IEC TR 63176-2019

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IEC TR 63176

Edition 1.0 2019-01


Process analysis technology systems as part of safety instrumented systems

IEC TR 63176:2019-01(en)
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IEC TR 63176
Edition 1.0 2019-01


Process analysis technology systems as part of safety instrumented systems


ICS 13.110; 25.040.40 ISBN 978-2-8322-6407-2

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–2– IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 7
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms ........................................................................ 7
3.1 Terms and definitions .............................................................................................. 7
3.2 Abbreviated terms ................................................................................................... 9
4 Qualification process ..................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Overview............................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Recommendation for constructor requirements ..................................................... 12
4.3 Recommendation for plant operator requirements ................................................. 13
4.4 Basic testing (analyser only) ................................................................................. 14
4.5 Engineering .......................................................................................................... 14
4.5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 14
4.5.2 Design data ................................................................................................... 15
4.5.3 Analyser including application ........................................................................ 15
4.5.4 Sample conditioning ...................................................................................... 15
4.5.5 HFT ............................................................................................................... 15
4.5.6 Failure Mode Effects and Diagnosis Analysis of the PAT system
(FMEDA) ....................................................................................................... 16
4.5.7 Estimation of the PFD PAT value .................................................................... 16
4.5.8 Proven performance – from case to case following prior in-service
testing of the PAT system .............................................................................. 17
4.5.9 Safety logic in the PAT system ...................................................................... 17
4.5.10 Sample switching ........................................................................................... 18
4.5.11 Compilation of a plan for periodic inspections during the runtime ................... 18
4.6 Commissioning of the safety system ..................................................................... 18
4.7 Documentation of the qualification process ........................................................... 18
5 Regular operation .......................................................................................................... 19
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 19
5.2 Periodic testing during runtime .............................................................................. 19
5.3 Documents and records in operation ..................................................................... 19
5.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Maintenance schedule ................................................................................... 19
5.3.3 Working instructions ...................................................................................... 19
5.3.4 Record of work realised ................................................................................. 19
5.3.5 Fault data recording ....................................................................................... 20
5.4 Evaluation of fault data and handling of deviations ................................................ 20
5.5 Modifications......................................................................................................... 20
5.5.1 Modifications to the PAT system .................................................................... 20
5.5.2 Modifications of the process engineering process .......................................... 20
5.6 Decommissioning and recommissioning ................................................................ 21
5.6.1 Decommissioning .......................................................................................... 21
5.6.2 Recommissioning .......................................................................................... 21
5.7 Grandfathering ...................................................................................................... 21
Annex A (informative) Basic testing of analysers .................................................................. 22
Annex B (informative) FMEDA – documentation of safety assessment (example) ................. 25
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Annex C (informative) PFD – numerical time-discrete determination .................................... 26

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 1 – Qualification process levels for a PAT measuring system ..................................... 12

Figure A.1 – Basic testing process for analysers in SIS ........................................................ 24
Figure B.1 – FMEDA – documentation of safety assessment (example) ................................ 25

Table 1 – Minimum HFT requirements according to SIL ........................................................ 16

–4– IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019





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IEC TR 63176, which is a Technical Report, has been prepared by subcommittee 65B:
Measurement and control devices, of IEC technical committee 65: Industrial-process
measurement, control and automation.

The text of this technical report is based on the following documents:

Enquiry draft Report on voting

65B/1111/DTR 65B/1131/RVDTR

Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical report can be found in the
report on voting indicated in the above table.
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 –5–

This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

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A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

–6– IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019


This Technical Report is designed as a recommendation to aid users of process analyzer

technology that measures installations as part of safety instrumented systems and should be
treated exclusively as a recommendation. Formulations of a binding character encountered in
the recommendation are due to the safety-related content. However, the advisory character of
this document is maintained as a whole. Process analyzer technology measuring equipment is
used, for example, in the process industry as sensor components of safety instrumented
systems. In many cases, they represent the only or most efficient method for monitoring a
process variable, which, for its part, enables a reliable evaluation of designated use of the
system to be protected. Owing to the direct material interaction with the process medium,
process analyzer technology measuring equipment is in general more susceptible to failure
and requires more maintenance than the sensors widely used for pressure, temperature,
filling level and flow measurement. A consequence of this interaction is the inability to avoid
systematic failure completely. This problem is usually countered by checking the measuring
equipment at short, regular intervals.

The variety of process analytical measurement variables and methods and, consequently, the
comparatively limited number of process analyzer technology measuring devices used in each
case for a single, precisely limited, application makes a quantitative evaluation of functional
safety in accordance with IEC 61511 difficult in most cases. Beside the often-inadequate
specifications of manufacturers for evaluating components as safety instrumented systems,
there are an insufficient number of comparable applications. However, several hundred safety
instrumented systems have been successfully realized in the last 30 years among the process
analyser community using process analyzer technology measuring equipment.

Measures are proposed in areas where normative requirements cannot be fulfilled, or only
inadequately. These measures lead to an equivalent level of safety when applied carefully.

