Quest Leadership

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Quest 1 Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5

1 Articulate 5 5 5 5 5
2 Perceptive 5 5 5 5 5
3 Self-confident 3 4 5 2 3
4 Self-assured 4 4 5 5 4
5 Persistent 5 5 5 4 5
6 Determined 4 5 5 5 5
7 Trustworthy 5 5 4 5 5
8 Dependable 5 5 4 3 5
9 Friendly 5 5 5 5 5
10 Outgoing 4 5 5 5 5
11 Conscientious 4 4 4 4 4
12 Diligent 5 5 5 5 5
13 Sensitive 4 5 4 4 4
14 Empathic 4 5 4 4 4

1 Articulate: Communicates effectively with others

2 Perceptive: Is discerning and insightful
3 Self-confident: Believes in himself/herself and his/her ability
4 Self-assured: Is secure with self, free of doubts
5 Persistent: Stays fixed on the goals, despite interference
6 Determined: Takes a firm stand, acts with certainty
7 Trustworthy: Is authentic and inspires confidence
8 Dependable: Is consistent and reliable
9 Friendly: Shows kindness and warmth
10 Outgoing: Talks freely, gets along well with others
11 Conscientious: Is thorough, organized, and controlled
12 Diligent: Is persistent, hardworking
13 Sensitive: Shows tolerance, is tactful and sympathetic
14 Empathic: Understands others, identifies with others

1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly agree

Average Self-rating Articulate
5 5 Empathic Perceptive
5 3
3.4 2 Sensitive Self-con
4.4 2
4.8 4
4.8 4
4.8 5 Diligent Se
4.4 4
5 5
4.8 5 0
4 3
5 3 Conscientious Pe
4.2 4
4.2 4

Outgoing Determi

Friendly Trustworthy





Quest 2 3 Skills Questionnaire
1 I enjoy getting into the details of how things work. 5
2 As a rule, adapting ideas to people’s needs is easy for me. 3
3 I enjoy working with abstract ideas. 5
4 Technical things fascinate me. 4
5 Being able to understand others is the most important part of my work. 3
6 Seeing the big picture comes easy for me. 4
7 One of my skills is being good at making things work. 2
8 My main concern is to have a supportive communication climate. 2
9 I am intrigued by complex organizational problems. 2
10 Following directions and filling out forms comes easily for me. 4
11 Understanding the social fabric of the organization is important to me. 5
12 I would enjoy working out strategies for my organization’s growth. 3
13 I am good at completing the things I’ve been assigned to do. 2
14 Getting all parties to work together is a challenge I enjoy. 2
15 Creating a mission statement is rewarding work. 4
16 I understand how to do the basic things required of me. 5
17 I am concerned with how my decisions affect the lives of others. 5
18 Thinking about organizational values and philosophy appeals to me. 4

1 = Not true 2 = Seldom true 3 = Occasionally true 4 = Somewhat true 5 = Very true
technical human conceptual

Scoring Interpretation 23–30 High Range 14–22 Moderate Range 6–13 Low Range

technical human conceptual

22 20 22

Low Range
Quest 3 Leadership Behavior Questionnaire

Person 1 Person 2
1 Tells group members what they are supposed to do 4 4
2 Acts friendly with members of the group 4 5
3 Sets standards of performance for group members 4 4
4 Helps others in the group feel comfortable 5 5
5 Helps others in the group feel comfortable 5 5
6 Responds favorably to suggestions made by others 4 5
7 Makes his or her perspective clear to others 4 4
8 Treats others fairly 5 5
9 Develops a plan of action for the group 4 4
10 Behaves in a predictable manner toward group members 4 4
11 Defines role responsibilities for each group member 4 4
12 Communicates actively with group members 5 5
13 Clarifies his or her own role within the group 4 5
14 Shows concern for the well-being of others 4 5
15 Provides a plan for how the work is to be done 4 4
16 Shows flexibility in making decisions 5 5
17 Provides criteria for what is expected of the group 4 4
18 Discloses thoughts and feelings to group members 4 5
19 Encourages group members to do high-quality work 5 4
20 Helps group members get along with each other 4 4

