOS servo drives can be used in various configurations depending on the network type and the requirements
of the application. The functions listed above are available to the user in each of the topology examples shown.
Response speeds are not influenced by the network and control system being used if technology functions are
processed directly on the ACOPOS servo drive. Additional sensors and actuators must be integrated in the control
system for more complex processes. In these cases, the level of performance depends mostly on the type of
network and control system being used.
The topology examples shown on the following pages provide an overview of the bandwidths that are possible
with B&R automation components.

3.1 ACOPOS in a POWERLINK network

High-performance machine architectures require flexible networks and fieldbuses. With POWERLINK, a network
is available to the user that fully meets the high demands of dynamic motion systems. POWERLINK adapts to the
requirements of the machine and the system. The rigid coupling of many axes with controllers, industrial PCs, I/
O systems and operator panels allows machines and systems to be created with the highest level of precision.
Compatibility to standard Ethernet also reduces the number of networks and fieldbuses on the machine level.

Successful areas of use for these topologies:

• Packaging industry
• Handling technology
• Plastics processing
• Paper and printing
• Textile industry
• Wood industry
• Metalworking industry
• Semiconductor industry

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 19

General information • ACOPOS configurations

3.1.1 Recommended topology for POWERLINK networks

In the POWERLINK network (seen from the manager), the tree structure should always come first followed by the
line structure. Otherwise, the line structure delay affects the entire tree beneath it.

It should be noted that the longest path is allowed a maximum of 10 hubs by the manager.

Communication to all POWERLINK stations connected to the POWERLINK network in a line-formed
network via the mini-hub of this ACOPOS servo drive is interrupted during the network initialization
(startup) of an ACOPOS servo drive.

3.1.2 Further literature

Unless otherwise stated, the recommendations in the following documents apply:

• "Industrial Ethernet Planning and Installation Guide",
Draft 2.0, IAONA (www.iaona-eu.com)
• "Guide to Understanding and Obtaining High Quality Generic Cabling",
3P Third Party Testing (www.3ptest.dk)

3.2 Compact, modular motion control applications

All ACOPOS servo drives serve as a mini-hub for cabling and allow line-formed routing of the POWERLINK network.
This considerably reduces the cabling expenditure (without reducing functionality).
• Modular machine architectures with up to 100 m between individual axes
• Minimal wiring required due to line structure (no ring)
• No additional infrastructure components needed
• Synchronization from the PLC program to the drive control loop
Control system, visualization and operation

Power Panel

Motion control

Remote I/O systems


X20 System


Figure 6: Compact, modular motion control applications

20 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • ACOPOS configurations

3.3 Extensive, modular motion control applications with up to 253 axes

General information
Chapter 1
ACOPOS servo drives are connected to the POWERLINK network in star topologies using hubs and line topologies.
• Modular machine architectures with up to 100 m between individual axes
• Optimized wiring using a mixed star/line structure
• Nodes with fast and slow sampling rates operable within a single network, eliminating the need to divide
the network into fast and slow segments
• Synchronization from the PLC program to the drive control loop
Control system


Motion control
X20 System

Remote I/O Systems


Motion control Motion control
Remote I/O Systems

X20 System X67 X67

Sensors Sensors

Figure 7: Extensive, modular motion control applications with up to 253 axes

3.4 ACOPOS in a CAN bus network

The dynamic requirements for small and mid-sized machines with several axes can be handled efficiently using
a CAN bus.
The CAN bus is a cost-effective fieldbus for networking ACOPOS servo drives with controllers, industrial PCs, I/
O systems and operator panels.
Control system

CAN bus

X20 System
Motion control

Remote I/O Systems

X20 System

Figure 8: ACOPOS in a CAN bus network

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 21

General information • ACOPOS configurations

3.5 Drive-based control

The controller is located centrally on an ACOPOS servo drive. The drives are networked and synchronized with
each other via the CAN bus. As a result, electronic gear and cam profile applications as well as CNC applications
are possible in addition to simple point-to-point movements. Powerful operation and visualization is managed by
the controller in the ACOPOS servo drive. I/O signals are connected in the control cabinet or directly in the machine
room. By eliminating the need for an external controller, even very limited space can be used optimally.
Host/line communication

Motion control Motion control

Remote I/O systems

Visualization and operation
CAN bus


X20 System

X67 X67


Figure 9: Drive-based automation with ACOPOS

22 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • Safety guidelines

4 Safety guidelines

General information
Chapter 1
4.1 Organization of safety notices

Safety notices in this manual are organized as follows:

Safety notice Description
Danger! Disregarding these safety guidelines and notices can be life-threatening.
Warning! Disregarding these safety guidelines and notices can result in severe injury or substantial damage to equipment.
Caution! Disregarding these safety guidelines and notices can result in injury or damage to equipment.
Information: This information is important for preventing errors.

Table 2: Description of the safety notices used in this documentation

4.2 General information

B&R servo drives and servo motors have been designed, developed and manufactured for conventional use in
industrial environments. They were not designed, developed and manufactured for any use involving serious risks
or hazards that could lead to death, injury, serious physical damage or loss of any kind without the implementation
of exceptionally stringent safety precautions. In particular, such risks and hazards include the use of these devices
to monitor nuclear reactions in nuclear power plants, their use in flight control or flight safety systems as well as in
the control of mass transportation systems, medical life support systems or weapons systems.
Servo drives, inverter modules and frequency inverters from B&R are not dual-use goods in accordance with
Regulation (EG) No. 428/2009 | 3A225.

Drive systems and motors can have exposed parts that carry voltage (e.g. terminals) as well as hot
surfaces. Additional hazards include moving machine parts. Improperly removing required covers,
inappropriate use of the devices or their improper installation or operation can result in severe personal
injury or damage to property.
All tasks such as the transport, installation, commissioning and servicing of devices are only permitted to be car-
ried out by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel are those familiar with the transport, mounting, installation,
commissioning and operation of devices who also have the appropriate qualifications (e.g. IEC 60364). National
accident prevention regulations must be observed.
The safety notices, connection descriptions (type plate and documentation) and limit values listed in the technical
data are to be read carefully before installation and commissioning and must be observed.

The improper handling of servo drives and servo motors can cause severe personal injury or damage
to property!

4.3 Intended use

Servo drives are components designed to be installed in electrical systems or machines. They are not permitted
to be used unless the machine meets directive 2006/42/EC (machine directive) as well as directive 2004/108/EC
(EMC directive).
Servo drives are only permitted to be operated directly on grounded, three-phase industrial mains (TN, TT power
mains). When used in residential areas, shops or small businesses, additional measures must be implemented
by the user.

Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase
conductor and protective ground conductor!
Technical data as well as connection and environmental specifications can be found on the type plate and in this
user's manual. These specifications regarding connection and environmental conditions must be observed!

Electronic devices are never completely failsafe. If the servo drive fails, the user is responsible for
ensuring that the connected motor is brought to a secure state.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 23

General information • Safety guidelines

4.4 Protection against electrostatic discharge

Electrical components that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD) must be handled accordingly.

4.4.1 Packaging

Electrical components with a housing do not require any special ESD packaging, but they must still be handled
properly (see section 4.4.2 "Guidelines for proper ESD handling" on page 24).
Electrical components without a housing are protected by ESD protective packaging.

4.4.2 Guidelines for proper ESD handling

Electrical components with a housing

• Do not touch the connector contacts on connected cables.
• Do not touch the contact tips on circuit boards.

Electrical components without a housing

The following applies in addition to the points listed under "Electrical components with a housing":
• Any persons handling electrical components or devices with installed electrical components must be
• Components may only be touched on their narrow sides or front plate.
• Components should always be stored in a suitable medium (ESD packaging, conductive foam, etc.).
Metallic surfaces are not suitable storage surfaces!
• Components should not be subjected to electrostatic discharge (e.g. through the use of charged plastics).
• Ensure a minimum distance of 10 cm from monitors and TV sets.
• Measurement devices and equipment must be grounded.
• Measurement probes on potential-free measurement devices must be discharged on sufficiently grounded
surfaces before taking measurements.

Individual components
• ESD protective measures for individual components are thoroughly integrated at B&R (conductive floors,
footwear, arm bands, etc.).
• These increased ESD protective measures for individual components are not necessary for customers
handling B&R products.

4.5 Transport and storage

During transport and storage, devices must be protected against undue stress (mechanical loads, temperature,
humidity, aggressive atmospheres, etc.).
Servo drives contain components sensitive to electrostatic charges that can be damaged by inappropriate handling.
It is therefore necessary to provide the required protective measures against electrostatic discharge when installing
or removing these servo drives.

24 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • Safety guidelines

4.6 Installation

General information
Chapter 1
Installation must be performed according to this documentation using suitable equipment and tools.
Devices may only be installed by qualified personnel without voltage applied. Before installation, voltage to the
control cabinet must be switched off and prevented from being switched on again.
General safety guidelines and national accident prevention regulations (e.g. VBG 4) for working with high voltage
systems must be observed.
Electrical installation must be carried out according to applicable guidelines (e.g. line cross sections, fuses, pro-
tective ground connections, see also see "Dimensioning" on page 215).

4.7 Operation

4.7.1 Protection against touching electrical parts

To operate servo drives, it is necessary for certain parts to carry dangerous voltages over 42 VDC.
Touching one of these parts can result in a life-threatening electric shock. This could lead to death,
severe injury or damage to equipment.
Before turning on a servo drive, it is important to ensure that the housing is properly connected to ground (PE rail).
The ground connection must be established even when testing the drive or operating it for a short time!
Before turning the device on, all parts that carry voltage must be securely covered. During operation, all covers
and control cabinet doors must remain closed.

If an application uses the safety functions integrated in the drive system, then the safety functions
must be fully validated before being turned on for the first time. This could lead to death, severe injury
or damage to equipment.
Control and power connections can still carry voltage even if the motor is not turning. Touching these connections
when the device is switched on is prohibited.Before performing any work on servo drives, they must first be dis-
connected from the power mains and prevented from being switched on again.

After switching off the servo drive, wait until the DC bus discharge time of at least five minutes has
passed. The voltage currently on the DC bus must be measured between -DC1 and +DC1 with a suitable
measuring device before beginning work. This voltage must be less than 42 VDC to rule out danger.
An unlit Run LED does not indicate that voltage is not present on the device!
Servo drives are labeled with the following warning:

Figure 10: Warning on the servo drive

The connections for servo drive signal voltages ranging from 5 to 30 V are safely isolated circuits. The signal voltage
connections and interfaces are therefore only permitted to be connected to devices or electrical components that
have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1 and that correspond to SELV / PELV
or a class DVC A safety extra low voltage in accordance with EN 61800-5-1.
Never remove the electrical connections from the servo drive with voltage applied. In some cases, electric arcs
may occur that can cause personal injury and/or damage to contacts.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 25

General information • Safety guidelines

4.7.2 Protection against hazardous movements

Improper control of motors can result in unintended hazardous movements! Such incorrect behavior
can have various causes:
• Incorrect installation or a mistake when handling components
• Improper or incomplete wiring
• Defective devices (servo drive, motor, position encoder, cables, brake)
• Incorrect control (e.g. caused by software error)

Some of the errors listed above can be detected and prevented by the servo drive's internal monitoring. Neverthe-
less, it is still possible for the motor shaft to move any time the device is switched on! For this reason, higher-level
safety precautions need to be put in place to ensure that personnel and machines are protected.
The moving parts on machines must be shielded in such a way as to prevent unintentional access by personnel.
This type of protection can be achieved by using stable mechanical protective equipment such as protective covers,
protective fences, protective gates or light barriers.
Removing, bypassing or circumventing these safety measures and entering the area where movement takes place
is prohibited.
A sufficient number of emergency stop switches must be installed in direct proximity to the machine and be easily
accessible at all times. This emergency stop equipment must be checked before the machine is commissioned.
On free running motors, the shaft key (if present) must be removed or measures taken to prevent its ejection.
The holding brake built into motors cannot prevent hoisting equipment from dropping hanging loads.

4.7.3 Protection against burns

The surfaces of servo drives and servo motors can reach very high temperatures during operation.
Servo drives are therefore labeled with the following warning:

Figure 11: Warning on the servo drive

4.8 Specifications for functional safety

Specifications for functional safety are listed in the section "Safety technology".
Specifications are calculated based on a proof test interval of up to 20 years. Since a proof test cannot be carried
out for B&R drive systems, the proof test interval is the same as the system's mission time.
In accordance with the EN ISO 13849, EN 62061 and IEC 61508 standards, the safety functions described in the
"Safety technology" section cannot be used beyond the specified mission time.

The user must ensure that all B&R drive systems that fulfill a safety function are replaced by new B&R
drive systems or removed from operation before their mission time expires.

26 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

General information • Safety guidelines

4.9 Environmentally friendly disposal

General information
Chapter 1
All B&R drive systems and servo motors are designed to inflict as little harm as possible on the environment.

4.9.1 Separation of materials

It is necessary to separate different materials so the device can undergo an environmentally friendly recycling
Component Disposal
Drive systems, servo motors, cables Electronic recycling
Cardboard box / paper packaging Paper/cardboard recycling

Table 3: Environmentally friendly separation of materials

Disposal must comply with applicable legal regulations.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 27

28 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01
Technical data • Module overview

Chapter 2 • Technical data

1 Module overview

Technical data
ACOPOS 1010, 1016

Chapter 2
Product ID Short description on page
8V1010.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.0 A, 0.45 kW, line filter, braking resistor and electronic secure restart 35
inhibit integrated
8V1010.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.0 A, 0.45 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic 35
secure restart inhibit
8V1010.50-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 2.0 A, 0.45 kW, line filter, braking resistor and electronic 39
secure restart inhibit integrated
8V1010.501-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 2.3 A, 0.45 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor 39
and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1016.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.6 A, 0.7 kW, line filter, braking resistor and electronic secure restart 43
inhibit integrated
8V1016.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.6 A, 0.7 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic 43
secure restart inhibit
8V1016.50-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 3.6 A, 0.7 kW, line filter, integrated braking resistor and 47
electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1016.501-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 3.6 A, 0.7 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor 47
and electronic secure restart inhibit

ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090

Product ID Short description on page
8V1022.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 2.2 A, 1 kW, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure 58
restart inhibit
8V1022.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 2.2 A, 1 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic 58
secure restart inhibit
8V1045.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 4.4 A, 2 kW, line filter, braking resistor and electronic secure restart inhibit 62
8V1045.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 4.4 A, 2 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic 62
secure restart inhibit
8V1090.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 8.8 A, 4 kW, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure 66
restart inhibit
8V1090.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 8.8 A, 4 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic 66
secure restart inhibit

ACOPOS 1180, 1320

Product ID Short description on page
8V1180.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 19 A, 9 kW, line filter, braking resistor, DC bus power supply and electronic 76
secure restart inhibit integrated
8V1180.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 19 A, 9 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power 76
supply and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1320.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 34 A, 16 kW, line filter, braking resistor, DC bus power supply and electronic 80
secure restart inhibit integrated
8V1320.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 34 A, 16 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power 80
supply and electronic secure restart inhibit

ACOPOS 1640, 128M

Product ID Short description on page
8V128M.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 128 A, 64 kW, line filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply 95
and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V128M.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 128 A, 64 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power 95
supply and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1640.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 64 A, 32 kW, line filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply 91
and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1640.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 64 A, 32 kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power 91
supply and electronic secure restart inhibit

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 29

Technical data • Module overview

ACOPOS plug-in modules

Product ID Short description on page
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface 107
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface 109
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental encoder interface 112
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface 116
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz 120
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection 122
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI absolute encoder interface 125
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V 129
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate 6.25 Mbit/s 131
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud rate 6.25 Mbit/s 134
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface 137
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as 24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital 140
outputs 2 A, order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O points which can be configured as a 24 V input 144
or 45 mA output, order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable ap- 148
plication memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave
interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog input
±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable 149
application memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave
interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog input
±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable appli- 160
cation memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X
Link Master interface, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA, 1 analog input ±10 V,
order program memory and 0TB704 and 0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable 160
application memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1
X2X Link Master interface, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA, 1 analog input
±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and 0TB708 terminal blocks separately

Battery module
Product ID Short description on page
8AXB000.0000-00 8AC126.60-1 accessory set for encoder buffering consisting of: Battery module with 3.6 V lithium battery 171

8B0W external braking resistors

Product ID Short description on page
8B0W0045H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP20, terminals 173
8B0W0045H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP65, terminals 173
8B0W0079H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP20, terminals 173
8B0W0079H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP65, terminals 173

30 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2 ACOPOS servo drives

Controlling your power transmission system with B&R ACOPOS servo drives allows you to fully use the advantages
of an optimized system architecture. Applications that require additional positioning tasks such as torque limitation
or torque control can be created quickly and elegantly. The flexible system concept for B&R servo drives is made
possible by coordinated hardware and software components. You can select the optimal system configuration for
your application and increase your competitiveness.
• Perfect integration in all B&R product families

Technical data
Chapter 2
• Object-oriented axis programming minimizes development time and increases reusability
• Integrated technology functions for industry-specific tasks
• Operation of synchronous and induction motors possible
• Current controller scan time up to 50 µs
• Reduced commissioning and service times using "embedded motor parameter chip"
• CAN bus and POWERLINK network connection
• Input voltage range from 400 - 480 VAC (±10%) for many areas of use
• Connection possibilities for all standard encoder systems
• Up to two free slots for optional technology modules
• Electronic secure restart inhibit integrated
• Optionally available as version with partially-coated circuit boards – more robust with regard to environ-
mental influences

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 31

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.1 Overview

The ACOPOS servo drive series covers a current range from 1.0 - 128 A and a power range from 0.5 - 64 kW with
11 devices in 4 groups. The devices in a group are designed using the same basic concept. They offer connection
possibilities for all standard encoder systems and modular fieldbus interfaces.
Group 8V1010.xxx-2 8V1022.0xx-2 8V1180.0xx-2 8V1640.0xx-2
8V1010.5xx-2 8V1045.0xx-2 8V1320.0xx-2 8V128M.0xx-2
8V1016.xxx-2 8V1090.0xx-2
Power connections Plug connection Plug connection Plug connection Fixed
Integrated line filter Yes Yes Yes Yes
Power failure monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes
DC bus connection Yes Yes Yes Yes
24 VDC supply External 1) External 1) External or inter- External or inter-
nal via DC bus nal via DC bus
24 VDC output No No 24 V / 0.5 A 24 V / 0.5 A
Integrated brake chopper Yes Yes Yes Yes
Internal braking resistor Yes Yes Yes Yes 2)
Connection of external braking resistor No No Yes Yes
Monitored output for motor holding brake Yes Yes Yes Yes
Monitored input for motor temperature sen- Yes Yes Yes Yes
Max. number of plug-in modules 3 4 4 4

Table 4: Overview of the ACOPOS servo drive series

1) An external DC bus power supply can be used.
2) The braking resistors integrated in 1640 and 128M ACOPOS servo drives are dimensioned so that it is possible to brake to a complete stop (in a typical
drive situation).

ACOPOS servo drives are suitable for both synchronous and induction servo motors and have built-in line filters
to meet the limit values for CISPR11, Group 2, Class A.

ACOPOS drive systems are suitable for power mains that can provide a maximum short circuit current
(SCCR) of 65 kA at a maximum of 482 V and that are protected with class J fuses.

2.1.1 24 VDC supply during power failures

In order to be able to provide the stop function for Category 1 in accordance with IEC 60204-1 during a power
failure, the 24 VDC supply voltage for the servo drives as well as encoders, sensors and the safety circuit must
remain active during the entire stopping procedure.
ACOPOS servo drives recognize a power failure and can immediately initiate active braking of the motor. The
brake energy generated when braking is returned to the DC bus, and the DC bus power supply can use it to create
the 24 VDC supply voltage.

In some applications, the DC bus is not ready for operation or there is not enough brake energy pro-
vided to guarantee that the 24 VDC supply voltage remains active until the system is stopped.
Internal DC bus power supplies are not ready for operation during the ACOPOS servo drive switch-on
interval; external DC bus power supplies are not ready for operation while booting.
An external DC bus power supply must be used for ACOPOS servo drives 8V1010 to 8V1090. A DC bus power
supply is integrated in ACOPOS servo drives 8V1180 to 8V128M.
ACOPOS servo drives with an integrated DC bus power supply provide the 24 VDC supply for the servo drive and
also a 24 VDC output to supply encoders, sensors and the safety circuit. In many cases, it is not necessary to use
an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) which is otherwise needed.

32 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.2 Status indicators

ACOPOS servo drives are equipped with three LEDs for direct diagnostics:

Technical data
Chapter 2
Figure 12: ACOPOS servo drives - Status indicators
Labeling Color Function Description
READY Green Ready Green (lit) The module is operational and the power stage can be enabled (operating system
present and booted, no permanent or temporary errors).
Green (blinking) 1) The module is not ready for operation.
• No signal on one or both enable inputs
• DC bus voltage outside the tolerance range
• Overtemperature on the motor (temperature sensor)
• Motor feedback not connected or defective
• Motor temperature sensor not connected or defective
• Overtemperature on the module (IGBT junction, heat sink, etc.)
• Disturbance on network
RUN Orange Run Orange (lit) The module's power stage is enabled.
ERROR Red Error Red (lit) 1) There is a permanent error on the module.
• Permanent overcurrent
• Invalid data in EPROM

Table 5: LED status - ACOPOS servo drives

1) Firmware V2.130 and higher

If no LEDs are lit, the ACOPOS servo drive is not being supplied with 24 VDC.

After switching off the device, wait until the DC bus discharge time of at least five minutes has passed.
The voltage currently on the DC bus must be measured with a suitable measuring device before be-
ginning work. This voltage must be less than 42 VDC to rule out danger. An unlit Run LED does not
indicate that voltage is not present on the device!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 33

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.2.1 LED status

The following timing is used for the indication diagrams:

Block size: 125 ms
Repeats after: 3000 ms

Status changes when booting the operating system loader

Status LED Display
1. Boot procedure for base hardware active Green
2. Configuration of network plug-in module ac- Green
tive Orange
3. Waiting for network telegram Green
4. Network communication active Green

Table 6: Status changes when booting the operating system loader

Error status with reference to the CAN plug-in module AC110

Status LED Display
Invalid hardware ID 1) Green
Boot error on CAN basic hardware Green
Bus Off Green
CAN station number is 0 Green

Table 7: Error status with reference to the CAN plug-in module AC110
1) Possible errors:
- ACOPOS servo drive defect
- Plug-in module defect
- Plug-in module not inserted correctly in the slot

Error status with reference to the POWERLINK V2 plug-in module AC114

Status LED Display
Invalid hardware ID 1) Green
Boot error on POWERLINK basic hardware Green
Error when booting the AC114-ARM Green
POWERLINK station number is 0 Green

Table 8: Error status with reference to the POWERLINK V2 plug-in module AC114
1) Possible errors:
- ACOPOS servo drive defect (plug-in module not recognized)
- Plug-in module defect
- Plug-in module not inserted correctly in the slot
- Plug-in module functioning but not automatically recognized by the ACOPOS servo drive (old bootstrap loader)

34 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.3 ACOPOS 1010, 1016

2.3.1 ACOPOS 8V1010.0xx-2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1010.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.0 A, 0.45 kW, line filter,
braking resistor and electronic secure restart inhibit integrated

Technical data
Chapter 2
8V1010.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.0 A, 0.45 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart in-
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0040.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1010.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0001.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.00 and 8V1090.00
(3 phase)

Table 9: 8V1010.00-2, 8V1010.001-2 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 35

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1010.00-2 8V1010.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x18D6 0xA6D4
Slots for plug-in modules 3
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1) TT, TN 2)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 1.35 kVA
Starting current 2 A (at 400 VAC)
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 3)
Power loss at max. device power without braking 80 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 165 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 4) 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 5600 µF
Power consumption 5) Max. 1.47 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 6) 1 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.13 Aeff per °C (starting at 45°C)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.1 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 2.8 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 8)
Max. motor line length 15 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 9) 600 Hz 10)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 245 mA
Max. output current 1.3 A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since done electronically Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 2 kW
Continuous power 130 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 10: 8V1010.00-2, 8V1010.001-2 - Technical data

36 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1010.00-2 8V1010.001-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC

Technical data
Maximum 30 VDC

Chapter 2
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 11) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 550 nF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 12) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 13) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 58.5 mm
Height 257 mm
Depth 220 mm
Weight 2.5 kg

Table 10: 8V1010.00-2, 8V1010.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, the terms "Delta / Wye with Grounded Wye neutral" are common for TT and TN power mains.
2) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
3) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
4) When using motor holding brakes, the valid input voltage range is reduced. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply voltage
for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
5) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 37

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
6) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 400 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitudes <500 m above
sea level.
7) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
8) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
9) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual-use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current motion
is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
10) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
11) OSSD (Open Signal Switching Device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
12) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
13) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

38 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.3.2 ACOPOS 8V1010.5xx-2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1010.50-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 2.0 A, 0.45
kW, line filter, braking resistor and electronic secure restart in-
hibit integrated
8V1010.501-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 2.3 A, 0.45

Technical data
kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic

Chapter 2
secure restart inhibit
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0040.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1010.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0006.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.50 and 8V1016.50
(1 phase)

Table 11: 8V1010.50-2, 8V1010.501-2 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 39

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1010.50-2 8V1010.501-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x18D4 0xA6D5
Slots for plug-in modules 3
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1) TT, TN 2)
Mains input voltage 3x 110 VAC to 230 VAC ±10% or 1x 110 VAC to 230 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 1.35 kVA
Starting current 5 A (at 230 VAC)
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 3)
Power loss at max. device power without braking 80 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 2040 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 4) 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 5600 µF
Power consumption 5) Max. 1.47 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 6) 2.3 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 110 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Mains input voltage: 230 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.23 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 7.8 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 8)
Max. motor line length 15 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 9) 600 Hz 10)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 245 mA
Max. output current 1.3 A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since done electronically Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 1.9 kW
Continuous power 130 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 12: 8V1010.50-2, 8V1010.501-2 - Technical data

40 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1010.50-2 8V1010.501-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC

Technical data
Maximum 30 VDC

Chapter 2
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 11) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 330 nF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 12) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 13) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 58.5 mm
Height 257 mm
Depth 220 mm
Weight 2.5 kg

Table 12: 8V1010.50-2, 8V1010.501-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, the terms "Delta / Wye with Grounded Wye neutral" are common for TT and TN power mains.
2) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
3) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
4) When using motor holding brakes, the valid input voltage range is reduced. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply voltage
for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
5) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 41

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
6) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 230 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40 °C ambient temperature, installation altitudes <500 m above
sea level.
7) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
8) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
9) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual-use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current motion
is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
10) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
11) OSSD (Open Signal Switching Device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
12) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
13) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

42 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.3.3 ACOPOS 8V1016.0xx-2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1016.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.6 A, 0.7 kW, line filter,
braking resistor and electronic secure restart inhibit integrated
8V1016.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 1.6 A, 0.7 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart in-

Technical data

Chapter 2
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0040.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1010.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0001.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.00 and 8V1090.00
(3 phase)

Table 13: 8V1016.00-2, 8V1016.001-2 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 43

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1016.00-2 8V1016.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x18D5 0xA6D6
Slots for plug-in modules 3
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1) TT, TN 2)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 2.1 kVA
Starting current 2 A (at 400 VAC)
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 3)
Power loss at max. device power without braking 110 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 165 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 4) 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 5600 µF
Power consumption 5) Max. 1.47 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 6) 1.6 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.13 Aeff per °C (starting at 40°C)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.16 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 5 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 8)
Max. motor line length 15 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 9) 600 Hz 10)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 245 mA
Max. output current 1.3 A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since done electronically Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 2 kW
Continuous power 130 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 14: 8V1016.00-2, 8V1016.001-2 - Technical data

44 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1016.00-2 8V1016.001-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC

Technical data
Maximum 30 VDC

Chapter 2
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 11) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 550 nF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 12) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 13) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 58.5 mm
Height 257 mm
Depth 220 mm
Weight 2.5 kg

Table 14: 8V1016.00-2, 8V1016.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, the terms "Delta / Wye with Grounded Wye neutral" are common for TT and TN power mains.
2) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
3) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
4) When using motor holding brakes, the valid input voltage range is reduced. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply voltage
for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
5) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 45

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
6) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 400 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitudes <500 m above
sea level.
7) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
8) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
9) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual-use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current motion
is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
10) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
11) OSSD (Open Signal Switching Device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
12) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
13) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

46 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.3.4 ACOPOS 8V1016.5xx-2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1016.50-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 3.6 A, 0.7
kW, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure
restart inhibit
8V1016.501-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 110-230 V / 1x 110-230 V, 3.6 A, 0.7

Technical data
kW, coated, line filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic

Chapter 2
secure restart inhibit
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0040.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1010.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0006.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.50 and 8V1016.50
(1 phase)

Table 15: 8V1016.50-2, 8V1016.501-2 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 47

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1016.50-2 8V1016.501-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x18D7 0xA6D7
Slots for plug-in modules 3
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1)
Mains input voltage 3x 110 VAC to 230 VAC ±10% or 1x 110 VAC to 230 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 2.1 kVA
Starting current 5 A (at 230 VAC)
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 2)
Power loss at max. device power without braking 110 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 2040 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 3) 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 5600 µF
Power consumption 4) Max. 1.47 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 5) 3.6 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 110 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 6)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Mains input voltage: 230 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 6)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.36 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 12 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 7)
Max. motor line length 15 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 8)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 245 mA
Max. output current 1.3 A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 1.9 kW
Continuous power 130 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 16: 8V1016.50-2, 8V1016.501-2 - Technical data

48 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1016.50-2 8V1016.501-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC

Technical data
Maximum 30 VDC

Chapter 2
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 9) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 10) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 11) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 58.5 mm
Height 257 mm
Depth 220 mm
Weight 2.5 kg

Table 16: 8V1016.50-2, 8V1016.501-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
2) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
3) The permissible input voltage range is reduced when using motor holding brakes. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply
voltage for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
4) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
5) Valid in the following conditions: 230 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitude <500 m above
sea level.
6) Value for the nominal switching frequency.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 49

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
7) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
8) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
9) OSSD (open signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
10) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
11) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

2.3.5 Wiring

Q1 Q1
L1 L1
3 * 400 - 480 VAC
L2 1 * 110 - 230 VAC 1) N
3 * 110 - 230 VAC 1)
L3 50/60 Hz
50/60 Hz










X2 X2
+24 V 1 X3 X3
0V COM (1, 2)
+24 V 5
Limit+ X2
Enable X3
+24 V Enable
0V COM (8, 9)
COM (8, 9)
n.c. X1
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 14, 15)
COM (5-7, 14, 15)
0V COM (5-7, 14, 15)
8V1010.xxx-2 1010/1016

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3


X4a X4b X5 X4b









8V1010.5xx-2, 8V1016.5xx-2

T 3 T

Figure 13: ACOPOS 1010, 1016 - Pinout overview

50 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X1 - Pinout

X1 Pin Name Function

1 Trigger1 Trigger 1
2 Quickstop/Trigger2 Quickstop/Trigger2
3 COM (1, 2) Trigger 1, Quickstop/Trigger 2 0 V
4 Shield Shield
5 Limit+ Positive HW limit
6 Limit- Negative HW limit
7 Ref Reference switch

Technical data
8 Enable 1) Enable

Chapter 2

9 Enable 1) Enable

10 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


11 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


12 --- ---

13 --- ---
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

14 +24 V +24 V supply

15 +24 V +24 V supply
16 COM (5-7, 14, 15) 0 V supply
17 COM (5-7, 14, 15) 0 V supply
18 COM (5-7, 14, 15) 0 V supply
The following connections are linked with each other internally in the device:
• Pin 8 --> Pin 9 (Enable)
• Pin 10 --> Pin 11 (Enable 0 V)
• Pin 14 --> Pin 15 (Supply +24 V)
• Pin 16 --> Pin 17 --> Pin 18 (Supply 0 V)

Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 17: X1 - Pinout

1) The wiring is not permitted to exceed a total length of 30 m. X2 - Pinout 8V1010.0xx-2, 8V1016.0xx-2

X2 Pin Name Function
1 -DC1 U DC bus -
2 +DC1 U DC bus +
3 +DC2 U DC bus +
4 -DC2 U DC bus -
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

-DC2 +DC2 +DC1 -DC1

Table 18: X2 - Pinout 8V1010.5xx-2, 8V1016.5xx-2

X2 Pin Name Function
1 -DC1 U DC bus -
2 +DC1 U DC bus +
3 +DC2 U DC bus +
4 -DC2 U DC bus -
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

-DC2 +DC2 +DC1 -DC1

Table 19: X2 - Pinout

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 51

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

Only DC bus circuits of ACOPOS servo drives with the same supply voltage range are permitted to
be connected in a group.
See "Supply voltage range for ACOPOS servo drives" on page 216.
Therefore, the DC bus circuits of ACOPOS servo drives 8Vxxxx.5xx-2 and 8Vxxxx.0xx-2 are not allowed
to be linked! For this reason, the X2 plugs for ACOPOS servo drives 8Vxxxx.5xx-2 and 8Vxxxx.0xx-2
are keyed differently.
All ACOPOS servo drives 8Vxxxx.5xx-2 with a single-phase supply that should have their DC buses
connected together must be connected to the same phase! If this is not done, the DC bus voltage
increases to a level that is not permitted, causing the devices to be destroyed! X3 - Pinout

Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase
conductor and protective ground conductor! 8V1010.0xx-2, 8V1016.0xx-2

X3 Pin Name Function
1 L1 Power mains connection L1
2 L2 Power mains connection L2
3 L3 Power mains connection L3
4 PE Protective ground conductor
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

L3 L2 L1

Table 20: X3 - Pinout 8V1010.5xx-2, 8V1016.5xx-2

X3 Pin Name Function
1 L1 Power mains connection L1
2 L2(N) Power mains connection N
3 L3 ---
4 PE Protective ground conductor
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

L3 L2(N) L1

Table 21: X3 - Pinout X4a, X4b - Pinout

X4a Pin Name Function

1 S2 1) Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (+)
2 S1 1) Activation for the external holding brake (+)
3 P4 Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (-)
4 S3 Activation for the external holding brake (-)
S3 S4 S1 S2 Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 22: X4a - Pinout

1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

52 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
X4b Pin Name Function
1 T- Temperature sensor -
2 T+ Temperature sensor +
3 B- 1) Brake -
4 B+ 1) Brake +
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

B+ B- T+ T-

Table 23: X4b - Pinout

Technical data
1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then

Chapter 2
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

The connections for the motor temperature sensors and the motor holding brake are isolated circuits.
Therefore, these connections are only allowed to be connected to devices or components with at least
safe isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

If B+ and B- are swapped when connecting the permanent magnet holding brakes, then the brakes
cannot be opened! ACOPOS servo drives cannot determine if a holding brake is connected with reverse

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 53

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Wiring the connections for the motor holding brake

The supply, activation and monitoring of the output for the motor holding brake can take place via the X4a connector
in three different ways:
Figure Description
Monitoring +24 V • Supply:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref

• Monitoring:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
U +
1 - Ref
A jumper must be placed between S1 and S2 as well as S3 and



S4 on the X4a connector. 1)

X4a X4b



Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
- Ref
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive and also possible exter-
nally using potential-free contacts 2)

• Monitoring:
U +
2 Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref



X4a X4b



The parameters for internal monitoring via the ACOPOS must

be set according to the requirements of the application. 3)

Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

• Activation:
I +
- Ref

• Monitoring:
U +
- Ref



X4a X4b ACOPOS internal monitoring cannot be used here; therefore,




it must be disabled using software. 4)

0V +24 V

Table 24: Activation for the external holding brake

1) Both jumpers are already on the X4a connector delivered with the ACOPOS servo drives.
2) External potential-free contacts can be connected between S1 and S2 as well as between S3 and S4. This makes it possible to activate the holding brake
using an external safety circuit independent of the control integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive.
3) The parameters are set using ParID 90 (1 ... internal monitoring active; 5 ... internal monitoring not active).
4) Deactivation takes place using ParID 90 (5 ... internal monitoring not active).

54 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X5 - Pinout

X5 Pin Name Function

1 PE Protective ground conductor
2 W Motor connection W
3 V Motor connection V
4 U Motor connection U
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255


Technical data
Chapter 2
Table 25: X5 - Pinout Additional protective ground connection (PE)

The protective ground conductor is connected to the M5 threaded bolt provided using a cable lug.
For information concerning dimensioning, see "Protective ground connection (PE)" on page 216.
Figure Pin Name Function
--- PE Protective ground conductor

Terminal cross sections [mm²] AWG

Cable lug for M5 threaded bolt 0.25 - 16 23 - 5

Table 26: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOS

Before turning on the servo drive, make sure that the housing is properly connected to ground (PE rail).
The ground connection must be established even when testing the drive or operating it for a short time!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 55

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Input/output circuit diagram

X1 2K2
Trigger1 Trigger1
3 1n 30 V
COM (1, 2)

1n 30 V

30 V

Figure 14: Trigger





Figure 15: Limit



Figure 16: Enable

56 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

Brake controller

Technical data
Chapter 2
holding brakes

Temperature sensors

Main relay

Rectifier Charging circuit and IGBT output stage

braking resistor control

Figure 17: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1010, 1016

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 57

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.4 ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090

2.4.1 ACOPOS 1022 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1022.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 2.2 A, 1 kW, line filter, in-
tegrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1022.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 2.2 A, 1 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart in-
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0010.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1022.xxx-x up to
Terminal sets
8X0001.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.00 and 8V1090.00
(3 phase)

Table 27: 8V1022.00-2, 8V1022.001-2 - Order data

58 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1022.00-2 8V1022.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x1284 0xA099
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes

Technical data
KC Yes

Chapter 2
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 3 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 4A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 2)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 120 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 235 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 3) 24 VDC ±25%
Input capacitance 8200 µF
Power consumption 4) Max. 2.5 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 5) 2.2 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction 6)
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.13 Aeff per °C (starting at 51°C) 6)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.22 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 14 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 20 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 7)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 8)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 385 mA
Max. output current 1A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 3.5 kW
Continuous power 130 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 28: 8V1022.00-2, 8V1022.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 59

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1022.00-2 8V1022.001-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 9) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 660 nF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 10) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 11) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 70.5 mm
Height 375 mm
Depth 235.5 mm
Weight 4.0 kg

Table 28: 8V1022.00-2, 8V1022.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
2) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
3) The permissible input voltage range is reduced when using motor holding brakes. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply
voltage for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
4) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
5) Valid in the following conditions: 400 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitude <500 m above
sea level.

60 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
6) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
7) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
8) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
9) OSSD (open signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
10) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
11) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current

Technical data
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

Chapter 2

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 61

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.4.2 ACOPOS 1045 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1045.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 4.4 A, 2 kW, line filter, brak-
ing resistor and electronic secure restart inhibit integrated
8V1045.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 4.4 A, 2 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart in-
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0010.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1022.xxx-x up to
Terminal sets
8X0001.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.00 and 8V1090.00
(3 phase)

Table 29: 8V1045.00-2, 8V1045.001-2 - Order data

62 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1045.00-2 8V1045.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x12C7 0xA09A
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes

Technical data
KC Yes

Chapter 2
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1) TT, TN 2)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 5 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 7A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 3)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 180 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 235 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 4) 24 VDC ±25%
Input capacitance 8200 µF
Power consumption 5) Max. 2.5 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 6) 4.4 Aeff 4.4 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.13 Aeff per °C (starting at 45°C) 7)
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.13 Aeff per °C (starting at 35°C) 7)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.44 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 24 Aeff 24 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 20 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 8)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 9) 600 Hz 10)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 385 mA
Max. output current 1A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since done electronically Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 7 kW
Continuous power 200 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 30: 8V1045.00-2, 8V1045.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 63

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1045.00-2 8V1045.001-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 11) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 660 nF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 12) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 13) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 70.5 mm
Height 375 mm
Depth 235.5 mm
Weight 4.1 kg

Table 30: 8V1045.00-2, 8V1045.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, the terms "Delta / Wye with Grounded Wye neutral" are common for TT and TN power mains.
2) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
3) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
4) When using motor holding brakes, the valid input voltage range is reduced. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply voltage
for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
5) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.

64 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
6) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 400 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40 °C ambient temperature, installation altitudes <500 m above
sea level.
7) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
8) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
9) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual-use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current motion
is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
10) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current

Technical data
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).

Chapter 2
11) OSSD (Open Signal Switching Device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
12) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
13) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40 °C to max. 55 °C is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration), but results in a shorter lifespan.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 65

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.4.3 ACOPOS 1090 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1090.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 8.8 A, 4 kW, line filter, in-
tegrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart inhibit
8V1090.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 8.8 A, 4 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor and electronic secure restart in-
Optional accessories
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0010.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1022.xxx-x up to
Terminal sets
8X0001.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1010.00 and 8V1090.00
(3 phase)

Table 31: 8V1090.00-2, 8V1090.001-2 - Order data

66 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1090.00-2 8V1090.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x12C8 0xA09B
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes

Technical data
KC Yes

Chapter 2
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 10 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 7A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 2)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 200 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 470 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 3) 24 VDC ±25%
Input capacitance 8200 µF
Power consumption 4) Max. 2.5 A + current for motor holding brake
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 5) 8.8 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz 0.18 Aeff per °C (starting at 54°C) 6)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.18 Aeff per °C (starting at 30°C)
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz 0.18 Aeff per °C (starting at 48°C) 6)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.18 Aeff per °C (starting at 18°C)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 0.88 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 24 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 7)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 8) 600 Hz 9)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 385 mA
Max. output current 1A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power output 7 kW
Continuous power 200 W
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V <5 V
High >15 V >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA

Table 32: 8V1090.00-2, 8V1090.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 67

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1090.00-2 8V1090.001-2
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V <5 V
High >15 V >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 10) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V <5 V
High >15 V >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 660 nF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 11) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 12) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C
Mechanical characteristics
Width 70.5 mm
Height 375 mm
Depth 235.5 mm
Weight 4.4 kg

Table 32: 8V1090.00-2, 8V1090.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
2) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
3) The permissible input voltage range is reduced when using motor holding brakes. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supply
voltage for the motor holding brake can be maintained.
4) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
5) Valid in the following conditions: 400 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitude <500 m above
sea level.

68 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
6) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
7) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
8) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
9) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
10) OSSD (open signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.

Technical data
11) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuous current

Chapter 2
reductions into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
12) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

2.4.4 Wiring

Figure 18: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Pinout overview

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 69

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X1 - Pinout

X1 Pin Name Function

1 Trigger1 Trigger 1
2 Quickstop/Trigger2 Quickstop/Trigger2
3 COM (1, 2) Trigger 1, Quickstop/Trigger 2 0 V
4 Shield Shield
5 Limit+ Positive HW limit
6 Limit- Negative HW limit
7 Ref Reference switch
8 Enable 1) Enable

9 Enable 1) Enable

10 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


11 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


12 --- ---

13 --- ---
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

14 +24 V +24 V supply

15 +24 V +24 V supply
16 COM (5-7, 14, 15) 0 V supply
17 COM (5-7, 14, 15) 0 V supply
18 COM (5-7, 14, 15) 0 V supply
The following connections are linked with each other internally in the device:
• Pin 8 --> Pin 9 (Enable)
• Pin 10 --> Pin 11 (Enable 0 V)
• Pin 14 --> Pin 15 (Supply +24 V)
• Pin 16 --> Pin 17 --> Pin 18 (Supply 0 V)

Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 33: X1 - Pinout

1) The wiring is not permitted to exceed a total length of 30 m. X2 - Pinout

X2 Pin Name Function

1 -DC1 U DC bus -
2 +DC1 U DC bus +
3 +DC2 U DC bus +
4 -DC2 U DC bus -
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

-DC2 +DC2 +DC1 -DC1

Table 34: X2 - Pinout X3 - Pinout

Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase
conductor and protective ground conductor!
X3 Pin Name Function
1 L1 Power mains connection L1
2 L2 Power mains connection L2
3 L3 Power mains connection L3
4 PE Protective ground conductor
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

L3 L2 L1

Table 35: X3 - Pinout

70 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X4a, X4b - Pinout

X4a Pin Name Function

1 S2 1) Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (+)
2 S1 1) Activation for the external holding brake (+)
3 P4 Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (-)
4 S3 Activation for the external holding brake (-)
S3 S4 S1 S2 Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Technical data
Table 36: X4a - Pinout

Chapter 2
1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

X4b Pin Name Function

1 T- Temperature sensor -
2 T+ Temperature sensor +
3 B- 1) Brake -
4 B+ 1) Brake +
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

B+ B- T+ T-

Table 37: X4b - Pinout

1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

The connections for the motor temperature sensors and the motor holding brake are isolated circuits.
Therefore, these connections are only allowed to be connected to devices or components with at least
safe isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

If B+ and B- are swapped when connecting the permanent magnet holding brakes, then the brakes
cannot be opened! ACOPOS servo drives cannot determine if a holding brake is connected with reverse

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 71

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Wiring the connections for the motor holding brake

The supply, activation and monitoring of the output for the motor holding brake can take place via the X4a connector
in three different ways:
Figure Description
Monitoring +24 V • Supply:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref

• Monitoring:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
U +
1 - Ref
A jumper must be placed between S1 and S2 as well as S3 and



S4 on the X4a connector. 1)

X4a X4b



Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
- Ref
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive and also possible exter-
nally using potential-free contacts 2)

• Monitoring:
U +
2 Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref



X4a X4b



The parameters for internal monitoring via the ACOPOS must

be set according to the requirements of the application. 3)

Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

• Activation:
I +
- Ref

• Monitoring:
U +
- Ref



X4a X4b ACOPOS internal monitoring cannot be used here; therefore,




it must be disabled using software. 4)

0V +24 V

Table 38: Activation for the external holding brake

1) Both jumpers are already on the X4a connector delivered with the ACOPOS servo drives.
2) External potential-free contacts can be connected between S1 and S2 as well as between S3 and S4. This makes it possible to activate the holding brake
using an external safety circuit independent of the control integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive.
3) The parameters are set using ParID 90 (1 ... internal monitoring active; 5 ... internal monitoring not active).
4) Deactivation takes place using ParID 90 (5 ... internal monitoring not active).