Requirements concerning functional safety of electrical and electronic systems are described
in IEC 61508, specified for “Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector” in
the sector standard IEC 61511. The aim of this document is to describe a procedure for the
use of process analyzer technology measuring devices as part of safety instrumented systems
in a guideline.
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 –7–



1 Scope

This document encompasses recommendations for planning, installation and operation (incl.
maintenance) of process analyzer technology measuring equipment in process industry safety
instrumented systems. It covers all necessary steps for the qualification of safety equipment
and supplements the safety management of safety instrumented system equipment through
the addition of special requirements for process analyzer technology equipment. This
document does not encompass the entire safety management of safety instrumented system

The term “qualification” used in this recommendation refers exclusively to the testing of the
suitability of the process analyzer technology system for use in a safety instrumented system
device. It is different from the term "qualification" used in the pharmaceutical environment.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.

IEC 61508 (all parts), Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic

safety-related systems

IEC 61508-6:2010, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-

related systems – Part 6: Guidelines on the application of IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3

IEC 61511 (all parts), Functional safety – Safety instrumented systems for the process
industry sector

IEC 61511-1:2016, Functional safety – Safety instrumented systems for the process industry
sector – Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and application programming

IEC 61326-3-1:2017, Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –
EMC requirements – Part 3-1: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for
equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) – General industrial

IEC 61326-3-2:2017, Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –
EMC requirements – Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for
equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) – Industrial
applications with specified electromagnetic environment

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
–8– IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

PAT measuring equipment
process analysis technology systems as entirety of all equipment and media necessary for
realization of the substance-related measurement function

Note 1 to entry: An exemplary, but not necessarily complete list includes sampling equipment, sample conveying
equipment, sample conditioning equipment, sample recirculation equipment, the analyser, PAT control units and
infrastructural equipment such as supply, reference and calibration media and the necessary power supply. From
case to case, a required cabinet or the location in an analyser house or room should be included.

basic testing
possible preselection of suitable analytical equipment for safety instrumented systems without
any reference to a specific measuring task

Note 1 to entry: This applies exclusively to the testing of analytical equipment according to the criteria mentioned
in Annex A.

application testing
test that ensures that the measuring task can be successfully realized with the PAT system

Note 1 to entry: This includes checking the configuration and, occasionally, programming of analytical equipment
to correspond to the measuring task, taking the influence of sample processing into consideration, especially its
accuracy, determining the influences of the matrix and state variables (pressure, temperature, flow), both of the
medium and the analytical equipment environment, and knowledge of the stability over time.

operational experience
knowledge available prior to using an analyser, including the required accessories for
comparable measuring tasks

Note 1 to entry: It therefore involves exclusively experience gained through actual use of comparable analytical
equipment for comparable measuring tasks.

in-service testing
monitored operation of the PAT system as part of a safety instrumented system during
production operation

Note 1 to entry: An explicit differentiation is made here between the procedure in the case of proven operational
performance of PAT systems and the corresponding procedure for safety instrumented system equipment.

Note 2 to entry: The test work to be realised, the timetable, specifications for the evaluation of results, additional
measures for the fulfilment of the safety function required from case to case during in-service testing and the
responsible personnel in this phase should be documented.

proven performance
entirety of knowledge that is part of the final decision in favour of or against the suitability of a
proposed process analyser installation as part of a safety instrumented system

Note 1 to entry: Proven performance will be achieved by sufficient operation experience including approvement of
suitability of the measuring task. If not practicable, proven performance can be achieved through in-service testing.

Note 2 to entry: Proven performance of PAT is finally determined by a team of experts and differs in the manner
of its determination from the method usually used for field devices and PLCs.
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inspection task, its purpose being to confirm the target condition

Note 1 to entry: "Calibration" means determining and documenting the deviation of displayed value of a
measurement from the correct value of the measurement.

Note 2 to entry: When calibrating a process analyser, the relationship between input and output is determined and
documented under specified conditions. Input value is the physical quantity to be measured. Output value is the
electrical output signal of the measuring device.

setting or modification of an instrument in order to eliminate systematic errors as far as it is
necessary for the intended application

Note 1 to entry: Adjustment is the process by which a meter is set or adjusted so that the measurement errors are
as small as possible from the nominal value and are within the device specifications. This adjustment is a process
that changes the instrument permanently.

test interval
PAT systems as part of safety systems are subject to different test intervals for proof testing
with differing degrees of testing

Note 1 to entry: Examples being the following:

• Test interval for an internal PAT system diagnostic sensor (e.g. the flow meter)
• Test interval for an internal PAT system channel (e.g. automatic calibration)
• Test interval for an internal PAT system channel (e.g. inspection and servicing incl. manual adjustment)
• Test interval for the entire system (manual, PAT + rest of safety instrumented systems)

proof test
test for discovering errors in a technical safety system so that the system, if necessary, can
be returned to the condition in which it fulfils its intended function

proof test coverage
coverage of test for discovering errors in a technical safety system

Note 1 to entry: This term originally referred to the proof test. However, any test (see test interval) can, in
principle, achieve a coverage <= 1. For sensors, this means that the DU failure rate of the channel increases due
to non-function, while the DD rate decreases. Automatic calibration can usually only check a certain DU rate at
adequately brief time intervals. It can also not be ruled out that channel failures will remain undetected during
inspection and maintenance. Careful planning of test processes should ensure that there is only a low probability of
this occurring.