1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Occasionally 4 = Often 5 = Always

Task Score
Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Average Self-rating Average
5 5 4 4.4 4 44.4
4 5 5 4.6 5
4 5 4 4.2 4 50
4 5 5 4.8 4 45
4 3 5 4.4 4 40
5 5 4 4.6 2 35
5 5 4 4.4 3 30
5 5 5 5 4 25
5 5 4 4.4 3 20
4 5 4 4.2 2
5 5 4 4.4 3
5 5 5 5 2
5 5 5 4.8 4 Average Se
4 5 4 4.4 3 Task Score
5 5 5 4.6 5
5 3 5 4.6 5 Este gráfico não está disponível na
4 5 5 4.4 4
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4 5 5 4.6 5 gráfico de forma permanente.
5 4 4 4.4 5
5 4 4 4.2 4
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gráfico de forma permanente.

• 45–50 Very high range

• 40–44 High range
• 35–39 Moderately high range
• 30–34 Moderately low range
• 25–29 Low range
• 10–24 Very low range
Task Score Relationship Score Task (self evaRelationship (Task (others)
Self-rating Average Self-rating
39 46 36 39 36 44.4

Average Self-rating Average Self-rating
Task Score Relationship Score

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5–50 Very high range

0–44 High range
5–39 Moderately high range
0–34 Moderately low range
5–29 Low range
0–24 Very low range
Relationship (others)

Quest 4 Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ)

1 I can list my three greatest weaknesses 4
2 My actions reflect my core values 3
3 I seek others’ opinions before making up my own mind 2
4 I openly share my feelings with others 5
5 I can list my three greatest strengths 4
6 I do not allow group pressure to control me 5
7 I listen closely to the ideas of those who disagree with me 2
8 I let others know who I truly am as a person 4
9 I seek feedback as a way of understanding who I really am as a person 2
10 Other people know where I stand on controversial issues 4
11 I do not emphasize my own point of view at the expense of others 1
12 I rarely present a “false” front to others 4
13 I accept the feelings I have about myself 4
14 My morals guide what I do as a leader 3
15 I listen very carefully to the ideas of others before making decisions 2
16 I admit my mistakes to others 1

1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree

5 = Strongly agree
self-awarenesinternalized balanced procrelational transparency
14 15 7 14



relational transparency 0 internalized moral perspective

balanced processing

high = 16–20 and low = 15 and below.

Scores in the upper range indicate stronger authentic leadership,
whereas scores in the lower range indicate weaker authentic leadership.
Quest 5

Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ)

Others would seek help from him/her if they had a personal problem.
He/She emphasizes the importance of giving back to the community.
He/She can tell if something work related is going wrong.
He/She gives others the responsibility to make important decisions about their own jobs.
He/She makes others’ career development a priority.
He/She cares more about others’ success than his/her own.
He/She holds high ethical standards.
He/She cares about others’ personal well-being.
He/She is always interested in helping people in the community.
He/She is able to think through complex problems.
He/She encourages others to handle important work decisions on their own
He/She is interested in making sure others reach their career goals.
He/She puts others’ best interests above his/her own.
He/She is always honest.
He/She takes time to talk to others on a personal level.
He/She is involved in community activities.
He/She has a thorough understanding of the organization and its goals.
He/She gives others the freedom to handle difficult situations in the way they feel is best.
He/She provides others with work experiences that enable them to develop new skills.
He/She sacrifices his/her own interests to meet others’ needs.
He/She would not compromise ethical principles in order to meet success.
He/She can recognize when others are feeling down without asking them.
He/She encourages others to volunteer in the community.
He/She can solve work problems with new or creative ideas.
If others need to make important decisions at work, they do not need to consult him/her.
He/She wants to know about others’ career goals.
He/She does what he/she can to make others’ jobs easier.
He/She values honesty more than profits.