72 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X5 - Pinout

X5 Pin Name Function

1 PE Protective ground conductor
2 W Motor connection W
3 V Motor connection V
4 U Motor connection U
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255


Technical data
Chapter 2
Table 39: X5 - Pinout Additional protective ground connection (PE)

The protective ground conductor is connected to the M5 threaded bolt provided using a cable lug.
For information concerning dimensioning, see "Protective ground connection (PE)" on page 216.
Figure Pin Name Function
--- PE Protective ground conductor

Terminal cross sections [mm²] AWG

Cable lug for M5 threaded bolt 0.25 - 16 23 - 5

Table 40: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOS

Before turning on the servo drive, make sure that the housing is properly connected to ground (PE rail).
The ground connection must be established even when testing the drive or operating it for a short time!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 73

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Input/Output circuit diagram

X1 2K2
Trigger1 Trigger1
3 1n 30 V
COM (1, 2)

1n 30 V

30 V

Figure 19: Trigger





Figure 20: Limit



Figure 21: Enable

74 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

+5 V
±15 V

Brake controller

X1 38 V

+24 V
+24 V

Technical data
38 V

Chapter 2
COM (5-7, 13-15) COM
COM (5-7, 13-15)
18 38 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
U +
31 V
- Ref X4a
Monitoring 1
³1 S2
Holding brakes COM 2
- S1
Ref 3
I + 4
X2 RShunt
-DC1 1
RSym X4b
4 Evaluation T+
RSym Temperature sensors T-

Main relay

X3 X5
1 RB 4
L1 U
2 3
L2 V
3 2
L3 W
4 1

Rectifier Charging circuit and IGBT output stage

Braking resistor control

Figure 22: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 75

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.5 ACOPOS 1180, 1320

2.5.1 ACOPOS 1180 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1180.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 19 A, 9 kW, line filter, brak-
ing resistor, DC bus power supply and electronic secure restart
inhibit integrated
8V1180.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 19 A, 9 kW, coated, line fil-
ter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply and elec-
tronic secure restart inhibit
Optional accessories
Braking resistors
8B0W0045H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0045H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP65, terminals
8B0W0079H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0079H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP65, terminals
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0020.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1180.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0002.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1180.00 and 8V1320.00
(3 phase)

Table 41: 8V1180.00-2, 8V1180.001-2 - Order data

76 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1180.00-2 8V1180.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x1282 0xA000
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes

Technical data
KC Yes

Chapter 2
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1) TT, TN 2)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 17 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 13 A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 3)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 500 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 940 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 40,000 µF
Current requirements at 24 VDC 4)
Mains input voltage applied - 5) - 6)
Mains input voltage not applied Max. 2.8 A + current for the motor holding brake + current on the 24 VDC output
DC bus power supply
Switch-on voltage 455 VDC
24 VDC output
Output voltage
Mains input voltage applied 22 to 24 VDC
Mains input voltage not applied 16.7 to 30 VDC 7) 16.7 to 30 VDC 8)
Output current Max. 0.5 A
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 9) 19 Aeff 19 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 10)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 10)
Switching frequency 20 kHz No reduction
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 1.9 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 50 Aeff 50 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 11)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 12) 600 Hz 13)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 250 mA
Max. output current 1.5 A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since done electronically Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power int. / ext. 14 / 40 kW
Continuous power int. / ext. 0.4 / 8 kW 14) 0.4 / 8 kW 15)
Minimum braking resistance (ext.) 15 Ω
Rated current of the built-in fuse 12 A (fast-acting)
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3

Table 42: 8V1180.00-2, 8V1180.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 77

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1180.00-2 8V1180.001-2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 16) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 3.1 µF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 17) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 18) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 42: 8V1180.00-2, 8V1180.001-2 - Technical data

78 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1180.00-2 8V1180.001-2
Mechanical characteristics
Width 200 mm
Height 375 mm
Depth 234 mm
Weight 10.1 kg

Table 42: 8V1180.00-2, 8V1180.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, the terms "Delta / Wye with Grounded Wye neutral" are common for TT and TN power mains.

Technical data
2) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".

Chapter 2
3) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
4) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
5) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is applied, the 24 VDC supply voltage for the ACOPOS servo drive is created by the internal DC
bus power supply, which reduces the 24 VDC current requirements (I24VDC) to 0.
6) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is applied, then the 24 VDC supply voltage for the ACOPOS servo drive is generated by the internal
DC bus power supply, reducing the 24 VDC current consumption (I24 VDC) to 0.
7) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is not applied, the voltage is created at the 24 VDC output from the ACOPOS servo drive's 24
VDC supply voltage; in this case it is between the maximum allowable and the minimum allowable (reduced by max. 2.5 V) 24 VDC supply voltage of the
ACOPOS servo drive.
8) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is not applied, the voltage is generated at the 24 VDC output from the ACOPOS servo drive's
24 VDC supply voltage; in this case, it is between the maximum permissible and minimum permissible (reduced by max. 2.5 V) 24 VDC supply voltage of
the ACOPOS servo drive.
9) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 400 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40 °C ambient temperature, installation altitudes <500 m above
sea level.
10) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
11) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
12) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual-use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current motion
is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
13) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
14) Continuous power refers to the maximum braking power the ACOPOS servo driver can yield continuously. Depending on the application, the actual continuous
power provided by the external braking resistor is limited by the rated current of fuse IB (integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive), and the value of the external
braking resistance RBR.
15) Continuous power refers to the maximum braking power the ACOPOS servo drive can exchange continuously. Depending on the application, the actual
continuous power provided by the external braking resistor is limited by the rated current of fuse IB (integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive), and the value
of the external braking resistance RBR.
16) OSSD (Open Signal Switching Device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
17) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
18) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40 °C to max. 55 °C is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration), but results in a shorter lifespan.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 79

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.5.2 ACOPOS 1320 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1320.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 34 A, 16 kW, line filter, brak-
ing resistor, DC bus power supply and electronic secure restart
inhibit integrated
8V1320.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 34 A, 16 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply and elec-
tronic secure restart inhibit
Optional accessories
Braking resistors
8B0W0045H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0045H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP65, terminals
8B0W0079H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0079H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP65, terminals
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0020.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1180.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0002.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1180.00 and 8V1320.00
(3 phase)

Table 43: 8V1320.00-2, 8V1320.001-2 - Order data

80 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1320.00-2 8V1320.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x1283 0xA001
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes

Technical data
KC Yes

Chapter 2
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1) TT, TN 2)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 30 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 13 A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 3)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 800 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 1645 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 40,000 µF
Current requirements at 24 VDC 4)
Mains input voltage applied - 5) - 6)
Mains input voltage not applied Max. 2.8 A + current for the motor holding brake + current on the 24 VDC output
DC bus power supply
Switch-on voltage 455 VDC
24 VDC output
Output voltage
Mains input voltage applied 22 to 24 VDC
Mains input voltage not applied 16.7 to 30 VDC 7) 16.7 to 30 VDC 8)
Output current Max. 0.5 A
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 9) 34 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 10)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.61 Aeff per °C (starting at 40°C)
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 10)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.61 Aeff per °C (starting at 25°C)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 3.4 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 80 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 11)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 12) 600 Hz 13)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 250 mA
Max. output current 1.5 A
Max. number of switching cycles Unlimited since done electronically Unlimited since handled electronically
Braking resistors
Peak power int. / ext. 14 / 40 kW
Continuous power int. / ext. 0.4 / 8 kW 14) 0.4 / 8 kW 15)
Minimum braking resistance (ext.) 15 Ω
Rated current of the built-in fuse 12 A (fast-acting)
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3

Table 44: 8V1320.00-2, 8V1320.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 81

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1320.00-2 8V1320.001-2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 16) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 3.1 µF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 17) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 18) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 44: 8V1320.00-2, 8V1320.001-2 - Technical data

82 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1320.00-2 8V1320.001-2
Mechanical characteristics
Width 200 mm
Height 375 mm
Depth 234 mm
Weight 10.6 kg

Table 44: 8V1320.00-2, 8V1320.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, the terms "Delta / Wye with Grounded Wye neutral" are common for TT and TN power mains.

Technical data
2) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".

Chapter 2
3) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
4) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
5) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is applied, the 24 VDC supply voltage for the ACOPOS servo drive is created by the internal DC
bus power supply, which reduces the 24 VDC current requirements (I24VDC) to 0.
6) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is applied, then the 24 VDC supply voltage for the ACOPOS servo drive is generated by the internal
DC bus power supply, reducing the 24 VDC current consumption (I24 VDC) to 0.
7) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is not applied, the voltage is created at the 24 VDC output from the ACOPOS servo drive's 24
VDC supply voltage; in this case it is between the maximum allowable and the minimum allowable (reduced by max. 2.5 V) 24 VDC supply voltage of the
ACOPOS servo drive.
8) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is not applied, the voltage is generated at the 24 VDC output from the ACOPOS servo drive's
24 VDC supply voltage; in this case, it is between the maximum permissible and minimum permissible (reduced by max. 2.5 V) 24 VDC supply voltage of
the ACOPOS servo drive.
9) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 400 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40 °C ambient temperature, installation altitudes <500 m above
sea level.
10) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
11) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
12) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual-use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current motion
is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).
13) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
14) Continuous power refers to the maximum braking power the ACOPOS servo driver can yield continuously. Depending on the application, the actual continuous
power provided by the external braking resistor is limited by the rated current of fuse IB (integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive), and the value of the external
braking resistance RBR.
15) Continuous power refers to the maximum braking power the ACOPOS servo drive can exchange continuously. Depending on the application, the actual
continuous power provided by the external braking resistor is limited by the rated current of fuse IB (integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive), and the value
of the external braking resistance RBR.
16) OSSD (Open Signal Switching Device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
17) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
18) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40 °C to max. 55 °C is possible (taking the continuous current reductions
listed into consideration), but results in a shorter lifespan.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 83

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.5.3 Wiring

3 * 400 - 480 VAC L2
50/60 Hz L3

X2 X3 PE



X2 X3
+24 V 1
0V COM (1, 2)
+24 V 5
+24 V Enable
COM (8, 9) X1
COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A
+24 V 14
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
0V COM (5-7, 13-15)

8V1320.0xx-2 X4a
Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4 +DC

X4a X4b X5 X6










T 3 T RB

Figure 23: ACOPOS 1180, 1320 - Pinout overview

84 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X1 - Pinout

X1 Pin Name Function

1 Trigger1 Trigger 1
2 Quickstop/Trigger2 Quickstop/Trigger2
3 COM (1, 2) Trigger 1, Quickstop/Trigger 2 0 V
4 Shield Shield
5 Limit+ Positive HW limit
6 Limit- Negative HW limit
7 Ref Reference switch

Technical data
8 Enable 1) Enable

Chapter 2

9 Enable 1) Enable

10 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


11 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


12 --- ---
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

13 +24V out / 0.5A +24 V output / 0.5 A

14 +24 V +24 V supply
15 +24 V +24 V supply
16 COM (5-7, 13-15) 0 V supply
17 COM (5-7, 13-15) 0 V supply
18 COM (5-7, 13-15) 0 V supply
The following connections are linked with each other internally in the device:
• Pin 8 --> Pin 9 (Enable)
• Pin 10 --> Pin 11 (Enable 0 V)
• Pin 14 --> Pin 15 (Supply +24 V)
• Pin 16 --> Pin 17 --> Pin 18 (Supply 0 V)
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 45: X1 - Pinout

1) The wiring is not permitted to exceed a total length of 30 m. X2 - Pinout

X2 Pin Name Function

1 -DC1 U DC bus -
2 +DC1 U DC bus +
3 +DC2 U DC bus +
4 -DC2 U DC bus -
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

-DC2 +DC2 +DC1 -DC1

Table 46: X2 - Pinout X3 - Pinout

Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase
conductor and protective ground conductor!
X3 Pin Name Function
1 L1 Power mains connection L1
2 L2 Power mains connection L2
3 L3 Power mains connection L3
4 PE Protective ground conductor
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

L3 L2 L1

Table 47: X3 - Pinout

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 85

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X4a, X4b - Pinout

X4a Pin Name Function

1 S2 1) Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (+)
2 S1 1) Activation for the external holding brake (+)
3 P4 Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (-)
4 S3 Activation for the external holding brake (-)
S3 S4 S1 S2 Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 48: X4a - Pinout

1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

X4b Pin Name Function

1 T- Temperature sensor -
2 T+ Temperature sensor +
3 B- 1) Brake -
4 B+ 1) Brake +
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

B+ B- T+ T-

Table 49: X4b - Pinout

1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

The connections for the motor temperature sensors and the motor holding brake are isolated circuits.
Therefore, these connections are only allowed to be connected to devices or components with at least
safe isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

If B+ and B- are swapped when connecting the permanent magnet holding brakes, then the brakes
cannot be opened! ACOPOS servo drives cannot determine if a holding brake is connected with reverse

86 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Wiring the connections for the motor holding brake

The supply, activation and monitoring of the output for the motor holding brake can take place via the X4a connector
in three different ways:
Figure Description
Monitoring +24 V • Supply:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:

Technical data
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive

Chapter 2
- Ref

• Monitoring:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
U +
1 - Ref
A jumper must be placed between S1 and S2 as well as S3 and



S4 on the X4a connector. 1)

X4a X4b



Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
- Ref
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive and also possible exter-
nally using potential-free contacts 2)

• Monitoring:
U +
2 Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref



X4a X4b



The parameters for internal monitoring via the ACOPOS must

be set according to the requirements of the application. 3)

Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

• Activation:
I +
- Ref

• Monitoring:
U +
- Ref



X4a X4b ACOPOS internal monitoring cannot be used here; therefore,




it must be disabled using software. 4)

0V +24 V

Table 50: Activation for the external holding brake

1) Both jumpers are already on the X4a connector delivered with the ACOPOS servo drives.
2) External potential-free contacts can be connected between S1 and S2 as well as between S3 and S4. This makes it possible to activate the holding brake
using an external safety circuit independent of the control integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive.
3) The parameters are set using ParID 90 (1 ... internal monitoring active; 5 ... internal monitoring not active).
4) Deactivation takes place using ParID 90 (5 ... internal monitoring not active).

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 87

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X5 - Pinout

X5 Pin Name Function

1 PE Protective ground conductor
2 W Motor connection W
3 V Motor connection V
4 U Motor connection U
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255


Table 51: X5 - Pinout X6 - Pinout

X6 Pin Name Function

1 PE Protective ground conductor
2 RB- Braking resistor -
3 RB+ Braking resistor +
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255


Table 52: X6 - Pinout Additional protective ground connection (PE)

The protective ground conductor is connected to the M5 threaded bolt provided using a cable lug.
For information concerning dimensioning, see "Protective ground connection (PE)" on page 216.
Figure Pin Name Function
--- PE Protective ground conductor

Terminal cross sections [mm²] AWG

Cable lug for M5 threaded bolt 0.25 - 16 23 - 5

Table 53: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOS

Before turning on the servo drive, make sure that the housing is properly connected to ground (PE rail).
The ground connection must be established even when testing the drive or operating it for a short time! Input/output circuit diagram

X1 2K2
Trigger1 Trigger1
3 1n 30 V
COM (1, 2)

1n 30 V

30 V

Figure 24: Trigger

88 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives


Technical data

Chapter 2


Figure 25: Limit

X1 6E6
Enable Enable
1n 38 V
COM (8, 9)
COM (8, 9)

1n 38 V

COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)

Figure 26: Enable

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 89

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

Brake supply and controller

DC bus power supply

holding brakes

Temperature sensors

Main relay

Rectifier Charging circuit and IGBT output stage

braking resistor control

Figure 27: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1180, 1320

90 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.6 ACOPOS 1640, 128M

2.6.1 ACOPOS 1640 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V1640.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 64 A, 32 kW, line filter, in-
tegrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply and electronic

Technical data
Chapter 2
secure restart inhibit
8V1640.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 64 A, 32 kW, coated, line
filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply and elec-
tronic secure restart inhibit
Optional accessories
Braking resistors
8B0W0045H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0045H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP65, terminals
8B0W0079H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0079H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP65, terminals
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0030.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1640.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0005.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1640.00 and 8V128M.00
(3 phase)

Table 54: 8V1640.00-2, 8V1640.001-2 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 91

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V1640.00-2 8V1640.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x12C9 0xA09C
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 54 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 26 A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 2)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 1600 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 3300 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 32,800 µF
Current requirements at 24 VDC 3)
Mains input voltage applied - 4)
Mains input voltage not applied Max. 4.6 A + 1.4 * (current for the motor holding brake + current on the 24 VDC output)
DC bus power supply
Switch-on voltage 455 VDC
24 VDC output
Output voltage
Mains input voltage applied 22 to 24 VDC
Mains input voltage not applied 16.7 to 30 VDC 5)
Output current Max. 0.5 A
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 6) 64 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.96 Aeff per °C (starting at 25°C)
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction
Switching frequency 10 kHz 0.96 Aeff per °C (starting at 50°C) 7)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 0.96 Aeff per °C (starting at 10°C)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 6.4 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 200 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 10 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 8)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 9)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 210 mA
Max. output current 3A
Max. number of switching cycles Approx. 80,000
Braking resistors
Peak power int. / ext. 7 / 250 kW
Continuous power int. / ext. 0.2 / 24 kW 10)
Minimum braking resistance (ext.) 2.5 Ω
Rated current of the built-in fuse 30 A (fast-acting)
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3

Table 55: 8V1640.00-2, 8V1640.001-2 - Technical data

92 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1640.00-2 8V1640.001-2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V

Technical data
High >15 V

Chapter 2
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 11) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 5.4 µF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 12) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 13) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 55: 8V1640.00-2, 8V1640.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 93

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V1640.00-2 8V1640.001-2
Mechanical characteristics
Width 276 mm
Height 460 mm
Depth 295 mm
Weight 24.1 kg

Table 55: 8V1640.00-2, 8V1640.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
2) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
3) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
4) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is applied, then the 24 VDC supply voltage for the ACOPOS servo drive is generated by the internal
DC bus power supply, reducing the 24 VDC current consumption (I24 VDC) to 0.
5) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is not applied, the voltage is generated at the 24 VDC output from the ACOPOS servo drive's
24 VDC supply voltage; in this case, it is between the maximum permissible and minimum permissible (reduced by max. 2.5 V) 24 VDC supply voltage of
the ACOPOS servo drive.
6) Valid in the following conditions: 400 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitude <500 m above
sea level.
7) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
8) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
9) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
10) Continuous power refers to the maximum braking power the ACOPOS servo drive can exchange continuously. Depending on the application, the actual
continuous power provided by the external braking resistor is limited by the rated current of fuse IB (integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive), and the value
of the external braking resistance RBR.
11) OSSD (open signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
12) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
13) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

94 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.6.2 ACOPOS 128M Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Servo drives
8V128M.00-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 128 A, 64 kW, line filter,
integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply and electronic
secure restart inhibit
8V128M.001-2 ACOPOS servo drive, 3x 400-480 V, 128 A, 64 kW, coated, line

Technical data
filter, integrated braking resistor, DC bus power supply and elec-

Chapter 2
tronic secure restart inhibit
Optional accessories
Braking resistors
8B0W0045H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0045H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP65, terminals
8B0W0079H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0079H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP65, terminals
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS resolver interface 10 kHz, no open line detection
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
8AC132.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Shielding component sets
8X0030.00-1 ACOPOS shielding components set for 8V1640.xxx-x and
Terminal sets
8X0005.00-1 ACOPOS accessories, plug set for 8V1640.00 and 8V128M.00
(3 phase)

Table 56: 8V128M.00-2, 8V128M.001-2 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 95

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Technical data

Product ID 8V128M.00-2 8V128M.001-2

General information
Note - Variant with partially coated circuit boards
B&R ID code 0x12F3 0xA09D
Slots for plug-in modules 4
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Power mains connection
Permissible power mains forms TT, TN 1)
Mains input voltage 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz ±4%
Installed load Max. 98 kVA
Starting current at 400 VAC 26 A
Switch-on interval >10 s
Integrated line filter in accordance with EN Yes
61800-3, Category C3 2)
Power loss at max. device power without braking Approx. 3200 W
DC bus connection
DC bus capacitance 6600 µF
24 VDC supply
Input voltage 24 VDC +25% / -20%
Input capacitance 32,800 µF
Current requirements at 24 VDC 3)
Mains input voltage applied - 4)
Mains input voltage not applied Max. 5.7 A + 1.4 * (current for the motor holding brake + current on the 24 VDC output)
DC bus power supply
Switch-on voltage 455 VDC
24 VDC output
Output voltage
Mains input voltage applied 22 to 24 VDC
Mains input voltage not applied 16.7 to 30 VDC 5)
Output current Max. 0.5 A
Motor connection
Quantity 1
Continuous current 6) 128 Aeff
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
ambient temperature
Mains input voltage: 400 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 10 kHz 1.65 Aeff per °C (starting at 52°C)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 1.65 Aeff per °C (starting at 12°C)
Mains input voltage: 480 VAC
Switching frequency 5 kHz No reduction 7)
Switching frequency 10 kHz 1.65 Aeff per °C (starting at 36°C)
Switching frequency 20 kHz 1.65 Aeff per °C (starting at 10°C) 8)
Reduction of continuous current depending on the
installation elevation
Starting at 500 m above sea level 12.8 Aeff per 1000 m
Peak current 300 Aeff
Nominal switching frequency 5 kHz
Possible switching frequencies 5 / 10 / 20 kHz
Electrical stress of the connected motor in accor- Limit value curve A
dance with IEC TS 60034-25 9)
Max. motor line length 25 m
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit and ground fault protection Yes
Max. output frequency 600 Hz 10)
Motor holding brake connection
Response threshold for open line monitoring Approx. 210 mA
Max. output current 3A
Max. number of switching cycles Approx. 80,000
Braking resistors
Peak power int. / ext. 8.5 / 250 kW
Continuous power int. / ext. 0.24 / 24 kW 11)
Minimum braking resistance (ext.) 2.5 Ω
Rated current of the built-in fuse 30 A (fast-acting)
Limit switch and reference inputs
Quantity 3

Table 57: 8V128M.00-2, 8V128M.001-2 - Technical data

96 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V128M.00-2 8V128M.001-2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V

Technical data
High >15 V

Chapter 2
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4 mA
Switching delay Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Enable inputs
Quantity 1
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 30 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Switching delay
Enable 0 -> 1, ready for PWM Max. 100 µs
Enable 1 -> 0, PWM off Max. 2.0 ms
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
OSSD signal connections 12) Not permitted
Trigger inputs
Quantity 2
Wiring Sink
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 10 mA
Switching delay
Positive edge 52 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Negative edge 53 µs ±0.5 µs (digitally filtered)
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±38 V
Electrical characteristics
Discharge capacitance 5.4 µF
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Hanging vertically Yes
Lying horizontally Yes
Standing horizontally No
Installation at elevations above sea level
Nominal 0 to 500 m
Maximum 13) 2000 m
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 14) 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 57: 8V128M.00-2, 8V128M.001-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 97

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives
Product ID 8V128M.00-2 8V128M.001-2
Mechanical characteristics
Width 402 mm
Height 460 mm
Depth 295 mm
Weight 33.8 kg

Table 57: 8V128M.00-2, 8V128M.001-2 - Technical data

1) In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".
2) Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).
3) The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.
4) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is applied, then the 24 VDC supply voltage for the ACOPOS servo drive is generated by the internal
DC bus power supply, reducing the 24 VDC current consumption (I24 VDC) to 0.
5) If the mains input voltage (3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%) is not applied, the voltage is generated at the 24 VDC output from the ACOPOS servo drive's
24 VDC supply voltage; in this case, it is between the maximum permissible and minimum permissible (reduced by max. 2.5 V) 24 VDC supply voltage of
the ACOPOS servo drive.
6) Valid in the following conditions: 400 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation altitude <500 m above
sea level.
7) Value for the nominal switching frequency.
8) For a mains input voltage of 480 VAC and a switching frequency of 20 kHz, a maximum continuous current of 95 Aeff is permitted. At ambient temperatures
>10°C, a reduction of the continuous current of 1.65 Aeff per °C must be taken into consideration.
9) If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system be reduced by an additional externally-wired dU/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phase dU/dt
choke from Schaffner (www.schaffner.com) can be used. IMPORTANT: Even when using a dU/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible,
low inductance shield connection is used!
10) The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with EC
428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 600 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current
movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (power unit: limit speed exceeded).
11) Continuous power refers to the maximum braking power the ACOPOS servo drive can exchange continuously. Depending on the application, the actual
continuous power provided by the external braking resistor is limited by the rated current of fuse IB (integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive), and the value
of the external braking resistance RBR.
12) OSSD (open signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.
13) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at altitudes ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration). Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.
14) Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous current
reductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.

98 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

2.6.3 Wiring

Technical data
Chapter 2
Figure 28: ACOPOS 1640, 128M - Pinout overview
1) When using an external 24 VDC supply for the ACOPOS 1640 and 128M servo drives, both +24 VDC connections (X1/14, X1/15) and at least two of the
three COM connections (X1/16, X1/17, X1/18) always have to be wired so that the individual terminals are not overloaded.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 99

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X1 - Pinout

X1 Pin Name Function

1 Trigger1 Trigger 1
2 Quickstop/Trigger2 Quickstop/Trigger2
3 COM (1, 2) Trigger 1, Quickstop/Trigger 2 0 V
4 Shield Shield
5 Limit+ Positive HW limit
6 Limit- Negative HW limit
7 Ref Reference switch
8 Enable 1) Enable

9 Enable 1) Enable

10 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


11 COM (8, 9) Enable 0 V


12 --- ---
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

13 +24V out / 0.5A +24 V output / 0.5 A

14 +24 V +24 V supply 2)
15 +24 V +24 V supply 2)
16 COM (5-7, 13-15) 0 V supply 2)
17 COM (5-7, 13-15) 0 V supply 2)
18 COM (5-7, 13-15) 0 V supply 2)
The following connections are linked with each other internally in the device:
• Pin 8 --> Pin 9 (Enable)
• Pin 10 --> Pin 11 (Enable 0 V)
• Pin 14 --> Pin 15 (Supply +24 V)
• Pin 16 --> Pin 17 --> Pin 18 (Supply 0 V)
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 58: X1 - Pinout

1) The wiring is not permitted to exceed a total length of 30 m.
2) When using an external 24 VDC supply for the ACOPOS 1640 and 128M servo drives, both +24 VDC connections (X1/14, X1/15) and at least two of the
three COM connections (X1/16, X1/17, X1/18) always have to be wired so that the individual terminals are not overloaded. X2 connector - Pinout

X2 Pin Name Function

1 +DC2 U DC bus +

2 +DC1 U DC bus +

3 -DC2 U DC bus -
4 -DC2 U DC bus -
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 59: X2 connector - Pinout X3 connector - Pinout

Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase
conductor and protective ground conductor!
X3 Pin Name Function
1 L1 Power mains connection L1
2 L2 Power mains connection L2

3 L3 Power mains connection L3

4 Protective ground conductor
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Table 60: X3 connector - Pinout

100 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X4a, X4b - Pinout

X4a Pin Name Function

1 S2 1) Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (+)
2 S1 1) Activation for the external holding brake (+)
3 P4 Activation, supply for the external holding
brake (-)
4 S3 Activation for the external holding brake (-)
S3 S4 S1 S2 Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Technical data
Table 61: X4a - Pinout

Chapter 2
1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

X4b Pin Name Function

1 T- Temperature sensor -
2 T+ Temperature sensor +
3 B- 1) Brake -
4 B+ 1) Brake +
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

B+ B- T+ T-

Table 62: X4b - Pinout

1) If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, then
the internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when
switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.

The connections for the motor temperature sensors and the motor holding brake are isolated circuits.
Therefore, these connections are only allowed to be connected to devices or components with at least
safe isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

If B+ and B- are swapped when connecting the permanent magnet holding brakes, then the brakes
cannot be opened! ACOPOS servo drives cannot determine if a holding brake is connected with reverse

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 101

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives Wiring the connections for the motor holding brake

The supply, activation and monitoring of the output for the motor holding brake can take place via the X4a connector
in three different ways:
Figure Description
Monitoring +24 V • Supply:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref

• Monitoring:
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
U +
1 - Ref
A jumper must be placed between S1 and S2 as well as S3 and



S4 on the X4a connector. 1)

X4a X4b



Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
• Activation:
I +
- Ref
Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive and also possible exter-
nally using potential-free contacts 2)

• Monitoring:
U +
2 Internally by the ACOPOS servo drive
- Ref



X4a X4b



The parameters for internal monitoring via the ACOPOS must

be set according to the requirements of the application. 3)

Monitoring +24 V • Supply:

• Activation:
I +
- Ref

• Monitoring:
U +
- Ref



X4a X4b ACOPOS internal monitoring cannot be used here; therefore,




it must be disabled using software. 4)

0V +24 V

Table 63: Activation for the external holding brake

1) Both jumpers are already on the X4a connector delivered with the ACOPOS servo drives.
2) External potential-free contacts can be connected between S1 and S2 as well as between S3 and S4. This makes it possible to activate the holding brake
using an external safety circuit independent of the control integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive.
3) The parameters are set using ParID 90 (1 ... internal monitoring active; 5 ... internal monitoring not active).
4) Deactivation takes place using ParID 90 (5 ... internal monitoring not active).

102 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives X5 connector - Pinout

X5 Pin Name Function

1 Protective ground conductor
2 W Motor connection W

3 V Motor connection V
4 U Motor connection U
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255

Technical data
Table 64: X5 connector - Pinout

Chapter 2 X6 connector - Pinout

X6 Pin Name Function

1 PE Protective ground conductor
2 RB- Braking resistor -
3 RB+ Braking resistor +
Terminal cross sections see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255


Table 65: X6 connector - Pinout Input/output circuit diagram

X1 2K2
Trigger1 Trigger1
3 1n 30 V
COM (1, 2)

1n 30 V

30 V

Figure 29: Trigger





Figure 30: Limit

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 103

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

X1 6E6
Enable Enable
1n 38 V
COM (8, 9)
COM (8, 9)

1n 38 V

COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)

Figure 31: Enable

104 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS servo drives

Brake supply

Technical data
Chapter 2
DC bus power supply

holding brakes

Temperature sensors

Rectifier Charging circuit and IGBT output stage

braking resistor control

Figure 32: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1640, 128M

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 105

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3 ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.1 General information

ACOPOS drives are equipped with up to four plug-in module slots depending on the size.
8V1010.0xx-2 8V1022.0xx-2 8V1180.0xx-2 8V1640.0xx-2
8V1010.5xx-2 8V1045.0xx-2 8V1320.0xx-2 8V128M.0xx-2
8V1016.0xx-2 8V1090.0xx-2
Max. number of plug-in modules 3 4

Table 66: The maximum number of plug-in modules depends on the size of the servo drive

You can select the plug-in modules required for your application and insert them into the ACOPOS servo drive.
All ACOPOS servo drives are equipped with three or four slots for plug-in modules depending on the size of the
drive. Please note the following module arrangements:
Operation possible in
Figure Plug-in module
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 1)
8AC110.60-3 Yes No No No
8AC114.60-2 Yes No No No
8AC120.60-1 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC121.60-1 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC122.60-3 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC122.60-4 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC123.60-1 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC125.60-1 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC125.60-2 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC125.61-2 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC126.60-1 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC130.60-1 No No Yes Yes
8AC131.60-1 No Yes Yes Yes
8AC140.60-3 Yes 2) No No
8AC140.61-3 Yes 2) No No
8AC141.60-2 Yes 2) No No
8AC141.61-3 Yes 2) No No

Table 67: Slot overview for ACOPOS plug-in modules

1) Not available for ACOPOS servo drives 8V1010.xxx-2 and 8V1016.xxx-2.
2) This module uses two slots.

For the installation and removal of plug-in modules, the specifications listed in section "Protection
against electrostatic discharge" on page 24 must be followed!

106 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.2 AC110 - CAN module

3.2.1 General information

The AC110 plug-in module is equipped with a CAN interface. This fieldbus interface is used for communication
and setting parameters on the ACOPOS servo drive for standard applications. The connections and software of
the 8AC110.60-3 plug-in module are compatible with the 8AC110.60-2 plug-in module.

3.2.2 Order data

Technical data
Chapter 2
Model number Short description Figure
Plug-in modules
8AC110.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CAN interface
Optional accessories
Infrastructure components
0AC912.9 Bus adapter, CAN, 1 CAN interface
0AC913.92 Bus adapter, CAN, 2 CAN interfaces, including 30 cm attach-
ment cable (DSUB)
7AC911.9 Bus connector, CAN

Table 68: 8AC110.60-3 - Order data

3.2.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC110.60-3
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xE248
Slot Slot 1
Power consumption Max. 0.7 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Quantity 1
Module-side connection 9-pin male DSUB connector
Status indicators RXD/TXD LEDs
Baud rate 500 kbit/s
Bus terminating resistor Externally wired
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 60 m
Network-capable Yes
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 69: 8AC110.60-3 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 107

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.2.4 CAN node number settings

The CAN node number can be set using two HEX switches:
Figure Rotary code switch CAN node number
❶ 16s position (high)
❷ 1s position (low)
The node number change takes effect the next time the ACOPOS servo drive is switched on.

Changing the node number using software is not possible (Basis CAN ID can be changed).
The ACOPOS Manager only supports node numbers 1 - 32.

Table 70: Setting the CAN node number

There must be a terminating resistor (120 Ω, 0.25 W) between CAN_H and CAN_L at the beginning and end of
the CAN bus.

3.2.5 Status indicators

The status LEDs indicate if data is being received (RXD) or sent (TXD).

3.2.6 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

3.2.7 Wiring Pinout

Figure X11 Pin Name Function

1 --- ---
2 CAN_L CAN low
3 COM (2, 7)) 0 V CAN card
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 --- ---
7 CAN_H CAN high
8 --- ---
1 9 --- ---


Table 71: AC110 CAN interface - Pinout Input/Output circuit diagram



COM (2, 7))

390 V

Figure 33: AC110 - Input/Output circuit diagram

108 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.3 AC114 - POWERLINK V2 module

3.3.1 General information

The AC114 plug-in module is equipped with a POWERLINK interface. This fieldbus interface is used for commu-
nication and setting parameters on the ACOPOS servo drive for complex and time critical applications.
The plug-in module is a 2x hub. This makes it easy to establish a device-to-device connection (line topology).

Technical data
Chapter 2
3.3.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC114.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, POWERLINK V2 interface
Optional accessories
X20CA0E61.00020 POWERLINK connection cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 0.2 m
X20CA0E61.00050 POWERLINK connection cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 0.5 m
X20CA0E61.00100 POWERLINK connection cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 1 m
X20CA0E61.00200 POWERLINK connection cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 2 m
X20CA0E61.00500 POWERLINK connection cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 5 m
X20CA0E61.01000 POWERLINK connection cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 10 m

Table 72: 8AC114.60-2 - Order data

3.3.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC114.60-2
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xA5C1
Slot Slot 1
Power consumption Max. 3 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Quantity 1
Module-side connection 2x RJ45 port
Status indicators Status LED + 2x Link LED
Transfer rate 100 Mbit/s
Hub, 2x Yes
Possible station operating modes Synchronous to POWERLINK cycle
Electrical isolation Yes
Cabling topology Star or tree with level 2 hubs
Maximum number of hub levels 10
Cable length Max. 100 m between two stations (segment length) 1)
Network-capable Yes
Watchdog functionality
Hardware Yes (via ACOPOS servo drive)
Software Yes (via ACOPOS servo drive)
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 73: 8AC114.60-2 - Technical data

1) With 10 ACOPOS servo drives and a cycle time of 400 µs, the maximum total cable length becomes 200 m.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 109

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.3.4 Setting the POWERLINK node number

The POWERLINK node number can be set using two HEX switches:
Image Code switch POWERLINK node number
❶ 16s position (high)
❷ 1s position (low)
A changed POWERLINK node number will take effect the next time the ACOPOS servo drive is switched on.

In principle, node numbers between $01 and $FD are permitted. However, node numbers be-
tween $F0 and $FD are intended for future system expansions. To ensure compatibility, these
node numbers should be avoided.
Node numbers $00, $FE and $FF are reserved and may therefore not be set.

Table 74: Setting the POWERLINK node number

3.3.5 Status indicators

Figure LED Labeling Color Function Description

❶ R/E Green/Red Ready/Error See "POWERLINK - LED status indica-
❷ RX Green Link / data activity tors" on page 110

Table 75: AC114 - Status LEDs

Labeling Color Function Description
R/E Green/Red Ready/Error LED not lit The module is not receiving power or initialization of the network interface has
Red (lit) The POWERLINK station number of the module is 0.
Red/green, blinking The client is in an error state (drops out of cyclic operation).
Green (blinking) The client detects a valid POWERLINK frame on the network.
Green (blinking) Cyclic operation on the network is taking place, but the client itself is not yet a
(2x) participant.
Green (blinking) Cyclic operation of the client is in preparation.
Green (lit) The client is participating in cyclic operation.
Green (flickering) The client is not participating in cyclic operation and also does not detect any
other stations on the network participating in cyclic operation.
RX Green Link / data activity Green (not lit) Hardware not connected
Green (lit) Hardware connected
Green (flickering) Activity on port

Table 76: POWERLINK - LED status indicators

3.3.6 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

110 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.3.7 Wiring Pinout

Figure IF2 Pin Name Function

1 RXD Receive signal
2 RXD\ Receive signal inverted
3 TXD Transmit signal
4 Shield Shield
5 Shield Shield

Technical data
Chapter 2
6 TXD\ Transmit signal inverted
7 Shield Shield
8 Shield Shield
IF1 Pin Name Function
1 RXD Receive signal
2 RXD\ Receive signal inverted
3 TXD Transmit signal
4 Shield Shield
5 Shield Shield
6 TXD\ Transmit signal inverted
7 Shield Shield
8 Shield Shield

Table 77: AC114 POWERLINK V2 interface - Pinout

In general, crossover Ethernet cables must be used for POWERLINK connections!
Cables should be plugged in and unplugged carefully. Otherwise, the shield connection could break
between the RJ45 connector and the cable shield which could then cause connection disturbances! Input/output diagram

Figure 34: AC114 - Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 111

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.4 AC120 - EnDat 2.1 encoder module

3.4.1 General information

The AC120 plug-in module has an EnDat 2.1 encoder interface but can also be used to evaluate simple incremental
encoders with a sinusoidal output signal. 1)
This module can be used to evaluate encoders installed in B&R servo motors as well as encoders for external axes
(encoders that scan any machine movement). The input signals are monitored. This makes it possible to detect
open or shorted lines as well as encoder supply failures.
During startup, the plug-in module is automatically identified, configured and its parameters set by the ACOPOS
servo drive operating system.

EnDat 2.1 encoder:

EnDat 2.1 is a standard developed by Johannes Heidenhain GmbH (www.heidenhain.de) that incorporates the
advantages of absolute and incremental position measurement and also offers a read/write parameter memory
in the encoder. With absolute position measurement (the absolute position is sampled serially), a homing proce-
dure for referencing is usually not required. Where necessary, a multi-turn encoder (4096 revolutions) should be
installed. To reduce costs, a single-turn encoder and a reference switch can also be used. In this case, a homing
procedure must be carried out.
The incremental process allows the short delay times necessary for position measurement on drives with excep-
tional dynamic properties. With the sinusoidal incremental signal and the fine resolution in the EnDat module, a
very high positioning resolution is achieved in spite of the moderate signal frequencies used.
The parameter memory in the EnDat encoder is used by B&R to store motor data (among other things). In this
way, the ACOPOS drive system is always automatically provided the correct motor parameters and limit values.
This is referred to as the "embedded parameter chip".

Incremental encoder with sine formed output signal:

When using the AC120 plug-in module to evaluate simple incremental encoders with an sinusoidal output signal,
only the incremental transfer channel is used. The "embedded parameter chip" it not available in this case be-
cause this encoder does not have parameter memory. The absolute position is also not available immediately
after switching the device on. In this situation, a homing procedure normally has to be carried out. The module is
equipped with a reference pulse input for this purpose.

3.4.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC120.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat encoder and sine incremental
encoder interface
Optional accessories
EnDat cables
8CE005.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 5 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE007.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 7 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE010.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 10 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE015.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 15 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE020.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 20 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE025.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 25 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Table 78: 8AC120.60-1 - Order data

1) Starting with revision F0.

112 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.4.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC120.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x0FCC
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption
Depends on the encoder connected Yes
E0 ... EnDat single-turn, 512 lines Max. 2.3 W

Technical data
E1 ... EnDat multi-turn, 512 lines Max. 3.1 W

Chapter 2
E2 ... EnDat single-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 3.1 W
E3 ... EnDat multi-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 3.1 W
E4 ... EnDat single-turn, 512 lines Max. 2.4 W
E5 ... EnDat multi-turn, 512 lines Max. 2.7 W
E8 ... EnDat single-turn, 16 lines (inductive) Max. 29 W
E9 ... EnDat multi-turn, 16 lines (inductive) Max. 31 W
EA ... EnDat single-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 27 W
EB ... EnDat multi-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 30 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Encoder inputs
Quantity 1
Module-side connection 15-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS No
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 50 m 2)
Encoder supply
Output voltage Typ. 5 V
Load capability 250 mA 3)
Sense lines 2, compensation of max. 2x 0.7 V
Sine/Cosine inputs
Signal transmission Differential signals, symmetric
Signal frequency (-3 dB) DC up to 300 kHz
Signal frequency (-5 dB) DC up to 400 kHz
Differential voltage 0.5 to 1.25 Vss
Common-mode voltage Max. ±7 V
Terminating resistor 120 Ω
Resolution 4) 16384 * number of encoder lines
Precision 5) -
Reference input
Signal transmission Differential signal, symmetric
Differential voltage for low ≤-0.2 V
Differential voltage for high ≥+0.2 V
Common-mode voltage Max. ±7 V
Terminating resistor 120 Ω
Serial interface
Signal transmission Synchronous
Protocol RS485
Baud rate 625 kbaud
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 79: 8AC120.60-1 - Technical data

1) The AC120 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest
number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) Requirements: The encoder is cabled using a shielded cable that has a wire cross section of at least 0.14 mm² for all signal lines and a wire cross section
of at least 0.5 mm² for all encoder supply lines. The sense lines must be used.
3) This value only applies to the encoder. The actual load capacity of the encoder supply is approx. 300 mA. The difference of approx. 50 mA covers the
consumption of the terminating resistors, which are always present. For longer encoder cables, it is important to note that the maximum voltage drop permitted
on the supply wires (there and back) is 1.45 V. This can reduce the permissible load current.
4) Only a part of the resolution of the connected encoder can be used in practice. The usable resolution can be further reduced by signal interference from
the connected encoder.
5) In practice, the precision is limited by the encoder.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 113

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.4.4 Status indicators

The UP/DN LEDs are lit depending on the rotational direction and the speed of the connected encoder.
UP LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the positive direction.
DN LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the negative direction.
The faster the encoder position changes, the brighter the respective LED is lit.

3.4.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

3.4.6 Wiring Pinout

Figure X11 Pin Name
EnDat mode Incremental mode
1 A Channel A
2 COM (1, 3 - 9, 11, 13 - 15) Encoder supply 0 V
3 B Channel B
4 +5V out / 0.25A Encoder supply +5 V
5 D Data input ---
6 --- ---
7 R\ --- Reference
8 pulse inverted
8 T Clock output ---
9 A\ Channel A inverted
10 Sense COM Sense input 0 V
9 11 B\ Channel B inverted
12 Sense +5V Sense input +5 V
12 D\ Data inverted ---
14 R --- Reference pulse
15 T\ Clock output inverted ---

Table 80: AC120 EnDat encoder interface - Pinout

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

114 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/Output circuit diagram

60E +
60E -

Technical data
A\ Counter

Chapter 2
60E +
60E -
B\ Counter
60E +
60E -
R\ Vcc







4 7V
+5V out Vcc

Sense +5V

Sense COM

40 V 100n

Figure 35: AC120 - Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 115

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.5 AC121 - HIPERFACE encoder module

3.5.1 General information

The AC121 plug-in module is equipped with a HIPERFACE encoder interface.

This module can be used to evaluate encoders installed in motors from other manufacturers as well as encoders
for external axes (encoders that scan any machine movement). The input signals are monitored. This makes it
possible to detect open or shorted lines as well as encoder supply failures.

During startup, the plug-in module is automatically identified, configured and its parameters set by the ACOPOS
servo drive operating system.

HIPERFACE is a standard developed by Max Stegmann GmbH (www.stegmann.de), which like EnDat incorporates
the advantages of absolute and incremental position measurement while also offering a read/write parameter
memory in the encoder. With absolute position measurement (the absolute position is sampled serially), a homing
procedure for referencing is usually not required. Where necessary, a multi-turn encoder (4096 revolutions) should
be installed. To reduce costs, a single-turn encoder and a reference switch can also be used. In this case, a homing
procedure must be carried out.
The incremental process allows the short deceleration periods necessary for position measurement when using
drives with highly dynamic characteristics. The sinusoidal incremental signal and extremely high resolution in the
HIPERFACE module also make it possible to achieve a very high degree of positioning precision despite the
moderate signal frequencies used.
The parameter memory in the HIPERFACE encoder is available starting with firmware version V1.221.

3.5.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC121.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, HIPERFACE interface

Table 81: 8AC121.60-1 - Order data

3.5.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC121.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x1558
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption
With encoder power consumption of 0 mA 0.35 W
With encoder power consumption of 100 mA 1.4 W
With encoder power consumption of 170 mA 2.1 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Encoder inputs
Quantity 1
Module-side connection 15-pin female DSUB connector, 2 pins closed
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS No

Table 82: 8AC121.60-1 - Technical data

116 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC121.60-1
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 50 m 2)
Encoder supply
Output voltage 8 to 9 V
Load capability 170 mA
Sense lines - 3)
Sine/Cosine inputs
Signal transmission Differential signal, asymmetric
Signal frequency DC up to 200 kHz

Technical data
Differential voltage 0.5 to 1.25 Vss

Chapter 2
Common-mode voltage Max. ±7 V
Terminating resistor 120 Ω
Resolution 4) 16384 * number of encoder lines
Precision 5) -
Serial interface
Signal transmission Asynchronous
Protocol RS485
Baud rate 9600 baud
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 82: 8AC121.60-1 - Technical data

1) The AC121 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the module in the slot with the lowest number
is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) Requirements: The encoder is cabled using a shielded cable that has a wire cross section of at least 0.14 mm² for all signal lines and a wire cross section
of at least 0.5 mm² for all encoder supply lines. The sense lines must be used.
3) No sense lines are present since the supply voltage for the HIPERFACE encoder is permitted to be between 7 and 12 V.
4) Noise on the encoder signal reduces the resolution that can be used by approx. 5 bits (factor of 32).
5) In practice, the precision is limited by the encoder.

3.5.4 Status indicators

The UP/DN LEDs are lit depending on the rotational direction and the speed of the connected encoder.
UP LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the positive direction.
DN LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the negative direction.
The faster the encoder position changes, the brighter the respective LED is lit.

3.5.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 117

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.5.6 Wiring Pinout

Figure X11 Pin Name Function

1 SIN Channel SIN
2 COM (1, 3 - 5, 9, 11, 13) Encoder supply 0 V
3 COS Channel COS
4 +8V out / 0.15A Encoder supply +8 V
5 D Data
6 --- ---
7 --- ---
8 8 --- --- 1)
9 REF SIN Reference for SIN
10 --- --- 1)
11 REF COS Reference for COS
9 1 12 --- ---
13 D\ Data inverted
14 --- ---
15 --- ---

Table 83: AC121 HIPERFACE encoder interface - Pinout

1) Pins 8 and 10 are closed with plastic plugs. This prevents the accidental connection of a B&R EnDat cable.

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

118 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/Output circuit diagram


120E A/D
REF SIN Counter

Technical data

Chapter 2
120E A/D
REF COS Counter





+8V out Vcc

30 V 100n

Figure 36: AC121 - Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 119

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.6 AC122 - Resolver module

3.6.1 8AC122.60-3 General information

The AC122 plug-in module is equipped with a resolver interface.

This plug-in module handles the output from resolvers which are built into B&R servo motors or used as an encoder
for external axes. This resolver delivers the absolute position over one revolution. Normally, the movement path is
longer than one revolution. In this case, a reference switch must be used and a homing procedure carried out.
The encoder input signals are monitored. This makes it possible to detect open or shorted lines as well as encoder
supply (reference signal) failures.
During startup, the plug-in module is automatically identified by the ACOPOS operating system. Making automatic
adjustments to the motor (motor parameters, limit values, encoder resolution, etc.) is not possible because the
resolver does not have parameter memory like the EnDat encoder.
If the precision, resolution, bandwidth or ease of setting parameters is not sufficient with the resolver, the EnDat
system should be used (see "AC120 - EnDat 2.1 encoder module " on page 112). Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC122.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz
Optional accessories
Resolver cables
8CR005.12-1 Resolver cable, length 5 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR007.12-1 Resolver cable, length 7 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR010.12-1 Resolver cable, length 10 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR015.12-1 Resolver cable, length 15 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR020.12-1 Resolver cable, length 20 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR025.12-1 Resolver cable, length 25 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Table 84: 8AC122.60-3 - Order data

120 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Technical data

Product ID 8AC122.60-3
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xA48B
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption Max. 2.5 W
Max. cable length 100 m

Technical data
CE Yes

Chapter 2
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Resolver inputs
Reference output
Output current Max. 50 mAeff
Differential voltage Typ. 3.4 Veff
Frequency 10 kHz
Signal transmission Differential signals
Angular position resolution 14 bits/rev 2)
Module-side connection 9-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Bandwidth 2.5 kHz
Encoder monitoring Yes
Precision ±8 angular minutes
Electrical isolation
Resolver - ACOPOS No
Input frequency 10 kHz
Input voltage 3 to 7 Vrms
Number of pins 2-pin
Type BRX 3)
Max. phase shift ±45°
Max. elec. angular error ±10 angular minutes
Nominal conversion ratio 4) 0.5 ±10%
Sine/Cosine inputs
Input impedance at 10 kHz (per pin) 10.4 kΩ - j 11.1 kΩ
Signal transmission Differential signals
Encoder-ACOPOS electrical isolation No, common-mode voltage on the sine-cosine inputs max ± 20 V
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 85: 8AC122.60-3 - Technical data

1) The AC122 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest
number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) A resolution of 12 bits/rev is configured by default, but it can be changed to 14 bits/rev.
3) BRX resolvers are fed with a sine signal (reference signal) from the module and provide two sine signals with a 90° phase shift as a result. The amplitude of
these signals changes with the angular position of the resolver. Unlike BRX resolvers, BRT resolvers can be fed with two sine signals which are offset by 90°.
A single sine signal with constant amplitude is returned. The phase position of this signal changes with the angular position of the resolver. An evaluation of
BRT resolvers with the 8AC122.60-3 is fundamentally possible starting with firmware V2.040; however, resolution and accuracy are limited by the inverse
operation of the resolver. Additionally, the nominal conversion ratio deviates from the default value of 0.5 and must be configured accordingly.
4) Starting with firmware V2.040, the nominal gear ratio can be configured in the range 0.3 ... 0.5 (default value).
Starting with firmware V2.230, the nominal gear ratio can be configured in the range 0.2 ... 0.5 (default value).

