(An Institute of National Importance under Act of Parliament) Amrit Mahotsav
Hostel and Mess Fees (Amounts mentioned are tentative, subject to be modified slightly by the
competent authority/External Vendor from time to time)
Hostel Fees for Girls Rs. 14500/- (Per Semester) to be paid to Institute account as per instruction (SBI COLLECT)
Hostel Fees for boys (For those who are staying inside the campus) Rs. 14500/-(Per Semester) to be paid to Institute
account as per instruction (SBI COLLECT)
Hostel Fees for boys (For those who are staying outside the campus) Rs. 14500/- (Per Semester) to be paid to EXTERNAL
VENDORS as per their instructions.
(food) for girls and boys: Rs. 16000/- Per Semester (@Rs.
Mess Fees 4000/-
per basis) to be
month paid EXTERNAL
VENDORS as per their instructions. (The Mess fees will be as per actual, subject to increase as per the duration of the
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HAB Coordinator Associate Dean Student Affairs
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Tentative Fee Structure/Fee Schedule for B.Tech students admitted after 30-05-2019.
lst Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
5th Semester {7th 8th Semester
lst Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester 6th Semester Semester
Sl No. Head of Fees Autumn Session Spring Session Autumn Session Spring Session Autumn Session Spring Session Autumn Session Spring Session
1 Tuition Fees 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00 2 90,000.00
Recurrin g fee
2 Other Institute Fees 2 12,250.00 2 11,250.00 2 12,250.00 2 11,250.00 2 12,250.00 2 11,250.00 2 12,250.00 2 11,250.00
One Time Admission Reiated
Fee Fee
(Payable at 3 (Non-Refundable) 2 8,700.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
the time of
Admission Caution Money
only 4 (Refundable) 2 10,000.00 N/A N/A N/A . N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 2 120,950.00 2 101,250.00 2 102,250.00 2 101,250.00 2 10225000 2 10125000 2 102,250.00 2 101,250.00
1 Food/Mess Charges are separate and will be collected as per actual.
2 The amounts and the different heads mentioned here are subject to change from time to time with the approval of the competent authority of MIT Bhagalpur.
3 This document is made as per the fee structure approved on 30-05—2019. So, it may be applicable B.Tech students admitted students after that date only.
4 This document may be used for Loan/Scholarship Approvals of students. But it is NOT the proof of actual fee payment.
5 Actual fees collected from the students may vary as per notifications published from time to time taking into account many unforeseen circumstances and case by
case basis.
6 Normally, Autumn Session is from July to November and Spring Session is from January to April Each Year.