3.2 Abbreviated terms

DC diagnostic coverage
DD dangerous detected
DU dangerous undetected
FAT factory acceptance test
FMEA failure mode and effects analysis
FMEDA failure mode, effects and diagnostic analysis
HazOp hazard and operability study
HFT hardware fault tolerance
PAT process analyser technology
PFD probability of failure on demand
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PID piping and instrumentation diagram

SAT site acceptance test
SIF safety instrumented function
SIL safety integrity level
SIS safety instrumented system
SFF safe failure fraction
PTC proof test coverage
λi failure rate of i component

μi repair rate of i component

UDD ,  i unavailability through DD failure of i component

UDU,  i unavailability through DU failure of i component

U ch1 unavailability of channel 1

UMooN unavailability of entire system in the moon configuration

β proportion of common cause failures

Tmax maximum test interval

PFDbeta proportion of pfd value due to common cause

PFDMooN pfd value of entire system without taking common cause into consideration

PFDPAT pfd value of the entire pat system

4 Qualification process

4.1 Overview

PAT measuring devices are generally complex SIS sensors individually tailored to suit the
specific requirements of the process engineering process and which describe the condition of
the process through measurement of the concentration of one or more substances.

The individuality of these sensors often makes it impossible to transfer operational experience
with a sufficient number from existing SIS to new PAT measuring equipment which is to be
planned. In-service testing of completed functional measuring equipment should be conducted
in these cases. The individuality of these measuring devices requires a high degree of
technical competence on the part of those involved in the process at all levels of the
qualification process described (see Figure 1). This includes (installation) constructors and
operators of the PAT system (see 4.2 and 4.3). Each qualification step will be documented

The qualification process will be performed by PAT-experts under participation of safety

engineers for process control and process engineering. All relevant process data for the PAT-
System performance will be confirmed by the responsible safety engineer.

Where several measuring methods are technically practical, these methods should be
examined and assessed. Further aspects to reduce/minimize the overall failure probability of
the PAT system should be considered right from the beginning of planning, including:

• the degree of redundancy/fault tolerance;

• homogeneous or diverse redundancy;
• operational experience/proven performance from other measuring equipment;
• risk associated with the metrological application (e.g. cross-sensitivities, ageing
processes, common cause failure).
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Metrological suitability can be ascertained from experience in earlier applications or is proven

in the context of an application test.

When using redundant systems, delta deviation monitoring of the measured values should be

Selection of the measuring method is followed by design of sample conditioning and

determining of components relevant to this. Both the design and choice of components should
be justified where this is relevant to functionality and documented. Appropriate and reliable
equipment and components should be used for constructing the PAT measuring system.
Verification of reliability is usually based on the operational experience of the operator, but
can also be realized through a reliability assessment conducted by the manufacturer.

Assumptions of the (installation) constructor and/or plant operator specific to the application
(e.g. failure rates, proof test intervals, etc.) always take precedence over manufacturer
specifications. The constructor and/or operator are responsible for the SIL classification
appropriate for the application, regardless of any possible manufacturer recommendation.
Although preference should be given to the use of SIL-certified analysers, this does not mean
it is mandatory to use an analyser SIL-certified by the manufacturer. Consequently, an
analyser without SIL certification can be used in preference to a SIL-certified analyser.

It is also unnecessary to realize a specific application exclusively with an analyser approved

for this purpose by a particular manufacturer. For example, there is no reason why an
analyser certified as SIL1 by the manufacturer and with proven performance should not be
used in a 1-channelled SIL2 application if the qualification process is realized.

A detailed examination of the overall PAT system should be conducted in the case of PAT
measuring equipment. The aim here is to detect potential failures, evaluating these with
regard to the effect on functional safety. Appropriate measures for failure control, failure
avoidance, failure detection or the reduction of failure frequency can be derived from this. The
PFD value should be estimated. Options for estimation are mentioned in 4.5.6. The PFD value
of PAT is taken into consideration in the overall PFD value for SIS.

Where proven performance, an adequate HFT value (see 4.5.5) and a PFD value (see 4.5.7)
are available, the suitability of the PAT system for SIS should be assessed as a final

An SFF is inadequate, owing to the complexity of process analyser equipment. For this
reason, the SFF is neither evaluated nor indicated in the case of process analyser technology

Where adequate data is still not available to establish proven performance, but measuring
methods are already being used with great success in media of a comparative type, the
suitability of the PAT system as part of a SIS safety installation during active operation can be
determined based on the documented in-service testing process (see 4.5.8).

As a result of the in-service testing process, the operator may be faced with requirements that
need to be met to maintain functional safety. Finally, the life cycle of PAT measuring
equipment should be documented from commissioning to decommissioning.
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Proof of performance (Clause 4.5.8)

Figure 1 – Qualification process levels for a PAT measuring system

4.2 Recommendation for constructor requirements

The following requirements are derived from IEC 61511-1:2016, 5.2 and set out in concrete
terms to address process analyser technology issues. Verification of qualification of a PAT
installation as part of a SIS demands comprehensive knowledge and experience in the area of
process analyser technology and its use in chemical and/or physical processes. This
knowledge and experience can be compiled in an expert team, which realizes verification of
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qualification. Persons, departments or organizations involved in the implementation of

measures in the safety life cycle should be competent to realize the tasks for which they are
responsible. Those responsible for the qualification process require adequate management
and leadership qualities for the respective task and an understanding of the consequences of
any event which may occur. New and complex applications or technologies should only be
used if the team is capable of understanding these and evaluating the safety aspect.