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 121

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.6.2 8AC122.60-4 General information

This resolver plug-in module 8AC122.60-4 has a resolver interface for evaluating BRX resolvers.
The plug-in module handles the output from resolvers which are built into B&R servo motors or used as an encoder
for external axes. Resolvers with one pole pair deliver the absolute position over one revolution. If the movement
path is longer than one revolution and an absolute position determination is required, then a reference switch must
be used and a homing procedure carried out.
The encoder input signals are not monitored. Open or shorted lines as well as encoder supply (reference signal)
failures therefore cannot be recognized. 2)
During startup, the plug-in module is automatically identified by the ACOPOS operating system. Making automat-
ic adjustments to the motor (motor parameters, limit values, encoder resolution, etc.) is not possible because re-
solvers, as opposed to EnDat encoders, don't contain a parameter memory.
If the precision, resolution, bandwidth or ease of setting parameters is not sufficient with the resolver, the EnDat
system should be used (see "AC120 EnDat encoder interface").

The plug-in module 8AC122.60-4 is the compatible replacement for the plug-in module 8AC122.60-1. 3) Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC122.60-4 ACOPOS plug-in module, resolver interface 10 kHz, no open
line detection
Optional accessories
Resolver cables
8CR005.12-1 Resolver cable, length 5 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR007.12-1 Resolver cable, length 7 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR010.12-1 Resolver cable, length 10 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR015.12-1 Resolver cable, length 15 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR020.12-1 Resolver cable, length 20 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR025.12-1 Resolver cable, length 25 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Table 86: 8AC122.60-4 - Order data

2) If monitoring the encoder input signals is required, then the ACOPOS plug-in module 8AC122.60-3 can be inserted.
3) In Automation Studio, the plug-in module upgrade 8AC122.60-1 should be used for the plug-in module 8AC122.60-4.

122 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Technical data

Product ID 8AC122.60-4
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xE10E
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption Max. 2.5 W
Max. cable length 100 m

Technical data
cULus Yes

Chapter 2
Resolver inputs
Reference output
Output current Max. 50 mAeff
Differential voltage Typ. 3.4 Veff
Frequency 10 kHz
Signal transmission Differential signals
Angular position resolution 14 bits/rev 2)
Module-side connection 9-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Bandwidth 2.5 kHz
Encoder monitoring Yes
Precision ±8 angular minutes 3)
Electrical isolation
Resolver - ACOPOS No
Input frequency 10 kHz
Input voltage 3 to 7 Vrms
Type BRX 4)
Max. phase shift ±45° 5)
Nominal conversion ratio 6) 0.5 ±10%
Sine/Cosine inputs
Input impedance at 10 kHz (per pin) 10.4 kΩ - j 11.1 kΩ
Signal transmission Differential signals
Encoder-ACOPOS electrical isolation No, common-mode voltage on the sine-cosine inputs max ± 20 V
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 87: 8AC122.60-4 - Technical data

1) The AC122 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest
number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) A resolution of 12 bits/rev is configured by default, but it can be changed to 14 bits/rev.
3) Accuracy of the evaluation electronics. The max. electrical angular error of the resolver being used must also be taken into consideration.
4) BRX resolvers are fed with a sine signal (reference signal) from the module and provide two sine signals with a 90° phase shift as a result. The amplitude of
these signals changes with the angular position of the resolver. Unlike BRX resolvers, BRT resolvers can be fed with two sine signals which are offset by 90°.
A single sine signal with constant amplitude is returned. The phase position of this signal changes with the angular position of the resolver. An evaluation of
BRT resolvers with the 8AC122.60-4 is fundamentally possible starting with firmware V2.040; however, resolution and accuracy are limited by the inverse
operation of the resolver. Additionally, the nominal conversion ratio deviates from the default value of 0.5 and must be configured accordingly.
5) Phase shift between the reference signal and the output signals.
6) Starting with firmware V2.040, the nominal gear ratio can be configured in the range 0.3 ... 0.5 (default value).
Starting with firmware V2.230, the nominal gear ratio can be configured in the range 0.2 ... 0.5 (default value).

3.6.3 Status indicators

The UP/DN LEDs are lit depending on the rotational direction and the speed of the connected encoder.
UP LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the positive direction.
DN LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the negative direction.
The faster the encoder position changes, the brighter the respective LED is lit.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 123

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.6.4 Wiring Pinout

Typical wire colors for

Figure X11 Pin Name Function
the resolver
1 --- --- ---
2 --- --- ---
3 S4 Sine input + Blue
4 S1 Cosine input - Red
5 R2 Reference output + black/white
(or yellow/white)
6 --- --- ---
7 S2 Sine input - Yellow
9 5 8 S3 Cosine input + Black
9 R1 Reference output - red/white
6 1

Table 88: AC122 resolver interface - Pinout

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1. Input/Output circuit diagram



10 kHz

25 K +

25 K -

25 K +

25 K -

Figure 37: AC122 - Input/Output circuit diagram

124 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.7 AC123 - Incremental encoder and SSI absolute encoder module

3.7.1 General information

The ACOPOS plug-in module AC123 is used to connect standard industrial incremental or absolute encoders with
a synchronous serial interface (SSI) to ACOPOS servo drives. For example, this allows electronic gears to be
configured which read master movements using external encoders. If the encoder resolution is high enough, motor
feedback for induction motors is also possible.

Technical data
With incremental encoders, the maximum counter frequency is 800kHz. Single and multi-turn encoders with a

Chapter 2
maximum of 31 bits at 200 kbaud can be read as SSI absolute encoders.
The position is determined cyclically (initiated by the module) and is exactly synchronized with the ACOPOS con-
troller clock. The input signals are monitored for both encoder types. This makes it possible to detect open or
shorted lines as well as encoder supply failures.
With incremental encoders the counter frequency and distance between edges is also monitored. With absolute
encoders, the parity bit is evaluated and a plausibility check carried out.

3.7.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC123.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, incremental encoder and SSI ab-
solute encoder interface

Table 89: 8AC123.60-1 - Order data

3.7.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC123.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x1067
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption Max. 7.5 W
Depends on the current consumption of the connected encoder 2)
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Encoder inputs
Quantity 1
Signal transmission Differential signal transfer
Module-side connection 15-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS Yes
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 3) 50 m
Encoder supply
Short circuit protection, overload protection Yes
Supply voltages Internal, either 5 V or 15 V
Load capability
5 VDC 350 mA
15 V 350 mA
Sense lines
For 5 V Yes, 2, compensation of max. 2 V
For 15 V No

Table 90: 8AC123.60-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 125

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC123.60-1
Incremental encoder
Counter size 32-bit
Input frequency Max. 200 kHz
Evaluation 4x
Signal form Square wave pulse
Counter frequency Max. 800 kHz
Reference frequency Max. 200 kHz
Distance between edges Min. 0.6 µs
Inputs A, A\, B, B\, R, R\
Differential voltage inputs A, B, R
Minimum 2.5 V
Maximum 6V
SSI absolute encoder
Keying Gray, binary
Baud rate 200 kbit/s
Word size Max. 31-bit
Differential voltage clock output - 120 Ω
Minimum 2.5 V
Maximum 5V
Differential voltage data input
Minimum 2.5 V
Maximum 6V
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 90: 8AC123.60-1 - Technical data

1) The AC123 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest
number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) The power consumption of the plug-in module can be approximated using the following formula:
PModule [W] = PEncoder [W] . k + 0.6 W
The power consumed by the encoder PEncoder is calculated from the selected encoder supply voltage (5 V / 15 V) and the current required:
PEncoder [W] = UEncoder [V] . IEncoder [A]
The following values must be used for k:
k = 1.2 (for 15 V encoder supply)
k = 1.75 (for 5 V encoder supply)
3) The maximum cable length requires at least one 4x 2x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm² cable. The sense lines must be used.

3.7.4 Status indicators

The UP/DN LEDs are lit depending on the rotational direction and the speed of the connected encoder.
UP LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the positive direction.
DN LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the negative direction.
The faster the encoder position changes, the brighter the respective LED is lit.

3.7.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

126 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.7.6 Wiring Pinout

Figure X11 Pin Name
Incremental mode SSI mode
1 A Channel A ---
2 A\ Channel A inverted ---
3 B Channel B ---
4 B\ Channel B inverted ---

Technical data
Chapter 2
5 RD Reference pulse Data input
6 RD\ Reference Data input inverted
pulse inverted
8 7 T --- Clock output
8 T\ --- Clock output inverted
9 +5V out / 0.35A Encoder supply +5 V
10 Sense +5V Sense +5V
9 11 Sense COM Sense 0V
12 COM (7 - 9, 13) Encoder supply 0 V
13 +15V out / 0.35A Encoder supply +15 V
14 A1 Activate encoder supply 1)
15 A2 Activate encoder supply 1)

Table 91: AC123 incremental encoder and SSI absolute encoder interface - Pinout
1) To activate the encoder supply, pins 14 and 15 must be connected in the encoder cable connector.
Caution: To read from SSI encoders, the encoder supply also has to be activated if the encoder is supplied externally!

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 127

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/Output circuit diagram


10 nF

10 nF

10 nF


47 K

47 K

13 15 V
+15V out

9 7V
+5V out
470E Vcc
Sense +5V
Sense COM

20 V 100n 22 K

Figure 38: AC123 - Input/Output circuit diagram

128 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.8 AC125 - BiSS encoder module

3.8.1 8AC125.60-1 General information

The AC125 plug-in module has a BiSS encoder interface (MODE C) with a baud rate of 1.25 Mbit/s. BiSS encoders
with a supply voltage of 5 V can be connected.
This plug-in module can be used to evaluate encoders installed in B&R servo motors as well as encoders for

Technical data
Chapter 2
external axes (encoders that scan any machine movement). The input signals are monitored. This makes it possible
to detect open or shorted lines as well as encoder supply failures. Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC125.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5 V

Table 92: 8AC125.60-1 - Order data Technical data

Product ID 8AC125.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xACF3
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption Max. 4.5 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Encoder inputs 2)
Quantity 1
Type BiSS
Module-side connection 15-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS No
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 50 m 3)
Encoder supply
Output voltage Typ. 5 V
Load capability 250 mA 4)
Sense lines No
Reference input
Signal transmission Differential signal, symmetric
Differential voltage for low ≤-0.2 V
Differential voltage for high ≥+0.2 V
Common-mode voltage Max. ±7 V
Terminating resistor 120 Ω
Serial interface
Signal transmission Synchronous
Protocol RS485
Baud rate 1250 kbaud

Table 93: 8AC125.60-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 129

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC125.60-1
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 93: 8AC125.60-1 - Technical data

1) The AC125 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest
number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) The BiSS encoder must be wired using a cable with a shield.
3) Requirements: The encoder is cabled using a shielded cable that has a wire cross section of at least 0.14 mm² for all signal lines and a wire cross section
of at least 0.5 mm² for all encoder supply lines.
4) This value only applies to the encoder. The actual load capacity of the encoder supply is approx. 300 mA. The difference of approx. 50 mA covers the
consumption of the terminating resistors, which are always present. For longer encoder cables, it is important to note that the maximum voltage drop permitted
on the supply wires (there and back) is 1.45 V. This can reduce the permissible load current. Wiring Pinout
Figure X11 Pin Name Function
1 A Channel A
2 COM (1, 3 - 9, 11, 13 - 15) Encoder supply 0 V
3 B Channel B
4 +5V out / 0.25A Encoder supply +5 V
5 D Data input
8 6 --- ---
7 R\ Reference pulse inverted
8 T Clock output
9 A\ Channel A inverted
9 10 --- ---
1 11 B\ Channel B inverted
12 --- ---
13 D\ Data inverted
14 R Reference pulse
15 T\ Clock output inverted

Table 94: AC125 BiSS encoder interface - Pinout

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

130 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.8.2 8AC125.60-2 General information

The AC125 plug-in module has a BiSS encoder interface (MODE C) with a baud rate of 6.25 Mbit/s. BiSS encoders
with a supply voltage of 5 V can be connected.
This plug-in module can be used to evaluate encoders installed in B&R servo motors as well as encoders for
external axes (encoders that scan any machine movement). The input signals are monitored. This makes it possible
to detect open or shorted lines as well as encoder supply failures.

Technical data
Chapter 2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC125.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 5V, baud rate
6.25 Mbit/s

Table 95: 8AC125.60-2 - Order data Technical data

Product ID 8AC125.60-2
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xBD5A
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Max. power consumption 2.2 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
Encoder connection 2)
Module-side connection 9-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS No
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 100 m
Depends on the cross section of the encoder's supply wires 3)
Encoder supply
Output voltage 5 V ... 5.25 V
Load capability 350 mA
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit protection Yes
Synchronous serial interface
Signal transmission RS485
Baud rate 6.25 Mbit/s
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C

Table 96: 8AC125.60-2 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 131

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC125.60-2
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 96: 8AC125.60-2 - Technical data

1) The AC126 is an encoder module. Several encoder modules can also be inserted. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest number is
automatically used for motor feedback.
2) B&R 8BCF EnDat 2.2 cables must be used when cabling the module.
3) The maximum encoder cable length lmax can be calculated as follows (the maximum permissible encoder cable length of 100 m must not be exceeded):

lmax = 0.5 * (5.0 - UGmin) * A / [(IG + 0.03) * ρ]

UGmin ... Minimum permissible supply voltage of the encoder

IG ... Max. current consumption of the encoder [A]
A ... Cross section of the supply wire [mm²]
ρ ... Specific resistance [Ωmm²/m] (e.g. for copper: ρ = 0.0178) Wiring Pinout
Figure X11 Pin Name Function
1 U+ Encoder supply +5 V
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 D Data input / output
5 T Clock output
6 COM (1) 0 V encoder supply
7 --- ---
5 8 D\ Data input / output inverted
9 T\ Clock output inverted
6 1

Table 97: BiSS encoder interface 8AC125.60-2 - Pinout

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

132 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/Output circuit diagram

Technical data
Chapter 2


Figure 39: BISS encoder interface 8AC125.60-2 Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 133

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.8.3 8AC125.61-2 General information

The AC125 plug-in module can be used in an ACOPOS slot. The module has a BISS encoder interface (MODE
C) with a baudrate of 6.25 MBit/s. BiSS encoders with a supply voltage of 12 V can be connected.
This module can be used to evaluate encoders which are built into B&R servo motors and also encoders for
external axes (encoders that evaluate any machine movement). The input signals are monitored. In this way, broken
connections, shorted lines and encoder supply failure can be recognized. Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC125.61-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, BiSS encoder interface 12V, baud
rate 6.25 Mbit/s

Table 98: 8AC125.61-2 - Order data Technische Daten

Product ID 8AC125.61-2
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xBD5A
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Max. power consumption 5.8 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
Encoder connection 2)
Module-side connection 9-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS No
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 100 m
Depending on the cross section of the supply wires on the encoder cable 3)
Encoder supply
Output voltage Typ. 12 V
Load capability 350 mA
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit protection Yes
Synchronous serial interface
Signal transmission RS485
Baud rate 6.25 Mbit/s
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C

Table 99: 8AC125.61-2 - Technical data

134 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC125.61-2
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 99: 8AC125.61-2 - Technical data

1) The AC126 is an encoder module. Several encoder modules can also be inserted. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest number is
automatically used for motor feedback.
2) B&R 8BCF EnDat 2.2 cables must be used when cabling the module.

Technical data
3) The maximum encoder cable length lmax can be calculated as follows (the maximum permissible encoder cable length of 100 m must not be exceeded):

Chapter 2
lmax = 2.5 * A / [(IG + 0.03) * ρ]

IG ... Max. current consumption of the encoder [A]

A ... Cross section of the supply wire [mm²]
ρ ... Specific resistance [Ωmm²/m] (e.g. for copper: ρ = 0.0178) Wiring Pinout
Figure X11 Pin Name Function
1 U+ Encoder supply +12 V
2 --- ---
3 --- Coding
4 D Data input/output
5 T Clock output
6 COM (1) Encoder supply 0 V
7 --- ---
8 D\ Data input/output inverted
9 5 9 T\ Clock output inverted

6 1

Table 100: 8AC125.61-2 BiSS encoder interface - Pinout

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 135

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/output circuit diagram



Figure 40: BISS encoder interface 8AC125.61-2 Input/Output circuit diagram

3.8.4 Status indicators

The UP/DN LEDs are lit depending on the rotational direction and the speed of the connected encoder.
UP LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the positive direction.
DN LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the negative direction.
The faster the encoder position changes, the brighter the respective LED is lit.

3.8.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

136 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.9 AC126 - EnDat 2.2 module

3.9.1 General information

The AC126 plug-in module is equipped with an EnDat 2.2 encoder interface. This module can be used to evaluate
encoders installed in B&R servo motor motors as well as encoders for external axes (encoders that sample any
machine movement). The input signals are monitored. This makes it possible to detect open or shorted lines as
well as encoder supply failures.

Technical data
During startup, the plug-in module is automatically identified, configured and its parameters set by the ACOPOS

Chapter 2
servo drive operating system.

EnDat 2.2 encoder

EnDat 2.2 is a standard developed by Johannes Heidenhain GmbH (www.heidenhain.de) and is used in applica-
tions that demand high resolution and precision. Position data is transferred digitally via the serial port. With no
analog signals, the number of cable conductors is reduced. EnDat 2.2 encoders also provide internal read/write
parameter memory.
With absolute position measurement (the absolute position is sampled serially), a homing procedure for referencing
is usually not required. Where necessary, a multi-turn encoder (4096 revolutions) should be installed. To save
costs, a single-turn encoder and a reference switch can also be used. In this case, a homing procedure must be
carried out.
The parameter memory in the encoder is used by B&R to store motor data (among other things). In this way,
the ACOPOS drive system is always automatically provided the correct motor parameters and limit values. This
parameter memory is referred to as the "embedded parameter chip".

EnDat 2.2 encoders with battery-backed multi-turn function:

When equipped with the optional 8AXB000.0000-0 battery module, the module also supports encoders with bat-
tery-backed multi-turn functionality. These are gearless multi-turn encoders that would lose position data in the
event of a power failure. The battery voltage is automatically monitored by the encoder itself.

3.9.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
Required accessories
EnDat 2.2 cables
8BCF0005.1221B-0 EnDat 2.2 cable, length 5 m, 1x 4x 0.14 mm² + 4x 0.34 mm², fe-
male 12-pin SpringTec connector, male 9-pin DSUB connector,
can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8BCF0007.1221B-0 EnDat 2.2 cable, length 7 m, 1x 4x 0.14 mm² + 4x 0.34 mm², fe-
male 12-pin SpringTec connector, male 9-pin DSUB connector,
can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8BCF0010.1221B-0 EnDat 2.2 cable, length 10 m, 1x 4x 0.14 mm² + 4x 0.34 mm²,
female 12-pin SpringTec connector, male 9-pin DSUB connec-
tor, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8BCF0015.1221B-0 EnDat 2.2 cable, length 15 m, 1x 4x 0.14 mm² + 4x 0.34 mm²,
female 12-pin SpringTec connector, male 9-pin DSUB connec-
tor, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8BCF0020.1221B-0 EnDat 2.2 cable, length 20 m, 1x 4x 0.14 mm² + 4x 0.34 mm²,
female 12-pin SpringTec connector, male 9-pin DSUB connec-
tor, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8BCF0025.1221B-0 EnDat 2.2 cable, length 25 m, 1x 4x 0.14 mm² + 4x 0.34 mm²,
female 12-pin SpringTec connector, male 9-pin DSUB connec-
tor, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
Optional accessories
Battery Modules
8AXB000.0000-00 8AC126.60-1 accessory set for encoder buffering consisting of:
Battery module with 3.6 V lithium battery

Table 101: 8AC126.60-1 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 137

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.9.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC126.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0xBD5A
Slot 1) Slots 2, 3 and 4
Max. power consumption 4.4 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Encoder connection 2)
Module-side connection 9-pin female DSUB connector
Status indicators UP/DN LEDs, BAT LED
Electrical isolation
Encoder - ACOPOS No
Encoder monitoring Yes
Max. encoder cable length 100 m
Depends on the cross section of the encoder's supply wires 3)
Encoder supply
Output voltage Typ. 12 V
Load capability 300 mA 4)
Protective measures
Overload protection Yes
Short circuit protection Yes
Synchronous serial interface
Signal transmission RS485
Baud rate 6.25 Mbit/s
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 102: 8AC126.60-1 - Technical data

1) The AC126 is a single encoder module. It is also possible to insert multiple encoder modules. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the lowest
number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) Only 8BCF EnDat 2.2 cables from B&R may be used to connect the module.
3) The maximum encoder cable length lmax can be calculated as follows (the maximum permissible encoder cable length of 100 m must not be exceeded):

lmax = 2.5 * A / [(IG + 0.03) * ρ]

IG ... Max. current consumption of the encoder [A]

A ... Cross section of the supply wire [mm²]
ρ ... Specific resistance [Ωmm²/m] (e.g. for copper: ρ = 0.0178)
4) An additional reserve exists for terminating resistors.

3.9.4 Status indicators

The UP/DN LEDs are lit depending on the rotational direction and the speed of the connected encoder.
UP LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the positive direction.
DN LED ... Lit when the encoder position changes in the negative direction.
The faster the encoder position changes, the brighter the respective LED is lit.

The BAT LED is used to monitor the backup battery on the optional battery module 8AXB000.0000-00.
Color Description
Green/Red Green (lit) Backup pattery voltage OK
Red (lit) Backup battery voltage too low or line break
LED not lit No encoder with battery-backed multi-turn functionality connected to module

Table 103: BAT Status LED - AC126

138 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.9.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

3.9.6 Wiring Pinout

Technical data
Figure X11 Pin Name Function

Chapter 2
1 U+ +12 V encoder supply
2 VBATT Battery output 3.6 V
3 --- Keying
4 D Data input / output
5 T Clock output
6 COM (1) Encoder supply 0 V
7 COM (2) Battery output 0 V
9 5 8 D\ Data input / output inverted
9 T\ Clock output inverted

6 1

Table 104: AC126 EnDat 2.2 interface - Pinout

The connections for the encoders are isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permit-
ted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.

If an encoder with battery-backed multi-turn functionality is to be connected, pins 2 and 7 must be
wired to the encoder and a 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module must be used.

Only 8BCF EnDat 2.2 cables from B&R may be used to connect the module.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 139

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.10 AC130 - Digital mixed module

3.10.1 General information

The AC130 plug-in module makes a maximum of 8 digital inputs or 10 digital outputs available.
I/O points can be configured in pairs as inputs or outputs. The first three inputs have incremental encoder func-
tionality (A, B, R).
The inputs are divided into 4 standard (max. 10 kHz) and 4 high speed (max. 100 kHz) inputs.
The outputs include 4 high speed (push-pull) outputs with a maximum current of 100 mA, 4 standard (high-side)
outputs with a maximum current of 400 mA and 2 low speed (high-side) outputs with a maximum current of 2 A.
All outputs can be read.

3.10.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC130.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 8 digital I/O configurable in pairs as
24 V input or as output 400/100 mA, 2 digital outputs 2 A, order
TB712 terminal block separately.
Required accessories
Terminal blocks
7TB712:90-02 2003 B&R terminal block, 12 pin 20 pieces, screw clamp
7TB712:91-02 2003 B&R terminal block, 12 pin 20 pieces, cage clamp
7TB712.9 Accessory terminal block, 12-pin, screw clamp 1.5 mm²
7TB712.91 Accessory terminal block, 12-pin, cage clamp 1.5 mm²

Table 105: 8AC130.60-1 - Order data

3.10.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC130.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x1068
Slot 1) Slots 3 and 4
Power consumption Max. 0.8 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Module-side connection 12-pin connector
Status indicators Status LED (24 V)
Configuration of digital inputs/outputs Configured in pairs as input or output
Incremental encoder
Counter size 16-bit
Input frequency Max. 62.5 kHz
Evaluation 4x
Signal form Square wave pulse
Encoder monitoring No
Counter frequency Max. 250 kHz
Reference frequency Max. 62.5 kHz
Distance between edges Min. 2.5 µs
Input 1 Channel A
Input 2 Channel B
Input 3 Reference pulse R
Power supply
Voltage monitoring (24 V - LED) Yes, supply voltage >18 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Power supply
Minimum 18 VDC
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC

Table 106: 8AC130.60-1 - Technical data

140 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC130.60-1
Digital inputs 2)
Quantity Max. 8
Wiring Sink
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC

Technical data
Input current at nominal voltage

Chapter 2
Channel 1-4 Approx. 10 mA
Channel 5-8 Approx. 5.5 mA
Electrical isolation
Channel - ACOPOS Yes
Channel - Channel No
Switching delay
Channel 1-4 Max. 5 µs
Channel 5-8 Max. 35 µs
Event counter
Signal form Square wave pulse
Input frequency Max. 100 kHz
Counter size 16-bit
Input 1 Counter 1
Input 2 Counter 2
Digital outputs
Quantity Max. 10
Readable outputs Yes
Continuous current
Outputs 1 - 4 Max. 100 mA
Outputs 5 - 8 Max. 400 mA
Outputs 9 - 10 Max. 2 A
Short circuit current at 24 V (until cutoff)
Outputs 1 - 4 Approx. 1 A
Outputs 5 - 8 Approx. 1.2 A
Outputs 9 - 10 Approx. 24 A
Electrical isolation
Output - ACOPOS Yes
Output - Output No
Switching frequency (resistive load)
Outputs 1 - 2 Max. 10 kHz 3)
Outputs 3 - 4 Max. 10 kHz 3)
Outputs 5 - 8 Max. 5 kHz
Outputs 9 - 10 Max. 100 Hz
Switching voltage
Minimum 18 VDC
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Switching delay 0 -> 1 and 1 -> 0
Outputs 1 - 4 Max. 5 µs
Outputs 5 - 8 Max. 50 µs
Outputs 9 - 10 Max. 500 µs
Short circuit protection Yes
Overload protection Yes
Outputs 1 - 4 Transistor outputs push-pull
Outputs 5 - 10 High-side transistor outputs
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 106: 8AC130.60-1 - Technical data

1) The AC130 can also be used as an encoder module. Several encoder modules can also be inserted. In this case, the encoder module in the slot with the
lowest number is automatically used for motor feedback.
2) Shielded cables must be used for inputs 1 - 4.
3) Encoder emulation mode: Max. 65 kHz.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 141

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.10.4 Status indicators

Labeling Color Function Description

24 V Green Status LED not lit Supply voltage on pin 11 and pin 12 of the module accounts for less than 18 VDC
LED is lit Supply voltage on pin 11 and pin 12 of the module accounts for more than 18 VDC
LED is blinking 1) Module error:
• ACOPOS network error
• Overvoltage on digital O 9 and/or digital O 10
• One or more I/O drives are defective
• Incremental encoder emulation mode: Frequency too high

Table 107: LED status 8AC130

1) The LED blinks if supply voltage on pin 11 and pin 12 of the module accounts for more than 18 VDC.

3.10.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

3.10.6 Wiring Pinout

Figure X11 Pin Name Function

1 Digital I/O 1 Digital input/output 1
2 Digital I/O 2 Digital input/output 2
3 Digital I/O 3 Digital input/output 3
4 Digital I/O 4 Digital input/output 4
5 Digital I/O 5 Digital input/output 5
6 Digital I/O 6 Digital input/output 6
7 Digital I/O 7 Digital input/output 7
8 Digital I/O 8 Digital input/output 8
9 Digital O 9 Digital output 9
10 Digital O 10 Digital output 10
11 +24 V +24 V supply
12 COM (1 - 11) 0 V supply

Terminal cross sections [mm²] [AWG]

Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
Flexible, multiple wire line
Without wire end sleeves 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
With wire end sleeves 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
Approbation Data (UL/C-UL-US- and CSA)
UL/C-UL-US --- 26 - 14
CSA --- 26 - 14
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.2 ... 0.25

Table 108: AC130 digital mixed module - Pinout

The digital inputs are isolated circuits. Therefore, these connections are only allowed to be connect-
ed to devices or components with at least safe isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN

142 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/Output circuit diagram

+24 V

Digital I/O 1 ... 4

3n3 31 V

Technical data
Chapter 2
1.4 A

+24 V

40 V
Digital I/O 5 ... 8
3n3 31 V

+24 V

47 V
9, 10
Digital O 9, 10
22 K
3n3 31 V


+24 V
+24 V
42 V

390 V

Figure 41: AC130 - Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 143

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.11 AC131 - Mixed module

3.11.1 General information

The AC131 plug-in module provides a maximum of 2 analog inputs (±10 V differential inputs or single-ended inputs)
and 2 digital inputs or digital outputs.
The analog inputs have a resolution of 12 bits and are scanned synchronously using the 50 μs clock for the
ACOPOS servo drive. The analog inputs have a 10 kHz analog input filter (3rd order low pass).
The digital inputs and outputs can be configured individually as input or output. The digital inputs are equipped with
a counter function. The digital outputs (push-pull) can be read.

3.11.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC131.60-1 ACOPOS plug-in module, 2 analog inputs ±10 V, 2 digital I/O
points which can be configured as a 24 V input or 45 mA output,
order TB712 terminal block separately.
Required accessories
Terminal blocks
7TB712:90-02 2003 B&R terminal block, 12 pin 20 pieces, screw clamp
7TB712:91-02 2003 B&R terminal block, 12 pin 20 pieces, cage clamp
7TB712.9 Accessory terminal block, 12-pin, screw clamp 1.5 mm²
7TB712.91 Accessory terminal block, 12-pin, cage clamp 1.5 mm²

Table 109: 8AC131.60-1 - Order data

3.11.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC131.60-1
General information
Module type ACOPOS plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x11E9
Slot Slots 2, 3 and 4
Power consumption Max. 1 W
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Module-side connection 12-pin connector
Status indicators 24 V LED
Configuration of digital inputs/outputs Individually configurable as digital inputs or outputs
Power supply
Voltage monitoring (24 V - LED) Yes, supply voltage >18 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Power supply
Minimum 18 VDC
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Digital inputs
Quantity Max. 2
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±50 V
Wiring Sink
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 8 mA
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Electrical isolation
Channel - ACOPOS Yes
Channel - Channel No

Table 110: 8AC131.60-1 - Technical data

144 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC131.60-1
Switching delay
Counters Max. 5 µs
Digital input Max. 55 µs (digitally filtered)
Event counter
Signal form Square wave pulse
Input frequency Max. 100 kHz
Counter size 16-bit
Input 1 Counter 1

Technical data
Input 2 Counter 2

Chapter 2
Analog inputs
Quantity 2
Digital converter resolution 12-bit
Conversion time <50 µs
Output format INT16 $8000 - $7FF0
LSB = $0010 = 4.883 mV
Design Differential input or single ended input
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS Yes
Input - Input No
Input signal
Nominal -10 to +10 V
Maximum -15 to +15 V
Operating modes Cyclic measurement synchronous to 50 µs ACOPOS clock
Conversion procedure Successive approximation
Input filter Analog 3rd order low pass / cut-off frequency: 10 kHz
Gain drift Max. ±0.006% / °C 1)
Offset drift Max. ±0.0005% / °C 1)
Common-mode rejection
DC Min. -73 dB
50 Hz Min. -73 dB
Crosstalk between analog inputs Min. -90 dB at 1kHz
Non-linearity ±1 LSB
Differential input impedance >10 MΩ
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±50 V
Modulation between analog input channels Max. ±5 V
Basic accuracy at 25°C ±0.05% 1)
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 110: 8AC131.60-1 - Technical data

1) Based on the measurement range end value.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 145

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.11.4 Status indicators

The 24V LED is lit as soon as the supply voltage for the plug-in module goes above 18 VDC.

3.11.5 Firmware

The firmware is part of the operating system for the ACOPOS servo drives. Firmware is updated by updating the
ACOPOS operating system.

3.11.6 Wiring Pinout

Figure X11 Pin Name Function

1 Analog I 1 + Analog input 1 plus
2 Analog I 1 - Analog input 1 minus
3 COM (1, 2, 5, 6) 0 V analog input
4 Shield Shield
5 Analog I 2 + Analog input 2 plus
6 Analog I 2 - Analog input 2 minus
7 COM (1, 2, 5, 6) 0 V analog input
8 Shield Shield
9 Digital I/O 1 Digital input/output 1
10 Digital I/O 2 Digital input/output 2
11 +24 V +24 V supply
12 COM (9 - 11) 0 V supply

Terminal cross sections [mm²] [AWG]

Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
Flexible, multiple wire line
Without wire end sleeves 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
With wire end sleeves 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
Approbation Data (UL/C-UL-US- and CSA)
UL/C-UL-US --- 26 - 14
CSA --- 26 - 14
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.2 ... 0.25

Table 111: AC131 mixed module - Pinout

146 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules Input/Output circuit diagram

31 V
9, 10
DIO 1, 2
31 V 4 nF 31 V
45 mA

Technical data
Chapter 2
31 V 3k
+24 V
40 V 37 V 200µF

COM (9-11)
31 V
1.4 A

10 M
15 V

1, 5
Analog I 1, 2 +
2 nF 60 dB/dec
3, 7
COM (1, 2, 5, 6) A/D
2 nF
10 kHz
2, 6
Analog I 1, 2 -

4, 8 31 V 10 M
15 V

Figure 42: AC131 - Input/Output circuit diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 147

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.12 AC140 - CPU module

3.12.1 General information

The AC140 plug-in module makes it possible to operate an ACOPOS servo drive without an external PLC and is
also available with an integrated "Soft CNC" system (8AC140.61-3).
The module is equipped with up to four application interfaces:
• One RS232 interface (IF1) for programming and configuring using B&R Automation Studio™
• One CAN interface (IF2) for connecting to a CAN network
• one PROFIBUS DP slave interface (IF3) for connecting to a PROFIBUS network
• One Ethernet interface (IF6) for connecting to an Ethernet network (only 8AC140.61-3).
Communication in the ACOPOS network occurs as described in the section "Drive-based control" on page 22.
The ACOPOS servo drive in which the AC140 is plugged into is connected via emulation of an AC110 CAN interface
plug-in module in slot 1. All other CAN stations are connected via the IF2 CAN interface.
This module offers interchangeable application memory in the form of a CompactFlash card as well as a separate
backup battery for the module. 4)
In addition, a maximum of three digital inputs / outputs are provided as well as one analog input (±10 V differential
The digital inputs and outputs can be configured individually as an input or output. Additional functions such as a
counter function with direction switching (stepper motor) or period and gate measurement are integrated.
The inputs and outputs are scanned directly by the CPU module; the ACOPOS servo drive does not have direct
access to these inputs and outputs.
The analog input has a resolution of 12 bits and an analog input filter with 10 kHz (3rd-order low pass).
The AC140 CPU module is run as a double-width plug-in module and occupies two slots.

3.12.2 Order data - 8AC140.60-3

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC140.60-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compatible,
32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application memory:
CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface 100 Base-
T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 interface, 3 digital I/
O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500 mA output, 1 analog
input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB708 terminal block
Required accessories
0CFCRD.0128E.01 CompactFlash 128 MB WD extended temp.
0CFCRD.0512E.01 CompactFlash 512 MB WD extended temp.
5CFCRD.0064-03 CompactFlash 64 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0128-03 CompactFlash 128 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0256-03 CompactFlash 256 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0512-03 CompactFlash 512 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.1024-03 CompactFlash 1 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.2048-03 CompactFlash 2 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.4096-03 CompactFlash 4 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.8192-03 CompactFlash 8 GB Western Digital (SLC)
Terminal blocks
0TB704.91 Accessory terminal block, 4-pin, cage clamps 2.5 mm²
0TB708:91-02 Accessory terminal block, 8 pins, 20 pieces cage clamp 1,5 mm²
0TB708.91 Accessory terminal block, 8-pin, cage clamp 1.5 mm²
Optional accessories
0AC201.91 Lithium batteries 4 pcs., 3 V / 950 mAh button cell We hereby
state that the lithium cells contained in this shipment qualify as
"partly regulated". Handle with care. If the package is damaged,
inspect the cells, repack intact cells and protect the cells against
short circuit. For emergency information, call RENATA SA at +41
61 319 28 27.
0G0001.00-090 PC - PLC/PW cable, RS232, online cable
Infrastructure components

Table 112: 8AC140.60-3 - Order data

4) Application memory must be ordered separately.

148 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Model number Short description Figure
0AC912.9 Bus adapter, CAN, 1 CAN interface
0AC913.92 Bus adapter, CAN, 2 CAN interfaces, including 30 cm attach-
ment cable (DSUB)
7AC911.9 Bus connector, CAN

Table 112: 8AC140.60-3 - Order data

3.12.3 Order data - 8AC140.61-3

Technical data
Model number Short description Figure

Chapter 2
Plug-in modules
8AC140.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 1 CAN interface, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 PROFIBUS DP slave interface, 1 RS232 inter-
face, 3 digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or 500
mA output, 1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and
0TB708 terminal block separately.
Required accessories
0CFCRD.0128E.01 CompactFlash 128 MB WD extended temp.
0CFCRD.0512E.01 CompactFlash 512 MB WD extended temp.
5CFCRD.0064-03 CompactFlash 64 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0128-03 CompactFlash 128 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0256-03 CompactFlash 256 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0512-03 CompactFlash 512 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.1024-03 CompactFlash 1 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.2048-03 CompactFlash 2 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.4096-03 CompactFlash 4 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.8192-03 CompactFlash 8 GB Western Digital (SLC)
Terminal blocks
0TB704.9 Accessory terminal block, 4-pin, screw clamps 2.5 mm²
0TB704.91 Accessory terminal block, 4-pin, cage clamps 2.5 mm²
0TB708:91-02 Accessory terminal block, 8 pins, 20 pieces cage clamp 1,5 mm²
0TB708.91 Accessory terminal block, 8-pin, cage clamp 1.5 mm²
Optional accessories
0AC201.91 Lithium batteries 4 pcs., 3 V / 950 mAh button cell We hereby
state that the lithium cells contained in this shipment qualify as
"partly regulated". Handle with care. If the package is damaged,
inspect the cells, repack intact cells and protect the cells against
short circuit. For emergency information, call RENATA SA at +41
61 319 28 27.
0G0001.00-090 PC - PLC/PW cable, RS232, online cable
Infrastructure components
0AC912.9 Bus adapter, CAN, 1 CAN interface
0AC913.92 Bus adapter, CAN, 2 CAN interfaces, including 30 cm attach-
ment cable (DSUB)
0G1000.00-090 Bus connector, RS485, for PROFIBUS networks
7AC911.9 Bus connector, CAN

Table 113: 8AC140.61-3 - Order data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 149

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.12.4 Technical data

Product ID 8AC140.60-3 8AC140.61-3

General information
Module type ACOPOS double-width plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x26D9 0x2276
Slot 1) Slots 1 + 2
Power consumption Max. 4.5 W
ACOPOS capability Yes
Visual Components support Yes
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC - Yes
Operating system AC140 (version V2.67 and higher)
Processor clock 100 MHz
SRAM 32 kB
Module-side connection 8-pin connector
Configuration of digital inputs/outputs Individually configurable as inputs or outputs
IF1 interface
Type RS232
Design Male 9-pin DSUB connector
Status indicators X1 LED
Electrical isolation No
Max. baud rate 115.2 kbaud
Max. distance 15 m / 19200 Baud
IF2 interface
Type CAN bus
Design Male 9-pin DSUB connector
Status indicators RX / TX LEDs
Bus terminating resistor Externally wired
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 1000 m
Network-capable Yes
Max. transfer rate
Bus length ≤60 m 500 kbit/s
Bus length ≤200 m 250 kbit/s
Bus length ≤1000 m 50 kbit/s
IF3 interface
Type RS485
Design Female 9-pin DSUB connector
Status indicators PB LED
Bus terminating resistor External T-connector
Controller ASIC SPC3
Electrical isolation Yes
RAM 1.5 kB
Max. distance 1000 m
Network-capable Yes
Transfer protocol PROFIBUS DP
Max. transfer rate
Bus length ≤100 m 12 Mbit/s
Bus length ≤200 m 1.5 Mbit/s
Bus length ≤400 m 500 kbit/s
Bus length ≤1000 m 187.5 kbit/s
IF5 interface
Type Ethernet
Design Male RJ45 connector
Status indicators ACT LED
Baud rate 10/100 Mbit/s
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 100 m
Network-capable Yes
Incremental encoder
Counter size 16-bit
Input frequency Max. 20 kHz
Evaluation 4x
Signal form Square wave pulse
Encoder monitoring No
Counter frequency Max. 80 kHz
Reference frequency Max. 20 kHz
Distance between edges Min. 5 µs

Table 114: 8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3 - Technical data

150 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC140.60-3 8AC140.61-3
Input 1 Channel A
Input 2 Channel B
Input 3 Reference pulse R
Digital inputs 2)
Quantity Max. 3
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±30 V
Wiring Sink
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4.2 mA

Technical data
Input delay <5 µs

Chapter 2
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Electrical isolation
Channel - ACOPOS Yes
Channel - Channel No
Event counter
Signal form Square wave pulse
Input frequency Max. 100 kHz
Pulse length Min. 5 µs
Counter size 32-bit
Input 1 Counter 1
Gate measurement
Signal form Square wave pulse
Counter frequency
Internal 31.25 kHz or 4 MHz
External Max. 100 kHz
Pulse length Min. 5 µs
Gate frequency Max. 100 kHz
Period measurement
Signal form Square wave pulse
Input frequency Max. 100 kHz
Pulse length Min. 5 µs
Counter frequency
Internal 31.25 kHz or 4 MHz
External Max. 100 kHz
Analog inputs
Digital converter resolution 12-bit
Conversion time <50 µs
Output format INT 16 $8001 - $7FFF
LSB = $0010 = 4.88 mV
Design Differential input
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS 3) No, max. modulation: ±13 V
Input signal
Nominal -10 to +10 V
Maximum -13 to +13 V
Operating modes Cyclic measurement non-synchronous to 50 µs ACOPOS clock
Conversion procedure Successive approximation
Input filter Analog low pass 3rd-order
Cut-off frequency: 10 kHz
Common-mode rejection
DC Min. 73 dB
50 Hz Min. 73 dB
Non-linearity ±2 LSB
Differential input impedance 20 MΩ
Digital outputs
Quantity Max. 3
Readable outputs Yes
Continuous short circuit current at 24 V Typ. 4 A
Continuous current Max. 500 mA
Switching frequency (resistive load) Max. 100 Hz
Switching delay Max. 500 µs (typ. 250 µs)
Type High-side transistor outputs
Electrical isolation
Output - ACOPOS Yes
Output - Output No

Table 114: 8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 151

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC140.60-3 8AC140.61-3
Switching voltage
Minimum 18 VDC
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Short circuit protection Yes
Overload protection Yes
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 114: 8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3 - Technical data

1) The AC140 is a double-width module that occupies slots 1 and 2.
2) Shielded cables must be used for inputs 1 - 3.
3) External electrical isolation of the connected sensors is recommended since the analog input is not electrically isolated.

3.12.5 Indicators

Image LED Product ID Color Description

➊ Status (RUN) Red ERROR/RESET
Red with orange blinking Load/unload and start BOOT AR
Red/green blinking (1 Hz) Startup of BOOT or CF - AR
Green RUN
Green with orange blinking RUN - BATTERY LOW
➋ RS232 (X1) Orange blinking Data transfer to application interface IF1 (RS232)
➌ PROFIBUS (PB) Orange Data transfer on application interface IF3 (PROFIBUS)
➍ Ethernet (ACT) Orange Ethernet LINK (IF6)
Orange blinking Ethernet ACTIVE (IF6)
➎ CAN (RX) Orange Receive data on application interface IF2 (CAN)
➏ CAN (TX) Orange Send data to application interface IF2 (CAN)

Table 115: Indicators - 8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3

3.12.6 Setting the CAN node number (IF2)

The CAN node number can be set using two HEX code switches:
Image Code switch Description
➊ CAN node number 16s position (high)
➋ CAN node number 1s position (low)
The settings $00, and $FF are reserved for special functions.

$00: In this switch position, the operating system can be programmed via the online interface. User Flash is only deleted
after the update begins.

$FF: Diagnostics mode.

Table 116: Setting the CAN node number

A changed CAN node number will take effect the next time the ACOPOS servo drive is switched on.
There must be a terminating resistor (120 Ω, 0.25 W) between CAN_H and CAN_L at the beginning and end of
the CAN bus.

152 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

The CAN bus IF2 is always made up of at least two stations that are integrated in the AC140. These
are the AC140 CPU and an AC110 emulation, which the ACOPOS uses for communication. Therefore,
the AC140 CPU prevents a potential error in which no other stations are found on the CAN bus. This is
why the AC140 CPU does not register a hardware error if there is no physical connection to external
CAN devices.

Technical data
3.12.7 Setting the PROFIBUS node number (IF3)

Chapter 2
The PROFIBUS node number can be set using two HEX code switches:
Image Code switch Description
➊ PROFIBUS node number 16s position (high)
➋ PROFIBUS node number 1s position (low)

Table 117: Setting the PROFIBUS node number

A changed PROFIBUS node number will take effect the next time the ACOPOS servo drive is switched on.

3.12.8 Setting the Ethernet network address (IF6)

The Ethernet network address can be set using software (B&R Automation Studio).

3.12.9 Reset button

View (view from below) Description

The reset button can be pressed with any small pointed object (e.g. paper clip).
Pressing the reset button triggers a hardware reset, which means:
• all application programs are stopped.
• all outputs are set to zero.
The AC140 then switches to SERVICE mode.

Reset Reset
button button

8AC140.60-3 8AC140.61-3

Table 118: Reset button

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 153

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.12.10 Slot for application memory (CompactFlash)

View (view from below) Description

Program memory is required to operate the AC140. The application memory is
CompactFlash. This is not included with the delivery of the AC140. Compact-
Flash must be ordered separately as an accessory!
Ejector for Ejector for
CompactFlash The CompactFlash memory card is used in the slot on the bottom of the AC140.
Press the eject button to remove the card.

The CompactFlash memory card can be secured with the safety clip.
Compact Compact
Flash Flash

8AC140.60-3 8AC140.61-3

Table 119: Application memory

3.12.11 Backup battery AC140

View (view from below) Description

The AC140 is equipped with a lithium battery. The lithium battery is placed in a
separate compartment on the bottom of the module and protected by a cover.
Backup battery data
Lithium battery 3V / 950 mAh
Model number 0AC201.91
Short description Lithium batteries, 4 pcs., 3 V / 950 mAh, button
Battery Battery cell
cover cover
Storage temperature -20 to +60°C
Storage time Max. 3 years at 30°C
Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing

8AC140.60-3 8AC140.61-3

Table 120: Backup battery

Data / real-time buffering

The following areas are buffered:
• Remanent variables
• User RAM
• System RAM
• Real-time clock

Battery monitoring
The battery voltage is checked cyclically. The cyclic load test of the battery does not considerably shorten the
battery life, instead it gives an early warning of weakened buffer capacity.
The status information "Battery OK" is available from the "BatteryInfo" system library function.

