Full Text 01
Full Text 01
Full Text 01
Fuming Ying
Theoretical Chemistry
School of Biotechnology
Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm 2010
Copyright c 2010 by Fuming Ying
TRITA-BIO Report 2010:13
ISSN 1654-2312
ISBN 978-91-7415-633-1
This thesis deals with two subdiciplines of quantum chemistry. One is the
most used electronic structure method today, density functional theory (DFT),
and the other one of the least used electronic structure methods, valence bond
theory (VB). The work on DFT is based on previous developments in the group
in density functional response theory and involves studies of hyperfine cou-
pling constants which are measured in electron paramagnetic resonance exper-
iments. The method employed is a combination of a restricted-unrestricted ap-
proaches which allows for adequate description of spin polarization without
spin contamination, and spin-orbit corrections to account for heavy atom ef-
fects using degenerate perturbation theory. The work on valence bond theory is
a new theoretical approach to higher-order derivatives. The orbital derivatives
are complicated by the fact that the wave functions are constructed from de-
terminants of non-orthogonal orbitals. An approach based on non-orthogonal
second-quantization in bi-orthogonal basis sets leads to straightforward deriva-
tions without explicit references to overlap matrices. These formulas are rele-
vant for future applications in time-dependent valence bond theory.
List of publications
Paper II. An analytical valence bond Hessian, by means of second quantization in biorthonor-
mal basis sets Fuming Ying, Olav Vahtras, Zilvinas Rinkevicius and Wei Wu.
My contribution
I would thank Prof. Yi Luo, Hans Ågren and Prof Wei Wu in Xiamen Uni-
versity who gave me the opportunity to study in KTH.
I should also give my gratitude to my colaborator Xing Chen for her help
and discussion during the work.
I may also say ”Thank you” to Prof. Magareta Bromberg, Aato Laaksonen
and Alexander Lyubartsev in SU for the courses and Prof. Poul Jøgensen, Jeppe
Olsen and Trygve helgaker for their teaching Quantum Chemistry in the sum-
mer school.
1 Introduction 1
Chapter 1
The work of this thesis deals with two methods of electronic structure theory.
The first, density functional theory (DFT), is by far the most important method
today with its competitive combination of speed and accuracy. The number
of articles based on DFT increase with an exponential rate making a complete
overview if not impossible but certainly beyond the scope of this thesis. The
second, valence bond (VB) theory, was the most important theory in the infancy
of this science.
In chapter 2 we provide the theoretical background of DFT for the appli-
cations used in paper I. It is customary to introduce an expose of DFT to two
pioneering articles, the first by Hohenberg and Kohn[1] who established the
mathematical foundation of a ground state theory based on the electron density
as a fundamental variable, and the other by Kohn and Sham[2] who introduced
a practical single-determinant theory for practical calculations. It was because
of this work, which started a tremendous development in computational chem-
istry, that Walther Kohn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998.
In chapter 3 we give a background of valence bond theory. It dates back to
G. N. Lewis[3] who introduced concepts such as electron pair bonding and the
octet rule, which has influenced the way of thinking for generations of chemists.