1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree somewhat

4 = Undecided 5 = Agree somewhat 6 = Agree 7 = Strongly agree
Person 1 Person 2 Average emotional healing
for creating value
for the skills
6 7 6.5 25.5 26.5 26.5
7 7 7
7 6 6.5
6 6 6
6 6 6
6 5 5.5
6 7 6.5
7 7 7
7 7 7 emotional healing
7 7 7
6 5 5.5 30
behaving ethically for
5 5 5
5 6 5.5 25
4 7 5.5
6 7 6.5
7 7 7 20
6 7 6.5
7 7 7 putting followers first
6 6 6
6 6 6
5 5 5
5 6 5.5 helping followers grow and succeed empower
4 7 5.5
6 7 6.5
6 5 5.5
5 6 5.5
6 5 5.5
6 6 6

• High range: A score between 23 and 28 means

this servant leadership behavior.
• Moderate range: A score between 14 and 22 m
exhibit this behavior in an average way.
• Low range: A score between 8 and 13 means y
leadership behavior below the average or expec
• Extremely low range: A score between 0 and 7
inclined to exhibit this leadership behavior at all.
empowering helping followers
first ethically
24 22.5 22.5 23

emotional healing

for creating value for the community



conceptual skills

cceed empowering

etween 23 and 28 means you strongly exhibit

ore between 14 and 22 means you tend to
an average way.
etween 8 and 13 means you exhibit this
ow the average or expected degree.
A score between 0 and 7 means you are not
eadership behavior at all.
Quest 6

Kelley’s Followership Questionnaire

Does your work help you fulfill some societal goal or personal dream that is important to you?
Are your personal work goals aligned with the organization’s priority goals?
Are you highly committed to and energized by your work and organization, giving them your best ideas and perform
Does your enthusiasm also spread to and energize your coworkers?
Instead of waiting for or merely accepting what the leader tells you, do you personally identify which organizational
Do you actively develop a distinctive competence in those critical activities so that you become more valuable to the
When starting a new job or assignment, do you promptly build a record of successes in tasks that are important to t
Can the leader give you a difficult assignment without the benefit of much supervision, knowing that you will meet y
Do you take the initiative to seek out and successfully complete assignments that go above and beyond your job?
When you are not the leader of a group project, do you still contribute at a high level, often doing more than your sh
Do you independently think up and champion new ideas that will contribute significantly to the leader’s or the orga
Do you try to solve the tough problems (technical or organizational), rather than look to the leader to do it for you?
Do you help out other coworkers, making them look good, even when you don’t get any credit?
Do you help the leader or group see both the upside potential and downside risks of ideas or plans, playing the devi
Do you understand the leader’s needs, goals, and constraints, and work hard to help meet them?
Do you actively and honestly own up to your strengths and weaknesses rather than put off evaluation?
Do you make a habit of internally questioning the wisdom of the leader’s decision rather than just doing what you a
When the leader asks you to do something that runs contrary to your professional or personal preferences, do you
Do you act on your own ethical standards rather than the leader’s or the group’s standards?
Do you assert your views on important issues, even though it might mean conflict with your group or reprisals from

Exemplary Followership Style: If you scored high (above 40) on both independent thinking and active engagement, y
Alienated Followership Style: If you scored high (above 40) on independent thinking and low (below 20) on active en
Conformist Followership Style: If you scored low (below 20) on independent thinking and high (above 40) on active e
Pragmatist Followership Style: If you scored in the middle range (from 20 to 40) on both independent thinking and a
Passive Followership Style: If you scored low (below 20) on both independent thinking and active engagement, your