Battery change interval

The battery should be changed every 4 years. The change intervals refer to the average service life
and operating conditions and are recommended by B&R. It is not the maximum buffer duration.

Data stored in the AC140 RAM will be lost if the battery is changed with the PLC switched off! The
battery can be changed with power applied, but this is not allowed in all countries!

154 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

The battery must be replaced by a Type CR2477N Renata battery only. The use of another battery may
present a risk of fire or explosion.
The battery may explode if handled improperly. Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of in fire.

Technical data
Chapter 2

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 155

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

Procedure for changing the battery

1. Touch the mounting rail or ground connection (not the power supply!) in order to discharge any electrostatic
charge from your body.
2. Remove the cover from the lithium battery holder using a screwdriver.

Figure 43: Remove the cover for the lithium battery

3. Remove the battery from the holder by pulling the removal strip (don't use uninsulated tools because of risk
of short circuiting). The battery should not be held by its edges. Insulated tweezers may also be used for
removing the battery.
Correct: Incorrect:

Figure 44: Hold the battery correctly

4. Insert the new battery with correct polarity. The removal strip should be pulled to the right of the battery holder
and the "+" side of the battery should be facing left. In order to be able to remove the battery again in future,
the removal strip must be on the right side of the battery.
Removal strip


Figure 45: Removal strip should be pulled to the right

5. Now wrap the end of the removal strip over the top of the battery and insert it underneath the battery so that
it does not protrude from the battery holder.
6. Replace cover. Insert the lower edge of the cover in the battery holder opening. Press the upper end of the
cover home firmly.

Lithium batteries are considered hazardous waste. Used batteries should be disposed of appropriately.

156 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.12.12 Input/Output registers

Digital in r/- (16-bit):

Bit no. Value Description
0 Logical status of digital I/O 1
1 Logical status of digital I/O 2
2 Logical status of digital I/O 3
3 - 15 Reserved

Technical data
Digital out r/w (16-bit):

Chapter 2
All reserved bits must be written with 0.
Bit no. Value Description
0 0 Digital output 1 inactive
1 Digital output 1 active
1 0 Digital output 2 inactive
1 Digital output 2 active
2 0 Digital output 3 inactive
1 Digital output 3 active
3 - 15 Reserved

Analog in (16-bit) r/-:

±10V (12 bit resolution)

Counter (32-bit) r/(w):

In addition to the typical counter modes, this counter has a "Stepper motor counter mode" (see Configuration
register bits 4-6).
In stepper motor counter mode, the count direction is set using digital I/O 2 (0…increment, 1…decrement), and
the counter clock is on digital I/O 1. Only one clock edge is used for counting (can be configured with bit 3 of the
counter configuration register).

Counter configuration (16 bit) r/w:

All reserved bits must be written with 0.
Bit no. Value Description
0 Reserved
1 0 AB(R) counter mode: R input disabled
1 AB(R) counter mode: R input enabled
2 Reserved
3 0 Measurement starts at increasing edge
1 Measurement starts at falling edge
4-6 000 No counter operation
001 AB(R) counter mode
010 Event counter mode
011 Period measurement mode
100 stepper motor counter mode
101 Gate measurement mode
110 Not allowed
111 Not allowed
7-8 00 Counter frequency 4MHz
01 External counter frequency
10 Counter frequency 31.25kHz
11 Not allowed
9 0 Counter overflow recognition disabled / Reset counter overflow bit
1 Overflow recognition of the continuous counter is enabled (value limited to $FFFF)
10 - 14 Reserved
15 0 Time / counter reset
1 Time / counter enabled (ATTENTION: Only set bit after counter configuration is complete)

Status (16 Bit) r/- :

Bit no. Value Description
0-8 Reserved
9 0 Period or gate measurement within the counter range 0 - $FFFF (only valid if bit 9 is set in the counter configuration word)
1 Counter overflow during period or gate measurement. Acknowledge by resetting bit 9 of the counter configuration word
10 - 14 Reserved
15 0 Output supply voltage monitoring 24 VDC - OK
1 Output supply voltage monitoring 24 VDC error

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 157

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.12.13 Wiring

X3 X2 X3 X2

8AC140.60-2 8AC140.61-3

Figure 46: Overview of AC140 connections (view from front)


X4 X1 X4 X1

8AC140.60-2 8AC140.61-3

Figure 47: Overview of AC140 connections (view from below) X1 - Pinout (application interface IF1 - RS232)

X1 Pin Name Function

1 DCD Data Carrier Detect
2 RXD Receive signal
3 TXD Transmit signal
1 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready
5 GND Ground
9 6 DSR Data Set Ready
5 7 RTS Request To Send
8 CTS Clear To Send
9 RIN Ring indicator

Table 121: X1 connector (RS232) - Pinout

158 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules X2 - Pinout (application interface IF2 - CAN)

X2 Pin Name Function

1 --- ---
2 CAN_L CAN low
1 4 --- ---
5 --- ---
9 6 --- ---
5 7 CAN_H CAN high

Technical data
8 --- ---

Chapter 2
9 --- ---

Table 122: X2 connector (CAN) - Pinout X3 - Pinout (application interface IF3 - PROFIBUS)

X3 Pin Name Function

1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 DATA Data
9 5 4 CNTRL Transmit enable
5 PROFIBUS_GND PROFIBUS GND (electrically isolated)
6 1 6 +5 V / 50 mA +5 V supply / 50 mA (electrically isolated)
7 --- ---
8 DATA\ Data\
9 CNTRL\ Transmit enable\

Table 123: X3 connector (PROFIBUS) - Pinout X4 connector (inputs/outputs) - Pinout

Function in
Function in Function in
X4 Pin Name period/gate mea-
incremental counter mode stepper motor counter mode
surement mode
2 +24 VDC Dig. supply I/O +24V 1)
3 Digital I/O 1 A Counter input
4 Digital I/O 2 B --- Counting direction
5 Digital I/O 3 R External clock ---
6 Shield Shield
7 Analog I + Analog Input +
8 Analog I - Analog Input -

Table 124: X4 connector (inputs/outputs) - Pinout

1) The +24 V supply is only necessary for digital I/O 1 .. 3. X5 - Pinout (application interface IF6 - Ethernet)

X5 Pin Name Function

1 RXD Receive signal
2 RXD\ Receive signal inverted
3 TXD Transmit signal
4 Termination Termination
5 Termination Termination
6 TXD\ Transmit signal inverted
7 Termination Termination
8 Termination Termination

Table 125: Pinout X5 (Ethernet)

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 159

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.13 AC141 - CPU module

3.13.1 General information

The AC141 plug-in module makes it possible to operate an ACOPOS servo drive without an external PLC and is
also available with an integrated "Soft CNC" system (8AC141.61-3).
The module is equipped with five application interfaces:
• One RS232 interface (IF1) for programming and configuring using B&R Automation Studio™
• Two CAN interfaces (IF2, IF3) for connecting to CAN networks
• One X2X Link interface (IF4)
• One Ethernet interface (IF6) for connecting to an Ethernet network.
Communication in the ACOPOS network occurs as described in the section "Drive-based control" on page 22.
The ACOPOS servo drive in which the AC141 is plugged into is connected via emulation of an AC110 CAN interface
plug-in module in slot 1. All other CAN stations are connected via the IF2 CAN interface.
This module offers interchangeable application memory in the form of a CompactFlash card as well as a separate
backup battery for the module. 5)
In addition, a maximum of three digital inputs / outputs are provided as well as one analog input (±10 V differential
The digital inputs and outputs can be configured individually as an input or output. Additional functions such as a
counter function with direction switching (stepper motor) or period and gate measurement are integrated.
The inputs and outputs are scanned directly by the CPU module; the ACOPOS servo drive does not have direct
access to these inputs and outputs.
The analog input has a resolution of 12 bits and an analog input filter with 10 kHz (3rd-order low pass).
The AC141 CPU module is run as a double-width plug-in module and occupies two slots.

3.13.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Plug-in modules
8AC141.60-2 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, x86 100 MHz Intel compati-
ble, 16 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application mem-
ory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface 100
Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3 dig-
ital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
8AC141.61-3 ACOPOS plug-in module, CPU, ARNC0, x86 100 MHz Intel
compatible, 32 MB DRAM, 32 kB SRAM, removable application
memory: CompactFlash, 2 CAN interfaces, 1 Ethernet interface
100 Base-T, 1 RS232 interface, 1 X2X Link Master interface, 3
digital I/O can be configured as 24 VDC input or output 500 mA,
1 analog input ±10 V, order program memory and 0TB704 and
0TB708 terminal blocks separately
Required accessories
0CFCRD.0128E.01 CompactFlash 128 MB WD extended temp.
0CFCRD.0512E.01 CompactFlash 512 MB WD extended temp.
5CFCRD.0064-03 CompactFlash 64 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0128-03 CompactFlash 128 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0256-03 CompactFlash 256 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.0512-03 CompactFlash 512 MB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.1024-03 CompactFlash 1 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.2048-03 CompactFlash 2 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.4096-03 CompactFlash 4 GB Western Digital (SLC)
5CFCRD.8192-03 CompactFlash 8 GB Western Digital (SLC)
Terminal blocks
0TB704.9 Accessory terminal block, 4-pin, screw clamps 2.5 mm²
0TB704.91 Accessory terminal block, 4-pin, cage clamps 2.5 mm²
0TB708.91 Accessory terminal block, 8-pin, cage clamp 1.5 mm²
0TB708:91-02 Accessory terminal block, 8 pins, 20 pieces cage clamp 1,5 mm²
Optional accessories

Table 126: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Order data

5) Application memory must be ordered separately.

160 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Model number Short description Figure
0AC201.91 Lithium batteries 4 pcs., 3 V / 950 mAh button cell We hereby
state that the lithium cells contained in this shipment qualify as
"partly regulated". Handle with care. If the package is damaged,
inspect the cells, repack intact cells and protect the cells against
short circuit. For emergency information, call RENATA SA at +41
61 319 28 27.
0G0001.00-090 PC - PLC/PW cable, RS232, online cable
Infrastructure components
0AC912.9 Bus adapter, CAN, 1 CAN interface

Technical data
0AC913.92 Bus adapter, CAN, 2 CAN interfaces, including 30 cm attach-

Chapter 2
ment cable (DSUB)
7AC911.9 Bus connector, CAN

Table 126: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Order data

3.13.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AC141.60-2 8AC141.61-3

General information
Module type ACOPOS double-width plug-in module
B&R ID code 0x1DDA 0x2275
Slot 1) Slots 1 + 2
Power consumption Max. 4.5 W
ACOPOS capability Yes
Visual Components support Yes
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Operating system AC140 (version V2.80 and higher)
DRAM 16 MB 32 MB
Processor clock 100 MHz
SRAM 32 kB
Module-side connection 8-pin connector
Configuration of digital inputs/outputs Individually configurable as inputs or outputs
IF1 interface
Type RS232
Design Male 9-pin DSUB connector
Status indicators 232 LED
Electrical isolation No
Max. baud rate 115.2 kbaud
Max. distance 15 m / 19200 Baud
IF2 interface
Type CAN bus
Design Male 9-pin DSUB connector
Status indicators CAN1 LED
Bus terminating resistor Externally wired
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 1000 m
Network-capable Yes
Max. transfer rate
Bus length ≤60 m 500 kbit/s
Bus length ≤200 m 250 kbit/s
Bus length ≤1000 m 50 kbit/s
IF3 interface
Type CAN bus
Design Male 9-pin DSUB connector
Status indicators CAN2 LED
Bus terminating resistor Externally wired
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 1000 m
Network-capable Yes
Max. transfer rate
Bus length ≤60 m 500 kbit/s
Bus length ≤200 m 250 kbit/s
Bus length ≤1000 m 50 kbit/s

Table 127: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 161

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC141.60-2 8AC141.61-3
IF4 interface
Type X2X
Design 4-pin connector
Status indicators X2X LED
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 100 m
IF6 interface
Type Ethernet
Design Male RJ45 connector
Status indicators ACT LED
Baud rate 10/100 Mbit/s
Electrical isolation Yes
Max. distance 100 m
Network-capable Yes
Incremental encoder
Counter size 16-bit
Input frequency Max. 20 kHz
Evaluation 4x
Signal form Square wave pulse
Encoder monitoring No
Counter frequency Max. 80 kHz
Reference frequency Max. 20 kHz
Distance between edges Min. 5 µs
Input 1 Channel A
Input 2 Channel B
Input 3 Reference pulse R
Digital inputs 2)
Quantity Max. 3
Modulation compared to ground potential Max. ±30 V
Wiring Sink
Input current at nominal voltage Approx. 4.2 mA
Input delay <5 µs
Switching threshold
Low <5 V
High >15 V
Input voltage
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Electrical isolation
Channel - ACOPOS Yes
Channel - Channel No
Event counter
Signal form Square wave pulse
Input frequency Max. 100 kHz
Pulse length Min. 5 µs
Counter size 32-bit
Input 1 Counter 1
Input 2 Count direction (only in stepper motor mode)
Gate measurement
Signal form Square wave pulse
Counter frequency
Internal 31.25 kHz or 4 MHz
External Max. 100 kHz
Pulse length Min. 5 µs
Gate frequency Max. 100 kHz
Period measurement
Signal form Square wave pulse
Input frequency Max. 100 kHz
Pulse length Min. 5 µs
Counter frequency
Internal 31.25 kHz or 4 MHz
External Max. 100 kHz
Analog inputs
Digital converter resolution 12-bit
Conversion time <50 µs
Output format INT 16 $8001 - $7FFF
LSB = $0010 = 4.88 mV
Design Differential input
Electrical isolation
Input - ACOPOS 3) No, max. modulation: ±13 V

Table 127: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Technical data

162 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules
Product ID 8AC141.60-2 8AC141.61-3
Input signal
Nominal -10 to +10 V
Maximum -13 to +13 V
Operating modes Cyclic measurement non-synchronous to 50 µs ACOPOS clock
Conversion procedure Successive approximation
Input filter Analog low pass 3rd-order
Cut-off frequency: 10 kHz
Common-mode rejection
DC Min. 73 dB
50 Hz Min. 73 dB

Technical data
Chapter 2
Non-linearity ±2 LSB
Differential input impedance 20 MΩ
Digital outputs
Quantity Max. 3
Readable outputs Yes
Continuous short circuit current at 24 V Typ. 4 A
Continuous current Max. 500 mA
Switching frequency (resistive load) Max. 100 Hz
Switching delay Max. 500 µs (typ. 250 µs)
Type High-side transistor outputs
Electrical isolation
Output - ACOPOS Yes
Output - Output No
Switching voltage
Minimum 18 VDC
Nominal 24 VDC
Maximum 30 VDC
Short circuit protection Yes
Overload protection Yes
Environmental conditions
Nominal 5 to 40°C
Maximum 55°C
Storage -25 to 55°C
Transport -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 85%
Storage 5 to 95%
Transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 127: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Technical data

1) The AC141 is a double-width module that occupies slots 1 and 2.
2) Shielded cables must be used for inputs 1 - 3.
3) External electrical isolation of the connected sensors is recommended since the analog input is not electrically isolated.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 163

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.13.4 Indicators

Image LED Product ID Color Description

➊ Status (RUN) Red ERROR/RESET
Red with orange blinking Load/unload and start BOOT AR
Red/green blinking (1 Hz) Startup of BOOT or CF - AR
Green RUN
Green with orange blinking RUN - BATTERY LOW
➋ RS232 (232) Orange blinking Data transfer to application interface IF1 (RS232)
➌ CAN2 (CAN2) Orange Data transfer on application interface IF3 (CAN2)
➍ Ethernet (ACT) Orange Ethernet LINK (IF6)
Orange blinking Ethernet ACTIVE (IF6)
➎ CAN1 (CAN1) Orange Data transfer on application interface IF2 (CAN)
➏ X2X (X2X) Orange Data transfer on application interface IF4 (X2X)

Table 128: AC141 indicators

3.13.5 Setting the CAN node number (IF2)

The CAN node number can be set using two HEX code switches:
Image Code switch Description
➊ CAN node number 16s position (high)
➋ CAN node number 1s position (low)
The settings $00, and $FF are reserved for special functions.

$00: In this switch position, the operating system can be programmed via the online interface. User Flash is only deleted
after the update begins.

$FF: Diagnostics mode.

Table 129: Setting the CAN node number

A changed CAN node number will take effect the next time the ACOPOS servo drive is switched on.
There must be a terminating resistor (120 Ω, 0.25 W) between CAN_H and CAN_L at the beginning and end of
the CAN bus.

The CAN bus IF2 is always made up of at least two stations that are integrated in the AC141. These
are the AC141 CPU and an AC110 emulation, which the ACOPOS servo drive uses for communication.
Therefore, the AC141 CPU prevents a potential error in which no other stations are found on the CAN
bus. This is why the AC141 CPU does not register a hardware error if there is no physical connection
to external CAN devices.

3.13.6 Setting the CAN node number (IF3)

The CAN node number can be set using two HEX code switches:
Image Code switch Description
➊ CAN node number 16s position (high)
➋ CAN node number 1s position (low)
The settings $00, and $FF are reserved for special functions.

$00: In this switch position, the operating system can be programmed via the online interface. User Flash is only deleted
after the update begins.

$FF: Diagnostics mode.

Table 130: Setting the CAN node number (IF3)

A changed CAN node number will take effect the next time the ACOPOS servo drive is switched on.
There must be a terminating resistor (120 Ω, 0.25 W) between CAN_H and CAN_L at the beginning and end of
the CAN bus.

164 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.13.7 Setting the Ethernet network address (IF6)

The Ethernet network address can be set using software (B&R Automation Studio).

3.13.8 Reset button

View (view from below) Description

The reset button can be pressed with any small pointed object (e.g. paper clip). Pressing the reset button triggers a
hardware reset, which means:

Technical data
• All application programs are stopped.

Chapter 2
• All outputs are set to zero.
The AC141 then switches to SERVICE mode.


View from below

Table 131: Reset button

3.13.9 Slot for application memory (CompactFlash)

Figure Description
Program memory is required to operate the AC141. The application memory is CompactFlash. This is not included with
the delivery of the AC141. CompactFlash must be ordered separately as an accessory!
Ejector for
Compact Flash The CompactFlash memory card is used in the slot on the bottom of the AC141. Press the eject button to remove the card.

The CompactFlash memory card can be secured with the safety clip.

View from below

Table 132: Application memory

3.13.10 Backup battery

Image Description
The AC141 is equipped with a lithium battery. The lithium battery is placed in a separate compartment on the bottom of
the module and protected by a cover.
Backup battery data
Lithium battery 3V / 950 mAh
Battery Model number 0AC201.91
Short description Lithium batteries, 4 pcs., 3 V / 950 mAh, button cell
Storage temperature -20 to +60°C
Storage time Max. 3 years at 30°C
Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing

View from below

Table 133: Backup battery

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 165

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

Data / real-time buffering

The following areas are buffered:
• Remanent variables
• User RAM
• System RAM
• Real-time clock

Battery monitoring
The battery voltage is checked cyclically. The cyclic load test of the battery does not considerably shorten the
battery life, instead it gives an early warning of weakened buffer capacity.
The status information "Battery OK" is available from the "BatteryInfo" system library function.

Battery change interval

The battery should be changed every 4 years. The change intervals refer to the average service life
and operating conditions and are recommended by B&R. It is not the maximum buffer duration.

Data stored in the AC141 RAM will be lost if the battery is changed with the PLC switched off! The
battery can be changed with power applied, but this is not allowed in all countries!

The battery must be replaced by a Type CR2477N Renata battery only. The use of another battery may
present a risk of fire or explosion.
The battery may explode if handled improperly. Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of in fire.

166 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

Procedure for changing the battery

1. Touch the mounting rail or ground connection (not the power supply!) in order to discharge any electrostatic
charge from your body.
2. Remove the cover from the lithium battery holder using a screwdriver.

Technical data
Chapter 2
Figure 48: Remove the cover for the lithium battery

3. Remove the battery from the holder by pulling the removal strip (don't use uninsulated tools because of risk
of short circuiting). The battery should not be held by its edges. Insulated tweezers may also be used for
removing the battery.
Correct: Incorrect:

Figure 49: Hold the battery correctly

4. Insert the new battery with correct polarity. The removal strip should be pulled to the right of the battery holder
and the "+" side of the battery should be facing left. In order to be able to remove the battery again in future,
the removal strip must be on the right side of the battery.
Removal strip


Figure 50: Removal strip should be pulled to the right

5. Now wrap the end of the removal strip over the top of the battery and insert it underneath the battery so that
it does not protrude from the battery holder.
6. Replace cover. Insert the lower edge of the cover in the battery holder opening. Press the upper end of the
cover home firmly.

Lithium batteries are considered hazardous waste. Used batteries should be disposed of appropriately.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 167

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.13.11 Input/Output registers

Digital in r/- (16-bit):

Bit no. Value Description
0 Logical status of digital I/O 1
1 Logical status of digital I/O 2
2 Logical status of digital I/O 3
3 - 15 Reserved

Digital out r/w (16-bit):

All reserved bits must be written with 0.
Bit no. Value Description
0 0 Digital output 1 inactive
1 Digital output 1 active
1 0 Digital output 2 inactive
1 Digital output 2 active
2 0 Digital output 3 inactive
1 Digital output 3 active
3 - 15 Reserved

Analog in (16-bit) r/-:

±10V (12 bit resolution)

Counter (32-bit) r/(w):

In addition to the typical counter modes, this counter has a "Stepper motor counter mode" (see Configuration
register bits 4-6).
In stepper motor counter mode, the count direction is set using digital I/O 2 (0…increment, 1…decrement), and
the counter clock is on digital I/O 1. Only one clock edge is used for counting (can be configured with bit 3 of the
counter configuration register).

Counter configuration (16 bit) r/w:

All reserved bits must be written with 0.
Bit no. Value Description
0 Reserved
1 0 AB(R) counter mode: R input disabled
1 AB(R) counter mode: R input enabled
2 Reserved
3 0 Measurement starts at increasing edge
1 Measurement starts at falling edge
4-6 000 No counter operation
001 AB(R) counter mode
010 Event counter mode
011 Period measurement mode
100 stepper motor counter mode
101 Gate measurement mode
110 Not allowed
111 Not allowed
7-8 00 Counter frequency 4MHz
01 External counter frequency
10 Counter frequency 31.25kHz
11 Not allowed
9 0 Counter overflow recognition disabled / Reset counter overflow bit
1 Overflow recognition of the continuous counter is enabled (value limited to $FFFF)
10 - 14 Reserved
15 0 Time / counter reset
1 Time / counter enabled (ATTENTION: Only set bit after counter configuration is complete)

Status (16 Bit) r/- :

Bit no. Value Description
0-8 Reserved
9 0 Period or gate measurement within the counter range 0 - $FFFF (only valid if bit 9 is set in the counter configuration word)
1 Counter overflow during period or gate measurement. Acknowledge by resetting bit 9 of the counter configuration word
10 - 14 Reserved
15 0 Output supply voltage monitoring 24 VDC - OK
1 Output supply voltage monitoring 24 VDC error

168 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules

3.13.12 Wiring

Technical data
Chapter 2
X3 X2


Figure 51: Overview of AC141 connections (view from front)




Figure 52: Overview of AC141 connections (view from below) X1 - Pinout (application interface IF1 - RS232)

X1 Pin Name Function

1 DCD Data Carrier Detect
2 RXD Receive signal
3 TXD Transmit signal
1 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready
5 GND Ground
9 6 DSR Data Set Ready
5 7 RTS Request To Send
8 CTS Clear To Send
9 RIN Ring indicator

Table 134: X1 connector (RS232) - Pinout

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 169

Technical data • ACOPOS plug-in modules X2 - Pinout (application interface IF2 - CAN1)

X2 Pin Name Function

1 --- ---
2 CAN_L CAN low
1 4 --- ---
5 --- ---
9 6 --- ---
5 7 CAN_H CAN high
8 --- ---
9 --- ---

Table 135: X2 connector (CAN1) - Pinout X3 - Pinout (application interface IF3 - CAN2)

X3 Pin Name Function

1 --- ---
2 CAN_L CAN low
1 4 --- ---
5 --- ---
9 6 --- ---
5 7 CAN_H CAN high
8 --- ---
9 --- ---

Table 136: X3 connector (CAN2) - Pinout X4 connector (inputs/outputs) - Pinout

Function in
Function in Function in
X4 Pin Name period/gate mea-
incremental counter mode stepper motor counter mode
surement mode
2 +24 VDC Dig. supply I/O +24V 1)
3 Digital I/O 1 A Counter input
4 Digital I/O 2 B --- Counting direction
5 Digital I/O 3 R External clock ---
6 Shield Shield
7 Analog I + Analog Input +
8 Analog I - Analog Input -

Table 137: X4 connector (inputs/outputs) - Pinout

1) The +24 V supply is only necessary for digital I/O 1 .. 3. X5 - Pinout (application interface IF4 - X2X)

X5 Pin Name Function

1 X2X X2X data
2 X2X⊥ X2X ground
2 3 X2X\ X2X data inverted
4 SHLD Shield

Table 138: X5 connector (X2X) - Pinout X6 - Pinout (application interface IF6 - Ethernet)

X6 Pin Name Function

1 RXD Receive signal
2 RXD\ Receive signal inverted
3 TXD Transmit signal
4 Termination Termination
5 Termination Termination
6 TXD\ Transmit signal inverted
7 Termination Termination
8 Termination Termination

Table 139: X6 connector (Ethernet) - Pinout

170 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • 8AXB battery module

4 8AXB battery module

4.1 General information

The 8BAXB000.0000-00 battery module can be used in a 8AC126.60-1 plug-in module. It contains a 3.6 V lithi-
um-thionyl chloride (Li/SOCl2) cell and serves as a backup battery for encoders with battery-backed multi-turn
functionality. With these encoders, the multi-turn function is implemented using an electronic counter instead of a
mechanical gearbox. The backup battery ensures that the encoder's absolute position data continues to be eval-

Technical data
uated in the event of a power failure.

Chapter 2
Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries have a high energy density and low self-discharge. Their cell voltage
remains constant for a long time before dropping off rapidly towards the end of their capacity.
If the ACOPOS plug-in module 8AC126.60-1 reports an error, then the capacity of the battery module
8AXB000.0000-00 is only enough for a few more days. When in doubt, it is best to exchange the battery
module 8AXB000.0000-00. This should be kept in mind if the machine is scheduled to be disconnected
from the mains for several weeks.

4.2 Order data

Model number Short description Figure
Battery Modules
8AXB000.0000-00 8AC126.60-1 accessory set for encoder buffering consisting of:
Battery module with 3.6 V lithium battery

Table 140: 8AXB000.0000-00 - Order data

4.3 Technical data

Product ID 8AXB000.0000-00
General information
Short description 8AC126.60-1 accessory set for encoder buffering consisting of:
1x Lithium battery 3.6 V,
1x battery holder
CE Yes
cULus Yes
Mechanical characteristics
Weight 11 g

Table 141: 8AXB000.0000-00 - Technical data

4.4 Changing/Inserting the battery module 8AXB000.0000-00

The following conditions must be met for the position of the encoder position to be maintained when
changing battery module 8AXB000.0000-00:
• The 8AC126.60-1 plug-in module for which the 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module should be ex-
changed is installed in an ACOPOS servo drive.
• The battery backed encoder is connected to this 8AC126.60-1 plug-in module.
• The ACOPOS servo drive is supplied with 24 VDC (at least one of the three LEDs – RUN, READY
or ERROR – on the ACOPOS servo drive is lit).

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 171

Technical data • 8AXB battery module

The color of the BAT LED on the 8AC126.60-1 plug-in module changes to red and the plug-in module
reports an error as soon as the 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module is removed. The encoder position
is retained as long as the ACOPOS servo drive continues to be supplied with 24 VDC. The BAT LED
remains red until a new 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module is inserted and the error is acknowledged.
Then the BAT LED returns to green.

Figure 53: Changing/Inserting the battery module 8AXB000.0000-00

Procedure for changing/inserting

If there already is a 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module in the 8AC126.60-1 insert module:
1. Pull on the removal strip until the battery module is disconnected from the plug-in module.
2. Slide the battery module out of the plug-in module.
3. Insert a new battery module.

Insert a new 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module:

1. Carefully insert a new 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module into the opening of the 8AC126.60-1 ACOPOS plug-
in module as shown. Ensure that the removal strip sticks out so that the battery can be removed later.
2. Push the battery module all the way into the opening so that the plug on the battery module connects to the
socket on the plug-in module.

The battery module 8AXB000.0000-00 should be replaced every 6 years. The replacement intervals
recommended by B&R reflect the batteries' average service life and operating conditions. It does not
represent the maximum buffer duration.

The 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module must be replaced by another 8AXB000.0000-00 battery module.
The battery module may explode if handled improperly. Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of
in fire.

The status of the battery is provided to the application software by a status bit. The application software
must ensure an appropriate response to undervoltage. The drive is not stopped automatically.

172 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • 8B0W external braking resistors

5 8B0W external braking resistors

8B0W external braking resistors are used to dissipate braking energy on ACOPOS servo drives.

5.1 Order data

Model number Short description Figure
Braking resistors
8B0W0045H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP20, terminals

Technical data
8B0W0045H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 450 W, 50 R, IP65, terminals

Chapter 2
8B0W0079H000.000-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP20, terminals
8B0W0079H000.001-1 ACOPOSmulti braking resistor, 790 W, 33 R, IP65, terminals

Table 142: 8B0W0045H000.000-1, 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.000-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1 - Order data

5.2 Technical data

Product ID 8B0W0045H000.000-1 8B0W0045H000.001-1 8B0W0079H000.000-1 8B0W0079H000.001-1
General information
RoHS-compliant Yes
Cooling and mounting method Wall mounting
CE Yes
cULus Yes
KC Yes
Braking resistors
Continuous power depending on the
mounting orientation
Standing horizontally 360 W 632 W
Hanging vertically 450 W 790 W
Reduction of continuous power de- 7.5 W/K (from 40°C) 13.2 W/K (from 40°C)
pending on ambient temperature
Ohmic resistance 50 Ω ±10% 33 Ω ±10%
Max. operating voltage 850 VDC
Isolation voltage type test 4000 VAC
Intrinsically safe Yes 1)
RB1, RB2 Terminals with tension spring technology
PE M5 threaded bolt M4 threaded bolt M5 threaded bolt M4 threaded bolt
Shield connection Yes, on the terminal box via high-strength cable gland
Terminal connection cross section
Flexible and fine wire lines
With wire end sleeves 1.5 to 10 mm²
Approbation data
UL/C-UL-US 24 to 6
CSA 22 to 6
Terminal cable outer-cross-section di- 9 to 16.6 mm
mension of the connection cable
Temperature model data
Thermal resistance between braking 1.517 K/W 0.852 K/W
resistor and the environment
Thermal capacity 30.88 Ws/K 40.68 Ws/K
Max. permissible overtemperature 680°C 670°C
Operating conditions
Permitted mounting orientations
Standing horizontally Yes
Hanging vertically
Connection box, bottom Yes
Connection box, top No
EN 60529 protection
Standing horizontally IP20 IP65 IP20 IP65
Hanging vertically
Connection box, bottom IP21 - IP21 -
Connection box, top -
Environmental conditions
Operation -40 to 90°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 95%

Table 143: 8B0W0045H000.000-1, 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.000-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 173

Technical data • 8B0W external braking resistors
Product ID 8B0W0045H000.000-1 8B0W0045H000.001-1 8B0W0079H000.000-1 8B0W0079H000.001-1
Mechanical characteristics
Width 124 mm
Height 121 mm
Depth 403 mm 332 mm 603 mm 532 mm
Weight 2.4 kg 3.9 kg

Table 143: 8B0W0045H000.000-1, 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.000-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1 - Technical data

1) 8B0W external braking resistors can be considered intrinsically safe if they are connected to a 8B0P passive power supply module operated with a mains
supply voltage of 3x 380 - 500 VAC. The maximum time until the 8B0W external braking resistors are destroyed is approximately 5.5 min in this case; a
maximum surface temperature of approximately 480°C is achieved when this happens.
A lower mains supply voltage on the 8B0P passive power supply module allows a longer maximum time before the 8B0W external braking resistor is damaged,
which also results in higher temperatures.

5.3 Wiring

5.3.1 8B0W braking resistors - Pinout







Figure 54: 8B0W - Pinout overview

8B0W external braking resistors must be wired using connection cables that are suited for maximum
line temperatures >90°C.
Shielded cables must be used for wiring!

174 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables

6 Cables
6.1 General information

B&R offers the cables for ACOPOS servo drives in six different lengths. All cables can be used for drag chain
installations. 6)
To prevent disturbances to encoder signals, the holding brake and temperature sensor wires are in the motor cable
and not in the encoder cable.

Technical data
Chapter 2
6.1.1 Assembled cables

Using B&R cables guarantees that the EMC limits are not exceeded. The cables are assembled in the EU and are
therefore subject to the strictest quality standards.

When using cables from other manufacturers, B&R cannot guarantee adherence to EMC limit values!
The connectors on the cables as well as on the motors are part of a properly functioning EMC concept!

6.2 Motor cables

6.2.1 0.75 mm² motor cables Order data

Model number Short description Figure

0.75 mm² motor cables
8CM005.12-0 Motor cable, length 5 m, 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM007.12-0 Motor cable, length 7 m, 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM010.12-0 Motor cable, length 10 m, 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM015.12-0 Motor cable, length 15 m, 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM020.12-0 Motor cable, length 20 m, 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM025.12-0 Motor cable, length 25 m, 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed

Table 144: 8CM005.12-0, 8CM007.12-0, 8CM010.12-0, 8CM015.12-0, 8CM020.12-0, 8CM025.12-0 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request. Technical data

Product ID 8CM005.12-0 8CM007.12-0 8CM010.12-0 8CM015.12-0 8CM020.12-0 8CM025.12-0

General information
Cable cross section 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm²
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style 20234, 80°C, 1000 V, E63216 and CSA AWM I/II A/B, 90°C, 1000 V, FT2 LL46064
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Power lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors Black, brown, blue, yellow/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 0.75 mm²
Shield No
Stranding No

Table 145: 8CM005.12-0, 8CM007.12-0, 8CM010.12-0, 8CM015.12-0, 8CM020.12-0, 8CM025.12-0 - Technical data
6) Custom assembly of motor cables is available on request. For custom assembly of motor cables, the connector size must be matched to the motor used!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 175

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CM005.12-0 8CM007.12-0 8CM010.12-0 8CM015.12-0 8CM020.12-0 8CM025.12-0
Signal lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White, white/red, white/blue, white/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 0.35 mm²
Shield Separate shielding for pairs, tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and foil banding
Stranding White with white/red and white/blue with white/green
Cable stranding With filler elements and foil banding
Complete shielding Tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and wrapped in isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color Orange, similar to RAL 2003 flat
Labeling BERNECKER + RAINER 4x0,75+2x2x0,35 FLEX UL AWM STYLE 20234
80°C 1000 V E63216 CSA AWM I/II A/B 90°C 1000 V FT2 LL46064
Type Motor plug, 8-pin, size 1, SpeedTec
Connection cycles >50
Contacts 8 (4 power and 4 signal contacts)
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Electrical characteristics
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 3 kV
Wire/Shield 3 kV
Conductor resistance
Power lines ≤0.15 Ω ≤0.20 Ω ≤0.29 Ω ≤0.44 Ω ≤0.58 Ω ≤0.73 Ω
Signal lines ≤0.28 Ω ≤0.39 Ω ≤0.55 Ω ≤0.83 Ω ≤1.1 Ω ≤1.38 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ
Max. current load in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-523 by installation type
Wall mounting 13 A
Installed in conduit or cable duct 11.5 A
Installed in cable tray 13.5 A
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 80°C
Static -40 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 10.9 mm ±0.4 mm
Flex radius
Single bend >34 mm
Moving ≥85 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles 1) ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 0.98 kg 1.32 kg 1.82 kg 2.67 kg 3.52 kg 4.37 kg

Table 145: 8CM005.12-0, 8CM007.12-0, 8CM010.12-0, 8CM015.12-0, 8CM020.12-0, 8CM025.12-0 - Technical data
1) At an ambient temperature of 20°C and a flex radius of 125 mm.

176 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables

6.2.2 1.5 mm² motor cables Order data

Model number Short description Figure

1.5 mm² motor cables
8CM005.12-1 Motor cable, length 5 m, 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM007.12-1 Motor cable, length 7 m, 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm², 8-pin

Technical data
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,

Chapter 2
UL/CSA listed
8CM010.12-1 Motor cable, length 10 m, 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM015.12-1 Motor cable, length 15 m, 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM020.12-1 Motor cable, length 20 m, 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM025.12-1 Motor cable, length 25 m, 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed

Table 146: 8CM005.12-1, 8CM007.12-1, 8CM010.12-1, 8CM015.12-1, 8CM020.12-1, 8CM025.12-1 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request. Technical data

Product ID 8CM005.12-1 8CM007.12-1 8CM010.12-1 8CM015.12-1 8CM020.12-1 8CM025.12-1

General information
Cable cross section 4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm²
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style UL AWM Style 20234, 80 °C, 1000 UL AWM Style 20234, 80°C, 1000 V, E63216 and
20234, 80°C, V, E63216 and CSA AWM I/II A/ CSA AWM I/II A/B, 90°C, 1000 V, FT2 LL46064
1000 V, E63216 B, 90 °C, 1000 V, FT2 LL46064
and CSA AWM I/
II A/B, 90°C, 1000
V, FT2 LL46064
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Power lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors Black, brown, blue, yellow/green
Design Tinned Cu wire Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 1.5 mm²
Shield No
Stranding No
Signal lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White, white/red, white/blue, white/green
Design Tinned Cu wire Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 0.75 mm²
Shield Separate shielding for pairs, Separate shield- Separate shielding for pairs, tinned copper
tinned Cu mesh, optical cov- ing for pairs, mesh, optical coverage >85% and foil banding
erage >85% and foil banding tinned Cu mesh,
optical cover-
age 85% and
foil banding
Stranding White with white/red and white/blue with white/green
Cable stranding With filler elements and foil banding
Complete shielding Tinned Cu mesh, optical coverage Tinned copper mesh, optical cover-
>85% and wrapped in isolating film age >85% and wrapped in isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color Orange, similar to RAL 2003 flat
Labeling BERNECKER & RAINER 4x1.5+2x2x0.75 FLEX
Type Intercontec 8-pin female motor connector
Connection cycles >50

Table 147: 8CM005.12-1, 8CM007.12-1, 8CM010.12-1, 8CM015.12-1, 8CM020.12-1, 8CM025.12-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 177

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CM005.12-1 8CM007.12-1 8CM010.12-1 8CM015.12-1 8CM020.12-1 8CM025.12-1
Contacts 8 (4 power and 4 signal contacts)
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Electrical characteristics
Operating voltage Max. 1000 V
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 1500 VAC
Wire/Shield 1500 VAC
Conductor resistance
Power lines ≤0.07 Ω ≤0.1 Ω ≤0.14 Ω ≤0.21 Ω ≤0.28 Ω ≤0.35 Ω
Signal lines ≤0.09 Ω ≤0.13 Ω ≤0.19 Ω ≤0.29 Ω ≤0.38 Ω ≤0.48 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ
Max. current load in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-523 by installation type
Wall mounting 20 A
Installed in conduit or cable duct 17.8 A
Installed in cable tray 20.9 A
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 70°C
Static -20 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 12.8 mm ± 0.4 mm 12.8 mm ±0.4 mm
Flex radius
Single bend >40 mm
Moving ≥99 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 1.43 kg 2 kg 2.75 kg 3.98 kg 5.3 kg 6.6 kg

Table 147: 8CM005.12-1, 8CM007.12-1, 8CM010.12-1, 8CM015.12-1, 8CM020.12-1, 8CM025.12-1 - Technical data

178 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables

6.2.3 4 mm² motor cables Order data

Model number Short description Figure

4 mm² motor cables
8CM005.12-3 Motor cable, length 5 m, 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm², 8-pin female
Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains, UL/
CSA listed
8CM007.12-3 Motor cable, length 7 m, 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm², 8-pin female

Technical data
Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains, UL/

Chapter 2
CSA listed
8CM010.12-3 Motor cable, length 10 m, 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm², 8-pin female
Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains, UL/
CSA listed
8CM015.12-3 Motor cable, length 15 m, 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm², 8-pin female
Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains, UL/
CSA listed
8CM020.12-3 Motor cable, length 20 m, 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm², 8-pin female
Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains, UL/
CSA listed
8CM025.12-3 Motor cable, length 25 m, 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm², 8-pin female
Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains, UL/
CSA listed

Table 148: 8CM005.12-3, 8CM007.12-3, 8CM010.12-3, 8CM015.12-3, 8CM020.12-3, 8CM025.12-3 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request. Technical data

Product ID 8CM005.12-3 8CM007.12-3 8CM010.12-3 8CM015.12-3 8CM020.12-3 8CM025.12-3

General information
Cable cross section 4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm²
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style 20234, 80°C, 1000 V, E63216 and CSA AWM I/II A/B, 90°C, 1000 V, FT2 LL46064
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Power lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors Black, brown, blue, yellow/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 4 mm²
Shield No
Stranding No
Signal lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White, white/red, white/blue, white/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 1 mm²
Shield Separate shielding for pairs, tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and foil banding
Stranding White with white/red and white/blue with white/green
Cable stranding With filler elements and foil banding
Complete shielding Tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and wrapped in isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color Orange, similar to RAL 2003 flat
Labeling BERNECKER & RAINER 4x4.0+2x2x1.0 FLEX
Type Intercontec 8-pin female motor connector
Connection cycles >50
Contacts 8 (4 power and 4 signal contacts)
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Electrical characteristics
Operating voltage Max. 1000 V
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 1500 VAC
Wire/Shield 1500 VAC

Table 149: 8CM005.12-3, 8CM007.12-3, 8CM010.12-3, 8CM015.12-3, 8CM020.12-3, 8CM025.12-3 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 179

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CM005.12-3 8CM007.12-3 8CM010.12-3 8CM015.12-3 8CM020.12-3 8CM025.12-3
Conductor resistance
Power lines ≤0.03 Ω ≤0.04 Ω ≤0.05 Ω ≤0.08 Ω ≤0.1 Ω ≤0.13 Ω
Signal lines ≤0.09 Ω ≤0.13 Ω ≤0.19 Ω ≤0.28 Ω ≤0.38 Ω ≤0.48 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ
Max. current load in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-523 by installation type
Wall mounting 36.4 A
Installed in conduit or cable duct 31.9 A
Installed in cable tray 38.2 A
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 70°C
Static -20 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 15.8 mm ±0.5 mm
Flex radius
Single bend >50 mm
Moving ≥122 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 2.21 kg 3 kg 4.31 kg 6.6 kg 9 kg 11.1 kg

Table 149: 8CM005.12-3, 8CM007.12-3, 8CM010.12-3, 8CM015.12-3, 8CM020.12-3, 8CM025.12-3 - Technical data

180 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables

6.2.4 10 mm² motor cables Order data

Model number Short description Figure

10 mm² motor cables
8CM005.12-5 Motor cable, length 5 m, 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², 8-pin fe-
male Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM007.12-5 Motor cable, length 7 m, 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², 8-pin fe-

Technical data
male Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,

Chapter 2
UL/CSA listed
8CM010.12-5 Motor cable, length 10 m, 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM015.12-5 Motor cable, length 15 m, 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM020.12-5 Motor cable, length 20 m, 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed
8CM025.12-5 Motor cable, length 25 m, 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², 8-pin
female Intercontec motor connector, can be used in drag chains,
UL/CSA listed

Table 150: 8CM005.12-5, 8CM007.12-5, 8CM010.12-5, 8CM015.12-5, 8CM020.12-5, 8CM025.12-5 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request. Technical data

Product ID 8CM005.12-5 8CM007.12-5 8CM010.12-5 8CM015.12-5 8CM020.12-5 8CM025.12-5

General information
Cable cross section 4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm²
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style 20234, 80°C, 1000 V, E63216 and CSA AWM I/II A/B, 90°C, 1000 V, FT2 LL46064
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Power lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors Black, brown, blue, yellow/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 10 mm²
Shield No
Stranding No
Signal lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White, white/red, white/blue, white/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 1.5 mm²
Shield Separate shielding for pairs, tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and foil banding
Stranding White with white/red and white/blue with white/green
Cable stranding With filler elements and foil banding
Complete shielding Tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and wrapped in isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color Orange, similar to RAL 2003 flat
Labeling BERNECKER & RAINER 4x10,0+2x2x1.5 FLEX
Type Intercontec 8-pin female motor connector
Connection cycles >50
Contacts 8 (4 power and 4 signal contacts)
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Electrical characteristics
Operating voltage Max. 1000 V
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 1500 VAC
Wire/Shield 1500 VAC

Table 151: 8CM005.12-5, 8CM007.12-5, 8CM010.12-5, 8CM015.12-5, 8CM020.12-5, 8CM025.12-5 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 181

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CM005.12-5 8CM007.12-5 8CM010.12-5 8CM015.12-5 8CM020.12-5 8CM025.12-5
Conductor resistance
Power lines ≤0.01 Ω ≤0.02 Ω ≤0.03 Ω ≤0.04 Ω ≤0.05 Ω
Signal lines ≤0.07 Ω ≤0.1 Ω ≤0.14 Ω ≤0.21 Ω ≤0.28 Ω ≤0.35 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ
Max. current load in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-523 by installation type
Wall mounting 64.6 A
Installed in conduit or cable duct 54.6 A
Installed in cable tray 68.3 A
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 70°C
Static -20 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 20.1 mm ±0.7 mm
Flex radius
Single bend >62 mm
Moving ≥156 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 4.29 kg 6 kg 8.3 kg 12.2 kg 16 kg 19.9 kg

Table 151: 8CM005.12-5, 8CM007.12-5, 8CM010.12-5, 8CM015.12-5, 8CM020.12-5, 8CM025.12-5 - Technical data

182 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables

6.2.5 35 mm² motor cables Order data

Model number Short description Figure

35 mm² motor cables
8CM005.12-8 Motor cable, length 5 m, 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², not as-
sembled, can be used in drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CM007.12-8 Motor cable, length 7 m, 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², not as-
sembled, can be used in drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Technical data
8CM010.12-8 Motor cable, length 10 m, 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², not as-

Chapter 2
sembled, can be used in drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CM015.12-8 Motor cable, length 15 m, 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², not as-
sembled, can be used in drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CM020.12-8 Motor cable, length 20 m, 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², not as-
sembled, can be used in drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CM025.12-8 Motor cable, length 25 m, 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm², not as-
sembled, can be used in drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Table 152: 8CM005.12-8, 8CM007.12-8, 8CM010.12-8, 8CM015.12-8, 8CM020.12-8, 8CM025.12-8 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request. Technical data

Product ID 8CM005.12-8 8CM007.12-8 8CM010.12-8 8CM015.12-8 8CM020.12-8 8CM025.12-8

General information
Cable cross section 4x 35 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm²
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style 20669, 90°C, 600 V, E63216 and CSA AWM I/II A/B, 90°C, 600 V, FT1 LL46064
CE - Yes
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Power lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors Black, brown, blue, yellow/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 35 mm²
Shield No
Stranding No
Signal lines
Quantity 4
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White, white/red, white/blue, white/green
Design Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter 1.5 mm²
Shield Separate shielding for pairs, tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and foil banding
Stranding White with white/red and white/blue with white/green
Cable stranding With filler elements and foil banding
Complete shielding Tinned copper mesh, optical coverage >85% and wrapped in isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color Orange, similar to RAL 2003 flat
Labeling BERNECKER & RAINER 4x35.0+2x2x1.5 FLEX
Electrical characteristics
Operating voltage Max. 600 V
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 1500 VAC
Wire/Shield 1500 VAC
Conductor resistance
Power lines ≤0.003 Ω ≤0.004 Ω ≤0.006 Ω ≤0.009 Ω ≤0.01 Ω
Signal lines ≤0.07 Ω ≤0.1 Ω ≤0.14 Ω ≤0.21 Ω ≤0.28 Ω ≤0.35 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ
Max. current load in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-523 by installation type
Wall mounting 133.8 A
Installed in conduit or cable duct 116.5 A
Installed in cable tray 143.8 A

Table 153: 8CM005.12-8, 8CM007.12-8, 8CM010.12-8, 8CM015.12-8, 8CM020.12-8, 8CM025.12-8 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 183

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CM005.12-8 8CM007.12-8 8CM010.12-8 8CM015.12-8 8CM020.12-8 8CM025.12-8
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 70°C
Static -20 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 32.5 mm ±1 mm
Flex radius
Single bend >101 mm
Moving ≥252 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 11 kg 15.4 kg 22 kg 33 kg 44 kg 55 kg

Table 153: 8CM005.12-8, 8CM007.12-8, 8CM010.12-8, 8CM015.12-8, 8CM020.12-8, 8CM025.12-8 - Technical data

6.2.6 Wiring Motor cable construction

White/Blue (WHBU)
White/Green (WHGN)
White/Red (WHRD)
White (WH)

Brown (BN)

Blue (BU)

Black (BK)
Green/Yellow (GNYE)

Pos. Pieces Name Note

1 1 Motor lines 4x 0.75 mm² + 2x 2x 0.35 mm²
4x 1.5 mm² + 2x 2x 0.75 mm²
4x 4 mm² + 2x 2x 1 mm²
4x 10 mm² + 2x 2x 1.5 mm²
2 1 Male circular connector BSTA 108 FR 19 58 0036 000 (for 8CMxxx.12-0, 8CMxxx.12-1)
BSTA 108 FR 35 59 0036 000 (for 8CMxxx.12-3)
CSTA 264 FR 48 25 0001 000 (for 8CMxxx.12-5)
3 1 Heat shrink tubing
4 8 Wire end sleeves

Table 154: Motor cable construction Pinout 8CMxxx.12-0, 8CMxxx.12-1, 8CMxxx.12-3

Male circular connector Pin Name Function
1 U Motor connection U
2 PE Protective ground conductor
3 W Motor connection W
4 V Motor connection V
A T+ Temperature +
B T- Temperature -
C B+ Brake +
D B- Brake -

Table 155: Pinout - 8CMxxx.12-0, 8CMxxx.12-1, 8CMxxx.12-3 motor cables

184 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables 8CMxxx.12-5
Circular connector Pin Name Function
U U Motor connection U
V V Motor connection V
W W Motor connection W
PE Protective ground conductor
1 T+ Temperature +
2 T- Temperature -
+ B+ Brake +

Technical data
- B- Brake -

Chapter 2
Table 156: 8CMxxx.12-5 motor cables - Pinout Cable diagram 8CMxxx.12-0
Motor connector Wire end sleeves
Blue (BU) (0.75, 4 mm²)
1 U
Brown (BN) (0.75, 4 mm²)
4 V
Black (BK) (0.75, 4 mm²)
3 W
Green/Yellow (GNYE) (0.75, 4 mm²)
2 PE
White (WH) (0.35, 1 mm²)
A T+
White/Red (WHRD) (0.35, 1 mm²)
B T-
White/Blue (WHBU) (0.35, 1 mm²)
C B+
White/Green (WHGN) (0.35, 1 mm²)
D B-

All shielding connected on the connector side

Figure 55: 8CMxxx.12-0 motor cables - Cable diagram 8CMxxx.12-1, 8CMxxx.12-3

Motor connector Wire end sleeves
Blue (BU) (1.5, 4 mm²)
1 U
Brown (BN) (1.5, 4 mm²)
4 V
Black (BK) (1.5, 4 mm²)
3 W
Green/Yellow (GNYE) (1.5, 4 mm²)
2 PE
White (WH) (0.75, 1 mm²)
A T+
White/Red (WHRD) (0.75, 1 mm²)
B T-
White/Blue (WHBU) (0.75, 1 mm²)
C B+
White/Green (WHGN) (0.75, 1 mm²)
D B-

All shielding connected on the connector side

Figure 56: Cable diagram - 8CMxxx.12-1, 8CMxxx.12-3 motor cables

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 185

Technical data • Cables 8CMxxx.12-5
Motor connector Wire end sleeves
Blue (BU) (10 mm²)
Brown (BN) (10 mm²)
Black (BK) (10 mm²)
Green/Yellow (GNYE) (10 mm²)
White (WH) (1.5 mm²)
1 T+
White/Red (WHRD) (1.5 mm²)
2 T-
White/Blue (WHBU) (1.5 mm²)
+ B+
White/Green (WHGN) (1.5 mm²)
- B-

All shielding connected on the connector side

Figure 57: 8CMxxx.12-5 motor cables - Cable diagram

186 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables

6.3 EnDat 2.1 cables

6.3.1 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

EnDat cables
8CE005.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 5 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE007.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 7 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-

Technical data
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-

Chapter 2
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE010.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 10 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE015.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 15 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE020.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 20 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CE025.12-1 EnDat 2.1 cable, length 25 m, 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.5 mm², Inter-
contec 17-pin female EnDat connector, 15-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Table 157: 8CE005.12-1, 8CE007.12-1, 8CE010.12-1, 8CE015.12-1, 8CE020.12-1, 8CE025.12-1 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request.