The theory which gradually lost importance when the rivaling molecular orbital
(MO) theory grew in popularity. The latter had its origin in spectroscopy and
allowed for efficient computer implementations with predictive power. Recent
decades have witnessed a revival of valence bond theory, with new algorithms
and new computer implementation. Paper II. is a contribution to this develop-
Chapter 2
δE[ρ] = 0 (2.1)
In the most general case the optimization is carried out with the auxiliary con-
dition that the total number of particles is constant
dV ρ(~r) = N (2.2)
In practical calculations the density is parameterized for some finite set of pa-
rameters λ = (λ1 , λ2 . . .) such that
∂ρλ (~r)
δρλ (~r) = δλ (2.4)
Salek et al.[4] formulated the optimization in second quantization as follows;
the density is the expectation value of a density operator
i.e. the with parameters describing a change from a reference set of orbitals, the
transformation is expanded around λ = 0 and the density variation a becomes
a commutator
= hλ|[a†p aq , ρ̂(~r)|λi (2.8)
Defining a Fock operator Z
F̂ = dV ρ̂(~r) (2.9)
the energy optimization reduces to
H = H0 + xV (2.11)
the optimized parameters will be a function of the field strength λ(x). The en-
ergy change due to this perturbation can be identified from the power expan-
E[ρλ(x) ; x] = E[ρλ(0) ; 0] + x (2.12)
dx x=0
= h0|V |0i (2.13)
dx x=0
= τ 6= 0 (2.14)
but we introduce Lagrangian multipliers so that the same relation holds in the
presence of the perturbation, i.e. for all x. A direct way of obtaining the final
relations is to differentiate Eq. (2.14) we have
d ∂E ∂ 2E ∂ 2 E ∂λ
= + =0 (2.15)
dx ∂λ ∂λ∂x ∂λ2 ∂x
which defined a linear system of equations for the wave function response. The
energy change then consists of two terms; the first as an expectation value of
the perturbation and the second from the response in the wave function
dE ∂E ∂E ∂λ
= + (2.16)
dx ∂x ∂λ ∂x
where i, j run over all paired electrons and l runs over all unpaired electrons.
Real wave function can be expressed as the linear combination of a set of
HLSP wave function X
ΨV B = CK ΦK (3.4)
where m is the number of covalent bonds in the VB structure ,DiK is the deter-
minant belonging to the structure and CiK is the corresponding coefficient. For
example, normalized wave function of covalent bond A-B can be expressed as
the determinant expansion
Φcov = √ |φa φb | − |φa φb |
The Hamiltonian of VB wave function is constructed in terms of VB struc-
tures. Thus, Hamiltonian matrix elements hΦK |Ĥ|ΦL i can be expanded into a
set of Hamiltonian elements hDiK |Ĥ|DjL i
2m2 n
hΦK |Ĥ|ΦL i = CiK CjL hDiK |Ĥ|DjL i (3.8)
i=1 j=1
where ci is the coefficient of ith VB structure and φa and φb are HAOs located on
atom A and B respectively. The first term corresponds to a covalent structure of
A-B bond, and the last two terms correspond to ionic terms. The advantage of
localized VB orbital is that a clear distinction between covalent and ionic struc-
ture of a bond can be provided.
ψa = φa + λφb (3.10)
ψ b = φ b + λ′ φ a (3.11)
to represent the A-B bond where λ and λ′ are coefficients and can be a measure-
ment of delocalization. In this case, wave function can be expressed as
Ψ = |ψa ψb | − |ψa ψb |
= (1 + λλ′ ) |φa φb | − |φa φb | + λ′ |φa phia | + λ|φb φb |
If some restriction is added to the orbital that a VB orbital can be only de-
localized onto the atom with which the orbital is bonded in the VB structure
in consideration, OEO becomes bond-distorted orbital(BDO). For instance, A
3.3. VB METHODS 11
semi-localized orbital for C-C bond in H3 C-CH3 with OEO can be an orbital on
one CH3 group and delocalizing to whole part of the other CH3 group, while a
BDO is an orbital that can only delocalize to the other C atom.
3.3 VB Methods
3.3.1 Generalized VB
GVB[18, 19, 20] was introduced by William A. Goddard III and was the first im-
portant case of Coulson-Fischer’s formula. The restricted form of GVB method
is referred as GVB-SOPP, which is often used by GVB. GVB-SOPP has two sim-
plifications. The first is so called ”perfect pairing”(PP) approximation that a
GVB wave function can be expressed as a single determinant with a set of ”gem-
inal” two-electron functions each corresponding to a chemical bond or a lone
ΨGV B = | (|ϕ1a ϕ1b | − |ϕ1a ϕ1b |) (|ϕ2a ϕ2b | − |ϕ2a ϕ2b |) · · · (|ϕN a ϕN b | − |ϕN a ϕN b |)
where ϕia and ϕib are OEOs for i chemical bond or lone pair.