The following knowledge and experience should be available in the expert team:

• Knowledge of relevant chemical or physical process steps at the measuring location

The physical and/or chemical parameters at the measuring location should be known for
assessing the suitability of an analyser in a chemical or physical process (i.e. evaluation
of the suitability of an analyser in an application). This data should be taken into
consideration in the entire range of correct operation (acceptable range and permissible
failure range) right up to the limit of incorrect operation. Start-up and shutdown should be
taken into consideration in the same manner as regular production operation if this is not
explicitly exempted from the safety function.
• Experience in the preparation of applications for the analyser
An understanding of a certain measuring method and its limits from a physical and
chemical point of view is necessary to prepare an application for an analyser method for
use in SIS.
• Experience in the design of sample conditioning processes
Knowledge of the system components in a sample conditioning process, engineering of
sample conditioning processes, the physical and chemical properties of the sample and
the measuring process are necessary to evaluate the suitability of a sample conditioning
• Knowledge of working methods in safety engineering
Competence in conducting FMEDA, estimating the PFD value of the PAT system and the
competence to cooperate in risk analysis (e.g. HazOp method for prognosis, identification
of cause, estimation of effects and countermeasures) is necessary.
• Knowledge of applicable codes and standards
Relevant codes and standards when it comes to design at the time this document was
compiled are IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

4.3 Recommendation for plant operator requirements

The following requirements are derived from IEC 61511-1:2016, 6.2 and set out in concrete
terms to address process analyser technology issues. The operator of a PAT installation as
part of a PLT safety system should ensure throughout the entire life cycle that the required
safety integrity level of the safety function in question is sustained during operation and
maintenance. If the SIS is to be operated and maintained in a manner that sustains the
required functional safety, it is necessary to provide the competence necessary for the
maintenance of such systems at all levels of maintenance or to entrust maintenance to a
service provider with the appropriate competence. The organizational form is not

In addition to the requirements described in IEC 61511, this competence encompasses the
following additional knowledge, skills and experience:

• Knowledge of the PAT system functionality

Knowledge of the correct function of the PAT system, particularly sample conditioning.
Understanding of the principles underlying the measuring method. Knowledge of the
functional limits of the measuring system usually drawn from the ambient conditions and
the interaction with the measuring medium.
• Skill and experience in the maintenance of PAT equipment
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Skill in mechanical and electrical work on the PAT measuring system. This includes both
servicing and maintenance work. Experience in the identification of failure (i.e. the
occasional failure of the measuring system to function correctly).

4.4 Basic testing (analyser only)

Each analyser used in a safety system should meet fundamental quality requirements. Basic
testing can contribute to the examination of these quality requirements (see Annex A). Basic
testing does not replace the application testing of the analyser, which, additionally, will be
conducted with respect to the sample conditioning system in question, or proven performance.

As the results of basic testing are determined by the hardware and software of an analyser, it
should be ensured that the manufacturer reports changes to the hardware or software
proactively and immediately to the end-user. The plant operator should thereafter decide on
the updating of basic testing from case to case. Basic testing need generally not be updated if
the manufacturer has developed the analyser in compliance with the quality requirements of
IEC 61508.

4.5 Engineering

4.5.1 General

The engineering of a PAT measuring installation as part of a SIS should be realised with
extreme care, as this decisively influences the availability of the SIS safety instrumented
system in later operation.

Fundamentally speaking, the engineering of a PAT system should be based on specification

worksheets that include process data with all physical and chemical properties (pressure,
temperature, composition, phase, dew point, etc.).

Process analyser technology systems are generally more complex in their structure than other
measuring systems (e.g. for pressure, temperature or flow). This applies in particular to so-
called online measuring systems, which remove a representative part of a substance mixture
in the production process and condition it for subsequent analysis. This could alter the
substance mixture in its composition through components such as valves, pumps, coolers,
separators and filters. Equally, a situation could arise where the sample can no longer be
conveyed to the analyser, or not quickly enough, and the measurement value no longer meets
the requirement for contemporary data. Sample conditioning is therefore an integral part of
the SIS safety system and, consequently, should be taken into consideration during the
course of PFD determination.

Sample conditioning can, under certain circumstances, strongly influence the PFD value of
sensor installations in the PAT system. PAT systems are for this reason equipped where
possible with additional sensors which can identify sample conditioning errors in the shortest
possible time. The proportion of dangerous undetected failures present can be reduced as a
result by transforming these into detected failures.

In addition to proof testing, PAT systems are, in comparison to conventional safety systems,
subjected to further manual testing and calibration at shorter intervals, including adjustment
from case to case where necessary. Manual or automatic calibrations without adjustment
between the aforementioned manual testing can contribute to the plausibility testing of the
PAT system.