6.3.2 Technical data

Product ID 8CE005.12-1 8CE007.12-1 8CE010.12-1 8CE015.12-1 8CE020.12-1 8CE025.12-1

General information
Cable cross section 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.50 mm²
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style 20963, 80°C, 30 V, E63216 and CSA AWM I/II A/B, 90°C, 30 V, FT1 LL46064
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Supply lines
Quantity 2
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White/green, White/Green, White/green, White/Green, white/red
white/red white/red white/red
Design Tinned Cu wire Tinned cop- Tinned Cu wire Tinned copper litz wire
per litz wire
Diameter 0.5 mm²
Shield No
Stranding White/red with White/Red with White/red with White/Red with white/green and filler elements
white/green and white/green and white/green and
filler elements filler elements filler elements
Signal lines
Quantity 10
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors Blue, brown, yellow, gray, green, pink, red, black, violet, white
Design Tinned Cu wire Tinned cop- Tinned Cu wire Tinned copper litz wire
per litz wire
Diameter 0.14 mm²
Shield No
Stranding Green with brown, gray with yellow, white with violet, black with red, pink with blue
Cable stranding With foil banding
Complete shielding Cu mesh, optical Copper mesh, Cu mesh, optical Copper mesh, optical coverage
coverage >85% optical cover- coverage >85% >85% and wrapped in isolating film
and wrapped age >85% and and wrapped
in isolating film wrapped in in isolating film
isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color RAL 6018
Labeling BERNECKER & RAINER 10x0.14+2x0.50 FLEX
Type Intercontec 17-pin female EnDat connector
Connection cycles >50
Contacts 17

Table 158: 8CE005.12-1, 8CE007.12-1, 8CE010.12-1, 8CE015.12-1, 8CE020.12-1, 8CE025.12-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 187

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CE005.12-1 8CE007.12-1 8CE010.12-1 8CE015.12-1 8CE020.12-1 8CE025.12-1
Additional connectors 15-pin male DSUB servo connector
Connection cycles: >50
Contacts: 15
Protection in accordance with EN 60529: IP20 when connected
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Electrical characteristics
Operating voltage Max. 30 V
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 1.5 kV
Wire/Shield 0.8 kV
Conductor resistance
Supply lines ≤0.2 Ω ≤0.28 Ω ≤0.4 Ω ≤0.6 Ω ≤0.8 Ω ≤1 Ω
Signal lines ≤0.7 Ω ≤0.98 Ω ≤1.4 Ω ≤2.1 Ω ≤2.8 Ω ≤3.5 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 70°C
Static -20 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 7.3 mm ± 7.3 mm ±0.25 mm 7.3 mm ± 7.3 mm ±0.25 mm
0.25 mm 0.25 mm
Flex radius
Single bend ≥24 mm
Moving ≥60 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 0.51 kg 0.7 kg 0.95 kg 1.36 kg 1.77 kg 2.2 kg

Table 158: 8CE005.12-1, 8CE007.12-1, 8CE010.12-1, 8CE015.12-1, 8CE020.12-1, 8CE025.12-1 - Technical data

6.3.3 Wiring construction

Pos. Pieces Name Note

1 1 Encoder cable 10x 0.14 mm² + 2x 0.50 mm²
2 1 17-pin female circular connector ASTA 035 FR 11 10 0035 000
3 1 DSUB housing 45°, metal plated, 15-pin male connector
4 1 Heat shrink tubing

Table 159: Construction - EnDat 2.1 cable Pinout

Circular connector Pin Name Function Pin DSUB connector

15 A Channel A 1
10 COM (1, 3 - 9, 11, 13 - 15) 0 V encoder supply 2
12 B Channel B 3
7 +5V out / 0.25A +5 V encoder supply 4 9 1
1 11 10
12 14 B Data input 5
2 9
17 8 T Clock output 8
3 13 16
8 16 A\ Channel A inverted 9
4 14 15 7
4 Sense COM Sense input 0 V 10
5 6
13 B\ Channel B inverted 11 15 8
1 Sense +5V Sense input +5 V 12
17 D\ Data inverted 13
9 T\ Clock output inverted 15

Table 160: EnDat 2.1 cables - Pinout

188 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables Cable schematic

Circular connector DSUB

White/Green (WHGN) (0.5 mm²)
COM (1, 3-9, 11, 13-15) 10 2
White/Red (WHRD) (0.5 mm²)
+5V out / 0.25A 7 4
Green (GN) (0.14 mm²)
A 15 1
Brown (BN) (0.14 mm²)
A\ 16 9

Technical data
Gray (GY) (0.14 mm²)

Chapter 2
B 12 3
Yellow (YE) (0.14 mm²)
B\ 13 11
White (WH) (0.14 mm²)
D 14 5
Violet (VT) (0.14 mm²)
D\ 17 13
Black (BK) (0.14 mm²)
T 8 8
Red (RD) (0.14 mm²)
T\ 9 15
Pink (PK) (0.14 mm²)
Sense COM 4 10
Blue (BU) (0.14 mm²)
SENSE +5V 1 12
2 nc nc 6
3 nc nc 7
5 nc nc 14
6 nc
Shielding on the connector side of
11 nc
closed housing

Figure 58: EnDat 2.1 cables - Cable diagram

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 189

Technical data • Cables

6.4 Resolver cables

6.4.1 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

Resolver cables
8CR005.12-1 Resolver cable, length 5 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR007.12-1 Resolver cable, length 7 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR010.12-1 Resolver cable, length 10 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR015.12-1 Resolver cable, length 15 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR020.12-1 Resolver cable, length 20 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed
8CR025.12-1 Resolver cable, length 25 m, 3x 2x AWG 24 (19x 0.127), Inter-
contec 12-pin female resolver connector, 9-pin male DSUB ser-
vo connector, can be used in cable drag chains, UL/CSA listed

Table 161: 8CR005.12-1, 8CR007.12-1, 8CR010.12-1, 8CR015.12-1, 8CR020.12-1, 8CR025.12-1 - Order data

Other cable lengths and raw cables are available from B&R upon request.

6.4.2 Technical data

Product ID 8CR005.12-1 8CR007.12-1 8CR010.12-1 8CR015.12-1 8CR020.12-1 8CR025.12-1

General information
Cable cross section 3x 2x 24 19 AWG
Durability Oil resistance according to VDE 0472 part 803 as well as standard hydraulic oil
Listed UL AWM Style 20671, 90°C, 30 V, E63216 and CSA AWM, 90°C, 30 V, I/II A/B FT1 LL46064
cULus Yes
Cable construction
Signal lines
Quantity 6
Wire insulation Special thermoplastic material
Wire colors White, brown, green, yellow, gray, pink
Design Tinned Cu wire Tinned copper litz wire
Diameter AWG 24 / AWG 19
Shield No
Stranding White with brown, green with yellow, gray with pink
Cable stranding The 3 pairs together covered by foil banding
Complete shielding Cu mesh, optical Copper mesh, optical coverage ≥90% and wrapped in isolating film
coverage ≥90%
and wrapped
in isolating film
Outer sheathing
Material PUR
Color RAL 6018
Type Intercontec 12-pin female resolver connector
Connection cycles >50
Contacts 12
Additional connectors 9-pin male DSUB servo connector
Connection cycles: >50
Contacts: 9
Protection in accordance with EN 60529: IP20 when connected
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Electrical characteristics
Operating voltage Max. 30 V
Test voltage
Wire/Wire 1.5 kV
Wire/Shield 0.8 kV
Conductor resistance
Signal lines ≤0.43 Ω ≤0.6 Ω ≤0.86 Ω ≤1.29 Ω ≤1.72 Ω ≤2.15 Ω
Insulation resistance >40 GΩ >28.57 GΩ >20 GΩ >13.33 GΩ >10 GΩ >8 GΩ

Table 162: 8CR005.12-1, 8CR007.12-1, 8CR010.12-1, 8CR015.12-1, 8CR020.12-1, 8CR025.12-1 - Technical data

190 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Cables
Product ID 8CR005.12-1 8CR007.12-1 8CR010.12-1 8CR015.12-1 8CR020.12-1 8CR025.12-1
Environmental conditions
Moving -10 to 80°C
Static -40 to 90°C
Mechanical characteristics
Length 5m 7m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Diameter 6.5 mm ± 0.2 mm 6.5 mm ±0.2 mm
Flex radius

Technical data
Single bend ≥20 mm

Chapter 2
Moving ≥50 mm
Drag chain data
Acceleration <60 m/s²
Flex cycles ≥3,000,000
Velocity ≤4 m/s
Weight 0.4 kg 0.51 kg 0.75 kg 0.98 kg 1.26 kg 1.55 kg

Table 162: 8CR005.12-1, 8CR007.12-1, 8CR010.12-1, 8CR015.12-1, 8CR020.12-1, 8CR025.12-1 - Technical data

6.4.3 Wiring Resolver cable construction

Pos. Pieces Name Note

1 1 Encoder cable 3x 2x 24 AWG/19
2 1 12-pin female circular connector ASTA 021 FR 11 10 0035 000
3 1 DSUB housing 45°, metal plated, 9-pin male connector
4 1 Kink protection

Table 163: Resolver cable construction Pinout

Circular connector Pin Name Function Pin DSUB connector

1 ---
2 ---
3 S4 Sine input + 3
4 S1 Cosine input - 4
5 R2 Reference output + 5
6 --- 7 3
7 S2 Sine input - 7 8 4
8 S3 Cosine input + 8 9 5
9 R1 Reference output - 9
10 ---
11 ---
12 ---

Table 164: Resolver cables - Pinout

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 191

Technical data • Cables Cable diagram

Circular connector DSUB connector

Pink (PK) (AWG 24)
R1 9 9
Gray (GY) (AWG 24)
R2 5 5
Yellow (YE) (AWG 24)
S2 7 7
Green (GN) (AWG 24)
P4 3 3
White (WH) (AWG 24)
S1 4 4
Brown (BN) (AWG 24)
S3 8 8
1 nc nc 1
2 nc nc 2
6 nc nc 6
11 nc
10 nc
12 nc Shielding on the connector side of
Closed housing

Figure 59: Cable diagram for resolver cables

192 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Connectors

7 Connectors
7.1 General information

B&R offers different motor/encoder connectors for B&R motors. All connectors have IP67 protection. The metallic
housing provides a protective ground connection on the housing according to VDE 0627. All plastic used in the
connector is UL94/V0 listed. High quality, gold-plated cage connector contacts guarantee a high level of contact
stability even when reinserted many times.

Technical data

Chapter 2
Using B&R connectors guarantees that the EMC limits for the connection are not exceeded. Make sure
that connectors are assembled correctly and include a proper shield connection.

7.2 Motor connectors

7.2.1 Order data

Model number Short description Figure

8PM001.00-1 Intercontec 8-pin female motor connector, crimp range 4x
0.5-2.5 mm² + 4x 0.06-1.0 mm², for 9-14 mm cables, IP67, UL/
CSA listed
8PM002.00-1 Intercontec 8-pin female motor connector, crimp range 4x
2.5-4.0 mm² + 4x 0.06-1.0 mm², soldering range 4x 0.5-4.0 mm²
+ 4x 0.06-1.5 mm² for 14-17 mm cables, IP67, UL/CSA listed
8PM003.00-1 Intercontec 8-pin female motor connector, crimp range 4x 1.5-10
mm² + 4x 0.5-2.5 mm², for 17-26 mm cables, IP67, UL/CSA list-

Table 165: 8PM001.00-1, 8PM002.00-1, 8PM003.00-1 - Order data

7.2.2 Technical data

Product ID 8PM001.00-1 8PM002.00-1 8PM003.00-1

General information
Insulator PA 6.6 / PBT, UL94/V0 listed
Contacts 8 (4 power and 4 signal contacts)
Protective ground connection on housing According to VDE 0627
Electrical characteristics
Overvoltage category 3
Power contacts
Contact resistance <3 mΩ <1 mΩ
Nominal voltage 630 VAC / VDC
Nominal current 30 A 75 A
Test voltage (L - L) 6000 V
Signal contacts
Contact resistance <5 mΩ <3 mΩ
Nominal voltage 250 VAC / VDC 630 VAC / VDC
Nominal current 10 A 30 A
Test voltage (L - L) 2500 V 4000 V
Operating conditions
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 3
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Environmental conditions
Operation -20 to 130°C
Operation Up to 2000 m
Mechanical characteristics
Material Zinc die cast / brass, nickel plated Magnesium die cast /
aluminum, nickel plated
Crimp range 4x 0.5 - 2.5 mm² 4x 2.5 - 4 mm² + 4x 0.06 - 1 mm² 4x 1.5 - 10 mm² +
+ 4x 0.06 - 1 mm² 4x 0.5 - 2.5 mm²
Gasket FPM / HNBR
Connector size Size 1 Size 1.5
Connection cycles >50

Table 166: 8PM001.00-1, 8PM002.00-1, 8PM003.00-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 193

Technical data • Connectors
Product ID 8PM001.00-1 8PM002.00-1 8PM003.00-1
Cable terminals 9.5 - 14.5 mm 14 to 17 mm 17 to 26 mm
Manufacturer information
Manufacturer INTERCONTEC (www.intercontec.biz)
Manufacturer's product ID BSTA 108 FR 19 58 0036 000 BSTA 108 FR 35 59 0036 000 CSTA 264 FR 48 25 0001 000

Table 166: 8PM001.00-1, 8PM002.00-1, 8PM003.00-1 - Technical data

7.3 Encoder connectors

7.3.1 EnDat connectors Order data

Model number Short description Figure

8PE001.00-1 Intercontec 17-pin female EnDat connector, crimp range 17x
0.06-1.0 mm², for 9-12 mm cables, IP67

Table 167: 8PE001.00-1 - Order data Technical data

Product ID 8PE001.00-1
General information
Insulator PA 6.6 / PBT, UL94/V0 listed
Contacts 17 signal contacts
Protective ground connection on housing According to VDE 0627
Electrical characteristics
Overvoltage category 3
Signal contacts
Contact resistance <5 mΩ
Nominal voltage 125 V
Nominal current 9A
Test voltage (L - L) 2500 V
Operating conditions
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 3
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Environmental conditions
Operation -20 to 130°C
Operation Up to 2000 m
Mechanical characteristics
Material Zinc die cast / brass, nickel plated
Crimp range 17x 0.06 - 1 mm²
Gasket FPM / HNBR
Connector size Size 1
Connection cycles >50
Cable terminals 5.5 to 10.5 mm
Manufacturer information
Manufacturer INTERCONTEC (www.intercontec.biz)
Manufacturer's product ID ASTA 035 FR 11 10 0035 000

Table 168: 8PE001.00-1 - Technical data

194 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Technical data • Connectors

7.3.2 Resolver connectors Order data

Model number Short description Figure

8PR001.00-1 Intercontec 12-pin female resolver connector, crimp range 12x
0.06-1.0 mm², for 5.5-10.5 mm cables, IP67

Technical data
Chapter 2
Table 169: 8PR001.00-1 - Order data Technical data

Product ID 8PR001.00-1
General information
Insulator PA 6.6 / PBT, UL94/V0 listed
Contacts 12 signal contacts
Protective ground connection on housing According to VDE 0627
Electrical characteristics
Overvoltage category 3
Signal contacts
Contact resistance <5 mΩ
Nominal voltage 160 V
Nominal current 9A
Test voltage (L - L) 2500 V
Operating conditions
Degree of pollution in accordance with EN 60664-1 3
EN 60529 protection IP67 when connected
Environmental conditions
Operation -20 to 130°C
Operation Up to 2000 m
Mechanical characteristics
Material Zinc die cast / brass, nickel plated
Crimp range 12x 0.06 - 1 mm²
Gasket FPM / HNBR
Connector size Size 1
Connection cycles >50
Cable terminals 5.5 to 10.5 mm
Manufacturer information
Manufacturer INTERCONTEC (www.intercontec.biz)
Manufacturer's product ID ASTA 021 FR 11 10 0035 000

Table 170: 8PR001.00-1 - Technical data

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 195

196 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01
Installation • General

Chapter 3 • Installation

1 General
Installation must take place on a flat surface that is dimensioned correctly. The dimension diagram lists the number
and type of mounting screws to be used.
The included eye bolt can be screwed into the top of the device in order to mount the ACOPOS 1640 and ACOPOS

Chapter 3
Figure 60: Attaching the eye bolt included in delivery to ACOPOS 1640, 128M drives
ACOPOS servo drives must be installed in control cabinets with at least IP54 protection. 7)
ACOPOS servo drives can only be installed in environments that correspond to a pollution degree 2 (non-conduc-
tive pollution). When installing the device, the specifications listed in the technical data for maximum operating
temperature and protection level must be met (see "Technical data" on page 29).
Sufficient space of at least 80 mm must be left above and below the ACOPOS servo drives in order to ensure
proper air circulation. ACOPOS servo drives can be mounted directly next to each other; the required clearance
between devices can be found in the respective dimension diagram.

7) Except for 8B0WxxxxH000.001-1 braking resistors.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 197

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2 Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2.1 ACOPOS 1010, 1016

Distance to Permitted mounting orientations

next device


≥ 80 1)
Air outlet

29.25 220

Hanging vertically


Lying horizontally

2x M5 mounting screws 261.8
≥80 1)

Air inlet

Figure 61: ACOPOS 1010, 1016 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions
1) For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive. Approximately 100 mm clearance is
required under the ACOPOS servo drive to prevent cabling problems.

198 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2.2 ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090

Permitted mounting orientations

Distance to

≥ 80 1)
next device Air outlet
71 +0.5

35.25 235.5

Hanging vertically

Chapter 3


Lying horizontally

2x M5 mounting screws
≥ 80 1)

Air inlet

Figure 62: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions
1) For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 199

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2.3 ACOPOS 1180, 1320

Permitted mounting orientations

Distance to Air outlet

next device
201 +0.5

100 50 234

Hanging vertically


Lying horizontally


4x M5 mounting

200 276

Air inlet

Figure 63: ACOPOS 1180, 1320 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions
1) For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive. At least 130 mm free space is required
under the ACOPOS servo drive to prevent cabling problems.

200 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2.4 ACOPOS 1640


Chapter 3
25 415 20 110

Air inlet
Air outlet



≥ 80
next device
Distance to

Permitted mounting orientations

277 +0.5

6x M5 mounting screws

Hanging vertically
7 448

Lying horizontally

Figure 64: ACOPOS 1640 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions

1) For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive. At least 160 mm free space is required
under the ACOPOS servo drive to prevent cabling problems.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 201

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2.5 ACOPOS 128M


25 415 20 122

≥ 160

Air inlet
Air outlet



≥ 80 1)
next device
Distance to

Permitted mounting orientations

403 +0.5

8 mounting screws M5

Hanging vertically

7 448

Lying horizontally

Figure 65: ACOPOS 128M - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions

1) For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive. Approximately 160 mm clearance is
required under the ACOPOS servo drive to prevent cabling problems.

202 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

2.6 External braking resistors

2.6.1 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1

8B0W0045H000.001-1 8B0W0079H000.001-1 8B0W0096H000.001-1

Mounting orientation
L 260±2 mm 460±2 mm 560±2 mm

L1 160±2 mm 360±2 mm 460±2 mm

Hanging vertically,
Connection box, bottom

Chapter 3
Standing horizontally

Mounting orientation

Hanging vertically,
Connection box, top

Figure 66: Dimension diagram for 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1

8B0W external braking resistors can reach extremely high surface temperatures both during operation
as well as after being switched off!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 203

Installation • Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions

>500 mm
>200 mm >200 mm

>200 mm

>200 mm >200 mm
>200 mm

Figure 67: 8B0W external braking resistors - Installation dimensions

204 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Installing and removing plug-in modules

3 Installing and removing plug-in modules

3.1 General information

All ACOPOS servo drives are equipped with three or four slots for plug-in modules depending on the size of the
drive. Certain module arrangements must be used (see "Slot overview for ACOPOS plug-in modules" on page 106).

For the installation and removal of plug-in modules, the specifications listed in section "Protection
against electrostatic discharge" on page 24 must be followed!

3.2 Installation

1. Disconnect the ACOPOS servo drive from the power mains and prevent reconnection.
2. Switch off the 24 VDC supply voltage.

Chapter 3
3. Remove the screw from the bottom of the slot cover.
4. Loosen the screw on the front side.
5. Remove the slot cover.

Figure 68: Installing ACOPOS plug-in modules

6. Insert the plug-in module in available slot (see figure above).

7. Fasten the plug-in module with the two screws.
8. Switch on the 24 VDC supply voltage.
9. Connect the ACOPOS servo drive to the power mains.

3.3 Removal

1. Disconnect the ACOPOS servo drive from the power mains and prevent reconnection.
2. Switch off the 24 VDC supply voltage.
3. Remove the screw from bottom of plug-in module.
4. Loosen the screw on the front side of the plug-in module.
5. Remove the plug-in module.
6. Insert the slot cover in the open slot.
7. Fasten the slot cover with the two screws.
8. Switch on the 24 VDC supply voltage.
9. Connect the ACOPOS servo drive to the power mains.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 205

Installation • Installing devices from different ACOPOS series directly next to each other

4 Installing devices from different ACOPOS series directly next to each other
When installing various ACOPOS series devices directly next to each other, we recommend aligning the vertical
position so that the LED displays of the respective devices are lined up.


1010 1022 1180 1640 128 M
1016 1045

1 Vertical offset of the upper mounting hole positions

Figure 69: Installing various ACOPOS series devices directly next to each other
You can see from the image above that the vertical offset of the upper mounting holes is 10 mm. The distances
for the lower mounting holes and the number and size of the screws required can be taken from the dimensional
diagrams for the respective ACOPOS servo drives.
Overview of the vertical offsets:
Installed next to ACOPOS
1010 1016 1022 1045 1090 1180 1320 1640 128 M
1045 No offset 10 mm
10 mm No offset
128 M

Table 171: Overview of the vertical offsets (ACOPOS - ACOPOS)

206 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Using cooling systems in control cabinets

5 Using cooling systems in control cabinets

Cooling systems are generally used to maintain permissible ambient temperature levels of the ACOPOS servo
drives in control cabinets.
For details about dimensioning cooling systems, see "Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets"
on page 241.

5.1 Natural convection

Make sure that only well-sealed control cabinets are used. Otherwise, contaminated ambient air could
permeate the control cabinet.

5.2 Using filter fans

Chapter 3
Filter fans and outlet filters should be arranged on the control cabinet in such a way that the air is taken in from
below and exits above.

Outlet filter
Filter fans

Filter fans
Outlet filter

Figure 70: Function diagram of filter fans

Dust can enter the control cabinet if it is not sealed properly when using a fan intake! This type of air
flow should be avoided.

Make sure that only well-sealed control cabinets are used. Otherwise, contaminated ambient air could
permeate the control cabinet.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 207

Installation • Using cooling systems in control cabinets

5.3 Using air/air heat exchangers

Figure 71: Function diagram of air/air heat exchangers

An even circulation of air must be ensured in the control cabinet. Air intake openings and outlets for
the inner circulation of the air/air heat exchanger must not be covered because this would prevent
sufficient air circulation in the control cabinet.
It is recommended to allow for sufficient space (>200 mm) in front of the air intakes and outlets.

If any modules or electronic components are used in the control cabinet that use their own fans, make
sure that the direction of air flow does not go against the cooling system's flow of cool air. This could
create air pockets that would prevent sufficient cooling in the control cabinet.

Make sure that only well-sealed control cabinets are used. Otherwise, contaminated ambient air could
permeate the control cabinet.
Installing air/air heat exchangers behind mounting plates should generally be avoided. If this is necessary, however,
then corresponding air shields must be used. Air intake openings and outlets must also be added to the mounting

208 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Using cooling systems in control cabinets

5.4 Using air/water heat exchangers

Chapter 3
Figure 72: Function diagram of air/water heat exchangers

An even circulation of air must be ensured in the control cabinet. Air intake openings and outlets for
the inner circulation of the air/water heat exchanger must not be covered because this would prevent
sufficient air circulation in the control cabinet.
It is recommended to allow for sufficient space (>200 mm) in front of the air intakes and outlets.

If any modules or electronic components are used in the control cabinet that use their own fans, make
sure that the direction of air flow does not go against the cooling system's flow of cool air. This could
create air pockets that would prevent sufficient cooling in the control cabinet.

Make sure that only well-sealed control cabinets are used. Otherwise, contaminated ambient air could
permeate the control cabinet.
Installing air/water heat exchangers behind mounting plates should generally be avoided. If this is necessary,
however, then corresponding air shields must be used. Air intake openings and outlets must also be added to the
mounting plate.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 209

Installation • Using cooling systems in control cabinets

5.5 Using cooling units

5.5.1 General information

Incorrect installation of cooling units may cause condensation which can damage the ACOPOS servo
drives installed there!
Condensation can enter the ACOPOS servo drives with the cooled air flow!

Make sure that only well-sealed control cabinets are used. Otherwise, ambient air could penetrate and
cause condensation.
During operation with the control cabinet doors open (e.g. service), the ACOPOS servo drives are not allowed to
be cooler than the air in the control cabinet at any time after the doors are closed.
To keep the temperature of the ACOPOS servo drives and the control cabinet at the same level, the cooling unit
must remain in operation even when the system is switched off.
Cooling units must be installed in a way that prevents condensation from dripping into the ACOPOS servo drives.
This should be considered when selecting the control cabinet (special construction for use of cooling units on top
of the control cabinet).
Also make sure that condensed water that forms in the cooling unit fan when it is switched off cannot sprinkle into
the ACOPOS servo drives.
Make sure the temperature setting of the cooling unit is correct! Only set the control cabinet's internal temperature
as low as is necessary.
Be sure to follow the installation guidelines for the cooling unit provided in its operating manual!

5.5.2 Placing a cooling unit on top of the control cabinet

Figure 73: Placing a cooling unit on top of the control cabinet

Targeted air flow must be ensured when arranging cooling units on the top of the control cabinet! The
flow of cool air must be directed through air channel systems at the lowest possible point in the control
cabinet (see image above).

Make sure that the flow of cool air in the cooling system is not directed against the air flow from the
fans in the ACOPOS servo drive. This could create air pockets that would prevent sufficient cooling
of ACOPOS servo drives.
Condensation must be directed off the cooling unit according to manufacturer specifications so that it does not end
up in the ACOPOS servo drives.

210 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Using cooling systems in control cabinets

5.5.3 Placing a cooling unit on the front of the control cabinet

Chapter 3
Figure 74: Placing a cooling unit on the front of the control cabinet

The flow of cool air from the cooling unit must be directed through air channel systems at the lowest
possible point in the control cabinet (see image above).

Make sure that the flow of cool air in the cooling system is not directed against the air flow from the
fans in the ACOPOS servo drive. This could create air pockets that would prevent sufficient cooling
of ACOPOS servo drives.
Condensation must be directed off the cooling unit according to manufacturer specifications so that it does not end
up in the ACOPOS servo drives.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 211

Installation • Motor cables

6 Motor cables
6.1 Assembly example (module-side) of a 1.5 mm² motor cable

1. Shorten the motor cable to the required length.

2. Strip the motor cable on the module end of the cable (make sure not to damage the entire shield mesh).
Cable sheath

Full shield mesh

Motor cable Length of stripped cable section x


1.5 mm² 75 mm
4 mm² 150 mm
10 mm² 180 mm

Figure 75: Stripped cable end

3. Pull the entire shield back over the cable sheath and cut off the stranding elements

Separately shielded
Pulled back Signal lines
Full shield mesh

Power lines

Figure 76: Cable end with shielding mesh pulled back

212 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Installation • Motor cables

4. Pull the separately shielded signal lines (2x 2 lines) from the shielding mesh.

Shielding mesh for the signal lines

as close to the cable sheath
as possible

Pull stranding elements and lines from

the shielding mesh

Chapter 3
Open the signal line shielding mesh

Stranding elements

Signal lines

Figure 77: Pulling out the separately shielded signal lines

5. Cut the stranding elements of the separately shielded line.

Full shield mesh

Shielding mesh
Signal lines

Shielding mesh
Signal lines

Figure 78: Cable end without stranding elements

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 213

Installation • Motor cables

6. Shorten the shielding mesh to a length of approximately 40 mm and pull the signal line's shielding mesh over
the cable sheath.

Full shield mesh

Shielding mesh
Signal lines

Shielding mesh
Signal lines

Figure 79: Cable ends with shortened shielding mesh

7. Attach all braided shields to the cable sheath using heat shrink tubing (approx. 20 mm long), leaving some
of the braided shield free.

Cable shield
Heat shrink tubing
Shielding mesh
Signal lines


Figure 80: Attaching the shielding mesh

8. Strip the wire ends and attach wire end sleeves.

Motor cable Stripped lengths

Power lines Signal lines

1.5 mm² 10 mm 8 mm
4 mm² 12 mm 8 mm
10 mm² 18 mm 8 mm

Motor cable Wire end sleeves

Power lines Signal lines
1.5 mm² 1.5 mm² 0.75 mm²
4 mm² 4 mm² 1 mm²
10 mm² 10 mm² 1.5 mm²

Figure 81: Wire ends with wire end sleeves

214 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

Chapter 4 • Dimensioning

1 Power mains connection

1.1 General information

1.1.1 Mains configurations

The power mains connection is made using terminals X3 / L1, L2, L3 and PE. ACOPOS servo drives can be directly
connected to TT and TN power mains (these are three-phase systems with grounded neutral).
When using ungrounded IT power mains (three-phase systems without grounded neutral or with an impedance
grounded neutral) or TN-S power mains with grounded phase conductor and protective ground conductor, isolation
transformers must be used. The secondary neutral must be grounded and connected to the ACOPOS protective
ground conductor. In this way, it is possible to prevent overvoltages between external conductors and the ACOPOS
housing. Three-phase isolation transformers with the corresponding input and output voltages and a vector group
with secondary neutral can be used (e.g. 3x 400 V / 3x 400 V, Dyn5).
In the USA, TT and TN power mains are among the most common mains systems and are referred to as "Delta /
Wye with grounded Wye neutral". IT power mains systems are also known as "systems with ungrounded sec-

Chapter 4
ondary" and TN-S power mains with grounded phase conductor as "Delta / Delta with grounded leg".

ACOPOS servo drives are only allowed to be operated directly on grounded, three-phase industrial
mains (TN, TT power mains). When servo drives are used in residential areas, shops or small busi-
nesses, additional filtering measures must be implemented by the user.

Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase
conductor and protective ground conductor!

ACOPOS drive systems are suitable for power mains that can provide a maximum short circuit current
(SCCR) of 65 kA at a maximum of 482 V and that are protected with class J fuses.

ACOPOS drive systems are equipped with integrated semiconductor short circuit protection. This
semiconductor short circuit protection does not provide protection for branch circuits. Short circuit
protection for branch circuits must be implemented in accordance with national directives or other
local regulations.

The fuse of a branch circuit being triggered can be a sign that a fault current has been interrupted. The
current-bearing parts and other components of the module should be checked and replaced if they
are damaged. If current-bearing parts of an overload relay have burned out due to a power overload,
they must be replaced.

The power mains short circuit capacity Sk must be 10 times greater than the continuous power of the
selected servo drive.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 215

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

1.1.2 Supply voltage range

The supply voltage range permitted for ACOPOS servo drives can be found in the following table:
8V1010.5xx-2 8V1010.0xx-2 8V1022.0xx-2 8V1180.0xx-2 8V1640.0xx-2
8V1016.5xx-2 8V1016.0xx-2 8V1045.0xx-2 8V1320.0xx-2 8V128M.0xx-2
Mains input voltage 3x 110 VAC to 230 VAC ±10% 3x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ±10%
1x 110 VAC to 230 VAC ±10%

Table 172: Supply voltage range for ACOPOS servo drives

Respective intermediate transformers must be used for other supply voltages. With grounded power mains, au-
totransformers can also be used to adjust the voltage. Neutral does not have to be connected for this type of

The apparent power from the transformer (intermediate transformer, autotransformer) must be at least
25% of the continuous power from the ACOPOS drives being used. Otherwise, parasitic leakage in-
ductances can cause excessive heating of the transformer. In extreme cases, this can cause critical
damage to the transformer!

1.1.3 Protective ground connection (PE)

The following information concerning the protective ground connection corresponds to EN 61800-5-1, Item
"Connection elements for the protective ground conductor" and must be observed.

Wire cross section

The wire cross section of the protective ground wire is oriented to the outer wires and must be selected according
to the following table:
Wire cross section for outer wire A [mm²] Minimum wire cross section for pro-
tective ground connection APE [mm²] 1)
A ≤ 16 A
16 < A ≤ 35 16
35 < A A=2

Table 173: Selection of the protective ground wire cross section

1) Any protective ground conductor that is not part of a cable must have a minimum wire cross section of 4 mm².

Increased discharge current

ACOPOS servo drives are devices with increased discharge current (larger than 3.5 mA AC or 10 mA DC). There-
fore, a fixed (immobile) protective ground connection is required on the servo drives.

216 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

The following conditions must be fulfilled depending on the ACOPOS device being used:
ACOPOS Condition Figure
1010 In addition to the connection of the first protective ground conductor
1016 on terminal X3/PE, a second protective ground conductor with the
same cross section must be connected on the designated terminal
(M5 threaded bolt).

1022 In addition to the connection of the first protective ground conductor

1045 on terminal X3/PE, a second protective ground conductor with the
1090 same cross section must be connected on the designated terminal
(M5 threaded bolt).

Chapter 4
1180 In addition to the connection of the first protective ground conductor
1320 on terminal X3/PE, a second protective ground conductor with the
same cross section must be connected on the designated terminal
(M5 threaded bolt).

1640 The cross section of the protective ground conductor connected to

128 M terminal X3 / PE must be at least 10mm² Cu.

Table 174: Protective ground conditions depending on the ACOPOS device

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 217

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

1.2 Dimensioning

In general, dimensioning the power mains, the overcurrent protection and (if necessary) the line contactors depends
on the structure of the power mains connection.
ACOPOS servo drives can be connected individually (each drive has separate overcurrent protection and, if nec-
essary, a separate line contactor) or together in groups.

1.2.1 Individual ACOPOS power mains connections

The structure of an individual power mains connection with line contactor and circuit breaker can be seen in the
following diagram:
K1 K1
Q1 Q1
L1 L1
3 * 400 - 480 VAC L2 1 * 110 - 230 VAC N
3 * 110 - 230 VAC L3 50/60 Hz
50/60 Hz PE 1





X3 X3

Figure 82: ACOPOS X3, individual power mains connection - Circuit diagram

Dimensioning the power mains and overcurrent protection

When choosing a suitable fuse, the user must also account for characteristics such as aging effects,
temperature derating, overcurrent capacity and the definition of the rated current, which can vary
by manufacturer and type. In addition, the fuse that is selected must also be able to handle applica-
tion-specific characteristics (e.g. overcurrent that occurs in acceleration cycles).
The cross section of the power mains and the rated current for overcurrent protection IB should be determined
based on the average current load IMains to be expected.
The average current load IMains to be expected can be calculated as follows:

The apparent power S can be estimated as follows: 8)

8) If information concerning load torque, inertia and friction are available, the effective torque or the effective power is calculated according to the following for-

To calculate navg, information concerning the positioning cycle must be available.

navg can be calculated using the following formulas:

If the values navg become very low, this can cause imprecise results in some situations. In this case, you should contact B&R regarding the use of different cal-
culation formulas or methods.

218 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

The following estimate is valid for linear motors: 9)

The constant k is dependent on the ACOPOS servo drives used and can be taken from the following table:
1010 1016 1022 1045 1090 1180 1320 1640 128 M
Constant k 3 2.8 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5

Table 175: Constant k

The rated current of the fuse IB is selected so that it's greater than/equal to the average current load IMains to be
IB ≥ IMains
The cable cross section of the power mains input should be selected so that the permitted maximum current load of
the cable cross section IZ is greater than/equal to the selected rated current of the fuse IB (see Table 176 "Maximum
current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables or individual wires " on page 219).
The following table shows the maximum current load of PVC insulated three-phase cables (or three current-carrying
wires) in accordance with IEC 60204-1 at 40°C ambient temperature 10) and 70°C maximum wire temperature
(maximum current load for installation type F and cross sections greater than 35 mm²; IEC 60364-5-523 is used
for installation types B1 and B2).
Maximum current load for the cable cross section IZ / rated current for

Chapter 4
the overcurrent protection IB [A] depending on the type of installation
Wire cross
Three individual wires Three-phase cable in Three-phase Three-phase ca- Three individual
section [mm²]
in conduit or cable duct conduit or cable duct cable on walls ble in a cable tray wires in a cable tray
B1 B2 C E E
1.5 13.5 / 13 12.2 / 10 15.2 / 13 16.1 / 16 ---
2.5 18.3 / 16 16.5 / 16 21 / 20 22 / 20 ---
4 25 / 25 23 / 20 28 / 25 30 / 25 ---
6 32 / 32 29 / 25 36 / 32 37 / 32 ---
10 44 / 32 40 / 32 50 / 50 52 / 50 ---
16 60 / 50 53 / 50 66 / 63 70 / 63 ---
25 77 / 63 67 / 63 84 / 80 88 / 80 96 / 80
35 97 / 80 83 / 80 104 / 100 114 / 100 119 / 100
50 117 / 100 103 / 100 123 / 100 123 / 100 145 / 125
70 149 / 125 130 / 125 155 / 125 155 / 125 188 / 160
95 180 / 160 156 / 125 192 / 160 192 / 160 230 / 200

Table 176: Maximum current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables or individual wires

When determining the cross section for the power mains, make sure that the cross section selected is within the
range that can be used with the X3 power mains terminal (see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page
Overcurrent protection in the form of a circuit breaker or a fuse is required. Circuit breakers (time lag) with type
C tripping characteristics (in accordance with IEC 60898) or fuses (time lag) with type gG tripping characteristics
(in accordance with IEC 60269-1) must be used. 11)

North America:
Only cables with copper wire can be used for cabling. These attachment cables must be able to withstand ambient
temperatures up to 75°C.

9) If information concerning load torque, inertia and friction are available, the effective torque or the effective power is calculated according to the following for-

To calculate vavg, information concerning the positioning cycle must be available.

vavg can be calculated using the following formulas:

If the values vavg become very low, this can cause imprecise results in some situations. In this case, you should contact B&R regarding the use of different cal-
culation formulas or methods.
10) The maximum current load value in IEC 60204-1 is for an ambient temperature of 40°C. This reference temperature is 30°C in IEC 60364-5-523. The values
in table "Maximum current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables or individual wires" from IEC 60364-5-523 are also converted for use at 40°C with the
factor kTemp =0.87 specified in the standard.
The specified maximum current load does not take a reduction factor for groups of cables and individual wires into consideration. If necessary, this must be
taken from the corresponding standards and included in the calculation.
11) Circuit breakers are available on the market with rated currents from 6 A to 63 A. Outside of this range, fuses must be used.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 219

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

Class J fuses according to UL Standard 248-8 can be used (for example fuses of type AJTxx from Ferraz Shaw-
mut (www.ferrazshawmut.com) or type LPJ-xxSP from Bussmann (www.bussmann.com), where xx represents the
nominal current of the respective fuse).
As an alternative, class CC fuses according to UL Standard 248-4 can be used (for example fuses of type LP-CC-
xx from Bussmann (www.bussmann.com), where xx is the rated current of the respective fuse; fuses of type LP-
CC-xx are available up to a nominal current of 30 A).
The fuse must have the following tripping characteristics:
Minimum tripping time [s] Rated current for the fuse at an average expected current load of
12 ... 35 A 50 ... 80 A 100 ... 125 A 160 A
0.2 Approx. 5.1 * IB Approx. 4.5 * IB Approx. 3.6 * IB Approx. 4.0 * IB
4 Approx. 3.7 * IB Approx. 3.3 * IB Approx. 2.8 * IB Approx. 3.2 * IB
10 Approx. 2.9 * IB Approx. 2.5 * IB Approx. 2.0 * IB Approx. 2.3 * IB
240 Approx. 1.7 * IB Approx. 1.7 * IB Approx. 1.6 * IB Approx. 1.8 * IB

Table 177: Tripping characteristics of the fuse for the power mains connection

Dimensioning the line contactor

The rated current of the line contactor is oriented to the overcurrent protection for the power mains connection.
The line contactor is set up so that nominal operating current specified by the manufacturer of the line contactor
for category AC-1 in accordance with EN 60947-4-1 is approximately 1.3 times the rated current of the overcurrent

ACOPOS servo drive DC bus circuits that are connected separately to the power mains via line con-
nectors must not be interconnected!
Connecting a line choke and a line contactor before each individual servo drive in a group is not per-
mitted. If, in this case, the DC bus circuits of the individual servo drives are interconnected, the recti-
fiers in the servo drives can be overloaded and possibly destroyed.

220 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

1.2.2 Implementing ACOPOS power mains connections for drive groups

The structure of the power mains connection for a drive group with line contactor and circuit breaker can be seen
in the following diagram:
3 * 400 - 480 VAC
3 * 110 - 230 VAC
50/60 Hz




X3 X3

1 * 110 - 230 VAC N
50/60 Hz







X3 X3

Chapter 4
Figure 83: ACOPOS X3, power mains connection for a drive group - Circuit diagram

Using a mains choke

The optional use of a mains choke for drive groups can reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) and the effective
value for the mains current while increasing the total power factor (TPF). The nominal current for the line choke
must be equal to the nominal current of the fuse that is protecting the drive group. In this way, the line choke is
protected against overload by the fuse.
A line choke connection diagram is shown in the following image:
Q1 L1
3 * 400 - 480 VAC
3 * 110 - 230 VAC
50/60 Hz




X3 X3

Figure 84: ACOPOS X3, power mains connection for a drive group with optional line choke - Circuit diagram

For multi-axis configurations, only one line choke and one line contactor are permitted to be connected
before the entire ACOPOS servo drive group (see "ACOPOS X3, power mains connection for a drive
group with optional line choke - Circuit diagram" on page 221)!
Model number Short description
8I0CT004.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 4 A
8I0CT010.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 10 A
8I0CT016.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 16 A
8I0CT030.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 30 A
8I0CT060.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 60 A
8I0CT100.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 100 A
8I0CT184.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 184 A
8I0CT222.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 222 A
8I0CT230.000-1 ACPi line choke 3-phase 230 A

Table 178: Model numbers for the line chokes available from B&R

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 221

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

Dimensioning the power mains and fuse

When choosing a suitable fuse, the user must also account for properties such as aging effects, tem-
perature derating, overcurrent capacity and the definition of the rated current, which can vary by man-
ufacturer and type. In addition, the fuse that is selected must also be able to handle application-specific
characteristics (e.g. overcurrent that occurs in acceleration cycles).
The cross section of the distribution point and all power mains connections are chosen according to "Maximum
current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables or individual wires " on page 219 so that the maximum current
load for the cable cross section selected 12) is greater than or equal to the sum of the calculated mains current.

The rated current of the overcurrent protection must be less than or equal to the maximum current load for the cable
cross section selected (see Table 176 "Maximum current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables or individual
wires " on page 219).

Dimensioning the line contactor

The rated current of a common line contactor is oriented to the overcurrent protection for the power mains con-
nection. The line contactor is set up so that nominal operating current specified by the manufacturer of the line
contactor for category AC-1 is approximately 1.3 times the rated current of the overcurrent protection.