The second one in GVB is the strong orthogonality for computational con-
venience. In a strong orthogonality framework, the orbitals are nonorthogonal
if in the same geminal function
hϕia |ϕib i 6= 0 (3.14)
and orthogonal if they are in different geminal functions
hϕi |ϕj i = 0 (3.15)
GVB can also be represented in another form with natural orbitals as
|ϕia ϕib | − |ϕia ϕib | = Ci |φi φi | + Ci∗ |φ∗i φ∗i | (3.16)
where φi and φ∗i are natural orbitals respect to bonding and antibonding MOs
and Ci and Ci∗ are corresponding coefficients. The transformation between
forms shown in Eqn gvb) and 3.16 is
φi + λφ∗i φi − λφ∗i 2 Ci∗
ϕia = √ ϕib = √ λ =− (3.17)
1 + λ2 1 + λ2 Ci
3.3.2 CASVB
The underlying idea of CASVB is quite simple. A spin-coupled VB wave func-
tion should be close to CASSCF wave function with the same number of elec-
trons and the same active space. Thus, a transformation from CASSCF to VB
wave function is reasonable. Since CASSCF is easily obtained, this idea pro-
vides a way to generate a VB wave function.
Thorsteinsson and D.L. Cooper[21, 22, 23] suggested a way to generate the
VB wave function from CASSCF. After the transformation, the final VB wave
function is restrictly equivalent to starting CASSCF. The way can be expressed
as following formula
where ΨCAS and ΨCASV B are original CASSCF and final CASVB wave functions
respectively, ΨCASV
is the perpendicular complement of CASVB wave function
S = hΨCAS |ΨCASV B i (3.19)
is the overlap between CASSCF and CASVB wave function. One way to get
CASVB wave function is to maximize the overlap S and another way is to mini-
mize the energy of ΨCASV B . It’s a simple way to implement but the orbitals will
more or less keep the MO type, similar to localized molecular orbitals(LMOs).
HC = EMC (3.22)
3.3. VB METHODS 13
we will get the coefficient CK of VB wave function ϕK and the energy E. Min-
imize the energy with optimizing orbital and CK simultaneously in a SCF pro-
cedure and we will get the ground state of the system.
VBSCF accepts VB orbitals in various types such as OEOs, BDOs and HAOs.
There is no constraint of orthogonality for orbitals and thus the clear picture of
bonding may be kept. Particularly, when a set of fully delocalized orthogonal
orbital is used with a wave function in single determinant, VBSCF will go to
the form of Hartree-Fock (HF) and have the same energy. The wave function
may differ from the HF wave function only by a unitary transformation without
changing the energy.
C1 F F + C2 F F + C3 F F
C1 F F + C2 F F + C3 F F
Fig 3.1 shows results of VBSCF and BOVB of F2 molecule with localized VB
orbitals. As we can see, different VB structures share the same set of VB orbitals
in VBSCF, no matter whether it is covalent or ionic structure. In BOVB, same
orbital is treated as different. orbitals in cation atom become more contracted
and orbitals in anion atom become more diffused. Thus, part of dynamical cor-
3.3.5 VB Configuration-Interaction
BOVB improves computational results because it provides some dynamical cor-
relation. The VB Configuration-Interaction(VBCI) method[34, 35] is a VB method
based on CI model aiming to provide better results and keep the clear picture of
VBSCF. In a VBCI calculation, the orbitals from a VBSCF are used but not furhter
optimized. Virtual orbitals and structures will be constructed to describe exci-
The VBCI procedure contains several steps. First, a VBSCF wave function
should be obtained by a VBSCF calculation. Although VBSCF orbitals can be
strictly localized, a unitary transformation is still allowed without changing the
energy. Thus, an extra Boys localization[39] is needed to gain a unique VBSCF
wave function for a zeroth-order wave function
Ψ0 = CK0 0
ΦK (3.23)
where ciaµ is the LCAO coefficient of basis function χµ in orbital ϕia . To fulfill the
condition that N basis functions can only construct N linearly independent or-
bitals, occupied orbitals are restricted in the different blocks, which means that
no basis function is shared in more than 1 VB orbital. Orbitals are orthogonal in
the same block, but not in the different blocks
hϕa |ϕia i = 0 (3.25)
hϕia |ϕja i = 0 (3.26)
hϕib |ϕja i 6= 0 (3.27)
VB virtual structures can be obtained by replacing some occupied orbital
with a virtual one, meaning the excitation. Excitation shall be done according
to the rule that one occupied orbital ϕa can be replaced only by the virtual ones
{ϕia } that in the same block. If only one electron is excited to the virtual orbital
in a structure, a VBCIS calculation will be obtained. If at most two electrons can
be excited, a VBCISD calculation will be obtained. A VBCI wave function then
is generated containing all VBSCF and excited structures.