As the correct functionality of the additional sensors is decisive for the proportion of
hazardous undetected and detected failures, these are monitored in separate testing intervals
where appropriate.
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4.5.2 Design data

The principles underlying the engineering of a PAT measuring installation as part of a SIS

• Definition of the SIF

The performance level of functional safety (e.g. SIL). This is realized in the corresponding
safety evaluation/risk analysis of the production line and documented. The aim here is to
limit a particular condition parameter of a process. In PAT, this usually involves limitation
of the concentration of a defined substance upwards or downwards.
• The max. permissible response time of the safety system
This should be taken into consideration during design of the PAT and is dependent on the
sample lag time (i.e. sample collection, transport and analysis period), response durations
of the actuators and logical components.
• Process engineering data at the sampling point.
This includes the composition of the sample to be analyzed and the physical/technical
data of the material flow at the sampling point, incl. toxicity and corrosivity. The influence
of special system conditions (e.g. start-up, shutdown, load change, malfunction) should be
taken into consideration in this context.

4.5.3 Analyser including application

Selection of the measuring principle and analyser can be based on the design data.
Preference in the selection of analysers should be given to those whose basic suitability has
been determined in Annex A.

The specific metrological suitability can be ascertained through experience with comparable
existing applications. However, it is generally verified during the analyser application.

The reasons for the selection of the method and analyser should be documented.

4.5.4 Sample conditioning

Sample conditioning required from case to case is determined by the design data and the
analyser selected.

Sample conditioning should preferably involve diagnostic functions so that failures that
influence the safety function can be identified and signalled (avoidance of DU failures and
transformation of DU failures into DD failures).

The periphery should, where possible, encompass components with proven operational

The complete system (PAT measuring installation) consisting of sample conditioning and
analyser should be illustrated in a P&I diagram (analyser flow sheet) with a parts list.

4.5.5 HFT

The HFT provides information on the degree of redundancy of a system. Derived from
IEC 61511-1:2016, 11.4, the following hardware fault tolerances in Table 1 apply:
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Table 1 – Minimum HFT requirements according to SIL

SIL Minimum hardware fault Minimum hardware fault

tolerance during in-service tolerance in case of
testing adequately proven
1 0 0

2 1 0

3 2 1

Proven performance is always necessary for PAT systems in SIS (see Clause 4). This
corresponds to selection on the basis of an earlier application (IEC 61511-1:2016, 11.5).

The minimum hardware fault tolerance in the case of adequately proven performance may
only be applied if only process-related parameters can be configured in the PAT system and
this setting is protected. Editing of the PAT system or analyser software during proof of
performance should be explained and documented. The proof test should be restarted.

4.5.6 Failure mode effects and diagnosis analysis of the PAT system (FMEDA)

An analysis of the failure probability and effects should be conducted for the entire PAT
system, including supply, comparative and auxiliary media (e.g. FMEDA – failure mode,
effects and diagnostic analysis). The failures observed during this should be described and
appropriately classified (e.g. DD – dangerous detected, DU – dangerous undetected, S –
safe) and failure rates listed (including common cause, common mode) with details of their
origin (e.g. manufacturer specification, own statistics). Potential failures are identified by the
expert team and their failure rates determined. The failures identified should be further
classified in stochastic and systematic. Systematic failures should be remedied where
possible. Where this is not possible, systematic failures should be identified by diagnostic
devices. Efforts should be made to achieve a proof test coverage rate of 100 % for regular
examination of the PAT system (proof test). Where the proof test coverage rate is estimated
lower, this conservative estimated value should be documented and justified. Statistical
processing of individual failure rates does not appear to be practical owing to the estimation
inaccuracy involved. All relevant correct operating conditions should be observed.

The scope of the FMEDA depends on the complexity of the PAT system. An example of the
documentation of a weak point analysis of this kind is illustrated in Annex B.

On the other hand, human error (e.g. use of unsuitable auxiliary media) is not taken into
consideration. This failure should be ruled out through organisational measures. Likewise,
failures arising from, for example, the systematic inaccuracy of the concentration of test gases
are not taken into consideration in the FMEDA, but should be considered in another suitable
manner, for example, by shifting the switching point.

4.5.7 Estimation of the PFD PAT value

The PFD PAT value is used to estimate the probability of failure on demand of the PAT
measuring system. The PFD PAT value only represents part of the PFD of the safety system. In
all cases, further PFD rates should be taken into consideration in the overall evaluation (e.g.
logic or actuator-related). The PFD PAT rate can be minimised in some cases through
additional status signals (transformation of DU failures into DD failures) and/or reduction of
maintenance intervals. Where this is no longer possible, the measuring system should be
changed where necessary or the number of channels increased. The final identification of an
excessive PFD PAT rate excludes the measuring installation in question as part of the SIS.

The PFD PAT value should be determined with a suitable process. One method, the numerical
discrete method is illustrated below in an exemplary fashion.
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 – 17 –

The numerical discrete method for determining the PFD value, using spread sheet analysis, is
realized on the basis of the unavailability of subcomponents of a system depending on time t.
Cases of component-related unavailability can be suitably overlapped to create overall system
unavailability. The PFD value is determined through averaging of this unavailability U(t) over
the system lifetime or the longest periodicity of the curve progression occurring.

Potential faults are first recorded through a failure mode, effects and diagnostic analysis
(FMEDA) and classified as safe, dangerous detected and dangerous undetected. These faults
form the basis for the cases of unavailability.

The formulae for unavailability U(t) of components are universally valid and form the basis for
the formulae used for calculating the PFD value contained in IEC 61508-6.

The method is described in Annex C.

4.5.8 Proven performance – from case to case following prior in-service testing of
the PAT system

Proven performance will be achieved by sufficient operation experience including

approvement of suitability of the measuring task. If not practicable, proven performance can
be achieved through in-service testing.