12) When determining a common cross section for several drives (especially with different sized ACOPOS modules), make sure that the cross section selected is
within the range that can be used with the power mains terminals (see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255).

222 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Power mains connection

1.3 Fault current protection

Fault current protection (RCD - residual current-operated protective device) can be used with ACOPOS servo
drives. The following points must be noted, however:
ACOPOS servo drives have a power rectifier. If a short circuit to the frame occurs, a flat DC fault current can be
created which prevents an AC current or pulse current sensitive RCD (type A or AC) from being activated, therefore
canceling the protective function for all connected devices.

If used for protection during direct or indirect contact of the fault current protection (RCD), only a
Type B RCD (AC-DC sensitive, in accordance with IEC 60755) can be used for the ACOPOS power
mains connection. Otherwise, additional protective measures must be used, such as neutralization or
isolation from the power mains using an isolation transformer.

1.3.1 Rated fault current

On ACOPOS servo drives, fault current protection with a rated fault current13) of ≥100 mA can be used. However,
errors can occur:
• When connecting servo drives to the power mains (short-term single-phase or two-phase operation be-
cause of contact chatter on the line contactor).
• Because of high frequency discharge currents occurring during operation when using long motor cables.

• Because of an extreme unbalance factor for the three-phase system.

Chapter 4
1.3.2 Estimating the discharge current

Depending on the connection of the ACOPOS servo drive, different discharge currents flow to ground on the
protective ground conductor (PE):
Single-phase or two-phase operation (as intermediate state when switching on the line contactor):

Single-phase operation with neutral line:

The discharge capacitance CA of the various ACOPOS servo drives can be taken from the following table:
1010.0xx-2 1010.5xx-2 1022.0xx-2 1045.0xx-2 1090.0xx-2 1180.0xx-2 1320.0xx-2 1640.0xx-2 128M.0xx-2
1016.0xx-2 1016.5xx-2
Discharge capacitance 550 nF 330 nF 660 nF 3.1 μF 5.4 μF

Table 179: Discharge capacitance CA

1.3.3 Manufacturer used

For example, the AC-DC sensitive, 4-pole fault current protective device F 804 from ABB (fault current: 300 mA;
nominal current: 63 A) can be used. Using this fault current protective device, approximately 5 ACOPOS 1022 (or
1045, 1090) can be connected in parallel.

13) The rated fault current listed by the manufacturer are maximum values that will definitely trip the protective device. Normally, the protective device is tripped at
approximately 60% of the rated fault current.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 223

Dimensioning • DC bus

2 DC bus
2.1 General information

With ACOPOS servo drives, it is possible to connect several servo drives via the DC bus. This connection allows
compensation of braking and drive energy of several axes or the distribution of braking energy to several braking
The connection is made using terminals X2 / +DC and -DC. The structure of the DC bus connections can be seen
in the following diagram:





X2 X2


Figure 85: ACOPOS X2 DC bus connections - Circuit diagram

To prevent excessively high discharge currents from flowing over the individual servo drives, make
sure that smaller servo drives are not connected between two larger servo drives.

For multi-axis configurations, only one line choke and one line contactor are permitted to be connected
before the entire ACOPOS servo drive group (see "ACOPOS X3, power mains connection for a drive
group with optional line choke - Circuit diagram" on page 221)!

Only DC bus circuits of ACOPOS servo drives with the same supply voltage range are permitted to be
connected in a group ("Supply voltage range for ACOPOS servo drives" on page 216).
Therefore, the DC bus circuits of ACOPOS servo drives 8Vxxxx.5xx-2 and 8Vxxxx.0xx-2 are not allowed
to be linked! For this reason, the X2 plugs for ACOPOS servo drives 8Vxxxx.5xx-2 and 8Vxxxx.0xx-2
are keyed differently.
All ACOPOS servo drives 8Vxxxx.5xx-2 with a single-phase supply that should have their DC buses
connected together must be connected to the same phase! If this is not done, the DC bus voltage
increases to a level that is not permitted, causing the devices to be destroyed!

224 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • DC bus

2.2 Wiring design

The DC bus connections on the ACOPOS servo drives do not have short circuit and ground fault protection and are
not protected against reverse polarity. It is therefore very important that the DC bus connections be wired correctly.

DC bus connections must be wired correctly (no short circuits, ground faults or reverse polarity).
A suitable measure to ensure that the wiring is secure against short circuits and ground faults14) is the use of
appropriate electrical lines. Special rubber-insulated wires with increased resistance to heat (90°C) of types
with a nominal voltage U0/U of at least 1.7/3 kV are considered to be secure against short circuits and ground faults
in switchgear and distribution systems up to 1000 V15) .

2.3 Equal distribution of the applied power via the power rectifiers

When creating a DC bus connection between several servo drives, it is possible that the parallel connection of the
power rectifiers causes incorrect distribution of the applied power.


Chapter 4
Distribution of the supplied power that is not permitted can occur both during operation and when
booting the ACOPOS servo drives!
To prevent this undesired effect, appropriately dimensioned balancing resistors are integrated in the ACOPOS
servo drives.
The following rules must be observed so that the effect of these balancing resistors is not canceled out:
• The length of the DC bus wiring is not allowed to exceed a total length of 3 m and must be within a single
control cabinet.
• Dimensioning the cross section of the ACOPOS servo drive power mains must be done according to section
"Dimensioning the power mains and overcurrent protection" on page 218. .
• The cross section of the DC bus wiring 16) on the respective ACOPOS servo drives must be less than or
equal to the cross section of the servo drive power mains.
• The selected cross section must be within the clampable cross section range for the DC bus connection
terminal X2 (see "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255).
• For multi-axis configurations, only one line choke may be connected before the entire ACOPOS servo drive

14) Wiring design e.g. according to DIN VDE 0100, Part 200 "Electrical systems for buildings - terms", Item A.7.6.
15) See e.g. DIN VDE 0298, Part 3 "Use of cables and insulated wires for high-voltage systems", Item 9.2.8.
16) The cross section of the individual segments of the DC bus wiring must be dimensioned for the thermal equivalent effective value of the respective compensa-

tion current. If information concerning the compensation current flow is available, the thermal equivalent effective value for the compensation current can be

calculated as follows:

The cross section of the DC bus connection should then also be selected as described in "Overview of clampable cross sections" on page 255, so that the

maximum current load of the cable cross section is greater than or equal to the thermal equivalent effective value of the compensation current (IZ ≥ Iq).

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 225

Dimensioning • DC bus

2.4 Equal distribution of the brake power on the braking resistors

The braking resistors integrated in ACOPOS servo drives as well as braking resistors that can be connected
externally are controlled using a specially developed procedure. This guarantees that the brake power is optimally
and equally distributed on the braking resistors when a DC bus connection is made between several units.
When using integrated braking resistors, additional configuration is not required.
When using external braking resistors, the corresponding parameters must be defined (see "Configuring brake
resistor parameters" on page 238).

2.5 Connecting external DC bus power supplies

ACOPOS servo drives recognize a power failure and can immediately initiate active braking of the motor. The brake
energy generated when braking is returned to the DC bus, and the DC bus power supply can use it to create the
24 VDC supply voltage. In this way, the ACOPOS servo drives as well as encoders, sensors and possible safety
circuit can be supplied with 24 VDC while braking. 17)
An external DC bus power supply must be used for ACOPOS servo drives 8V1010 to 8V1090. A DC bus power
supply is integrated in ACOPOS servo drives 8V1180 to 8V128M. 18)







X2 X2



Output 1010/1016/
24 VDC 1022/1045/1090

+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 14-15)
COM (5-7, 14-15)
0V COM (5-7, 14-15)

Figure 86: DC bus power supply for ACOPOS servo drives

17) IMPORTANT: In some applications, there is not enough brake energy provided to guarantee that the 24 VDC supply voltage remains active until the system is
18) The SL20.310 DC bus power supply from PULS can be used (www.pulspower.com).

226 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Motor connection

3 Motor connection
On B&R motors, the power connections, the connections for the holding brake and the connections for the motor
temperature sensor are all made using the same motor connector.
On the servo drive, the motor connection is made using terminals X5 / U, V, W and PE as well as terminals X4b /
B+, B-, T+ and T-. This motor connection must be shielded appropriately (see "Electromagnetic compatibility of
the installation " on page 249).
The design of the motor connection can be seen in the following diagram:

Slot 1

Slot 2

Chapter 4
Figure 87: ACOPOS X4/X5 motor connections - Circuit diagram
The cross section of the motor cable must be dimensioned for the thermal equivalent effective value of the motor
current. 19)
The cross section of the motor cable is chosen for B&R motor cables according to the following table so that
the maximum current load for the cable cross section selected is greater than or equal to the thermal equivalent
effective value of the motor current:

Motor cables - For use in cable drag chains

The following table shows the maximum current load for specially insulated three-phase cables in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-523 at an ambient temperature of 40°C20) and 90°C maximum cable temperature.
Maximum current load on the wire IZ [A] depending on type of installation
Three-phase cable in
Wire cross section [mm²] Three-phase cable on walls Three-phase cable in a cable tray
conduit or cable duct
B2 C E
0.75 11.5 13 13.5
1.5 17.8 20 20.9
4 31.9 1) 36.4 1) 38.2 1)
10 54.6 64.6 68.3
35 116.5 133.8 143.8

Table 180: Maximum current load for specially insulated three-phase cables
1) The plug pins on assembled B&R 8BCMxxxx.1312A-0 motor cables can handle a max. load of 30 A.

19) If information concerning load torque, inertia and friction is available, the thermal equivalent effective value for the motor current of the motor used can be cal-
culated as follows:

20) The maximum current load value in IEC 60364-5-523 is for an ambient temperature of 30°C. The values in table "Maximum current load for PVC insulated
three-phase cables or individual wires" are converted for use at 40°C ambient temperature using the factor kTemp = 0.91 given in the standard.
The specified maximum current load does not take a reduction factor for groups of cables and individual wires into consideration. If necessary, this must be
taken from the corresponding standards and included in the calculation.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 227

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

Motor cables - Not for use in cable drag chains

The following table shows the maximum current load for PVC-insulated three-phase cables in accordance with IEC
60364-5-523 at an ambient temperature of 40°C21) and 70°C maximum cable temperature.
Maximum current load on the wire IZ [A] depending on type of installation
Three-phase cable in
Wire cross section [mm²] Three-phase cable on walls Three-phase cable in a cable tray
conduit or cable duct
B2 C E
0.75 8.5 9.8 10.4
1.5 13.1 15.2 16.1
4 23 28 30

Table 181: Maximum current load for PVC-insulated three-phase cables

When determining the cross section for the motor cable, make sure that the cross section selected is within the
range that can be used with the X5 motor connection terminal (see section "Overview of clampable cross sections").

4 Braking resistors
4.1 General information

When braking servo motors, power is returned to the ACOPOS servo drive. This causes the capacitors in the DC
bus to be charged to higher voltages. Starting with a DC bus voltage of approx. 800 V, the ACOPOS servo drive
links the braking resistor to the DC bus using the brake chopper and converts the braking energy to heat.
For ACOPOS servo drives, braking resistors are integrated for this purpose or external braking resistors can be
connected. The different features can be looked up in the following table:
1010 1016 1022 1045 1090 1180 1320 1640 128 M
Integrated brake chopper Yes
Internal braking resistor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3) Yes 3)
Continuous power 130 W 130 W 200 W 400 W 200 W 240 W
Maximum power 2 kW 1) 3.5 kW 7 kW 14 kW 7 kW 8.5 kW
1.9 kW 2)
Connection of external braking resistor possible 4) No 6) Yes Yes
Continuous power (PBRmax) --- --- 7) --- 7)
Maximum power (PBRmax) --- 40 kW 250 kW
Minimum braking resistance (RminServo) --- 15 Ω 2.5 Ω
Rated current for the built-in fuse (IBRServo) 5) --- 12 A (fast-acting) 30 A (fast-acting)

Table 182: Braking resistors for ACOPOS servo drives

1) For 8V1010.0xx-2 and 8V1016.0xx-2.
2) For 8V1010.5xx-2 and 8V1016.5xx-2.
3) The braking resistor integrated in the ACOPOS servo drives 1640 and 128M is dimensioned so that it is possible to brake to a stop (in a typical drive situation).
4) The ACOPOS servo drives are designed so that either the integrated braking resistor or the external braking resistor can be activated. Braking with both
braking resistors at the same time is not possible.
Switching takes place using the software and is only possible during the ACOPOS servo drive initialization phase:

ParID 398: Setting for an internal / external braking resistor

0 ... Internal (default)

1 ... External
5) The fuses used must be fast-acting fuses ∅10x38 mm for 600 VAC/VDC. For example, type KLKD0xx (xx is the rated current of the fuse in amperes e.g.
KLKD030) from Littelfuse (www.littelfuse.com) can be used.
6) The braking resistors integrated in ACOPOS servo drives 1010, 1016, 1022, 1045 and 1090 are optimally dimensioned for the respective sizes.
7) Application-dependent (see "Overview of braking resistor data - 8B0W " on page 231).

21) The maximum current load value in IEC 60364-5-523 is for an ambient temperature of 30°C. The values in table "Maximum current load for PVC insulated
three-phase cables or individual wires" are converted for use at 40°C ambient temperature using the factor kTemp = 0.91 given in the standard.
The specified maximum current load does not take a reduction factor for groups of cables and individual wires into consideration. If necessary, this must be
taken from the corresponding standards and included in the calculation.

228 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

4.2 External braking resistor connections

External braking resistors are connected using the X6 / RB+, RB- and PE terminals. The structure of the external
braking resistor connection can be seen in the following diagram:






Figure 88: ACOPOS X6, external braking resistor on ACOPOS 1180/1320/1640/128M - Circuit diagram

When determining the cross section 22) for wiring the external braking resistor, make sure that the cross section

Chapter 4
selected is within the range that can be used with braking resistor connection terminal X6 (see "Overview of clam-
pable cross sections" on page 255).

4.2.1 Fuse protection

To protect the external braking resistor connection, a fuse is built into the bottom of ACOPOS servo drives. 23)
ACOPOS 1180, 1320 ACOPOS 1640, 128M

Table 183: The location where the fuse for the external braking resistor connection is installed

The relevant data for the fuses that are to be used can be found on the sticker close to the fuse holder.

22) The cross section of the braking resistor cable must be dimensioned for the thermal equivalent effective value of the respective brake current. If information
concerning the the brake current flow is available, the thermal equivalent effective value for the brake current can be calculated as follows:

The cross section of the braking resistor connection should then be selected as described in table "Maximum current load for PVC insulated three-phase ca-
bles or individual wires " on page 219, so that the maximum current load of the cable cross section is greater than or equal to the thermal equivalent effective
value of the brake current (IZ ≥ Iq).
23) External braking resistors can only be connected to ACOPOS 8V1180.0xx-2, 8V1320.0xx-2, 8V1640.0xx-2 and 8V128M.0xx-2 devices. The fuses used must
be fast-acting fuses ∅10x38 mm for 600 VAC/VDC. For example, type KLKD0xx (xx is the rated current of the fuse in amperes e.g. KLKD030) from Littelfuse
(www.littelfuse.com) can be used.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 229

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

4.3 Dimensioning the braking resistor

4.3.1 Basis of the calculation

An external braking resistor can be dimensioned based on a movement and load profile (for each axis in the
corresponding application):

Figure 89: Movement and load profile for one axis in a sample application
ω(t) Angular velocity
PBR(t) Brake power
PBRavg Average brake power for one cycle
M(t) Torque
tCycle Cycle duration
t01 Start time for braking procedure 1
tPBR1 End time for braking procedure 1
PBRmax1 Maximum brake power in braking procedure 1
WBR1 Brake power for braking procedure 1
tBR1 Duration of braking procedure 1
t02 Start time for braking procedure 2
tPBR2 End time for braking procedure 2
PBRmax2 Maximum brake power in braking procedure 2
WBR2 Brake power for braking procedure 2
tBR2 Duration of braking procedure 2

230 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

Power calculation

All instances of P(t) <0 will be labeled as brake power ratings PBR(t).

Braking energy per braking procedure (responsible for heating up the braking resistor during a braking

Braking energy for one cycle (responsible for average heating of the braking resistor)

Maximum braking energy within one cycle (determinant variable for selecting the braking resistor value)

Chapter 4
Average brake power for one cycle (determinant variable for the required continuous power of the braking

Total braking time within one cycle (determinant variable for determining the duty cycle ratio)

Determining braking resistor data

The following parameters must be determined for an external braking resistor according to the application:
• Resistor value (RBR)
• Nominal continuous power (PBRN)

Further parameters for external braking resistors can be taken from the manufacturer's data sheet:
• Thermal capacity (cth)
• Thermal resistance (Rth)
• Maximum overtemperature on the external braking resistor (ΔTBRmax) or absorbed heat up to
ΔTBRmax (QBRmax) 24)

Data for B&R 8B0W braking resistors

Model number Mounting ori- RBR [Ω] TBRmax [°C] 1) Rth [K/W] cth [J/K] QBRmax [J] 1) 2) PBRN [W] 1) 2)
8B0W0045H000.00x-1 Vertical 50 682 1.517 16.3 10465 450
Horizontal 50 682 1.897 16.3 10465 360
8B0W0079H000.00x-1 Vertical 33 673 0.852 22.6 14306 790
Horizontal 33 673 1.065 22.6 14306 632

Table 184: Overview of braking resistor data - 8B0W

1) TBRmax can be reduced by application-related limitations (contact protection, warming of neighboring components, maximum warming of the control cabinet,
installation position, etc.). In this case, the values for QBRmax and PBRN will also change; these must be recalculated for the maximum value of TBRmax permitted
in the application!
2) Values for Tamb = 40°C.

24) Value for ambient temperature Tamb = 40°C.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 231

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

Series and parallel connection of braking resistors

Parameter Serial connection Parallel connection
Resistance value

Thermal resistance

Thermal capacity

Max. permissible temperature Tmax = Tmax Tmax = Tmax

Absorbed heat up to Tmax

Table 185: Series and parallel connection of braking resistors

Maximum heat that can be absorbed by the braking resistor:

Maximum temperature in continuous operation:

Average overtemperature in continuous operation:

Thermal time constant of the braking resistor:

232 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

4.3.2 Example

An axis has the following movement and load profile:

Chapter 4
Figure 90: Movement and load profile of one axis example
PBRmax1 = PBRmax2 = 50 kW
tBR1 = tBR2 = 0.3 s
tCycle = 10 s

• The ambient temperature is 40°C.

• There are no application-related limitations for the maximum surface temperature of the braking resistor.

Step 1: Determine the maximum brake power within one cycle.
PBRmaxAPPL = PBRmax1 = PBRmax2 = 50kW
Step 2: Determine the average brake power for one cycle.

Step 3: Determine the right ACOPOS servo drive.

The following criteria must be met:
PmaxServo ≥ PBRmaxAPPL ⇒PmaxServo ≥50kW

The ACOPOS servo drive 8V1640.00-2 meets these criteria (see Table 182 "Braking resistors for ACOPOS servo
drives" on page 228):
• PmaxServo = 250 kW ≥ 50 kW
• IBRServo = 30 A ≥ 10.83 A

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 233

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

Can the selected ACOPOS servo drive conduct the peak power for the required braking duration for each individual
braking procedure within the cycle?
This can be checked using the following diagrams:
Peak load capacity 8V1180 and 8V1320 (U DC = 800 VDC)

Braking power PBRmax [kW]

Braking duration t BR [s]

Figure 91: Peak load capacity - 8V1180 / 8V1320

Peak load capacity 8V1640 and 8V128M (U DC ) 800 VDC)
Braking power PBRmax [kW]


Braking duration t BR [s]

Figure 92: Peak load capacity - 8V1640 / 8V128M

The individual braking procedures within one cycle are entered in the diagram as points with the coordinates (tBR/
PBRmax) and must all be within the permissible range (marked green). If this is not the case, then a different ACOPOS
servo drive must be selected!

234 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

Figure "Peak load capacity - 8V1640 / 8V128M" contains the individual braking procedures from the sample appli-
cation (tBR = 0.3 sec, PBRmax = 50 kW). These are within the permissible range, which indicates that the selected
ACOPOS servo drive is suitable for the peak power of each individual braking procedure in the application.
Step 4: Determine value of the required external braking resistor.
Maximum permissible braking resistor for the application:

The value of the external braking resistor must meet the following criteria:
• RBR ≥ RminServo ⇒RBR ≥2.5 Ω

• RBR ≤ RBRmaxAPPL ⇒RBR ≤12.8 Ω

Therefore, a braking resistor or a combination of braking resistors must be selected with a resistance value between
2.5 Ω and 12.8 Ω.
Step 5: Select the external braking resistor.

If the resistance falls below the minimum permitted value, then the brake chopper in the device could

Chapter 4
be destroyed!

During braking, voltages up to 900 VDC can occur on the external braking resistor. The external braking
resistor must be able to handle these voltages.

We recommend choosing braking resistor value so that its resistance value RBR is as close as possible
to the maximum value permissible for the application RBRmax, in order to keep the current low through
the fuse on the ACOPOS servo drive's braking resistor connection.
This can require a parallel or series connection of individual braking resistors.
Three braking resistors 8B0W0079H000.001-1 (RBR = 33 Ω) will be connected in parallel to maintain a resistance
value that is right for the application (for technical data, see see Table 184 "Overview of braking resistor data -
8B0W " on page 231):
• Resistance value:

• Thermal capacity:

The continuous power PBRN and the thermal resistance Rth of the selected combination of braking resistors depends
on the mounting orientation:
• Horizontal mounting orientation:

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 235

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

• Vertical mounting orientation:

The nominal continuous power PBRN of a braking resistor depends on the ambient temperature and the
braking resistor's maximum permissible temperature.
The braking resistor's nominal power will be decreased if, for application reasons, the ambient temper-
ature is increased and/or the braking resistor's maximum permissible temperature is limited (contact
protection, warming of neighboring components, maximum warming of the control cabinet, installa-
tion position, etc.)!
Only for ACOPOS servo drives in the DC bus network!

The braking resistors integrated in ACOPOS servo drives as well as braking resistors that can be connected externally are controlled using a specially devel-
oped procedure. This guarantees that the brake power is optimally and equally distributed on the braking resistors when the DC bus connection of ACOPOS
servo drives is made between several units.

The following condition must be met for the external braking resistor in order for this occur:

• Horizontal mounting orientation:

--> Condition not met.

• Vertical mounting orientation:

--> Condition met.

Is the nominal continuous power PBRN of the selected braking resistor combination sufficient for the application's
average brake power PBRavgAPPL?
The following condition must be met:
This condition must be checked for all permissible mounting orientations:
• Horizontal mounting orientation:
PBRN ≥ PBRavgAPPL ⇒ 1896W >1500W --> Nominal continuous power PBRN is sufficient.
• Vertical mounting orientation:
PBRN ≥ PBRavgAPPL ⇒ 2370W >1500W --> Nominal continuous power PBRN is sufficient.
Can the selected braking resistor conduct the incidental braking energy without exceeding the maximum braking
resistor temperature for the application?
The following condition must be met for this to happen:

236 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

The peak load factor k for any braking resistor can be determined using the following diagram:
Duty cycle ratio t/ τ

Chapter 4
Cycle length ratio T/ τ

Figure 93: Determining the peak load factor k

k ... Peak load factor for the braking resistor
T ... Application cycle time (= tCycle)
t ... Sum of all braking times (total braking time) within one cycle
τ ... Thermal time constant of the braking resistor (= Rth * cth)

1. Calculation of the duty cycle ratio

° Horizontal mounting orientation:

° Vertical mounting orientation:

2. Calculation of the cycle length ratio

° Horizontal mounting orientation:

° Vertical mounting orientation:

3. Reading the peak load factor k based on the values from 1 and 2 in figure "Calculation of the peak load factor k"
° Horizontal installation: k = 0.075
° Vertical installation: k = 0.08

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 237

Dimensioning • Braking resistors

This condition must be checked for all permissible mounting orientations:

• Horizontal mounting orientation:

--> The nominal power PBRN of the braking resistor is barely sufficient for the application - No reserves!
Horizontal mounting orientations are therefore not recommended!
• Vertical mounting orientation:

--> The nominal power PBRN of the braking resistor is sufficient for the application.

Three B&R braking resistors 8B0W0079H000.001-1 connected in parallel and installed vertically on an ACOPOS
servo drive 8V1640.00-2 power supply module meet the requirements of the application.

4.4 Configuring brake resistor parameters

The braking resistors integrated in B&R drive systems or connected externally are controlled by a specially devel-
oped procedure. This guarantees that the brake power is optimally and equally distributed on the braking resistors
when a DC bus connection is made between several units.

4.4.1 Using the integrated braking resistors

No settings or configuration is required by the user.

4.4.2 Using external braking resistors

When using external braking resistors, the following parameters must be set for the drive system using B&R Au-
tomation Studio:
ParID Name Formula symbols Unit
10 Ohmic resistance RBR [Ω]
11 Maximum overtemperature on the external braking resistor ΔTBRmax [°C]
12 Thermal resistance between braking resistor and the environment Rth [K/W]
13 Heat capacitance of the filament cth [Ws/°C]
398 Setting for an internal / external braking resistor --- ---

0 ... Internal (default)

1 ... External

Switching is only possible during the ACOPOSservo drive initialization phase.

Table 186: ParIDs for setting external braking resistor parameters

These parameters can normally be found on the data sheet from the respective manufacturer. 25)
These parameters are based on the following thermal equivalent circuit diagram for the external braking resistor:

Figure 94: Thermal equivalent circuit diagram for the external braking resistor
If a value for the maximum overtemperature TBRmax of the external braking resistor is not given, it can be determined
using the following formula:

25) An example of reliable braking resistors are Σ SIGMA type braking resistors (www.danotherm.com).

238 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Configuring ACOPOS servo drives

5 Configuring ACOPOS servo drives

The plug-in modules for ACOPOS servo drives allow each servo drive to be individually configured according to
the requirements of the application. When putting together plug-in module combinations, the power consumption
must be checked. This then results in the current requirements of the ACOPOS servo drive configuration.

5.1 Maximum power output for all slots on the ACOPOS servo drive

The maximum power output for all slots (Pmax) depends on the size of the ACOPOS servo drive:
1010 1016 1022 1045 1090 1180 1320 1640 128 M
Pmax Max. 16 W Max. 22 W

Table 187: Maximum power output for all slots depending on the ACOPOS servo drive

The total power consumption for all plug-in modules must be less than or equal to the ACOPOS servo drive's
maximum power output:

The power consumption of the individual plug-in modules can be found in "Power consumption Pmodule of
ACOPOS plug-in modules" or the technical data for the modules (see "Technical data" on page 29):
Plug-in module Power consumption Pmodule
8AC110.60-3 Max. 0.7 W
8AC114.60-2 Max. 3 W

Chapter 4
8AC120.60-1 Depends on the EnDat encoder connected
E0 ... EnDat single-turn, 512 lines Max. 23 W
E1 ... EnDat multi-turn, 512 lines Max. 31 W
E2 ... EnDat single-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 31 W
E3 ... EnDat multi-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 31 W
E4 ... EnDat single-turn, 512 lines Max. 24 W
E5 ... EnDat multi-turn, 512 lines Max. 27 W
E8 ... EnDat single-turn, 16 lines (inductive) Max. 29 W
E9 ... EnDat multi-turn, 16 lines (inductive) Max. 31 W
EA ... EnDat single-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 27 W
EB ... EnDat multi-turn, 32 lines (inductive) Max. 30 W
With encoder current requirement of 0 mA 0.35 W
With encoder current requirement of 100 mA 1.4 W
With encoder current requirement of 170 mA 2.1 W
8AC122.60-3 Max. 2.5 W
8AC122.60-4 Max. 25 W
8AC123.60-1 Max. 7.5 W
Depends on the current requirements for the encoder connected 1)
8AC125.60-1 Max. 45 W
8AC125.60-2 22 W
8AC125.61-2 58 W
8AC126.60-1 Max. 44 W
8AC130.60-1 Max. 0.8 W
8AC131.60-1 Max. 1 W
8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3 Max. 4.5 W
8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 Max. 4.5 W

Table 188: Power consumption Pmodule of ACOPOS plug-in modules

1) The power consumption of the plug-in module can be approximated using the following formula:
PModule [W] = PEncoder [W] . k + 0.6 W
The power consumed by the encoder PEncoder is calculated from the selected encoder supply voltage (5 V / 15 V) and the current required:
PEncoder [W] = UEncoder [V] . IEncoder [A]
The following values must be used for k:
k = 1.2 (for 15 V encoder supply)
k = 1.75 (for 5 V encoder supply)

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 239

Dimensioning • Configuring ACOPOS servo drives

5.2 24 VDC current requirements for the ACOPOS servo drive

The 24 VDC current requirements (I24VDC) must be regarded differently depending on the size of the ACOPOS
servo drive.
• The following estimate can always be used for the ACOPOS 1010, 1016, 1022, 1045 and 1090:

• This estimate can also be used for the ACOPOS 1180, 1320, 1640 and 128M as long as a mains input
voltage is not applied. As soon as a mains input voltage is applied to these servo drives, the 24 VDC supply
voltage is created via the integrated DC bus power supply; the 24 VDC current requirements (I24VDC) is
then reduced to 0.
The 24 VDC maximum current requirements for the ACOPOS servo drives can be found in "Maximum current
requirements and constant k " or the technical data for the ACOPOSservo drives (see "Technical data").
1010 1016 1022 1045 1090 1180 1320 1640 128 M
I24VDCmax 1.47 A 2.5 A 2.8 A 4.6 A 5.7 A
k 0.73 0.64 0.63 0.58

Table 189: Maximum current requirements and constant k

The 24 VDC total current consumption for the ACOPOS servo drive is made up of the 24 VDC current requirements,
the current on the 24 VDC output (only for ACOPOS 1180/1320/1640/128M) and the current for the motor holding
brake (if used):

In this case, make sure that the 24 VDC total current consumption does not exceed the maximum current load
for the connection terminals.

240 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

6 Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

6.1 General dimensioning criteria

• What are the environmental conditions where the control cabinet will be located (ambient temperature TA,
humidity, installation altitude above sea level)?
• How is the air circulation (intake and outlet) where the control cabinet will be located? Particularly small
spaces can become significantly warmer due to the heat dissipation from a cooling device.
• Is the ambient air clean or contaminated with dust, oil, etc?
• Which type of control cabinet installation is intended according to DIN 57660, Part 500?
• Is the control cabinet open (allowing air flow) or closed (no air flow)? Control cabinets that are closed (no
air flow) can only dissipate power loss via the control cabinet walls.
• What kind of material are the control cabinet walls made of (specification of the heat transfer coefficient k)?
• What is the control cabinet's minimum required level of protection in accordance with EN 60529?
• How high is the specified internal temperature TIset of the control cabinet? This value must be lower than
the lowest permissible ambient temperature of all components used in the control cabinet.
• Is a coolant circulation available where the control cabinet is located?
• Is the maximum ambient temperature TAmax lower than the desired internal temperature TIset of the control

6.1.1 Basic selection of the cooling system

Chapter 4
Selecting the cooling system

Yes TIsoll > TUmax No

Natural convection
Cooling water circuit
Filter fans Yes No

Air/Air- Air/Water-
Cooling aggregates
Heat exchanger Heat exchanger

Figure 95: Basic selection of the cooling system

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 241

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

6.2 Natural convection

In this case, the power loss is emitted outwards through the control cabinet walls.

The ambient temperature TA must be considerably lower than the internal temperature TI of the control
The heat capacity emitted from the control cabinet to the environment strongly depends on how the control cabinet
is installed: A housing located in an open space can emit more heat to its environment than a housing that is
mounted to a wall or built into a recess.
The calculation of the effective control cabinet surface A depending on the type of control cabinet installation is
determined in DIN VDE 57 660 part 500 or IEC 890 (and VDE 0660 part 890):
Mounting arrangement in accordance with IEC 890 Formula for calculating A [m²] 1)
Detached single cabinet, free-standing on all sides A = 1.8 x H x (W + D) + 1.4 x W x D

Single cabinet, against a wall A = 1.4 x W x (H + D) + 1.8 x D x H

First or last cabinet, detached on three sides A = 1.4 x D x (H + W) + 1.8 x W x H

First or last cabinet, against a wall A = 1.4 x H x (W + D) + 1.4 x W x D

Middle cabinet, detached on two sides A = 1.8 x W x H + 1.4 x W x D + D x H

Middle cabinet, against a wall A = 1.4 x W x (H + D) + D x H

Middle cabinet, against a wall, with covered roof A = 1.4 x W x H + 0.7 x W x D + D x H

Table 190: Calculation of the effective control cabinet surface A (DIN VDE 57 660 part 500 or IEC 890)
1) W... Control cabinet width [m]; H ... Control cabinet height [m]; D ... Control cabinet depth [m].

6.2.1 Dimensioning

1. Determine the heat dissipation Qv of all devices in the control cabinet.

2. Calculate the effective control cabinet surface area A.
3. Calculate the maximum control cabinet temperature TImax: 26)

The control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax must be lower than the maximum permissible ambient
temperature of the components used inside the control cabinet.

6.2.2 Example

Two ACOPOS 8V1320.00-2 units and an ACOPOS 8V1640.00-2 are installed in a control cabinet. The heat dis-
sipation from the braking resistors was determined over one machine cycle and is on average 800 W. The heat
dissipation from all other active devices in the control cabinet is 500 W.
The steel control cabinet is 1 m wide, 2 m high, 0.5 m deep and is free-standing on all sides. The internal temper-
ature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C. The ambient temperature is 30°C.
Now determine whether the heat dissipation occurring in the control cabinet can be diverted by its own natural

1) Determine the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet.

Components in the control cabinet Quantity Heat dissipation per component [W] Total heat dissipation [W]
8V1320.00-2 2 800 1) 1600
8V1640.00-2 1 1600 1) 1600
Braking resistors --- 800 800
(average value over one machine cycle)
All other active devices --- --- 500
Total: 4500

Table 191: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet
1) The heat dissipation for ACOPOS servo drives is specified in the "Technical data" chapter. Maximum values are used in this example.

26) k ... Heat transfer coefficient [W/m²K]; for steel panel: k = 5.5
If the heat dissipation QV in the control cabinet is unknown, the actual power loss can be calculated by measuring TA and TI: QV = A ⋅ k ⋅ (TImax – TA)

242 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

2) Calculate the effective control cabinet surface area.

A = 1.8 x H x (W + D) + 1.4 x W x D = 1.8 x 2 x (1+0.5) + 1.4 x 1 x 0.5 = 6.1 m²

3) Calculate the control cabinet inside temperature TI.

The control cabinet's calculated internal temperature considerably exceeds the desired internal temperature of
40°C. Therefore, the heat dissipation occurring inside the control cabinet cannot be diverted by its own natural
convection. Another method must be used for cooling the control cabinet.

6.3 Filter fans

Filter fans are also a simple type of control cabinet cooling. The heat is dissipated by adding ambient air circulation
and simultaneously allowing the heated air inside the control cabinet to be diverted.

To use filter fans, the ambient temperature TA must be considerably lower than the internal temperature
TI of the control cabinet.

6.3.1 Dimensioning

1. Determine the heat dissipation Qv of all devices in the control cabinet.

Chapter 4
2. Determine the control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax at nominal load or identify it using the
maximum ambient temperature of the components being used.
3. Specify the ambient temperature TA of the control cabinet.
4. Specify the control cabinet's installation altitude h.
Depending on the control cabinet's installation altitude, a compensation factor f might be required, which can
be found in the following table:
Installation altitude h [m] Compensation factor f [m³K/Wh]
0 ≤ h ≤ 100 3.1
100 < h ≤ 250 3.2
250 < h ≤ 500 3.3
500 < h ≤ 750 3.4
750 < h ≤ 1000 3.5

Table 192: Compensation factor f depending on the control cabinet's installation altitude
5. Calculate the air flow volume V:

The correct filter fan can now be selected based on the calculated air flow volume V.

The required protection level of the control cabinet in accordance with EN 60529 must also be taken
into consideration when selecting a filter fan.

6.3.2 Example

Two ACOPOS 8V1320.00-2 units and an ACOPOS 8V1640.00-2 are installed in a control cabinet. The heat dis-
sipation from the braking resistors was determined over one machine cycle and is on average 800 W. The heat
dissipation from all other active devices in the control cabinet is 500 W.
The internal temperature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C. The ambient temperature is 30°C. The
control cabinet should be installed at 800 m above sea level.
The right filter fan must be selected for this control cabinet.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 243

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

1) Determine the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet.

Components in the control cabinet Quantity Heat dissipation per component [W] Total heat dissipation [W]
8V1320.00-2 2 800 1) 1600
8V1640.00-2 1 1600 1) 1600
Braking resistors --- 800 800
(average value over one machine cycle)
All other active devices --- --- 500
Total: 4500

Table 193: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet
1) The heat dissipation for ACOPOS servo drives is specified in the "Technical data" chapter. Maximum values are used in this example.

2) Determine the control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax at nominal load or identify it using
the maximum ambient temperature of the components being used.
The internal temperature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C.

3) Specify the ambient temperature TA of the control cabinet.

The ambient temperature is 30°C.

4) Specify the control cabinet's installation altitude h.

The compensation factor f can be taken from table "Compensation factor f depending on the control cabinet's
installation altitude" and is equal to 3.5 m³K/Wh.

5) Calculate the air flow volume V.

This results in an air flow volume of

The correct filter fan can now be selected based on the determined air flow volume.

244 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

6.4 Air/air heat exchangers

Air/Air heat exchangers dissipate the heat from the control cabinet using two hermetically isolated air currents
in the opposing current principle. This prevents dust, oil and other (aggressive) materials in the ambient air from
penetrating the control cabinet.

To use air/air heat exchangers, the ambient temperature TA must be considerably lower than the internal
temperature TI of the control cabinet.

6.4.1 Dimensioning

1. Determine the heat dissipation Qv of all devices in the control cabinet.

2. Determine the control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax at nominal load or identify it using the
maximum ambient temperature of the components being used.
3. Specify the ambient temperature TA of the control cabinet.
4. Calculate the effective control cabinet surface area A.
5. Calculate the specific heat capacity qW: 27)

The right air/air heat exchanger can be selected based on the specific heat capacity qW.

Chapter 4
The required protection level of the control cabinet in accordance with EN 60529 must also be taken
into consideration when selecting an air/air heat exchanger.

6.4.2 Example

Two ACOPOS 8V1320.00-2 units and an ACOPOS 8V1640.00-2 are installed in a control cabinet. The heat dis-
sipation from the braking resistors was determined over one machine cycle and is on average 800 W. The heat
dissipation from all other active devices in the control cabinet is 500 W.
The steel control cabinet is 1 m wide, 2 m high, 0.5 m deep and is free-standing on all sides. The internal temper-
ature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C. The ambient temperature is 30°C.
The right air/air heat exchanger must be selected for this control cabinet.

1) Determine the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet.

Components in the control cabinet Quantity Heat dissipation per component [W] Total heat dissipation [W]
8V1320.00-2 2 800 1) 1600
8V1640.00-2 1 1600 1) 1600
Braking resistors --- 800 800
(average value over one machine cycle)
All other active devices --- --- 500
Total: 4500

Table 194: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet
1) The heat dissipation for ACOPOS servo drives is specified in the "Technical data" chapter. Maximum values are used in this example.

2) Determine the control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax at nominal load or identify it using
the maximum ambient temperature of the components being used.
The internal temperature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C.

3) Specify the ambient temperature TA of the control cabinet.

The ambient temperature is 30°C.

4) Calculate the effective control cabinet surface area.

A = 1.8 x H x (W + D) + 1.4 x W x D = 1.8 x 2 x (1 + 0.5) + 1.4 x 1 x 0.5 = 6.1 m²

27) k ... Heat transfer coefficient [W/m²K]; for steel panel: k = 5.5

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 245

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

5) Calculate the specific heat capacity.

The heat transfer coefficient k for steel panels is 5.5 W/m²K.
This results in a specific heat capacity qW of

The right air/air heat exchanger can be selected based on the determined specific heat capacity qW.

6.5 Air/water heat exchangers / Cooling units

Air/water heat exchangers and cooling units dissipate heat via a cooling circulation system. This prevents dust, oil
and other (aggressive) materials in the ambient air from penetrating the control cabinet.

6.5.1 Dimensioning

1. Determine the heat dissipation Qv of all devices in the control cabinet.

2. Determine the control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax at nominal load or identify it using the
maximum ambient temperature of the components being used.
3. Specify the ambient temperature TA of the control cabinet.
4. Calculate the effective control cabinet surface area A.
5. Calculate the required cooling capacity QE: 28)

The right air/water heat exchanger or cooling unit can now be selected based on the required cooling capacity QE.

The required protection level of the control cabinet in accordance with EN 60529 must also be taken
into consideration when selecting an air/water heat exchanger or cooling unit.

6.5.2 Example

Two ACOPOS 8V1320.00-2 units and an ACOPOS 8V1640.00-2 are installed in a control cabinet. The heat dis-
sipation from the braking resistors was determined over one machine cycle and is on average 800 W. The heat
dissipation from all other active devices in the control cabinet is 500 W.
The steel control cabinet is 1 m wide, 2 m high, 0.5 m deep and is free-standing on all sides. The internal temper-
ature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C. The ambient temperature is 30°C.
The right air/water heat exchanger or cooling unit must be selected for this control cabinet.

1) Determine the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet.

Components in the control cabinet Quantity Heat dissipation per component [W] Total heat dissipation [W]
8V1320.00-2 2 800 1) 1600
8V1640.00-2 1 1600 1) 1600
Braking resistors --- 800 800
(average value over one machine cycle)
All other active devices --- --- 500
Total: 4500

Table 195: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet
1) The heat dissipation for ACOPOS servo drives is specified in the "Technical data" chapter. Maximum values are used in this example.

2) Determine the control cabinet's maximum internal temperature TImax at nominal load or identify it using
the maximum ambient temperature of the components being used.
The internal temperature of the control cabinet should not exceed 40°C.

3) Specify the ambient temperature TA of the control cabinet.

The ambient temperature is 30°C.

28) k ... Heat transfer coefficient [W/m²K]; for steel panel: k = 5.5

246 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Dimensioning • Dimensioning cooling systems for cooling control cabinets

4) Calculate the effective control cabinet surface area.

A = 1.8 x H x (W + D) + 1.4 x W x D = 1.8 x 2 x (1 + 0.5) + 1.4 x 1 x 0.5 = 6.1 m²

5) Calculate the required cooling capacity.

The heat transfer coefficient k for steel panels is 5.5 W/m²K.
This results in a required cooling capacity QE of

The right air/water heat exchanger or cooling unit can now be selected based on the determined required cooling
capacity QE.

Chapter 4

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 247

Dimensioning • Formula variables used

7 Formula variables used

Character Unit Name
A m² Effective, power radiating control cabinet surface according to DIN 57660 section 500
CA F Discharge capacitance
Ws/°C Heat capacitance of the filament
cth Ws/°C Thermal capacity
k --- General constants
fMains Hz Mains frequency
I24VDC A 24 VDC current requirements
I24VDC max
A 24 VDC maximum current requirements
I24VDC Total
A 24 VDC total current consumption
I24VDC out
A Current on 24 VDC output of the ACOPOS servo drive (max. 0.5 A)
IA A Discharge current via protective ground conductor (PE)
IB A Rated current for overcurrent protection
IMains A Mains current (phase current)
Iq A Thermal equivalent current effective value
IZ A Maximum current load on a cable
k W/m²K Heat transfer coefficient (for steel: k = 5.5 W/m²K)
M Nm Torque (general)
Meff Nm Effective load torque for one cycle
n min-1 Speed (general)
navg min-1 Average speed for one cycle
ω rad/s Angular velocity
P W Power or true power (general)
PBr W Brake power
PBr max
W Maximum brake power
PBr avg
W Average brake power
PBRN W Nominal continuous power
PR Bmax
W Maximum load on the external braking resistor
W Nominal power of the external braking resistor
Pmax W Maximum power output for all slots
PModule W Power consumption of the ACOPOS plug-in modules
π --- Pi (3.1415)
QE W Necessary cooling capacity
Qv W Sum of the heat dissipation in the control cabinet
QS W Power that is radiated through the control cabinet surface
(QS >0: radiation; QS <0: radiation into the control cabinet)
qW W/K Specific heat output of a heat exchanger
V m³/h Air flow volume of a filter fan that is required in order to ensure that the maximum temperature difference between
the intake and the exiting air is not exceeded
RBr Ω Braking resistors
RBr min
Ω Minimum braking resistance
RBr Th
°C/W Thermal resistance between braking resistor and the environment
Rth °C/W Thermal resistance
S VA Apparent power
t s Time (general)
tBr s Braking time
TBr max
°C Maximum overtemperature of the resistor
TImax °C Maximum temperature permitted inside the control cabinet
TA °C Ambient temperature of the control cabinet
TCycle s Cycle time
UDC V DC bus voltage
UMains V Supply voltage (phase - phase)

Table 196: Formula variables used

248 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Wiring • General information

Chapter 5 • Wiring

1 General information
1.1 Electromagnetic compatibility of the installation

1.1.1 General information

If the directives for elecromagnetic compatibility of the installation are followed, ACOPOS servo drives meet EMC
directives 2004/108/CE and low-voltage directives 2006/95/CE. They also meet the requirements for harmonized
EMC product standard IEC 61800-3:2004 for industrial areas (second environment).
Additional EMC measures must be implemented by the machine or system manufacturer in the event that the
product standard for the machine includes lower limit values or the machine conforms to the basic standard IEC
61000-6-4. Additional EMC measures may also be needed for machines with a large number of ACOPOS servo
drives. The installation of a central line filter is mostly sufficient in such cases. Proof of conformity to required
limit values must be provided by the manufacturer or distributor of the machine or system in accordance with the
guidelines for implementing the EMC directive.
Additional EMC measures are required when operating ACOPOS servo drives in a residential area or when con-
necting ACOPOS servo drives to a low voltage system that also supplies buildings in a residential area (first envi-
ronment) without an intermediate transformer.

1.1.2 Installation guidelines

1. The control cabinet or system must be constructed properly.

2. To prevent the effects of disturbances, the following lines must be properly shielded:

Chapter 5
° Motor cables
° Encoder cables
° Control cables
° Data cables
3. Inductive switching elements such as contactors or relays must be equipped with corresponding suppressor
elements such as varistors, RC elements or damping diodes.
4. All electrical connections must be kept as short as possible.
5. Cable shields must always be attached to designated shield terminals and the plug housing. Twisting the
shielding mesh or lengthening cable shields with a single line (pigtail) is not permitted!
6. Shielded cables with copper mesh or tinned copper must be used.
7. Unused cable conductors must be grounded on both sides whenever possible.

To satisfy UL/CSA requirements, components of B&R drive systems are only permitted to be wired
with copper wires with a permitted wire temperature of at least 75°C.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 249

Wiring • General information

The ground connections and shield connections must be made as illustrated in the following diagram:
3 * 400 - 480 VAC L2
50/60 Hz L3




X2 X3
+24 V 1
0V COM (1, 2)
+24 V 5
+24 V Enable
COM (8, 9) X1
COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A
+24 V 14
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
0V COM (5-7, 13-15)

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4 +DC

X4a X4b X5 X6









T 3 T RB

Figure 96: Connection diagram for ground and shield connections

250 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Wiring • General information

1. The protective ground wires (PE) for the power mains, the motor lines and external braking resistor connection
are internally connected to the housing of the ACOPOS servo drive.
2. The second protective ground wire connection is required because of the increased discharge current (3.5
mA) on ACOPOS servo drives 1022, 1045, 1090, 1180 and 1320. The same cross section as the power
mains protective ground conductor must be used.
3. Both trigger inputs are only filtered internally with approx. 50 µs. Make sure the cable shield is grounded
4. The cable shield must be attached to the shield connector.
5. On all plug-in modules, the two screws used to fasten the module must be tightened so that the mounting
bracket is connected to ground.
6. Cable connection via DSUB plug:
The cable shield must be sufficiently connected using the designated clamp in the metallic or metal-plated
DSUB plug housing. The DSUB plug fastening screws must be tightened.
Fastening screw
Cable shield

Fastening screw

Figure 97: Cable shielding in DSUB housing

Cable connection via terminals:

The cable shield must be attached to the corresponding shield connection terminal.
Cable connection via RJ45 plug:
Grounding the cable shield as well provides an improvement in EMC properties. Grounding should take place
on both sides, extensively and near to the connector.