0 - rarely
1- between
2- between
3 - occcasionally
4 - between
5 - between
6 - almost always
Answer Independent Thinking Active Engagement
5 49 82
2 PRAGMATIST Middling Middling
Questionnaire Question
1 1 average 5
1 2 average 5
1 3 average 3.4
1 4 average 4.4
1 5 average 4.8
1 6 average 4.8
1 7 average 4.8
1 8 average 4.4
1 9 average 5
1 10 average 4.8
1 11 average 4
1 12 average 5
1 13 average 4.2
1 14 average 4.2
1 1 self-evaluatio 5
1 2 self-evaluatio 3
1 3 self-evaluatio 2
1 4 self-evaluatio 2
1 5 self-evaluatio 4
1 6 self-evaluatio 4
1 7 self-evaluatio 5
1 8 self-evaluatio 4
1 9 self-evaluatio 5
1 10 self-evaluatio 5
1 11 self-evaluatio 3
1 12 self-evaluatio 3
1 13 self-evaluatio 4
1 14 self-evaluatio 4
2 1 answer 5
2 2 answer 3
2 3 answer 5
2 4 answer 4
2 5 answer 3
2 6 answer 4
2 7 answer 2
2 8 answer 2
2 9 answer 2
2 10 answer 4
2 11 answer 5
2 12 answer 3
2 13 answer 2
2 14 answer 2
2 15 answer 4
2 16 answer 5
2 17 answer 5
2 18 answer 4
2 technical 22
2 human 20
2 conceptual 22
3 1 average 4.4
3 2 average 4.6
3 3 average 4.2
3 4 average 4.8
3 5 average 4.4
3 6 average 4.6
3 7 average 4.4
3 8 average 5
3 9 average 4.4
3 10 average 4.2
3 11 average 4.4
3 12 average 5
3 13 average 4.8
3 14 average 4.4
3 15 average 4.6
3 16 average 4.6
3 17 average 4.4
3 18 average 4.6
3 19 average 4.4
3 20 average 4.2
3 1 self-evaluatio 4
3 2 self-evaluatio 5
3 3 self-evaluatio 4
3 4 self-evaluatio 4
3 5 self-evaluatio 4
3 6 self-evaluatio 2
3 7 self-evaluatio 3
3 8 self-evaluatio 4
3 9 self-evaluatio 3
3 10 self-evaluatio 2
3 11 self-evaluatio 3
3 12 self-evaluatio 2
3 13 self-evaluatio 4
3 14 self-evaluatio 3
3 15 self-evaluatio 5
3 16 self-evaluatio 5
3 17 self-evaluatio 4
3 18 self-evaluatio 5
3 19 self-evaluatio 5
3 20 self-evaluatio 4
3 Task (self evaluat) 39
3 Relationship (self evaluat) 36
3 Task (others) 44.4
3 Relationship (others) 46
4 1 answer 4
4 2 answer 3
4 3 answer 2
4 4 answer 5
4 5 answer 4
4 6 answer 5
4 7 answer 2
4 8 answer 4
4 9 answer 2
4 10 answer 4
4 11 answer 1
4 12 answer 4
4 13 answer 4
4 14 answer 3
4 15 answer 2
4 16 answer 1
4 self-awareness 14
4 internalized moral perspective 15
4 balanced processing 7
4 relational transparency 14
5 0 average 6.5
5 2 average 7
5 3 average 6.5
5 4 average 6
5 5 average 6
5 6 average 5.5
5 7 average 6.5
5 8 average 7
5 9 average 7
5 10 average 7
5 11 average 5.5
5 12 average 5
5 13 average 5.5
5 14 average 5.5
5 15 average 6.5
5 16 average 7
5 17 average 6.5
5 18 average 7
5 19 average 6
5 20 average 6
5 21 average 5
5 22 average 5.5
5 23 average 5.5
5 24 average 6.5
5 25 average 5.5
5 26 average 5.5
5 27 average 5.5
5 28 average 6
5 emotional healing 25.5
5 for creating value for the community 26.5
5 conceptual skills 26.5
5 empowering 24
5 helping followers grow and succeed 22.5
5 putting followers first 22.5
5 behaving ethically 23
6 1 answer 5
6 2 answer 4
6 3 answer 6
6 4 answer 5
6 5 answer 3
6 6 answer 5
6 7 answer 2
6 8 answer 4
6 9 answer 2
6 10 answer 3
6 11 answer 5
6 12 answer 6
6 13 answer 4
6 14 answer 6
6 15 answer 6
6 16 answer 4
6 17 answer 3
6 18 answer 5
6 19 answer 6
6 20 answer 6
6 Independent Thinking 49
6 Active Engagement 82

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