Following the completion of the material flowchart, the parts list and estimation of the PFD PAT
value as adequate, a decision should be reached on whether adequate operational
experience with a comparable PAT measuring system is available. It is up to the
aforementioned team of experts to determine that operational experience is adequate or,
where appropriate, to request an in-service test of the PAT measuring system. This is realised
at the intended measuring location during all operating conditions. In-service testing should
be conducted under the following conditions:

• It is foreseeable that in-service testing can be completed with a positive result.

• The PFD PAT value estimated is adequately low (i.e. a considerable reserve of unexploited
failure probability remains for the involvement of logic and actuator systems). Proof of
performance through in-service testing should not occur if the maximum possible PFD
value should already be assumed to be practically achieved during planning.
• Parts of the planned process analyser technology should already be successfully in use at
a comparable position.
• The safety function should be supplemented from case to case through additional
measures during the in-service testing phase.
• The in-service testing process and assessment criteria for later determination of proven
performance should be documented prior to commencing installation.
• Where it is finally impossible to verify proven performance, the safety function should be
guaranteed in another manner and through methods other than those of process analyser
technology where necessary. This means that PAT is an unsuitable method in this case.

A new analyser or new sample conditioning can be established as the safety function with the
aid of in-service testing (4.5.8).

4.5.9 Safety logic in the PAT system

The PAT systems as part of SIS installations examined here may have their own logic units
which, for example, facilitate measuring point switchover or link signals in advance.

In principle, the logic component can be realised in the master control system or a
superordinate safety-related PLC or a logic solver, laid in a separate PAT controller (PLC,
safety-related PLC or logic solver) or contained completely in the analyser. Mixed forms are
also possible.
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Where safety-related information is processed separately, it is important to proceed in line

with the standards and guidelines of functional safety (e.g. use of a safety-related PLC).

4.5.10 Sample switching

Additional risks are associated with a measuring point switchover, and it should be considered
as a source of error in all cases. Potential DU failures due to malfunctioning valves can be
reset to DD failures from case to case using position indicators. Extensions of the response
duration of the limit value relevant for triggering the safety system that are caused by the
switchover should also be taken into consideration

4.5.11 Compilation of a plan for periodic inspections during the runtime

The frequency of periodic testing of the entire measuring system should be determined in the
context of PFD value estimation. Ideally, these periodic testing should identify all potentially
occurring DU failures and idle monitoring installations, including position indicators, level,
flow, pressure or temperature limit sensors.

The degree to which periodic testing detects the failures described should be estimated. This
proof test coverage should be taken into consideration during estimation of the PFD value.

The test intervals determined have a considerable effect on the PFD value.

4.6 Commissioning of the safety system

Commissioning is realised following installation and SAT in the case of documented proven
performance. In the absence of proven performance, commissioning can be realised in
conjunction with an in-service test. Operating and maintenance personnel should be trained.

4.7 Documentation of the qualification process

Documentation of the qualification process should encompass the following:

• excerpt of the operational/HazOp safety evaluation;

• process engineering data for analyses worksheet;
• analyser, specification worksheet;
• material flowchart (PAT P&I, PAT P&ID) with parts list;
• analysers/parts documentation (e.g. SIL certificates);
• PFD estimation incl. FMEDA protocol;
• SIS loop schematics diagram;
• function diagram;
• safety considerations relating to the measuring function;
• test specification;
• information for the operator on functional safety;
• maintenance schedule;
• the person responsible for verifying qualification signs;
• the names of expert team participants are listed;
• case to case in-service testing schedule and records during this phase.
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5 Regular operation

5.1 General

All tasks mentioned in Clause 5 should be initiated by the operator of the safety system.

5.2 Periodic testing during runtime

The PFD value determined in 4.5.7 is directly dependent on the test intervals defined. Test
intervals should therefore be observed and documented in the maintenance schedule.

The inspection should be recorded in a test report. A detailed procedure plan for conducting
the inspection is recommended. This can depend on different operational phases and
activities (e.g. during testing of a start-up phase).

Inspection of the entire system: sensors – logic systems – actuators should be coordinated
and conducted where appropriate with the other tasks involved. IEC 61511-1:2016, 5.2.1 to
5.2.3 also apply.

The function of the safety system should be verified regularly on the basis of the tasks
involved. The PAT system should be included in this.

5.3 Documents and records in operation

5.3.1 General

It is recommended that the plant operator keeps records based on defined schedules and
regulations which indicate that periodic testing (see 5.2) is conducted in the manner laid down
during the planning phase. IEC 61511 provides the basis for this documentation.

These records should at least contain the information below.

5.3.2 Maintenance schedule

The maintenance and inspection schedule (M+I schedule) describes which work is to be
performed in which interval. The M+I schedule contains at least the following information:

• measuring point number, safety function number;

• test interval;
• stipulation of the applied test specification.

The defined MTTR durations should not be exceeded, as the PFD value determined in 4.5.7
depends directly on these.

5.3.3 Working instructions

Conducting of inspections pursuant to the test specification (see 4.7) should be defined in
working instructions.