ΦK (3.28)
where CK is coefficient of ΦVKBCI that should be solved later.
Finally, a secular equation is solved to get the coefficients CK . The weights
of the VBCI structures are obtained in the same way as VBSCF.
3.3.6 VBPCM
All the above VB methods are applicable only in the gas phase and cannot be
used to solve chemical problems in solution, i.e. SN2 reactions. In order to have
a VB theory for problems in solution a combination with the Polarizable Con-
tinuum Model (PCM)[40] has been developed.
H = H0 + V s (3.29)
where H0 is the Hamiltonian in gas phase for a bare molecule and Vs is the
extra potential in solution.
3.4.2 VB2000
VB2000 is a software based on ”Algebrant Algorithm”. Group function theory
is also implemented into VB2000 so that a large molecule can be described as
physically identifiable electron groups. Non-orthogonal CI, multi-structure VB,
GVB, SCVB and CASVB developed by Hirao.
3.4.3 XMVB
XMVB is developed by Prof. Wei Wu etc. based on spin-free VB theory and
conventional Slater determinant expansion methods. This program is enabled
for different kinds of VB theories such as VBSCF, BOVB, VBCI, VBPCM, GVB,
SCVB, BLW, etc. with OEOs, BDOs, or HAOs. VB orbitals and VB coefficients
can be optimized simultaneously. XMVB program can be obtained either as a
stand-alone program or a module in GAMESS-US. Parallel version of XMVB
with MPI is also available and can be obtained only as a stand-alone program.
Chapter 4
where the notation with subscripts for one set and superscripts for the dual set
introduces tremendous simplifications. The algebraic rules of differentiation
and commutation allows one to identify the derivative of a determinant with
respect to a molecular orbital coefficient in terms of excitation operator
∂ † m
µ |Ψi = aµ a |Ψi (4.2)
This gives that the derivative of an inner product between two determinants
is an element of a transition density matrix, and all energy derivatives can be
expressed in terms of integrals and transition density matrices. It is shown that
given a Hamiltonian in an arbitrary basis
H = hpq ap† aq + gpqrs ap† ar† as aq (4.3)
(summation implied by repeated subscript-superscript pair) the derivative of a
Hamiltonian matrix element is given by
mρ ξ m
µ hK|H|Li = 2hK|Li D(KL) F (KL) ξρ ∆(KL) µ + H(KL)D(KL) µ
hK|ap† aq |Li
D(KL)pq = (4.5)
∆ given by
∆(KL)pm = δqp − D(KL)pq (4.6)
and F the Fock operator
The relations thus obtained are transparent and without explicit reference to
overlap matrices which appear in great number using standard matrix notation.
For the gradient it can also be shown that the derivative reproduces the results
published previously by Song et al[42].
This approach is now easily generalized to Hessian evaluations, from iden-
tification of the equivalence between a second derivative and a two-particle ex-
∂2 † † n m
µ ν |Ψi = aµ aν a a |Ψi (4.8)
∂Cm Cn
the second derivative of a Hamiltonian matrix element is
∂2 m ν
µ ν hK|H|Li = hK|H|LiD(KL) µ (D(KL) + D(LK))n
∂Cm Cn
+ [D(KL)F (KL)∆(KL))]m n
µ (D(KL) + D(LK))µ
+ D(KL)m n
µ (D(KL)F (KL)∆(KL))ν
+ D(KL)m n
µ (∆(KL)F (KL)D(KL))ν
+ g mµ nν − g mν nµ + gµ mnν + g nmµν
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