Chapter 5
Figure 98: Grounding the POWERLINK cable shielding

When cabling POWERLINK networks with B&R POWERLINK cables, no additional grounding of
the cable shield is required to ensure resistance to disturbances in accordance with EN 61800-3!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 251

Wiring • General information

7. The cable shield for the motor line or the connection cable for the external braking resistor is connected with
the housing of the ACOPOS servo drive via the grounding plate using the grounding clamp provided:
Shield connection for the motor cable using grounding clamps
ACOPOS 1010, 1016 ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090

ACOPOS 1180, 1320 ACOPOS 1640, 128M

Table 197: Grounding of the motor cable on the ACOPOS servo drive
8. On the motor side, the cable shield of the motor line is connected to the motor housing via the motor connector
and connected to ground via the machine. The cable shield on the connection cable for the external braking
resistor must be connected with the housing of the braking resistor.
9. On the motor side, the encoder cable shield must be connected to the motor housing via the encoder con-
nector and connected to ground via the machine.

For external encoders, the cable shield of the encoder cable must be connected (on the encoder side) with
the machine and therefore with ground via the encoder connector.

252 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Wiring • General information

1.2 Insulation and high voltage testing

1.2.1 Insulation resistance testing in accordance with EN 60204

In accordance with EN 60204, the insulation resistance of electrical equipment is measured with 500 VDC between
the main circuit conductors and the protective ground conductor system and is not permitted to be below a value
of 1 MΩ. Testing individual sections of the system is permitted.

ACOPOS servo drive power mains connection (X3)

Insulation resistance testing can be carried out on the ACOPOS servo drive power mains connection (X3) as
described above; however, values >1 MΩ are not expected because of the overvoltage protection circuit of the
power mains.29) The 50 kΩ minimum value required as specified in EN 60204, Section 18.3 is exceeded anyway.

ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5)

Insulation testing is not permitted to be carried out on the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5)
because that would destroy the ACOPOS servo drive!
The motor cable must be removed from the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5) before mea-
suring the insulation resistance!

B&R motors and B&R motor cables

In principle, an insulation resistance measurement can be carried out on B&R motor cables and B&R motors.
However, the insulation resistance can be lower than 1 MΩ depending on the motor that is connected. The 50 kΩ
minimum value required as specified in EN 60204, Section 18.3 is exceeded anyway.

Insulation testing is not permitted to be carried out on the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5)

Chapter 5
because that would destroy the ACOPOS servo drive!

The motor cable must be removed from the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5) before mea-
suring the insulation resistance!

1.2.2 High voltage testing

In accordance with EN 60204, the electrical equipment must be able to withstand a test voltage connected between
the conductors of all circuits and the protective ground conductor system for at least 1 s (exception: all circuits
with a voltage < PELV voltage). The test voltage must be twice the rated voltage for the equipment and at least
1000 VAC (50/60 Hz). Components that cannot handle this test voltage must be disconnected before carrying out
the high voltage test.

ACOPOS servo drive power mains connection (X3)

High voltage testing cannot be carried out on the ACOPOS servo drive power mains connection (X3)
since arc flashes can occur that are caused by the internal wiring.

ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5)

High voltage testing is not permitted to be carried out on the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection
(X5) because it would destroy the ACOPOS servo drive!

B&R motors and B&R motor cables

In principle, high voltage testing can be carried out on B&R motor cables and B&R motors. Depending on the
size of the motor and length of the motor cable, increased measurement currents can occur because of capacitive

29) Typical values are: 8V1010/1016: 880 kΩ; 8V1022/1045/1090: 820 kΩ; 8V1180/1320: 750 kΩ; 8V1640/128M: 820 kΩ.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 253

Wiring • General information

High voltage testing is not permitted to be carried out on the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection
(X5) because it would destroy the ACOPOS servo drive!
The motor cable must be removed from the ACOPOS servo drive motor connection (X5) before the
high voltage measurement!

1.3 Connecting cables to plug-in modules

Figure 99: Connecting cables to plug-in modules

When installing plug-in module cables, the minimum permissible flex radius for the cables being used
must be taken into consideration during cabling and also when cabling is finished! The minimum per-
missible flex radius can be found in the documentation for the respective cables.

B&R provides holes for fastening the cables with cable ties on the bottom of the plug-in modules (see
image below). This type of fastening is only permitted if the minimum permissible flex radius values
for the cables being used are adhered to!
Make sure that the ventilation slots on the bottom of the ACOPOS drive are not blocked.

254 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Wiring • General information

1.4 Overview of clampable cross sections

8V1010.0xx-2 8V1022.0xx-2 8V1180.0xx-2 8V1640.0xx-2 3) 8V128M.0xx-2 4)
8V1010.5xx-2 8V1045.0xx-2 8V1320.0xx-2 2)
Con- Wire types 8V1016.0xx-2 8V1090.0xx-2 1)
nection Approbation data 8V1016.5xx-2
[mm²] [AWG] [mm²] [AWG] [mm²] [AWG] [mm²] [AWG] [mm²] [AWG]
Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
Flexible and fine wire lines
Without wire end sleeves 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
X1 With wire end sleeves 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14 0.5 - 1.5 20 - 14
Approbation data
UL/C-UL-US --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14
CSA --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14 --- 26 - 14
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.2 ... 0.25 0.2 ... 0.25 0.2 ... 0.25 0.2 ... 0.25 0.2 ... 0.25
Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 10 20 - 7 10 - 50 7-0 16 - 95 6 - 3/0
Flexible and fine wire lines
Without wire end sleeves 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 10 - 35 7-2 10 - 70 7 - 2/0
With wire end sleeves 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 10 - 35 7-2 10 - 70 7 - 2/0
DC bus
Approbation data
UL/C-UL-US --- 30 - 10 --- 30 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 10 - 2 --- 6 - 2/0
CSA --- 28 - 10 --- 28 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 12 - 2 --- 6 - 2/0
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6 1.2 ... 1.5 3 ... 4 6 ... 10
Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 10 20 - 7 10 - 50 7-0 16 - 95 6 - 3/0
Flexible and fine wire lines
Without wire end sleeves 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 10 - 35 7-2 10 - 70 7 - 2/0
With wire end sleeves 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 10 - 35 7-2 10 - 70 7 - 2/0
Approbation data
UL/C-UL-US --- 30 - 10 --- 30 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 10 - 2 --- 6 - 2/0
CSA --- 28 - 10 --- 28 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 12 - 2 --- 6 - 2/0
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6 1.2 ... 1.5 3 ... 4 6 ... 10
Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12
X4a, X4b
Flexible and fine wire lines
Without wire end sleeves 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 24 - 12
With wire end sleeves 0.25 - 2.5 23 - 12 0.25 - 2.5 23 - 12 0.25 - 2.5 23 - 12 0.25 - 2.5 23 - 12 0.25 - 2.5 23 - 12
brake, tem-
perature Approbation data
sensor) UL/C-UL-US --- 30 - 12 --- 30 - 12 --- 30 - 12 --- 30 - 12 --- 30 - 12
CSA --- 28 - 12 --- 28 - 12 --- 28 - 12 --- 28 - 12 --- 28 - 12
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6
Solid core / multiple-conductor lines 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 10 20 - 7 10 - 50 7-0 16 - 95 6 - 3/0
Flexible and fine wire lines
X5 Without wire end sleeves 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 10 - 35 7-2 10 - 70 7 - 2/0
Motor With wire end sleeves 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 10 - 35 7-2 10 - 70 7 - 2/0
(power) Approbation data
UL/C-UL-US --- 30 - 10 --- 30 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 10 - 2 --- 6 - 2/0

Chapter 5
CSA --- 28 - 10 --- 28 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 10 - 2 --- 6 - 2/0

Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] 0.5 ... 0.6 0.5 ... 0.6 1.2 ... 1.5 3 ... 4 6 ... 10
Solid core / multiple-conductor lines --- --- --- --- 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 10 20 - 7 0.5 - 10 20 - 7
Flexible and fine wire lines
Without wire end sleeves --- --- --- --- 0.2 - 4 24 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 0.5 - 6 20 - 9
With wire end sleeves --- --- --- --- 0.25 - 4 23 - 10 0.5 - 6 20 - 9 0.5 - 6 20 - 9
resistor Approbation data
UL/C-UL-US --- --- --- --- --- 30 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 20 - 8
CSA --- --- --- --- --- 28 - 10 --- 20 - 8 --- 20 - 8
Tightening torque for the terminal screws [Nm] --- --- 0.5 ... 0.6 1.2 ... 1.5 1.2 ... 1.5

Table 198: Terminal cross sections for ACOPOS servo drives

1) Starting with revision I0.
2) Starting with revision F0.
3) Starting with revision K0.
4) Starting with revision C0.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 255

256 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01
Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

Chapter 6 • Safety technology

1 Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

Especially in the area of safety technology, always consult the latest version of this user's manual on
the B&R website (www.br-automation.com) for valid specifications. Specifications in this version of
the user's manual are not necessarily current. Users should verify the correctness of specifications
before implementing any safety functions.

1.1 General information

ACOPOS servo drives use integrated safe pulse disabling for secure shutdown and to prevent unwanted startup.
This is designed to meet the following safety classifications depending on the external circuit: 30)
Criteria Safety characteristic
Maximum Safety Category in accordance with EN ISO 13849 and EN 954-1 1) CAT 3
Maximum Performance Level in accordance with EN ISO 13849 PL d
Maximum Safety Integrity Level in accordance with IEC 62061 SIL 2
Maximum Safety Integrity Level in accordance with IEC 61508 SIL 2
PFH (probability of dangerous failure per hour) <4 * 10-9
PFD (probability of dangerous failure on demand) <4 * 10-4 with a proof test interval of 10 years
<7 * 10-5 with a proof test interval of 20 years
PTI (proof test interval) 2) Max. 20 years
DC (diagnostic coverage) 99%
MTTFd (mean time to dangerous failure) >140 years

Table 199: Safety classifications, criteria and characteristics for safe pulse disabling
1) EN 954-1 is no longer valid and has been replaced by EN ISO 13849.
2) Corresponds to the mission time of the module

The following table provides an overview of the individual safety functions that can be implemented:
Label according to standard Short description
EN 61800-5-2 EN 60204-1

Safety technology
STO (Safe Torque Off) Stop Category 0 Power supply cutoff
SS1 (Safe Stop 1) Stop Category 1 Initiates active braking and activation of the STO function after a defined amount of time has

Chapter 6
SS2 (Safe Stop 2) Stop Category 2 Initiates active braking and activation of the SOS function after a defined amount of time has
SLS (Safely Limited Speed) --- Protection against exceeding a defined speed limit
SOS (Safe Operating Stop) --- Protection against impermissible position deviation

Table 200: Overview of safety functions according to standards

Safe pulse disabling interrupts the power supply to the motor by preventing the pulses to the IGBTs over one
channel. In this way, a rotating field can no longer be created in synchronous and induction motors controlled by
ACOPOS servo drives.
Integrated safe pulse disabling therefore meets the requirements for preventing unexpected startup in accordance
with EN 1037 as well as the requirements concerning Category 0 and 1 stop functions in accordance with EN
60204-1. Both stop functions require the power supply to the machine drives to be switched off (immediately for
Category 0 and after reaching standstill for Category 1). The requirements concerning the STO, SS1, SS2, SLS
and SOS safety functions are also met in accordance with EN 61800-5-2.
The terminology of EN 61800-5-2 (STO, SS1, SS2, SLS, SOS) will be used in the following.

If an application uses the safety functions integrated in the drive system, then the safety functions
must be fully validated before being turned on for the first time. This could lead to death, severe injury
or damage to equipment.

30) A detailed explanation of the standards and safety functions can be found in the section "Standards and Certifications".

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 257

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.2 Principle - Implementing the safety function

Safe pulse disabling is achieved by removing the IGBT driver supply from the ACOPOS servo drives. Terminals
X1 / Enable and X1 / COM (8, 9) are used to supply an integrated DC-to-DC converter with 24 VDC. The converter
creates the supply voltage for the IGBT driver from this voltage.

IGBT output stage

X3 X5
L1 1


3 V
L3 3 2 W 3
4 1 PE


Enable IGBT driver
Enable 24 V
COM (8, 9) 5V
Power supply
COM (8, 9) IGBT driver

Figure 100: Block diagram of safe pulse disabling

If the 24 VDC voltage supply for the DC-to-DC converter is interrupted, the IGBT drivers are also no longer supplied.
It is then no longer possible to transfer the modulation pattern needed to generate the rotating field on the IGBT
output stage. This cuts off the supply of power to the motor.

258 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.2.1 Additional function

The availability of the DC-to-DC converter's output voltage is queries by the microprocessor. If voltage is not present
on the output of the DC-to-DC converter, then the microprocessor suppresses generation of the modulation pattern.

After activating safe pulse disabling using terminals X1 / Enable and X1/COM (8, 9), the motor is de-
energized and therefore torque-free. If the motor was moving before activation of safe pulse disabling,
it is only stopped by a safe operational brake (available under certain conditions) or from the friction
of the entire system. The motor is therefore not able to hold hanging loads. Holding brakes must be
used for this purpose.
For applications where this can be dangerous, the desired level of protection cannot be achieved.

The switch-off time for the enable input must be taken into consideration since it has a substantial
effect on the response time of the safety functions and therefore the remaining distances and times
to be considered. In order to calculate the total safety response time, the user must validate the lag
time throughout the entire system.
The switch-off times for the enable input can be found in the technical data for the respective ACOPOS
servo drive.

Activating safe pulse disabling via the terminals X1 / Enable1 and X1/COM (8, 9) is not sufficient for
achieving a voltage-free drive and therefore does not provide sufficient protection against electrical

Depending on the application, it is possible for the drive to restart after safe pulse disabling is deac-

The brake controller integrated in ACOPOS servo drives and the holding brake integrated in B&R stan-
dard motors fulfill the criteria up to Category B in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1.

Safety technology
Additional measures are necessary to achieve higher safety categories.

Chapter 6
The C standards applicable to applications must be adhered to!

Note that multiple errors in the IGBT bridge can cause a brief forward movement. The maximum turning
angle of the motor shaft φ during this forward movement depends on the motor being used. For per-
manently excited synchronous motors, φ = 360°/2p (for B&R standard motors, p=3 so the angle is 60°).
For three-phase induction motors, there is a relatively small angle of rotation (between 5° and 15°).
This short forward movement can be ruled out as an error in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1, among
other things due to the improbability that this would occur and due to general technical experience.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 259

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.3 Enable input connected in accordance with Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d

Using the example of the STO safety function, different circuit variations for the enable input on the ACOPOS servo
drives are given here with regard to the required Safety Category / SIL / PL.

All errors (e.g. cross faults) that are not detected can lead to a loss of safety functionality.
Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the exclusion of errors. For instance, errors caused by
a short circuit between any two wires can be excluded in accordance with EN ISO 13849-2, Appendix
D.5 if one of the following conditions is met:
• The wires are permanently installed and protected against external damage (e.g. using a cable
duct or armored conduit).
• The wires are installed in different sheathed cables or within an area for electrical equipment.31)
• The wires are each individually protected via a ground connection.
For more error exclusions, see EN ISO 13849-2, Appendix D.5.

To achieve Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d, it must be ensured that a single error does not lead to a
loss of safety functionality.

1.3.1 STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)

The input X1 / Enable and X1 / COM (8, 9) of the ACOPOS servo drive are supplied via a safe digital output
(Out1+, Out1-). If the safety function is requested, then the safe digital output separates input X1 / Enable and
X1 / COM (8, 9).

Trigger 1
Quickstop/Trigger 2
COM (1, 2)
e.g. X20SO2110 4
DO1 6
Out1+ 8
Requested Out1- 9
Enable X1
safety function 10
COM (8, 9)
COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)

Figure 101: STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)

At least one safe digital output module with Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d must be used for the DO1 digital
output shown.
The guidelines listed in the safe digital output module's user documentation must be observed!
Test signals on the safe digital output module must be turned off.

31) Prerequisite: Both the wires and the area for electrical equipment must meet the respective requirements (see IEC 60402-1).

260 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.3.2 STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)

When an E-stop button is pressed, the enable input on the ACOPOS servo drive is cut off from the +24 V supply
by a switch, thereby cutting off the motor's power supply.

Trigger 1
Quickstop/Trigger 2
COM (1, 2)
S1 Limit+
STO Limit-

Enable X1
COM (8, 9)
0V COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
0V COM (5-7, 13-15)

Figure 102: STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)
1) For servo drives which have no 24 VDC output (ACOPOS 1010/1016/1022/1045/1090), the control voltage must be provided externally.

The S1 switch shown requires the use of a one-pin Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d switching device with a
positively-driven N.C. contact in accordance with EN 60947-5-1.
The guidelines in the switching device's user documentation must be observed!

Safety technology
Chapter 6

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 261

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.4 Enable input circuits in accordance with Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d and functionality

The following image illustrates example wiring suggestions for the external wiring of the enable input on ACOPOS
servo drives. They vary in their safety classification in accordance with EN 60204-1, ISO 13849 and EN 61800-5-2
as well as with regard to the safety function (STO, SS1, SS2, SLS, SOS).

1.4.1 STO, SLS, SOS - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d

3 * 400 - 480 VAC L2
50/60 Hz L3




Emergency stop

Trigger 1
Quickstop/Trigger 2
COM (1, 2)
S3 n> S2 Shield
SLS / SOS Limit+

Enable X1
0V COM (8, 9)
COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
0V COM (5-7, 13-15)

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4


X4a X4b X5






T T 3 T

Figure 103: STO, SLS, SOS - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d

1) S3 limit speed according to the application requirements.
S3 including the encoder is part of the safety function.
Implementation of S3 including the encoder must therefore meet Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d.
2) The network connection is used for diagnostics and setting parameters.
3) For servo drives which have no 24 VDC output (ACOPOS 1010/1016/1022/1045/1090), the control voltage must be provided externally.
4) The K1 line contactor is not required for the safety function.

The brake shown in this image as well as the brake control from the ACOPOS servo drive are not
included in the safety function!

262 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")


When the S1 E-stop button is pressed, the enable input on the ACOPOS servo drive is de-energized. As a result,
the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately.

Secure restart inhibit

Opening and locking the S1 E-stop switch prevents unexpected startup.

Opening the S2 switch activates the SLS safety function. The switching contact of the S3 overspeed monitor is
opened if the monitor's configured speed limit is exceeded. This de-energizes the enable input of the ACOPOS
servo drive. As a result, the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately when the speed limit set on the
S3 overspeed monitor is exceeded.

Opening the S2 switch activates the SOS safety function. The switching contact of the overspeed monitor is opened
when the S3 standstill monitor is activated. This de-energizes the enable input of the ACOPOS servo drive. As a
result, the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately when the S3 standstill monitor
is activated.

The SLS or SOS safety function can be implemented depending on the function of the S3 switching
device (overspeed monitor or standstill monitor).

The S1 and S2 switches shown require the use of one-pin Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d switching devices
with a positively-driven NC contact in accordance with EN 60947-5-1. A one-pin Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL
d switching device must be used for the S3 switching device shown.

Safety technology
The guidelines in the switching device's user documentation must be observed!

Chapter 6

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 263

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.4.2 SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)

3 * 400 - 480 VAC L2
50/60 Hz L3


Emergency stop SS1 PE


K3 1
Trigger 1
0V Quickstop/Trigger 2
COM (1, 2)
S3 Limit+
n> 6

Enable X1
0V COM (8, 9)
COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A
+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)
0V COM (5-7, 13-15)


Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4

X4a X4b X5






T T 3 T

Figure 104: SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)

1) S3 limit speed according to the application requirements. S3 including the encoder is part of the safety function.
Implementation of S3 including the encoder must therefore meet Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d.
2) The network connection is used for diagnostics and setting parameters.
3) For servo drives which have no 24 VDC output (ACOPOS 1010/1016/1022/1045/1090), the control voltage must be provided externally.
4) The K1 line contactor is not required for the safety function.

264 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

The brake shown in this image as well as the brake control from the ACOPOS servo drive are not
included in the safety function!

For this circuit, the input X1 / Quickstop / Trigger 2 of the ACOPOS servo drive must be configured
as a quickstop for this connection.


Pressing the S1 E-stop button de-energizes the K3 relay. As a result, an active braking procedure is triggered via
the X1 / Quickstop / Trigger2 input of the ACOPOS servo drive.
The K2 auxiliary drop-out delay relay is de-energized after a defined amount of time. This de-energizes the enable
input of the ACOPOS servo drive. As a result, the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off after a defined amount of time.

Secure restart inhibit

Opening and locking the S1 E-stop switch prevents unexpected startup.

When the S2 switch is opened, the SLS safety function is activated and triggers an active braking procedure via
the X1 / Trigger1 input on the ACOPOS servo drive. After a defined amount of time, speed monitoring is activated
on the S3 overspeed monitor. If the defined limit speed is exceeded, then the enable input of the ACOPOS servo
drive is de-energized via the switching contact of the S3 overspeed monitor. As a result, the supply of power to
the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately when the speed limit set on the
S3 overspeed monitor is exceeded.

When the S2 switch is opened, the SS2 safety function is activated and triggers an active braking procedure via the

Safety technology
X1 / Trigger1 input on the ACOPOS servo drive. After a defined amount of time, standstill monitoring is activated

Chapter 6
on the S3 standstill monitor. If the defined tolerance limit is exceeded (standstill monitor S3 is activated), then the
enable input of the ACOPOS servo drive is cleared via the switching contact of the standstill monitor S3. As a
result, the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately when the S3 standstill monitor
is activated.

Either the SLS or the SS2 safety function can be implemented depending on the function of the S3
switching device (overspeed monitor or standstill monitor).

The S1 and S2 switches shown require the use of one-pin Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d switching devices
with a positively-driven NC contact in accordance with EN 60947-5-1. A one-pin Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL
d switching device must be used for the K2 relay shown as well as the S3 switching device.
The instructions in the switching device's user documentation must be observed!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 265

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

1.4.3 SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)

3 * 400 - 480 VAC L2
50/60 Hz L3



Stop K2
0V Trigger 1
Quickstop/Trigger 2
COM (1, 2)
S2 4
SLS / SS2 5
S3 n> 6

Enable X1
COM (8, 9)
0V COM (8, 9)
+24V out / 0.5A

+24 V
+24 V
COM (5-7, 13-15)
COM (5-7, 13-15)

0V COM (5-7, 13-15)

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4
X4a X4b X5








T T 3 T

Figure 105: SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)

1) K2 dropout delay and S3 limit speed according to the application requirements.
The K2 auxiliary drop-out delay relay and the S3 (including the encoder) are part of the safety function. The implementation of K2 and S3 including the
encoder must therefore meet the requirements of Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d.
2) The network connection is used to transfer the interruption command for active braking, diagnostics and setting parameters.
3) For servo drives which have no 24 VDC output (ACOPOS 1010/1016/1022/1045/1090), the control voltage must be provided externally.
4) Information about the status of the "EmergencyStop" digital input is also contained in the status of the "nLimit" digital input.
5) The K1 line contactor is not required for the safety function.

The brake shown in this image as well as brake control from the ACOPOS servo drive are not included
in the safety function!

266 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")


Activating the S1 E-stop switch triggers an active braking procedure via the "EmergencyStop" digital input on the
controller (see "Code example" on page 268).
The K2 auxiliary drop-out delay relay is de-energized after a defined amount of time. This de-energizes the enable
input of the ACOPOS servo drive. As a result, the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off after a defined amount of time.

Secure restart inhibit

Opening and locking the S1 E-stop switch prevents unexpected startup.

Opening the S2 switch activates the SLS safety function and triggers an active braking procedure via the "nLimit"
digital input on the controller (see "Code example" on page 268). After a defined amount of time, speed monitoring
is activated on the S3 overspeed monitor. If the defined limit speed is exceeded, then the enable input of the
ACOPOS servo drive is de-energized via the switching contact of the S3 overspeed monitor. As a result, the supply
of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately when the speed limit set on the
S3 overspeed monitor is exceeded.

Opening the S2 switch activates the SS2 safety function and triggers an active braking procedure via the "nLimit"
digital input on the controller (see "Code example" on page 268). After a defined amount of time, standstill mon-
itoring is activated on the S3 standstill monitor. If the defined tolerance limit is exceeded (standstill monitor S3 is
activated), then the enable input of the ACOPOS servo drive is cleared via the switching contact of the standstill
monitor S3. As a result, the supply of power to the motor is cut off.
This ensures that the supply of power to the motor is always cut off immediately when the S3 standstill monitor
is activated.

Either the SLS or the SS2 safety function can be implemented depending on the function of the S3

Safety technology
switching device (overspeed monitor or standstill monitor).

Chapter 6
The S1 and S2 switches shown require the use of two or one-pin switching devices (Category 3 / SIL
2 / PL d) with a positively driven NC contact in accordance with EN 60947-5-1. A one-pin Category 3 /
SIL 2 / PL d switching device must be used for the K2 relay shown as well as the S3 switching device.
The instructions in the switching device's user documentation must be observed!

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 267

Safety technology • Standard safety technology ("Wired safety technology")

Code example
Issuing the stop command (via CAN bus or POWERLINK):
if ( ! stop_active )
/* Movement stop not active: Test stop inputs */
if ( EmergencyStop == ncLOW )
/* Activate movement stop with parameter set for "emergency stop" */
stop_index = E_STOP_INDEX;
step = MOV_STOP;
stop_active = 1;
/* Activate movement stop with parameter set for "low speed" */
stop_index = NLIMIT_INDEX;
step = MOV_STOP;
stop_active = 1;
/* Movement stop was activated */
if ( EmergencyStop == ncHIGH && nLimit == ncHIGH
&& step!= W_MOVE_STOP )
/* Movement stop completed */
stop_active = 0;

switch (step)
case MOV_STOP:
/* Call NC action for movement stop */
p_ax_dat->move.stop.index.command = stop_index;

action_status = ncaction(ax_obj,ncMOVE,ncSTOP);
if ( action_status == ncOK )
step = W_MOVE_STOP;

/* Wait for movement stop procedure to complete */
if ( p_ax_dat->move.mode == ncOFF )
/* Movement stop completed */
step = <NEXT_STEP>

268 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Standards and certifications • Applicable standards

Chapter 7 • Standards and certifications

1 Applicable European directives

• EMC directive 2004/108/EC
• Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC
• Machinery directive 2006/42/EC32)

2 Applicable standards
Standard Description
IEC/EN 61800-2 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems
• Part 2: General requirements; Rating specifications for low voltage adjustable frequency AC power drive systems
IEC/EN 61800-3 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems
• Part 3: EMC requirements including specific test methods
IEC 61800-5-1 Electrical drive systems with adjustable speed
• Part 5-1: Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and power requirements (IEC 61800-5-1:2003)
EN 61800-5-2 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems
• Part 5-2: Safety requirements - Functional requirements
IEC/EN 61131-2 Programmable logic controllers
• Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests
EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment on machines
• Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety-related systems
EN 50178-1 Electronic equipment for high voltage systems
EN 1037 Safety of machinery - Prevention of unexpected startup
EN ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems
• Part 1: General design principles
EN 62061 Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control sys-
UL 508C Power conversion equipment

Table 201: Applicable standards for ACOPOS servo drives

The limit values specified from section "Environmental limits" to section "Other environmental limit values in ac-
cordance with IEC 61800-2" are taken from the product standard EN 61800 (or IEC 61800) for servo drives in
industrial environments (category C333)). Stricter test procedures and limit values are used during the type tests
for ACOPOS servo drives. Additional information is available from B&R.

Standards and
Chapter 7

32) This machinery directive only applies to logic units for safety functions that are initially being placed on the market by B&R for sale or use.
33) Limit values from CISPR11, Group 2, Class A (second environment)

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 269

Standards and certifications • Environmental limits

3 Environmental limits
3.1 Mechanical conditions in accordance with IEC 61800-2

3.1.1 Operation

IEC 60721-3-3, class 3M1

EN 61800-2
Vibration during operation
2 ≤ f < 9 Hz 0.3 mm amplitude
9 ≤ f < 200 Hz 1 m/s² acceleration

Table 202: Mechanical conditions during operation

3.1.2 Transport

IEC 60721-3-2, class 2M1

EN 61800-2
Vibration during transport 1) 2)
2 ≤ f < 9 Hz 3.5 mm amplitude
9 ≤ f < 200 Hz 10 m/s² acceleration
200 ≤ f < 500 Hz 15 m/s² acceleration
Drop height in free fall 1)
Weight <100 kg 0.25 m

Table 203: Mechanical conditions during transport

1) Only valid for components in original packaging
2) The values in table "Mechanical conditions during operation " on page 270 apply to components that are not in their original packaging.

3.2 Climate conditions in accordance with IEC 61800-2

3.2.1 Operation

IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3

EN 61800-2
Ambient temperature during operation 5 to 40°C
Relative humidity during operation 5 - 85%, non-condensing

Table 204: Climate conditions during operation

3.2.2 Storage

IEC 60721-3-1, class 1K4

EN 61800-2
Storage temperature -25 to 55°C

Table 205: Climate conditions (temperature) during storage

IEC 60721-3-1, class 1K3
EN 61800-2
Relative humidity during storage 5 - 95%, non-condensing

Table 206: Climate conditions (humidity) during storage

3.2.3 Transport

IEC 60721-3-2, class 2K3

EN 61800-2
Transport temperature -25 to 70°C
Relative humidity during transport Max. 95% at 40°C

Table 207: Climate conditions during transport

270 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Standards and certifications • Requirements for immunity to disturbances (EMC)

4 Requirements for immunity to disturbances (EMC)

EN 61800-3 requirements apply.

4.1 Evaluation criteria (performance criteria)

Performance criteria (PC) Description
A The test object is not interfered with during testing.
B The test object is only interfered with temporarily during testing.
C The system does not reboot itself automatically (reset required).

Table 208: Evaluation criteria (performance criteria) for immunity to disturbances

4.2 Low-frequency disturbances in accordance with IEC 61800-3

The following limit values are applicable for industrial environments (category C3). 34)

4.2.1 Power mains harmonics and commutation notches / voltage distortions

IEC 61000-2-4, class 3

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Harmonics THD = 10% A
Short harmonics (<15 s) 1.5x continuous level B

Table 209: Limit values for power mains harmonics

IEC 60146-1-1, class 3
EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Commutation notches Depth = 40%, A
Total area = 250% x degree

Table 210: Limit values for commutation notches / voltage distortions

4.2.2 Voltage changes, fluctuations, dips and short-term interruptions

IEC 61000-2-4, class 3

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Voltage changes and fluctuations ±10%
Voltage changes and fluctuations +10% to -15% A
(<1 min)

Table 211: Limit values for voltage changes and fluctuations

IEC 61000-2-1
EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Voltage dips and short-term interruptions 10% to 100% C

Table 212: Limit values for voltage dips and short-term interruptions

4.2.3 Asymmetric voltages and frequency changes

IEC 61000-2-4, class 3

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria Standards and
Chapter 7

Asymmetric voltages 3% negative component

Frequency change and change rate ±2%, 1%/s A
(±4 %, 2%/s if the power supply is
isolated from general power mains)

Table 213: Limit values for asymmetric voltages and frequency changes

34) Limit values from CISPR11, group 2, class A (second environment).

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 271

Standards and certifications • Requirements for immunity to disturbances (EMC)

4.3 High-frequency disturbances in accordance with IEC 61800-3

These immunity tests are valid for industry (category C3). 35)

4.3.1 Electrostatic discharge

Tests in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Contact discharge to powder-coated and bare met- 6 kV
al housing parts B
Discharge through the air to plastic housing parts 8 kV

Table 214: Limits for electrical discharge

4.3.2 Electromagnetic fields

Tests in accordance with IEC 61000-4-3

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Housing, completely wired 80 MHz - 1 GHz,
10 V/m, 80% amplitude modulation 1 kHz

Table 215: Limits for electromagnetic fields

4.3.3 Burst

Tests in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Power connection 2 kV, 1 min, direct coupling
Connections for measurement and control func- 2 kV, 1 min
tions in the process environment
Signal interfaces, other wires 1 kV, 1 min

Table 216: Limits for burst

4.3.4 Surge

Tests in accordance with IEC 61000-4-5

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Power connection 1 kV (2 Ω) 1), DM, symmetrical
2 kV (12 Ω) 1), CM, unsymmetrical

Table 217: Limits for surge

1) The impedance from IEC 61000-4-5 has been added because it is not defined in IEC 61800-3.

4.3.5 High-frequency conducted disturbances

Tests in accordance with IEC 61000-4-6

EN 61800-3 Performance criteria
Power connection 0.15 - 80 MHz,
Connections for measurement and control func- 10 V, 80% amplitude modulation 1 kHz
tions in the process environment
Signal interfaces, other wires

Table 218: Limits for conducted disturbances (radio frequency)

35) Limit values from CISPR11, group 2, class A (second environment).

272 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Standards and certifications • Other environmental limit values in accordance with IEC 61800-2

5 Requirements for emissions (EMC)

5.1 High-frequency emissions in accordance with IEC 61800-3

These emission tests are valid for industry (category C3). 36)

5.1.1 Disturbance voltages on the power connections

Tests in accordance with IEC 55011

Continuous current on motor Frequency range [MHz] Quasi-peak value Average
0.15 ≤ f < 0.5 100 dB (μV) 90 dB (μV)
0.5 ≤ f < 5 86 dB (μV) 76 dB (μV)
I ≤ 100 A 5 ≤ f < 30 90 dB (μV) 80 dB (μV)
Decreases with the loga- Decreases with the loga-
rithm of the frequency to 70 rithm of the frequency to 60
0.15 ≤ f < 0.5 130 dB (μV) 120 dB (μV)
100 A < I 0.5 ≤ f < 5 125 dB (μV) 115 dB (μV)
5 ≤ f < 30 115 dB (μV) 105 dB (μV)

Table 219: Limits for disturbance voltages on the power connections

5.1.2 Electromagnetic emissions

Tests in accordance with IEC 55011

Frequency range [MHz] Quasi-peak value
30 ≤ f ≤ 230 40 dB (μV/m), measured at distance of 30 m 1)
230 < f ≤ 1000 50 dB (μV/m), measured at distance of 30 m 1)

Table 220: Limit values for electro-magnetic emissions

1) Limit values are increased by 10 dB (μV/m) when measured from a distance of 10 m.

6 Other environmental limit values in accordance with IEC 61800-2

EN 61800-2
Degree of pollution in accordance with IEC 61800-2, 2 (non-conductive pollution)
Overvoltage category in accordance with IEC 60364-4-443:1999 II
EN 60529 protection IP20
Reduction of the continuous current at installation altitudes over 500 m above 10 % per 1000 m
sea level
Maximum installation altitude 2,000 m 1)

Table 221: Other environmental limit values

1) Requirements that go above and beyond this need to be arranged with B&R.

Standards and
Chapter 7

36) Limit values from CISPR11, group 2, class A (second environment).

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 273

Standards and certifications • International certifications

7 International certifications
B&R products and services comply with applicable standards. This includes international standards from organi-
zations such as ISO, IEC and CENELEC, as well as national standards from organizations such as UL, CSA, FCC,
VDE, ÖVE, etc. We are committed to ensuring the reliability of our products in an industrial environment.
USA and Canada All important B&R products are tested and listed by Underwriters Laboratories and checked quarterly by a UL inspector.
This mark is valid for the USA and Canada and simplifies the certification of your machines and systems in these areas.

Europe This mark certifies that all harmonized EN standards for the applicable directives have been met.

Russian Federation GOST-R certification is available for the export of all ACOPOS servo drives to the Russian Federation.

All significant B&R servo drives have the FS - Functional Safety - mark from TÜV Rheinland.

Table 222: International certifications

274 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Standards and certifications • Standards and definitions for safety technology

8 Standards and definitions for safety technology

Stop functions in accordance with EN 60204-1:2006 (Electrical equipment for machines, Part 1: General
There are three categories of stop functions:
Category Description
0 Stop by immediately switching off power to the machine drive elements (i.e. uncontrolled stop)
1 A controlled stop where power to the machine drive elements remains on until the stop procedure is completed. Power is only switched off after
the stop is complete.
2 A controlled stop where power to the machine drive elements is not switched off

Table 223: Overview of stop function categories

The necessary stop functions must be determined based on a risk assessment of the machine. Stop functions in
Category 0 and Category 1 must be able to function regardless of the operating mode. A Category 0 stop must
have priority. Stop functions must have priority over assigned start functions. Resetting the stop function must
never result in a dangerous state.

Emergency stops in accordance with EN 60204-1:2006 (Electrical equipment for machines, Part 1: General
The following requirements are valid for an emergency stop in addition to the requirements for stop functions:
• It must have priority over all other functions and operations in all operating modes.
• Power to machine drive elements that can cause a dangerous state must be switched off as quickly as
possible without creating other dangers.
• Resetting is not permitted to cause a restart.
Emergency stops must be category 0 or category 1 stop functions. The stop function required must be determined
based on a risk assessment for the machine.
For category 0 emergency stop functions, only hardwired electromechanical equipment can be used. In addition,
this functionality is not permitted to depend on electronic switching logic (hardware or software) or the transfer of
commands via a communication network or data connection. 37)
When using a category 1 emergency stop function, it must be guaranteed that the power to the machine drive
elements is completely switched off. These elements must be switched off using electromechanical equipment. 38)

Performance Levels (PL) in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 (Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts
of control systems, Part 1: General design principles)
The safety-related parts of control systems must meet one or more of the requirements for five defined Performance
Levels. These Performance Levels define the required behavior of safety-related controller parts with regard to
their resistance to errors.
Performance Level Safety integrity Brief description System behavior
(in accordance with level - SIL (in ac-
EN ISO 13849-1) cordance with IEC
61508-2) Standards and
Chapter 7

a --- Safety-related components must be designed and built

in such away that they can meet the expected opera-
tional requirements (no specific safety measures are im-
plemented). An error can cause the loss of safety function-

b 1 Safety-related components must be designed and built

in such a way that only reliable components and safe-
ty principles are used (e.g. preventing short circuits by
using sufficient distances, reducing the probability of er- An error can cause the loss of safety function-
rors by using oversized components, defining the failure ality.
route - failsafe principle, etc.).

Table 224: Overview of Performance Levels (PL)

37) In accordance with the national foreword of the valid German-language version of IEC 60204-1:2006, electronic equipment – and especially emergency stop
systems – may be used regardless of the stop category, if e.g. it provides the same safety using the standards EN ISO 13849-1:2008 and/or IEC 61508 as re-
quired by EN 60204-1.
38) In accordance with the national foreword of the valid German-language version of IEC 60204-1:2006, electronic equipment – and especially emergency stop
systems – may be used regardless of the stop category, if e.g. it provides the same safety using the standards EN ISO 13849-1:2008 and/or IEC 61508 as re-
quired by EN 60204-1.

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 275

Standards and certifications • Standards and definitions for safety technology
Performance Level Safety integrity Brief description System behavior
(in accordance with level - SIL (in ac-
EN ISO 13849-1) cordance with IEC
c 1 Safety-related parts must be designed and constructed
in such a way that their safety functions are checked by
the machine controls at suitable intervals. (For example,
automatic or manual testing on start-up). An error between checks can cause the loss
of safety functionality. The loss of safety func-
tionality will be detected during the check.

d 2 Safety-related components must be designed in such a

way that individual errors do not cause the loss of safety
functionality. Individual errors should – if possible – be
detected the next time (or before) the safety function is Safety functionality remains active when an
required. error occurs. Some but not all errors are de-
tected. A buildup of undetected errors can
cause safety functionality to fail.

e 3 Safety-related components must be designed in such a

way that individual errors do not cause the loss of safety
functionality. Individual errors must be detected the next
time (or before) the safety function is required. If this Safety functionality remains active when an
type of detection is not possible, a buildup of errors is error occurs. Errors are detected in time to
not permitted to cause safety functionality to fail. prevent safety functionality from failing.

Table 224: Overview of Performance Levels (PL)

A suitable Performance Level must be selected separately for each drive system (or for each axis) based on a risk
assessment. This risk assessment is a part of the total risk assessment for the machine.
The following risk graph (in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1, Appendix A) provides a simplified procedure for
risk assessment:
P1 L
a ---
d 2
e 3

Figure 106: Risk diagram for determining the PLr for each safety function in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1, Appendix A

1 Starting point for assessing the impact on risk reduction
L Low impact on risk reduction
H High impact on risk reduction
PLr Required performance level
SIL Safety Integrity Level in accordance with IEC 61508-2

Risk parameters
S Severity of injury
S1 Slight (usually reversible) injury
S2 Serious (usually irreversible) injury or death
F Frequency and/or duration of the exposure to the hazard
F1 Rare to often and/or short exposure to the hazard
F2 Frequent to continuous and/or long exposure
P Possibility to circumvent the danger or limit the damage
P1 Possible under some conditions
P2 Nearly impossible

The Performance Level to be used is determined by starting at the specified starting point and taking the risk
parameters S, F and P into consideration.