5.3.4 Record of work realised

The following minimum content is recommended for the test report mentioned in 5.2:

• date of the inspection and maintenance work realised;

• name of the persons who realised the inspection and maintenance work;
• description of faults remedied (type);
• indication of the effected channels in the case of multichannel safety systems;
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• clear marking of the system tested (e.g. measuring point number, safety function number);
• deviation from test interval;
• stipulation of the applied test specification;
• results of work and verification that the system has been recommissioned following
maintenance without any faults.

5.3.5 Fault data recording

Every maintenance operation should be appropriately documented. The entire system,

including sample conditioning, should be recorded in this respect. Subclause 5.3.4 applies
correspondingly for the documentation.

Every device fault will be categorized as follows:

• fault location (process analyser, sample conditioning);

• fault detection (e.g. proof test);
• kind of fault (dangerous, safe);
• type of fault (random, systematic);
• cause of fault (e.g., process related, design fault, device fault, wrong calibration);
• details of fault (e.g., device type and manufacturer).

5.4 Evaluation of fault data and handling of deviations

In the context of a continuous improvement process, fault data should be evaluated between
the operator of the production plant and PAT experts and deviations from correct operation

5.5 Modifications

5.5.1 Modifications to the PAT system

In the event of modifications to a safety system, there is a risk that systematic faults may be
unwittingly or erroneously implemented that impair the desired behaviour of this safety system
in a demand case. The PFD value is altered in this case, meaning that the criteria for the
required SIL classification may no longer be met. The same system should be employed as in
planning and installation of the existing safety system during evaluation of the modification.
The responsible operating and maintenance personnel involved should be informed of the
modification and trained where necessary with regard to the change.

Where components cannot be replaced 1:1 with identical spare parts, this is regarded as a
modification and will be inspected. This applies to hardware and software. Software and
hardware modifications undertaken by manufacturers on safety system components shall be
reported by the manufacturer.

Renewed testing of software can be dispensed in case software has been developed pursuant
to IEC 61508.

5.5.2 Modifications of the process engineering process

In the case of modifications to process engineering (chemical and physical) parameters or the
materials used, the effect on suitability with regard to safety should be evaluated and
documented. The same system should be employed as in planning and installation of the
existing safety system. The original documentation is therefore in the possession of the
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 – 21 –

5.6 Decommissioning and recommissioning

5.6.1 Decommissioning

Decommissioning is characterised by deactivation of supply and auxiliary power.

Disconnection of the process alone does not represent the decommissioning of the PAT

5.6.2 Recommissioning

Recommissioning corresponds to initial commissioning. However, an in-service testing phase

can be dispensed in case correct operation has not changed (see 5.5.2).

5.7 Grandfathering

In general, the usually used rules governing the safeguarding of existing standards apply.
Specific process analyser engineering requirements should be taken into consideration in the
event of modifications.
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Annex A

Basic testing of analysers

Basic testing relates exclusively to fundamental requirements with regard to the quality and
operational characteristics of analysers intended for future use in safety installations subject
to their technical suitability. Actual suitability for a particular measuring task is ensured
through a task-related application test.

Contents of basic testing

1 Organization check
1.1 Type/Version
1.2 Measurement range, sensor
1.3 Serial no.
1.4 Hardware rev. no.
1.5 Software rev. no.
1.6 Documentation
1.6.1 Documentation version number
1.6.2 Comprehensibility
1.6.3 Correctness
1.6.4 Completeness
1.6.5 Operating and safety instructions in the local language
2 Manufacturer specifications on analyser
2.1 Development pursuant to IEC 61508 SIL2 or SIL3
2.2 EMC assured pursuant to IEC 61326-3-1 / IEC 61326-3-2
2.3 Failure rate DU
2.4 Failure rate DD
2.5 Failure rate SU
2.6 Failure rate SD
2.7 EC design pattern test certificate for measuring function
2.8 Permissible humidity
2.9 Ambient temperature range
2.10 Ambient temperature effect
2.11 Process temperature range
2.12 Process temperature effect
2.13 Process pressure range
2.14 Process pressure effect
2.15 Effect of vibrations
3 Maintenance appraisal
3.1 Design
3.2 Occupational safety
3.3 Operability
3.4 Capacity for resetting to default settings
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 – 23 –

3.5 Locking of parameterizing

3.6 Failure signal
3.7 Service request signal
3.8 Service signal
3.9 Maintenance outlay
3.10 Maintenance friendliness
3.11 Experienced data about manufacturer's devices subject to this appraisal
4 Explosion protection appraisal
4.1 Interlinking capability with other Ex-devices
4.2 Requirements in inspection certificates/operating manuals
4.3 Labelling of the device
4.4 EC design pattern test certificate and manufacturer’s declaration of conformity
with regard to explosion protection
5 Material compatibility appraisal
5.1 Sensor
5.2 Containment (except sensors, elastomers and "windows")
5.3 Optical windows
5.4 Seals
6 Inspections
6.1 EMC testing pursuant to IEC 61326-3-1, IEC 61326-3-2
Evaluation of faults with regard to safety function triggering
6.2 Linearity error – appraisal on the basis of a selected substance with regard to
the max. deviation and max. hysteresis.
6.3 t 90 – step response time
6.4 Signal attenuation at max. load

Figure A.1 illustrates the basic testing process for analyzers in PCT safety systems.
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Figure A.1 – Basic testing process for analysers in SIS

IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 – 25 –

Annex B

FMEDA – documentation of safety assessment (example)

The following form (Figure B.1) can be used for systematic recording of potential failures and
the status signals and maintenance intervals of a PAT system. Further parameters necessary
for determining the PFD may arise, depending on the PAT system design.

