LHB enroute problem
LHB enroute problem
LHB enroute problem
iSlsatj betsZalh czsd
Passenger Emergency Brake
Simultaneously the red light provided out side
the coach also glows after ACP
Alarm Chain Resetting
Alarm Chain resetting
For re-setting the PEASD, insert resetting key in the
PEASD and rotate in clock wise direction.
Resetting Key
If BP air leakage does not stop even after resetting, then
close the PEAV isolation cock provided under the coach
Alarm Chain resetting
PEV Isolation cock
Break Binding
(sequence of operations attending Brake Binding)
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Check Brake Indicators provided on coach side
body. If Brakes in binding, Indicators will show Red.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Step-1: Pull Quick release rod / Wire of DV.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Step-1: Pull Quick release rod / Wire of DV.
(KB Make control panel & Bk. Ind. Unit) Brake Release Rod
DV Reservoir
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Close the BC Isolation Cocks (switches) of one or
both the trolleys having brake binding provided in
the Brake control panel.
(Rotate anticlockwise to Horizontal position)
Orientation: Vertical – Working condition
Horizontal – Isolation condition
KB Make
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
• Step-3:
• Open flexible pipes of BC lines of one / both
the axles of one / both trolleys having brake
binding. After this Brake Indicators turn to
GREEN and Brakes will be released.
Rotate clockwise
to slack Brake
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
• After ensuring 1st 2nd step or 3rd step…
• Isolate / Dummy the affected coach and empty
Air Brake system as follows..
➢Isolate FP to AR
➢Isolate DV
➢Isolate BCs
➢Drain AR
➢Pull QRV again to empty CR.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
• Step-4a: Isolate FP cock (switch) fitted in
Brake panel.
• Rotate anticlockwise to Horizontal position.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
• Step-4b: Isolate DV by lifting R-Charger
Isolation handle
• from vertical to Horizontal position.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
• Step- 4c: Isolate BC cocks if not done earlier
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Step-4d: Drain out AR fully.
Pull Quick release wire of DV to empty CR.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
Step - 4e: Physically ensure the release of Brake Pads
of all wheels by shaking & ensure Brake indicators
in green colour.
Sequence of operations attending
Brake Binding
By-passing of BP/FP pipes of LHB
By-passing of BP/FP pipes of LHB
• If BP/FP metallic pipe broken or Cut Off Angle Cock
Any Ferrule joint worked out..
By-pass the Air Brake system of that coach,
LHB coaches are not permitted to run with
Single pipe Air Brake System because..
“V” Groove Clear
= C.B.C. Lock O.K. 42
“V” Groove not Clear
= C.B.C. partially Lock 43
• Check point no - II:
• Make sure that rotary locklifter rib is
vertical. Lock lift lever are painted with
bright yellow paint improve visibility.
Position of yellow marking should be
such that it is just visible when lock lift
lever is fully dropped
Check point -III
Make sure, that the handle of
manual uncoupling device is locked after
coupling Uncoupling Device Operating handle
cannot be operated
Check point IV:
The Knuckle and Coupler Head machined faces
should be parallel.
Check Point V:
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Isolation of Air Spring
suspension in case any air
spring burst or heavy leakage
BTC WB 18.02.2020
Need of FIBA
• There may be possibilities that during the normal
running of the coach at high speed that one of
the bellows may rupture due to various reasons
such as a track side ballast hit or a cattle or
animal run over leading to extensive damage to
under-frame mounted equipment including the
• When a bellow ruptures suddenly, the coach may
tilt to the side of ruptured bellow leading to an
imbalance in the coach itself.
• However, travelling at high speed say at 160 Kmph with
a coach tilted towards one side is a dangerous
condition considering the passenger safety and should
be brought to the notice of Loco pilot for him to take
appropriate precaution during the remaining journey.
Position of Reset / Isolating cock