276 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Standards and certifications • Standards and definitions for safety technology

Restart inhibit in accordance with EN 1037/04.96 (Safety of machinery – Prevention of unexpected startup)
Keeping a machine in a state of rest when people are working in the danger zone is one of the most important
requirements for safely operating machines.
Starting refers to the transition of a machine or its parts from a state of rest to a moving state. Any start is unexpected
if it is caused by:
• A startup command sent because of a controller failure or because of external influences on the controller
• A startup command sent because of incorrect operation of a start element or another part of the machine
• Restoration of the power supply after an interruption
• External/Internal influences on parts of the machine
To prevent unexpected startup of machines or parts of machines, power should be removed and dissipated. If this
is not practical (e.g. frequent brief interventions in danger zones), other measures must be taken:
• Measures to prevent random startup commands
• Measures to prevent random startup commands from causing unexpected startup
• Measures to automatically stop dangerous parts of the machine before a dangerous situation can be caused
by unexpected startup

Standards and
Chapter 7

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 277

278 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01
Appendix A • ACOPOS

Appendix A • Accessories included in delivery

1.1 8V1010.0xx-2/8V1016.0xx-2
Figure Quan- Name Model number
1 Accessory set 8V1022/8V1045/8V1090 consisting of: 8X0001.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Screw clamp - 18 pin 7TB718.9
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 1010 8TB3104.203L-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 1100 8TB3104.202N-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 0110 8TB3104.204G-11
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin MSTB, labeled 1100 8TB2104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin MSTB, labeled 1010 8TB2104.203L-00
1 Accessory set for 8V1016/8V1010 consisting of: 8X0040.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Shield plate 1010/1016 -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B14ER -
1 DIN7985 M3x5 Torx -
2 M3 locknut -

1 Safety guidelines MAACPSH-X

1 Label sheet ACOPOS stickers multilingual -

1 Label sheet pinout ACOPOS 1010.00/1016.00 -

cluded in delivery
Accessories in-
Appendix A

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 279

Appendix A • ACOPOS

1.2 8V1010.5xx-2/8V1016.5xx-2
Figure Quan- Name Model number
1 Accessory set 8V1022/8V1045/8V1090 consisting of: 8X0001.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Screw clamp - 18 pin 7TB718.9
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 1010 8TB3104.203L-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 1100 8TB3104.202N-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 0110 8TB3104.204G-11
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin MSTB, labeled 1100 8TB2104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin MSTB, labeled 1010 8TB2104.203L-00
1 Accessory set for 8V1016/8V1010 consisting of: 8X0040.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Shield plate 1010/1016 -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B14ER -
1 DIN7985 M3x5 Torx -
2 M3 locknut -

1 Safety guidelines MAACPSH-X

1 Label sheet ACOPOS stickers multilingual -

1 Label sheet pinout ACOPOS 1010.50/1016.50 -

280 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Appendix A • ACOPOS

1.3 8V1022.xxx-2/8V1045.xxx-2/8V1090.xxx-2
Figure Quan- Name Model number
1 Accessory set 8V1022/8V1045/8V1090 consisting of: 8X0001.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Screw clamp - 18 pin 7TB718.9
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 1010 8TB3104.203L-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 1100 8TB3104.202N-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin PC5, labeled 0110 8TB3104.204G-11
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin MSTB, labeled 1100 8TB2104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin MSTB, labeled 1010 8TB2104.203L-00
1 ACOPOS accessory set consisting of: 8X0010.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Stress relief -
1 Shield terminal SKL8 -
1 Shield terminal SK14 -
2 M3 locknut -

1 Safety guidelines MAACPSH-X

1 Label sheet ACOPOS stickers multilingual -

1 Label sheet pinout ACOPOS 8V1022/8V1045/8V1090 -

cluded in delivery
Accessories in-
Appendix A

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 281

Appendix A • ACOPOS

1.4 8V1180.xxx-2/8V1320.xxx-2
Figure Quan- Name Model number
1 ACOPOS accessories, connector set 1180/1320 3ph consisting of: 8X0002.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Screw clamp - 18 pin 7TB718.9
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r PC6 labeled 0110 8TB4104.204G-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r PC6 labeled 1100 8TB4104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r PC6 labeled 1010 8TB4104.203L-00
1 Screw clamp - 3 pin 1r PC5 labeled 000 8TB3103.202A-10
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r MSTB labeled 1100 8TB2104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r MSTB labeled 1010 8TB2104.203L-00
1 ACOPOS accessories, shield set 1180/1320 consisting of: 8X0020.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Shielding bolt -
2 Shield terminal SK14 -
2 Shield terminal SK20 -
4 DIN965 M4x8 TORX -

1 Safety guidelines MAACPSH-X

1 Label sheet ACOPOS stickers multilingual -

1 Label sheet pinout ACOPOS 8V1180/8V1320 -

282 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Appendix A • ACOPOS

1.5 8V1640.xxx-2
Figure Quan- Name Model number
1 ACOPOS drive accessory set for 8V1640 K0 consisting of: 8X0005.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Screw clamp - 18 pin 7TB718.9
1 Screw clamp - 3 pin 1r PC6 labeled 000 8TB4103.202A-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r MSTB labeled 1100 8TB2104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r MSTB labeled 1010 8TB2104.203L-00

1 ACOPOS accessory set for shield contacting 8V1640 consisting of: 8X0030.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Shielding bolt -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B18ER -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B22ER -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B34ER -
3 Hexagonal socket head cap screw 8mm M5 DIN912 galv. -
1 Safety guidelines MAACPSH-X

1 Label sheet ACOPOS stickers multilingual -

1 Label sheet pinout ACOPOS 8V1640/8V128M -

cluded in delivery
Accessories in-
Appendix A

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 283

Appendix A • ACOPOS

1.6 8V128M.xxx-2
Figure Quan- Name Model number
1 ACOPOS accessory set for 8V1640 K0 consisting of: 8X0005.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Screw clamp - 18 pin 7TB718.9
1 Screw clamp - 3 pin 1r PC6 labeled 000 8TB4103.202A-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r MSTB labeled 1100 8TB2104.202N-00
1 Screw clamp - 4 pin 1r MSTB labeled 1010 8TB2104.203L-00

1 ACOPOS accessory set for shield contacting 8V128M consisting of: 8X0030.00-1
Quan- Details Model number
1 Shielding bolt -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B18ER -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B22ER -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B34ER -
1 Hammer foot bolt clamp B46ER -
3 Hexagonal socket head cap screw 8mm M5 DIN912 galv. -
1 Safety guidelines MAACPSH-X

1 Label sheet ACOPOS stickers multilingual -

1 Label sheet pinout ACOPOS 8V1640/8V128M -

284 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Figure index

Figure 1: EMC testing of ACOPOS servo drives - maximum security for the user.............................. 13
Figure 2: Plug-in modules allow optimized, application-specific configuration of ACOPOS servo drives14

Figure index
Figure 3: Configuring ACOPOS servo drives using B&R Automation Studio guarantees fast and easy
implementation of application requirements.......................................................................... 15
Figure 4: Optimal control of the movement using NC Test and Trace functionality.............................. 17
Figure 5: Cam editor - for creating movement profiles simply and precisely........................................18
Figure 6: Compact, modular motion control applications..................................................................... 20
Figure 7: Extensive, modular motion control applications with up to 253 axes.................................... 21
Figure 8: ACOPOS in a CAN bus network...........................................................................................21
Figure 9: Drive-based automation with ACOPOS.................................................................................22
Figure 10: Warning on the servo drive................................................................................................... 25
Figure 11: Warning on the servo drive................................................................................................... 26
Figure 12: ACOPOS servo drives - Status indicators.............................................................................33
Figure 13: ACOPOS 1010, 1016 - Pinout overview............................................................................... 50
Figure 14: Trigger.................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 15: Limit........................................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 16: Enable.................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 17: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1010, 1016............................................................. 57
Figure 18: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Pinout overview..................................................................... 69
Figure 19: Trigger.................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 20: Limit........................................................................................................................................ 74
Figure 21: Enable.................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 22: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................. 75
Figure 23: ACOPOS 1180, 1320 - Pinout overview............................................................................... 84
Figure 24: Trigger.................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 25: Limit........................................................................................................................................ 89
Figure 26: Enable.................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 27: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1180, 1320............................................................. 90
Figure 28: ACOPOS 1640, 128M - Pinout overview.............................................................................. 99
Figure 29: Trigger.................................................................................................................................. 103
Figure 30: Limit...................................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 31: Enable.................................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 32: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1640, 128M.......................................................... 105
Figure 33: AC110 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 108
Figure 34: AC114 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 111
Figure 35: AC120 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 115
Figure 36: AC121 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 119
Figure 37: AC122 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 124
Figure 38: AC123 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 128
Figure 39: BISS encoder interface 8AC125.60-2 Input/Output circuit diagram.................................... 133
Figure 40: BISS encoder interface 8AC125.61-2 Input/Output circuit diagram.................................... 136
Figure 41: AC130 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 143
Figure 42: AC131 - Input/Output circuit diagram.................................................................................. 147
Figure 43: Remove the cover for the lithium battery............................................................................ 156
Figure 44: Hold the battery correctly.................................................................................................... 156
Figure 45: Removal strip should be pulled to the right........................................................................ 156
Figure 46: Overview of AC140 connections (view from front).............................................................. 158
Figure 47: Overview of AC140 connections (view from below)............................................................158
Figure 48: Remove the cover for the lithium battery............................................................................ 167
Figure 49: Hold the battery correctly.................................................................................................... 167
Figure 50: Removal strip should be pulled to the right........................................................................ 167
Figure 51: Overview of AC141 connections (view from front).............................................................. 169
Figure 52: Overview of AC141 connections (view from below)............................................................169
Figure 53: Changing/Inserting the battery module 8AXB000.0000-00................................................. 172
Figure 54: 8B0W - Pinout overview...................................................................................................... 174
Figure 55: 8CMxxx.12-0 motor cables - Cable diagram.......................................................................185
Figure 56: Cable diagram - 8CMxxx.12-1, 8CMxxx.12-3 motor cables................................................185

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 285

Figure index

Figure 57: 8CMxxx.12-5 motor cables - Cable diagram.......................................................................186

Figure 58: EnDat 2.1 cables - Cable diagram...................................................................................... 189
Figure 59: Cable diagram for resolver cables...................................................................................... 192
Figure 60: Attaching the eye bolt included in delivery to ACOPOS 1640, 128M drives....................... 197
Figure 61: ACOPOS 1010, 1016 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions............................198
Figure 62: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions.................. 199
Figure 63: ACOPOS 1180, 1320 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions............................ 200
Figure 64: ACOPOS 1640 - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions......................................201
Figure 65: ACOPOS 128M - Dimension diagram and installation dimensions.....................................202
Figure 66: Dimension diagram for 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1............................ 203
Figure 67: 8B0W external braking resistors - Installation dimensions..................................................204
Figure 68: Installing ACOPOS plug-in modules....................................................................................205
Figure 69: Installing various ACOPOS series devices directly next to each other............................... 206
Figure 70: Function diagram of filter fans.............................................................................................207
Figure 71: Function diagram of air/air heat exchangers ......................................................................208
Figure 72: Function diagram of air/water heat exchangers .................................................................209
Figure 73: Placing a cooling unit on top of the control cabinet............................................................ 210
Figure 74: Placing a cooling unit on the front of the control cabinet.................................................... 211
Figure 75: Stripped cable end...............................................................................................................212
Figure 76: Cable end with shielding mesh pulled back........................................................................ 212
Figure 77: Pulling out the separately shielded signal lines.................................................................. 213
Figure 78: Cable end without stranding elements................................................................................ 213
Figure 79: Cable ends with shortened shielding mesh.........................................................................214
Figure 80: Attaching the shielding mesh.............................................................................................. 214
Figure 81: Wire ends with wire end sleeves.........................................................................................214
Figure 82: ACOPOS X3, individual power mains connection - Circuit diagram................................... 218
Figure 83: ACOPOS X3, power mains connection for a drive group - Circuit diagram........................ 221
Figure 84: ACOPOS X3, power mains connection for a drive group with optional line choke - Circuit di-
agram................................................................................................................................... 221
Figure 85: ACOPOS X2 DC bus connections - Circuit diagram...........................................................224
Figure 86: DC bus power supply for ACOPOS servo drives................................................................226
Figure 87: ACOPOS X4/X5 motor connections - Circuit diagram........................................................ 227
Figure 88: ACOPOS X6, external braking resistor on ACOPOS 1180/1320/1640/128M - Circuit dia-
gram..................................................................................................................................... 229
Figure 89: Movement and load profile for one axis in a sample application........................................ 230
Figure 90: Movement and load profile of one axis example................................................................ 233
Figure 91: Peak load capacity - 8V1180 / 8V1320...............................................................................234
Figure 92: Peak load capacity - 8V1640 / 8V128M..............................................................................234
Figure 93: Determining the peak load factor k..................................................................................... 237
Figure 94: Thermal equivalent circuit diagram for the external braking resistor...................................238
Figure 95: Basic selection of the cooling system................................................................................. 241
Figure 96: Connection diagram for ground and shield connections..................................................... 250
Figure 97: Cable shielding in DSUB housing....................................................................................... 251
Figure 98: Grounding the POWERLINK cable shielding...................................................................... 251
Figure 99: Connecting cables to plug-in modules................................................................................ 254
Figure 100: Block diagram of safe pulse disabling.................................................................................258
Figure 101: STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)........................................................................ 260
Figure 102: STO, Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)........................................................................ 261
Figure 103: STO, SLS, SOS - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d............................................................262
Figure 104: SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant A)........................................... 264
Figure 105: SS1, SLS, SS2 - Safety Category 3 / SIL 2 / PL d (Variant B)........................................... 266
Figure 106: Risk diagram for determining the PLr for each safety function in accordance with EN ISO
13849-1, Appendix A........................................................................................................... 276

286 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Table index

Table 1: Manual history............................................................................................................................. 11

Table 2: Description of the safety notices used in this documentation.....................................................23

Table index
Table 3: Environmentally friendly separation of materials........................................................................ 27
Table 4: Overview of the ACOPOS servo drive series.............................................................................32
Table 5: LED status - ACOPOS servo drives...........................................................................................33
Table 6: Status changes when booting the operating system loader....................................................... 34
Table 7: Error status with reference to the CAN plug-in module AC110.................................................. 34
Table 8: Error status with reference to the POWERLINK V2 plug-in module AC114............................... 34
Table 9: 8V1010.00-2, 8V1010.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 35
Table 10: 8V1010.00-2, 8V1010.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 36
Table 11: 8V1010.50-2, 8V1010.501-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 39
Table 12: 8V1010.50-2, 8V1010.501-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 40
Table 13: 8V1016.00-2, 8V1016.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 43
Table 14: 8V1016.00-2, 8V1016.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 44
Table 15: 8V1016.50-2, 8V1016.501-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 47
Table 16: 8V1016.50-2, 8V1016.501-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 48
Table 17: X1 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 51
Table 18: X2 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 51
Table 19: X2 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 51
Table 20: X3 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 52
Table 21: X3 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 52
Table 22: X4a - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 52
Table 23: X4b - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 53
Table 24: Activation for the external holding brake.................................................................................... 54
Table 25: X5 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 55
Table 26: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOS.......................................................................... 55
Table 27: 8V1022.00-2, 8V1022.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 58
Table 28: 8V1022.00-2, 8V1022.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 59
Table 29: 8V1045.00-2, 8V1045.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 62
Table 30: 8V1045.00-2, 8V1045.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 63
Table 31: 8V1090.00-2, 8V1090.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 66
Table 32: 8V1090.00-2, 8V1090.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 67
Table 33: X1 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 70
Table 34: X2 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 70
Table 35: X3 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 70
Table 36: X4a - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 71
Table 37: X4b - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 71
Table 38: Activation for the external holding brake.................................................................................... 72
Table 39: X5 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 73
Table 40: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOS.......................................................................... 73
Table 41: 8V1180.00-2, 8V1180.001-2 - Order data...................................................................................76
Table 42: 8V1180.00-2, 8V1180.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 77
Table 43: 8V1320.00-2, 8V1320.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 80
Table 44: 8V1320.00-2, 8V1320.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 81
Table 45: X1 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 85
Table 46: X2 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 85
Table 47: X3 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 85
Table 48: X4a - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 86
Table 49: X4b - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 86
Table 50: Activation for the external holding brake.................................................................................... 87
Table 51: X5 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 88
Table 52: X6 - Pinout.................................................................................................................................. 88
Table 53: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOS.......................................................................... 88
Table 54: 8V1640.00-2, 8V1640.001-2 - Order data.................................................................................. 91
Table 55: 8V1640.00-2, 8V1640.001-2 - Technical data............................................................................ 92
Table 56: 8V128M.00-2, 8V128M.001-2 - Order data................................................................................ 95
Table 57: 8V128M.00-2, 8V128M.001-2 - Technical data.......................................................................... 96

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 287

Table index

Table 58: X1 - Pinout................................................................................................................................ 100

Table 59: X2 connector - Pinout............................................................................................................... 100
Table 60: X3 connector - Pinout............................................................................................................... 100
Table 61: X4a - Pinout.............................................................................................................................. 101
Table 62: X4b - Pinout.............................................................................................................................. 101
Table 63: Activation for the external holding brake.................................................................................. 102
Table 64: X5 connector - Pinout............................................................................................................... 103
Table 65: X6 connector - Pinout............................................................................................................... 103
Table 66: The maximum number of plug-in modules depends on the size of the servo drive..................106
Table 67: Slot overview for ACOPOS plug-in modules............................................................................ 106
Table 68: 8AC110.60-3 - Order data........................................................................................................ 107
Table 69: 8AC110.60-3 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 107
Table 70: Setting the CAN node number..................................................................................................108
Table 71: AC110 CAN interface - Pinout.................................................................................................. 108
Table 72: 8AC114.60-2 - Order data........................................................................................................ 109
Table 73: 8AC114.60-2 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 109
Table 74: Setting the POWERLINK node number....................................................................................110
Table 75: AC114 - Status LEDs................................................................................................................110
Table 76: POWERLINK - LED status indicators....................................................................................... 110
Table 77: AC114 POWERLINK V2 interface - Pinout...............................................................................111
Table 78: 8AC120.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 112
Table 79: 8AC120.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 113
Table 80: AC120 EnDat encoder interface - Pinout................................................................................. 114
Table 81: 8AC121.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 116
Table 82: 8AC121.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 116
Table 83: AC121 HIPERFACE encoder interface - Pinout.......................................................................118
Table 84: 8AC122.60-3 - Order data........................................................................................................ 120
Table 85: 8AC122.60-3 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 121
Table 86: 8AC122.60-4 - Order data........................................................................................................ 122
Table 87: 8AC122.60-4 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 123
Table 88: AC122 resolver interface - Pinout.............................................................................................124
Table 89: 8AC123.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 125
Table 90: 8AC123.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 125
Table 91: AC123 incremental encoder and SSI absolute encoder interface - Pinout...............................127
Table 92: 8AC125.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 129
Table 93: 8AC125.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 129
Table 94: AC125 BiSS encoder interface - Pinout................................................................................... 130
Table 95: 8AC125.60-2 - Order data........................................................................................................ 131
Table 96: 8AC125.60-2 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 131
Table 97: BiSS encoder interface 8AC125.60-2 - Pinout......................................................................... 132
Table 98: 8AC125.61-2 - Order data........................................................................................................ 134
Table 99: 8AC125.61-2 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 134
Table 100: 8AC125.61-2 BiSS encoder interface - Pinout......................................................................... 135
Table 101: 8AC126.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 137
Table 102: 8AC126.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 138
Table 103: BAT Status LED - AC126......................................................................................................... 138
Table 104: AC126 EnDat 2.2 interface - Pinout......................................................................................... 139
Table 105: 8AC130.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 140
Table 106: 8AC130.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 140
Table 107: LED status 8AC130...................................................................................................................142
Table 108: AC130 digital mixed module - Pinout....................................................................................... 142
Table 109: 8AC131.60-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 144
Table 110: 8AC131.60-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 144
Table 111: AC131 mixed module - Pinout..................................................................................................146
Table 112: 8AC140.60-3 - Order data........................................................................................................ 148
Table 113: 8AC140.61-3 - Order data........................................................................................................ 149
Table 114: 8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3 - Technical data...........................................................................150

288 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Table index

Table 115: Indicators - 8AC140.60-3, 8AC140.61-3...................................................................................152

Table 116: Setting the CAN node number..................................................................................................152

Table index
Table 117: Setting the PROFIBUS node number....................................................................................... 153
Table 118: Reset button.............................................................................................................................. 153
Table 119: Application memory................................................................................................................... 154
Table 120: Backup battery.......................................................................................................................... 154
Table 121: X1 connector (RS232) - Pinout.................................................................................................158
Table 122: X2 connector (CAN) - Pinout.................................................................................................... 159
Table 123: X3 connector (PROFIBUS) - Pinout......................................................................................... 159
Table 124: X4 connector (inputs/outputs) - Pinout..................................................................................... 159
Table 125: Pinout X5 (Ethernet)..................................................................................................................159
Table 126: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Order data................................................................................. 160
Table 127: 8AC141.60-2, 8AC141.61-3 - Technical data...........................................................................161
Table 128: AC141 indicators....................................................................................................................... 164
Table 129: Setting the CAN node number..................................................................................................164
Table 130: Setting the CAN node number (IF3).........................................................................................164
Table 131: Reset button.............................................................................................................................. 165
Table 132: Application memory................................................................................................................... 165
Table 133: Backup battery.......................................................................................................................... 165
Table 134: X1 connector (RS232) - Pinout.................................................................................................169
Table 135: X2 connector (CAN1) - Pinout.................................................................................................. 170
Table 136: X3 connector (CAN2) - Pinout.................................................................................................. 170
Table 137: X4 connector (inputs/outputs) - Pinout..................................................................................... 170
Table 138: X5 connector (X2X) - Pinout.....................................................................................................170
Table 139: X6 connector (Ethernet) - Pinout.............................................................................................. 170
Table 140: 8AXB000.0000-00 - Order data................................................................................................ 171
Table 141: 8AXB000.0000-00 - Technical data.......................................................................................... 171
Table 142: 8B0W0045H000.000-1, 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.000-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1
- Order data...............................................................................................................................173
Table 143: 8B0W0045H000.000-1, 8B0W0045H000.001-1, 8B0W0079H000.000-1, 8B0W0079H000.001-1
- Technical data........................................................................................................................ 173
Table 144: 8CM005.12-0, 8CM007.12-0, 8CM010.12-0, 8CM015.12-0, 8CM020.12-0, 8CM025.12-0 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 175
Table 145: 8CM005.12-0, 8CM007.12-0, 8CM010.12-0, 8CM015.12-0, 8CM020.12-0, 8CM025.12-0 - Tech-
nical data................................................................................................................................... 175
Table 146: 8CM005.12-1, 8CM007.12-1, 8CM010.12-1, 8CM015.12-1, 8CM020.12-1, 8CM025.12-1 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 177
Table 147: 8CM005.12-1, 8CM007.12-1, 8CM010.12-1, 8CM015.12-1, 8CM020.12-1, 8CM025.12-1 - Tech-
nical data................................................................................................................................... 177
Table 148: 8CM005.12-3, 8CM007.12-3, 8CM010.12-3, 8CM015.12-3, 8CM020.12-3, 8CM025.12-3 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 179
Table 149: 8CM005.12-3, 8CM007.12-3, 8CM010.12-3, 8CM015.12-3, 8CM020.12-3, 8CM025.12-3 - Tech-
nical data................................................................................................................................... 179
Table 150: 8CM005.12-5, 8CM007.12-5, 8CM010.12-5, 8CM015.12-5, 8CM020.12-5, 8CM025.12-5 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 181
Table 151: 8CM005.12-5, 8CM007.12-5, 8CM010.12-5, 8CM015.12-5, 8CM020.12-5, 8CM025.12-5 - Tech-
nical data................................................................................................................................... 181
Table 152: 8CM005.12-8, 8CM007.12-8, 8CM010.12-8, 8CM015.12-8, 8CM020.12-8, 8CM025.12-8 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 183
Table 153: 8CM005.12-8, 8CM007.12-8, 8CM010.12-8, 8CM015.12-8, 8CM020.12-8, 8CM025.12-8 - Tech-
nical data................................................................................................................................... 183
Table 154: Motor cable construction........................................................................................................... 184
Table 155: Pinout - 8CMxxx.12-0, 8CMxxx.12-1, 8CMxxx.12-3 motor cables........................................... 184
Table 156: 8CMxxx.12-5 motor cables - Pinout......................................................................................... 185
Table 157: 8CE005.12-1, 8CE007.12-1, 8CE010.12-1, 8CE015.12-1, 8CE020.12-1, 8CE025.12-1 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 187
Table 158: 8CE005.12-1, 8CE007.12-1, 8CE010.12-1, 8CE015.12-1, 8CE020.12-1, 8CE025.12-1 - Techni-
cal data......................................................................................................................................187

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 289

Table index

Table 159: Construction - EnDat 2.1 cable.................................................................................................188

Table 160: EnDat 2.1 cables - Pinout.........................................................................................................188
Table 161: 8CR005.12-1, 8CR007.12-1, 8CR010.12-1, 8CR015.12-1, 8CR020.12-1, 8CR025.12-1 - Order
data............................................................................................................................................ 190
Table 162: 8CR005.12-1, 8CR007.12-1, 8CR010.12-1, 8CR015.12-1, 8CR020.12-1, 8CR025.12-1 - Techni-
cal data......................................................................................................................................190
Table 163: Resolver cable construction...................................................................................................... 191
Table 164: Resolver cables - Pinout...........................................................................................................191
Table 165: 8PM001.00-1, 8PM002.00-1, 8PM003.00-1 - Order data.........................................................193
Table 166: 8PM001.00-1, 8PM002.00-1, 8PM003.00-1 - Technical data.................................................. 193
Table 167: 8PE001.00-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 194
Table 168: 8PE001.00-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 194
Table 169: 8PR001.00-1 - Order data........................................................................................................ 195
Table 170: 8PR001.00-1 - Technical data.................................................................................................. 195
Table 171: Overview of the vertical offsets (ACOPOS - ACOPOS)........................................................... 206
Table 172: Supply voltage range for ACOPOS servo drives......................................................................216
Table 173: Selection of the protective ground wire cross section.............................................................. 216
Table 174: Protective ground conditions depending on the ACOPOS device............................................217
Table 175: Constant k ................................................................................................................................219
Table 176: Maximum current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables or individual wires ................... 219
Table 177: Tripping characteristics of the fuse for the power mains connection........................................220
Table 178: Model numbers for the line chokes available from B&R.......................................................... 221
Table 179: Discharge capacitance CA.........................................................................................................223
Table 180: Maximum current load for specially insulated three-phase cables .......................................... 227
Table 181: Maximum current load for PVC-insulated three-phase cables ................................................ 228
Table 182: Braking resistors for ACOPOS servo drives.............................................................................228
Table 183: The location where the fuse for the external braking resistor connection is installed............... 229
Table 184: Overview of braking resistor data - 8B0W .............................................................................. 231
Table 185: Series and parallel connection of braking resistors..................................................................232
Table 186: ParIDs for setting external braking resistor parameters........................................................... 238
Table 187: Maximum power output for all slots depending on the ACOPOS servo drive.......................... 239
Table 188: Power consumption Pmodule of ACOPOS plug-in modules.........................................................239
Table 189: Maximum current requirements and constant k ...................................................................... 240
Table 190: Calculation of the effective control cabinet surface A (DIN VDE 57 660 part 500 or IEC 890)...242
Table 191: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet...................................... 242
Table 192: Compensation factor f depending on the control cabinet's installation altitude........................ 243
Table 193: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet...................................... 244
Table 194: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet...................................... 245
Table 195: Determining the heat dissipation of all devices in the control cabinet...................................... 246
Table 196: Formula variables used.............................................................................................................248
Table 197: Grounding of the motor cable on the ACOPOS servo drive.....................................................252
Table 198: Terminal cross sections for ACOPOS servo drives..................................................................255
Table 199: Safety classifications, criteria and characteristics for safe pulse disabling............................... 257
Table 200: Overview of safety functions according to standards............................................................... 257
Table 201: Applicable standards for ACOPOS servo drives...................................................................... 269
Table 202: Mechanical conditions during operation .................................................................................. 270
Table 203: Mechanical conditions during transport.................................................................................... 270
Table 204: Climate conditions during operation..........................................................................................270
Table 205: Climate conditions (temperature) during storage .................................................................... 270
Table 206: Climate conditions (humidity) during storage .......................................................................... 270
Table 207: Climate conditions during transport ......................................................................................... 270
Table 208: Evaluation criteria (performance criteria) for immunity to disturbances.................................... 271
Table 209: Limit values for power mains harmonics.................................................................................. 271
Table 210: Limit values for commutation notches / voltage distortions...................................................... 271
Table 211: Limit values for voltage changes and fluctuations....................................................................271
Table 212: Limit values for voltage dips and short-term interruptions........................................................ 271
Table 213: Limit values for asymmetric voltages and frequency changes................................................. 271

290 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Table index

Table 214: Limits for electrical discharge................................................................................................... 272

Table 215: Limits for electromagnetic fields............................................................................................... 272

Table index
Table 216: Limits for burst.......................................................................................................................... 272
Table 217: Limits for surge......................................................................................................................... 272
Table 218: Limits for conducted disturbances (radio frequency)................................................................ 272
Table 219: Limits for disturbance voltages on the power connections....................................................... 273
Table 220: Limit values for electro-magnetic emissions............................................................................. 273
Table 221: Other environmental limit values.............................................................................................. 273
Table 222: International certifications..........................................................................................................274
Table 223: Overview of stop function categories........................................................................................275
Table 224: Overview of Performance Levels (PL)...................................................................................... 275

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 291

292 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

AC122 resolver module...................................................................................................................................... 120

AC140 CPU module........................................................................................................................................... 160
Accident prevention regulations........................................................................................................................... 23
ACOPOS configurations
CAN bus........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Compact, modular............................................................................................................................................ 20
Drive-based control.......................................................................................................................................... 22
Extensive, modular........................................................................................................................................... 21
ACOPOS servo drive in DC bus network.......................................................................................................... 236
ACOPOS servo drive series................................................................................................................................ 32
active braking of the motor................................................................................................................................ 226
Air/air heat exchangers...................................................................................................................................... 208
Function diagram................................................................................................................................... 208, 208
Air/water heat exchangers.................................................................................................................................. 209
Function diagram................................................................................................................................... 209, 209
Apparent power Transformer............................................................................................................................. 216
Applicable standards.......................................................................................................................................... 269
Arrangement of cooling units............................................................................................................................. 210
Attaching the eye bolt........................................................................................................................................ 197
Autotransformer.................................................................................................................................................. 216

B&R Automation Studio................................................................................................................................. 15, 17
Backup batteries................................................................................................................................................. 139
Backup battery
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 154
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 165
Balancing resistors............................................................................................................................................. 225
Battery change interval.............................................................................................................................. 154, 166
Battery disposal.......................................................................................................................................... 156, 167
BatteryInfo.................................................................................................................................................. 154, 166
Battery module.................................................................................................................................................... 139
Battery monitoring...................................................................................................................................... 154, 166
BiSS encoder module AC125............................................................................................................................ 129
Braking resistor data.................................................................................................................................. 231, 231
Braking resistors................................................................................................................................................. 228

Assembly........................................................................................................................................................ 212
Cable connection
via DSUB plug................................................................................................................................................ 251
via RJ45 plug................................................................................................................................................. 251
via terminals................................................................................................................................................... 251
Cable diagram
8CM motor cables................................................................................................................................. 185, 186
8CR resolved cables - Cable diagram.......................................................................................................... 192
EnDat 2.1 cables............................................................................................................................................ 187
General information........................................................................................................................................ 175
Motor cables................................................................................................................................................... 175
Resolver cables.............................................................................................................................................. 190
Cable schematic
8CE EnDat 2.1 cable..................................................................................................................................... 189
Cables from other manufacturers....................................................................................................................... 175
Cable shields...................................................................................................................................................... 249
Calculating specifications..................................................................................................................................... 26
Calculating the effective control cabinet surface area A.................................................................................... 242
ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 293

Calculation for dimensioning the braking resistor

Average brake power for one cycle............................................................................................................... 231
Average temperature in continuous operation............................................................................................... 232
Braking energy for one cycle......................................................................................................................... 231
Braking energy per braking procedure.......................................................................................................... 231
Continuous power.......................................................................................................................................... 235
Determining braking resistor data.................................................................................................................. 231
Maximum brake power within one cycle........................................................................................................ 231
Maximum heat that can be absorbed by the braking resistor....................................................................... 232
Maximum temperature in continuous operation............................................................................................. 232
Power calculation........................................................................................................................................... 231
Thermal resistance......................................................................................................................................... 235
Thermal time constant of the braking resistor............................................................................................... 232
Total braking time within one cycle............................................................................................................... 231
Cam profile editor................................................................................................................................................. 18
CAN module AC110........................................................................................................................................... 107
Causes of errors................................................................................................................................................... 26
Certifications....................................................................................................................................................... 274
Choosing a fuse
Suitable fuse................................................................................................................................................... 218
Clampable cross sections.................................................................................................................................. 255
Climate conditions
During operation............................................................................................................................................. 270
During transport..................................................................................................................................... 270, 270
Humidity during storage......................................................................................................................... 270, 270
Temperature during storage.................................................................................................................. 270, 270
CompactFlash card.................................................................................................................................... 148, 160
Condensation...................................................................................................................................................... 210
Connection and environmental conditions....................................................................................................... 23
External braking resistor................................................................................................................................ 235
Connecting encoders, sensors and actuators...................................................................................................... 14
Connecting external braking resistors................................................................................................................ 229
Connecting the mounting bracket to ground...................................................................................................... 251
Connection cable for external braking resistor.................................................................................................. 252
Connection diagram for ground and shield connections.................................................................................... 250
EnDat connectors........................................................................................................................................... 194
General information........................................................................................................................................ 193
Motor connectors............................................................................................................................................ 193
Resolver connectors....................................................................................................................................... 195
Constant k for servo drives....................................................................................................... 219, 240, 219, 240
Cooling systems......................................................................................................................................... 207, 241
Cooling systems in control cabinets.................................................................................................................. 207
Cooling unit temperature.................................................................................................................................... 210
CPU module - AC140........................................................................................................................................ 148
Criteria for safe pulse disabling......................................................................................................................... 257
Cross sections, clampable................................................................................................................................. 255

DC bus....................................................................................................................................................... 224, 224
DC bus connections........................................................................................................................................... 225
DC bus power supplies........................................................................................................................................ 32
DC-DC converter................................................................................................................................................ 258
DC-to-DC converter............................................................................................................................................ 259
Motor connection............................................................................................................................................ 227
Determining current load.................................................................................................................................... 218
Determining power mains cross section............................................................................................................ 219
Determining the peak load factor k.................................................................................................................... 237
Determining the value of the braking resistor.................................................................................................... 235

294 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01


Digital mixed module - AC130........................................................................................................................... 140

Dimension diagrams
ACOPOS 1010, 1016..................................................................................................................................... 198

ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090.......................................................................................................................... 199
ACOPOS 1180, 1320..................................................................................................................................... 200
ACOPOS 128M.............................................................................................................................................. 202
ACOPOS 1640............................................................................................................................................... 201
Dimension diagrams and installation dimensions
External braking resistors.............................................................................................................................. 203
Air/air heat exchangers.................................................................................................................................. 245
Air/water heat exchanger............................................................................................................................... 246
Braking resistors............................................................................................................................................. 228
DC bus........................................................................................................................................................... 224
Filter fans........................................................................................................................................................ 243
Fuse................................................................................................................................................................ 218
Line contactor................................................................................................................................................. 220
Motor connection............................................................................................................................................ 227
Natural convection.......................................................................................................................................... 242
Power mains................................................................................................................................................... 218
Power mains connection................................................................................................................................ 215
Dimensioning the motor cable cross section..................................................................................................... 227
Directives............................................................................................................................................................ 269
Discharge capacitance....................................................................................................................................... 223
Disposal................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Drive-based automation........................................................................................................................................ 22

Effective value for the motor current.................................................................................................................. 227
Electromagnetic compatibility of the installation................................................................................................ 249
Electronic gears.................................................................................................................................................. 125
Embedded parameter chip................................................................................................................................... 13
Emergency stops................................................................................................................................................ 275
Encoder cable..................................................................................................................................................... 252
Encoder connectors
EnDat.............................................................................................................................................................. 194
Resolver.......................................................................................................................................................... 195
Encoders for external axes................................................................................................................................ 120
Encoder systems
BiSS encoder module.................................................................................................................................... 129
EnDat 2.1 encoder module............................................................................................................................ 112
HIPERFACE encoder module........................................................................................................................ 116
Incremental / SSI encoder module................................................................................................................ 125
Resolver module............................................................................................................................................ 120
EnDat 2.1............................................................................................................................................................ 112
EnDat 2.1 cable
Wiring.............................................................................................................................................................. 188
EnDat 2.1 encoder module AC120.................................................................................................................... 112
EnDat 2.2 module AC126.................................................................................................................................. 137
EnDat cable
Order data...................................................................................................................................................... 187
EnDat cables
Technical data................................................................................................................................................ 187
EnDat connectors
Order data...................................................................................................................................................... 194
Technical data................................................................................................................................................ 194
Environmental limit values......................................................................................................................... 273, 273
Environmentally friendly disposal......................................................................................................................... 27
Environmentally friendly separation of materials........................................................................................... 27, 27
ESD....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
ESD protective measures..................................................................................................................................... 24

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 295


E-stop button........................................................................................................................................................ 26
European directives............................................................................................................................................ 269
Evaluation criteria for immunity to disturbances................................................................................................ 271
Exchanging the battery on CPU modules
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 156
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 167
External braking resistor
Location of the fuse....................................................................................................................................... 229
External braking resistor connection fuse.......................................................................................................... 229

Fault current protection...................................................................................................................................... 223
Fault current protective device........................................................................................................................... 223
Filter fans
Dimensioning.................................................................................................................................................. 243
Function diagram............................................................................................................................................ 207
Formula variables............................................................................................................................................... 248
Forward movement............................................................................................................................................. 259
Functional safety................................................................................................................................................... 26
Function blocks.............................................................................................................................................. 15, 16
Function diagram
Filter fans............................................................................................................................................... 207, 207
Fuse.................................................................................................................................................................... 218
Fuse for the power mains connection....................................................................................................... 218, 222

Grounding clamps............................................................................................................................................... 252
Grounding of the motor cable on the ACOPOS servo drive.............................................................................. 252
Grounding plate.................................................................................................................................................. 252
Grounding the cable shield................................................................................................................................ 251
Guidelines for ESD handling................................................................................................................................ 24

Hazards................................................................................................................................................................. 23
High voltage testing............................................................................................................................................ 253
HIPERFACE........................................................................................................................................................ 116

IGBT driver......................................................................................................................................................... 258
Improper seal on the control cabinet................................................................................................................. 207
Increased discharge current............................................................................................................................... 216
Incremental / SSI absolute encoder module AC123.......................................................................................... 125
Inductive switching elements.............................................................................................................................. 249
Input/Output circuit diagram
AC110............................................................................................................................................................. 108
AC120............................................................................................................................................................. 115
AC121............................................................................................................................................................. 119
AC122............................................................................................................................................................. 124
AC123............................................................................................................................................................. 128
AC130............................................................................................................................................................. 143
AC131............................................................................................................................................................. 147
Input/output circuit diagram
ACOPOS 1010, 1016....................................................................................................................................... 56
Input/Output circuit diagram
ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090............................................................................................................................ 74
Input/output circuit diagram
ACOPOS 1180, 1320....................................................................................................................................... 88
ACOPOS 1640, 128M.................................................................................................................................... 103
296 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

input/output diagram
AC114............................................................................................................................................................. 111
Installation........................................................................................................................................................... 249

Air/air heat exchangers.................................................................................................................................. 208
Air/air heat exchangers behind mounting plates........................................................................................... 208
Air/water heat exchangers............................................................................................................................. 209
Air/water heat exchangers behind mounting plates....................................................................................... 209
Plug-in module............................................................................................................................................... 205
Installation conditions......................................................................................................................................... 197
Installation dimensions
ACOPOS 1010, 1016..................................................................................................................................... 198
ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090.......................................................................................................................... 199
ACOPOS 1180, 1320..................................................................................................................................... 200
ACOPOS 128M.............................................................................................................................................. 202
ACOPOS 1640............................................................................................................................................... 201
External braking resistors.............................................................................................................................. 203
Installing plug-in module cables......................................................................................................................... 254
Insulation resistance testing............................................................................................................................... 253
Intermediate transformer............................................................................................................................ 216, 216
Internal monitoring................................................................................................................................................ 26
Isolation transformers......................................................................................................................................... 215
IT power mains................................................................................................................................................... 215

LED status
AC110............................................................................................................................................................... 34
AC114............................................................................................................................................................... 34
ACOPOS servo drives..................................................................................................................................... 34
Operating system loader.................................................................................................................................. 34
Limit values
Asymmetric voltages...................................................................................................................................... 271
Burst............................................................................................................................................................... 272
Commutation notches.................................................................................................................................... 271
Disturbance voltages on the power connections........................................................................................... 273
Electromagnetic emissions............................................................................................................................. 273
Electromagnetic fields.................................................................................................................................... 272
Electrostatic discharge................................................................................................................................... 272
Frequency changes........................................................................................................................................ 271
High-frequency conducted disturbances........................................................................................................ 272
Power mains harmonics................................................................................................................................. 271
Short-term interruptions.................................................................................................................................. 271
Surge.............................................................................................................................................................. 272
Voltage changes............................................................................................................................................. 271
Voltage dips.................................................................................................................................................... 271
Voltage distortions.......................................................................................................................................... 271
Voltage fluctuations........................................................................................................................................ 271
Line shielding...................................................................................................................................................... 249

Machine guidelines............................................................................................................................................... 23
Main principle of air/air heat exchangers........................................................................................................... 245
Main principle of the air/water heat exchanger.................................................................................................. 246
Mains configurations........................................................................................................................................... 215
IT power mains.............................................................................................................................................. 215
TN power mains............................................................................................................................................. 215
TN-S power mains......................................................................................................................................... 215
TT power mains............................................................................................................................................. 215
Manual history...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Manufacturers of fault current protective devices.............................................................................................. 223
ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 297

Maximum current load for PVC insulated three-phase cables................................................................... 219, 219
Maximum current load for PVC-insulated three-phase cables.................................................................. 228, 228
Maximum current load for specially insulated three-phase cables............................................................ 227, 227
Maximum current requirements 24 VDC................................................................................................... 240, 240
Mechanical conditions
During operation.................................................................................................................................... 270, 270
During transport.............................................................................................................................................. 270
Mission time.......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Mixed module - AC131...................................................................................................................................... 144
MODE C............................................................................................................................................................. 129
Motor cable assembly........................................................................................................................................ 212
Motor cables............................................................................................................................................... 175, 212
Motor connection................................................................................................................................................ 227
Motor connectors................................................................................................................................................ 193
Motor line............................................................................................................................................................ 252
Embedded parameter chip............................................................................................................................... 13
General............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Second protective ground wire...................................................................................................................... 217
Multiple errors in the IGBT bridge...................................................................................................................... 259

Natural convection.............................................................................................................................................. 207
Networking drives, controllers and visualization units.......................................................................................... 14
Nominal continuous power of a braking resistor................................................................................................ 236
Number of plug-in modules depending on the size of the servo drive.............................................................. 106

Operation...................................................................................................................................................... 25, 270
Operation with the control cabinet doors open.................................................................................................. 210
Optional accessories
AC120............................................................................................................................................................. 112
AC122............................................................................................................................................................. 120
AC126............................................................................................................................................................. 137
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 148
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 160
ACOPOS 1010................................................................................................................................................. 35
ACOPOS 1016................................................................................................................................................. 43
ACOPOS 1022................................................................................................................................................. 58
ACOPOS 1045................................................................................................................................................. 62
ACOPOS 1090................................................................................................................................................. 66
ACOPOS 1180................................................................................................................................................. 76
ACOPOS 128M................................................................................................................................................ 95
ACOPOS 1320................................................................................................................................................. 80
ACOPOS 1640................................................................................................................................................. 91
Oscilloscope function............................................................................................................................................ 18
Overview of braking resistor data.............................................................................................................. 231, 231

Packaging............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Parallel connection
Braking resistor.............................................................................................................................................. 232
Parameter memory..................................................................................................................................... 112, 116
Partially-coated circuit boards.............................................................................................................................. 13
Performance criteria for immunity to disturbances............................................................................................ 271
Performance Levels (PL).................................................................................................................................... 275
Permanently excited synchronous motors......................................................................................................... 259
298 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

AC122............................................................................................................................................................. 124
ACOPOS 1010, 1016....................................................................................................................................... 50
ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090............................................................................................................................ 69

ACOPOS 1180, 1320....................................................................................................................................... 84
ACOPOS 1640, 128M...................................................................................................................................... 99
8B0W braking resistor.................................................................................................................................... 174
AC110............................................................................................................................................................. 108
AC114............................................................................................................................................................. 111
AC120............................................................................................................................................................. 114
AC121............................................................................................................................................................. 118
AC123............................................................................................................................................................. 127
AC125............................................................................................................................................................. 130
AC126............................................................................................................................................................. 139
AC130............................................................................................................................................................. 142
AC131............................................................................................................................................................. 146
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 158
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 169
PLCopen............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Plug-in module cables........................................................................................................................................ 254
Plug-in module combinations............................................................................................................................. 239
Plug-in module indicators
AC130............................................................................................................................................................. 142
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 152
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 164
Plug-in modules
AC110............................................................................................................................................................. 107
AC114............................................................................................................................................................. 109
AC120............................................................................................................................................................. 112
AC121............................................................................................................................................................. 116
AC122............................................................................................................................................................. 120
AC123............................................................................................................................................................. 125
AC125............................................................................................................................................................. 129
AC126............................................................................................................................................................. 137
AC130............................................................................................................................................................. 140
AC131............................................................................................................................................................. 144
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 148
AC140 - Additional functions......................................................................................................................... 148
AC140 backup battery................................................................................................................................... 154
AC140 battery cover...................................................................................................................................... 154
AC140 indicators............................................................................................................................................ 152
AC140 - Reset button.................................................................................................................................... 153
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 160
AC141 - Additional functions......................................................................................................................... 160
AC141 backup battery................................................................................................................................... 165
AC141 battery cover...................................................................................................................................... 165
AC141 indicators............................................................................................................................................ 164
AC141 - Reset button.................................................................................................................................... 165
plug-in modules
Installing and removing.................................................................................................................................. 205
Plug-in modules
Using AC140 application memory................................................................................................................. 154
Using AC141 application memory................................................................................................................. 165
Plug-in module status indicators
AC110............................................................................................................................................................. 108
AC131............................................................................................................................................................. 146
Plug-in module status indicators -
AC114............................................................................................................................................................. 110
Positioning tasks................................................................................................................................................... 15
Power calculation................................................................................................................................................ 231
Power consumption of the ACOPOS plug-in modules...................................................................................... 239
Power failure....................................................................................................................................................... 226

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 299


Power failures....................................................................................................................................................... 32
POWERLINK......................................................................................................................................................... 19
POWERLINK network cabling............................................................................................................................ 251
POWERLINK V2 module.................................................................................................................................... 109
Power mains connection
ACOPOS - Individual..................................................................................................................................... 218
Drive groups................................................................................................................................................... 221
Power mains systems................................................................................................................................ 215, 215
Power output for all slots................................................................................................................................... 239
Program memory........................................................................................................................................ 148, 160
Programming......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Programming languages....................................................................................................................................... 16
Proof test interval................................................................................................................................................. 26
Proper ESD handling............................................................................................................................................ 24
Protection type - Connectors............................................................................................................................. 193
Protective ground (PE) discharge current.......................................................................................................... 223
Protective ground conductor system.................................................................................................................. 253
Protective ground wires (PE)............................................................................................................................. 251

Qualified personnel............................................................................................................................................... 23

Rated current for the fuse.................................................................................................................................. 218
Rated current of the line contactor.................................................................................................................... 220
RCD - residual current-operated protective device............................................................................................ 223
Removing plug-in modules......................................................................................................................... 205, 205
Required accessories
AC126............................................................................................................................................................. 137
AC130............................................................................................................................................................. 140
AC131............................................................................................................................................................. 144
AC140............................................................................................................................................................. 148
AC141............................................................................................................................................................. 160
Requirements for cooling systems
for air/air heat exchangers............................................................................................................................. 245
for filter fans................................................................................................................................................... 243
for natural convection..................................................................................................................................... 242
Resolver cable
Construction.................................................................................................................................................... 191
Order data...................................................................................................................................................... 190
Technical data................................................................................................................................................ 190
Resolver connectors........................................................................................................................................... 195
Response speeds................................................................................................................................................. 19
Restart inhibit...................................................................................................................................................... 277
Risk assessment................................................................................................................................................. 276
Risk graph.......................................................................................................................................................... 276
Risk parameters.................................................................................................................................................. 276

Safe pulse disabling........................................................................................................................................... 257
Safety.................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Safety characteristics for safe pulse disabling................................................................................................... 257
Safety classifications.................................................................................................................................. 257, 257
Safety functions
according to the standard...................................................................................................................... 257, 257
Secure restart inhibit..................................................................................................................... 263, 265, 267
SLS................................................................................................................................................ 263, 265, 267
SOS................................................................................................................................................................ 263
SS1......................................................................................................................................................... 265, 267
300 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

SS2......................................................................................................................................................... 265, 267

STO................................................................................................................................................ 260, 261, 263
Safety functions that can be implemented......................................................................................................... 257

Safety guidelines.................................................................................................................................................. 23
Safety integrity level - SIL.................................................................................................................................. 275
Safety measures................................................................................................................................................... 26
Safety-related parts of a control system............................................................................................................ 275
SCCR........................................................................................................................................................... 32, 215
Screws for fastening the module....................................................................................................................... 251
Second protective ground wire.......................................................................................................................... 251
Cooling system............................................................................................................................................... 241
Protective ground wire................................................................................................................................... 216
Series connection - Braking resistor.................................................................................................................. 232
Service work......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Setting node numbers
CAN............................................................................................................................................... 108, 152, 164
Setting parameters............................................................................................................................................... 13
Setting parameters for external braking resistors.............................................................................................. 238
Setting the CAN node number.......................................................................................................... 108, 152, 164
Setting the POWERLINK node number............................................................................................................. 110
Setting the PROFIBUS node number - AC140.................................................................................................. 153
Setting the station number
POWERLINK.................................................................................................................................................. 110
Shaft key............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Shield clamps..................................................................................................................................................... 249
Shield connection for the motor cable using grounding clamps........................................................................ 252
Shield connections.............................................................................................................................................. 250
Shielded cables.......................................................................................................................................... 249, 249
Short circuit between two wires......................................................................................................................... 260
Software................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Specifications........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Standards............................................................................................................................................................ 269
Starting of machines........................................................................................................................................... 277
Status indicators - ACOPOS servo drives........................................................................................................... 33
Stop command (code example)......................................................................................................................... 268
Stop function categories..................................................................................................................................... 275
Stop functions..................................................................................................................................................... 275
Storage......................................................................................................................................................... 24, 270
Individual power mains connection................................................................................................................ 218
Power mains connection for drive groups..................................................................................................... 221
Suppressor elements.......................................................................................................................................... 249
Synchronous motors, permanently excited........................................................................................................ 259

Terminating resistor........................................................................................................................... 152, 164, 164
Thermal equivalent circuit diagram.................................................................................................................... 238
Thermal equivalent effective value for the motor current.................................................................................. 227
Three-phase induction motors............................................................................................................................ 259
Three-phase transformers.................................................................................................................................. 215
TN power mains................................................................................................................................................. 215
TN-S power mains.............................................................................................................................................. 215
Trace function....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Transport...................................................................................................................................................... 24, 270
Trigger inputs............................................................................................................................................... 14, 251
Trigger options...................................................................................................................................................... 18
TT power mains.................................................................................................................................................. 215
Type of control cabinet installation..................................................................................................................... 242
Type plate............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Type tests........................................................................................................................................................... 269

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 301


Vertical offset...................................................................................................................................................... 206

Warning label........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Wire cross section - Protective ground wire...................................................................................................... 216
Wired safety technology..................................................................................................................................... 257
Wire types........................................................................................................................................................... 255
DC bus........................................................................................................................................................... 225
EnDat 2.1 cable............................................................................................................................................. 188
General information........................................................................................................................................ 249
Motor cable..................................................................................................................................................... 184
Power mains connection................................................................................................................................ 218
Resolver cable................................................................................................................................................ 191
Working on servo drives...................................................................................................................................... 25

302 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

Model number index


Model number index

8AC120.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 112
8AC121.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 116
8AC122.60-3........................................................................................................................................................ 120
8AC122.60-4........................................................................................................................................................ 122
8AC123.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 125
8AC125.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 129
8AC125.60-2........................................................................................................................................................ 131
8AC125.61-2........................................................................................................................................................ 134
8AC126.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 137
8AC130.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 140
8AC131.60-1........................................................................................................................................................ 144
8AC140.60-3........................................................................................................................................................ 148
8AC140.61-3........................................................................................................................................................ 149
8AC141.60-2........................................................................................................................................................ 160
8AC141.61-3........................................................................................................................................................ 160
8AXB000.0000-00................................................................................................................................................ 171
8B0W0045H000.000-1......................................................................................................................................... 173
8B0W0045H000.001-1......................................................................................................................................... 173
8B0W0079H000.000-1......................................................................................................................................... 173
8B0W0079H000.001-1......................................................................................................................................... 173
8CE005.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 187
8CE007.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 187
8CE010.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 187
8CE015.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 187
8CE020.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 187
8CE025.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 187
8CR005.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 190
8CR007.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 190
8CR010.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 190
8CR015.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 190

ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01 303

Model number index

8CR020.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 190
8CR025.12-1........................................................................................................................................................ 190
8PM001.00-1........................................................................................................................................................ 193
8PM002.00-1........................................................................................................................................................ 193
8PM003.00-1........................................................................................................................................................ 193
8PR001.00-1........................................................................................................................................................ 195
8V1010.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 35
8V1010.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 35
8V1010.50-2........................................................................................................................................................... 39
8V1010.501-2......................................................................................................................................................... 39
8V1016.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 43
8V1016.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 43
8V1016.50-2........................................................................................................................................................... 47
8V1016.501-2......................................................................................................................................................... 47
8V1022.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 58
8V1022.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 58
8V1045.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 62
8V1045.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 62
8V1090.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 66
8V1090.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 66
8V1180.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 76
8V1180.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 76
8V128M.00-2.......................................................................................................................................................... 95
8V128M.001-2........................................................................................................................................................ 95
8V1320.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 80
8V1320.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 80
8V1640.00-2........................................................................................................................................................... 91
8V1640.001-2......................................................................................................................................................... 91

304 ACOPOS user's manual V 2.01

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