Figure B.1 – FMEDA – documentation of safety assessment (example)

– 26 – IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019

Annex C

PFD – numerical time-discrete determination

A failure rate for the respective component should be indicated for each potential failure from
the FMEDA. A differentiation should be made here between a dangerous undetected (DU) or
a dangerous detected (DD) failure. Safe failures are not included in the PFD value
determination. Several different test intervals can be examined using this method. DU failures
should be pooled according to test intervals (e.g. all failures detected during a weekly
inspection). DD failures are consistent and can be pooled together.

In general, the unavailability of components i relative to dangerous detected failures for long
durations t is pursuant to Kumamoto, H, 1996.

UDD ,i ( t ) =
λi + μi
− λ +μ t
1− e ( i i ) ≈ i
λi + μi

The unavailability of components i relative to dangerous undetected failures is:

1− e− λ  
UDU,  i ( t ) = it ≈ λ t

Determination of component-related unavailabilities occurs at discrete times.

Averaging is realized subsequently over the entire examination period which should
encompass the maximum test interval T max .

The unavailabilities of DU failures are grouped and summed up according to test intervals

The unavailabilities of DD failures are all pooled together, as they are independent of the test

UDD = ∑UDD,   i

The determination of the unavailability of the entire system is explained using an example and
with the aid of a spreadsheet program.

Exemplary assumptions: There are two different test intervals (PTI1 and PTI2, example
PTI 1 = 1 week = 168 h, PTI2 = 1 year = 8 760 h) for which different DU failures may occur.

Furthermore, additional DD failures exist.

The sum of failure rates is λ DU, PTI1 = 10 −7 1/h, λ DU, PTI2 = 10 −8 1/h, λ DD = 10 −7 1/h, µ=1/5
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 – 27 –


(t) = λ DU, PTI 1
t U DU, PTI2
(t) = λ DU, PTI 2
t U ch1 (t) = U DU, PTI1
(t) + U DU, PTI1
(t) + U DD
Time, h UDD =
λDD + μ

1 5 × 10 −7 1 × 10 −7 1 × 10 −8 6,1 × 10 −7
2 5× 10 −7 2× 10 −7 2× 10 −8 7,2 × 10 −7
3 5 × 10 −7 3 × 10 −7 3 × 10 −8 8,3 × 10 −7
… …
168 5 × 10 −7 0 1,68 × 10 −6 1
169 5× 10 −7 1× 10 −7 1,69 × 10 −6 2,29 × 10 −6
170 5 × 10 −7 2 × 10 −7 1,70 × 10 −6 2,40 × 10 −6
… …
8 759 5 × 10 −7 2,3 × 10 −6 8,759 × 10 −5 9,039 × 10 −5
8 760 5 × 10 −7 2,4 × 10 −6 0 1

The unavailability of the entire system / channel in question is set manually to one during a
test (e.g. calibration). The unavailability following a test is zero. The system is therefore
available again in this regard. This is achieved by replacing the time t in formulae for U DU with
(t mod T) – with T representing the respective test interval here. The unavailability for U DD is

Where failures cannot all be detected during a test (PTC < 100 %), this offset of unavailability
should be added after the test following examination of the time-related unavailability.

In the case of a multichannel system structure, determination of the unavailability of the entire
system should be realized relative to the channel configuration.

In this respect, pursuant to Gabriel, T.,2010:

U1oo1 ( t ) = U ch1 ( t )

= ( t ) U ch1 ( t ) ⋅U ch2 ( t )

U1oo3 ( t ) = U ch1 ( t ) ⋅ U ch2 ( t ) ⋅ Uch3 ( t )

U 2oo3 ( t ) = (U ch1 ( t ) ⋅ U ch2 ( t ) ) + (U ch2 ( t ) ⋅ U ch3 ( t ) ) + (U ch1 ( t ) ⋅ U ch3 ( t ) ) − 2 ⋅ (U ch1 ( t ) ⋅ U ch2 ( t ) ⋅ U ch3 ( t ) )

The PFD value of the MooN configuration is:

∑ UMooN ( t )

Where the system consists of more than one channel, a common cause failure should be
included in the PFD value. However, this common cause failure is always based on a single
channel. The failure is indicated with ß:
– 28 – IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019

PFDbeta= β⋅ ∫ U1oo1 ( t )

The PFD value for the entire system is then:



This procedure is adequately accurate for determining the PFD value and can generally be
realized with the aid of conventional spreadsheet programs.
IEC TR 63176:2019 © IEC 2019 – 29 –


IEC TR 61831:2011, On-line analyser systems – Guide to design and installation

IEC TR 61832:2015, Design and installation of on-line analyser systems – Guide to technical
enquiry and bid evaluation

IEC TR 62010:2016, Analyser systems – Maintenance management

IEC 61285:2015, Industrial-process control – Safety of analyser houses

Kumamoto, H., Henley, E. ,1996: Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management for
Engineers and Scientists, IEEE Press

Gabriel, T.,2010: Generic Construction of Availability Calculation Models for Safety Loops in
Process Industry, Dissertation Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (University of


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